It is correct to be photographed in full growth. Posing for a photo shoot of a girl in full growth on a city street, sea, beach, park, in the studio. How to make a photo successful - the model should know first of all

In the era of total passion for photography, it is almost impossible to surprise others with something new. Every day, social networks are filled with a mass of new photos that illuminate life in all its manifestations. Therefore, there is such a great desire to stand out and make your photo shoot such that it will be remembered and appreciated by many. Shooting outdoors is much easier, since nature itself is able to create a stunning background, and the photographer's job is to capture the right moment. It is much more difficult to beat the situation at home, because in order to stand out, they require a certain zest. Of course, the model itself should become it, the main thing is to choosegood poses for a photo shoot at home.

Like a magazine cover: how to create spectacular photos at home

Regardless of profession or appearance, every girl secretly dreams of being a model, so that her photo will adorn the covers of the most fashionable gloss. Of course, only a few embody their dream, but the rest may well please themselves and their loved ones with bright and effective photos. It is not at all necessary to go to the studio for them, because you can create them at home.

How to take a photo while standing. Several interesting and unconventional ideas can be borrowed from models. Quite often in such frames one or another support is used. If we talk about home conditions, then this can be a wall, a closet or a door on which you should effectively lean your back, pushing the lower part of the case forward. Leave one leg straight and bend the other slightly at the knee. Hands can touch your face or slide over your body.

The asymmetry looks quite new and without boredom, when the shoulders are at different levels, the arms are freely spread, the legs can also be bent. The figure will be light and relaxed, the main thing is to play with facial expressions correctly, since an inappropriate facial expression can completely reset the setting.

You can also play with your legs, crossing them at ankle level or creating a triangle, each of these poses will look unusual.

"Seated" photographs. Surely the most common pose for a photo shoot for girls at home is sitting. However, the usual photos with the beauties sitting in an easy chair against the background of a beautiful carpet can now only be made laugh, therefore such ideas should be abandoned a priori. Instead, you can beat the most standard places in a very unusual way.

A very popular pose in advertising filming is when a seated girl resembles a mutilated doll, whose knees are connected, and her calves are spread, her arms are either thrown back in search of reliable support, or are closed and pressed to the body, her head is lowered, you can add a sullen look.

A more relaxed and not devoid of eroticism, a pose, when the hips and knees are pulled away from the side of the camera, and the body is turned towards the photographer. Hands can support hair or rest on a sofa.

Simple and gentle, you will look sitting with a straight back and waiting for one leg under you, while lowering the other down. The head can be tilted slightly, thus achieving hair fall.

The pose looks very impressive in the photo when a sitting girl, bending one leg under her, hugs the other with her hands, bent at the knee. You can also rest your chin on it.

Spontaneous photos

Honestly, the standard posing is already pretty tired, and the photos are from the category "well, look how beautiful I am!" cause admiration less and less. The same cannot be said about the photos in which the model is in real conditions and looks real. They do not require perfect makeup, pretentious outfits and hairstyles, they are gaining popularity with their sincerity. However, having photographed immediately after waking up, you will not at all look like on the cover of a glossy, because to create spectacular spontaneous photos, you need to know a few secrets.

For a start, distract yourself, forget that you are under the gun of the camera. You don't need to look for beautiful poses for a photo shoot at home yourself - just be yourself, and the factor of surprise will certainly work. You can paint, drink coffee or do morning exercises, the main thing is that you do it with pleasure, and not for a spectacular shot.

Dynamic shots can also be vivid, capturing you in motion, capturing a unique moment. How to achieve this result? Do your usual work, play a musical instrument, even playing a computer game, you can achieve the desired effect.

You can play very well in contrast, emphasizing the discrepancy between the situation and appearance. For example, you can wash the dishes in an evening dress, or dust off with stiletto heels. The flight of imagination should not be limited here, because the photo is your self-expression.

How to photo-engrave curvy girls

The property of the camera to correct the figure not in the most favorable direction is known to everyone, especially those girls whose figure is far from ideal suffer from this. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to create successful shots and smooth out the shortcomings. It's enough just to find the right poses for a photo shoot at home.

The most important rule is correct posture: a perfectly flat back, chest protruding forward, and shoulders abducted. Having taken this position, you seem to strive upward, and the silhouette becomes much slimmer. Do not forget about the stomach, which you need to retract as much as possible. Try to do it in such a way that you look natural, you do not need to make a distressed expression on your face, not stopping to think about how to hold your back.

Plasticity and lightness can be created with the help of an elongated toe, a very comfortable posture when sitting. Legs thrown over each other will also look good, this position will be playful and flirty, while the legs will seem more slender. You can also distract attention from full legs with the help of various objects or accessories placed in this area. The most advantageous position of the arms can be created by lifting them up or placing them at the waist.

More feminine and delicate will be photographs in which the legs are intertwined, and the arms are closed at chest level.

Baby pictures: poses for a photo shoot at home for children

Successfully photographing a child is a huge difficulty, since it is almost impossible to agree on anything with a little fidget. How to solve this problem? Keep him busy. Thus, you can distract the baby from boring posing, while not losing the natural and emotional nature of the photo.

Vivid shots can be obtained by inviting the child to play or cuddle with a favorite toy, read a book. The presence of an animal in the house will greatly simplify the task, since you can offer to hug the pet, feed it or just play. Simulating a game of hide and seek can also help to "get" valuable shots, especially if you agree that the baby will look out at the first call. A very cute child will look like lying on the floor and resting his head on his hands.

You can get a very good shot by making the child laugh. Sincere laughter will add emotion, brightness and cheerfulness to the picture, and a wrinkled face will make it lively and dynamic. Touching pictures are always taken with mom. There are several options here: portrait, when a mother and baby look at each other or at the screen, and dynamic, made in the process of playing or working together. Next to the closest person, the baby forgets about everything in the world, so you can catch very unusual and interesting poses for a photo shoot at home.

Do you like taking pictures and posting fresh photos on Instagram? Then I will reveal to you a few secrets that will make you look beautiful and natural when taking selfies.


The best shots are taken in natural daylight from a window. To do this, you will need to get closer to him and turn your face. If direct sunlight hits you, I advise you to cover the window with a translucent white curtain or just step back a little. Such light is very soft and beautifully lays down, as well as hides imperfections and evens out the skin.

When outdoors, opt for shadows and light white / gray walls to reflect light and not distort colors.

The best time is from sunrise to 9-10 am and a couple of hours before sunset.

