Medicinal properties of snake venom - presentation. Snakebites What to do with snakebites presentation

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Bites of animals, insects, snakes The presentation was prepared by: OBZH teacher IM Parshakov. MBOU "Verkh-Yazvinskaya secondary school"

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Bites of animals, insects, snakes Insects and arachnids Mosquitoes, midges, biting midges, gadflies, bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets, mites spiders (karakut, scarpion). Encephalitis is a contagious disease (mortality can reach 20% among cases)

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With bites of bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees, pain, burning, edema and local temperature rise develop at the site of the bite. With multiple bites, weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting appear, body temperature rises. People with a hypersensitivity to bee venom may experience lower back and joint pain, cramps and loss of consciousness. First of all, you need to remove the sting of an insect from the skin, moisten the stung place with alcohol. Apply cold to the stung (plastic bag with cold water). Give the victim plenty of drink.

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Sea snake bites, Cobras Shitomordniki Vipers Gyurza Intoxication - poisoning with the body's poison

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Central Asian cobra Some poisonous snakes Common viper Gyurza Steppe viper Common copperhead Common snake

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When a poisonous snake bites, two small red dots remain on the skin of a person - from the penetration of poisonous teeth. In the first minutes after the bite, a slight pain and burning sensation occurs in this place, the skin turns red, and swelling increases. Weakness, dizziness, nausea appear, blood pressure decreases. The first minutes after the bite of a poisonous snake Immediately after the bite, it is necessary to provide the victim with rest and a horizontal position, this will ensure the minimum rate of transmission of the poison in the blood. Calm down the victim. Transport it to a safe, weatherproof location.

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If a syringe and an antidote serum are available, then the most radical treatment is immediate administration. Immediately start sucking the poison out of the wound. To do this, immediately after the bite, open the wound by pressing your fingers, and then suck the poison out with your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Spit out bloody fluid. These actions are harmless to the caregiver. With correct and timely suction of the poison from the wound, it is possible to suck out 50% of the poison. Cold (a plastic bag with cold water) can be applied to the bite to reduce blood circulation. Disinfect the wound with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage, which should be loosened as the swelling increases. First aid Give the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body an elevated position, fix it, apply an immobilization bandage or splint. Give the affected person plenty to drink. Arrange the delivery of the victim to a hospital.

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Animal bites Pets (horses, cows, dogs, cats) Rodents (rats, mice) Wild animals (wolves, foxes ..) Rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects the brain.

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To avoid being attacked by a dog Treat animals with respect and do not touch them when the owner is away. Do not touch animals while sleeping or eating. Do not take away what the dog is playing with in order to avoid its defensive reaction. Do not feed other people's dogs. Stay away from a tied dog. Do not play with the dog owner by making movements that might be perceived by the animal as aggressive. Don't show fear or anxiety in front of a hostile dog. Do not make sudden movements or approach the dog. Give commands in a firm voice, such as: "place", "stand", "lie down", "fu". Do not run away so as not to cause the hunting instinct to attack from behind in the animal and become an easy prey. Try to protect your throat and face. Defend yourself with a stick.

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In case of collision: In no case should the dog be afraid. You can't run away from the dog, you can't turn your back on it. Untrained dogs feel insecure if they lose sight of their owner or when they move away from the protected area. It makes sense to retreat so that the dog is in a different environment than at the beginning of the collision. Having lost confidence, she becomes less aggressive and may run away on her own. You can try to growl at the dog and show its teeth, or scream threateningly. If a dog is bitten: Wash the bite site with soap and water. If the wound is bleeding, use a bandage to stop the bleeding. Check with the owner to find out if the dog has been vaccinated against rabies. Notify the police and sanitary services of the incident, indicating, if possible, the exact address of the owner of the dog. In case of bites, immediately contact the nearest emergency room or call an ambulance by phone 03.

