Business plan: Bicycle rental as a profitable business. Your business: how to open bike rental. Business Plan - Bicycle Rental Ready Business Plan Bicycle Rental

Everyone has their own hobby. Someone loves online games, someone likes to rest on the sea, others collect brands. And if your favorite thing brings more and earnings, it is wonderful!

I have three hobbies: tourism, photograph and bicycles. One day I decided to open a bicycle rental. So to speak, two in one: and for the soul - to teach people to healthy rest and sport, and make money.

Now about the main thing. The first costs were as follows:

1) Opening of IP. All the paper prepared himself, the state duty of 800 rubles. Then for the year you still need to pay in pension Fund 20727.53. This figure for 2014. Plus income tax.

2) Rental of premises. The room was looking for a long time, but found a city on the central street, near the park. Squares area 15, rent 8,000 per month, entrance from the courtyard, are in the basement.

3) Buying bicycles. As decided not to save. Bikes Mongoose bikes in the amount of 8 pieces of 13,500 rubles. TOTAL: 108000 rubles

The season began in April, finished in October. Much in this business depends on the weather, if the rain, no one will go to rental, but there are no longer pleased. Gradually, bicycles wear out and need to follow them, carry out repairs and it is better to be able to do it yourself, otherwise it will fly into a penny. There is a small minus that the season is not all year round, and the rental of the room needs to be paid constantly. You can create rolling of skates as an option, but for this you need to pour the rink nearby. Another option is to rent ski and snowboards, but these are more expensive attachments, at least for me.

The first season worked average, but the next year bicycles began to miss! For the year I bought a bike tandem (you do not use much in demand, everything is probably afraid, but the company's image!) And roller skates. I plan to expand!

The most important thing is to leave good impressions from customers. And then the "Sarafan Radio" will work for you, and the money will flow with a stream. Several times to expand my audience, I used the services of Biglion. With their help, I attracted new users of my learn, although it had to make 50% discounts.

If talking about profits, then on a good day it reaches 4000 rubles, given that bicycles are only eight. The first year worked for business, now I have been working on myself.
In addition to the rental, I don't even look for the repair of bicycles, customers do not need to look. It was also discovered at the holder, and I take the goods on Ebay website: Bicycle triggers, gloves, led computers, helmets, glasses, etc.

Yes, and do not forget to get help from the employment center for business development. It is necessary to register for them to open the company, provide a business plan and get 58,000 rubles for development. There are a few more additional conditions: You should not officially work anywhere, provide a report on spent money and employ one person.

Read 8 min. Published 07.11.2019

Entrepreneur who decided to open a bicycle rental business need to possess actual information. To simplify the task facing him, we analyzed the activities of bicycle races in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan and, relying on the opinion of experts, collected in this article. Highlights that the entrepreneur should know, which decided to open bike rental in 2017.

Organization of bicycle rental: where to start?

Deciding to do bicycle rental business, the entrepreneur must. For the type of business, registration is suitable as an IP or the opening of LLC. If it is not planned to create large network Bicycle racks, it is better to register as an IP. Documents for the form of ownership are much easier to issue. IP does not require the maintenance of complex accounting reporting and falls under a simplified tax system.

Then the entrepreneur will have to choose oKVED codes. For business type suitable:

  • 71. 40. 4 Hire inventory and equipment for leisure and leisure.

The group includes sports equipment rental services, including bicycles. Business does not require licensing, however, it is necessary to obtain permission in the city administration to open bike rental.

In the very level of rental, documents should always be available:

  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Rules of skiing and bicycle rental conditions.
  • Security Journal.

If the issuance is carried out on the basis of the building, a consumer corner must be organized.

Where is it better to open bike rental?

Having understood with the documents, the entrepreneur should think about choosing a place to open a point based on which bicycle rental will function.

For the organization of business fit:

  • Embankments.
  • Resort centers.
  • Parks.
  • Squares or groves.

For cycling, no specialized premises do not need. It will only take place for storing equipment. This requires a small room, of 20 square meters. m. It must meet the requirements of the SES and fire safety. Bicycle issuing can be carried out directly next to the place of storage or is at some distance from it. However, in this case it will have to take care of the delivery of equipment to the point and additional rental costs will be required. For this reason, it is better to organize a bicycle rental point next to the place of storage.