To hide the double chin, you can hold a white sheet at chest level. It will also brighten the face a little.


Want to take a close-up photo of your face? The best option is to lift your smartphone and take a picture of yourself from above. This will make your face narrower and more expressive eyes.

Try both left and right, look for your work side. In this case, what can you do with your head: move a little higher, a little lower, a little to the left, a little to the right, tilt a little to one side, then to the other. Work your shoulders, you hardly need a face like a passport) The more you bend, the more feminine.

Want a full-length photo? Then you will have to move away from the mirror, raise your hand with the phone to chest level and move it slightly to the side. Take it higher, so you visually narrow the figure. If you want to lose weight still, turn a little in profile, focus on one thigh, put your front leg (on the toe), bend over to emphasize the roundness.

Facial expression

Be interesting, sweet, thoughtful, smile sincerely! You can also curl) Want to make your lips plump? Open them slightly, but don't duckface.

Try to remember a funny incident and keep your camera ready.


Even the best photo can be spoiled by trash in the background or tiles recognizable in a shopping center toilet.

Minimalism - look for light, solid walls, nothing colorful and flashy, preferably in your color scheme.

Nature - sunset sky, meadows, mountains, flowers, beach.

Found a celebrity - catch it soon!

Extreme conditions - great!

Are there any cute animals nearby? Success is guaranteed.

Phone settings

Everyone knows that the main camera has the best quality, but it is more convenient to photograph yourself with the front one. Here, either put up with it, or take a selfie stick, or get used to using the buttons on the phone.

Focusing and adjusting the exposure (light) on the face.

White balance check - sometimes you need third-party applications like VSCO, where you can tweak it - so that white is white and gray is gray, and not blue, pink or another color.

Turn off the flash if possible.

Wipe down and keep your phone camera clean.

Processing applications

It remains only to slightly correct the photo - and you're done! Here is a selection of some of them:

  1. Facetune 2
  2. Youcam perfect
  3. Makeup Genius
  4. Retrica
  5. Meitu
  6. TouchRetouch
  1. BestMe Selfie Camera
  2. Bestie
  3. Candy Camera
  4. Retrica

Pose and angle guide

If you shoot yourself in the mirror:

If there is a friend or girlfriend nearby who (s) take a picture of you.

Young people, especially the fair sex, think about how they can beautifully take pictures at home, on the street or in any other place. Everyone wants the best versions of them to look good on social media. You can take many pictures, but you cannot choose the appropriate one. Therefore, it is important to know the rules to help you look your best in the photo.

Some people are born photogenic and for those who take pictures, the shooting is natural, with a little retouching. For others, the photographer sets the light in a special way, selects the desired angle, and the model makes efforts for each of the frames.

How to beautifully take a photo at home, in nature, or anywhere, the following tips can help:

  • Pose. The person who is being photographed should feel comfortable in contact with the camera lens.
  • Outfit. The color of the outfit should be in harmony with the complexion of the face and hair. You should also pay attention to the print. Large patterns should not be chosen for those who are curvy. Small patterns may appear blotchy in your photo.
  • Makeup. Concealer is used instead of a thick foundation for problem spots on the face (areas around the nose or dark circles under the eyes). Concealer is also applied on the shadows on the face, which can be found by tilting the chin down, looking in the mirror. A translucent tone is applied to the T-zone - forehead, nose, cheeks and chin so that they do not look greasy. Eyes stand out with eyeliner and mascara. A little blush is applied to the cheeks to make them look less flat. Better to use a medium pink, coral or peach shade on your cheeks. If you don't have blush on hand, you can pinch your cheeks right in front of the photo to add color.
  • Hairstyle. Before posing for a photo, you need to tilt your head. This gives some volume. It is recommended not to overuse styling products. Hair should not be completely behind or in front of your shoulders. It is necessary to experiment with the placement of the hair in order to understand which hair placement most favorably emphasizes the facial features.
  • A gentle smile - It's always a good idea for a photo if it's natural and sincere.
  • The eyes should be open and well lit.
  • You don't have to look directly into the camera; instead, you can focus your gaze slightly above the camera lens or look away.
  • It is better to keep your hands a little further from the body, so they will look slimmer. Hands pressed to the body look larger than they really are.
  • When shooting full-length, it is not necessary to face the camera. It is better to turn away 3/4 from the camera, this way you can look more slim.
  • Shine. He can make the photo better or ruin it. It is necessary to stay away from direct sunlight (if shooting in nature), which brings a lot of shadows with it. The face and outfit should be well lit at all times. There is a "golden time" for shooting, it happens twice a day, usually one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset.
  • Background. He is matched to the outfit and the concept of the entire shooting. It easily enriches colors, prints or patterns of clothing, matches a specific style. Old buildings for retro photography serve as a good background.
  • Angle. The camera angle at which the shot is taken is also an important aspect for successful shots. The level of the chest is ideal for photography, as it helps to avoid deformation. Avoid filming with a camera located above the person being photographed. Before filming, you can look in the mirror and understand which side is “working”.
  • Props. A bag, a nice bouquet of flowers, a set of colorful balloons or a bicycle can complement the photo. The main thing is to choose the right elements for the image and use them as much as possible.
  • It is better to take multiple photos so that you can choose the best shots.
  • Before shooting, it is recommended to review your old photos, find mistakes and learn how to emphasize those aspects that you really like.
  • Find inspiration in other photographs, in other people's posing techniques, but stay true to yourself.

Correct photo poses

How beautiful to be photographed at home or in any other place, what pose to choose, how to turn your head correctly, and place your hands are described in the form of recommendations in the table.

Full-length shooting Seated shooting
Head position and gazeYou don't always have to look directly into the camera. Direct your gaze slightly higher or slightly lower and slightly tilt your head up or down.The head is raised, the gaze is directed slightly to the side of the camera.
Body positionIt is better to rotate your body 45 degrees away from the camera instead of taking a full face photo. This pose gives a slimming effect and creates angles that look better in the photo.The back is straight, you can lean slightly on the back of the chair.

Place the chair perpendicular to the camera, sit full-face or half-side, put your hand on the back of the chair.

Position of arms and legsInstead of the hands looking sluggish in the photo and the legs not feeling stiff, try bending them and keeping them slightly away from the body. Relax and bend your arms slightly. Bend the leg that is closer to the camera and shift your weight onto the back leg. Or cross your legs at the ankles.Hands are relaxed, you can cross your legs, or cross them at the ankles.

