Guide to creating interactive flash presentations and applications. Master Class. Create a presentation in Flash Create flash presentations

Many marketers use classic applications, such as PowerPoint, to create videos and presentations. However, they do not like to experiment with animation and prefer to do everything the old fashioned way.

Perhaps this is due to the likelihood of technical problems. Nevertheless, animated presentations are much more exciting than classic ones, with their help it is easier to convey complex concepts. Another plus - they are better remembered.

To create animated videos and presentations, it is not necessary to have professional programs such as 3D Studio Max, Maya or Adobe After Effects. It’s much easier to use clear online services.

The presentations created in them are easy to share online, and they can also be downloaded as a video file that can be played on any computer and mobile device without any problems.

About how to make a video presentation fun and effective, we talk in the article ““.

Below we will talk about the 5 best online services for creating animated presentations.


It doesn’t matter if you are confidently using your computer or are still lost when you see the Windows navigation menu. If you know how to use the mouse and keyboard, then easily create a professional animated presentation in GoAnimate.

This service allows you to create videos using ready-made templates, background music and animated characters.

GoAnimate is a lot like PowerPoint. The tool can be used to create short videos, marketing demos, videos for the YouTube channel and, of course, animated presentations with interesting characters and branding elements.

Finished projects can be downloaded, uploaded to YouTube or to another presentation preparation program. To use GoAnimate, you need to get a paid subscription for at least a month. A free demo version for 14 days is also available.


When it comes to generating visually appealing content, not many platforms can match the effect that a flash can have on an audience. If you are creating a website in Flash, or creating a presentation flash, you can easily create attractive images using something as little as the right arrangement of photos or videos. If you are looking for an easy way to create awesome flash presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint or want to create standalone presentations in Flash, here are four simple methods to help you create visually appealing Flash presentations without the need for complicated knowledge about using complex flash animation tools.

It is likely that you will have some photos or videos for presentation. If most of the content in the presentation consists of videos or photos, then you can use the software iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory Create full-fledged flash presentations simply by adding your desired videos and photos in sequence. This can help you create presentations in the Flash application that can be saved as SWF files, in various well-known video formats, in HTML 5 format, as well as an executable file (EXE). This software not only makes it easy to add images, menus and videos to create presentations, but also provides ready-made flash templates. For instructions on using this software, see this link: How to create Flash presentations using iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory.

Use Readymade Flash Presentation Templates

To get started with a flash-based presentation, you can download ready-made flash templates. In previous posts, we provided you with an overview of A4Flash and Flashmo, which offer ready-made templates in Flash. Although it can be difficult to manage .Fla data for free flash templates by Flashmo, you can get easier to use templates (as well as FLA files if you like) from A4Flash. Thus, with these ready-made flash templates, you can easily create your own Flash presentation.

Flash Animation Display in PowerPoint

While you can easily convert your photos and videos into flash animations using the iPixSoft Flash Gallery software, however, you may still be interested in displaying it using PowerPoint. This may be the case as a sequence of flash animations may not be enough to develop a theme, and it can be convenient for creating PowerPoint presentations and using animation in one of the slides. If you want to display flash animations in PowerPoint, then you can do this using the SlideDynamic add-in. For detailed instructions, see this post: How to Add SWF Files to PowerPoint Create Flash Presentations.

Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Flash Presentations

Whether you have a complex flash animation built into PowerPoint or want to export your entire presentation in flash format, you can easily convert PPT to SWF using Wondershare PPT2Flash Professional. The tool is very easy to use and just requires a few small configurations to convert PowerPoint to Flash. For more information, see our Wondershare PPT2Flash Professional review.

Learning to make games, presentations, etc. in Flash "e

What about?

I have no doubt, you probably saw a lot of banners (animated advertisements), Flash-games on the Internet. It’s not difficult to guess, all this is done in the Flash program

What is required:

  • A wish
  • Straight arms
  • Flash itself (starting from the 6th version)

The basics

General terminology

The table below provides an understanding of the terms that will be used later.

Term Title in Editor Description
Frame / Frame Frame This is just a frame. Frames are divided into key (Key frame) and ordinary.
Key frame Key frame A frame containing any image or objects. From the sequence of key frames and animation is made.
Timeline Time scale Panel at the top *. Contains all frames of the document.
Toolbar Tools The panel on the left. Contains tools for drawing and selection.
Action bar Actions The panel below. Contains an Action Script code editor.
Options Panel Properties & Parameters The bar below is under the action bar. Contains the properties of the selected object or document as a whole.
Script / Action Script Action script Programming language for Flash movies. Required for games and applications. Also used to control the presentation.
Work field The field located in the center of the document when it is opened. It has a rectangular shape and the background color selected in the options bar. Defines the visible area of \u200b\u200bthe document during display.
Preview Preview The document debugging mode is necessary to view "what happened" and search for errors. Called by pressing Ctrl + Enter


Visual display of the items listed in the table.

