Airbrush workshop - how to organize a business. Own business: opening an airbrush studio How to equip an airbrush workshop

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  • Workshop Equipment
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions to open

For a creative person who knows how to draw at a professional level, as well as having an entrepreneurial spirit, there is great idea to organize your business - to create an airbrush workshop.

Airbrushing is a kind of method of drawing a picture on various surfaces liquid or powder paint using compressed air using an airbrush. It is used for the purpose of applying paintings, painting textiles and walls, retouching photographs, body art, painting nails. Recently, this method has been used to apply drawings to cars and motorcycles. By spraying paint on surfaces, you can achieve smooth transitions in color, volume and reality of the image. After the paint has dried, the pattern is covered with several layers of fixing varnish, it becomes indelible.

A step-by-step plan for opening an airbrush workshop

  1. Drafting detailed business- plan.
  2. Search and conclusion of a lease agreement for premises.
  3. Registration of a business entity.
  4. Search and purchase of equipment.
  5. Hiring employees.
  6. Conducting an advertising campaign

How much money do you need to start a business

Initially, 12,000 - 15,000 US dollars are needed to start. These funds will be required:

  • to rent a workshop, the room must have an exhaust hood and good lighting;
  • company registration;
  • purchase of equipment and Supplies.

How much can you earn from airbrushing

The cost of airbrushing works depends on such factors: prices for painting work and materials, how complex the drawing is, and the master's promotion.

The simplest monochrome drawing will cost the customer from 10,000 rubles. A more complex artistic image on the background, with various small details, will cost from 25,000 rubles. This is the cost of drawing a picture on one part of the car, for example, on a fender or on a door. Airbrushing the whole car is much more expensive.

Even with a small number of orders, an entrepreneur can earn 60,000 rubles. per month. In order to increase the profitability of the business, it is necessary to increase the range of services, for example, apply drawings to laptops, computers, interior items.

Workshop Equipment

For airbrushing, you must purchase:

  • airbrush,
  • spray gun,
  • compressor,
  • grinder
  • drying chamber
  • ventilation and air purification system,
  • paints, solvents, varnish,
  • brushes, rollers and stencils,
  • computer with graphic programs.

To purchase a minimum set of equipment, you will need 700,000 rubles.

Which OKVED to indicate during registration

OKVED 96.09 - provision of other personal services not included in other groups

What documents are needed to open

It is necessary to register a business entity, this will be individual entrepreneur (IP).

The list of documents is small, and the registration period takes about a week. The state duty is paid in the amount of 800 rubles. In addition, you need to register the company in pension fund and the Social and Health Insurance Fund.

Taxation system

AT this business it is better to choose simplified tax system(USN), or single tax on sane income (UTII).

Permissions to open

Airbrushing business does not need to obtain special permits and licenses. It is enough to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service, the fire inspectorate and the local administration.

Airbrush application technology

An airbrush specialist must have the skills of an artist, that is, be able to draw on paper. He must have his portfolio with sample drawings. You need to learn skills from experienced professionals, gain experience and create your own archive of drawings, and only then organize a business. You can start a business if you have an artist with an individual drawing style. This is not the kind of business that can be put on stream, creativity is needed here.

Despite the fact that airbrushing cannot be called seasonal business, yet it has a seasonal orientation. For example, airbrushing on motorcycles is in demand in the winter season, and on cars in the spring and autumn seasons. In the summer, airbrushes paint the premises of apartments and houses.

In our time, drawing a picture on a car has become very popular, others glance at it, and it is extremely difficult to steal such a car, it is very remarkable. In the airbrush workshop for drawing pictures on cars, besides the artist, there must be a bodybuilder and a painter. Not understanding this, some entrepreneurs save on bodywork, as a result, the work turns out to be “hacky”. There is a way out of this situation, if the entrepreneur has his own service station with many specialists, then you can invite an experienced artist for airbrushing.