How to make a beautiful face

To get a beautiful face in the photo, you must follow a few tips:

  • Overhead lighting adds under-eye circles to uneven skin. For best results, turn your face towards the light source. Better yet, go outside during sunset for natural light. The sun casts less shadows downward, it brightens the under-eye area, and the person in the photo looks younger.
  • Makeup is best applied lightly, especially without overusing the foundation. A face disguised as any marble base will appear flat in photographs.

  • When seated, you can ask the photographer to take a shot from above. If you lift your face up to meet the camera, the jaw will appear more pronounced.
  • For a more natural smile, say the word "cheese". The corners of the mouth will rise and small wrinkles appear around the eyes, giving a realistic grin. Or you can think of a happy memory and smile at the camera.

What is the best way to take pictures of fat people

  • Rotate your torso so that one shoulder is closer to the camera than the other (turn three-quarters away from the camera). This will help you look slimmer. Legs can look very long if you place one foot in front of the other, which creates a perfect line for the rest of the body.
  • Take your hand away from your body and bend it slightly to make it appear thinner.
  • Do not point your elbow and open knee towards the camera, do not press your hands against your body.
  • For a standing shot, ask the photographer to take a few shots from a lower angle. This trick will visually lengthen the body, and the model will appear slim.
  • It is better to avoid large patterns on clothes and aim for long lines. You can complement your outfit with a thin belt.
  • Visually lengthens a thin heel, instead of a square and voluminous one, which can add weight to the legs in photographs. If you are photographed with bare feet, then stand on your toes - this is how you can look taller and slimmer in the frame.

  • The hairstyle can visually narrow the rounded outlines. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid a tail that is too smooth, which is all behind the back.
  • Take your shoulders back. Thanks to this position, you can look taller and slimmer.
  • Tilt your hips back to create space between your legs.
  • You can't lean towards the camera, it's better to lean back a little, so the stomach looks more slender.
  • Choose dark clothing for shooting.

How to take a selfie

Many girls take a lot of pictures for the perfect selfie. In the best case, one photo will be liked, and the rest will be deleted from the smartphone. That's because taking the perfect selfie isn't easy - it's about the right combination of light, angle, setting, and photo filters.

How to beautifully take a picture at home or anywhere else, a few recommendations from experts will help:

  • Lighting. You need to turn to a window with natural light or go outside. Good light can actually make dark circles and shadows disappear completely.
  • Flash. The smartphone turns on flash mode for the front camera.
  • A natural smile is always best.
  • Take several shots with different head tilt and hold the phone at different angles. It is also not necessary to look directly into the camera.
  • Use different applications. The camera itself has filters that you can apply to edit your pictures. But don't get too carried away with this, so that the photo does not lose its naturalness.
  • Do not overuse makeup.
  • Avoid Selfie Cliches: no need to make a face with duck lips.
  • It is better to relax the muscles of your face and open your mouth slightly.
  • Keep eyes closed until the picture is taken.

Beautiful poses for outdoor photography

Outdoor photography requires some preparation: choosing a place, time, clothing for shooting. It is also important to think in advance about the poses for the photo shoot.

Possible poses for shooting:

  • It is recommended not to hold your breath or pinch your body. It is important to look as natural as possible.
  • It is important to monitor your posture.
  • It is not necessary to stand full face and keep your legs constantly close: you can put one leg back a little and lean on it.
  • Choose an asymmetrical position of the arms and legs.
  • Pictures in motion look interesting: go to the camera and look into the lens (or a little to the side), you can turn away from it and walk in the opposite direction from the photographer.
  • You can put your legs "crosswise", which will give the image a little coquetry. Hand position: at the waist or at the hips.
  • Pose near the support (bench, rock, tree) is a good choice for a shot. The position of the body is varied: sit down, cross your legs, stretch them out, or cross your legs.

How beautiful is a teenager to take a photo at school?

If you follow a few tips, you can relax in front of the camera and the picture will be good:

  • Choose an outfit. Revise your wardrobe and think about which outfits look best. It's best to avoid frilly patterns, whites, bright colors, and clothing with words or large logos. Clothing fabric should not be transparent. Ideal - a solid color outfit.
  • Accessories should be simple. Large earrings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, scarves will simply distract from the face and smile. A thin gold or silver chain with a small pendant is better.
  • Girls shouldn't put on a lot of makeup. Makeup should look natural: 1 light layer of mascara, do not choose very bright or dark lipstick color.
  • Don't change your appearance too drastically. It's best to refrain from making any major changes to your appearance, such as dyeing your hair an exciting new color.
  • Before the photo session, stand in front of the mirror at home and practice smiling. You need to figure out in advance how to create your most attractive, natural smile.
  • School photos are usually taken in frontal view, but subtle changes in head position can make a big difference. When rehearsing a smile in front of a mirror, it is recommended to check different head positions. This is done in order to find out which position makes the facial features more attractive.

  • Play the photographer. He is a professional, so you need to do your best to do as he says.
  • To avoid a fake or forced smile, think of something good.
  • On the day of shooting, be sure to take a shower, brush your teeth.
  • Before the photo, be sure to comb your hair.
  • Brush your face regularly every night to prevent acne breakouts. This will improve the chances of having a clean, clear, beautiful face on the day of the photo.
  • Carry a comb and mirror to school. This way you can check your appearance and correct it before shooting.
  • Get a haircut a few days before shooting.
  • Take care of your health: drink enough water and sleep well, especially before the photo session.


In nature, you can take pictures at different times of the year, and you will get beautiful shots. You can pose half-sitting or lying on a fallen tree or stump. You will get attractive photos when the model is moving: peeking out from behind a tree or holding a branch, walking towards a pond and others.

  • Spring photo session. A good shot is sitting on the grass or in forest flowers, standing near a blossoming tree.
  • Summer. All objects that surround are used as props. The best time to shoot is morning or evening. It is also important to choose the right outfit, not to overuse makeup.
  • If the photo is taken at the sea, it is better to choose the evening time for shooting (after 5 pm). Defile pose: entering or leaving the sea.
  • Pose options for winter shots are different: sit on a tree or bench covered with snow. You can take pictures on a skating rink or in a winter forest. The main thing is to dress warmly.
  • Autumn photos are also interesting. Choose a day when the sun is shining, and everything around is already in yellow. You can go to the park, pick up yellow leaves and weave a wreath - it will decorate your head. The leaves are also thrown upward, and while they are falling, they take a few pictures.