The cost of rent depends on the city and proximity to the center. The average cost of the leased area in Moscow parks is 1400 / sq. m., in St. Petersburg - 1000 / sq. M. m., in Kazan - 800 / sq. m.

A place in which the opening of the rental is planned should have high attendance. On the adjacent territory should be allowed to ride on bicycles. It is desirable that there was a bicycle path separating the riding zone from pedestrians.

By choosing a place, one should take into account the proximity of competitors. The further they are - the better. The perfect option is considered to be their complete absence.

The selected place will be leased.

To increase the number of monthly profits, you can provide services for the delivery of bicycles to the place called by the client. For this, extra charge is charged.

What will be required to open bike rental, and how much will it cost?

An entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment. Bicycles should have bicycles from different models.

It will be necessary to purchase:

  • Mountain.
  • Highway.
  • Baby.
  • Female.

A wide selection of equipment is required for the rental point to please each visitor, after all customers will contact it of different ages and preferences. Specialists advise not to buy more than 2 x bicycles of one model.

It follows the purchase of equipment in the fall or in winter. This time is not a season for buying bicycles, and manufacturers significantly reduce the price.

Cheap models should not be purchased. They will break faster and will not be in demand from visitors to rental. It is better to purchase less expensive equipment for the same money. It will last longer and bring more profits. For the normal functioning of the rental at first, about 15 bikes will be required. Over time, the range should be expanded.

To acquire a bicycle for rental, it is necessary to come carefully. It must be a high-quality model.

Buying a bike, you should pay attention to:

  • Rama size . The optimal is considered 18-20 inches.
  • Metal from which the bike is made . He must weigh little, but at the same time have high strength.
  • Presence of rear shock absorbers .

They have high reliability wheels and have a convenient low frame.
The price of one reliable adult bike is about 25 30 thousand rubles, and for children - about 15 thousand rubles. In total, about 400 thousand rubles will be required to purchase equipment for cycling equipment. By purchasing bicycles with one manufacturer, you can get a substantial discount and help in delivery.

We make a business plan for the opening of bicycle rental - profitability and payback periods

For opening a bicycle rental business, an entrepreneur will need about 500 thousand rubles.

Expenses for opening bike rental (average):

The average cost of renting a bicycle is 150 rubles per hour or 500-800 rubles per day. Usually customers take a bike for 1 to 3 hours. Rental for a day is interesting only to visitors who are going to go hiking. About 50 people enjoy daily bicycle rental services. The number of visitors depends on the weather. In very hot and rainy days their quantity is reduced. When summer is nearing completion, bicycle rental begin to visit more actively. Monthly profit of average rental is about 150 thousand rubles. . Net profit will be equal to 90 thousand rubles. With this level, business profits are able to pay off for 6 months.

Rental profitability is at the level of 55%.

P \u003d n / (opamp + OA),

where P - Balance profit, OPF - averaged price of the main production fund, OA - averaged price of current assets.

Business falls under a simplified tax system. From earned profit, the entrepreneur will have to give 6% to the state. If it is located at the level of 150 thousand rubles, it will be necessary to pay a tax of 9 thousand rubles.

Risks associated with the organization of bicycle rental

Bicycle rental business is associated with risks, they include:

  • Bike hijacking . However, you can maximize yourself from it. There is an agreement between the tenant and the landlord, in which all the controversial points are negotiated, the name and place of residence are made. In addition, the photocopy of documents of the tenant is made. In some rental rentals ask to leave the original documents or a large amount of money on bail. In most cases, this is enough for the roller returned rental equipment.
  • Bicycle breakdown . This nuance should be discussed in the agreement concluded with the client when issuing equipment. Experts advise the owner of the bicycle rental to take responsibility for the breakdown of himself. In most cases, it does not occur the fault of the client. Rarely bicycles break specifically. Reliable responsibility from the tenant will help reduce the number of dissatisfied customers to a minimum and increase the prestige of rental in the eyes of visitors.
  • Invertible return of equipment . This nuance should also be registered in the agreement. The client, neglecting the specified conditions, should be imposed. Its amount must be spelled out in the agreement.
  • Tenant injury . To protect yourself from responsibility, in the agreement should be a clause that all responsibility for possible injuries during riding lies on the client. However, before issuing equipment with a tenant, instructions should be carried out. This should be done in the appropriate magazine. At the time of issuing a bike, both sides must make sure of its serviceability.

