Tire business plan. Your business: Mobile tire service is profitable if mobile tireage

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Not so long ago perspective niche This is already pretty filled with and uninteresting market. This niche is called a call tire or a tire on the road.

This project caused two problems with which motorists face:

  • absolutely wild queues formed near the tire workshop in the "Punching" season of cars,
  • tubes on the roads that turn a trip from the center in a promonse or remote sleeping area (where tires are accustomed to deploy) in a long, unpleasant journey.

As you can see, for someone, the problem is only a problem that corps the nerves and thinning the vital optimism, and for someone - just good reason To think and come up with a brilliant idea, which will bring joy and those who came up with and to those for whom it is invented.

The main tallery piece of all "pinobilies" is of course the corporate client, which has a park in several cars. In order for the hosts of huge fleets to create a queue, for them for the first time and was invented by the service "Change the tires at your home".

At first, as soon as this business, more precisely, this niche appeared, the entrepreneurs set the rates already in two, and even three times higher than the repair of tires in his workshop. But then dressed, the market became civilized, and now prices are almost equal.

Additional money takes only for the "Departure of the Master" (on gasoline), and even that - if you order to change the rubber more than three cars, the departure becomes already free.

At the start from scratch in this business you need to invest 20 thousand euros. This money will pay off in two years of work.

Earn before
200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum attachments. No additional contributions and payments. Turnkey training.

According to the peculiarities of the organization, the mobile tire does not differ from stationary. The only additional equipment that you need is a minibus (with a cargo compartment area of \u200b\u200bat least 13 sq. M), in which everything necessary for the procedure for working with tires equipment will be installed:

  • tire
  • balancing
  • and actually repair equipment.

Market players prefer minibuses Mercedes Sprinter and Iveco Daily stamps.

One such new minibus can be bought at a price of 30 thousand euros to 35 thousand. A used bus can be bought for 8 thousand euros.

In addition, you will need an electric generator with a capacity of at least 5 kW. It can be bought at the price of 1 thousand euros.

Among other things, you still need a heated garage.

Mobile tire: necessary equipment

What equipment will you need in principle?

Let's talk a little about the equipment that is common for both stationary tire-based services and for exit. Main tire equipment is:

  • stand tires from 1 to 7 thousand euros, Best manufacturers, Italians: Sicam, M & B Engineering,
  • stand balancing from 2 to 5 thousand euros.
  • compressor for the operation of the tire stand and swing the wheels, pressure from 7 bar. Well-proven manufacturers: Dary (Italy), Remeza (Belarus), Miol (China). There is a compressor from 600 to 1 thousand euros.
  • podcast jack (pneumatic or hydraulic), cost from 200 to 2 thousand euros.
  • Other tools I. consumables At first (1 thousand euros at the start)
  • vulcanizer, medium cost from 400 to 600 euros. (Vulcanizer is not necessary for tires, but in order to provide additional services in assortment and earn extra money)

You can buy both Chinese equipment, players of this market are recognized, then, for example, each booth (balancing and tire-bar) will cost you in the amount of 1 thousand euros per stand.

Ready ideas for your business

However, the same market players do not advise to save on balancing stand, as many cheap models, in fact, have too high errors, which differs from the permissible error, which is indicated on paper in their own documentation.

Mobile Tire: Required Personnel

Please note that you will work seasonally-avral. To do this, you will need two brigades that will work shift. Outbound tireage - This is a service that should work around the clock.

Based on this, you will need:
Four tire (working in a pair in two shifts)
And two driver.
Market players advise, however, to save on the driver whose functions can easily take on themselves and one of the tire-fixers working in a pair with another in a removable brigade.

Good business idea guarantees successful start business activities. It is not always necessary to offer the client a unique product to have a good return. Many succeeding entrepreneurs work on proven schemes, a little recycling them under themselves.

Mobile tireage will make a profit not only in large megalopolis, but also small settlements. In all cities, a variety of machines that each season are required to rebuild, patch holes, balance the wheels and replace the wheels. The development of the case will contribute to a sharp change in temperature that negatively affect the control of the car. An important quality of urban roads.

Mobile tireage appeared on the auto service market just a couple of years ago. In many cities there is no competition. The business plan will help solve many motorists' problems. The essence of entrepreneurial activity is simple: the client calls the service to replace the wheels or other manipulations. Specialists come to the place of an accident or to the house.

