Organization of production and service at catering establishments. V.V. Usov Organization of production and service at catering establishments - file n1.doc. Specification for the supply of publications for the municipal cultural institution & quot centralize

1 Classification and typification of public catering enterprises in accordance with GOST R 50762-2007. The current state and development of the food industry in the country POP is an enterprise designed for the production of kulin. products., flour conditis. and bakery ed., their implementation. and organiz. consumption. Pop types - type of prepr. with characteristic features of service, assortment realized. clinar products and technical equipment. Pop class - a set of distinctive features of a particular type of enterprise, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service. Pop classification: depending on the nature of their activities - - enterprises organizing the production of OP (procurement) products with the possibility of delivery to the consumer - enterprises organizing the production of products, selling and organizing consumption (on site, to take away, with the possibility of delivery) - enterprises organizing the sale of products ( with the possibility of consumption) - buffets. cafeterias. - catering enterprises - enterprises organizing the delivery and service of consumers in hotel rooms and other accommodation facilities. Typing: restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen, snack bar, fast food outlets, buffet, cafeteria, coffee shop, cooking shop. A restaurant - POP with a wide range of complex dishes. including customized and branded. wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service in combination with the organization of rest. Restaurants are distinguished: 1) by the range of products sold - non-specialized and specialized (fish, beer; with national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries); 2) at the location - a restaurant at a hotel, a railway station, a recreation area, a carriage - a restaurant, etc. 3) according to the interests of consumers (club, sports restaurant) 4) by methods and forms of service (with service by waiters, with service according to the system " buffet ", catering restaurant) 5) according to the composition and purpose of the premises - stationary and mobile (restaurants on sea and river vessels, on trains) Bar - POP with a bar counter selling mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, hot and cold snacks and dishes in a limited range, purchased goods. Bars are distinguished: 1) according to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - milk, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail - bar, grill - bar; 2) by the specifics of customer service and the organization of leisure - video - bar, variety - bar, bar - night club, etc. 3) by location - in residential and public buildings, in detached buildings, hotels, railway stations. 4) according to the interests of the consumer (sports bar) Restaurants and bars according to the level of service according to the nomenclature of services provided are divided into 3 classes - luxury, superior and first, which must correspond to the next. requirements: 1) luxury - sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original, exquisite, custom and firm dishes, publishers for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars; 2) Higher- the originality of the interior, the choice of services, comfort, variety. assortment of custom-made branded dishes and drinks; 3) The first- harmony, comfort, a certain choice of services, a varied assortment of specialties, products and drinks of simple preparation, incl. customized and branded. A cafe - enterprises for organizing food and recreation for consumers with the provision of a limited range of products in comparison with a restaurant. Implement firm. customized meals, ed. and drinks. Cafes are distinguished: 1) by the range of products sold - non-specialized and specialized (cafes - ice cream - cafes - confectionery, cafes - dairy) 2) according to the contingent of consumers and interests - cafes - youth, children's, etc. 3) by location 4) by methods and forms of service (waiters, self-service) 4) by the time of operation (permanent and seasonal) 5) by the composition and purpose of the premises (auto cafe, car-cafe) Canteen - publicly available or serving a certain contingent of consumers of EPP, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied on days of the week. Canteens are distinguished: 1) according to the range of products sold - selling products and drinks of mass demand, dietary, vegetarian; 2) for the serviced contingent of consumers - school, student, etc. 3) by location - public, at the place of study, work. 3) on the organization of production - working on raw materials, on a p / f, mixed type, canteens and handouts. Diner - POP with a limited assortment of dishes that are easy to prepare and intended for quick service to consumers, with the possible sale of alcoholic beverages. Snacks are divided: 1) by the composition and purpose of the premises - stationary and mobile. 2) by the time of operation - permanent and seasonal Fast food company - POP selling a narrow assortment of dishes, products, drinks of simple preparation, as a rule from p / f of a high degree of readiness. They are distinguished by: 1) the range of products sold - specialized and non-specialized (dumplings, pancakes, pies) 2) by the composition and purpose of the premises - stationary and mobile. 3) by the time of operation - seasonal, constant Buffet - pop, located in residential and public buildings, selling with local consumption a limited range of products from semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness (+ cold dishes, snacks, hot dishes, purchased goods). Distinguish: 1) by location (in residential, industrial buildings ...). 2) according to the composition and purpose of the premises - stationary and mobile (auto-buffet, buffet on ships) 3) according to the operating time - permanent, seasonal Cafeteria - pop, equipped with a pantry or bar counter, selling hot drinks with consumption on the spot, a limited range of products from p / f of a high degree of readiness .... coffee house - pop, specializing in the manufacture and sale of a wide range of hot drinks from coffee, cocoa and tea, flour dishes and flour bakery and confectionery products, culinary products from semi-finished products of high readiness in a limited range, alcoholic products and purchased goods. at tables, service by waiters. Cookery store - pop, which has its own culinary production, and sells culinary products, p / f, flour bakery and confectionery products, purchased food products. It is allowed to organize a cafeteria in the hall of a culinary store. The Concept for the Development of the Consumer Market and Services of the City of Krasnoyarsk for 2011–2015 is based on the results of the implementation