How to open a center for children lego education. Open a Lego franchise store. Basic requirements for the production facility

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to start your own business is to open a store. To be successful in this case, there are several aspects that the buyer needs to remember, namely:

  • necessary goods;
  • affordable price;
  • Right place;
  • good service.

What is the most profitable store to open?

The market for children's goods is considered to be quite widespread today. It grows annually by about 15-20%. An indicator of this is the multitude of new companies whose products are used every day by both children and their parents. Despite this, the market for children's goods remains free, so this fact encourages the desire to open a store.

LEGO products are becoming more and more popular every day. There are not so many sales outlets that specialize in this particular product, so the ideal option would be to open a point for the sale of LEGO.

Setting up such a business requires a lot of money. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that with the proper organization of this type of business, the LEGO store will quickly recoup the costs of opening it. In the future, it will be possible to open a playroom for children with attractions and toys right in the store.

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Store location

The key to the success of the opening of the LEGO shop is its location. Since rents are the biggest expense, the location must be chosen wisely. The ideal option would be to rent a room:

  • on a busy street;
  • in a business or residential area;
  • in the mall;
  • near a metro station or a shuttle bus stop.

The highest cost of rent is in shopping centers, but there are a lot of advantages too:

  • crowded place;
  • convenient parking;
  • intensive flow of people;
  • centralized security.

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Decoration and layout of the premises

An important point in the design is both the appearance and the showcase, as this contributes to the fact that the buyer can find the desired product in the market. The appearance of the LEGO store must correspond to its concept. For a good layout of free entry, movement and exit of buyers, you should consider the logical arrangement of shopping, auxiliary and service areas, as well as the location of the aisles.

The interior in a LEGO store should be relaxing and truly childlike. For the walls of this room, you should choose more gentle tones.

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Legal aspects

An important step when opening a LEGO store is registering a company and obtaining the right to do business.

Since your store will be awaiting further checks by various regulatory authorities, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements, laws and regulations of the Russian government to enterprises engaged in trade. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the laws below:

  • consumer protection law, which establishes consumer rights to purchase quality goods;
  • rules for selling by sample;
  • a list of goods that are subject to certification;
  • a list of goods eligible for return or exchange.

Documents required to open a LEGO store:

  • certificate of registration as a legal entity;
  • lease contract;
  • documents confirming ownership;
  • obtaining a license;
  • the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Service (to obtain this document, you will need a certificate of registration of the store, a lease agreement, insurance and a floor plan);
  • Rospotrebnadzor conclusion (to obtain it, you will need an application, a store registration certificate, a lease agreement, a list of goods, medical records of workers, a sanitary passport, product certificates, a certificate of registration with the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies);
  • fixing a cash register (you will need statements, a lease agreement, a certificate of registration of the company and the tax inspectorate);
  • permission for outdoor advertising.

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Working staff

Since your LEGO store will be engaged in the sale of children's goods, then the selection of personnel should be approached responsibly, employees with special education are needed. The staff should be able to easily find a common language with people, especially with children, have a pleasant appearance and understand LEGO products. Store sellers play an important role in the development of a business, because it depends on them whether customers will return to your store again or not.

Investors and entrepreneurs are investing in real production. They are looking for reliable, profitable projects with a quick payback. The release of Lego bricks is just such a business idea. You will be convinced of this by reading our article.

We will share with you our experience, expert opinions and practical advice. What is Lego brick, why does its popularity continue to grow, even during the economic downturn, how to start your own business? We have already prepared the answers to all these questions for you!

Lego brick making is a business idea that won't burn out

The economic situation in the country has led to a change in the assortment of consumption. The population now buys cheap analogs instead of well-known brand models. Building materials are no exception. Expensive ceramic bricks are losing ground, yielding to affordable competitors.

The Lego brick construction market is especially active. A couple of years ago, no one knew about this modification, but its popularity is rapidly gaining momentum. And this is a good opportunity to open your own profitable business.

Entrepreneurs are looking for just such niches: with high demand and quick payback.

The idea of ​​launching the production of such a building material is also good because the demand for:

  • finished products, which means that the business will be profitable;
  • equipment of production lines - if you are carried away by the idea of ​​producing something else, you will get back your investment by selling the purchased equipment;
  • operating business - by launching your mini-factory, you not only get a profit from the sale of goods, operating production itself is capital with a high level of demand.

