Title of leadership positions. Graduation of positions in foreign companies. What categories does the concept of engineering and technical personnel include

In most cases, the title of the position is formed on the basis of professional activity, which is not always possible to formulate in one word.

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That is why long job titles appear in order to concretize the job function or names that, under a prestigious name, mask simple duties. And the formation of job titles is determined by law. It establishes both naming requirements and possible options.

Normative base

The staffing table is one of the local acts created in order to streamline the organizational structure of the company and fix the amount of remuneration.

The agreed document states:

  • names of all positions from management to ordinary employees;
  • the number of staff members for each vacancy;
  • the amount of remuneration from salary or hourly wage rate to allowances as a percentage.

As a rule, when determining the salary, problems do not arise, due to the fact that for this type of remuneration for work, a single rule has been established, enshrined in Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The total should not be lower than the minimum wage, which is formed taking into account the cost of the food basket and the annual inflation rate and is set at the federal level.

That is, it is enough for the employer to be guided by Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and their own financial capabilities when establishing the amount of remuneration. But the choice of job titles is more difficult, since there are a lot of industries and job titles, not to mention the legislative norms enshrined in the ETKS and Chapter 31 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regulating the observance of professional standards.

What does the law say?

In accordance with the Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor in the Russian Federation, a Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory has been formed. It includes many issues approved by the same Decrees of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation with the definition of job titles in the context of each industry, with an indication of qualification requirements for vacancies and an approximate list of job responsibilities, the necessary knowledge and job characteristics.

Also in article 195.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is said that the name of the position in the staffing table should be formed taking into account the ETKS in connection with the requirements established for the Professional Standards.

That is, the head of the company, when choosing the name of the position, must take into account several factors, namely:

  • compliance of the name with the imputed duties;
  • the ratio of requirements to qualifications and job characteristics

For example, it is permissible to call a secretary an assistant manager, because the responsibilities are identical. But it is hardly possible to call a locksmith a communications inspector, since the name of a vacancy should be formed taking into account the duties performed, and not a prestigious name.

When are reference books and professional standards required?

Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that compliance with Professional Standards is mandatory for many employers - those who manage state-owned companies or institutions in which half of the authorized capital belongs to the Russian Federation.

For example, in municipalities, state administrations and other state structures, the title of the position must correspond to the ETKS and the requirements specified in the specified document, while in other companies the directory can be used as recommendations.

Also, ETKS and professional standards must be observed in cases where there are working conditions at the workplaces of workers that deviate from the norm and give the right to a certain list of benefits.

Benefits are guaranteed by federal law, respectively, if they are granted, certain requirements apply. For example, the same compliance of the job title with Professional Standards.

So, you can work for 20 years as a painter and breathe paint fumes, but at the same time have the title of the position "construction worker". This does not correspond to the ETKS and does not provide for harmful conditions of employment, and therefore the right to.

That is, in accordance with the norms of the law, the list of benefits that the employee will be provided with only if the name of the vacancy matches the duties performed directly depends on the name of the position.

There are several other important factors to consider:

  • If the company has a tariff system of payment, that is, grades, class, then in accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the name of the vacancy should be established taking into account the norms of Qualification References. This is due to the fact that the list of responsibilities for some positions is given to each category separately, given that the level of qualifications and characteristics of work differ.
  • In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law No. 426, during the certification of workplaces, in addition to the general data, the code of the profession is indicated in the certification sheet. This assumes that the titles correspond to the positions of the Qualification Handbook. And since certification must be carried out at all enterprises at least once every five years, differences between the real name of the position and the name of the vacancy in the ETKS may lead to violations of the assessment procedure.

In other cases, compliance with professional standards is advisory in nature. This implies the use of directories only as a standard form, which can be modified taking into account the specifics of the company and the imputed responsibilities, but, nevertheless, not completely ignored.

Can you come up with a name yourself?

As a rule, the staffing table is established by the higher authorities for institutions related to state structures, so they do not have any difficulties with the selection of names, since they receive it ready-made.