This type of business allows you to solve two main drives of drivers: long queues in the car service in the off-season and long traffic jams during a trip to the promsion or sleeping area where auto services are stationed. Vacometric clients will be organizations with a personal fleet. It was for them that it was originally developed business for replacing tires "at home".

In the first time of work in the market, entrepreneurs raised prices 2-3 times compared with workshops. But over time, the market thought and became more civilized. The cost of the service will be enlarged only by gasoline costs.

For full functioning, a maximum of 20 thousand euros will be required. But in many respects it can be saved, which reduces this amount at times.

Business Analysis

As in any business, it should be started with the market study. It is required to give it an adequate assessment after careful analysis. First of all, learn offers and price list of competitors. It's easy enough to do it. On the Internet, the view of the service in the search bar and in the region or the city are selected future competitors. Many will have a personal site on which rates are painted in detail. Similarly, they do from the media. The data obtained will further calculate the potential profits and determine the profitability of the business.

Next transition to K. financial Analysis. Experts indicate the average payback period - 2 years. Of course, it can be much smaller if the competition is low enough, and the service is in demand. Businessmen show that the opening will require about 20 thousand dollars. If you buy already existing business Mobile tire, then you can limit the 10 thousand euros. However, it will be necessary to have a couple of thousand dollars for unforeseen expenses, since the purchased equipment will not be new and can have breakdowns.

With absence own fundsIt will be necessary to go to the bank for a loan. However, his staff must be sure that the funds issued will be returned in full with interest. It will be necessary to provide the developed business plan that will be a guarantee of future solvency.

Do not forget about registration. It will take about 100 thousand rubles. Most of the entrepreneurs register the PI. OKVED requires Section G, code 45.20. Simple taxation and reporting exclude the use of accounting services of a third-party organization. Registration of a license for this type of activity is not required, it is enough to get a couple of permissions. To work with corporate clients, it is necessary to have a bank account - many companies work with non-cash payments.

If you are planned to open large enterprise With several Mobile Tire Machines, then settle LLC. To such an organization's form of organization, many clients are loyal, but it complicates accounting. When liquidation, the owner is responsible only to invested means. If organizations are a predominant part of the client base, then settle LLC. For the service of individuals, IP is enough.

For registration in tax authorities will be required:

  • application for entrepreneurial activities;
  • copy of the passport;
  • payment of state duty - 800 rubles.

You can register at home via the Internet or send documents by mail.

After registering and selecting taxation, go to the following steps:

  • renting premises for office and warehouse (with a large scale of business);
  • rent heated garage;
  • share employees;
  • advertising activity.

Spectrum of services

The range of services largely depends on the equipment. Standard list consists of:

  • edits, changing wheel drives;
  • repair of skates, tires;
  • wheel replacement;
  • installation of rubber;
  • podka, wheel balancing.

To expand the spectrum, you can use similar services:

  • change of oil;
  • pumping wheels nitrogen;
  • refueling air conditioners, etc.

Principle of operation

The proposed service does not have fundamental differences from stationary service. But there are some features, such as the recruitment or form of work. After receiving the application across the phone or the Internet, the team leaves for the client. The brigade will be the driver and the car mechanic. Upon arrival, they organize the maintenance of the car, discussed the features of working with the customer. It is possible to perform certain types of repair work that will allow the maintenance of the car to restore the technical condition.

In difficult cases, when the mobile wheel repair is impossible, it is allowed to take it on the technical base and repair.

Business benefits

Mobile business has a number of advantages that are missing from a stationary tire:

  • The costs of building or renting a building for a road service are excluded.
  • There are no bureaucratic procedures for registration of documentation for the plot, the introduction of a building in operation.
  • Clients are not required to bring the wheels to the place of installation, which saves a lot of time.
  • Business mobility. The machine with equipment quickly comes to the location of the client.
  • Do not have to refuse to car owners due to seasonal exacerbation and formation of queues.
  • Machine with outdoor advertising announcement will be an excellent way to promote business.

For high-quality services, a cargo compartment van will be required. 13 sq.m. The car should also be a place for two helpers. The selection of working personnel is required to approach responsibly. For uninterrupted work, experienced car equipment with driver's license will be required to be able to combine two positions.