What is good about such a brick

Buying a new apartment is becoming an unattainable luxury for many. The small funds that can be postponed are spent by private traders on the improvement of the existing dacha or backyard economy. Gazebos, fences are being erected, baths and outdoor barbecue ovens are being built.

All this requires an inexpensive, strong and aesthetic building material, and Lego is perfect for these purposes. It has good strength, climatic resistance and flawless appearance.

Lego also outperforms its competitors in terms of price.

The low cost of the product consists of several components:

  1. Equipment cheapness... The technology does not require the installation of kilns, autoclaves, etc.
  2. Lightness of the final product... This modification of the hollow brick weighs less than the classic models, so its transportation is less expensive.
  3. Low raw material price... Construction material is produced from sand, dolomite, mining waste and recycled materials.
  4. Minimum advertising costs... Customers recommend these building materials to neighbors and friends. After 1-1.5 years of selling Lego, word of mouth is driving more buyers than ads in the local newspaper.

The main characteristics of Lego:

  • durable - cuts under high pressure;
  • smooth - a flat surface easily competes with facing modifications;
  • easy to use - a person will lay out the masonry even without building experience, the elements are joined end-to-end, forming a flat wall;
  • lightweight, which significantly reduces labor costs during production, reduces the consumption of fuels and lubricants.

In short, such a good building material, and even cheap, has every chance to continue to break sales records.

Production technology allows you to produce products of any color

How to start a Lego brick making business - where to start

Any business starts with an idea and financial calculations.

After that, we open production.

Step 1. Registering a business

Before starting commerce, choose the form of a new organization. LLC and individual entrepreneur produce products in the same way, however, each type of business has its own characteristics.

Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. IE keeps simplified accounting, pays less state fees... Such an organization is the company of one particular person. It cannot accept other founders. Personal savings or property of the citizen who organized the IP are accepted to correct the financial mistakes of the organization.
  2. LLC maintains reporting in full... Terms of registration of the company 2.5 months. The organization is owned by 1-50 people. The company is responsible for financial mistakes only with its property (authorized capital).

Please note: IE cannot be sold. With this form of organization, only material values ​​(equipment, raw materials, finished products) are sold. A business with a full package of documents for a company can only be sold by an LLC.

Step 2. We select a room

A big plus of the Lego release is the minimum space requirements for the production line. Small machines are placed on the construction site, in the garage, in the backyard, etc.

When a line with a capacity of more than 600,000 pieces / year is launched, the workshop is equipped.

Basic requirements for the production facility:

  • an area of ​​more than 100 m² (including premises for storing raw materials and finished products);
  • the height of the ceilings is calculated as the height of the equipment + the increase in loading (with a horse feed of raw materials);
  • operating communications (electricity, water, heating);
  • good ventilation.

Locate your production in an industrial area, close to the private sector. This is the most economical way to produce building materials.

Step 3. We buy raw materials and equipment

Having determined the budget of the enterprise, they proceed to the purchase of machine tools and additional equipment.

The main parameters for choosing a machine:

  • productivity (manufactured quantity per cycle / day / month / year);
  • time of one cycle;
  • pressure;
  • number of matrices;
  • mold thickness;
  • operating mode (manual, automatic).

Without good equipment, the quality of the products will be poor. Study the offers on the market in detail and compare them with your requirements.

When choosing between a machine that presses bricks faster and compresses the shape more strongly, choose the latter. It is better to make fewer products for customers to buy than to make mountains of scrap.

Environmentally friendly raw materials are available in all regions.

To select it, they evaluate:

  • customer preferences;
  • the price of the main material;
  • the cost of the binder, plasticizers and dyes;
  • availability;
  • quality.

The production line is designed for repeated changes in raw materials and recipes. At the preliminary stage, several options for the starting material (filler) are selected: sand, clay, dolomite, marble chips, slag, etc.

Do I need permission to open such a business

Manufacturing is not included in the list of licensed activities. This means that you do not need to draw up additional documents to open it.

Taking a serious approach to business, a businessman has the right to receive a certificate voluntarily. There are specialized centers for this. There, the provided products are examined for compliance with GOST or the level of specific indicators: resistance to frost, moisture, etc.