First, they find out from the customer what pattern he would like to see on his car. Next, a computer sketch is made, which allows the customer to see how it will look. If everything suits him, then they begin to apply the drawing. Airbrushing is of two types:

  1. When a drawing is applied with one or more paints. Here the background is the main color of the car.
  2. An image using several colors, here the background can be not so much the color of the car as other shades.

Before applying the image, all defects obtained during operation must be eliminated from the vehicle. The car is polished with abrasive substances. To apply airbrushing, the artist uses colors of suitable colors. After the drawing is applied, the car is covered with a protective varnish. This makes it possible to maintain the brightness of the image, and if the car does not get into an accident, it will delight the motorist for 6-7 years. Upon completion of the work, the car is sent to the drying chamber, in which the temperature should be at the level of 60 degrees. The drawing process takes from 2 weeks to one month, it all depends on the complexity of the work. The machine on which the image was applied does not require special care, but some rules should still be followed:

  1. Washing a car with airbrushing works should be done every 3-4 days, or even a week, depending on the time of year.
  2. Do not wipe the car with a dirty brush or rag, and even more so use cleaning products that can cause damage in the form of scratches.
  3. It is necessary to clean the surface of the car in special car washes, where washing is carried out under high pressure.
  4. To keep the applied composition longer, you need to use special aerosol products.

Drawings are applied not only on cars or motorcycles, but also on mobile phones, computers, textiles, in body art, on nails, that is, the scope is quite wide. And also wide car-related industry.

Drawing drawings on cars and other surfaces, or simply airbrushing - today is profitable and promising business. A lot of modern people show a desire to stand out from the crowd by painting their car or motorcycle with an original artistic creation. That is why there is reason to consider this business, which has a chance of development, in more detail.

The essence of business

Organizing a business of this kind is no more difficult than any other. It is enough just to understand the main aspects that are necessary to start, and development and success will come with experience and regular customers. Airbrushing itself is a whole art, therefore, in addition to the entrepreneurial component, other points are also important in this business, for example, the professionalism of the staff.

If you omit the details and nuances, then you can highlight the main essence, which will help you understand what the business is all about. Here, at first glance, everything is extremely simple - the client gives the car, orders a drawing, gets the finished result and pays for the service. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire airbrushing business can be divided into several components, each of which requires financial investments and competent management. Without due attention and careful preparation, such a business will never justify the investment and effort. Airbrushing will not only not bring profit, it will become unprofitable. To avoid this, and to achieve some success, each component should be considered in more detail.

Business components

Any business consists of many components, and professional airbrushing is no exception. In this case, the following main aspects can be distinguished:

  • room;
  • equipment;
  • expendable materials;
  • staff;
  • smart advertising.

The overall success of the business depends on each of these components, so each of them is discussed in more detail below.

Room for airbrushing

Airbrushing space is perhaps the most important and costly issue for starting this business. The first thing to decide is to choose a suitable location. If possible, such a business is best organized near the city center and away from competing firms. Clients should have no difficulty finding your firm. Nearby, it is desirable to organize a small parking lot for those who have just come to you for information, and for those who have already left their car for airbrushing.

The room itself must be of sufficient size for the location of the car and equipment, as well as for the free movement of the artist. In this case, three options can be distinguished:

  • purchase of finished premises;
  • rent;
  • independent construction.

The first and last option requires a lot of start-up capital, which not everyone has. But renting is by far the most popular and affordable way to get the desired premises at your disposal.

The next step is to organize the renovation of the premises. All internal surfaces must be finished with a material that will not collect dust, absorb moisture and lose heat. It is desirable to make the color of the walls and ceiling white, while they should not form glare from light sources.

An important point is the equipment of proper ventilation and air filtration. Only purified air that does not contain dust and moisture should be supplied to the room. It is also desirable to filter the internal air; for this, there are special hydraulic filters that perfectly clean solvent vapors and paint mist.

