Open a food delivery service. Business: healthy food delivery in Yaroslavl. Something went wrong

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a food delivery service from cafes and restaurants; region - Rostov-on-Don. Trade mark - Dostav-Ka. The demand for such services is due to the fact that often people want to eat deliciously, but do not want or cannot go to a restaurant for this. In addition, the service may be in demand when organizing various corporate-type events, less often family ones. There is practically no competition in the market for this type of service.

The main performance indicators of the project are shown in Table. one.

Table 1. Integral indicators of project efficiency

Analysis of the industry and the region shows that there is significant interest in this kind of services from potential customers. The location of the enterprise in Rostov-on-Don provides a target audience of several hundred thousand people. However, due to the fact that the food delivery market is still poorly covered (primarily by competitors), efforts are required to promote this type of service.

In general, the project can be characterized as average in terms of the degree of risk. According to the degree of interest for an investor - as high.


This type of service is new to Russia. There is practically no established competition on the market. With a sufficiently large number of catering establishments, their popularity, and also taking into account the official population of the city within 1.1 million people, a high level of demand for the project's services can be predicted.

As a rule, food delivery services are offered directly by the catering establishments themselves; delivery is carried out in-house. At the same time, the quality of service often suffers. Since this service is not a core service for a restaurant, less attention is paid to quality, the route of couriers with a large load is not planned properly, which may lead to delays in delivery, mis-grading in the order, etc. In addition, the number of establishments offering delivery is very limited. Usually these are chains whose food quality is relatively low. In general, it is inappropriate to consider such a delivery format as direct competition. Direct competitors are enterprises that provide completely similar services, that is, food delivery from a wide range of establishments, while not having their own production. Today there are two such companies in Rostov-on-Don. They will be discussed in more detail in Section 4 of this business plan.

The target audience of the project is men, women, couples aged 15 to 50, as well as organizations. The income level of the target audience does not play a decisive role, because Russians, even those with low income, visit cafes and restaurants from time to time. The demand for the project's services does not have a pronounced seasonality, however, demand peaks occur on Friday and weekends, as well as public holidays; there is also a slight decrease in demand in the summer for the vacation period.

Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in the south of the Russian Federation, the capital of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov Region. It is also a major industrial and business center. The level of well-being of residents can be characterized as slightly above average. The number of catering establishments according to the portal is currently 1,053 units.

The main instrument of the project is the website with the menus of all partner establishments on it. It is possible to order food both through the website and by calling the free hotline number (8-800-…). The site is integrated with a CRM system to ensure the operational interaction of the dispatcher and couriers. Delivery is carried out by couriers of the company within a maximum of 1.5 hours (during peak hours) from the moment of ordering, of which 0.5 hours are provided for cooking, the rest of the time - for logistics.

Of tables a 2. Investment costs of the project


The main service of the project is the delivery of food from catering establishments (cafes, restaurants, fast food) to the address specified by the customer - to the home or office. At the initial stage, an assortment list of partner establishments is formed, consisting of at least 50 establishments. The establishments are divided into headings depending on the main direction: pizza, sushi / rolls, burgers, kebabs, pies, set menu.

For "fast food" categories, payment for delivery is provided in the absence of a regulated minimum order amount. For complex menus, the minimum order amount is set (depending on the category of the establishment), delivery is free. In the first case, the profit of the project is formed directly from the cost of delivery, in the second - from the commission from the institution (20-25% of the order amount).

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Having received the order from the client, the dispatcher contacts the partner to confirm the possibility and the deadline of the order. If execution is possible, the dispatcher confirms by phone to the client the possibility and terms, as well as the order amount, specifies the delivery address and the preferred payment method. In case of impossibility of execution, the dispatcher apologizes and offers an adequate replacement option.

Payment for the order at the first stage of the development of the project is supposed to be done in two ways: by card on the site, in cash to the courier. In the future, the option of paying by card to the courier is provided. It is also expected to develop a mobile application for ordering and payment. The cost of meals on the project website is equal to the cost of them in the restaurant.


The competitive environment in the region under consideration is represented by three federal-level players who can be regarded as direct competitors. At the same time, all of them, in fact, are aggregators and provide intermediary services between the client and the delivery service; They do not have their own couriers, which means that it is impossible to control the quality of the delivery service. This can lead to delays and other unpleasant consequences that negatively affect the reputation of the site. The use of our own couriers in the project will ensure more flexible logistics and the quality of order execution.

Promotion of the project's services is carried out both with the help of its own website and with the help of leaflets distributed in partner institutions. Also periodically, there are radio image promotions with a drawing of gift vouchers with points that can be used when ordering food. An additional effect is created with the help of branded advertisements placed on courier vehicles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

When attracting partners, no difficulties are foreseen. The benefits of cooperation are obvious, especially for establishments without their own delivery service. The reasoning is based on the fact that the project attracts additional customers and in no way reduces the traffic of visitors to the institution itself; in addition, additional customers do not put a strain on the service room and its staff.

For establishments that have their own delivery service, the motivation is also pretty obvious. Customers ordering food to their home or office can find out about the company only through the corporate website; in case of cooperation, clients get an additional opportunity to learn about the institution. At the same time, since food delivery is not the main activity for partners, the number of couriers is usually small, which leads to delays in delivery. Collaboration completely solves this problem.