But for companies that are commercial structures, when choosing names, many questions arise, because the list of job responsibilities does not always coincide with ETKS due to the specifics of labor and can be much broader than the established standards.

In such a situation, the company's management can come up with a name on its own, but taking into account the requirements for professional standards, and for the capacity for individual positions. If there are no harmful conditions or class in the company, then the name of the vacancy can be arbitrary, but within reasonable limits, given that the general length of service in a particular industry sometimes depends on the name of the position.

Let's say that some companies have 1 staff unit of a lawyer, and several specialists are engaged in this area, the title of whose position may indicate, for example, a specialist in legal work. Or the same watchman can become a guard of the economic part, since he is in charge of only the local area of \u200b\u200bthe company, and even then at night.

Features of the use of job titles in the staffing table

Considering that as of 2020, at the legislative level, uniform rules for the formation of job titles have not been developed, and the norms of professional standards must be observed only in the presence of certain working conditions and in government structures, in many companies job titles are selected based on their own rules.

They are as follows:

  • a prestigious title to increase motivation;
  • long name in order to specify the imputed duties;
  • an arbitrary name for the sake of fashion and Western trends.

For example, at the moment, the position of a manager is quite widespread and prestigious. Under it, you can disguise less sonorous professions, for example, the same cleaning lady who, having become the manager of the cleaning service, will not stop washing floors and dusting, but will receive an additional reason to be proud of her position, and therefore an incentive to develop.

Or due to the small number of staff, one employee can hold two positions. For example, it can be a deputy director - head of a department. Thus, two jobs are combined, and, accordingly, responsibilities in one staffing instruction, but with more ambitious powers.

Some companies practice job titles using foreign letters. For example, the following option is used - IT - manager.

Basic selection principles

The stipulated rules are not always correct. They violate both the norms of current legislation and the rules for the formation of job titles in accordance with subordination.

You should be guided by the following principles:

  • First - correspondence of the name of the category to the staff hierarchy, which can be chosen arbitrarily, but taking into account the subordination.
  • Second - compliance of the title of the position with the duties performed.
  • The third - application of the law.

So, in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 in clause 6 of the Instructions for filling out work books it is said that the work book is filled out only in the state language, which is Russian on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, the names of positions in English and other languages \u200b\u200bare prohibited. But during employment, the name of the vacancy must be indicated, therefore, the norms of the law in the case of an IT manager will be violated.

Basic and derived options

Considering that there are a lot of job titles, they are divided into types:

  • basic;
  • arbitrary.

The basic ones are the names fixed in the Qualification References. But names formed from the basic ones or invented independently can be arbitrary.

Naturally, if there is a basic name, problems do not arise, since its basis is regulated by the ETKS. But in connection with the use of arbitrary names, questions may arise regarding the determination of the right to early retirement benefits.

Clause 9 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 29 provides an explanation on this matter. According to it, derived job titles, which include basic titles, can be recognized as basic ones, and give the employee the right to receive benefits.

For example, the profession of a battery operator is present in the ETKS, but the senior battery operator is not, while the nature of work and the hazard code corresponds to the first name, which automatically gives the right to benefits established by law.

If an arbitrary name does not contain a base name, then it will be difficult for an employee to apply for any benefits. Therefore, when calculating a pension, the length of service in the agreed position will be counted as total and no more.

That is, if the company is engaged in a general area and there are no harmful conditions at workplaces, you can use arbitrary names, but if the hazard code is 3.1, the name of the profession must have at least a basic name.

Rules for the use of individual words

The qualification handbook contains many job titles, most of which consist not of one word, but of several.

For example, a forklift driver or a refrigeration charger. That is, the law allows the name of a profession, consisting of several words, containing a clarification of a certain type of activity.

Also, the law allows the use of prepositions in the names of vacancies that act as a connection of several words - for example, an ultrasound technician or a canner of equipment and metal products, which again involves a very wide range of different phrases.