of the Concept for the Development of the Consumer Market of the City of Krasnoyarsk for 2008–2012 and determines the development strategy for the period up to 2015. The concept is aimed at creating conditions for the effective development of the consumer market infrastructure, ensuring the price, territorial availability of a wide range of goods and a free choice of services in compliance with the conditions of quality and safety guarantees, the formation of a competitive environment and support for Russian manufacturers of goods. One of the most dynamic and promising segments of the public catering market is the segment of networked democratic restaurants, focused mainly on the middle class. The analysis of the Group's activities allows us to conclude that the results of the Group's operations, in general, exceed the average growth rates for the industry, which is undoubtedly a positive factor. The high dynamics of the restaurant market is associated with an increase in the income of the population as a whole, with the development of a culture of visiting restaurants. At the same time, the catering sector is developing extremely heterogeneously. Some segments of the catering market, such as coffee shops, sports bars, fitness bars, catering services, are not widespread in most regions. A catering enterprise can specialize in national cuisine, in specific types of cuisine (vegetarian, dietary, religious, etc.), in certain types of drinks (beer restaurants, tea houses, coffee shops), in certain ways of organizing leisure (sports bar, music cafes, etc.) etc.). Depending on the specialization, the contingent of consumers and the purpose of visiting a catering enterprise change, the process of production of culinary products, consumer services, and the organization of leisure are organized in different ways. At the same time, the main goals of the visit (or the benefits received by the consumer) may be different. This is determined, first of all, by the human value system. In a more universal version, the consumer's goals can be divided into: to eat efficiently, or as quickly as possible (the option is useful); eat at the lowest price; spend time, meet, organize leisure; show your belonging to a particular social group. The public catering services market is a complex structure characterized by a large number of interrelationships between the subjects functioning in it. Accordingly, the conjuncture of this market is a complex and rapidly changing phenomenon. It consists of a multitude of individual elements and actions, the development of which obeys probabilistic laws, is measured by a certain range of qualitative and quantitative features. To determine the direction of business development, the following of the considered criteria are of key importance: the type of food company, region, specialization, the main purpose of the visit, the size of the average check. In 2014, the Krasnoyarsk restaurant market was actively developing. Despite the fact that the market volume increased slightly - by 102% (in Jan-Sep 2014), the number of establishments increased by 7% since the beginning of the year and as of November 2014 amounted to 581. Due to the unfavorable economic environment and the rise in prices for products, the profitability of the business began to decline. Restaurateurs are thinking about increasing the average check and suspended plans for new projects. The key market trends were: 1 In January-September 2014, the turnover of the public catering market in the Krasnoyarsk Territory grew slightly - by 102% (for comparison: the dynamics of January-September 2013 to January-September 2012 - 119 %). According to Krasnoyarskstat, in the first 9 months of 2014, the market volume in the region amounted to 13.6 billion rubles. The main reason for the decline in the dynamics of market development is the geopolitical situation and the recession in the economy, which lead to a decrease in purchasing power. 2 Since mid-2014, the average check in cafes and restaurants in Krasnoyarsk has decreased by 25-30%. Restaurateurs note that the unfavorable economic situation in the country does not affect traffic; some holdings even talk about an increase in the number of visitors. However, the clients of the establishments have cut their expenses on going to cafes and restaurants by an average of a third. Experts note that with growing costs, including the rise in prices for products due to sanctions, this has significantly hit the profitability of the business. Figure- The structure of the public catering market in Krasnoyarsk according to the type of cuisine in 2014,% 3 In Krasnoyarsk, the number of catering establishments increases annually. This happens both due to new projects and due to the replication of existing ones. Large restaurant holdings are especially active. For example, over the past 1.5 years Bellini Group has launched the fifth pizzeria "Pertsy", the restaurant "Yakitoria". Berry wood family opened the Franky Woo bar, the Lay Down in Bruges gastropub and the Green Villa Pizza pizzeria. The Krasnoyarsk Kyrgyz Republic has expanded its Big Yorker network with two new points. Three new establishments were opened by restaurateur Evgeny Ponomarev. According to ISS 2GIS, as of January 2012, 462 catering establishments operated in the city, 543 as of January 2014, 581 as of November 2014. Note that due to the lack of high-quality premises in the city center and the development of infrastructure in residential areas, new establishments are increasingly opening outside the center. 4 Transnational restaurant companies are strengthening their positions in Krasnoyarsk. So, in August 2014, the first Burger King opened in the city. The company announced its intentions to launch five more restaurants by mid-2015. KFC plans to open more than 10 new restaurants in Krasnoyarsk within several years. The McDonald’s corporation has confirmed its plans to start work in the city. The interest of international companies is due to both the logic of market development and the holding of the 2019 Universiade. However, experts say that at the moment the city's restaurant market belongs to local players, whose share is not less than 60-65%. 5 Over the past year, the food delivery segment in Krasnoyarsk has been actively developing - the dynamics are not less than 130%. According to ISS 2GIS, as of November 2014, there are more than 200 companies in this segment, including those with offline restaurants. In addition, three federal services for online orders and delivery of food from city restaurants - Leverans, Foodpanda, Restoratti, opened their offices in the city. The main reasons for the dynamic development of the segment are a low average check, an increase in the number of Internet users, and a shortage of free time among people. Note that for offline restaurants, food delivery serves, among other things, as a tool to increase guest loyalty, as well as expand the circle of visitors.