An important point is the use of partners in promoting the project, for example, for placing advertising leaflets on the tables of the institution. The main argument here is the partners' direct interest in the development of the Dosto-Ka project. It is also possible to conduct joint promotional activities.


The cost of services consists of fixed, variable costs, wages and equipment depreciation. Variable costs include the cost of fuels and lubricants. Depreciation is charged on the cost of equipment and software used in the work. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis for a period of 5 years.

To accommodate a dispatcher and administrator, an office space with an area of ​​10 sq.m. For company cars, secured parking is provided in the immediate vicinity of the office. The office is equipped with computer equipment, a cooler, a refrigerator, a microwave oven.

Table 3. Variable costs

Table 4. Fixed costs

Orders are accepted 7 days a week. In the first 1.5 years, orders are accepted from 11.00 to 23.00. Then - around the clock. Shift work is expected. In the first months of operation, only one courier vehicle is expected to operate. As the number of orders increases, so does the number of cars per shift.

Table 5. Staffing table and payroll

Changes in seasonality are foreseen with demand peaks in December-January. The increase in demand is due to the fact that cold weather is not conducive to going out to restaurants, as well as the presence of public holidays, during which people usually spend more money than usual. The recession occurs during the summer holidays, when some of the potential clients are out of the city, and the other part is cutting costs in order to save up for vacation or recover savings after it.


The functions of the head of the enterprise are performed by the entrepreneur himself. His work requires knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship, tax and accounting, as well as the basics of labor protection.

The entire staff of the company is directly subordinate to the entrepreneur. Couriers are also indirectly subordinate to the dispatcher, who directs their actions, controls movement and forms the most effective routes, relying on the data of geolocation systems and information about city traffic.

The site administrator accepts orders (during the busy hours, a dispatcher is attracted to help), transfers them to partners. Couriers collect the finished dish from the partner and deliver it to the specified address.

Requirements for the dispatcher: knowledge of the geography of the city and the main transport routes, balance. Requirements for the site administrator: knowledge of the administrative part of the used CMS, competent speech, politeness and poise. Requirements for couriers: knowledge of the city, the presence of a driving license of category B, driving experience of at least 3 years. A material liability agreement is concluded with couriers, within the framework of which their responsibility for the safety and intended use of official vehicles is indicated. To confirm driving skills, before hiring, a test drive is carried out to the point indicated by the entrepreneur.


The financial calculation takes into account all types of costs associated with the implementation of the project: investment, fixed, variable, depreciation, payroll and social security contributions. The production plan takes into account the seasonality of sales. The total investment costs are 1.64 million rubles, of which 1.0 million are the entrepreneur's own funds. The largest amount of funds falls on the formation of working capital until the project reaches recoupment. The lack of capital is compensated by borrowed funds received from the bank for a period of 36 months at 18% per annum. The loan is repaid by monthly annuity payments, the loan vacation is three months. The cash flow statement is given in Appendix 1.

Without special investments, a business at dinners can be started in any locality, taking into account its specifics and the occupation of the population. Who needs ready-to-eat meals? Employees working at some distance from home who do not have enough time to get to their own kitchen during lunchtime, as well as personnel of those enterprises that do not have a corporate cafeteria.

Potential clients may include employees of a shopping center, a wholesale warehouse on the outskirts, builders of a new neighborhood, employees of a beauty salon or office plankton. You should not rely on income from teachers, doctors or military personnel, not at all because they are considered low-paid workers, but because they may prefer more affordable food from the cafeterias serving these institutions.

It is also necessary to consider the fact that all your customers should have conditions for eating right in the workplace. You should clarify the equipment of the staff rooms with such household appliances as a microwave oven, kettle, refrigerator and select a method of packing and storing ready-made food, taking into account their presence or absence.

Make a preliminary list of nearby businesses and office buildings, or talk to someone you know about catering conditions at their workplace. Walk around these companies ahead of your lunch break and see if your help in delivering ready-made meals will be needed. Invite everyone to use your services and leave your business card.

Do not forget to weigh your own strengths and assess the possibilities. It is worth starting with 10-20 full meals, gradually gaining momentum and choosing the optimal number of complexes and the number of clients.

What can you treat the people with?

At the same preliminary stage, it is necessary to create a menu and plan a layout. The standard complex includes:

  • First course;
  • Salads and snacks;
  • Garnish;
  • Hot;
  • Sweet and savory pastries.

You can combine 1-2 options for each element per day. A sample Monday menu might include borscht and pea soup, rice and buckwheat porridge with cutlets or liver, salad from fresh cabbage or cucumber-tomatoes. As a dessert, you can offer cheese cakes or pancakes with a variety of fillings. For vegetarians, a vegetable stew is suitable for a side dish. Additionally, you can add fruits, yogurt, juice, a serving of nuts and candied fruits.

The choice of the dishes themselves can be limited by a combination of several criteria: the cost of the ingredients, the complexity of preparation, your cooking skills, technical capabilities for preparation and storage, as well as the preferences of your direct customers. You can adjust the menu depending on the season.