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Dangers of encounters with predatory animals Beasts, as a rule, sense a person before he can see them, and always try to get out of his way. In the summertime, the attack of animals is very rare, if there is no immediate threat to the animal from the side of man. A snake attack, for example, can occur when, due to inattention, they step on it or approach it - out of curiosity or for the same inattention - so close that they enter the zone of its attack. In winter, wolves and crank bears pose a real danger to humans in the taiga. If the route of movement of people passes through wolf territory (this can be determined by the tracks of wolves in the snow), then you should know that wolves are very careful and will not attack a group of people during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to keep close. If someone fell behind and saw a wolf, then you should not run: you need to climb a tree and wait for your group, which will miss the straggler and return. If you happen to go to a floating hole in the snow, surrounded by frost, go around this place, not figuring out whether the den is in front of you or not. After finding the trail of the connecting rod bear, everyone must keep together and stop for the night before dark. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to leave dangerous territory as soon as possible.

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When settling for the night in an area where there are wolves or traces of a bear are found, camp is set up in an open, well-visible place. More firewood is being cooked than usual: the fire must burn all night. Keep iron objects close at hand to scare away animals with noise. Mass exit of female bears from dens occurs in March-April. A she-bear with cubs is not dangerous to people when her path intersects with the direction of a group of people: she will simply lead the cubs away. It is a different matter if a bear with her cubs is at her den: she will never leave here, and if people approach a critical distance, she will rush to protect the cubs.

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General principles behavior when meeting an animal: - in case of an accidental meeting with a large animal, you need to give him the opportunity to hide; - if an animal is approaching, try to scare it away with a whistle, fire, shout; - in cases of an obvious attack, when all the above methods do not help, you should use a weapon; - you need to be careful when approaching the fallen animal: the animal may still be alive and capable of inflicting serious injury on you with claws, teeth or horns. When an animal is injured, the first thing to do is to stop the bleeding. Then it is necessary to disinfect the skin around the wound and apply a bandage.

From time immemorial, the image of a snake has been associated with healing in humans. Greek mythology tells that when the son of Apollo - the healer of all ailments Asclepius (Roman Aesculapius) arrived on the island of Crete, the son of the local patron died. During this period, Asclepius saw a snake on his rod and, in order to avoid being bitten, killed it, but soon another snake appeared with a miraculous herb in its mouth and revived the slain. The healer used this herb and revived the young man.

Sometimes, not the staff of Asclepius was used as a symbol of medicine, but the rod (Roman caduceus) of Hermes. This Greek god was the mediator between gods and people. The caduceus of Hermes became a general medical symbol in the Renaissance. This is probably due to the fact that in the 16th century alchemy began to develop, the patron of which was considered to be Hermes. The main goal of alchemical experiments at this time is to obtain medicines.

Some of Avicenna's recipes include a snake head. In the "Canon of Medicine" Ibn Sina describes the preparation of cakes from boiled viper meat, gives recommendations on what kind of viper to catch and how to dry the medicine so that it does not lose "the power to resist the poisons from the bite from (poisons) that enter the stomach."

The amount of poison that can be obtained from one snake ranges from 2 mg to 720 mg of dry residue and depends on its size, species, season, the interval between taking the poison, microclimate, physiological state of the snake and the method of venom selection (electrical stimulation, mechanical "milking" ). You need snakes to get 1 g of poison.

Snake venom is a thin, transparent liquid, colorless or yellowish, heavier than water. When mixed with water, it gives opalescence. The reaction of the venom of the viper and gyurza is sour, the venom of the cobra is neutral. It quickly loses its activity (toxicity) in water, ether, chloroform, under the action of UV rays. Keeps well when freezing and drying. On drying, yellow crystals are obtained; in this form, the poison remains toxic for decades.

Snake poison - complex complex biologically active substances: 1) Enzymes (phospholipase, hyaluronidase, phosphodiesterase, etc.), 2) toxic polypeptides, 3) proteins with specific biological properties (nerve growth factor, anti-complementary factors), 4) inorganic components.

The cobra venom contains neurotoxins that disrupt the transmission of excitation in neuromuscular synapses and thereby cause paralysis of the skeletal and respiratory muscles. Death occurs from respiratory arrest. The venom contains the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which destroys acetylcholine and aggravates the development of paralysis.