There is no statutory limit on a certain number of words in job titles, given that some industries may have long enough titles that will also be present in vacancies.

So, rather broad names are currently common in the field of government agencies, where the following positions are present:

  • economist for accounting and business analysis;
  • leading specialist in contract and claims work.

That is, there are no restrictions on the number of words and the use of prepositions for the formation of logical phrases in job titles at the legislative level, given that the specified aspects are present in the names of professions in the ETKS.

One more aspect should be noted.

According to the Qualification Handbook, additional words to base titles such as director or secretary are used to clarify powers and responsibilities.

For example, the secretary can only deal with office work, but the secretary-typist will be busy with the formation of administrative and other documentation.

Accordingly, the director will be directly involved in the management of the company, but the executive director will have powers only in one of the specific areas.

What do you need to remember?

When choosing the title of the position, remember that the correct title of the profession predetermines the right to receive benefits established by law.

Where does any company start? From an idea and people who jointly implement it. Each of the participants has a specific role, list of responsibilities and competencies. All this is determined by the position held. This article examines what positions are in the company depending on the industry and direction of activity, the minimum staffing table, as well as a brief excursion into the responsibilities of management positions, specialists and workers.

What positions can be

Positions in the company, like the roles of actors in the theater, - each has its own scenario of work, responsibilities, competencies, tasks, functions. Each individual position requires a specific person with a specialized set of knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities. In any organization, all existing positions can be divided into three groups:

  • specialists;
  • working positions.

Each group requires certain knowledge and skills, experience and education.

Most important position

Any group of people united by common goals and interests cannot function normally without a leader. One person or group of people must be at the helm of the company, make important decisions, adjust the course of the organization's development and solve internal problems. In Russian companies, this role is played by a person holding the highest position in the company. Depending on the type of company, its legal form, the number of owners and accounting policies, the leading position may have different names. In limited liability companies, a director or general director. In joint stock companies - the board of directors or shareholders. In agricultural production cooperatives - the chairman.

An LLC can be opened by one person. In this case, the founder of the company and the director can be one and the same person, make decisions individually and independently manage all the processes of the organization. It is more complicated in JSC and CJSC. In joint stock companies, directors are elected by the shareholders' council. In carrying out his duties, he is obliged to listen to the opinion of the shareholders of the company.

Executives in the company

The newly opened LLC, the staff of which does not exceed two or three people, hardly needs a large number of leadership positions. But if the company grows, departments appear that perform fundamentally different functions, the staff increases to tens or even hundreds of people, then you simply cannot do without middle managers. A person holding such a position does not have absolute power over subordinates, does not make important decisions alone, and does not lead the company as a whole. His task is to control the work of his department, coordinate the employment of his people, and resolve issues within his competence. The most common leadership positions include the following:

  • cFO, or head of the finance department;
  • technical Director;
  • production and production director;
  • chief Engineer;
  • head of the HR department;
  • chief Accountant;
  • head of the trade department;
  • head of the purchasing department;
  • head of the public relations department.

Of course, every organization has the right to be included in the staffing table of positions that are necessary precisely in their direction. The names of departments and positions of people who lead them may differ, while the functionality of employees is quite similar.

Chief Engineer Job

Chief Engineer is a position that is found in organizations that manufacture products that contain their own vehicle fleet or a fleet of specialized equipment: agricultural organizations, factories, factories, transport companies, and so on. The work of a chief engineer requires higher technical education in the direction of the organization. It is on him that the technical equipment of the enterprise with spare parts, fuels and lubricants, the necessary equipment and machine tools, the coordinated work of mechanics and service personnel depends. From his proposal, purchases of all technical units, their spare parts, hiring people who serve all these machines and devices are made. A similar functionality for the work of a technical director. In some organizations, these are identical concepts.