As a specialization, you can choose food delivery for those categories of people who are more picky about food - vegetarians and vegans, diabetics and allergy sufferers, raw food eaters and just women who are on a diet. There is one more area for development - servicing private kindergartens. Now many send their children to private home kindergartens and developmental groups, you can find such a children's club for 3-10 people in the neighborhood and agree to provide them with regular meals, having approved the menu with the parents.

Remember the ample opportunities when organizing corporate events. Develop commercial proposals for any event - a small tea party in honor of the birthday of one of the employees, a large banquet for partners in honor of the company's anniversary, or an outdoor picnic for a joint recreation of the team.

Eye to eye or to the monitor? How to interact with customers

Oh, this point of work may be the most difficult, but at the same time the most interesting. In a small provincial town, you need to take a more conservative path and establish personal interaction with your main consumers. Just come and talk with your pastries. In megacities, one cannot do without an Internet site with the possibility of online ordering.

In small groups, regardless of the locality, you can arrange a mini-presentation with a tasting of your products and, again, personally communicate with the members of the group. In large enterprises, you can get close to the secretary or office manager to notify employees about the possibility of ordering meals from you - by announcement or e-mail internal corporate mailing.

In this case, orders can be carried out centrally (through one authorized employee) or individually, or customers will purchase a set “from what is,” that is, they will be deprived of a choice. Pre-order must be accepted according to the standard menu. Do not forget about the "product by the face" and invite everyone to get acquainted with the colorful menu with the image of positions first.

However, the importance of feedback should not be underestimated - regularly adjust the assortment and listen to other wishes, for example, adding cutlery, napkins, toothpicks, chewing gum for fresh breath, fruits or soft drinks to the complex. Suggestions and complaints can be accepted in person, by phone or through a special form on the website. The main thing is to promptly respond to them in order to show loyalty to customers.

How is it supposed to work?

When choosing this field of activity, you need to pay attention to absolutely all components - from drawing up a menu and purchasing quality products to the appearance of the dish itself and the courier upon delivery. At all stages of creation, storage and transportation, it is necessary to maintain sterile cleanliness and take care of the safety of your customers, who trust you with their well-being and health.

So, if you have decided that you will only cook for a nearby small office, you can cope with this on your own without involving hired workers. Weekends can be devoted to buying products at a wholesale base or from trusted sellers in the market and preparing semi-finished products. In advance, you can start cooking minced meat and cutlets, freezing dough, dumplings or dumplings, stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, as well as homemade cheese and cottage cheese, sour cream and butter from farm milk, or cutting fish and meat, cooking vegetables for salads, and most importantly - general cleaning the kitchen.

On weekdays, from the very morning, you should already start preparing the first and second courses, snacks and salads, sometimes you need to cook most types of pastries so that they are still warm when they reach the customer's table.

An important aspect of delivery is packaging. Serving weight should be standard - be sure to indicate it in the menu:

  • first courses - 250-500 ml.;
  • hot - 100-150 gr.;
  • side dish - 100-150 gr.;
  • salad or appetizer - 100-150 gr.

What needs to be hot - needs to be hot, what needs to be kept cool - needs to stay cool. Sauces and dressings should be packaged separately and not mixed, for example, do not add mayonnaise or sour cream to the salad - let the buyer do it himself.

Find good thermos bags and portable freezers to transport food without compromising on quality. It is better to choose disposable dishes, but of high quality so that there are no foreign odors. It is also necessary to take into account such a psychological aspect as subordination and prepare a separate VIP-serving for the management team so that middle and top managers can stand out from the crowd.

We count expenses and plan profit

The amount of money spent and earned depends on the scale of the activity. If you plan to deliver more than 50-100 meals daily, then you should also have production resources like in an average canteen.

In various variations, the cost of a set lunch can reach from 90 to 250 rubles. On average, the price is 150 rubles. Calculating the potential income is easy - just multiply the number of loyal customers by the total number of prepared portions. If the number of customers is 10, then the daily revenue is only 1,500 rubles, if the team is 100 people, then the income is already 15 thousand rubles a day.

The corresponding ratio also applies to costs. If you are solely engaged in cooking and delivery, then the list of expenses includes only the costs of food and packaging, utility bills, and official registration of a business can be avoided.

When hiring hired personnel, you will need to pay salaries, pay medical fees, rent premises, pay taxes, and also bear the mandatory costs of the same products and packaging. Do not forget about such small, but necessary items of expenses, such as phone calls, printing business cards and maintaining an Internet site.

You will also have to incur one-time costs when purchasing everything you need to start production:

  • Refrigerating equipment - chest freezer and refrigerator;
  • Transportation equipment - thermos bags, portable refrigerators;
  • Kitchen equipment - stove and oven, cutting table, mixer, meat grinder, harvester;
  • Kitchen utensils - pots, pans, steamers, cutting boards, knives;
  • Consumables - packaging, containers, cutlery, napkins, toothpicks, bags.

Thus, the start-up capital can range from several thousand rubles for a mini-business and reach millions of rubles when starting production in premises equipped with everything for catering. The last section contains the calculation of the payback of opening a workshop for preparing meals with the organization of their delivery and trade "to go", as well as specific figures for the launch and maintenance of such an enterprise.