How beautiful it is to be photographed at home if there is no opportunity or desire to go to a photo studio or take a photo session outside the apartment, will help solve several recommendations:

  • Think about makeup. It is necessary to carefully choose a foundation so that there is no strong difference in the skin tone of the face and neck. You cannot use mother-of-pearl and glitter in your face makeup.
  • Hairstyle. Do not use glitter spray on your hair. Often times, the flash of the camera turns glitter into dandruff.
  • Outfit. When deciding on a color scheme, it is recommended to combine no more than 3 colors in clothes. The main thing in clothes is to stick to one style.
  • On a bed or sofa, you can take pictures in any position and also direct your gaze to the camera or to the other side.

  • If there is a staircase in the house (leading to another floor or to the attic), then you can choose a romantic or daring image.
  • Shooting is usually done on the windowsill in autumn or winter, focusing on the weather outside the window, this creates the mood of the composition. Props for shooting: candle, pillow, blanket, book, cup of coffee or tea.
  • In the bathroom, you can use foam, candles, wine, glasses, flower petals.

How beautiful to take a picture and where to choose a place for shooting at home, you can look at successful photos of other girls on social networks and pay attention to what poses the best shots are in.

In the cafe

A place near the window is suitable for taking pictures in a cafe or restaurant: there is good lighting, the photographer can take several pictures through the window, and the reflection of objects will create a beautiful composition.

The lighting in the cafe should be soft and pleasant. A dish that has not been eaten should not get into the frame - this will ruin the picture. You can pick up a cup of tea, coffee, or a glass of wine.

For a business image, you can pretend that an important issue is being resolved over the phone or a report is being written (for this, there must be a laptop in the frame). If you decide to make a photo session in a certain cafe, then you should discuss this with the administrator of the institution. After all, not all owners are allowed to take pictures.

In gym

How to take beautiful pictures in the gym:

  • look at examples of photos of celebrities;
  • choose a background. It is better not to be photographed against the background of a large crowd of people, but to choose a different time or place for shooting;
  • lighting and the correct angle are important for the shot;
  • before taking a photo, you need to tighten your muscles (for example, draw in your stomach), you can pick up dumbbells or show you how to properly exercise on the simulator or do a certain exercise.

Driving a car

A good shot while driving a car can come from the vision of the photographer and the model of the image, but it must be consistent with the make of the car. If a guy is being photographed, then it is better to choose poses that emphasize strengths: turn your shoulders and look at the camera with a confident look. The positions should be simple and relaxed.

The girl behind the wheel can sit in a half turn, her hand on the steering wheel in a free position and look at the back seat (into the camera or slightly higher).

On the sea

The best time of day to shoot is after 5pm. You can take close-ups and move away to a distance. The pleasant shine of the waves will play beautifully in the frame. Poses with support on something are ideal: stones, a chaise longue. You can defile: go into the sea, watch the sunset.

With a cat or a dog

Beautiful pictures with pets can be done quite simply. They complement family photos well. Dogs and cats can play with children, so the shot will come out alive and natural. For cozy atmospheric photography, you can take the animal in your arms, it can also lie or sit near the feet of its owners.

With a horse

Before shooting, you need to get acquainted with the animal, pet, feed. The options for poses are different: in the saddle on a horse, standing next to it. The outfit can be different: shorts, shirt with a cowboy hat, long dress, high boots with heels, tight pants, golf with a vest.

With a bouquet of flowers

The bouquet emphasizes femininity. You can sniff it, hold it in front of you, press it to you. The gaze can be directed towards the camera or towards flowers.

With balloons

A couple in love can be photographed with balloons (heart-shaped or red). Also, this attribute can complement a children's holiday, giving the child a lot of positive emotions. You can be photographed alone with a lot of balls, which will liven up the picture.


It is better to choose a female photographer, she will better understand and suggest the best poses and attributes for shooting. You can take both family pictures and separately pregnant. Clothes are loose, light, you can wear a T-shirt with interesting and funny inscriptions. Additional accessories: booties, baby clothes, balloons.

The photo shows an example of how you can beautifully take a picture of a pregnant woman at home.

A special accent is the belly, so you can put your hands on it. If the shooting takes place outdoors, then you can take pictures at sunset (the pregnant woman turns to the side of the camera). If there are more children or pets in the family, they also participate in the shooting.

For passport

You can take a beautiful photo, despite the strict requirements for it.

Here are some tips:

  • choose a salon for shooting, a professional with a good camera should work in it;
  • before shooting, it is important to put your appearance in order (comb, touch up makeup, which should be as natural as possible);
  • think about clothes in advance: you cannot be photographed in white;
  • you need to keep your posture, head - full face, eyes open, but not too wide (naturally);
  • take several shots to choose the best option;
  • the photographer can retouch a little photo to remove some flaws.

You don't have to be a professional model and have proportions of 90-60-90 to know how to take a photo correctly. The above tips will help everyone to take a good photo at home, outdoors, any time of the year.

It's important to enjoy the filming process and be free in front of the camera. A professional photographer will help you choose the right angle, highlight all the flaws and, if necessary, remove them with the help of special photo editors.

Posing video

15 universal poses for a photo:

To get beautiful photos, you need to think about posing. Better to take some time and practice at home to feel confident with the photographer. To choose a pose for a photo shoot, you do not need to be a professional model, you only need to have minimal knowledge of how to present yourself.

What is posing

Posing is the ability to adopt different body positions that help you show your strengths and hide your weaknesses. Good, successful photography poses create a favorable angle. Posing is considered an art because it has to be learned.

Everyone can learn this art, it only takes time. You can search for examples of photo shoots, memorize the best of your favorite body positions, rehearse them in front of a mirror, and then pose for a photographer. Using this approach, you can get a variety of images from one photo shoot that will be very different from each other.

It is necessary to choose posing options based on the type of photo session. If this is Love Story, then it is better to rehearse partners together, a photo session of two girls also involves choosing a pose that will suit two at once. In addition, the theme and the interior play an important role. For example, for studio photos of girls, completely different poses are suitable than for a photo shoot in nature.

Posing rules

Think about what qualities you want to highlight so that they stand out in the photo. For most girls, regardless of the subject of the photo shoot, it is important to have an attractive appearance, as well as to focus on femininity and sexuality. You can achieve the desired effect by following simple rules for posing.

Correct posture or latin letter S

Successful poses for female photo shoots largely depend on the posture. A stooped, hunched back reflects on the general appearance, creates the effect of a closed person. Shoulders "looking forward" distort the posture, make the model visually lower, and immediately catch the eye when viewing the pictures.