Production director

Production director - a position that makes sense in organizations that produce any product. This official is engaged in researching the structure of the market, supply and demand, studying the proposals of competitors, determining what needs to be produced, at what prices and in what volumes. The volume and quality of products, their price and placement on the sales market depend on the effectiveness of its work. Its tasks include finding suppliers of raw materials of appropriate quality and with an acceptable cost, launching the release process, monitoring it throughout the entire production cycle.


Positions in the company are not limited to managers of different levels. Without ordinary specialists, they simply will have no one to manage. Applicants with higher or secondary vocational education who graduated from an educational institution in a particular specialty are usually called specialists. In organizations, the positions of specialists include: accountant, managers of various directions, clerks, engineers, doctors and others.

Job positions

There are also working positions in the company. Unlike the above-described positions, workers do not require specific education, experience or characteristics. Such work usually requires the performance of certain physical actions: loaders, pickers, drivers, cleaners. There is no need for higher education, work experience, organizational or leadership skills to perform these works. It is enough to have physical health and stamina.

Engineering and technical personnel are an important part of the staff of many organizations. About who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel, and what it is, both employers and the representatives of engineering and technical personnel should know. It should also be understood that the criteria for determining engineering and technical personnel and the list of positions included in it can differ very seriously from enterprise to enterprise due to the peculiarities of the legal regulation of this category of employees.

Engineering staff - who are they?

There is practically no direct classification of various categories of personnel in Russian legislation. The only normative document regulating this aspect of labor activity in general cases is a unified tariff and qualification reference book of the professions of workers and employees. However, engineering personnel can refer to both workers and employees, depending on the specific circumstances.

The general definition of the concept of engineering and technical personnel can be expressed as follows - these are employees who perform various work on maintaining the material and technical equipment of the enterprise itself and ensure the effective operation of the employer's property by other categories of employees. In addition, employees of innovation management in the field of R&D, engaged in the development and implementation of innovative equipment from an engineering and design point of view, can also be referred to as engineering and technical personnel.

Accordingly, the key criteria for engineering and technical personnel are the following features of the work of such employees:

  • The direct task of the contractors from the engineering and technical staff is the maintenance, repair of the employer's property, as well as the development or design activities within the company.
  • The activities of engineering and technical personnel are auxiliary and do not generate direct income for the organization. Accordingly, the focus of the activities of engineering and technical workers is focused precisely on meeting the needs of the organization, and not its customers.
  • Engineering personnel are not directly involved in the conduct of production activities or the provision of services.

Due to the lack of direct and accurate legislative regulation, engineering and technical personnel in the structure of the company's personnel may also belong to the following categories of employees:

The employer has the right to refer individual employees to several categories of personnel at the same time. However, one should take into account possible collisions that may arise in connection with such a method of organizing labor, which should be foreseen in advance in regulatory documents.

Who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel - list of positions

A specific list of positions of engineering and technical personnel is not established by legislative acts and other national standards. Therefore, the employer can independently establish its own list of positions of those employees who belong to engineering and technical personnel, without any restrictions, as well as otherwise regulate the activities of these employees and the use of such a division of personnel into categories. However, most often, certain categories of workers are still classified as engineering personnel:

  • Communal workers. Employees who provide care for communications at the enterprise, plumbers, electricians, most often refer to the engineering and technical personnel.
  • IT workers. System administrators, as well as other categories of workers in the field of information technology, are considered engineering and technical personnel, at least if they do not provide services to third-party customers, but work directly to meet the needs of the organization itself.
  • Repair and maintenance personnel. All specialists involved in the maintenance of the property of the enterprise as a whole, as well as its repair, often belong to the category of engineering and technical personnel.
  • Employees of research and development and design departments and bureaus. These workers, who are engaged in the development of new equipment or other systems for the needs of the enterprise, are also clearly included in the category of engineering and technical personnel.

When engineering and technical personnel are needed and the specifics of regulating their activities

Employees who belong to engineering and technical personnel are not always necessary for all enterprises without exception. In particular, for small business entities, the employer can do without this category of workers altogether. The solution of certain issues, including within the framework of large enterprises, can be ensured by attracting workers through mechanisms or concluding agreements with other service organizations.