The certificate is not included in the mandatory list of documents for work, but it greatly facilitates work with legal entities and distrustful private individuals. And sleep, knowing that your brick house will stand for many years, you will be calmer.

The workshop is equipped in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the SES and the Fire Safety Rules.

How to choose a machine for the production of Lego bricks - useful tips and tricks

The quality of the manufactured products affects the company's profit.

To reduce the number of rejects, product returns and losses during exchange, follow these simple rules:

  1. Choose machines made in climatic conditions close to us... Equipment manufactured in warm regions (Turkey, China, Spain) is not designed for the humidity and frost of our country. It develops less pressure. The masonry obtained on such a machine will not be of high quality. This will be seen by consumers and the demand for such products will be low.
  2. Do not use cementless clay mixtures in regions where the air temperature drops below -20 ° C, or subject it to additional processing. Without further firing, such masonry will crack in frost.
  3. Install the machine with a pressure force of 50 t. The higher this indicator, the better the product.... Pay particular attention to the mass that presses the raw mix into the mold. Strength, moisture resistance, frost resistance depend on it. This is especially important if the product will no longer be processed in any way (steam, autoclave, etc.).
  4. Don't buy homemade machines... Their drawings are widely available on the Internet. Amateur engineers are mastering the independent production of such equipment. Their machines are cheaper than industrial designs, but they do not guarantee either long-term operation or high quality of the products. Remember, a miser pays twice, and you will have to return money for crumbling masonry.
  5. Do not use bricks immediately after making.

The strength of the manufactured product depends on the preparation of the product after leaving the press:

  1. No further processing... Such a product reaches 40-50% of the strength of the recipe used.
  2. Vyzhivanie... In a well-ventilated place, finished products are stored without transportation. Thus, a strength of 70-80% is achieved.
  3. Steaming at + 70 ° C for about 7-9 hours ensures maximum strength.

Practical tips for making Lego can be viewed here:

How much can you earn

The most important question for an entrepreneur is how much money will the business bring? The production of building materials is a promising business. When using a cheap filler, the cost of the finished product will be about 4-5 rubles / piece.

The selling price of the goods during wholesale fluctuates in the region of 14-15 rubles / piece. Retail prices are even higher and depend on the way of sale.

If you sell goods only in bulk, then you can earn 10 rubles from a unit of production. The more products are sold, the more money the entrepreneur will receive. Having sold 10,000 pcs. Lego he will earn 100,000 rubles. If the sales are at the level of 50,000 units, its proceeds will be 500,000 rubles.

When using waste (crumbs, dust, etc.), the cost of the finished product will decrease even more, and the profit will increase.

Is it worth investing in such a business - expert opinion

To answer this question, we turned to a professional investor, Alexander. He successfully invests his money in small businesses.

After studying the business plan, our expert became interested in the project. Alexander came to the conclusion that manufacturing Lego is a safe investment.

He highlighted several arguments in favor of such a production:

  1. Wide sales market. The products are sold to owners of private houses, builders, repairmen, owners of construction shops, dacha associations, etc. When the situation changes in one of the niches, the products are sold in the other. At the same time, you do not have to spend additional funds on changing the recipe, packaging, etc.
  2. Diverse and cheap raw materials exclude supply disruptions and dumping.
  3. Long-term storage products do not deteriorate if the minimum storage rules are observed.
  4. There are no special requirements for the opening and operation of the workshop.
  5. Small investment, 90% of which comes from the purchase of equipment.
  6. A simple, almost primitive production technology that does not require special skills.
  7. Good prospects for expanding production.
  8. Fast payback of the project. A small number of businesses can boast of a return on investment in just 4 months.
  9. Good profitability.

Lego brick release is an attractive business idea

Every child whose parents take care of the mental, psychological and physical health of their child has them.

The popularity of LegoEducation toys allowed the company to open its own educational centers, in which children study robotics and mechanics, learn to model the future, and gain faith in success.

They are currently located in Moscow and Moscow region, Tyumen, Yaroslavl, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk and Yakutsk... But the company plans to cover all of Russia. This means that you still have all the opportunities to occupy a profitable niche in your city.