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises producing culinary products, characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and consumer services and differing in types, specialization, and premium categories. The main directions of development of public catering at the present stage include: ensuring, in accordance with scientifically grounded norms, the needs of workers in food at the place of work (at industrial enterprises, in institutions); development of a network of catering establishments in secondary schools, colleges, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, a network of dietetic canteens, fast food outlets, shops, cookery to provide the population with semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products for home consumption, and leisure activities.

The improvement of production organizations in public catering is associated with the introduction of industrial technology for the production of semi-finished products and culinary products of a high degree of readiness on the basis of relatively large procurement enterprises of the public catering system and food industry enterprises and an integrated purposeful supply of these products to canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, and culinary stores.

The specificity of the industry lies in the maximum provision of services to public catering enterprises of various groups of the population, which is achieved when enterprises are as close as possible to consumers.

The social forms of the enterprise of the division of labor in public catering include specialization, concentration and cooperation of production. Concentration in public catering refers to the process of concentration of the means of production, workers in enterprises or workshops of high capacity.

Specialization provides for the organization of production in specialized enterprises or workshops intended for the release of a certain homogeneous range of products (confectionery, flour, culinary products, semi-finished products).

Concentration and specialization of production presuppose the establishment of organizationally and economically sound production links between enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products, that is, cooperation.

Industrialization acts as the main direction in organizing the production of public catering products at the present stage.

In the field of improving the processes of organizing production, the basis is the industrialization of public catering, which should be understood as the centralized organization of the production of semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and ready-to-eat culinary products on the basis of procurement enterprises using mechanized treacle, auto-mechanized lines and other types of effective equipment,

Industrialization assumes that the bulk of public catering enterprises with halls function as preparatory enterprises, where the main production function is to bring products to a state of culinary readiness in order to further sell consumption.

Scientific and technological progress is the most important source of growth in labor productivity, improving product quality.

Achievements of scientific and technological progress contribute to resource conservation, reduce the material and energy intensity of products, increase the efficiency of capital investments and fixed assets. The introduction of the achievements of the scientific and technical process in public catering should be considered as a complex task associated with the main functions performed by the enterprises of the industry.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress, ensuring the efficiency of organizing the processes of sale and consumption, provide for:

1. Introduction of means of dispensing equipment for mechanized lines for picking and distributing complex food rations (for a free choice of dishes) and corresponding sets of dispensing equipment (when served by waiters). The dispensing equipment includes mobile cooking kettles, mobile heating cabinets and food warmers, trolleys with a squeeze device for dishes.

2. Production and widespread introduction of equipment for the preparation and delivery of products at specialized fast food enterprises.

3. The widespread use of vending machines for the sale of various groups of goods and the organization of specialized cafes (snack bars) machines that provide high throughput of enterprises, especially in places where potential consumers are most concentrated.

4. Organization of mechanized washing departments to ensure the use of effective means for the transportation and processing of used tableware and utensils at large enterprises.

5. The use of tableware and disposable appliances in catering establishments.

Technical progress in the industry is associated with the need to use electronic computers for the analysis and planning of economic activities to determine the energy value of products and their initial quality for the preparation of ready-made food rations, components and delivery of ready-made meals.

1. Characteristics of public catering enterprises

A public catering enterprise is understood as a trade and production unit (canteen, restaurant, cafe, snack bar, bar, etc.) that performs the functions of providing the population with food (production of culinary products, their sale and organization of consumption in the form of a complete diet of dishes or their types) , as well as organizing the leisure of the population.

The peculiarity of the activities of public catering enterprises is that the processes of production, sale and organization of consumption are organically linked and, as a rule, coincide in time. It is in the unity of production and organization of consumption that a specific feature of public catering, its functional purpose, lies.

At the same time, public catering enterprises must solve the main task - to most fully satisfy the needs of the population in food products in accordance with the requirements of scientifically grounded balanced nutrition.

The difference between the retail trade in food products and public catering is that trade sells products and goods, and public catering organizes their consumption.

Catering enterprises, due to the specifics of the products sold, as a rule, deal with direct consumers (with the exception of certain cases of selling meals at home). Stores (departments) of culinary perform the same functions as trade enterprises.

The functions and features of the production of public catering enterprises may vary depending on the level of development of the industrial base, including the food industry, which produces products for the supply of public catering enterprises. In this regard, in the future, it is possible to preserve two functions: implementation and organization of consumption. Currently, such functions are inherent in distribution enterprises.

The activities of public catering enterprises are characterized by the following conditions:

the range of manufactured and sold products directly depends on the nature of consumer demand, and it has its own specific characteristics at manufacturing enterprises (depending on the intensity of labor), in educational institutions, recreation, sports and tourism;

demand for products and services of public catering and its changes depend on the season, time of day, days of the week. For example, in the summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, cold soups, soft drinks and ice cream increases.

In addition, the demand in cities and towns is influenced by age and demographic composition, regional or national characteristics.

A characteristic feature of products manufactured at public catering establishments is their short shelf life. Therefore, the preparation of ready-made meals and culinary products should be carried out in relatively small batches, taking into account the sales schedules. When servicing stable contingents (at industrial enterprises, in institutions, educational institutions, sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.), planning the rhythm in the sale of products is possible, in all other cases, the organization of rhythmic work is complicated by the fact that the flow of consumers in public catering enterprises is uneven not only in terms of days of the week, but also hourly throughout the day.

The activities of public catering enterprises are associated with the need to strictly take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technological processes: compliance with the commodity neighborhood when storing products, excluding the intersection of technological flows of finished products and semi-finished products, clean and used dishes, creating optimal lighting conditions at workplaces, device effective ventilation systems in rooms and at every workplace. The production and sale of culinary products consumed by the population requires constant sanitary control over the quality of products, compliance by each employee of the enterprise with sanitary rules established by health authorities.

Catering enterprises, in accordance with their target functions, are divided into two main groups: enterprises directly related to serving the population, which include halls, and enterprises for the centralized production of semi-finished products, culinary, flour and confectionery products (procurement enterprises), intended to supply these products to the network of enterprises serving the population.

The variety of public catering establishments is given by their classification, which is based on the following features: served contingents; range of products sold and types of services for the population; volume and nature of services; level of comfort and quality of service; forms of organization of production; frequency (timing) of functioning throughout the year; degree of mobility (place of operation); a way of placing enterprises in buildings.

Depending on the purpose in the service system, enterprises are divided into enterprises serving organized (stable) contingents (working at industrial enterprises and institutions; students of secondary schools, secondary and higher educational institutions; vacationers in rest homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums, etc.), and public enterprises directly serving residents and guests of cities and towns during their stay within the availability of the respective enterprises. Public catering establishments at city and village hotels, cultural institutions, sports facilities, leisure centers, etc. are also generally accessible.

According to the range of culinary products and types of services provided to consumers, there are universal and specialized enterprises.