All risks are impossible to predict. However, the most secure himself from the majority, the entrepreneur can count on receiving profit without surprises.

What else do not forget when opening a bicycle rental?

The entrepreneur must remember the need to repair the equipment. Bicycles occasionally come into disrepair. Buy new too expensive. It is much easier to repair already existing. To do this, you will need to hire a special person who will deal with the repair of equipment. The size of its salary should be at least 15 thousand rubles. However, there is no always beneficial to have a specialist who is always profitable. The salary costs of the repair specialist will pay off only if the entrepreneur plans to create a large network of cycling rates. In case the opening of 1 to 2 points is planned, it is much cheaper to conclude a contract with service center Or have a specialist on the "deal" to invite breakdowns at the place.


The entrepreneur should not forget about the seasonality of the business. Usually bicycle rental brings profit only in the summer. In resort cities, he begins to function April and finishes in September - October, but there is still a period of idle. To ensure income at this time, on the basis of bicycle rental, you can organize the rental of other types of equipment.

In the summer you can give out:

  • Accessories for cycling.
  • Roller Skates.
  • Skateboards.
  • Scooters.

In winter, rental can be carried out:

  • Snowboards.
  • Skates.

However, it will take funds for the organization of additional equipment to be obtained.

Employees of bicycle rental

Cycling work should be shifted. At first, the business owner can work independently. In this case, you will need to hire only the seller who will be shifted. Salary should be at least 15 thousand rubles. Over time, you can hire an additional person.

In addition to the employees who exit equipment, the availability of an accountant will be required. In his task is maintained financial issues and reporting. Not necessarily hiring a person is not a complete bet. Enough if the accountant will deal with bicycle rental 1 - 2 times a week. His wage Must be at least 5 thousand rubles.

The main methods of promotion of cycling are considered:

  • Outdoor advertisements next to the site of cycling.
  • Distribution of flyers.
  • Creating a group B. social networks or your own website.
  • Advertising in the media.

The opening of the rental can be accompanied by a cycling holiday, where you can organize competitions or cycling with minor prizes. On citywide health days, equipment rental should be free. This will attract additional customers and increase the amount of profit.

With the onset of the summer period on the streets of the city, you can still see cyclists. Popular is vehicle Both lovers and professionals. The bike is very practical and convenient. It is inexpensive, mobile in urban traffic jams, besides, it brings obvious health benefits. However, not everyone has its own bike. At the same time, people who want to ride quite a lot. That is why it is worth thinking about how to open bike rental. This business will not only satisfy the needs of lovers to ride, but will make it well earn.

The first steps

Why start? First of all, a business plan should be drawn up. Bicycle rental requires the creation of a private enterprise. At a small scale, individual entrepreneurship will fit.

The choice of an organization that provides services must be specified when writing a business plan. Prior to work, the company must be registered in the tax authorities.

Place of rental

Bicycle rental business plan should contain a list of points in which the service will be carried out. Options may be set. One of them involves the delivery of bicycles to the specified client. In this case, an additional charge for transportation will be required. You can also stand on the street waiting for the client. This option should also consider the compiled business plan.

Bicycle rental In this case, it is advisable to arrange in the heart of the district or city, in the place where a large number of holidaymakers are located. Offer mobile vehicles is most profitable:

In amusement parks;
- in resort centers;
- in squares or groves;
- on the squares;
- in urban parks;
- on the embankments.

Choosing a suitable place, you will need to rent it. At the same time, it is worth making sure that bicycles are allowed on the adjacent territory. It is desirable to have at least one bike path separating the passage zone from pedestrians. But in any case, before you begin to provide bicycle rental services, you will need to resolve local authorities.

Purchase of vehicles

How to organize bicycle rental? It will take the acquisition of vehicles necessary for this. The class, the number and types of equipment necessary for the provision of equipment must provide for a business plan.

Bicycle rental at first can be produced in the presence of a small fleet of technology in which four or five units are located. Getting started will show if your service is in demand. In the event of great popularity, bicycles can be increased. With increased demand to purchase required amount Labor techniques will not be.

Within the framework of its business, it is worth foredelessing children's bicycles. They will also be in demand.

What kind of vehicles to buy, should also provide for a compiled business plan. Bicycle rental is unlikely to be interested in professionals. That is why you should not look at the expensive models. However, in the types of bicycles you need to figure it out.