Here is the calculation of the profit of a home business for the delivery of ready-made meals:

  • Revenue - 20 days * 10 complexes * 150 rubles = 30,000 rubles per month;
  • Purchase of products - 20 days * 10 complexes * 60 rubles = 12,000 rubles per month;
  • Packaging - 20 days * 10 * 10 rubles = 2,000 rubles per month;
  • Utility costs - 3,000 rubles per month;
  • Household expenses (household chemicals, cleaning products, kitchen utensils) - 500 rubles per month;
  • Communication costs (Internet, telephone, advertising) - 1,000 rubles per month;
  • Transportation costs - 1,500 rubles per month.

The total profit will be: 10,000 rubles per month.

But such a profit will be only with the regular sale of all 10 complete sets, and if one of the regular customers gets sick or does not want to take the whole complex as a whole? Then you lose in profit. Therefore, it is better to count on a larger number and for 12-13 people to cook 10-12 sets of dishes daily, taking into account the preferences of each consumer. Unsold food can be consumed independently, fed to household members, or even treated to an elderly neighbor whose pension does not allow cooking meat dishes every day.

There is an opportunity to save not at the expense of quality, using products grown by the efforts of your family. The same fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs, pickles and preserves from your own dacha will be an excellent addition to the diet of your customers.

Delivery of ready meals to a small office is ideal for a home business. The needs of a large number of people can be successfully met by a cafe-dining room, which is unable to invite everyone to its hall due to the small space or large distance from the business center, but it has spacious production facilities and technical capabilities to prepare a huge number of portions of various menu items every day.

So, weigh your strength, write an approximate menu, make a website, take pictures of your favorite dishes, print business cards, go around the surrounding offices, the pro-general in the kitchen and get down to delicious accomplishments. It is quite possible that soon it will be cramped for you, and you decide to develop your business and feed all the working people.

Calculation of the payback of the shop for the preparation of complex meals

This table shows the calculation of the payback of a workshop for the production of ready-made set meals with delivery, with a productivity of 2 million servings per month, located in a rented premises adapted for food production.

Start-up capital, rub.
Permitting documents 90 000
Selection of premises and its repair (from 200 sq. M.) 950 000
Workshop design and works on its arrangement 425 000
Arrangement of service premises 350 000
Purchase of kitchen equipment and its installation (refrigeration equipment, hobs, washing equipment, food storage racks, tables for cooking) 5 980 000
Purchase of inventory and kitchen utensils 350 000
Initial product costs 1 000 000
Purchase of packaging and ordering other elements of corporate identity 540 000
Development of technological maps and menu creation 120 000
Marketing activities, including website creation 195 000
Total initial investment: 10 000 000
Regular expenses, rubles / month
Wages fund (production manager (technologist), 2 cooks, 4 cook assistants, purchasing manager, marketer, 2 forwarding drivers, ancillary worker, industrial premises cleaner) 585 000
Rent for premises and utilities 285 000
Purchase of products 1 000 000
Purchase of kitchen utensils and cleaning supplies 54 000
Purchase of packaging 164 000
Advertising costs 60 000
Delivery costs (rent of 2 personal cars from hired drivers, depreciation of transport, payment for fuel) 202 000
Accounting service 70 000
Miscellaneous (communications, banking fees, stationery) 78 000
other expenses 50 000
Tax 40 000
Total monthly expenses: 2 600 000
Financial performance
Sales volume, per month 2,000,000 complexes
The cost of a set lunch RUB 150
Revenue, per month 300 million rubles
Cost of a set lunch including packaging and delivery 118 RUB
Net profit, per month 640,000 rubles.
Payback of the project 20 months

Before delving into all the secrets and deciding to open your own business, you need to understand how food delivery services work.

Food delivery is a service that provides users with the opportunity to order dishes from restaurants and get food in a short time, and also provides information about catering establishments in the city:

  • prices;
  • stock;
  • menu.

How do companies in this business area make money? The partner restaurant deducts a percentage of each order delivered to the delivery service. Such a service is convenient not only for customers, but also for restaurateurs, because it makes it possible to attract a larger number of customers.

Food delivery business: where to start

If you have decided to open a business in this area, then you should start by creating your own website. It should be simple and straightforward for users. The site should present a colorful menu of various restaurants with prices and descriptions of dishes.

Another important point in organizing a business is a geolocation service - automatic determination of the customer's location, based on which a choice of restaurants located within a radius of 2-5 kilometers is offered. This will reduce the waiting time for the order.

When organizing such a business, it is important to take into account the fact that over 50% of the world's Internet traffic comes from mobile devices. That is why special attention should be paid to creating an application for platforms such as:

  • Android;
  • Windows.

The owners of Delivery Club, the largest food delivery service in Russia, note that more than 70% of orders come from mobile devices. In addition, the Delivery Club application for smartphones provides the ability to select a location. Users can pay with both plastic cards and cash.

