Life taught me a lot. Life taught me Life taught me how to live

No subject in school will teach us about life. That is why we learn to live on our own mistakes, big and not so ... But what is the goal? Definitely be happy and enjoy every day! But why is it so difficult sometimes?

No subject in school will teach us about life. That is why we learn to live on our own mistakes, big and not so ... But what is the goal? Definitely be happy and enjoy every day! But why is it so difficult?

Learn to live - learn to accept

There is one thing that is difficult for us throughout our life, regardless of age - is to accept anything. This acceptance begins with ourselves and ends with other people and events. That is, in order to accept others, it is important to first accept yourself, and this not easy at all.

Accepting yourself means loving and appreciating yourself, with all your shortcomings and mistakes that you made. We need to accept the fact that we are not perfect, that sometimes we are not able to do something on our own and we may need help, and most importantly, that there is nothing wrong with that. All this only makes us stronger and better.

As soon as we succeed, we can "take" for others. This can be tricky. We must accept the fact that people come into our life and leave it. at our discretion and for reasons beyond our control, that they sometimes disappoint us, lie to us, do not justify our trust.

All of this is an integral part of our life, so in order to learn how to live, we must accept it. Refusing to realize this, we simply run away from (emotional) problems, but this "escape" is temporary and ultimately does not lead to anything good.

Tomorrow will be a new day

Life is not at all an eternal holiday, not only the sun and joy, there are a lot of moments of "pitch darkness" in it. And to learn to live need to stop dramatizing eventsbecause sometimes we thicken the colors and see much more problems than we really are. Everything is not so terrible, but our feelings and emotions intensify any negative state and we ourselves “wind up” ourselves and begin to believe that the end of the world is coming.

Surely, you also had such moments in your life, and now, looking back, you understand: “Yes, everything was bad, but not to that extent". But then it was perceived as something catastrophic.

So learning to live means not dramatize certain life situations, because what they are all transitory and in the future will become for us another event in the piggy bank of everyday experience.

What can you recommend here? So that you try to enjoy the present, and you should benefit from both positive and negative aspects (the latter, perhaps, are even more important, since it is they teach us life).

Bad times are actually very good for us, they are often turning points when we stop to think about life and, if necessary, change something in it.

Enjoy and Appreciate

Learning to live - learning to enjoy every moment and appreciate what we have now.

After all, time flies so quickly, and we also adjust it, we are too focused on some of our future goals that we simply do not have time to fully live own lifetoday and now. And this is a big mistake!

Just don't get it wrong - it's not about forgetting about your obligations and doing nothing. It is clear that most of our time is "busy" with work and other things.

But every day you need to devote to yourself at least one, albeit a short moment.

Think about it: most likely, it is not a lack of time, but the fact that we do not know how to organize this time correctly. The laziness and chaos in which we are immersed makes us waste precious time, instead of enjoy it.

Let's start today to devote some time to ourselves? Try to do what you really like every day: spend time with your children, take a walk, relax, remember your hobby ... Just don't let the days drag on one after the other, turning your life into a routine and complete nonsense.

So as you can see, learning to live is not easy it is a process that can take a lifetimebut most importantly, never stop.Life is beautiful, despite the difficult moments and there is a lot of happiness, joy and light in it.

So enjoy each day and continue to learn to live from life itself, it gives us invaluable lessons. published

To love, suffer, regret and hate
And only to answer good with good.
Do not hide grudge against human evil.
Forgive mistakes, help the weak.
Appreciate friends, endure reproaches from fate ...

But how hard are her lessons.


Elena, I read four of your poems and after each I wanted to leave a review on it, but I wanted to see what was next.
After reading what I have read, I got the impression that you have a delicate and very vulnerable soul.
You have a great feeling of love, both for life and for everyone who meets on your life path.
And I also felt how strong you have a feeling of optimism and hope that everything should be fine.
And these eight lines, as if, summarize everything that you write about.

But how hard are her lessons. "

In our youth, life seems to us rosy and happy, but along the way, we often have to meet human evil and make mistakes, suffer ...

But this verse says that your heart, despite the fact that you had to endure a lot, did not harden, but, on the contrary, learned to love, regret, be able to forgive, appreciate friends, help the weak ...

This verse says that you are a strong person who managed to master what is irresistible for many.
Good luck, peace and tranquility!
And thanks for the wonderful poetry.

Thank you Lyudmila for your feedback. Yes)) my innate optimism dominates the acquired pessimism)). And as I write in my poems, life has taught me a lot ... But I try not to lose heart))) Life goes on)) And my poems help me.