The target audience

Even a unique idea will be failed, if there is no demand from people. An exit tire installation eliminates a similar problem. Drivers will appreciate the speed of the provision of services, for which the auto repair shop will need to visit. The lack of queues helps to save personal time. Clients may be:

  • Drivers from small settlements where service centres No missing.
  • Busy people who spend their personal time and unwillingly stand in line.
  • Organizations with car park ( trade enterprises, taxi companies, passenger and freight). Often their owner is unprofitable to send the entire fleet on service.
  • The other hundred, with which the contract is concluded.

In the absence of customers, you can go on the track on the van or to the city to find new consumers.

Beginning of work

Tire machine does not require large investments on initial stageBut buy special equipment will have to be purchased. First, the van will need. According to the reviews of similar businessmen, the minibus of the Gazelle, Mersedes Sprinter or similar models will be better suited for these purposes. The minimum volume of the cargo compartment must be 13 sq.m. Today you can meet many models of Chinese manufacturers.

Secondly, it will be necessary to acquire special equipment:

  • Mobile tire machine. It should have a function of the pneumatic space. It should be borne in mind that its resource is significantly lower, and the real specifications may differ from passports.
  • Pneumokopresses (the receiver is required).
  • "Third hand" to work with low-profile tires.
  • Electric generator.
  • Balancing machine.
  • Voltage regulator.
  • Punch gun.
  • Pneumatic wrench, set of end shock screwdrivers.
  • 2 hydraulic jacks.
  • Racks for consumables.
  • Consumables that are necessary for vulcanization and repair of tires.
  • Sources of lighting indoors and outdoor.

When expanding the range of services, you will need:

  • oil replacement devices;
  • installation of wheel pumping;
  • fixture for refueling air conditioners;
  • hand tools for simple and fast repair;
  • pCB.

At first, you can purchase a ready-made kit:

  • mobile tire "Inzhtekhservice" russian production - 140 thousand rubles;
  • minibus GAZ 270500244 Russian production - 557.5 thousand rubles;
  • additional equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

The set has good feedback Already existing entrepreneurs. Businessmen also choose Iveco Daily minibuses, Mercedes Sprinter. The cost of each is in the range of 30-35 thousand euros, a supported bus - 8 thousand euros. The electric generator should be a capacity of more than 5 kW, prices for various models - from 1 thousand euros.

Equipment of Chinese manufacturers will cost 1 thousand euros each booth. But market players do not recommend save, since such equipment has a large error, which significantly exceeds the value-declared equipment manufacturer.

If the means allow, you can purchase better equipment:

  • stand tire (M & B Engineering, Sicam) -1 ... 7 thousand euros;
  • balancing stand - 2 ... 5 thousand euros;
  • compressor from 7 bar for wheel paging and tire booth operation (Remeza Belarus, Dary Italy, Viol China) - 0.6-1 thousand euros;
  • hydraulic and pneumatic rogue jack - 0.2 ... 2 thousand euros;
  • consumables - 1 thousand euros;
  • vulcanizer for extra. services - 0.4-0.6 thousand euros.

Auto with equipment should be contained in a heated garage. About him should take care in advance.


The feature of the work is that in the season there will be many orders. We will have to hire 2 brigades with a seamless schedule. Mobile tire installation should work around the clock to achieve maximum efficiency.

The enterprise will require the following employees:

  • 2 driver;
  • 4 tires.

You can save on drivers. Their work can perform a tire fixer. By combining posts minimum wage The driver's installer should be 20 thousand rubles, and when taking into account tax deduction - 25 thousand rubles.

If you need in the dispatcher, it is better to choose a homeworker. Today, many freelancers are ready to work for 5 thousand rubles. At night, calls can be translated directly brigade.

Payback, profit

Specify the exact profitability of the business is impossible. There are many factors, some of which is possible to consider in the business plan. The payback period depends on the volume of orders and the number of service cents, the level of average income in settlement, work schedule, the state of expensive, rates and much more.

Practice shows that a two-month work schedule will allow achieving payback when servicing 8 cars or 4 thousand rubles for replacement.


To notify customers and rapid development, it will be necessary to organize the right advertising company. The following methods have acceptable efficiency:

  • advertising on board "Worker" and personal car;
  • promoting your site;
  • distribution of business cards in auto shops and other places of driver clusters;
  • personal visits in the organization with a personal fleet;
  • advertising services provided in specialized media.