The owners of the food delivery service Foodfox, after the launch of the mobile application for iOS, decided not to stop there and created a courier application. It allows you to track the location of couriers and update the order status online. So far, this function is only available to administrators, but in the future, the owners plan to provide this opportunity to their customers.

Restaurant partnerships

If you want to start a food delivery business, one of the main tasks will be to find partner restaurants. How to establish mutually beneficial terms of cooperation with catering?

Your task is to select a range of restaurants with which you would like to start cooperation. Next, you need to send a commercial offer by e-mail or talk in person with the owners of the establishments. In most cases, organizing a delivery service for restaurateurs is a complex, time-consuming process, so they willingly agree to a partnership.

There are two options for cooperation:

  • fixed payment for delivery: the client makes an order for any amount, but at the same time he needs to pay separately for the delivery of food (this amount will be the income of the organization);
  • fixed minimum check amount: the client can place an order for the minimum specified amount. In this case, your company makes a profit in the form of interest paid by the partner restaurant.

These conditions must be negotiated in advance with the owners of catering establishments.

At this stage, it is important to remember one rule: "The client will make a second order only if he is satisfied with the ordered food." If a restaurant loses a customer, then your business loses income.

It is important to follow trends and take into account the taste preferences of the audience. The head of the center for expert business support "KLEN" Vladimir Mikhailov believes that today.

Rating of restaurants

If you decide to organize your business in this area, then special attention should be paid to the distribution of restaurants on your list. It is not necessary to include all catering establishments in the city on your list. Places whose dishes leave much to be desired can be deleted from the list altogether. Places with the best service and delicious food should be ranked first.

  • number of refusals, for example, per month;
  • reviews;
  • the number of repeat orders.

Accordingly, if a restaurant does not have repeated orders, and customer reviews are not the most flattering, then the institution drops in the ranking from the first lines to lower positions.

Transferring orders to restaurants

Another problem that many food delivery services face is the transfer of orders to restaurants. Typically, email is used in this situation. However, this process creates a lot of inconveniences, for example, the institution needs to hire a separate person who will check mail and transfer orders to the kitchen. The service itself also wastes precious minutes, and the waiting time for the client increases.

Delivery Club owners have found an excellent solution to this problem. An application is installed on the tablet, which displays information about the receipt of an order, as well as the address and form of payment. Then the tablet is transferred to the waiter, who will work with the device in the same way as he serves the guests of the restaurant. That is, the waiter accepts the order through the tablet and sends it to the kitchen, where the chefs start preparing the ordered food.

"Lucky for those who are lucky themselves"

Another very important point when starting a business is the organization and delivery time. Typically, food ordering customers want their lunch hot, and as soon as possible.

Alexey Ovchinnikov, a 32-year-old startup, has given special attention in his project "Hunger" to solving this problem.

The Hunger business project promises to deliver food to its customers within 8 minutes. This figure was determined for a reason. Ovchinnikov analyzed the procedure for ordering food and determined that more than 60% of the time is spent on cooking and only 40% is spent on delivery. In addition, it takes about half an hour to choose dishes. The businessman proposed to reduce the choice to a minimum:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • chicken.

In this case, the dishes must be prepared in advance. Ovchinnikov also conducted an experiment and calculated that the average delivery time for dishes in Moscow is 8 minutes. In addition, it was estimated that it takes a lot of time for the courier to find a parking space and an office.

When ordering food through "Hunger", the client must comply with two conditions: pay by card and independently go out to order. As practice has shown, for the sake of fast delivery, people do not mind going out and picking up their lunch. However, in an interview with RBC, the entrepreneur said that at the moment the service does not fit into 8 minutes, and the delivery time takes 2 times longer.

Foodfox has found another solution to this business problem. The client is invited to choose food only from those restaurants that are located within a radius of 2-2.5 kilometers from him. Thus, the delivery time of the dish is about 15-18 minutes, plus 20-25 minutes for preparation. As a result, the client receives a hot meal in 40-45 minutes.

But the most original solution was taken by the owners of the restaurant "Empire Pizza". Their courier is an ordinary dog. In order for the animal to find customers correctly, a special device with a GPS-navigator and two vibrating devices (left and right) was developed, it is these vibrations that direct the dog along a given route. The administrator of the establishment can also track the position of the "courier" on the map. In addition, special packaging has been developed to ensure that the pizza retains its original quality.

The main goal of the project of an online service for ordering and delivering ready-made meals from restaurants and cafes that do not have their own delivery service is to provide high-quality and fast service for ordering food from restaurants and cafes anywhere in the city.

The high pace of life, as well as the irregular schedule, forces the average urban dweller to reduce the time spent on eating. This is the main reason for the soaring demand for food delivery services. Moreover, an hour of working time is often much more expensive than a lunch or dinner delivery service.

Currently, food delivery is the fastest growing segment of the restaurant business. According to the statistics of the current Delivery Club service, as well as the data of the analytical agency RBC.Research:

  • Russians place 150 thousand orders with home delivery every day;
  • 76.6% of Russians used the home delivery service at least once;
  • 59% of Russians order food at home via the Internet;
  • $ 1.5 billion - the volume of the Russian ready-made food delivery market.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the market for the demand for the delivery of ready-made food is growing at a rapid pace. This leads to the emergence of demand, which remains unsatisfied both in terms of quantity and quality of services provided. The current situation creates objective external prerequisites for the creation of such a business as a delivery service.