To understand which posture is correct, you need to have a superficial knowledge of the structure of the human spine. It has smooth lines, consists of three sections: cervical, thoracic and vertebral. The first and third point in one direction, and the middle in the other, which creates a bend, visually resembling the letter S.

When choosing a pose, keep in mind each section of the spine. Look at your photos and see if there is a bend in them that looks graceful and attractive.

Beautiful neck

With the help of a beautifully stretched neck, you can emphasize gracefulness and sophistication. However, pulling it up it is important not to overdo it, if you lift your head back strongly, you get an unnatural look. Also, do not raise your shoulders, they should remain in place, and not reach behind the neck.

Stretching the neck up, it will turn out to raise the chin, which will help to visually lengthen it. If there are unwanted folds in this area, then a similar problem can be solved. It is necessary to stretch the neck in different positions, not only in a standing position, but also in a sitting position, because it is visible in the pictures from many angles.

Enlarge breasts

To visually enlarge your breasts, choose the correct posture. If the shoulders are laid back, the back has a natural deflection, then the bust always sticks out slightly forward, so it looks larger. The main problem that spoils the posture and hides the chest for many girls is stoop, because we get so used to hunching over that we have to work on the correct position of the back.

If we talk about the posture in the form of the letter S, then one of its attractive features is precisely the raised chest. It is only important to make sure that everything looks natural. Enlargement of the chest can be simply due to the fact that the back is straightened during the deflection in the thoracic region. It is not worthwhile to deliberately protrude it forward, focusing attention on it. It will look unnatural and vulgar.

Maximum sexuality and femininity

Poses in photographing and filming women should emphasize femininity. Do not think that this trait is necessarily traced only in certain topics, for example, in intimate, romantic styles. Femininity should be present in pictures with any idea.

The letter S remains the guideline - the more curves on your body, the sexier the photo will turn out. The main factors to consider when choosing a posture are an extended neck and a deflection in the lumbar region. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve that:

  • you will look slimmer;
  • the chin will rise and become more graceful;
  • butt and chest will not be flat;
  • you get a beautiful posture.

If you want to emphasize sexiness as much as possible, then use naughty poses that show a lot of curves. Experiment with a support, standing against a wall, leaning on it, touching only your buttocks. Photos on your knees also look sexy, especially if you transfer your body weight to one hip.

Poses for a standing photo shoot, features

Standing full-length shots are a great opportunity to emphasize all the advantages of your figure, but for this it is important to remember some rules. The main one is the deflection in the vertebral region. If you neglect it, you will get a photo in which the back will be straight, like a board, without roundness.

Here are the best poses for a standing photo shoot:

  1. Stand facing the photographer, place one hand on the waist, and take the other behind your back. Relax one leg, transferring your body weight to the other, tilt your head slightly to the side, and stretch your neck. This pose is suitable for a studio photo shoot.
  2. Bring your legs together, but relax one, transferring your body weight to the other. Lower one of the hands in front of you, grab it with the other at the elbow level.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows, and put them behind your head. Expand the body three quarters and try to take different positions of the legs. Then you can put one hand on your waist, leave the other behind your head and look up.

It is almost impossible to hide some flaws in a standing position, so this photo session is not suitable for everyone.

Sitting pose, highlighting dignity

A sitting photo session allows you to emphasize the main feminine advantages - femininity and sexuality. Also, in such poses, you can hide the hated fold in the waist or other imperfections. Basic rules for seated photography:

  • the body should be in line;
  • stretch your neck, take your shoulders back;
  • arch your back;
  • relax your face;
  • experiment with legs: put one leg in front of you, bend it, sit on your knees;
  • if folds are visible, choose a different pose.

While it can be tricky to stay in a certain position, do not show your efforts in any way - if the model tenses, any posture looks unnatural. To emphasize your legs, as a dignity, sit on a sofa, chair, pull them down. In this case, the camera should be 30 cm below the girl's face.

Posing on your knees, naughty poses

To add a touch of piquancy to a photo session, try to be liberated. Feigned sexuality always looks unnatural, so think carefully about the choice of location, interior and other details. Kneeling positions are considered to be some of the most appropriate for displaying spice.

Such a picture can be spoiled by:

  • stooped back;
  • rounded tummy;
  • folds on the body;
  • unattractive outline of the priests.

Try to avoid these moments by making as many curves on the body as possible. Experiment with arms and legs, it looks especially sexy when the model hugs herself: wraps her arms around her knees, strokes her leg.

Street photography

Street photography involves the need to interact with the environment. Poses for a photo shoot in the park will be different from poses on the seashore or in the field. It will not work to ignore the situation around him, unlike working in a studio, the photographer will have to try harder so that nothing around him interferes. Poses for a photo shoot on a crowded street and model angles should be selected taking into account the people around. The person who will be filming will need to adapt to difficult environmental conditions.

Marine photography

Photo sessions on the seashore allow you to get beautiful, unforgettable pictures. You can diversify photos using thematic attributes:

  • bright swimsuits and pareos;
  • sunglasses;
  • umbrellas;
  • hats and panamas;
  • sun loungers, etc.

The environment promotes relaxation, it is important for the model to feel the atmosphere, recharge the energy of the sea, and relax. By changing different swimwear and choosing attributes for them, you can create bright, diverse images. Spicy photos look especially good on the seashore.

Consider weather conditions when preparing for a marine survey. On the seashore there is usually a bright light and strong wind. To capture nature shots, pay attention to shots with the photographer holding the lens at its lowest point.

Forest photos

Poses for unusual photo shoots in nature can be different, it is important to interact with the environment, to use what is in the frame. In the forest, this does not cause problems, nature gives many attributes that can be used - tree branches, flowers and other plants, autumn leaves, etc.

The following poses will be good options for a photo shoot in the forest:

  • hug a tree, peek out coquettishly from behind it;
  • throw in an armful of leaves or flowers;
  • open your arms towards the sun's rays;
  • lie in a meadow with flowers;
  • sit with your elbows on a tree, look into the distance.

In nature photography, it is especially easy to take photographs that reflect emotions well. Rejoice, laugh, and this will definitely be reflected in the pictures.

In field

There can be a lot of poses for a photo shoot in an open field. They must be chosen based on the characteristics of a particular place. If there are ears of wheat growing on the field, which are waist-length models, you will get good shots while standing, on which you need to experiment mainly with your hands.

If there is low grass or other plants in the field, the best angle would be to shoot with the model standing, sitting. It is better for the photographer to keep the lens at the level of the subject's face.