Another important point is the organization proper lighting. Airbrushing requires great precision and efficiency from the artist, and poor lighting will not contribute to either the first or the second. Light is best done on the basis of fluorescent fluorescent lamps. Sources should be evenly spaced along the ceiling and walls. Light should fall equally on all elements of the car.

Equipment and consumables

Equipment and consumables will cost a little less, however, there are a lot of little things here, each of which matters. Most equipment and consumables are best bought with the advice of a person who will directly work with airbrushing. The basic equipment you will need to get started is listed below:

  • quality airbrush;
  • compressor with pressure stabilizer;
  • spray guns;
  • a tool for removing corrosion and preparing the body;
  • paint sets;
  • computer with graphic editors;

As for the airbrush, this tool should definitely be chosen by the artist. The device should be convenient for a particular person. In addition, he must be able to set it up, and skillfully work with it. This also applies to paints, since colors and shades are more understandable to an artist than to an entrepreneur.

Everything else can be purchased independently, focusing on the experience of other people. If business plans are serious, then buying everything cheap is not worth it. As experience shows, such savings lead to large losses. For example, a cheap compressor that has pressure surges will not be able to provide good quality drawings, even if your artist is a real ace.

Particular attention should be paid to the spray guns that will be needed to prepare the surface. Therefore, you will have to separately purchase a gun for applying soil. Completely different options for choosing an airbrush for applying the base and varnishing the pattern. There is no way to achieve here with one cheap tool good quality and location of clients.


Those who have been in business for a long time can say with confidence that good staff is the most important component of any business. Moreover, airbrushing requires not just the ability to work with equipment, but artistic talent, which not everyone has. So, recruiting starts with the artist. Where to look for it?

You can try the traditional methods - submitting ads to print resources or on the Internet. And you can get down to business with creativity. Take a look around - today there are a lot of craftsmen who leave their creations on the walls and fences of the city. Often such artists place their pseudonyms under masterpieces by which they can be found in in social networks and so on.

In addition to the artist, it is advisable to hire a separate person who has experience in body repair. Often, before applying airbrushing, you may need a procedure such as removing corrosion, leveling dents, and so on.

Qualitatively, only an experienced person in this matter can cope with such a task. In order not to spend money on an additional employee, you can drive customers' cars to the nearest body repair service. However, the cost of their services will not always save you money.

For the rest, you can rely on yourself. Since in most cases airbrushing is not a business that needs a large staff of employees with accountants, secretaries, deputies and other office plankton. You can entrust all matters with finances, documentation, advertising and other details to yourself. At least it makes sense for initial stage development until the business gets back on its feet.


Despite the fact that this component of the business is given in the last paragraph, advertising is one of the most important aspects of any business. Even if you have the most beautiful artist and high-quality expensive equipment, no one will come to you if you do not declare your services to potential clients.

A high-quality drawing applied directly on your premises, which will be visible to those passing by, will work well and attract the attention of motorists.


In conclusion, we can give several options, or forecasts, for the development of an airbrush business. The fact is that this art is gaining popularity not only among motorists. Later it will be possible to start drawing drawings on other objects and objects. Many people who are guided by the same desire to stand out from the crowd, order original drawings on the gates of their garage, decorate the walls of the house or interior design.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

150 000 ₽

Starting investments

200 000 ₽

50 000 - 70 000 ₽

Net profit

6 months

Payback period

The demand for airbrushing, as well as other auto services, is growing along with the constant increase in the fleet of Russians. However, airbrushing as a business has one advantage - you can paint not only cars.

Currently, airbrushing is a fashionable direction for restyling a car and is capturing new directions. For example, airbrushing on tires, laptops and mobile phones, skateboards and in interior design is gaining popularity. Airbrushing is rightly considered one of the promising types of business: having mastered the technique of airbrushing or hiring a qualified craftsman, a novice entrepreneur can open his own business almost from scratch and earn money from the very first months.