The portal provides authors with the opportunity to freely publish their literary works on the Internet on the basis of a user agreement. All copyrights for works belong to the authors and are protected by law. Reprinting of works is possible only with the consent of its author, to whom you can contact on his author's page. Authors bear responsibility for the texts of works independently on the basis of

I sincerely hope that what he will read now will be very useful to someone in life. I am sure that if people remembered these simple things always, or at least sometimes remembered, they would be able to avoid many mistakes and they would not so easily fall into the traps that Fate has prepared for them. I really want to believe that someday we will learn to live, noticing the mistakes of others, without repeating them in our own experience.

I wish you happiness, good luck, fulfillment of desires!


1. Always believe in good things!

Thoughts are material. This is true. Faith is the main tool, it is something that cannot be taken away from a person. She really works wonders. You can just believe and get what you want. And even if you don't get where you want to be, having a positive attitude will serve you well. It will save your nerves, keep your emotions and give you confidence that everything will end well. And this is already a lot!

"Miracles are where they are believed, and the more they believe, the more often they happen."
D. Diderot

2. Don't get attached to anyone!

The power of love is expressed in two things: trust and freedom. Without them, there is no fulfilling and healthy relationship. No person is your property, no matter how much you love him. He always has the right to freedom of choice. And if he decides to leave, then he should be released, even if it is very difficult and unbearable. Therefore, living with a loved one, do not forget that the choice is only his choice, and his decision is only his, and not yours. Attaching yourself to someone, you leave no choice either to yourself or to your loved one, because you entangle him hand and foot with your love. Instinctively, a person will try to break out of these shackles, and you can lose him forever.

"Where fools flounder, the wise have no attachment."

3. Pay attention to the little things!

Here you need to stipulate: not on pettiness, but on trifles. These are two different things. For example, when a person throws a cigarette butt or an ice cream wrapper into an urn, and not on the lawn or in the grass, when he gives way to a woman in the transport and passes her forward, and does not rush to take a seat first, as he treats his loved ones how attentive and caring he is - after all, he will treat you the same way! It is the little things that are indicative. There is nothing difficult in donating a car or an expensive piece of jewelry with a lot of money at your disposal. And it’s worth a lot to write an SMS when you didn’t agree on it at all, and to make an appointment at the hotel opposite yours, where you came to a neighboring city for a week on a business trip.

"You can't see the water in the stars, but when you look down, you can see the stars in the water."

4. Do not try to change the other person - change yourself!

You can only change yourself. The only exception is extreme stress, which turns the psyche inside out. But we are not talking about that now. "Become what I want" - is well sung only in the song. He will not become what you want to see him! He will be himself, as he is, if he does not want to change. Change yourself. Change your perception, attitude and vision. And you will see how much easier it will become for you to live and be. If another person changes, if he has such a desire, take it as a gift of fate. If it hasn't changed, that's okay! After all, you have changed! You have become different! This will be the solution to your problem.

"I used to say, 'I hope everything will change." Then I realized that there is only one way for everything to change - to change myself. "
D. Ron

5. Always wish people well!

Everything that you wish for others will definitely come back to you someday. If you want to get happiness - wish people happiness, if you want love - wish love, health - wish all people health, if you want more money - wish others financial success and more!

"I know of no other sign of superiority than kindness."
L. Beethoven

6. Don't be afraid to love!

Mutual love is, of course, happiness. But, alas, not the rule. It also happens: we love, but we are not noticed. And here it is very important to behave correctly. Your future depends on your behavior. You should not torment yourself, engage in self-criticism, come up with a plan for revenge, bewitch and engage in other nonsense. Allow yourself the luxury of being happy with what you love. Let's start with the fact that not everyone is given this, and the fact that you can experience bright, divine, selfless feelings is already good luck! Conduct a mental dialogue with your loved one, refer to him, discuss everything that worries and interests you. I can assure you that miracles are not rare. And who knows, maybe one day he will pay attention to you. If it is not your destiny to be together, you will surely meet another person who will make you happy and be able to turn your attention to him.

"Fear is the opposite of love"


7. Learn to be grateful!

Very often we do not notice the good that we receive from the Universe and from other people. We take it for granted and for granted. But it doesn't have to be that way. It is necessary to be grateful not only for something global, but also for any little thing, even for the fact that every morning you wake up and the sun is shining through your window, or the rain is pouring, or the wind is howling. Because you live in this world, and every day small and big miracles happen to you, which you do not notice, because you are used to them and take them for granted! Stop for a second. Listen to your heartbeat and thank this world for being in it.