The venom of the viper and gyurza contains proteolytic enzymes. As a result of poisoning, hemorrhagic edema develops, caused by an increase in vascular permeability and disorders in the blood coagulation system (intravascular coagulation, blood clotting, and then the blood loses its ability to clot for a long time), extensive hemorrhages are formed.

In medicine, snake venoms are used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Such preparations are intended for injection or for external use. Injections are usually prescribed for neuralgia, arthralgia, myalgia, myositis, chronic nonspecific mono- and polyarthritis, periarthritis and other diseases. Means for external use are used for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, myositis and other ailments. The main active ingredient, cobrotoxin, has been isolated from the venom of the cobra, which has an analgesic and sedative effect in spasms of the heart vessels, bronchial asthma, and malignant tumors.

Medicines: 1) Common viper venom (substance-powder) 2) Gyurza poison (substance-powder) 3) Viperalgin - stabilized sterile solution of sand viper venom 4) Vipraxin - aqueous solution (with the addition of glycerin) of common viper venom Ointment for external use: 1. Based on the venom of the viper: a) Salvisar b) Viprosal B c) Alvipsal 2. Based on the venom of viper: a) Vipralgon b) Viprapin c) Viprosal 3. Based on the venom of various snakes: Vipratox

In addition to drugs, snake venom is used to create anti-snake serums - the only means to date that can help save the life of a person who has suffered from the bite of this type of reptile. Antivenoms are being prepared from the blood of horses, which are injected into the body for a long time in small doses.

O Hypersensitivity of the body to snake venoms, o pulmonary tuberculosis, o febrile conditions, o damage to the skin at the site of application, o insufficiency of the coronary circulation, o organic damage to the liver and kidneys, o pregnancy and breastfeeding, o pustular skin diseases, o heart defects , o tendency to angiospasm.

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  • Central Asian cobra
  • Large snake up to 1.6 m long.
  • Distributed in the southern regions of Central Asia: south-west of Tajikistan, south of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Cobra can be found in foothills, river valleys, common among shrubs, often found in abandoned buildings.
  • Some venomous snakes
  • Common viper up to 75 cm long. The viper is the most widespread venomous snake in our country. The viper can be found in the European part of Russia, in Siberia up to Sakhalin.
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    • Gyurza Large snake up to 1.6 m long.
    • Found in the Transcaucasus, Eastern Ciscaucasia, Southern Turkmenistan, Southern and Eastern Uzbekistan, Western Tajikistan and southern Kazakhstan.
    • Steppe viper The dimensions of the steppe viper, as a rule, do not exceed 60 cm.
    • Lives in the Crimea, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the steppe regions of the Caucasus.
    • Some venomous snakes
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    • Sandy Efa A small snake up to 80 cm long.
    • It is found from the eastern coast of the Caspian to the Aral Sea, in southern Uzbekistan and Southwestern Tajikistan.
    • Common cormorant Inhabits a vast area from the mouth of the Volga and South-East Azerbaijan through Central and East Asia to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Occurs in mountain forests and steppes, deserts, along river cliffs.
    • Some venomous snakes
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    • Common copperhead
    • Widespread in Russia. The length reaches 65 cm.
    • In the fight against large and strong prey, it sets in motion poisonous teeth, with the help of which it introduces a paralyzing poisonous secret into a victim.
    • Cat snake Distributed in Azerbaijan, Dagestan. Inhabits dry rocky places, but often settles in reed roofs of houses. In case of danger, gathers the back of the body into a ball and raises the front. Makes rapid throws towards the enemy.
    • Some venomous snakes
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    • When a poisonous snake bites, two small red dots remain on the skin of a person - from the penetration of poisonous teeth. In the first minutes after the bite, a slight pain and burning sensation occurs in this place, the skin turns red, and swelling increases. Weakness, dizziness, nausea appear, blood pressure decreases. These phenomena reach a maximum 8-36 hours after the bite.
    • The first minutes after being bitten by a poisonous snake
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    • Immediately after the bite, it is necessary to provide the victim with rest and a horizontal position, this will ensure the minimum rate of transmission of the poison in the blood. Calm down the victim. Transport it to a safe, weatherproof location.
    • First steps for a snake bite
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    • If a syringe and an antidote serum are available, then the most radical treatment is immediate administration.
    • First aid is a radical method
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    • Immediately start sucking the poison out of the wound. To do this, immediately after the bite, open the wound by pressing your fingers, and then suck the poison out with your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Spit out bloody fluid. These actions are harmless to the caregiver. With correct and timely suction of the poison from the wound, it is possible to suck out 50% of the poison.
    • First aid - suction of poison
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    • Cold (a plastic bag with cold water) can be applied to the bite to reduce blood circulation. Disinfect the wound with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage, which should be loosened as the swelling increases.
    • First aid - wound treatment
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    • Give the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body an elevated position, fix it, apply an immobilization bandage or splint. Give the affected person plenty to drink. Drinking coffee is contraindicated. Arrange the delivery of the victim to a hospital.
    • First aid for a poisonous snake bite
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    • make incisions at the site of the bite;
    • cauterize the bite site;
    • apply a tourniquet above the bite site;
    • allow the victim to perform any physical activity.
    • When bitten by a snake, it is prohibited:
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    • With bites of bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees, pain, burning, edema and local temperature rise develop at the site of the bite. With multiple bites, weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting appear, body temperature rises. People with a hypersensitivity to bee venom may experience lower back and joint pain, cramps and loss of consciousness.
    • First aid for insect bites - the first signs
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    • First of all, you need to remove the sting of an insect from the skin, moisten the stung place with alcohol. Apply cold to the stung (plastic bag with cold water). Give the victim plenty of drink.
    • First aid - first steps
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    Note that the most dangerous stings of bees, wasps, hornets in the mouth, where the insect can get when a person eats fruit. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed, since the resulting laryngeal edema and suffocation are deadly.