Why you should open an airbrush studio

According to the traffic police, over the past 10 years, the Russian car fleet has increased by 65%, and the annual increase in the number of cars is 1.5 million units. In this regard, the need for various auto services is growing.

The car service market is developing and offering new types of services to customers. Recently, airbrushing of cars is gaining popularity - a method of applying images to a surface using liquid and powder dyes. The growing demand for the services of airbrushing centers is due to the fact that:

    Airbrushing provides a car with a personality that protects it from car thieves. Oddly enough, but airbrushing is recognized as a very effective anti-theft means.

    any car that has been airbrushed becomes a piece goods. Its selling price is increased by 15%;

    the ability to emphasize the design of the car, decorate it or hide some damage to the surface;

    wear-resistant surface. The technology for making drawings involves the application of a special protective polish that prevents scuffs and scratches from minor mechanical impacts.

In addition, the high demand for airbrushing has spread to other areas. Today, airbrush services are used by owners of various establishments (cafes, bars, beauty salons, etc.), as well as owners of private houses. Airbrushing decorates not only cars, but also computers, mobile phones, furniture and walls.

When planning to open your own airbrush center, you need to consider that, firstly, it would be more expedient to do this in a large city, and secondly, you should immediately find an airbrush artist with experience and your own style. All potential consumers will be interested in services, focusing on the master. Therefore, choosing a master is not only the most important, but also the most serious task. A great start for a garage business - if you are that airbrush artist. Then, if you have the skills and a garage, you can open a business with minimal investment.

The main income of the airbrushing center is formed by artistic painting of cars. However, many studios provide Additional services, for example: airbrushing of motorcycles and helmets, facades of houses, interiors, computers and laptops. Recently, airbrushing of car tires is also gaining popularity.

With a sufficient flow of customers, it is possible to recoup the studio within 4-5 months.

If you want to open profitable business with minimal investment, then an airbrush center may be a suitable option. The table reflects the key advantages and disadvantages of an airbrush center that should be considered when planning a business.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening an airbrush center



    growing demand for this species services;

    relatively small start-up capital;

    it is possible to organize a business in the garage;

    the cost of airbrushing for a car may increase depending on the complexity of the drawing and the professionalism of the master;

    high income

    the popularity of business is observed in large cities, where the income of residents is higher;

    the need to obtain certain skills of the artist and have experience with airbrushing;

    airbrushing is not a cheap service, which can reduce demand;

    business seasonality: most in demand airbrush enjoy autumn and spring

How to start an airbrush business

To get started, you need to do a little marketing research: to find out the quality of services of potential competitors and what exactly they offer. In recent years, in the airbrush market, services for painting laptops, mobile phones, sports and home appliances have been added to the car painting market, as well as offers and demand for decorating the walls of apartments and cafes with the help of airbrushing. Variety of offers will give the studio attractiveness, but still the lion's share orders will be painted cars. It is better to plan the opening of such an enterprise at the beginning of the peak season - it is traditionally considered the last months of autumn and spring.

Before opening an airbrush studio, you need to assess the demand for services and the prospects for your business. As part of a small market research, you should also find out if you have competitors, what services they offer and at what cost.

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At the next stage of preparation, you must decide who will carry out the painting work. There are two options: learn the skills and run the business yourself or hire a qualified specialist. The first option will allow you to save on salaries for employees, as well as “keep your finger on the pulse of the business”: better understand the intricacies of work, be more involved in your business. The disadvantages are that not everyone can provide airbrushing services - you must have certain skills and qualities (starting with artistic skills and ending with a sense of taste). Also, the direct participation of the entrepreneur in manufacturing process means that he will pay less attention to the business itself as an activity. The second option from this point of view, looks more preferable. Difficulties may arise with the search for a good airbrush artist: firstly, there are not so many such specialists, and secondly, in order to attract a specialist, you need to offer him a decent salary.

Regardless of which option you choose, you should be familiar with airbrush technology.