"When you receive, do not forget to say thank you - and you will receive even more"
W. Blake

8. Don't be afraid to start from scratch!

Things don't always go according to plan. There are situations when you think that the world is crumbling and everything is going to hell. Know how to say to yourself at such moments: "No, this is not the end! Yes, a problem. But I will definitely cope with it!" Don't be afraid to start from scratch and over again. It doesn't matter how many times you fall. It is important how many times you got up and continued on your way. Try to learn how to get up and walk forward. Only then will you be able to reach the top.

"Whatever it is - go ahead"
I. Goethe

9. Try to give more!

Unfortunately, the reality is that people are usually selfish, consumers caring only about their own needs. They only want to take. Few people care about other people's needs. And no one wants to share or, what good, to give. I am not saying that all problems come from this, but some, and quite serious ones, are necessarily closely related to this point. No wonder one of the Russian folk proverbs sounds like this: "As it comes around, it will respond!" The more we do good, the more we get it back. And it's not just about money. It is also friendship, love, mutual understanding, peace, harmony, beauty, harmony, comfort, tranquility and serenity. Try at least sometimes to help people just like that, without any ulterior motives, without hope of reward - to help out of trouble, to say an affectionate word, to give your warmth and good mood, to support, to give the necessary advice on time, to protect them from danger, if possible and in your best, just smile and wish another good luck! And you will definitely see how your life begins to change for the better. Only this should be done unselfishly, without expecting gifts and rewards. You may not become a millionaire, but you will certainly become much happier.

"Do good and throw it into the water"

10. Learn to forgive!

I'll make a reservation right away that there are things that can be forgiven and that cannot be forgiven. I'm talking about the former. Ask yourself, aren't you too often taking on the role of arbiter and posing as a proud lone truth-seeker? After all, they say the truth: we do not see a log in our own eye, but we notice specks in someone else's. We ourselves are not always white and fluffy. However, smart people generally forgive us for our shortcomings. So why are we worse than these smart people? If you dig deeper, it turns out that our forgiveness is not always necessary for another person who, for example, did something not very good. Not all people know how to separate good from evil and white from black. And they probably don't need it - forgiveness. But we need it. Try to quickly get rid of resentment, anger, rage, desire for revenge. All these things are destroying us. They spoil our mood, break through our biofield. You will not change vile, dishonest, deceitful and evil people. It is their right to be like that! They chose this path for themselves. Do not waste your nerves, health, your mood on them. "Let go of the situation" - let it go. Remember that these people have already been punished by living in our world with such an entity. And when a person is completely different, when he himself is worried about his wrongdoing or wrong action, does not sleep at night, repents, asks for your forgiveness, then, in fact, not to forgive such a person is fundamentally wrong. He repented and realized everything, and hopes for correction, and you, except for cultivating your own pride, cannot console yourself with anything.

"Strongest of all victories is forgiveness"
I. Schiller



    Many thanks to Alexandra for her work. She laid out the situation quite correctly, gave advice on how to behave. I am very pleased.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Kira and pay tribute to her professionalism. Thank you very much for everything. I first used this kind of service ...

    Many thanks to Kira! It was not the first time that I chose Kira, but for the first time I received a consultation by live communication (via Skype) and very much appreciated the positive side of such interaction. Firstly, we - the askers - often cannot formulate the question accurately and generally do not know how to ask it correctly. Therefore, Kira at a preliminary consultation helped me with the wording of questions...

    Many thanks to Alexandra for the consultation! Alexandra is not only a highly professional runologist, but also an attentive psychologist, she has an individual approach to everyone, her advice helped me a lot. I will definitely recommend it to my friends and acquaintances.

    Dear Kira! I just listened to our conversation again and felt an urgent need to thank you again. Right now, many months later. Because I then and I now are completely two different people. And all this thanks to you and that fence from Hagalaz, which fell out in the alignment. You were the beginning. I had to change a lot, the way of thinking, attitude towards life, towards people, towards myself. Work a lot on self-esteem, learn to accept yourself and love yourself, listen to yourself in order to accept and love others as they are. And as soon as the changes began inside, life outside immediately changed. I now love every moment of every day. Every morning somewhere in the sky I say "I'll have a great day!" and every evening I say "Thank you!" And it's so amazing - I really have something to say thank you to the universe every night. Thanks again to you and your runes for everything!

    i want to say thank you very much Kire for her help. thank you! You helped me a lot. delved into my question, put everything on the shelves ... deep down I thought so, but I just could not understand and accept. but after your words, I will take action. you helped me understand who I am and how I need to behave! I felt much better after talking with you. thanks!