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    Mosquito bites

    • Due to the specific properties of mosquito saliva, small bubbles form at the site of its bite, itching, a burning sensation occurs.
    • Itching can be eliminated by moistening the skin with ammonia or baking soda solution (half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water).
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    Note that in places with a large concentration of mosquitoes, mosquito nets are used, which are sewn from gauze. Various means are used to scare away mosquitoes.

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    Malaria mosquitoes, which carry malaria and other diseases, are especially dangerous. You can distinguish them by landing. Common mosquitoes sit keeping their abdomen parallel to the surface, while malaria mosquitoes raise their abdomen up.

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    Review questions

    • What is the first aid sequence for a venomous snakebite?
    • What are the consequences of insect bites (bees, wasps, hornets)?
    • How to provide first aid for an insect bite?
    • How to protect yourself from mosquito bites while hiking?
    • Determine what precautions should be taken in your area in the spring, summer, and fall to avoid snake bites and reduce the possibility of insect bites.
    • Determine how the content of your personal first aid kit will change in different
  • View all slides

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    You all know what animal bites are. Rather, all of you have been bitten, scratched by your animal, but not when you did not think that it could be fatal Animal bites are one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Up to five million people worldwide, mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia, are bitten by snakes every year. In the event of a snakebite, immediate treatment with an appropriate antitoxin is required. Dog bites cause tens of millions of injuries every year; the greatest risk children are exposed. Rabies following dog, cat and monkey bites is a significant public health problem.

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    Snakebites An estimated 2.4 million cases of intoxication (poisoning from snakebites) and 94,000-125,000 deaths occur each year, as well as 400,000 cases of amputations and other severe health consequences such as infection, tetanus, scarring, contractures and psychological consequences Most snakebites occur in Africa and Southeast Asia. Snakebites are most common among people living in rural areas with limited resources, low-wage, non-mechanized field crops and other types of agriculture.

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    Treatment There are approximately 600 species of poisonous snakes in the world, and approximately 50-70% of their bites lead to intoxication. Immediately after the bite, it is extremely important to ensure the complete immobilization of the affected part of the body and the immediate delivery of the victim to a medical facility. Applying tourniquets and cutting out the bite should not be used as first aid, as this can increase the effects of the poison. Often, victims of snakebites require antitoxin treatment. It is important that an appropriate antitoxin is used, taking into account the snakes that are endemic in the area.