Airbrush Technology

The main types of airbrushing depend on the method of applying the pattern: a stencil using an airbrush, pasting the surface with a finished pattern on a vinyl film, or work done by the artist manually.

The success of this type of business directly depends on the quality of the work performed. The client sees the quality of drawing and painting immediately, so it is necessary to hire only experienced craftsmen and use high-quality materials and equipment.

The technology for performing airbrushing on a car includes the following steps:

    Determination with the customer of the style of the drawing and its location;

    Drawing sketch development. With help computer program the drawing is applied to the image of the car in order to visualize how it will look in reality;

    Approval of the sketch by the customer and transfer of the car for drawing. At the same time, it is very important to draw up a service agreement, which will detail the main conditions of work, the rights and obligations of both parties, technical condition auto. A signed contract can protect you from various customer claims.

    Preparing the surface of the car for airbrushing. It is necessary to eliminate possible defects: scratches, chips, dents.

    Drawing on the surface.

    If the image is permanent, they varnish and polish the surface of the car. If the image is temporary (its service life is from six months to a year), varnishing is not necessary. After that, the customer can pick up his car.

Thus, painting a car is a long and painstaking process, each stage of which requires high-quality performance. There is another type of airbrushing - digital, which reduces the lead time. Digital airbrushing is performed by a special robot that calculates the curvature of surfaces, creates a three-dimensional model for “trying on” the picture. In digital mode, the selection of colors and all preliminary operations take place. After that, the car is placed in the spray booth, where the robot applies the image to the surface of the car.

How to register a business on airbrushing

The initial stage of opening an airbrush workshop is registering a business in government bodies. The airbrush studio is a highly specialized enterprise with a staff of 1-3 people. In this case, it is not advisable to register a business as an LLC, because this requires more accountability, maintaining a full accounting. It is preferable to register as an individual entrepreneur.

So, in order to keep commercial activities it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%). Types of activity according to OKVED-2: 96.09 Provision of other personal services not included in other groups. You will also need to issue such documents as the permission of the SES, the permission of the fire service and pay the state. fee for registration of IP in the amount of 800 rubles.

Choosing a site and premises for an airbrush studio

An airbrush studio will require a room of 25-30 sq. m. An ordinary garage or a former car service may come up. The main condition is good lighting. The room must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment, connected to the water supply, sanitation and electricity system. You should also pay attention to the cleanliness of the workshop - there should be no dust in it, since its particles, if it gets on the surface of the car, can ruin the pattern. In this regard, it is desirable that the floor be tiled or concreted. You should also provide a convenient area for receiving customers, where you can discuss with them the sketches and nuances of the order.

Renting such a garage will cost an average of 17 thousand rubles.

The location for this type of business does not really matter. Clients make a decision in advance to contact the studio, which works by appointment.

Acquisition of equipment for an airbrush studio

To ensure production, equipment should be purchased. Modern multifunctional equipment is the key to quality work. The standard list of equipment required to equip an airbrush studio includes:

    Airbrush. This is the main equipment for an airbrush studio, which cannot be saved on. The airbrush acts like a spray gun - the difference is only in a narrow spectrum of paint spray. The price of Chinese airbrushes ranges from 500 to 3000 rubles, but such an airbrush, by definition, will not be able to cope with its tasks and perform high-quality spraying. A good airbrush will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.

There are two types of airbrush models: these are models with a nozzle of 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm. An airbrush with a 0.3 mm nozzle is versatile and allows you to apply both large strokes and draw small details. An airbrush with a 0.5 mm nozzle is used by most artists to apply backgrounds and paint areas of images that do not require high definition. It allows you to make a gradient and is especially useful when decorating interior images. For initial work you will need to purchase a universal airbrush with a 0.3 mm nozzle. In the future, you can expand the range or use interchangeable nozzles. For example, for the design of smaller details (drawings on helmets, laptops), it is recommended to use a 0.2 mm nozzle. But then you should choose those models of airbrushes that have the option of interchangeable nozzles of different diameters. Models of the German firms Harder & Steenbeck and Grafo have such options.