    Alexandra , thank you very much for your consultation !!! You helped me a lot by opening my eyes to the truth. It was very pleasant to talk to you and get the necessary advice. All the very best to you and success in everything you do!

    Alexandra , I am very grateful to you for the consultation. You are a very experienced runologist. All predictions come true. You open your eyes to many things and thereby help "take off" rose-colored glasses.

    I have contacted Kira more than once. Help was rendered to me invaluable by any money. Kira helps radically change life. Pure Man and Wise Woman. I don't understand why such a low price tag ??? It is not right. This level of work should cost much more. The time of a highly qualified specialist is always expensive.

    Kira , thank you! Your layouts and forecasts helped me, directed me along the right path. I realized what I was doing wrong, and what it could bring. They helped to see the situation from the other side. I saw new options for resolving the issue. Your advice as a high-class specialist and as a woman helped me to pay attention to what I myself turned a blind eye to. Currently, the fears and doubts that I had and that preceded the difficulties in my personal life are passing. Debts period of stagnation slowly but surely began to move, I began to leave the vicious circle, after consulting and communicating with you. Thank you!

    KIRA ... This is a person who conveys what they want to say from ABOVE. In the turmoil of life, we sometimes do not notice the obvious things, we make mistakes. But when the Gods, seeing our helplessness, decide to take pity on us, they send us the opportunity to communicate with people like KIRA. KIRA is a very good runologist, the runes reveal ALL THEIR SECRETS to her. And besides this, how much warmth and cordiality is in this person ... THANK YOU to the one who crossed our paths. And of course THANKS, KIRA

    Kira , thank you very much for your layouts! I hope that I can apply the advice of the runes and your advice to my situation. Thank you very much.

    Dear Kira! Many thanks to you for the diagnosis: for a very accurate and detailed analysis of the situation and advice. It finally became clear where to move on and what to change. Thank you for being!

    I want to express my gratitude to Nika and Kire for layouts and practical advice. At first, I turned to Nika, when nothing worked out in my personal life, she said that I needed to change in myself, I reviewed many things and behavior, and literally a few days later a man appeared. Then I turned to Kira with a request to review my situation, as there were a lot of questions and misunderstandings. I was completely confused in this relationship and did not understand anything. Kira explained everything very clearly and gave the nearest forecast for the future. Now attention. The forecast comes true COMPLETELY, without the slightest deviation. And I am incredibly grateful for the layouts, as they say, forewarned means armed and ready. I hope everything will be fine and everything will turn out as it should. Thank you very much Nika and Kira, best wishes.

    I want to express my gratitude to Alexandra! Sometimes we ourselves do not know our true desires and motives until the runes open our eyes. I really like the interpretation of the meanings of the runic layouts of Alexandra, and this is not the first time I turn to her. We work every time until we fully understand the essence, we learn to understand ourselves. I think I will turn to her more than once! God help her!

    Hello! I am very grateful to Alexandra for an accurate, deep description of the situation that torments me, limits and hurts. It's wonderful that you open up opportunities for people to develop and help them become happy! Thank you very much! Happiness and good luck to you in everything!

    This is not the first time I have turned to Kira, and in all cases Kira pulled me out of my confused situations with her help and advice. She saw the essence of the problem much deeper and not only gave an answer to my question, but also gave advice on how to improve my life further. She reacted very carefully and sincerely to my situation, her help went beyond the usual standard consultation !!! Girls, women, on my own I can say, thanks to Kira, that we have her, wise, wonderful and to whom we can turn for advice and help! Happiness to you, Kira!

    Many thanks to Kira for advice and help - it was they who helped me to do the right thing in difficult situations. An accurate vision of the problem, wise recommendations and warmth - that's what I got by turning to her. Kira answered the most important questions for me, those that no one could answer. I have applied several times, and I will apply again, because it helps not only to choose the right path to the goal, but also to suggest the best goal.

    I want to say a huge thank you to Kira! A very sincere, sensitive, bright person. It was very pleasant to communicate. Kira said a lot of new things that I myself felt deeply somewhere, but for myself it was difficult to determine. So now I will try to follow the recommendations. I'll sign off on the results later. I strongly advise everyone to contact Kira for wise advice! Thanks again!)))