Universal enterprises carry out the production and sale of a varied assortment of dishes that provide a complete diet (breakfast, lunch, dinner) or one of its types, as well as the organization of leisure in the evening, weekends and holidays (restaurants, cafes, snack bars). Specialized enterprises carry out the production and sale (or only sale) of a homogeneous assortment of dishes and drinks (snack bars - dumplings, sausages, flour, pancakes, fish; cafes - ice cream, confectionery, etc.) or serve a certain contingent of visitors (cafes - youth, children, theatrical, family leisure, etc.).

In accordance with the volume and nature of services, the level of comfort and quality of service, enterprises are subdivided into five extra charge categories: luxury, higher, I, II, III. Luxury enterprises (usually restaurants) are characterized by a wide selection of custom-made and specialty dishes of complex preparation, the maximum level of service comfort, a unique architectural and artistic solution for the interior of the premises for visitors (lobby, entrance hall, hall, bar). The highest category includes restaurants, cafes, bars, and other enterprises that are distinguished by the complexity of the range of products prepared, the high level of organization of customer service and the architectural and artistic design of the lobby, halls, and other service premises. Category I includes restaurants, cafes and pastry shops, cafes with special programs (youth, theatrical, literary, etc.), specialized snack bars, bars and buffets at leisure centers and cultural and sports institutions (cinemas, theaters, stadiums, etc.). Category II includes public canteens (including dietary ones), cafes organized in the evening on the basis of canteens, specialized snack bars, stationary buffets. Category III - canteens, buffets, cafes, snack bars at industrial enterprises, institutions, educational institutions.

On the basis of the frequency (timing) of functioning during the year, enterprises are divided into permanently (year-round) operating and seasonal, operating only during certain periods of the year. Seasonal enterprises, as a rule, are organized in resort towns, recreation areas of cities and towns, on highways. Year-round businesses can also increase their capacity with seasonal seats. Any type of enterprise can create a seasonal network depending on specific conditions.

According to the degree of mobility, catering enterprises can be stationary, associated with a permanent place of operation, and movement - auto-table, auto-cafe, autobuffets, restaurant cars, ship restaurants.

All catering establishments by the forms of organization of production, depending on the type of the main initial products used for the production of ready-made meals and products, are subdivided into preproduction, working on semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, dispensing, working on ready-made dishes and products; as well as enterprises operating on raw materials (with a complete production cycle). When forming a network of public catering establishments in cities and towns, all catering establishments in cities and towns, all catering establishments of direct service in the form of organization of production should be provided for by pre-cooking. Distribution enterprises are organized, as a rule, to serve small stable contingents in manufacturing enterprises, in institutions and educational institutions. Enterprises with a complete cycle (for raw materials) can be created in cases of temporary absence of a centralized production base, as well as in hard-to-reach areas, on highways, in suburban recreation areas, etc.

According to their functional purpose, types of services provided, specific forms and methods of service, composition and areas of premises, enterprises are divided into the following types: canteen, restaurant, cafe and snack bar.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering enterprise in which catering is combined with relaxation. The restaurant provides consumers with a wide assortment of dishes, drinks, complex confectionery. The restaurant menus include a la carte and specialties, drinks, pastries. Specialties should reflect the peculiarities of the national cuisine, the thematic focus of the enterprise. Some of them are served by waiters with final preparation operations in the presence of consumers. If appropriate products are available in production, orders for the production of dishes that are not included in the menu are accepted.

For restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, tableware and cutlery are made mainly according to individual orders; porcelain dishes must have a restaurant logo. In restaurants of the luxury and higher categories, metal dishes and cutlery made of stainless steel of an increased cut group are used, and in restaurants of categories 1 and 2, they are made of stainless steel. When serving banquets and receptions in restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, they use metal dishes and cutlery made of cupronickel, and crystal glassware.

Table linen (tablecloths, napkins) are used in white or color, taking into account the artistic concept of table setting and the characteristics of the interior of the hall. It is allowed to use various types of manual finishing (lace, embroidery). In restaurants of categories 1 and 2, instead of tablecloths on tables with a polyester surface, individual linen napkins can be used for serving. Furniture for luxury restaurants is made according to individual orders, and for other enterprises they are selected in accordance with the interior of the halls. Two-, four- and six-seater tables with a soft cover (square, rectangular, round or oval), soft armchairs or chairs, utility tables, sideboards for waiters, etc.are used.the halls should be beautifully decorated, designed in a certain style, matching the name of the restaurant.

The service is provided by waiters, head waiter, specially trained bartenders, and meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. In restaurants serving foreign tourists, employees must speak one of the foreign languages \u200b\u200bto the extent necessary to perform their duties. Service personnel must have a uniform uniform of clothing and footwear.

Restaurants provide consumers, as a rule, with lunches and dinners, and when serving participants in congresses, meetings, conferences, a full diet. On pre-holiday Saturdays or Sundays, restaurants organize family dinners, tastings of national dishes, theme nights, serve weddings, anniversary celebrations, and friendly meetings.

They provide restaurants and additional services: vacation of dinners for scrap, sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, acceptance of pre-orders for the preparation of meals for family celebrations and service of guests at home, consultation of the population on the technology of cooking and table setting.

In restaurants of the luxury category (at hotels), in restaurants of the highest and 1st categories, complex breakfasts and lunches are served in the daytime. In addition, consumers are provided with a varied assortment of meals and snacks not included in these lunches and breakfasts. In the evening, pop concerts and performances by musical ensembles are organized.

Luxury restaurants can be located in the locations of historical and architectural monuments, protected areas, in resorts, in administrative and entertainment complexes. Such restaurants are distinguished by a special architectural and planning solution and provide consumers with the maximum level of comfort.

Restaurants of the highest category are located in public and administrative buildings, entertainment complexes, in resorts, in a hotel of the highest category, at purchased air terminals, and restaurants of the 1st category in public, administrative and entertainment complexes, in resorts, in hotels, at stations and water jetties.