Ours in the city

This type of photo sessions is widely used in the fashion industry, suitable for girls who want to emphasize their stylish image. For this format of street photography, special attention must be paid to appearance. Some models like to pose as a businesswoman, others as a romantic dreamer.

Use all the possibilities of street photography: the model can go up or down the stairs, look into shop windows, stand out against the crowd of passers-by. Especially advantageous in such street photography are portraits against the background of the city: in full face and profile.

Studio and interior poses

If a photo session takes place in a studio, you need to carefully consider the interior, the image of the model, all the details of the exterior, attributes. Try one of these options:

  1. With a chair. Sit on the edge, arch your back strongly and place your hands on your knees. Try to move your arms back, focusing on them. You can also relax one leg, pull it to your chest, hugging your arms.
  2. With a mirror. The model can take different positions while standing, sitting, creating mysterious, flirtatious images. The photographer is required to be able to organize the light and correctly capture the reflection.
  3. On the couch or bed. The model lies on its stomach or back, experimenting with the position of the arms and legs.

Plus size girls

Shooting girls with curvaceous forms is an art; a professional photographer should not have any difficulties with this process. Usually, a specialist tells girls what position is best to take. In fact, shooting women in plus size format, you can get a lot of high-quality, sexy photos, just as good as with standard models. Many photographers prefer these poses:

  1. The model lies on her back, legs are raised up. With the help of fabrics, pillows, you can discreetly cover imperfections on the body.
  2. The girl depicts an hourglass. You need to raise your elbows, make beautiful deflections. It is better to transfer body weight on one leg.
  3. The model turns in three quarters, exposes the hip, puts one hand on the waist, and puts the other behind the back. The gaze is directed upwards.

Curvy girls are better off avoiding the sitting position, unless only the face and neck are visible.

Ideas and inspiration

The fashion industry constantly puts forward changed conditions for filming, new trends regularly appear, so it is important to follow them and analyze them, and then put them into practice.

Inspiration can be drawn from watching the work of world renowned artists. Or maybe they are unknown to almost anyone, but you really like their photos - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to enjoy the work of others, but not for envy or copying ideas, but in order to be charged with energy and the desire to create.

Working on photography projects with a variety of subjects is a great way to break away from routine photography and focus on the creative process of creating your stills. Limitations in shooting subjects and equipment sometimes really force you to resort to very creative solutions.

We have prepared 52 great ideas for filming in 2015. For every week of the year, in theory. We've divided them into three subsections: simple home projects that you can implement today, ideas that you can implement outdoors, and temporary projects that you can start right now.

Photo ideas for home

1. Manipulation of water droplets

To implement this idea, you need to install a container of water with a small hole through which drops of water will be passed. Your task is to press the shutter button at the moment when the drop is forming or already flying. The most important thing is to determine as accurately as possible the time to close the shutter. We have achieved the best results with two flash units set at minimum power (1 / 128th). The aperture value was set to f / 22. To give the water a more viscous consistency, we added a little food thickener to it. We also used a device of the SplashArt Kit series, which helps to regulate the size of the drops and the frequency of their falling.

2. Taking pictures of a splash of water

For this project, you will need a remote control flash, a water tank with clean, transparent walls, a colored background, and a tripod. Place a container with water and a colored background, then place the flash over the container. Place the camera on a tripod and switch to manual focus mode. At f / 8 and ISO 200, set the fastest shutter speed possible. Don't forget about flash sync. So, throw an object into the water and press the shutter button as soon as it touches the surface of the water.

3. The art of painting with smoke

Many photographers, for example, still life lovers, enjoy using smoke in their photographs. What if you go to the next level and use the intricate shapes of swirling smoke to compose your paintings? You can create an unusual art project in Photoshop. So, after taking some nice swirls of smoke, create a new blank document in Photoshop. Then copy and paste one of the resulting photos onto it. Set the Blending Mode to Screen and use the Warp Transform command (Edit\u003e Transform\u003e Warp) to reshape the smoke. Continue experimenting by adding more images to the document.

4. Cross-polarization

At the heart of this fun idea is the effect that polarized light creates when it hits plastic objects. You will need two polarizing filters, ideally one of them should be a sheet of polarizing film. An A4 sheet of Lee 239 polarizing film can be purchased for about £ 50. The sheet of film should be placed on a lightbox or any other light source. IPad screens and most computer screens have a built-in polarizing filter, so if you don't have polarizing film, you can easily create a blank white document that fills the screen and use your gadget. Attach a polarizer to the camera and rotate it so that the colors appear on the transparent plastic parts.

5. Edible landscapes

Back up your food photo! All you need is to creatively place figurines on the food, such as the Hornby. They are perfect, as the little men from this company are offered in a variety of poses. It is important not only to place the figures, but also to tell the story. In this photo, you watch two heroes help out advice to a climber trying to climb a potato mountain.

6. Food as art

Use a lightbox and a very sharp knife to turn your dinner food into a piece of photo art. Cut the fruits and vegetables as thinly as possible and then place them on the lightbox. Place your camera directly over your subject and use Live View to manually focus on details. Set the aperture to f / 8 for the optimal depth of field. It is worth resorting to exposure compensation and setting it to + 1- + 3 stops, as the bright light from the lightbox can confuse your camera's exposure meter.

7. Flowers in ice

A relatively inexpensive way to take great macro photos is to freeze flowers in plastic containers filled with distilled or de-ionized water. The flowers will float, so take care of how to secure them in one position. Place a piece of ice on the surface of a clear glass or bowl in a white sink or other container, then the light will reflect off all surfaces of the container. Place the flash on one side and point downward, and place the camera on the opposite side.

8. Oil and abstraction

Oil streaks spreading across the surface of the water are a great idea for creating vibrant abstract photos. This project uses the refractive quality of an oil that enhances and distorts colors. All you need to do is pour water into a transparent bowl and add a few drops of regular vegetable oil. Place the bowl approximately 25 cm above the table. Put multi-colored paper under the bowl, illuminate it with an ordinary table lamp or with a flash.

9. Oil reflections

This idea echoes the idea described in the paragraph above. But in this case, the color pattern is created using a colored lamp cover, not a multi-colored background. First, make a desk lamp cover using hard colored paper, plastic film, and duct tape. For safety, make sure the paper does not touch the light bulb. Place a container of water in front of a table lamp and add a few drops of oil to the water. Spread the oil over the surface, bring the camera as close as possible and shoot.

