weight loss business. Proper Weight Loss: Slimming Business Plan Weight Loss and Beauty Home Business

"I lost a lot of weight. By 55 kilograms. Once I posted my "before" and "after" photos on the Web. For some reason, it was my photos that attracted a lot of attention. I started to sit on the Web, became a blogger. got into the video of the YougiftedRussia channel on YouTube.

The roller went very well. There were many responses and questions about how I lost weight. Channel producers Misha and Boris said that too much energy is coming out of me and I should shoot my own video. My videos are for that 13-year-old bbw Tanya, who wasted a couple of years of her life trying to lose weight on diets that only give temporary results. The basis of everything is proper nutrition for life. And my channel is mostly about food. If I had found my channel then, I would have become a fan of myself and realized that I can do it too. I found what I wanted. I don't just share my experience, I get paid for it."

"I experiment with the fusion of yoga, fitness and dance. I tell and show people how to always be in shape without going to the gym. I started filming my classes when I worked as a choreographer and female gymnastics coach. There were many requests to shoot more exercise videos and I thought about my channel."

“On the channel, coaches show how to make the perfect figure,” says Boris. “We also shoot motivational videos. For example, a motorcyclist was left without a leg. They sewed it on him. Now he squats with a barbell that is larger than mine. a platform that brings together people of the same interests.

YouTube Partner Program Manager Anna Gradil told Metro about how she helps video bloggers promote their channels and how creators make money

What is an affiliate program?

Which one?

We help bloggers develop. We meet with them and tell them what they are doing right and what is not. For example, we discuss the signature. You can write "We download the press", or you can write "The press is like that of Katya Usmanova." Katya Usmanova is a well-known personality in her circles.

How much do bloggers earn?

- I can’t name specific salaries, but I can say that there are more than a million monetized channels around the world. Of these, the number of those who earn six-figure numbers (in dollars, not in rubles) is more than a hundred. They refuse to work and build a business.

We will talk about the topic of health, or rather about goods and services to improve it. Personally to this business I was practically not involved, but there are many examples by which one can judge. But I also advise you to read an article about that work 100%. So, let's begin!

Why the theme of health?

Any business is built on the needs of people! What people need is what the market for goods and services offers. And health is the basic need of people! Everyone wants to be healthy, or just improve their health in some way. For example, to lose weight, cure something, pump something up, etc.

Moreover, now healthy lifestyle ( healthy lifestyle life) and just the topic of health has become a trend! It is a trend, because over the past 2-3 years people have become more active in sports, improving their health, dieting, doing yoga, etc. This becomes the reason for the emergence of new products and services to improve health. These goods and services appear and people actively use them.

This market is unlikely to be oversaturated, or at least for the next many years. No matter how sad it may sound, people will always get sick and until the world has come up with a cure for all diseases. And to be honest, there is a lot of money in this area!

I won't torture you. Business examples!

1. Many people know the Chinese goji berries, which were advertised a year ago as an excellent tool for weight loss. People lined up behind them (I saw it myself, because I often buy Chinese tea in the store). These berries are actively sold on the Internet, one-page sites are full of beautiful red berries with miraculous effects and people buy them. I have nothing against these berries, but I think that they don’t lose weight so much, because you won’t lose weight on berries alone.

2. Pastes, sprays and rinses for healthy teeth. They are still sold on the Internet and they talk about the miraculous power of these pastes. And again, I have nothing against it, maybe they really are so miraculous, I did not test, I just gave an example.

3. Super slimming machine. Have you heard of this? Of course they heard, because there are a lot of them and they are all different, but they are all SUPER. You have probably seen a lot of these on TV in "Shops on the sofa", and there are even more of them on the Internet.

4. Super massager for muscle relaxation. There are a bunch of those too!

6. Posture alignment machine, etc. Try to enter similar queries in Yandex and Google, you will see many options.

7. Consultations of nutritionists, psychologists, vertebrologists, etc. All this began to be carried out online and to solve people's problems.

In general, I can give hundreds and thousands of examples, and they are all true and working at the moment. And what it is profitable business, 100% sure!