    Kira , To you, my big human THANKS !!! When you answered my question within the framework of a free consultation, I was surprised how accurately you described the situation. I decided to order a paid layout and was even more surprised, you simply exceeded all my expectations. Thanks to you, I was able to look at my problem from a completely different angle, I myself would not have thought of it before, because it seemed to me: what I am doing is the only correct option, which simply cannot lead to failure. I received comprehensive answers to all my questions. I liked the fact that you did not spare your time on me, interpreting the layouts in detail and in detail. It is very pleasant to communicate with you not only as a high-class specialist, but also as a person. Sensitivity and subtle understanding of the problem of another is so important for someone who is looking for a way out of a difficult situation, and you give it to people. Now I know who I can turn to in difficult times and get help. Thanks again! Glory and Strength!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart Kire , a master of her craft - Kira deeply and correctly saw all the problems and pointed out the most accurate ways to resolve them, besides the fact that she is a high-class professional, Kira is still a very pleasant, kind and sensitive person, attentive to her clients. Thank you Cyrus, happiness, success and prosperity to you.

    I want to express my deep gratitude Kire ! In general, it is very difficult for me to tell someone about my problems and experiences, for the first time I intuitively turned to Kira and did not regret it a bit. She is a wonderful person and a great runologist! Helps to understand the situation. Everything is accurate, detailed and gives useful and wise advice. After talking with Kira, my soul is very warm. I am glad that I turned to her for help! Kira, thanks again! I wish you happiness and good luck!

    I wholeheartedly recommend Kiru !! The second time I do her alignment, the previous short one has already come true, and the current detailed ones subtly and accurately describe the nuances of the situation and give recommendations! Kira is wise, deep, accepting! Spent enough time to answer all additional questions. Gave wise recommendations, advised additional materials.

    Many thanks Kire for a detailed, full-fledged work! Good luck, prosperity, creative development! Thanks! It's such a joy to receive a detailed story about yourself and your life, about your feminine power, using only the Internet!

    I want to thank Kiru , very attentive and competent runologist, I judge not only by communication and help in choosing the correct questions, but also because she herself studied the runes a little (but it is not possible to interpret it objectively), so one feels like an experienced specialist in this matter. Kira helped, through a thorough analysis of each issue, to determine the essence of the problem in the relationship, the present, what awaits in the future, the characteristics of people, my psychological state and what prevents me from being happy, she gave advice, using runes, to correct the situation. Many reasons for the problems are in ourselves, in general, with the help of Kira, I realized what needs to be worked on. I am glad that when I applied for the first time (I was afraid that a scam) everything turned out to be honest and Kira really got into the essence of the problem and helped a lot !!!

    Many thanks to Alexandra for thoughtful, detailed layouts, revealing problems and questions to the very depth. She finds clues and clues, identifies situations and people's inner motives. And most importantly, according to Alexandra's layouts, it is always clear that all the positive changes are in our own hands, and the path from which the decision should be started is clearly visible. And I also wanted to add: I feel very much that Alexandra is approaching the consultation with all her heart, not indifferently, but sincerely penetrates the very essence of the issue.

    thanks Kire ! very positive person, attentive to the problem, spares no time to figure it out properly. gives advice carefully. soft impact on the situation. made me understand that you can work to the result and apply even after a long period of time (just some people sometimes disappear :)). after the consultation, there was a lightness and a pleasant impression.

    Kira Thank you very much for your consultation. I wish you grateful clients and prosperity!

    Thanks to Kira for the consultation! Everything is essentially a problem, reasoned. Comprehensive review and analysis of the situation. And what is also very important for me - with constructive recommendations for solving the problem. In addition, the cost of services is adequate!

    I want to say thank you very much to Kira! Very sensitive, sympathetic and wise person. I applied for a paid consultation, and also asked a free question, in all cases Kira was attentive, described everything in detail and accurately, gave useful recommendations and advice. Thank her very much. I advise everyone!

    I express my sincere gratitude to a highly qualified specialist - runologist Alexandra! Always specific, thorough, wise and tactful. I am amazed by the accuracy of her layouts and interpretations. I have great confidence in all of her advice, thank you for her sincerity and friendly attitude. I wish Alexandra all the best!

    Hello Kira! I want to thank you again for that help, for the words that you wrote to me! After your alignment and just all the advice that you wrote to me, my life entered a different, calmer track! Some of your phrases have become a motto for me! Whenever I felt sad, I would come back and reread them each time. I even "passed" them on to others.))) And many have heard your words. I tried to follow all the advice that the runes and you gave me! You helped me a lot! I admire your talent !!! Thank you and happiness to you!

    And again - thanks Kire))) Competent and correct advice allowed me to take timely measures and the situation was resolved in the direction I needed!

    I would like to express my gratitude to Kira for the consultation! Thank you, Kira, for the detailed layouts, for the advice - just detailed, specific, for your delicate attitude, for your participation. Everything is clear, accessible, very professional! And besides, I got a very pleasant communication with a person, which gave me strength and confidence! Kira, I am very grateful to you !!!


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