2. Calculated part

Determination of the capacity and production program of the enterprise.

The calculation of the number of visitors is determined by the formula:

N = P * S ,

where N is the number of consumers P is the number of seats

S is the turnover rate per seat in the visitors' hall per day S \u003d 7 people

N \u003d 50 * 7 \u003d 350 people

Determine the number of dishes sold per day using the formula:

n = N * m ,

where n is the number of dishes per day m is the coefficient of food consumption

catering assortment production dish

m \u003d m cold. + m lane + m second bl. + m w.

2,8 0,4 0,75 1 0.65

n \u003d 350 * 2.8 \u003d 980 dishes

980 - 2.8 x cold. \u003d 980 * 0.4 / 2.8 \u003d 140 dishes

x cold. - 0.4 980 - 3 x cold. \u003d 980 * 0.75 / 2.8 \u003d 263 dishes

x .. - 0.6 980 - 2.8 x cold. \u003d 980 * 1 / 2.8 \u003d 350 dishes

x .. - 1

980 - 2.8 x cold. \u003d 980 * 0.65 / 2.8 \u003d 228 dishes

x sl .. - 0.65

Percentage of meals for a canteen in a manufacturing enterprise:

Cold dishes: fish -25% meat -30% vegetable -35% milk and fermented milk -10%

Soups: filling -75% transparent -15% milk, cold, sweet - 10%

Second hot dishes: fish -20% meat -55% vegetable -5% cereals -10% sweet and hot - 10%

Let's calculate the number of dishes:

Cold dishes:

140 - 100% X fish. \u003d 140 * 55/100 \u003d 77 dishes

X fish. - 25%

756 - 100% X meat. \u003d 756 ∙ 30/100 \u003d 227 dishes

X meats. - thirty%

756 - 100% X ov. \u003d 756 ∙ 35/100 \u003d 265 dishes

756 - 100% X ov. \u003d 756 ∙ 10/100

X acid - ten%

First meal:

504 - 100% X \u003d 504 ∙ 15/100 \u003d 76 dishes

X prose. - 15%

504 - 100% X \u003d 504 ∙ 75/100 \u003d 378 dishes

X zap. - 75%

504 - 100% X \u003d 504 ∙ 10/100 \u003d 50 dishes

X pier, hall, sl. - ten%

Second hot dishes:

1008 - 100% X \u003d 1008 ∙ 20/100 \u003d 202 dishes

X fish. - 20%

1008 - 100% X \u003d 1008 ∙ 55/100 \u003d 554 dishes

X meats. - 55%

1008 - 100% X \u003d 1008 ∙ 5/100 \u003d 50 dishes

X vegetable. - five%

1008 - 100% X \u003d 1008 ∙ 10/100 \u003d 101 dishes

1008 - 100% X \u003d 1008 ∙ 10/100 \u003d 101 dishes

X hor.zak, sl. - ten%

Assortment minimum of dishes

Production rate

Beef cutting - 72kg / state mutton - 58kg / state pork - 107kg / state

Cutting into portioned semi-finished products 1000pcs / per shift

Cutting small-sized semi-finished products 60kg / per shift

Products from cutlet mass 800pcs / shift

Fish processing 10kg / hour

Deboning with sirloin meat separation 90kg / shift

Plan - Menu

Recipe collection number

Name of dishes

Total amount Implementation hours Responsible
9-11 12-16

Cold dishes

Marinated fish

Squid with mayonnaise

Herring with onions

Assorted meat

Poultry aspic

Gourmet salad

"Meat" salad

Spring salad

Capital salad


Cheese "Russian"

Cottage cheese with cream

Hot snack

Kidneys in Russian

First courses, soups

Meat broth

Borscht with beans

Homemade noodles

Solyanka meat

Second courses

Fish in Russian

Grilled fish

Shrimp with rice

Beefsteak with egg

Beef shashlik

Escalope with fried potatoes

Entrecote with fried potatoes

Azu in Tatar

Chicken tabaka

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Sweet hot dishes

Vanilla soufflé

Apple pudding with nuts

Croutons with fruits and berries

Side dishes

boiled rice

Mashed potatoes

Stewed cabbage

Hot drinks

Name of dishes

Total amount

Cold dishes

Marinated fish

Squid with mayonnaise

Herring with onions

Assorted meat

Poultry aspic

Gourmet salad

"Meat" salad

Spring salad

Capital salad


Milk and lactic acid products

Cheese "Russian"

Cottage cheese with cream

Hot snack

Kidneys in Russian

Boiled scallop with sauce

Goose neck with onion sauce

First courses, soups

Meat broth

Borscht with beans

Homemade noodles

Solyanka meat

Second courses

Fish in Russian

Grilled fish

Fish stew in tomato sauce with vegetables

Shrimp with rice

Beefsteak with egg

Beef shashlik

Escalope with fried potatoes

Entrecote with fried potatoes

Azu in Tatar

Chicken tabaka

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Sweet hot dishes

Baked apples with whipped cream

Vanilla soufflé

Apple pudding with nuts

Croutons with fruits and berries

Side dishes

boiled rice

Mashed potatoes

Stewed cabbage

Hot drinks

Tea with milk

Oriental coffee

Cold drinks

Orange drink

Drink "Petrovsky"

Flour and confectionery

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Belyashi with meat

Pancakes with sour cream

Fried pies with potatoes

Wheat bread

Calculation of the number of employees

R 1 \u003d ∑ FROM___ Нв * גּ

R 1 - the number of workers employed in the production operation (people).

С - the number of manufactured products (pcs, kg).

Нв is the production rate for a normal working day.

גּ - coefficient that takes into account the growth of labor productivity.