When opening a mobile tire, it should be borne in mind that the greatest demand Arises in the autumn-winter period - about a month from October to November. At this time it is necessary to work around the clock, inviting customers from endless queues in tire workshops.

Do not open the company directly in front of the season. In practice, newcomers rarely cope with high load. Time is required for training and skill, as well as earn a good reputation.

The organization's branding will increase the chances of success. A bright car will attract more customers and better remember passersby.

Financial planning

The business plan should have calculations of payback and profitability, and all sorts of costs and income are described in detail.

Start-up capital

Mobile tire installation can not be called cheap business. It will be necessary start-up capital. Financial funds necessary to buy a base kit and machine.

We get everything into numbers:

  • 700 thousand rubles must be 700 thousand rubles for buying autofur
  • for registration will leave - 100 thousand rubles;

The amount of total investments is 800 thousand rubles.


It is important to maximally assess the prospects and calculate future income. When servicing 10-15 cars for a whole week without weekends, net profit will be 45 thousand rubles. In the calculations, it is assumed that 2 brigades are working, each day.

Mobile tire installation provides demanded services. Each car owner needs to replace tires. If there is a need for such services, then the client is enough to contact the specified telephone to come to the track or to the house.

Detailed calculation:

  • number of cars in shift - 12 pcs.;
  • the number of shifts is 30 pcs.;
  • monthly Development - 360 pcs.;
  • cost - 500 rubles;
  • revenue - 180 thousand rubles;
  • monthly costs for consumables - 35 thousand rubles;
  • permanent costs: taxes, advertising, wage - 100 thousand rubles;
  • profit - 45 thousand rubles;
  • payback - 18 months.

Calculation of break-even point can be made on a special server. With the data taken, you will need to serve 8 cars every day or profit of 4 thousand rubles.

The roads on the road, unfortunately, happening quite often. The most common ones are punctures and other damage to the wheels. If such an abroad happens on the highway, and at hand it will not be "spares", the driver may be in a very difficult position. Mobile tireage, whose specialists will promptly arrive at the scene of the accident and eliminate the problem to be promoted to the rescue. To organize a provision of such a service in the provincial Russian city, our business plan for mobile tires with calculations, which contains the number of expenses and potential incomes of this business, as well as tips on the competent construction of it.

The amount in which the initial investments in the opening of a mobile tire is outlined is 800 thousand rubles. These financial resources can be easily obtained in any reliable bank for quite reasonable interest. But it is better to take advantage of personal accumulations.

Brief description concept

For a competent entrepreneur, the question of choosing the optimal organizational and legal form for business on mobile trylock does not represent much difficult. Most the best way In this case - IP. But as regards the tax system, then the choice is not so obvious - either USN 15%, or USN 6%. We recommend "simplified" with a bet of 6% of the "dirty" income, since this form of taxation will reduce the expenditure part of the business in this business industry.

When there is a process of registration of a mobile tire in the FTS, you need to select the OKVED codes correctly:

  • 45.20 " Maintenance and repair cars vehicle».
  • 45.20.1 "Maintenance and repair passenger cars and light trucks of motor vehicles. "
  • 45.20.2 "Maintenance and repair of other motor vehicles".

An example of a range of services that can be included in the "clip" of mobile tires, presented in the following list:

  • Replacing wheel drives.
  • Removal of damage and tire defects.
  • Installation of cameras into the wheels.
  • Wheel pumping services.
  • Wheel balancing services.

After a while, when the business "stands on his feet", the list of services provided is quite possible to expand - the possibilities of mobile tires will allow this step easily and without any significant material losses.

How much do you need to invest in the opening

In the first stages of the organization of mobile tires, there will be mandatory financial costs that cannot be avoided. Their values \u200b\u200bin rubles are presented in this table:

Almost the entire amount of the initial investments will be spent on the purchase of a minibus, since it is in it that mobile tire equipment will be located. Regarding the price of "Gazelle" the cost of a set of equipment is not very high, and all other initial costs will be slightly more than 10% of the total amount of initial capital.