The acquisition of technology should be subordinate to a specific rule. It suggests that no more than two units of one species should be purchased. It is advisable to buy models in order to ride over rough terrain. This is suitable for cross-country models with a frame of eighteen or twenty-inches.

At the rental point, the client is desirable to offer bicycles for confident skiing in off-road conditions. To do this, you will need to purchase models with rear shock absorber. For a successful business, it is important to have women's and children's bikes.

It is necessary to provide for the purchase of appropriate equipment. It is more profitable to purchase it in the winter when seasonal discounts are offered.

How to open bike rental if start-up capital Necklik? You can start from the smallest. In the absence of the possibility of buying a few bicycles, try to make them hire with your acquaintances.


For renting bicycles you will need to rent a small room. Its main purpose will be the storage of vehicles. It is best if your garage will be not far from the place where the service is expected. In this case, the cost of transporting bicycles will significantly reduce.

The room where bicycles will be stored must be closed. Only in this case, in winter, your vehicles will not spoil from cold and snow, and in the summer from heat and rain.

Refundant warranty

Agreement with customers who ride a bike should be concluded. Such a document will ensure the safety of your vehicle. The contract necessarily prescribes the price, as well as the time when the bike must be returned. One of the essential conditions of the contract will be the indication of the amount of the fine. It is imposed for a late refund or damage to the bike.

The sums of the most common breakdowns are desirable to register in the contract itself. In this case, the client will be aware of the consequences of his unfair attitude towards technology.
The contract must contain information about the client - its full name, address of residence, as well as passport details.


Entrepreneurs who will deliver bikes to customers must give ads to local newspapers. You can put them on special shields. If bicycle rental will be carried out in any particular place, then people will learn about the service themselves. However, in this case, advertising will not be superfluous.

The organization of small cycling contests can be coincided with the opening of the business. Holiday will show people how interesting to spend your free time with health benefits, in a circle cheerful company or the whole family. As sponsors can be attracted commercial organizations Your city.

Tariffs and profits

In order for renting bicycles to enjoy popular prices for taken vehicles must be available to anyone. Suppose that in ten hours of rental you set the cost of a hundred fifty rubles. The amount is quite acceptable to the client with any financial opportunities. Do not forget about the system of fines.

For each hour of delay, take fifty rubles. Before providing services, require a deposit, suppose three thousand rubles. This will be an additional return warranty. In the event that the bikes were rented at acquaintances, then give them half of their revenues. The remaining amount must be postponed to buy its own vehicles.

Elementary calculations will find out the volumes of your earnings. When the Park is ten bikes, the minimum income per day can be one and a half thousand rubles. This is if each unit of technology has been in demand by customers. Giving half the income of bicycle owners, you will receive a net profit of seven hundred fifty rubles. Soon you can purchase our own vehicles. After that, all income will be yours.

Expansion of opportunities

To attract customers, you can come up with own system Promotion. For example, with family skating - free issuance of children's bikes. It will be possible to install a discount to the client, which led three friends, as well as arrange cheaper riding, for example, on Wednesdays.

An interesting idea is the provision of rental scooters, rollers, children's seats that are attached to the trunk of the bike, etc.

First of all, it is necessary to decide whether the business is suitable for you, where most of the time will have to really work, especially initial stageWhen the money has already been embedded, there are no customers - you will have to "endure" everything until the first profits.

Bicycle rental business is not suitable for all places, it will be especially successful there, where people want to spend time together and for a long time - resort cities will go well, also well-in-demand bicycles and megalopolis near parks, alley and central squares.

Usually people simply notice your service and instead of the usual walk, walking, give preference to "pokatushkam" by bike, as a result of which you earn clients well, and they, for a small amount, get a lot of pleasures and return to childhood (after all, in "ordinary" Life most did not ride a bike never in recent years).

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A similar business will suit those who wish to start, but it is afraid of difficulties, here they are, but not catastrophic, and all problems can be solved as increasing short time Without special losses. "Easy" is determined by many - first of all, a small investment (having "for the sinus" only a few thousand dollars can start working on yourself, taking all incomes personally, communicating with customers and spending time in nature), small risks - almost no one wants to "sob "Your bike, because it will be caught almost immediately, in the case of the breakdowns you are waiting for minor losses (you can repair the bike in a couple of dozen dollars, in most cases).