N1 \u003d 1.2 * 1.59 \u003d 1.908 - 2 people

In the workshop we install

1. Refrigerator cabinet

2. Universal drive

3. Mechanical meat grinder

4. Catlet forming machine

5. Device for cleaning fish

6. Fish cleaning table

7. Production tables

8. Washing bath

9. Table with a built-in sink

10. Sleeping horn

11. Chopping chair

Calculation of mechanical equipment

Q tr \u003d C ty

ty \u003d T * ny, where

Q tr - required machine productivity (kg / h, pcs / s)

C - the number of products or articles processed for a certain period of time

ty - conditional time of machine operation in hours

T is the duration of the workshop

ny - conditional machine utilization rate (n \u003d 0.3; 0.5)

On the basis of production calculations according to the current reference books, we select the machine available with a capacity close to the required one, then we determine the actual operating time of the machine and the coefficient of its use.

t f \u003d c a

n f \u003d t t

n \u003d n f ny

Mechanism for cutting meat and fish

Meat looser

Based on the calculation, we install one MIM meat grinder - 82m (length 510, width 340).

Based on the calculation, we install one mechanism for cutting meat of the MBP-II-1 brand.

Based on the calculation, we install one MFK-2240 meat looser.

Refrigeration equipment

E \u003d ∑ Q V where

E - cabinet capacity (kg)

G - product weight

V - coefficient taking into account the mass of the container in which the products are stored, and the degree of filling the volume of refrigeration equipment

Product name unit of measurement Number of products to be stored Mass of 1 portion, gr. Product weight, kg.
Perch kg 40 127 5,08
Squid kg 40 154 6,1
Beef kg 500 110 55,0
Beef tongue kg 35 42 1,4
A hen kg 50 286 14,3
Herring kg 50 104 5,2
Crabs kg 40 6 0,2
Veal kg 60 95 5,7
Smoked-boiled ham kg 70 53 3,7
Sausages kg 60 41 2,4
Beef kidney kg 60 121 7,3
Scallop fillet kg 20 156 3,1
Goose neck kg 40 150 6,0
Goose kg 30 157 4,7
Sturgeon kg 30 311 9,4
Zander kg 40 298 12,0
Shrimp kg 30 167 5,0
Fat kg 40 41 1,6
Pork kg 60 173 10,3
Chicks kg 60 414 24,8
Total: 183,3

E \u003d 183,3 = 261,8 0,7

Calculation of non-mechanical equipment

Production tables are calculated according to the number of people simultaneously working in the workshop and the length of the working table per worker. For workshops that manufacture culinary products, the total length of production tables (m).

N - the number of people simultaneously working in the workshop

E - the length of the workplace per employee m (on average L \u003d 1.25m)

Number of tables

n \u003d l lst

lst. - the length of the accepted standard production tables, m (1.5; 2; 2.5; 3 m)

l \u003d 2 * 1.25 \u003d 2.5

n \u003d 2.5 = 2.5 1.5

By calculation, we install in the workshop 2 production tables 1500 m long. The capacity of baths (dm 3) for washing products is determined by the formula:

V \u003d G * (1+ n in)

G - product weight, kg.

p - bulk density of the product, kg / dm 3

k - bath fill factor k \u003d 0.85

n - water norm per 1 kg. product (3 - 6 liters of water)

y - bath turnover

Y \u003d T Ty

T - the duration of the shift

ty is the duration of the heat treatment cycle, h

Number of baths

n \u003d V Vst

Vst - capacity of the accepted standard bath, dm 3 (140; 240; 360)

V \u003d 2 = 6,60,3

Vokun, squid \u003d 11,2* (1+3) \u003d 17.8 0.45 * 0.85 * 6.6 V beef \u003d 55 * (1+3) = 45,9 0,85*0,85*6,6

V beef tongue \u003d 1,4* (1+3) = 0,9 0,7*0,85*6,6

V beef kidney \u003d 7,3* (1+3) = 3,6 0,7*0,85*6,6

V chicken \u003d 24,8* (1+3) = 70,9 0,25*0,85*6,6

n \u003d 139,1 = 1 140

Based on the calculation, we install one washing bath VM - 1 (length 1050, width 860).

Shop area calculation

S \u003d F floor ny

S - total area of \u200b\u200bthe room

Fpol - useful area, that is, the area occupied by all types of equipment installed in the workshop

ny - conditional coefficient of the used area (0.3).

Name of equipment Brand amount Overall dimensions S occupied by one equipment
Length Width
Meat grinder MIM-82M 1 510 340 0,1 0,1
Slicing mechanism MBP-║-│ 1 285 165 0,04 0,04
Catlet Forming Machine MFK-2240 1 610 392 0,2 0,2
Refrigerated cabinet ShK-0.8 2 1500 750 1,1 2,2
Production table SP-1500 2 1050 840 0,8 1,6
Washing bath VM-1 1 1050 860 1,0 1,0
Table with integrated sink MDSM 1 1500 840 1,2 1,2
Sink P-1 1 1500 400 0,2 0,2
Chopping chair RS-2 1 500 580 0,25 0,2

S \u003d 6,7 \u003d 17 m 2 0.4

Length \u003d 4.3 m 2

Width \u003d 4 m 2

3. Control over the work of the enterprise and the quality of products

Planning and managing product quality means the planned implementation of measures to improve the quality of food, i.e. development of organizational, technical, technological measures aimed at achieving this goal and their implementation. At public catering establishments, the following forms of quality control of culinary products are recommended: - food rejection, - quality screen, - rejection right, - quality coupon, - laboratory control, - sanitary control, - enterprise report on the quality of products.