Create a new project

  • Sequence:
  1. File -\u003e
  2. New (New Flash Document)
  3. Immediately save it under some name: to save, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S ( always save the file when making important changes, it is also recommended that you back up)

Project created

Create animation

  • First, create a new project.
    • Now let's look at a simple example of creating frame-by-frame animation:
  1. select the Brush tool;
  2. draw something in the center of the working field;
  3. press F6 to create a new keyframe. A new frame will appear on the timeline, and you will automatically move to it;
  4. as you can see, nothing has changed in the new frame. Select the selection tool "Selection Tool";
  5. select the object you draw with the tool, and then, holding the left mouse button, move it a small distance from the initial position;
  6. repeat steps 3, 4, and 6 until you are satisfied with the result;
  7. now, to see the work done, preview it by doing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter;
  8. watch :)

Conclusion: animation is just a sequence of key frames, they are easy to create and easy to edit. It is not necessary to move the picture, you can also change it, i.e. add something else, wash, change shape, color, etc. The contents of any frame are completely at your disposal ... Attention! Your cartoon is limited only by your imagination!

Writing a script for the frame

  • You probably noticed that when watching a cartoon, when the animation reaches the last frame, then everything starts all over again? This is because, by standard, there is no “stop" command on the last frame. So write it:
  1. go to the last frame by clicking on it with the mouse (on the timeline);
  2. now click on the action bar to open it;
  3. write: stop (); - this will make the animation stop at the last frame;
  4. check this by running a preview.

About "scripts in frames": commands written in this way will only work during the transition to the frame in which they are contained.

Button Creation

  • Let's draw something in the center of the working field with a brush:
  1. on the toolbar (left) select "Brush" (Brush);
  2. draw something button-like in the center of the working field.
  • Now we transform the resulting image into a button:
  1. highlight your drawing;
  2. press F8;
  3. in the window that opens, select "Button" (Button);
  4. click OK.

Button created!

Writing a script for a button

  • The script will be assigned to the button (on how to create it, it is written above):
  1. select your button (a blue frame should appear around it);
  2. go to the action bar;
  3. in the text input field, enter:
  • Let's see what is written here:
    • on (press) // when you press the button (press in brackets means that the action will begin at the moment the button is pressed. But there are many other events, for example, release - if you put it instead of press, then the action will begin when the button is pressed, and then let go, i.e. when released);
    • { // opening bracket indicates the beginning of the action list;
    • stop (); // stop playback (if we wanted, on the contrary, to continue playback, instead of stop (); would write play ();)
    • } // close the action list.

As a result, when you click on the button, the animation playback stops at the current frame.

The list of basic commands (actions) for controlling playback

Create an interactive presentation

Create Playback Control

Creating a navigation bar for presentation or cartoon

  • For work, we need:
    • button "Forward";
    • pause button
    • button "Next frame";
    • previous frame button.

Where to get them? Nowhere. We will do it ourselves - you and me.


  1. Draw some objects.
  2. Convert each object to a button, as described above.
  3. For each button, assign your action (script) according to the model.
  4. For the Next Frame and Previous Frame buttons, add the following actions: nextFrame (); (for the Next Frame button) and prevFrame (); (for the button "Previous frame")

Transfer panels to a separate layer

If there are no animations or presentation frames yet

For convenience:

Layer lock

  1. click on the “Layer Lock” button, as shown in the figure;
  2. add a new layer. It will host animation or slides of your presentation;
  3. on the timeline, click on the first frame of the new layer to go to it.

If you have already created your presentation or animation

  1. Highlight your entire panel with control buttons.
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X (to cut out the panel for later paste).
  3. In the timeline, click on the first frame of the new layer to go to it.
  4. Add a new layer. It will house the control panel.
  5. Go to the first frame of the new layer.
  6. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V (to paste the panel on a new layer).
  7. Now scroll through the frames in the timeline to the last frame of the animation / presentation.
  8. Select the frame of the new layer at the same position (as in the picture) and press F6.

Slide creation

Creating slides, when images (photographs) simply replace each other after a certain period of time, is the simplest thing that can be created in Adobe Flash.