Franchisor company card

Franchise Enterprise Concept

Leas continuing education programs are a full-fledged business concept that combines:

Conceptual furnishings (corporate design of the premises, fitting of all elements, elements of the interior decoration). In the premises, equipped according to the company's design project, a special educational atmosphere always reigns, helping children learn, experiment and learn effectively.

Technical equipment (software and constructors for each age group).

Methodical materials. Programs are designed for children aged 3 to 13 years and are divided into topics, each of which serves to gain knowledge in a particular subject.

Preparation trainings, development, motivation and support of personnel.

Classes in groups of 6-8 people are held for 50-120 minutes. The cost of each lesson is from 500 to 1500 rubles.

How do I get it?

To start cooperation on a franchise with a well-known company, you must leave an application on the official website or call the phone number indicated there.

Then wait for the initial information from the manager, fill in the information on the business plan, come to a meeting or a Skype conference, sign an agreement... After that, you will become the owner of a business to be proud of.

Advantages of the Lego franchise in Russia

It is very profitable to work with the company. In addition to constant support from her, you get:

The opportunity to work under a brand that is already familiar to almost the whole world and inspires confidence. This means that you will spend a minimum of money on advertising.

  • The opportunity to make good profits from the very beginning;
  • Trade equipment and office equipment at reduced prices;
  • Advertising and marketing support.

In addition, the franchisor provides free consultations on all issues that may arise in the course of work, helps to draw up a lease or purchase / sale agreement for premises, and also issues recommendations on the selection of a retail outlet and the opening of a Training Center.

Disadvantages of LegoEducation

There are practically no downsides to the Lego franchise. Classes in training centers that open under the name of the company are in demand. Profit with a competent organization of work goes constantly... Investments of 700 - 1100 thousand rubles. quickly pay for themselves.

The break-even point is reached in the shortest possible time. At the same time, you get a unique chance to work under a worldwide name.

What's included in the price?

LegoEducation provides its partners with all services and documents,

There are many kids' educational franchises currently underway, but one of them is different from any other offering. The LEGO Education Franchise is a unique offering from a globally renowned company that can provide an entrepreneur with the opportunity to generate solid profits while engaging in fun and socially rewarding pursuits.

Franchise Description

The main financial terms of the LEGO Education franchise are as follows:

  • Entry fee - from 400 thousand rubles;
  • Royalties (monthly payment) - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment - from 250 thousand rubles.

To become a LEGO partner, an entrepreneur needs to be motivated to work for the future, progress and development.

Stages of cooperation:

  1. Submitting an application on the official website of the franchisor or calling by phone;
  2. Getting detailed information about the franchise;
  3. Filling in data on a business plan;
  4. Signing a commercial concession agreement;
  5. Organization of activities and launch of work under the LEGO Education program.

What does the franchisee get?

  • All teaching materials;
  • Brand book;
  • Work standards;
  • Instructions for choosing a suitable room;
  • Instructions for concluding an agreement with the owner of the premises;
  • Instructions for opening your own center under a famous brand, which include recommendations for choosing a legal form, registering a legal entity, choosing a tax system, a partner bank, promoting a center, work standards, etc.;
  • Full, comprehensive support on all issues related to the activities of the center and the LEGO methodology.

About company

The LEGO Group company needs no introduction. It was founded more than 80 years ago, it has more than 8 thousand employees, and it occupies the first, leading position among all companies specializing in the production of children's construction sets. Currently, seven branded LEGO sets are sold in the world in 1 second.

LEGO Education is also one of the company's projects. Its essence lies in the production of special kits, which are designed not only for the development of motor skills, but also for teaching the child, in particular, the development of horizons and creativity. At the same time, LEGO Education is also educational programs that allow children to develop self-confidence, communication skills and other qualities necessary for life and further learning.


What are the main advantages of the LEGO Education franchise?

  1. Cooperation with a company with vast experience and worldwide fame;
  2. Getting highly qualified advice on all work issues;
  3. All methods of the company;
  4. Ready-made design project, advertising materials;
  5. Reasonable franchise price (it is equal to the average cost of other children's franchises) + use of a brand known all over the world;
  6. Regular webinars and trainings.


The area of ​​the premises should be at least 50 square meters.


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