The rejection of food is carried out by a rejection commission consisting of: the director of the enterprise, the head of production, the engineer - technologist, cooks, the sanitary worker, the worker of the technological laboratory. In its activities, the commission is guided by the "Regulations on the rejection of food in public catering establishments." Organoleptic assessment of the quality of each batch of manufactured products is carried out according to a five-point system. Records of the evaluation of dishes and products are recorded in a marriage journal, numbered and sealed with a wax seal. In the marriage log, the names of persons who have committed violations in the technology of making dishes, which led to a decrease in the assessment, are indicated. The entries in the journal are confirmed by the signatures of all members of the commission. Employees who have the right of personal marriage, themselves record data on the quality of the dishes they have prepared and put their signature. Quality coupons are one of the forms of control that are not widely used in public catering establishments. At public catering establishments, quality posts are organized in production workshops and quality councils, which include master chefs, production managers and experienced production workers. Their task is to provide practical assistance to employees in improving the quality of products manufactured at enterprises. Control over the quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, the correctness of the technological process and compliance with recipes is carried out by sanitary and technological food laboratories. Their main task is to control the quality of products for compliance with the requirements of GOST, OST, TU and compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime of the enterprise. During technological conferences, an organoleptic assessment of the quality of dishes is carried out and their physical and chemical indicators are determined. The work of the technology conference ends with the completion and signing of the protocol by all members of the commission. Based on it, measures are developed to improve the quality of products, service culture.

4. Organization of workplaces, labor protection and safety measures in the shop

To ensure the rhythm of production and output, clear interaction of all divisions of the enterprise is necessary. The conditions for the rhythm of work are: scientifically based planning, comprehensive and guaranteed supply of enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and material and technical means, etc.

At medium-sized enterprises (restaurants, canteens) operating on raw materials, meat and fish shops are organized, where the processes of meat processing and the manufacture of semi-finished products are less mechanized.

In accordance with the technological process, the meat is thawed, cleaned, branded and washed in a suspended state on hooks above the ladder or washed in baths with running water. Then the carcasses are cut into pieces on a cutting table. Deboning, trimming of meat is carried out on production tables, which, after the operations performed, is used for the manufacture of portioned and small lumpy semi-finished products. A meat grinder and a universal drive are installed at the workplace for the manufacture of minced meat products. The products are formed using a catlet-forming machine and table dial scales to control the output of products.

Production operations in the workshop are carried out by cooks of 3, 4, 5 categories. There is a functional division of labor in the workshop. The cook of the 4th category in the restaurant performs the following technological operations per shift: processing of sturgeon and small-sized fish. Cook of the 3rd category - gutting game, poultry, processing offal, molding and breading of semi-finished products from the cutlet mass.

In the meat shop, workplaces are organized for deboning, trimming of meat, cutting portioned semi-finished products, etc. Repeatedly repeating the same movements during production operations, workers acquire professional skills, work more clearly and rhythmically. Reducing manual labor is an important prerequisite for balancing jobs and labor resources. The active participation of innovators and inventors in the development and implementation of advanced equipment contributes to the reduction of manual labor.

Persons responsible for occupational health and safety are appointed by order of the director of the enterprise. They instruct workers, monitor the health of the equipment in operation, monitor the implementation of safety regulations and industrial sanitation, participate in the development of measures to improve working conditions, ensure its safety, mechanize labor-intensive and heavy work, and provide workers with a dignity. overalls, special footwear, personal protective equipment. The responsibilities of those responsible for labor protection include: organizing control over the implementation of labor legislation, orders, instructions and regulations. To prevent accidents at public catering establishments, a system of training employees in safe techniques and working methods has been established. This system includes the conduct of safety briefing, which, depending on the purpose, is divided into induction, conducted at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and ongoing. An introductory briefing is carried out with each employee newly entered the enterprise. The goal is to familiarize employees with the internal labor regulations, general safety rules, as well as with first aid methods in case of an accident. On-the-job briefing is carried out with all newly hired workers, as well as when transferring them from one job to another. The goal is to familiarize employees with the workplace, the arrangement of equipment, production equipment and tools, as well as with safety devices and fences, their purpose and rules of use. Particular attention during the briefing is paid to the rules of electrical safety, the appointment and use of special personal protective equipment. All employees of the catering enterprise, regardless of their qualifications, undergo re-training at least once every six months, and employees of manufacturing enterprises at least once every three months. The main purpose is to check the conditions by employees of the rules and instructions on safety and their application of practical skills obtained during induction and on-the-job briefing. Unscheduled instruction at the workplace is carried out when the technological process and the nature of the work change, when new equipment is received, as well as after accidents. Ongoing briefing is organized in cases where workers use incorrect working methods or do not follow safety instructions. To register safety briefings, each enterprise must have a special journal. All employees of the enterprise are instructed. Responsibility for the timely and correct conduct of briefing as a whole for the enterprise rests with its head.

List of references

1. Organization of service in restaurants. V.V. Usov Practical guide - M. Vysh.shk., 1990

2. Design of public catering establishments. T.T. Nikulenkova., V.N. Margepov. Moscow 1987.

3. Organization of production and service at public catering establishments.

I.G. Berezhnaya, G.A. Petrov and V.I. Semyonov. Moscow 1980

4. Organization of production and management of public catering enterprises. L.S. Kucher Moscow 1980

5. Organization, technology and management of catering establishments. I.V. Ploshai., G.G. Khlebnikov Moscow -256s

6. Organization and technology of catering establishments.

G.G. Zavadtseva. Moscow 1975

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Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises producing culinary products, characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and consumer services and differing in types, specialization, and premium categories. The main directions of development of public catering at the present stage include: ensuring, in accordance with scientifically grounded norms, the needs of workers in food at the place of work (at industrial enterprises, in institutions); development of a network of catering establishments in secondary schools, colleges, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, a network of dietetic canteens, fast food outlets, shops, cookery to provide the population with semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products for home consumption, and leisure activities.

The improvement of production organizations in public catering is associated with the introduction of industrial technology for the production of semi-finished products and culinary products of a high degree of readiness on the basis of relatively large procurement enterprises of the public catering system and food industry enterprises and an integrated purposeful supply of these products to canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, and culinary stores.