Marketing plan

Before you begin to provide mobile tire services, it is necessary to develop a clear and competent marketing plan, which will later need to adhere to, promoting your business. It must include the following obligatory points:

  • Advertising in regional media with mandatory addresses of such promotion channels as radio and television. Also, we should not forget about the effectiveness of advertising in the press press, which is especially pronounced in provincial cities.
  • Creating groups advertising mobile tire services in all popular social networks.
  • Placing banners on roadside billboards and printing leaflets with a description of mobile tire and contact telephones. Leaflets can be distributed by appling them under the wipers of cars in the parking lots.
  • Conclusion of agreements O. mutual advertising With auto services and auto parts stores.

Strict adherence to all of the above items marketing Plan It will contribute to the rapid replenishment of the client base and, accordingly, the speedlessly spent revenue. According to the experience of mobile tire stations in small cities of Russia, it can be concluded that the average monthly number of customers will be located in the region of 100 people, and the size of the average check for services will be 2000 rubles. Accordingly, the annual income from the work of the mobile tire is at least 2.4 million rubles.

Production plan

The main advantage of the mobile tire is that it does not need to rent a room for his organization. All equipment will be placed in the Gazelle Minibus. The car must be relatively new and in perfect technical conditionSo that the sudden breakdowns do not damage the business.

Equipment for picking mobile tires need to be purchased the following:

  • Special machine for mounting tires.
  • Wheel balancing machine.
  • Device for dismantling tires with low profile.
  • Electricity generator.
  • Compressor.
  • Podcast hydraulic jacks (2 pcs.).
  • Pneumatic wrench.
  • End shock heads.
  • Various "consumables".
  • Special gun pumping tires.
  • Shelves for placement of tools and equipment.
  • Daylight lamps.

Schedule of mobile tires depends on demand on this kind of service. On some days, the Gazelle with equipment can be idle for several hours, and in the peak of orders - to be in constant motion. The most optimal option will be the availability for customers in the following time intervals:

  • Weekdays from 09:00 to 21:00.
  • Weekends from 10:00 to 18:00.

As business develops, it will be possible to organize work in two shifts - day and night.

The list of permanent mobile tire miners with the indication of the recommended wages is as follows:

Position Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Gazelle driver 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
2 Main Mobile Tire Master 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
3 Working installer 2 15 000 30 000 360 000
TOTAL 65 000 780 000

Note: To save money, you can make it so that on certain days the driver's functions performed one of the mobile tire service workers.

Calculations of income and expenses

Here is a list that includes the main current articles of mobile tire costs:

The profitability of the mobile tire in the provincial region of the Russian Federation is calculated in this table:

From the calculations carried out, you can see that the net annual profit from the functioning of the mobile tire is about 1 million rubles. A month later, this business will bring the owner of about 80 thousand rubles net profit. The initial investments will be reappeared into the organization of the mobile tire of approximately one year, and the profitability of this business will be 40% - a very good indicator.

Possible risks

The exit tireage - the service is not yet very common in the provincial Russian cities. Therefore, business organization in this direction conjugate with some risks associated, first of all, with ignorance and possible distrust potential customers To services of this kind. Some risk factors are listed below:

  • Low demand for mobile tire services at the first time of the functioning of this business.
  • Problems with the qualifications of mobile tire employees, which can lead to negative customer reviews.
  • Increasing the value of fuel and lubricants, due to which the cost of providing services will increase.
  • Various negative circumstances of force majeure.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to take into account absolutely all the risks that lie the entrepreneur at all stages of the formation of this business. However, most negative factors It can be avoided if you keep all aspects of the functioning of the mobile tire on strict control.

In tire-based services, almost every resident of a car having a car needs. Tires need to be replaced twice a year - before the start of winter and at the end of this season. In addition, due to the appearance of punctures and cuts, the wheel comes into disrepair. Only on the tire terminal will be able to replace the tires and repair them. In order not to go to the stationary tireage, located at the other end of the city, you should contact the mobile tireage, represented by the vehicle, which has inside necessary equipment. Two-three specialists will quickly produce the required work and the client car will be ready for full and safe operation.

Reasons for demand

Mobile tires are in demand, both in small towns and in large megalopolis countries. You should use this and try to open a business in this direction.