10. Psychedelic soap film

This project is a great idea for a vibrant desktop or abstract wall wallpaper. You will need liquid soap mixed with glycerin, this combination forms a permanent soapy film. Equip yourself with a wire loop, black background and a macro lens like 100mm. The colors formed by the soap film only appear at a certain angle of incidence of the light. Position yourself close to the window and get the correct angle for shooting.

11. Refraction effect

Passing through water, light has a tendency to be distorted, i.e. refracted, as a result, objects under water visually change their appearance. This phenomenon is called refraction, and we will use it in this small photo project. All you need is a few transparent glasses, a flash, a tripod and a background with a black and white pattern. Just place glasses of water on the patterned background and shoot.

12. Macro photography in the kitchen

Your kitchen is the perfect place for macro photography. Its reflective surfaces can be used to create interesting backgrounds for pictures, and its shallow depth of field can transform the most common subjects. By stitching a few pictures together, you can create a beautiful decor piece for your own kitchen, but before you start shooting, consider how the frames will overlap with each other. Our row consists of three photographs taken at the same angle and with the same depth of field.

13. Bokeh

An object as simple as a crumpled piece of foil can easily become the basis for a beautiful photo project. Place your subject on glass and place a piece of dark material under the glass. Remember a little ordinary kitchen foil in your hands, then spread it out and place it as a background. Direct light from a table lamp or any other source onto the foil. With the camera on a tripod, open the aperture as far as possible. Light up the foil with a flash while shooting.

14. Bokeh bubbles

Small light sources always create beautiful bokeh. The garland is perfect for this. Place the garland so far away that its bulbs are out of focus when the aperture is open. The subject, in this case the glass, should be close to the camera and focus should be on it. Place the garland itself in such a way that the bokeh eventually takes the form of multi-colored bubbles flying out of the glass. This technique is also used to create this “flow” of bokeh from mugs of hot drinks.

15. Drawings with light

Light streaks and light patterns can be used in a wide variety of photography genres and are ideal for still lifes. To do this, you can use a simple flashlight, and to make the light less diffused, you can remove the top cover, thereby exposing the bulb. Attach a piece of colored paper to the flashlight with insulating tape. Set your shutter speed to around 30 seconds and your aperture around f / 8. While exposing the frame, make smooth circular movements around the bottle, drawing a spiral.

16. Light spirals

Tie the lantern to a rope and hang it from the ceiling. For this photo, you will need the widest angle lens in your arsenal. Mount the camera on a tripod and point it straight at the ceiling. With the light on in the room, manually focus on the tip of the flashlight. Set the aperture to about f / 11 - f / 16, use Bulb mode and the remote shutter release to shoot. Keep the shutter open for about a minute after launching the flashlight.

Outdoor exercise ideas

17. Portraits with the Brenizer effect and

The Brenizer method, also known as portrait panorama or bokerama, provides an excellent basis for a series of portrait photographs. The method was invented by New York-based wedding photographer Ryan Brenizer. This technique allows you to create photographs with the effect of an ultra wide-angle lens. The idea behind this method is to create a series of photographs that, when glued together, form a full frame. Putting the mosaics together can be done using the Photomerge option in Photoshop or a stitching program. Use manual camera settings, from white balance to focus, so the parameters will be the same for all images. Take 30-80 frames to create one photo, and do not forget that each subsequent frame should overlap the previous one by about a third.

18. In the right place with the wrong lens

Force yourself to look at things differently. When going for a walk with your camera, choose the opposite lens to the one you would most likely take with you. For example, take a wide-angle lens to the zoo, or limit yourself to telephoto focal length the next time you go to photograph landscapes.

19. Landscapes piece by piece

Try to explore the area around you in a new way, creating compositions from several fragments captured while walking. Go outside for literally 20 minutes. Don't spend too much time on settings, just choose aperture priority mode, don't bring a tripod and various filters with you, and give up fancy techniques. Take pictures of whatever catches your attention. Upon returning home, create a document with a grid in Photoshop and insert the resulting images into its cells using layers.

20. Minimalistic landscapes

Instead of driving the view in front of you into one boring shot, try shooting a series of minimalist landscapes with a long exposure. Symmetrical composition and square format will help to emphasize the simplicity of the frame. You will also need a ND filter to enable you to enjoy long exposures throughout the day. Use a tripod and remote to release the shutter.

21. Star landscapes

To capture the perfect starry landscape, you need crystal clear skies. It is advisable that the moon does not fall into the frame, otherwise many details may be lost. For a high-quality picture with clear, undefined stars, photographs should be taken at sufficiently fast shutter speeds, for this, go to the manual setting mode, set the ISO value around 1600 or 3200 and the shutter speed at two seconds. Even with these settings, you will have to set your aperture wide open: f / 4 or even f / 2.8.

22. Take pictures that never inspire you

Write a list of objects or places that you find uninteresting, boring, or even ugly. Now push yourself to take attractive and interesting photos of these non-photogenic places and objects.

23. Looking for an abstraction in a parking lot

You don't have to travel to distant countries to carry out an interesting photo project. The possibilities for taking photographs are many, and even in such mundane places as a car park, it is quite possible to create something interesting. For such a project, you only need a digital camera. Without focusing on technique, look for and photograph different textures, color combinations, curious shapes and ornaments.

24. Selective colors

Instead of using the proverbial techniques to make the subject stand out from the rest of the frame (for example, leaving the main subject in color, and transferring everything else to black and white), try to pick a color and find its embodiment in all the diversity of the world. Draw attention to this color by using the right composition.

25. Night photography

Take night photography. Limit yourself in the use of additional light sources, make the most of the available lighting.

26. Optical illusions

As part of this project, we invite you to play with perspective, which affects the viewer's perception of the relationship between objects of different sizes that are in the frame. It is best to take as a basis objects whose sizes are known and not in any doubt, and make them interact with larger objects in the background. For this kind of photography, shoot with a small aperture opening to provide a greater depth of field.

27. Miniature world

Shoot miniature toys and models in their natural environment. Such projects are popular and very widespread today, in addition, there is nothing difficult in their implementation. Just take a small figurine or toy with you and take it off in different situations, anywhere and anytime: on a trip or on a walk or even on the way to work. In order for the figurine to blend in with its surroundings, you should, firstly, shoot it at close range, and secondly, correctly balance the lighting.

28. Create a tilt-shift effect

The well-known and beloved "toy town" effect is obtained using a special expensive tilt-shift lens. But a similar effect can be obtained in Photoshop, if you blur everything in the photo except for a small area on which you want to focus. For more credibility, photograph from a hill and preferably in sunny weather.