If the engineering and technical personnel are on the staff of the organization, the employer should take into account the peculiarities of the regulation of the work of such workers. In particular, in relation to repair personnel, progressive methods of the remuneration system imply the use of bonuses in the absence of breakdowns as remuneration. the same payment systems for such employees are an extremely destructive method of organizing work.

If employees are mainly engaged in innovative activities, then on the contrary, the most effective remuneration will be, including with reference to the total size of the salary fund, which will maximize the performance of personnel - after all, the more income innovation brings, the higher the salaries of employees will be.

Requirements for engineering and technical personnel primarily imply that they have the necessary qualifications and education. Most often, this category of employees must have either a higher or professional technical education.

Who are engineers and technicians? Deciphering this term for a contemporary can cause certain difficulties.

According to the interpretation of the "Concise Economic Dictionary", under the abbreviation of engineering and technical personnel, there is a category of workers called engineering and technical. Today we intend to take a closer look at this concept.

Engineering and technical workers - who is this?

The main sign of belonging to the persons mentioned is the authority to manage production and organize the work process. An engineer-technical worker (ITR) belongs to this category on the basis of his position. In this case, a particular representative may have a specialized secondary or higher education. For example, a technical engineer may not have a mandatory college degree.

Nowadays, this concept has lost its official status. Now engineering and technical workers are rather a colloquial term. According to the Qualification and the Unified Classifier of Occupations, there are three categories of employees. The first is represented by managers, the second - by specialists, the third account for all the rest, called other types of employees or technical performers.

In another normative document called the Unified Nomenclature of Positions of Employees (the date of approval of which is 1967), these same employees are divided by the nature of their activities into categories, and within each of them into groups.

What categories does the concept of engineering and technical personnel include

Engineering and technical workers are anyone who can be classified as managers, specialists or technical executors. The category of managers includes those who are involved in the management of both the entire organization and its individual services and divisions, as well as deputies of the latter.

ENDS professionals belong to one of several different groups. The first group - those who are employed in work related to agriculture or forestry, animal husbandry, fish farming. The second - workers in the economic or engineering sector. The specialists of the third group work in the field of international relations. The fourth group - workers in the field of art, culture, science, education, healthcare. Fifth - legal profile. Thus, we see that the circle of specialists is quite wide.

Employees are called technical executors, whose task is to record, control, prepare the necessary documentation and its execution, as well as economic maintenance. Thus, the concept of engineering and technical personnel has become morally obsolete, the decoding of which is no longer so relevant. It has been replaced today by the concept of administrative and technical personnel (or ATP).

List of positions of engineers and technicians

The development of scientific and technological progress leads to the strengthening of the functions of those who are usually called engineering and technical workers. Their number relative to the total number of all categories of workers is growing, especially in such industries as industry and construction.

Whom, specifically, can we, without the risk of being mistaken, rank in this category? If we focus on the old Model list of positions, based on the decree of the USSR Council of Ministers N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we are talking about managers (except for those who are appointed to the position of higher bodies), chief (senior) specialists of various names, heads of offices, production facilities, farms, services, branches, sections, bureaus, inspections, departments and divisions, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops, storage facilities, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, cameras and ticket offices.

Who else is in this category

And who else belongs to the engineering and technical workers? The list of them is quite long. It should include the heads of agencies, airports and airfields, power plants, elevators, hydroelectric facilities, boiler houses, ventilation, treatment facilities, depots, trains, substations, watches, water pipelines, transportation, loading and unloading operations, marinas and piers, (buildings), factories , start-up works, etc.

In addition, engineers and technicians are those who hold the positions of heads of archives, offices, sections, managers of departments and sections, group leaders. In addition, these are foremen, foremen, foremen, etc., commanders and captains.