Unlike stationary tire workshops, mobile has the following advantages:

  • lack of need for acquiring land plot. As a rule, substantial funds are leaving for it;
  • it will not be necessary to build a capital structure where services will be provided. Also produce in it repair work and pay for communications;
  • the ability to promptly respond to applications coming from clients. Until any place can be reached, depending on the distance, both in a few minutes and hours;
  • the presence of a regular customer base. There is a huge number of drivers who, due to the distance or lack of free time, can not visit the stationary tireage. They will become permanent customers mobile;
  • for a minimum of customer search and advertising costs. The van on the basis of the Gazelle, on the basis of the trailer or other vehicle will also be mobile outdoor advertising. It is enough to place a contact phone number on the bodies, the name of the company, as well as transfer offered services. To increase popularity, the spread of business cards through workshops, refueling complexes and roadside establishments is not yet rebiring. Popularity will grow every day, and with it and the number of customers.

To provide services need a spacious domestic or overseas van. Moreover, the free space in it should be at least 13 m2. In the van, 2-3 workers will constantly move. Choose specialists worth competent. They must be experienced car mechanics with driver's licenses. Only so workers will be able to combine the duties of the driver and the tilting wizard.

Spectrum of services

It is desirable that the following services appear in the list:

  • wheel balancing and swipe;
  • installation of tires;
  • changing wheels;
  • repair tires.

Potential clients

Mobile tireage, as a business, is good because it has serious perspectives. After all, he is in demand among:

  • organizations and enterprises with one or more vehicles on the balance sheet. This is a taxi, transport companies and ordinary firms. They are extremely expensive to send all the equipment to the stationary tireage. Accordingly, they especially need a mobile tire service. It is possible that it will be possible to conclude a contract for the provision of services;
  • car owners from small cities, villages and villages, where there is no stationary tireage. Go for dozens or hundreds of kilometers to change the rubber, it is difficult to them;
  • drivers who have fallen into an unpleasant situation - a puncture occurred or a cut of a skate in the village or beyond. It is no longer possible to get to the stationary item.

The working process

Modern 24-hour mobile tire installation must work quickly. As soon as the application was received, immediately go to the specified addressee. Quickly produce a previously agreed complex of works - replacement of the disk, swing, changing tires or other activities.

If applications do not come from customers, then you should drive along the nearest villages and villages where to offer your services.

Mobile tire clients receive the following advantages:

  • service in the most convenient place. At least near the house, with work or in the middle of the track;
  • no need to transport the car to the place of repair;
  • saving time. Given the huge plugs, only only on the road will have to spend at least 30-60 minutes;
  • no need to stand in line. They are especially large at the beginning and end of winter, when the planned replacement of summer tires on the winter and back.

Necessary equipment


To open a mobile tire installation, it will be necessary not only to buy a van and find specialists, but also to purchase equipment. Namely:

  • pneumatic compressor equipped with a receiver;
  • machine for balancing wheels;
  • machine with a pneumatic burst;
  • device for installing low-profile tires;
  • electrical generator;
  • jack with a lifting capacity of at least 3 tons;
  • pneumatic wrench;
  • voltage regulator;
  • coil with hose;
  • end heads of all diameters;
  • pistol for tire paging;
  • various consumables;
  • lighting devices - lamps or spotlights;
  • shelves of wood or plastic.

This list presents those aggregates that are necessary to provide full-fledged services. They can be found in any stationary point of tire.

All equipment today can be found on sale. You can buy both a set and separate units.


Over time, or immediately you can significantly expand the list of services provided. The question immediately appears - what is needed for this? Only the acquisition of such equipment as:

  • device for vulcanization of passenger cars;
  • pumping tire nitrogen;
  • station for refueling air conditioners by freon;
  • tool for replacing oil;
  • devices for heating and all that is required for its operation. It is thermal insulation, corrugations and pump;
  • different hand tools;
  • breakage device on 12V, 24V and 220 V;
  • emery of a pneumatic species;
  • heater.

On average, the purchase of additional equipment will need to spend about 100 thousand rubles.

How much should open

Before opening a mobile tireage and consider it as a business, it is worth considering the costs that will go to the opening. They add up in accordance with the expended funds for the purchase of equipment and van. If the budget is not as large, then additional equipment will be purchased as far as possible. In the main work, it is not involved, and, therefore, it will not be able to influence the quality of paramount activity.

  • buying a minibus or van, as well as equipment. About 700 thousand rubles;
  • expenses relating to the opening of a business - 100 thousand rubles. Decorated documents for the discovery will be able to short termSo there are no special requirements for this type of business.

Total finite amount is 800 thousand rubles. It may vary depending on the region, but slightly.