29. Photo alphabet

No, we do not suggest that you search for letters of the alphabet in the inscriptions on stores, road signs, etc. Instead, look for objects and objects that are shaped like the letters of the alphabet. You shouldn't look far for an example, let's take a children's swing on the playground. What does their frame look like from the end? That's right, the letter A. And the curved river from a bird's eye view of the English letter S.

30. From 1 to 100

Similar to how we suggested you create a photographic alphabet, you can expand this project a little and try to find illustrations for numbers.

31. Faces in unusual places

Another simple and fun photo project idea. Sometimes we can observe how the usual things of our everyday life, and just the surrounding objects have some similarities with a human face or take a form that remotely reminds us of facial features. Learn to look at the world of things differently. Check out this blog for inspiration.

32. Light Orbit

Painting with light gives you a limitless variety of photography ideas. But what about a series of images with light orbits? You don't need complicated equipment. All you need is a bright, battery-powered LED backlight and a hoop to wrap around the backlight. Mount the camera on a tripod, select the optimal shutter speed and just rotate the hoop.

33. Burning steel wool

For this project, make sure you shoot in an open area away from flammable objects in advance. Place steel wool in a metal whisk and attach it to the chain. Then light the wool and rotate the whisk on the chain, burning sparks will fly around. You will need a desperate volunteer, a tripod and a shutter speed of about 15 seconds at f / 11 and ISO 100.

34. Machine movement

For a change, try to capture movement not from the outside of the car, but from the inside. You should, of course, shoot at night. Ask a friend to drive smoothly and slowly on a well-lit road. Set the exposure length to about 30 seconds. Place a tripod on the passenger seat and use the remote shutter release.

35. Intentional errors

List the most common mistakes a photographer can make. And then try, by deliberately making these mistakes, to create a beautiful photo. You may overexpose or underexpose the frame, crop your subject incorrectly, or focus on the background rather than the subject.

36. Cinemagraph

Create a series of animated Gifs showing subtle movement. This project requires little work in Photoshop. You will have to create not just frames, but video sequences, but the result can exceed all your expectations. You will need a tripod; the background should remain the same throughout the entire footage. Choose a scene in which some action happens continuously or cyclically so that the start and end points in the finished cinemagraph are not striking. Record movement, such as the wind swaying foliage on a tree.

37. Intentional camera movement

You're used to doing your best to keep your photos as clear as possible. But to make the photo more metaphorical and mysterious, try the opposite. With a relatively slow shutter speed, deliberately move the camera. Shoot in shutter priority mode. For inspiration, see the work of British photographer Chris Friel (

38. Retro effect

Various noise and distortion are very easy to add in Photoshop or Lightroom. As a result, you will get a more colorful and atmospheric photo, but you should think about its final style already during shooting. The retro effect works well with simple, detail-free photographs where the subject is easily recognizable.

39. Time-lapse photography

Many of us may well have time to do time-lapse shooting, which is on the verge of video and photography. The subject of shooting can, in fact, be any phenomenon of your daily life. Master this fun technique in 2015.

Long-term projects

40. Project 365

A classic project in which you have to take a photo a day throughout the year. You can take two possible paths: limit yourself to just one shot per day for a given project, or take a few photos and then choose the best one. Can't spend so much time taking photos? Then think about an alternative project for which you need to take a photo per week, respectively, there will be 52 photos in total.

41.50 strangers

This idea is also not new, but that makes it just as exciting. You should get to know and start a conversation with strangers, and then, with their permission, keep their portrait for yourself. You can also designate the number of strangers you have to photograph. The most important thing is to overcome yourself and take the first step.

42. Project 50x50x50

It's simple: 50 days, 50 photos taken with a 50mm lens. An extremely simple project that will help develop your vision as a photographer.

43. Creative Selfies

Of course, you can take self-portraits at home, but how boring it is! Why not challenge yourself to create a series of self-portraits outside your home? Check out a series of beautiful self-portraits by renowned photographer Vivian Maier. She portrayed herself as part of some kind of big stage, playing with light, shadow and reflections. It will be easier for you if you choose a specific theme for the project, as, for example, did the photographer Alex Bamford as part of his series of works called 'Sleepwalking' project (

44. The World Underfoot

Every day at the same time of the day, photograph what is under your feet. Equip yourself with a wide-angle lens and find new and interesting places.

45. Portraits without a face

Take portraits of different people, but do not include their faces in the frame. Try to convey their personality in other ways. Use colors, surroundings, lighting, paraphernalia, and even parts of their bodies - especially their hands - all of which will help you expose their character to the viewer.

46. \u200b\u200bPhoto game

Ask someone to write 30 things on paper cards. Things can be very different, but always readily available. At this time, you will paint 30 different aspects of the photo (50mm, black and white photo, slow shutter speed, tilt-shift effect, etc.). Take a card from each pile and proceed to the task.

47. Month of monochrome

The name of this idea gives comprehensive information. Force yourself to take exclusively black and white photos, forget about color for a month. You will learn to see the most suitable scenes and subjects in black and white. This project will help you develop your vision. Shoot in Raw format, but change the camera settings beforehand to monochrome. As a result, during shooting, you will be able to see the scene in black and white, and the image itself will store all the information about the color. You can use this information to process the photo.

48. The four seasons

Unlike a project that involves shooting every day, here you have to shoot the same subject every three months throughout the year. The idea behind this project is to show the changing seasons. Choose your subject wisely, imagine in advance how the selected scene will look after the transformation caused by the changing weather. A lone tree in a field is certainly the best fit for this project.

49. Geocaching

Download the geocaching app on your smartphone and travel to the hiding place in order to artistically capture the surrounding area. Do not take pictures of the cache itself, because you do not want the people who go in search of it to lose interest.

50. Create a texture library

With textures, you can give a photo a special look. You can apply texture to a photo in several ways, for example, using the multiple exposure mode. It is much easier for this purpose to use the program Photoshop and apply textures through layers. Although you can find textures on the Internet, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to use your own. Wood, old wrinkled paper, plaster peeling off the walls, and other things can serve as a great texture for your photo.

51. Pinhole photography

With your own hands, using available tools, turn your expensive camera into an analog of the obscura camera and try to shoot without using newfangled technology.

52. Take a photo book

Take the project you worked on last year as a basis. Think about the structure of the book, about the placement of photographs on its pages. Try to arrange them according to color, theme, or style.


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