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    Preventing snake bites In order to prevent snake bites, local communities need to be educated about the risks of snake bites and how to prevent them, such as: * avoiding areas with tall grass; * wear safety shoes / boots; * keep rodents away from food storage areas; * free the area adjacent to the house from garbage, firewood and low vegetation; * store in houses food products in containers that reliably protect them from rodents, arrange sleeping places on a raised level above the floor and carefully tuck mosquito nets under the mattresses.

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    Dog bites There are no global estimates of the prevalence of dog bites, but studies suggest that dog bites are responsible for tens of millions of annual injuries. For example, in the United States of America, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year. Of these, about 885,000 people seek medical help; 30,000 people are undergoing reconstructive surgery; 3-18% of people develop infections, and 10 to 20 cases are fatal. Other high-income countries, such as Australia, Canada and France, have similar prevalence and mortality rates. In low- and middle-income countries, data is more fragmented, but some studies show that dogs account for 76–94% of all animal bite injuries. Fatality rates from dog bites are higher in low- and middle-income countries, as many of these countries, where rabies is a problem, may lack the drugs needed for post-exposure treatment, along with inadequate access to health care. An estimated 55,000 people die from rabies every year and most of these deaths are due to the bite of rabid dogs.

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    Who is most at risk? The majority of people exposed to dog bites are children, mostly middle-aged and older. Children are at higher risk of head and neck injuries than adults, and such injuries are particularly severe.

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    Treatment Treatment depends on the site of the bite, the general health of the affected person, and whether the dog has been vaccinated against rabies. The basic principles of medical care include the following: * prompt medical treatment; * washing and cleaning the wound; * the imposition of primary sutures on the wound with a low risk of infection; * prophylactic antibiotic therapy for high risk wounds or for people with immunodeficiency; * post exposure treatment of rabies depending on the vaccination status of the dog; * administering tetanus vaccine in the absence of proper vaccination in the affected person.

    There are 3 types of poisonous snakes in the CIS:

    • Vipers (Gyurza and Efa are especially dangerous).
    • Asps (this also includes cobras).
    • Shitomordniki (pit-head).




    The figure shows the marks of snake bites: 1-5 - poisonous; 6 - not poisonous.

    Local symptoms include:

    pain, edema, subcutaneous hemorrhage, the formation of blisters filled with bloody contents, an increase in regional (nearest) lymph nodes.

    Common symptoms of poisoning:

    shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, rapid pulse, nausea (sometimes vomiting), fainting, collapse, or shock.

    • Snakes do not like persistent pursuit, they become aggressive.
    • do not walk barefoot in the forest, in wetlands;
    • wear leather or rubber boots or thick woolen socks;

    • be very careful, especially at night, in areas where poisonous snakes are found;
    • when walking or picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, you should always have a cane or stick in your hand, with which you should push the grass in front of you so that the snake can crawl away.

    For bites from poisonous insects and snakes: apply to wounds chewed laurel leaves.

    • Ammonia (5: 1) - for 5 drops of water 1 drop of ammonia.
    • Sugar or honey.

    Common viper

    Its length is 50-60cm, gray (there are red, red and black colors) with a dark zigzag pattern on the back. Lives in forests and swamps. The bite is very painful, but not fatal.

    Caucasian viper

    Its length is 40-50cm, orange-yellow or bright red with a zigzag dark pattern on the back. There are snakes of black color (or black head). Distributed throughout the Caucasus. The bite is life-threatening.

    Cobra Central Asian

    Its length is 110-140 cm, large in size, color from light yellow to black. Distributed in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, China, India. Very poisonous, the bite is deadly.

    Efa sandy

    Its length is 50-60cm, it has a color from grayish-sandy to dark brown. On the head there is a light drawing in the form of a silhouette of a flying bird. Distributed in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan. The bite is deadly.

    • A constrictor boa constrictor, for example, has a length of 3 to 4 m.
    • The smallest boa constrictor is sandy. He lives in Greece and is between 30 and 40 cm long.

    Sand boa


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