Example 1:

Create a new project.
We apply the method of frame-by-frame animation.
Import the 1st photo (File - Import menu).
When you set a photo on the scene, a key frame is automatically created in the 1st frame.
Let's take 30 frames (about 1 second) to demonstrate each photo.
Select the 30th frame, convert it to a key frame - on the 30th frame we should have a new photo.
We import the 2nd photo, set it on the stage.
Similarly, after 30 frames, we have the appearance of the 3rd and 4th photos.

Timeline (Timeline) will take the form:

It can be seen that when creating simple slides, one layer is involved.

Example 2:

Create more complex slides using multiple layers.

1. Create a new project.

2. Import and paste the 1st photo onto the scene.
In the 1st frame, a key frame is automatically created.
We transform the photo into a graphic symbol (see Symbols).
Select the photo on the scene, select "Create Motion Tween" in the context menu.
Make the photo gradually disappear (see Animation of color and transparency). The animation duration is set to 50 frames.

Note: you can import several photos at once and distribute them into separate layers using the context menu command of any photoDistribute to layers (Distribute into layers).

3. Create a new layer.
We import and paste the second photo onto this layer (off-stage - onto cardboard).
Convert the photo into a graphic symbol. Create an animation of the movement - the photo appears from behind the curtains on the stage (see Animation of movement in a straight line)

4. Create a new layer
Import and paste the third photo (to the left of the scene).
We transform the photo into a clip symbol, create a motion animation - three-dimensional rotation (see 3D animation of rotation and movement)
You can add some objects, for example text, to the phogography. To do this, create a new “Text” layer and paste your text. Text can also be animated (see Text).

5. Create a new layer
We import and paste the fourth photo onto the scene.
Add an animated object (symbol) to the photo. Earlier, we created an animation of a butterfly flapping its wings (see Resize Animation).
Insert a similar butterfly into the fourth photo, creating a new layer "Butterfly".

Thus, 6 layers were created, each with 50 frames.

Now we need to put things in order in the order of appearance of the photos, their duration, and also coordinate the appearance of the text and the butterfly in the corresponding photos.

All ordering operations are performed by dragging and dropping key frames and frame ranges (see Human Resources).

Adding Sound to Slides

If desired, you can include background sound (music) in the slide show.

Import the sound file into the Library (see Import).

Note: Adobe Flash Professional comes with its own supply of sounds - in the Window menu, select Shared libraries (Common Libraries)\u003e Sounds.

Create a new layer. In the 1st frame of this layer, create a keyframe. Highlight a keyframe.

Click on the Name menu, click on the selected sound file to place this sound in the selected keyframe.

Open the Sync option menu and make sure that the Event option is selected (default option).

By default, each new sound added to the Timeline has the Repeat option set to value \u003d 1.

Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Command + Return (Mac OS) to preview the animation in Flash Player.

Additional reference materials:

Last updated: December 2014

How to make a presentation Flash video for the site

On the Internet, we found a wonderful free program that allows you to turn your presentationPower point in such a flash movie (file with the extension.swf):

The program is callediSpring Free . It is installed as a plug-in for PowerPoint and works with versions 2003, 2007, 2010.

ISpring supports over 180 different PowerPoint animated effects, including their combinations, effects, and time-based slide show settings.

The program allows you to connect videos from YouTube to the presentation, fully supports all the effects of the transition from slide to slide, ensures the correct (corresponding to the original presentation) placement of elements on each slide, the corresponding quality of text and images. And at the same time provides a small size of the finalfile.

You can also purchase a paid version of the program, in which the possibilities for transforming the presentation are even greater.

You can download the free version of the program on the developers website (24 Mb).

Using the program is very simple. After installing the program in yourPower point a new tab will appeariSpring Free:

1. Open the prepared presentation and click the Publish button on this tab.

2. In the window that appears, enter the file name (I have Internet part 5), select the folder in which the file will be saved.

Here you can configure the following options:

1 - include in the video all slides, or only selected;

2 - play flash movie cyclically;

3 - set automatic slide change;

4 - minimum slideshow time.

After setting all the parameters, press the buttonPublish

Your presentation will be converted into a single swf-file, including all the multimedia files necessary for the presentation. A web page will also be prepared with which you can run this video.

When watching the resulting video in an Internet browser, you can watch the presentation from beginning to end or choose arbitrary slides. A special button displays a slide bar on which you can freely move with the mouse and select your favorite slide for viewing.

We hope this article has been helpful to you!


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