The internal prerequisites for the implementation of the project are a low level of investment in the project, the absence of commercial risks, and the ease of organizing and doing business.

Since the delivery service works with many establishments of the city, the client gets the opportunity to order dishes from several restaurants at a time.

The main benefits of starting a business are:

  • Uniqueness. Such unified services exist only in large cities with a high level of demand;
  • Low competition. The service has dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes for every taste;
  • Lack of market and financial risks. Even in a crisis, people do not refuse prepared food;
  • Ease of doing business. All business processes are debugged and spelled out.

Investments in the project - 93,000 thousand rubles.

The payback period of the project is 4 months.

The break-even point is 3 months.

Average monthly profit - 99,577 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

The target audience

Since the company provides a huge selection of dishes from various restaurants and cafes of the city, the audience of the project is very wide.

The target audience can be presented in the form of several categories:

Men of working age from 23 to 45 years old. They order lunches and dinners, as there is not enough time to prepare meals on their own. The frequency of the order is from 3 to 7 times a week.

Women of working age from 23 to 35 years old. Mostly not married. They order lunches and dinners, as they prefer to devote most of their time to work and meetings with friends. The frequency of ordering is from 2 to 5 times a week.

Companies ordering a corporate lunch. Frequency of order - 5 times a week.

Families with / without children who want to delight themselves with something new at the weekend. The frequency of the order is from 1 to 3 times a week.

Schoolchildren and students throwing a party. Frequency of order - once a week.

The share of the total number of orders that falls on each consumer category is displayed in the form of a diagram.

According to the results of marketing research, the total volume of the public catering market in the city of N with a population of 1 million people is 17.4 million rubles. for 2015. The revenue potential of the delivery service in the city of N ranges from 12 million rubles. up to 20 million rubles. in year.

It should be noted that the revenue potential depends on the dynamics of demand for services of restaurants and cafes, as well as on changes in the city's population and per capita income.

The advantage of running this type of business is the lack of seasonal sales.

Competitor analysis

Competitors are similar delivery services operating in the catering industry. In many cities, such a business is not developed at all, and there are no competitors. But even in conditions of current competition, the company is distinguished by unique offers that allow it to quickly occupy a leading position in the market:

  • three detailed systems of cooperation with restaurants and cafes;
  • a convenient website with a calculation of the cost of delivery and a personal account;
  • bonus program for working with clients;
  • the possibility of cashless payments;
  • mobile application for Android and iOS;
  • specially designed CRM;
  • excellent service level.

In addition, the capacity of the market for this type of service is so large that it implies demand even with existing competitors.

The service has dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes for every taste. This is a unique service because the suppliers of food are restaurants and cafes of the city, of which there are many times more than individual delivery services.

SWOT analysis

Strengths of the project

Vulnerable sides of the project

  • Unique characteristics of the service (order from different institutions);
  • Huge selection of dishes (from 100 - 300 restaurants and cafes);
  • High quality of provided services (own staff of couriers and call - center);
  • Convenient website and mobile application;
  • Bonus program of work with clients
  • Delivery cost varies depending on the distance of the establishment to the client;
  • Possibility of delivery delays with a large number of orders.

Opportunities and prospects

Environmental threats

  • Expansion of the branch network across the country;
  • Organization of additional services (flowers, goods, etc.);
  • Attraction of corporate clients (lunches to the office);
  • Potential market capacity is of great importance.
  • None.

4. Sales and Marketing

Current marketing

Cooperation with catering establishments

The total income consists of the cost of delivery to the end consumer and interest on the order received from catering establishments. That is why the marketing plan includes the development of programs of cooperation with restaurants and cafes.

Sales plan

The sales plan is focused on the number of orders per day. The average check is 1000 rubles. Delivery price varies from 150 to 300 rubles, depending on the distance of the client. A one-time order from two restaurants is accompanied by the addition of 150 rubles. to the delivery amount. On average, delivery costs 225 rubles per customer. The following is a sales plan for the first 5 months of the organization's operation with a minimum staff, which includes two couriers.

When forming a sales plan, it is assumed that the maximum number of orders per day for one courier is 15.

5. Production plan

Starting a food delivery service business consists of several sequential steps.


The first thing to do when starting your business is to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The selected taxation system is STS 6% (income).

Website creation

The company's website includes the possibility of creating a personal account for each client, placing an online order, participating in the bonus program, as well as calculating the cost of delivery depending on the location of the client. Website customization is included in the company's franchise package. Content is uploaded to the site as contracts are concluded with restaurants and cafes.

Finding customers from restaurants and cafes

At this stage, you, as a business owner, have a very painstaking job. The volume of demand that you can satisfy depends on how many city establishments become your partners. First of all, it is necessary to collect a database of all cafes and restaurants in the city in which the online service is being created. Then arrange a personal meeting with the managers of the establishments in order to describe all the benefits of your cooperation and conclude an agreement. The next stage can begin when at least 10 city establishments have become your partners.