As for engineers and technicians, this abbreviation is applicable to a huge list of positions - agronomists, architects, administrators, arbitrators, biologists, accountants, auditors, doctors, surveyors and geologists, duty officers and dispatchers, engineers, cartographers and inspectors, rationers, operators, programmers and translators, editors, surveyors, sociologists, pharmacologists, commodity specialists, artists, power engineers and legal advisers. This list is very extensive, and there is no point in listing it in full in this small article.

The principle of engineers and technicians

For the performance of their duties, such workers are paid in the form of an official salary. That is, a certain fixed amount established by the administration of the enterprise and depending on the degree of complexity, as well as the scope of the role and importance of this particular position in the work process and direct labor conditions.

The size of the official salary is negotiated when a specialist or manager is hired and does not depend on the production results of an enterprise or a specific division.

Evaluation of the work of engineering and technical personnel is carried out in terms of completeness, quality and volume, as well as the timely execution of the duties assigned to them.

Thus, the category of engineers and technicians is paid for their labor on a time-basis basis. Depending on the position held, own qualifications, the level of complexity and scope of duties performed, as well as working conditions in a particular industry, a system of official salaries is provided for all types of engineering and technical personnel. These salary schemes have been developed on the basis of a number of regulatory documents, in particular the Qualification Handbook.

Is it just a "bare" salary?

In addition to flat salary amounts, there is a system of additional payments, allowances and various bonus payments.

Bonuses are given to such workers in connection with an increase in production and a decrease in its cost, compliance with contractual obligations, an increase in labor productivity, and economy of raw materials and fuel.

The administration of the enterprise independently determines certain indicators and conditions of bonuses. In case of deterioration in the quality of manufactured products or other negative factors, premiums may not be paid.

Certain types of additional payments associated with either professions, an increase in the volume of work or an expansion of the serviced area are set to the salaries of engineers and technicians at the discretion of the management. They can be paid from the saved payroll.

Can the amount of salaries for engineers and technicians change?

Decisions to change official salaries in the direction of both an increase and a decrease are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of workers at a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or every 5 years.

In case of unsatisfactory results of such certification, it is possible both to cancel certain types of additional payments and allowances, and to completely release the employee from his position.

On the regulation of labor of engineering and technical personnel

The task of competently organizing the labor of employees and engineers in order to improve the structure of the management apparatus, optimize the use of working time and reduce costs involves rationing. Any type of work of a managerial nature can be normally organized only if there is specific information about the amount of time and the number of workers required to carry it out.

Compared to a worker, the same procedure for engineers and employees is a more complicated task. Indeed, in this case we are dealing with a process with a predominance of mental labor, which cannot be directly measured. For example, a production engineer does not stand directly behind a machine - he manages the process. So how do you evaluate his work?

The main task in standardizing the activities of such employees is to establish the labor intensity of each of the types of work that they perform, and to calculate the required number of employees. Both actions are intertwined. The first of them is necessary for the successful division of labor duties and the optimal distribution of workers in accordance with qualifications.

Second, the establishment of the numerical composition of this category of workers serves to establish optimal proportions between individual positions, to build a management apparatus in a rational way, and to plan the required staff and salary fund.

Many of us who are just starting our careers or who change jobs, moving from a Russian company to a foreign one, are faced with very new approaches to organizing the work process. In addition to the fact that European management is significantly different from domestic, the position for which the candidate receives an invitation is most often prescribed in English. In view of the fact that in Russia there is no approved list of comparisons between domestic positions and their English-language equivalents, newcomers often get confused about this.

In today's material, we will try to recreate a certain image of the domestic "table of ranks" in foreign companies

Russian reality

According to the Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 in Russia there is a professional gradation of positions for managers, specialists and civil servants.

As a rule, within one professional direction, there are two axes:qualification and role ... To put it simply, it usually takes a certain amount of skill to fill a role. A similar situation exists in the Armed Forces. The soldier hasmilitary rank and position , as a rule, corresponding to this rank.

Qualification, in Russian (post-Soviet) terms, is category .