How much can earn money

Any business should not only pay off, but also profit. Holding a profit from the mobile tire, it is necessary to take into account the fact that about 10 vehicles will be serviced daily. In this case, the main service will replace the rubber set. Mobile tire fitting works around the clock - 30 days a week. 2 shifts of workers in two people work. One of the employees is the business owner. Given that the cost of replacement will be 500 rubles, then 150-180 thousand rubles will be released for the month. The fuel and consumables are spent about 35 tr., And on other expenses (salary, advertising and taxes) will leave 100 tr. Non-good calculations make it clear that net profit will be 45 tr. Pay business after 18 months.

How much do I need to serve cars per day so that the activity goes to self-sufficiency?

It will help to answer this question service for calculating the break-even point. A day should be servicing at least 8 cars and have an income of 4,000 rubles per shift.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Not so long ago, a promising niche appeared on this, quite a full and uninteresting market. This niche is called a call tire or a tire on the road.

This project caused two problems with which motorists face:

  • absolutely wild queues formed near the tire workshop in the "Punching" season of cars,
  • tubes on the roads that turn a trip from the center in a promonse or remote sleeping area (where tires are accustomed to deploy) in a long, unpleasant journey.

As you can see, for someone, the problem is only a problem that corps the nerves and thinning the life optimism, and for someone - just a good reason to think about and come up with a brilliant idea that will bring joy and those who came up with and to those for whom It is invented.

The main tallery piece of all "pinobilies" is of course the corporate client, which has a park in several cars. In order for the hosts of huge fleets to create a queue, for them for the first time and was invented by the service "Change the tires at your home".

At first, as soon as this business, more precisely, this niche appeared, the entrepreneurs set the rates already in two, and even three times higher than the repair of tires in his workshop. But then dressed, the market became civilized, and now prices are almost equal.

Additional money takes only for the "Departure of the Master" (on gasoline), and even that - if you order to change the rubber more than three cars, the departure becomes already free.

At the start from scratch in this business you need to invest 20 thousand euros. This money will pay off in two years of work.

Earn before
200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum attachments. No additional contributions and payments. Turnkey training.

According to the peculiarities of the organization, the mobile tire does not differ from stationary. The only additional equipment that you need is a minibus (with a cargo compartment area of \u200b\u200bat least 13 sq. M), in which everything necessary for the procedure for working with tires equipment will be installed:

  • tire
  • balancing
  • and actually repair equipment.

Market players prefer minibuses Mercedes Sprinter and Iveco Daily stamps.

One such new minibus can be bought at a price of 30 thousand euros to 35 thousand. A used bus can be bought for 8 thousand euros.

In addition, you will need an electric generator with a capacity of at least 5 kW. It can be bought at the price of 1 thousand euros.

Among other things, you still need a heated garage.

Mobile tire: necessary equipment

What equipment will you need in principle?

Let's talk a little about the equipment that is common for both stationary tire-based services and for exit. Main tire equipment is:

  • stand tires from 1 to 7 thousand euros, Best manufacturers, Italians: Sicam, M & B Engineering,
  • stand balancing from 2 to 5 thousand euros.
  • compressor for the operation of the tire stand and swing the wheels, pressure from 7 bar. Well-proven manufacturers: Dary (Italy), Remeza (Belarus), Miol (China). There is a compressor from 600 to 1 thousand euros.
  • podcast jack (pneumatic or hydraulic), cost from 200 to 2 thousand euros.
  • Other tools and consumables for the first time (1 thousand euros at the start)
  • vulcanizer, medium cost from 400 to 600 euros. (Vulcanizer is not needed for tire, but in order to provide additional services in the assortment and earn additional money)

You can buy both Chinese equipment, players of this market are recognized, then, for example, each booth (balancing and tire-bar) will cost you in the amount of 1 thousand euros per stand.

Ready ideas for your business

However, the same market players do not advise to save on balancing stand, as many cheap models, in fact, have too high errors, which differs from the permissible error, which is indicated on paper in their own documentation.

Mobile Tire: Required Personnel

Please note that you will work seasonally-avral. To do this, you will need two brigades that will work shift. An exit tireage is a service that should work around the clock.

Based on this, you will need:
Four tire (working in a pair in two shifts)
And two driver.
Market players advise, however, to save on the driver whose functions can easily take on themselves and one of the tire-fixers working in a pair with another in a removable brigade.


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