Office rent

A room with an area of ​​10 - 15 sq. M is suitable. anywhere in the city. You will need to put a table, a chair, and a computer in the room.


At the initial stage, the staff will need 4 couriers and 2 dispatchers. In a shift, 2 couriers and 1 dispatcher work at the same time. The courier is hired with his car.

Business start-up

This step is extremely important to validate the customer service sequence. The manager must see if the team is working smoothly, at what stage there are delays in the execution of the order. It also monitors strict adherence to job descriptions.

Service delivery process

6. Organizational structure

At the start-up stage, you can get by with a minimum number of personnel:

  1. Manager;
  2. Dispatcher - 2 people;
  3. Courier - 4 people
Fixed costsSalaryThe number of employeesSumAverage salary per month per employee
Manager40 000 1 40 000 40 000
Dispatcher25 000 2 50 000 25 000
Courier17 500 4 70 000 23 876
Insurance premiums

48 000
Total payroll

208 000

The manager's responsibilities include:

  • Conclusion of contracts;
  • Working with the site - laying out the menu, monitoring and ensuring the smooth operation of the site, processing feedback through monitoring customer reviews, website promotion;
  • Management of finances, payment of wages;
  • Formation of a development strategy, search for business expansion opportunities, search for new partners.

Salary - 40,000 rubles.

The responsibilities of the dispatcher include:

  • Processing orders from the site and communicating with customers;
  • Coordination of the work of couriers;
  • Transfer of the order to the manager of the restaurant / cafe;
  • Elimination of conflict situations with clients.

The dispatcher works one shift. Work schedule - two working days / two days off. Salary - 25,000 rubles. KPI for the dispatcher - revenue 35,000 rubles / shift.

How pleasant it is to return home after a hard day's work, bypassing grocery stores with their endless lines at the checkout counters. Working people especially appreciate every minute of their personal time saved. Therefore, it will be doubly pleasant for them, having come home, to receive their favorite products with courier delivery. In our country, there are only a few such offers, although the demand is growing from year to year, especially in large cities. If you decide to fill this niche, first of all, make a business plan for home delivery of groceries.

Market analysis

In big cities, organizing a grocery delivery service to your home is quite a profitable business. There are already dozens of them working in Moscow. There are not too many such proposals in regional centers so far, so often no one will interfere with your development. This business can be in demand in a number of cases:

  • The city has a developed business center, and a significant part of the population spends most of their time at work.
  • You should focus on a strong middle class (small entrepreneurs, middle managers), since wealthy people more often dine in restaurants.
  • There is an opportunity to offer a service for the delivery of groceries to the house for disabled people and the elderly (you can offer reduced prices as part of a social project).
  • The peak of sales, according to statistics, falls on the cold season and slushy off-season.
  • It is possible to conclude a long-term contract with clients (for example, for a weekly delivery of groceries).
  • It is worth considering the possibility of traveling to the nearest suburb for an additional payment (for example, in Moscow, the service is regularly used by fans of suburban recreation).

A detailed business plan for home delivery of groceries with calculations, as well as helpful and fast service will ultimately result in an ever-growing income.

Organizational plan

Any example of a grocery delivery business plan starts with the organizational moments. To get started, register. In this case, the IP form is best suited. In the future, creating a large network with services for legal entities (for example, the supply of products for banquets), you can retrain into LLC.

Having received permission to carry out courier services, you can proceed to the next item. Keep in mind that when registering a private enterprise, the state fee is 800 rubles. If you decide to resort to the help of intermediaries, then this amount will grow to 1200-1600 rubles. In this situation, it is better to save investments for registering a business and do, where possible, on your own.

To work, you will need to rent an office space. This is the place for the operator who will take calls from customers, so it can be made small. After renting a room, think about technique. You will definitely need business equipment. You need to buy at least one computer and equip with all the necessary programs and Internet access. This set will cost about 30,000 rubles.

In addition, employees need to be provided with constant mobile communications. They must be available at all times. The phone will cost 10,000 rubles, and the unlimited tariff - 1,500 rubles.


If you are going to start a grocery delivery business from scratch, then the cost of the costs should be reduced as much as possible. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is supposed to stop at the minimum set. To get started, you only need two positions: operator and courier.

The most important employee of the delivery service is the operator. He is in direct contact with customers and organizes the delivery service. His responsibilities also include:

  • Processing orders from the website.
  • Coordination of the work of couriers.
  • Elimination of conflict situations with clients.

The person who comes to this position must be collected and stress-resistant, work efficiently. He must be able to easily establish contact with the buyer and win over. The operator's salary is 15,000 rubles.

The second position is a courier. You can work without couriers by organizing cooperation with a courier service. The plus is that there will be no problems with time: no downtime for the period of no orders, no shortage of personnel, when a lot of orders arrive at the same time. You attract exactly as many employees as you need, and pay for each order separately. But there is also a drawback: it is more difficult to control the work of a counterparty than to control your employees.