So, for example, the requirements for the engineering staff:

  • Engineer III category : higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position of a technician of the 1st category for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 5 years.
  • Category II engineer: higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the position of an engineer or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years.
  • Engineer Category I : higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an engineer of the II category at least 3 years.

In the terminology of Western companies, most often found in vacancies positions: Junior, Engineer, Senior Engineer ... In addition to this, there is also the position of Intern ("student") and technician (junior).

Nevertheless, these 3 concepts, albeit with rather floating boundaries, are used in personnel policy. The exact definition can only be obtained within the framework of the company and the requirements that it imposes on the candidate. For example, it may happen that a candidate with the same experience and knowledge can get an offer for a position somewhereSenior , and somewhere - the maximum Middle.

The role, in contrast to the qualifications discussed above, is tied primarily to the organizational structure of the company. For example, in project activities, roles are often used. In terms of the staffing table, there may be the following roles: engineer, team leader, head of department, chief project engineer, technical director etc. As a rule, with the increasing role (significance) in the project, more stringent requirements are imposed on the qualifications, experience and technical skills and knowledge of the employee.

To date, the current legislation does not enforce the classic job classification scheme. Therefore, most often such officialdom can be found in state-owned companies and companies inherited from the Soviet past. In addition, unlike commercial structures, each position in the staffing table of a state-owned company is rigidly tied to a certain value of wages. In non-state companies, the specific salary is often hidden under the NDA and is the result of an individual agreement.

What exactly is important to understand from this for a candidate? Based on my experience, I will conclude that in this matter, it is not the "title" itself that is important, but rather professional experience, knowledge, skills, technical kurgozor that cover business needs. Hence the cost of the candidate in the labor market.

Job grades in foreign companies

And now to the main topic of today's material. Consider the gradation of positions in foreign IT companies.

Intern: This is a senior student who combines study and work at the same time. It works as a rule Part time, somewhere it is possible remotely. Needs a mentor, active learning. Salaries are very low, and in some companies it is even symbolic. The most valuable thing an intern gets is experience.

Middle: this is a former Junior who gained experience or climbed the career ladder in the company where he started. Applicable to developers, an employee in this position can be characterized as able to write code without significant errors, the ability to find and fix bugs. Regarding tasks carry out the work planned for 3-4 weeks, he has enough subject area to discuss with colleagues, argue, defend his opinion and look for solutions.

Senior: Senior, experienced or, as they say, skillful Middle, who knows how to write code very well, design architecture, make management decisions on a project. as a rule, it is this person who conductscode review. Confidently knows the subject area, is an authority for your colleagues. Full-time work experience of about 5-7 years. we can also say that the senior is a technical position combined with a managerial one.

When it comes to roles in a project or in teamwork, the following positions are usually distinguished:

Team Lead: team leader, team / project leader, manager (formerly an advanced techie) or often a lead developer combined with managerial functions. The important thing here is that, as a rule, a team lead is more of a managerial position than a technical one. For example, team leaders often call "playing coach" - the person who writes the code himself, designs the architecture and acts as a leader.

System architect: a system architect or in Russian notation the Chief Project Engineer (GUI), in fact a person responsible for the entire project in terms of its technical component. However, GUIs can also be responsible for project administration - managing budget, resources, communications, quality, etc. - become more like the Project Leaders (PM). A system architect is a person with the broadest horizons, or as he is also called a technical background, experience in the implementation / operation of projects. Confidently knows the market, technical solutions of various vendors, understands the technologies used in software or hardware.

Project manager: in Russian notation, this is the position of a project manager (PM). Some analogies can also be drawn with the position of the ISU. The PM or the project manager in most cases owns the project management methodologies PMBook, P2M, PRINCE2, Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), etc. She has excellent communication skills because she often communicates with a client, knows how to organize work and lead her team, and has the status of an informal leader. For RP, management skills are often more important than technical skills, although of course having a technical background is always an advantage.

In addition to the one described, you can also often find the following gradations:


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