Target Bicycle Rental Business Audience

It is necessary to place in places of mass accumulation of people, they usually perform parks, embankments, squares of cities. Many "couples" passes, which may want to take advantage of your service, in order to bring themselves pleasure, and you - a penny that will cover the costs, and even on "tea" will remain. In most cases, in such a specific type of business, like a bicycle rental, "decides" precisely location, as it is to order a pre-trip for two no one who will be - a desire to ride usually arises spontaneously, you only need to influence that to be in sight, as well as Provide a pleasant pricing policy and comfortable conditions.

When renting a few bicycles you can make a discount - relevant for those who walk with families, for example, removing 2 bikes for themselves, you can offer them 3 for a child for free, thanks to this approach, this trochka can become your permanent customers For the whole season, and next time I will lead more family friends.

Where to open a bicycle rental point

Here you have many options, the only criterion that must be taken into account 100% is the passability and cluster of people. Especially good on these parameters resort cities, where a thousand-other comes every day potential customerswho want to relax and enjoy the rest. It is possible to organize as a static point when you just rent bikes to anyone who pay and give documents, or to "drive" bikes in place - a similar way justifies yourself with long-term lease.

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The latter takes place on vacation, for example, in Thailand, or even in our areas, a man will gladly pay several hundred hryvnia for renting a bike for the entire period of his stay, because it is much more convenient to ride shopping or on the beach, and the fee is insignificant.

For advertising it is worth come up with special offers For customers, and not just hang leaflets - they should also be, because at the arrival most of the holidaymakers, it turns out for the first time in this area and do not even know about the presence of your bicycle rental, but by creating tempting conditions to obtain paying consumers will be even easier.

Starting Capital and Basic Expenditures in Bicycle Business

One of the undoubted advantages of bicycle rental business is a low entry threshold, as opposed to car rental or any other special. Technicians you need only a few thousand dollars to buy bicycles, as well as a little more money "about the stock" in case of breakdowns and salary payment (irrelevant, if you decide to personally engage in all questions, including work with clients, with a small amount of bicycles This approach is fully justified and will help you save you not one hundred dollars).

This is one of the types of business that can be started even on borrowed funds. Money to buy first bicycles to you without problems will be issued in the separation of any normal bank, since the amount is small - there will be no special requirements for you, as a candidate, will not be presented to the funds. As for concrete digits - to buy 10 bicycles (which may even be a lot for the first time) you will need about 2-3 thousand dollars, an employee's salary (if you do not want to work) about 250-350 dollars (depends on the region), 3 hours of ride today are "on average" about $ 5, so downloading at least some of them in zero work you will definitely not.

Bicycle-related risks

Most likely the insightful readers already guessed themselves about all risks, in fact - the risk here is one, namely, the hijacking of the bicycle, but given the moment that there is an agreement between you and the tenant, and the plus you have copies (and in some cases and in some cases The original) of the passport, with the disappearance or breakdown of the bike to present the claims of labor. There are a lot of nuances, for example, bike can be broken and not through the fault of the person, so the repair is best to take over, in order to not produce dissatisfied customers (specially break the property well, very rarely).

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In order to protect themselves - learn all the nuances and laws relating to cycling business, it is easy, but will help solve controversial situations quickly and without problems for each of the parties.

How much money brings bike rental

Having spent about 3 thousand dollars on the purchase of bicycles, you will most likely want to get them back to quickly and make a profit. With a good stream of customers, nothing complicated in this will not be in case of idle - the return time of the investment will increase significantly. For people with little capital and more free time we can advise to work alone, in order not to spend precious dollars on the salary, and there is no point in the fool itself, when you can earn (after all, it is for this purpose and deal with business).

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In April, "cycling season" begins in all cities, and those who have no vehicle can help only business bicycle rental. It is the rental of two-wheeled vehicles - a great exit for everyone who does not want or cannot pay for the purchase of its own bicycle, and an entrepreneur who offers such a service can earn great for the season, which lasts until October.

What should be considered, opening the rental?