The courier's responsibilities are simple. He must accept the order from the operator, make the necessary purchases. Further, according to the date and time, his task is to deliver the goods to the buyer and receive a full payment from him. The proceeds should be transferred to the director daily, at the end of the working day. We recommend taking at least 50% prepayment from customers for large orders, since it is impossible to return the products if for some reason the customer does not buy them back. Another scheme is also widespread: couriers buy products for their own money and keep the payment for themselves, giving the company part of the shipping cost. This allows you to save on salary (the courier does not receive a fixed income), but this scheme works only if there are a large number of couriers and a sufficient number of orders to ensure their work.

A prerequisite for hiring a courier is to have your own car. From personal qualities, it is worth highlighting activity and hard work. In addition, the employee must understand the cost and range of goods in various large supermarkets in the city. We are considering an option with a regular courier, whose salary is 15,000 rubles.

To prepare reports, you will need to use an online accounting service. This is necessary for the timely delivery of documentation. Such services will cost about 8,000 rubles a year.

Business promotion

The profitability of home delivery of groceries directly depends on a well-organized marketing campaign. At the initial stage, a layout of business cards and brochures for your organization is developed. An agreement is concluded with print media and companies that own billboards. After you decide on the number of booklets, the order is sent to the printing house. This is where payment takes place upon completion of the work. Total costs for marketing and advertising, including business cards, brochures and billboards, will amount to RUB 25,000. Printed materials are distributed to offices and residential complexes near the office.

The most important element to work is your website on the internet. You cannot save here. It should be easy to read, easy to use and functional (at least have a personal account with the ability to place an order and leave wishes for ordering products by brand, characteristics and price category). Its appearance is bound to attract attention. Nothing should hinder shopping.

It is important to correctly develop the clauses of the application. There should be nothing superfluous in it. Include only the most relevant information. The client should not get hung up on filling out the application form. Be sure to develop a mobile app for your site. This will make it easier for many buyers, since they do not always have a computer at hand, unlike a phone. Give the client the opportunity to place an order with you as quickly and easily as possible. And he will become your regular customer.

The funds allocated for the creation of the company's website will amount to about 100,000 rubles, the application for Android and iOS will cost another 30-40 thousand rubles. At least 100 thousand rubles are allocated for the promotion of the resource on the Internet for the first six months.

Financial plan

It is extremely difficult to calculate the price of a single service. It all depends on the scheme, and it is important to choose the most suitable option for you. You can set a constant shipping price. In this case, it doesn't matter how many products the client needs to buy - a carton of milk or several bags, the price will be the same. The advantage of this option is that the counting system is convenient for both the client and the company. The downside is that the order may be too large. It will take a lot of effort, the trunk will be completely clogged, several shops visited to collect the order, and the base price of the effort simply won't pay off.

According to another option for payment for the delivery of groceries, the price can be a certain percentage of the order amount. For example, when buying a product for 1000 rubles, the client pays 10% of the total cost, that is, plus 100 rubles. But this scheme also has a drawback. To earn money, the order amount should be about 3-4 thousand rubles. The 100 rubles mentioned above will simply go to pay for the courier's labor and gasoline.

We recommend using a mixed scheme with the establishment of a minimum order amount (say, 2 thousand rubles for the regions) and an additional payment for an order by amount, number of items, or for bulky products (for example, bags of sugar) or oversized goods (usually non-food items). You will find the best option in the process.

If the client is outside the city, then in advance stipulate the issue of payment for gasoline by the buyer. It is even possible to install a special taxi-like meter on the car, showing the customer how much was spent on gas. Be sure to include express delivery in the list of services. According to it, the client will be able to receive his order as quickly as possible. This service will of course be available for a fee.

If 2 couriers carry out 10 orders per day with an average check of 300 rubles per order, the revenue per day will be 6 thousand rubles. It will be about 150 thousand rubles per month (take into account the fluctuations in the number of orders on different days). Subtract from it the costs of salaries to employees (45 thousand), rent of premises (8 thousand), payment for gasoline and cellular communications (25 thousand), advertising (15 thousand), taxes and deductions to funds (10 thousand). The net profit for the first time will be about 40 thousand rubles. It is planned to increase it by increasing the base of regular customers and providing additional couriers with work. So, 5 couriers with a constant load will increase the profitability of your enterprise up to 80-90 thousand rubles per month.

The payback is planned to be achieved within the first year.

bonus program

Who doesn't like surprises ?! Obviously, everyone is pleased to receive unexpected gifts and tokens. The profitability of your business will certainly increase if you periodically pamper your customers with various promotions and bonuses. For example, on the client's birthday, you can give a sweet gift for free. He will definitely appreciate such a gesture. Or you can offer him to buy from you at a 30-40% discount from the regular price. No one will refuse such generosity.

You can introduce other nice little things to your loyal customers. For every tenth order, reward the customer. A gift can be anything like a small cookery magazine or a book. The sign of attention itself is important. Also, holding various competitions will play into your hands. Give sweet gifts to the winners. Attract newcomers who have just registered on your site with small bonuses. If you follow all of these points, your customers will be happy and your business will flourish.


This business is perfect for entrepreneurs taking their first steps. The cost of delivering groceries to your home is clearly small. Taking into account the fact that competition in most regions is still insufficient, it is quite possible to create your own successful business. To get profitability faster, you can use one of the offers of large franchises, of which there are many in Russia.


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