The essence of the idea

The essence of the idea is that by finding a product or service that can help people solve some of their health problems, you can make good money. Where do you think all the above-mentioned exercise equipment, massagers and products come from? Everything is bought in China, or from domestic manufacturers. Purchase prices are very low compared to those at which the goods are sold end user and the demand is very high.

It's the same with services. If you are a nutritionist or you have a familiar nutritionist or a person whose knowledge can positively affect someone else's health (precisely POSITIVELY), then you can earn on consultations, selling courses, etc. affiliate programs oh, and I see a lot of courses on improving health in affiliate programs aggregators. They are all selling well!

You can implement all this via the Internet and just in your city. For example, those who sell exercise equipment or massagers hold presentations, let people try the product with further sale, if on the Internet, they shoot a detailed video using it, etc.

How to implement?

There is little difficulty in this. You just need to think about a product or service that you could sell. See what products manufacturers in Russia or China have, see reviews of new products that are entering the market and that you could catch on. Generally find interesting product or a service that, in your opinion, would solve some problem of people. Again, as an example, some kind of exercise machine or massager that you like or helped you get rid of health problems. Or try to sell the services of your own or other people who helped you personally or your friends. For example, one of my acquaintances sold the services of his doctor, who cured his back. He shared with all his contacts and received a percentage of the order of consultations or courses of treatment.

When you find that product or that service, think about how you can present information to people. Think about what kind of people your product might be suitable for. Perhaps you will make just a one-page site or a full-fledged site and will look for clients on the Internet. I wrote about how to make a one-pager. You must correctly describe all the advantages of your product or your service on the site. There must be photo reports and a detailed video that will show your product in action. Reviews of customers who have benefited from your products or services are required. When all this is there, you can actively advertise your one-page site, for example contextual advertising, advertising on social networks, CPA networks (your product will be sold, and you will pay a percentage for it).


Draw your own conclusions whether you do business like this or not. Once again I repeat that on the topic of health is very profitable business and it will be profitable for a long time. Most importantly, if you start doing it, then sell only high-quality, really working goods and services. No need to offer tools that do not help. Such goods are also sold, but not for long, when people realize that this does not work, sales stop. In this business, as in any other, only those who know how to attract their customers, how to better present the product so that they buy it, how to create demand, etc. will earn money. There are no easy ways anywhere! But if you find your own approach, then everything will work out for you!

I look forward to your objections or additions in the comments. Let's discuss the idea!

Sincerely, Schmidt Nikolai

Being overweight is the #1 problem for many. And it does not lose its relevance: the number of people with excess weight, is growing year by year. Accordingly, the number of people who want to lose weight is also increasing.

After all, excess weight is not only unfashionable, it is also harmful to health. And how to lose extra pounds? The answer to this question is known not only by doctors, but also ... enterprising people.

So, how to make money by losing weight? Currently, there is a whole business industry that has huge profits from the promotion of various products and methods for losing weight.

If you try to somehow “sort it out”, then we can distinguish the following main ways to make money on losing weight:

  • Opening medical centers for weight loss
  • Production and distribution of special drugs that reduce weight
  • Creation and promotion of fitness methods
  • Invention and sale of weight loss machines
  • Production of dietary food
  • Sale of thermal underwear for weight loss
  • Production and sale of cosmetic products: anti-cellulite and fat-burning creams, masks, etc.
  • Special treatments: body wrap, different kinds massage, acupuncture, other
  • Obesity coding
  • plastic surgery
  • Dissemination of literature promoting various types of diets and weight loss products

In a word, almost everyone can earn money by losing weight. This can be done by those who themselves have extra pounds. For example, you can earn income from participating in advertising companies firms promoting their product or any weight loss products on the market.

To do this, you need to find such an organization and offer your services to it. True, you will have to work hard and really lose weight by the time they set, and this can be achieved by proven means, and not advertised. The fact of losing weight is usually confirmed by photography on the principle of "before" and "after".

Many lucky people who know how to lose weight and have already lost weight have invented another way to make money. It is certainly not original, but still exists, and in several versions. The most important thing is to come up with a method of losing weight.