A businessman who wants to make money on bicycles should be perfectly able to understand the nuances of the operation of these vehicles. It will not hurt to know:

  • what middle class bikes are characterized by the best characteristics.
  • where and how bicycles should be kept (for them you need a closed room, which in the cold season will be at least insulated, and in summer - reliably protected from rain and heat)
  • what the peculiarities of this settlement, allowing to arrange an unusual cycle rocherk (the presence of mountain routes, attractions, remote beaches, etc. will contribute to business)

Generally, successful business Bicycle rental may well begin with the acquisition of 10-12 units (if the work is carried out in a small settlement) or 15-20 vehicles (if the rental opens in a millionth city). If demand is high, buy the right amount will not work. It is also desirable to provide for both adults and children's bicycles - both those and others will be in demand. Moreover, the owner of the enterprise should learn to understand the types of bicycles and purchase vehicles based on the formula: at least two bicycles of the same type. It can be models for:

  • riding on rough terrain (cross-country bicycles having a frame 18 and 20 inches)
  • duta and Street
  • confident Range off-road (bicycles with rear shock absorber)
  • women's riding (so-called women's models)
  • catania children

And, of course, the corresponding equipment must be purchased for each vehicle. It, by the way, is best to buy in winter - there are excellent discounts during this period of buyers.

What do you need to open bike rental?

The first step is to register an enterprise (SP) and the design of "relationships" with the tax service (you can choose the most simple system taxation). As soon as it is completed, it is necessary to get acquainted by finding a place of work, and it is advisable to have it in the very center of the city or in the area with high permeability. It can be:

  • resort center
  • amusement park
  • city Park
  • garden, Grove or Square
  • area
  • embankment

Before you choose a certain place and rent it, you should make sure that cycling is allowed there - there must be at least one bike path or at least a well-organized space so that cyclists do not interfere with passersby. In any case, you will need to get permission municipal authorities on the opening of the rolling point. Item can work from 9:00 to 21:00, and if the city is resort, you can extend working time until 23:00. It should be borne in mind that the most customers will be in the evenings, as well as on weekends. In the morning there will be less than, but children's bicycles will be more in demand, and they can be earned additionally.

How to open bike rental right?

The answer to this question is only one - you need to approach the choice of bikes. It is important to buy the optimal number of reliable and inexpensive vehicles that will have excellent characteristics, but their price will not be overstated by brand or other secondary factors. This is important, because newcomers in business often seek to buy the most expensive aggregates and then suffer from the exit of them after operation of a careless client. The task of a businessman is to understand that even after one season of the rental to sell vehicles no longer work: they can almost completely fail, and it is impossible to fix it. The optimal cost of the bicycle is 10 thousand rubles at a minimum. Children's models cost from 3 thousand. There are also vehicles for 20-25 thousand, but they fail with almost the same speed as the budget, so you can buy them only a very rich businessman, confident in your capital. If there is no such confidence, it is better to turn to the average prices. However, in no case should not even pay attention to the "adults" models worth 3-5 thousand, they will fail within a matter of weeks. In addition, before opening bike rental, it will also be necessary to spend on:

  • rental of premises for storage - dry insulated garage, which can cost from 5-7 thousand rubles per month
  • rent a place for rental - it will cost much more expensive, since this place will be located in the city center and occupy a fairly large area (the price depends on the specific settlement)
  • tools for care, repair and maintenance of bicycles - from 50 thousand rubles
  • additional riding equipment - from 50 thousand

What is the earnings brings business bicycle rental?

It is necessary to rent a vehicle for rent. Hourly (if possible, with a pledge from the client in the form of a document or collateral sum of 3-5 thousand). Sometimes a bicycle rental business is based on the daily delivery of models, but it is not always appropriate: customers rarely use such services, preferring to ride 1-3 hours. Daily rental is interesting only to those who are going to bike trades, and far from each locality there is such an opportunity. The cost of renting a bicycle can be 100-150 rubles per hour or 500-800 rubles per day (prices depend on a particular region). You can additionally earn money on rental equipment for riding, as well as accessories - from gloves to children's seats and pumps. Prices are assigned arbitrarily. And, of course, an excellent profit will bring rental of scooters, skates, roller skates and other similar accessories, but it is necessary to weigh everything for and against before bringing them to bikes. Monthly profit, in general, is 50-100 thousand rubles, and these figures by the end of the summer increase significantly. In total, investments in business at bicycle rental can be reconciled for the first two months of work, and by the end of the season get a stable income, pleaseing its customers with pleasant and very useful entertainment.


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