The specificity of the industry lies in the maximum provision of services to public catering enterprises of various groups of the population, which is achieved when enterprises are as close as possible to consumers.

The social forms of the enterprise of the division of labor in public catering include specialization, concentration and cooperation of production. Concentration in public catering refers to the process of concentration of the means of production, workers in enterprises or workshops of high capacity.

Specialization provides for the organization of production in specialized enterprises or workshops intended for the release of a certain homogeneous range of products (confectionery, flour, culinary products, semi-finished products).

Concentration and specialization of production presuppose the establishment of organizationally and economically sound production links between enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products, that is, cooperation.

Industrialization acts as the main direction in organizing the production of public catering products at the present stage.

In the field of improving the processes of organizing production, the basis is the industrialization of public catering, which should be understood as the centralized organization of the production of semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and ready-to-eat culinary products on the basis of procurement enterprises using mechanized treacle, auto-mechanized lines and other types of effective equipment,

Industrialization assumes that the bulk of public catering enterprises with halls function as preparatory enterprises, where the main production function is to bring products to a state of culinary readiness in order to further sell consumption.

Scientific and technological progress is the most important source of growth in labor productivity, improving product quality.

Achievements of scientific and technological progress contribute to resource conservation, reduce the material and energy intensity of products, increase the efficiency of capital investments and fixed assets. The introduction of the achievements of the scientific and technical process in public catering should be considered as a complex task associated with the main functions performed by the enterprises of the industry.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress, ensuring the efficiency of organizing the processes of sale and consumption, provide for:

1. Introduction of means of dispensing equipment for mechanized lines for picking and distributing complex food rations (for a free choice of dishes) and corresponding sets of dispensing equipment (when served by waiters). The dispensing equipment includes mobile cooking kettles, mobile heating cabinets and food warmers, trolleys with a squeeze device for dishes.

2. Production and widespread introduction of equipment for the preparation and delivery of products at specialized fast food enterprises.

3. The widespread use of vending machines for the sale of various groups of goods and the organization of specialized cafes (snack bars) machines that provide high throughput of enterprises, especially in places where potential consumers are most concentrated.

4. Organization of mechanized washing departments to ensure the use of effective means for the transportation and processing of used tableware and utensils at large enterprises.

5. The use of tableware and disposable appliances in catering establishments.

Technical progress in the industry is associated with the need to use electronic computers for the analysis and planning of economic activities to determine the energy value of products and their initial quality for the preparation of ready-made food rations, components and delivery of ready-made meals.

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Textbook. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 416 p.

The principles of dividing public catering enterprises into different types and classes, the fundamentals of the consumer service process are stated. Provides information on the receptions of table setting, the order of serving dishes and drinks, their decoration for banquets and various celebrations, safety measures. Attention is paid to the issues of professional ethics, as well as the peculiarities of serving foreign guests.

For students of primary vocational education institutions and students of secondary vocational educational institutions.


Chapter 1. Characteristics of public catering establishments
The main types of catering establishments
The main classes of catering establishments
Rational placement of a network of catering establishments
Restaurant management structure

Chapter 2. Industrial premises of public catering establishments, their equipment
Characteristics of the technological process at catering establishments
Blank shops
Finishing shops
Specialized workshops
Types of kitchen utensils
Washing kitchen utensils
Storage facilities
Rejection of finished products
Rules for the release and storage of ready meals

Chapter 3. Organization of customer service in canteens and canteens
Self-service forms in canteens
Buffet classification

Chapter 4. Trade and auxiliary premises of the restaurant, their equipment
Types of retail space
Hall equipment
Restaurant bar
Service room
Washing tableware
Cash register machines
Linen and ironing

Chapter 5. Tableware, cutlery, table linen
Table linen

Chapter 6. Preparing for Customer Service
Duties of the head waiter
Requirements for a waiter
Service uniforms
Methods of organizing the work of waiters, timetables for work
Cleaning of restaurant premises. Arrangement of furniture in the hall
Receiving and preparing table linen, dishes, appliances for service
Covering tables with tablecloths. Techniques for folding linen napkins
Pre-setting the table

Chapter 7. Basic Menu Design
Purpose and principles of making the menu
Menu types

Chapter 8. Customer service in the restaurant hall
Meeting and placing consumers at the tables
Acceptance of order
Order fulfillment
Basic ways of serving dishes
Settlement with consumers
Cleaning and replacement of used plates, cutlery and tablecloths

Chapter 9. Features of serving snacks, meals and drinks
Receiving buffet products
Serving cold meals and snacks
Serving hot snacks
Serving soups
Serving main courses
Serving sweet food
Serving drinks
Serving spices and seasonings

Chapter 10. Features of serving wine and vodka drinks to the table. Their properties and advantages
Preparing wine for serving
Aperitifs. Wine and food compatibility. The taste of wine
What a waiter should know about the classification of wine and vodka drinks

Chapter 11. Sommelier - a new profession in the restaurant business
Duties of the sommelier
The concepts and characteristics of wine used in the daily work of a sommelier
Functions and responsibilities of a sommelier when serving wine to consumers

Chapter 12. Service culture and rules of etiquette
Service culture indicators
Rules of etiquette

Chapter 13. Special forms of catering
Buffet and cheese cart service
Hotel room service
Service for participants of congresses, congresses, meetings
Serving festive evenings
Modern forms of service

Chapter 14. Service of banquets and receptions
Celebration service procedure
Full table banquet with waiters
Partial waiter service banquet
Banquet buffet
Banquet cocktail
Banquet tea
Wedding banquet service

Chapter 15. Peculiarities of catering for foreign tourists
Types of tourists
Serving groups of tourists in a restaurant
Serving individual tourists in a restaurant

Chapter 17. Safety requirements and fire-fighting measures
Organization of labor protection
Safety devices, fences, alarms
Safety in the work of a waiter
Fire safety measures

List of references
Subject index


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