For the first option, we still need a support group that would actively help promote this “invention”: lure people to presentations, conduct classes and talks with clients, sell literature, etc.

The other option is easier. He needs a small Internet site that would offer customers a miracle technique for a moderate fee, which gives amazing results in just a few weeks.

Or another option: conduct online counseling for people who want to lose weight. First you need to place your ads on the Internet and gain customers. By the way, it is very convenient for clients: there is no need to go anywhere, waste time visiting doctors. Yes, and psychologically more comfortable: there is no such feeling of embarrassment and insecurity that many people have when they have to talk about their shortcomings to strangers. Communication via the Internet easily solves one problem and the second.

Of course, not all of the listed methods of losing weight are just a commercial ploy. Among them are many proven and justified, and most importantly - not harmful to human health. You just have to be careful about choosing one or the other.

How to organize weight loss marathons?

You can conduct trainings and evaluate the results through face-to-face meetings, forums or social networks. The organizer is only required to draw up an effective nutrition and training program. Of course, an important condition is own results trainer. If you yourself failed to achieve your goal, then you are unlikely to get many customers.

The history of healthy lifestyle marathons

This now popular movement began in 2011, when Vasily Smolny started a group on Instagram and described everything he does. At the same time, the style of presentation and sense of humor attracted a large number of readers. The blog has gained immense popularity. Having achieved the goal, Smolny offered his help to subscribers. He gave advice on how to lose weight and tone up your body. At the same time, only a small part of people followed his recommendations, although there were several thousand subscribers at that time. As a result, the blogger decided to take a different path and motivated those wishing to lose weight by receiving a financial prize. This is how the Crazy Drying marathon appeared. The first season had 50 participants, and the main prize was 50,000 rubles. At the same time, Smolny gave out money from his own savings. From 2015 to 2017, there was a significant leap in the development of the marathon.

Last fall, the 17th season of this online battle started. The number of participants was 15,000 people, and the prize for the main place was equal to 13 million rubles!

However, in this article we will talk about marathons, for participation in which the participants themselves pay money to the organizer. There are a huge number of such projects on Instagram and there are also a lot of people who want to lose weight for money.
The results of frenzied drying delight many

Who are the participants?

The vast majority of clients are women aged 25-35. They do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, because they are on maternity leave with a small child or they work too much. About 10% are men, as well as women over 35 who take care of themselves and want to have beautiful forms.

What skills do you need to have to organize a marathon?

First of all, you must be a real pro in your field. But even this is not enough. You need to prove your qualifications. Fortunately, there are many different courses and even entire distance universities where you can get the appropriate education and diploma, for example, a nutritionist.

How to gather the right audience for an online marathon?

  • Website from detailed information about the organizer and his marathon. You can promote the site using contextual advertising.
  • Social networks where useful posts about weight loss and healthy lifestyle are published daily.
  • Free classes and training as promotions and temporary offers.
  • Writing your own book or article for a magazine.

Social networks work best. But in order for the group to become interested, it is necessary to fill it, as well as constantly maintain it in working condition. It is also necessary to create useful videos with exercises, as well as articles on making a meal plan and the like.

Workout videos attract a lot of people

Can also be used free reviews. For example, do mailings or fill the group with interesting content in anticipation of a sufficient number of subscribers.

To attract people to your project, it is recommended to make several free marathons on Vkontakte or Instagram.

How much can you earn?

First of all, income depends on your abilities, communication skills and ability to attract the right audience. Therefore, you must consider not only a good specialist in his field, but also have the skills to promote groups, as well as be a sociable and polite person.

Earning online marathons can be pretty decent. Some Instagram bloggers who conduct similar trainings have 50,000 rubles or more per month. The limit depends only on you - the more people participate in the marathon, the more you earn.

It will be possible to promote such a business in less than 9 months. Initial costs are low. Apart from tuition fees and necessary education, then you will have to spend money on opening an individual entrepreneur, a bank account. You can shoot training videos in your own apartment, and communicate with your “wards” via Viber, Skype or social network chats. Everything is quite convenient and simple!

Everyone can lose weight, the main thing is desire!


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