Which airbrush to choose? The rating of airbrushes, compiled on the basis of reviews of professional airbrush artists, will help you decide on this issue:


The choice is quite extensive, but with an accurate knowledge of the tasks and your own preferences, it is not so difficult to decide on the most suitable model.

    Compressor. This device is designed to supply air to the spray gun at a certain pressure, so that the paint is sprayed evenly over the surface. Choosing the right compressor for an airbrush is very important, as it is one of the main tools on which the quality of the applied pattern depends. To choose the right compressor, the following parameters should be taken into account: performance level (measured in the number of liters of paint supplied by the compressor per minute); maximum pressure value; size and weight (the convenience of working with it depends on the dimensions of the compressor); the availability of accessories and parts included in the basic kit.

It is recommended to purchase a low-noise compressor with a receiver. The receiver is a small container under the compressor where air accumulates and then is fed into the airbrush. When the receiver is full, the compressor automatically turns off. This prevents the compress from heating up, which, firstly, has a positive effect on its durability, and secondly, it eliminates the possibility of pattern distortion due to compressor heating. You should also pay attention to the power of the compressor - it must correspond to the diameter of the nozzle. The cost of the compressor varies between 2-10 thousand rubles.

    Pressure regulator with reducer. If the airbrush is not equipped with a pressure regulator, it must be purchased separately. This tool allows you to control the pressure under which the paint is supplied. The cost of equipment is 700-2000 rubles.

    Other tools: airbrush hoses, airbrush holder, respirator, airbrush cleaning accessories, moisture eliminator, mixing containers, brushes, knives, mats, rollers, stencils, gloves, degreaser.

    Paints, thinners, varnish.

All consumables will cost 30-40 thousand rubles. The main cost in this category is the cost of paint. You can't save on it. Poor-quality paints can not only significantly spoil the result of the work, but simply ruin the airbrush. High-quality paints are expensive, but the result obtained is much different from the images created by cheap paints. When choosing car enamel, it is better to give preference to trusted brands and manufacturers, for example, Standox, PPG, Brulex. Thus, the purchase of equipment for an airbrush studio will cost an average of 50 thousand rubles.

Airbrush studio recruitment

For the functioning of the airbrush studio, 2 employees will be enough: an airbrush artist and a master who will perform secondary functions: prepare the surface for painting and finish varnishing, monitor the serviceability and cleanliness of the equipment. In the future, you can hire another artist to increase the amount of work.

The choice of personnel should be approached responsibly, since it is the work of the master that determines the reputation and prestige of the company. The master must have work experience, a portfolio, and skills in handling special equipment. Artistic education and experience in graphic editors are also welcome. Wage airbrush artist depends on the volume of completed orders, but on average it is about 30 thousand rubles per month.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are no special requirements for the assistant airbrush artist. The duties of an assistant include cleaning the premises, preparing surfaces for painting and other assistance to the master in the work. The salary of such an employee is about 17 thousand rubles.

To establish all business processes, a manager may be required. His responsibilities will include maintaining documentation, working with clients, searching for new orders, marketing, and so on. Basic requirements: the presence of higher profile education, work experience, understanding of the specifics of this activity. The salary is from 20 thousand rubles. Monthly labor costs will be 60-80 thousand rubles.

If you plan to save on expenses, you can independently perform the functions of one of the positions.

Ready-made ideas for your business

A great option if the entrepreneur himself is an artist. This will make it much easier to get started. Very often, when opening this business, the question arises, where to learn airbrushing? Today, there are many courses for airbrushers. There are even online courses and video tutorials. Many airbrush studios also provide airbrush training services. There are similar courses and even airbrush schools in almost any major city. The cost of training is on average 10,000 rubles. In addition, the artist must be able to work not only on paper, but also in Coral Draw and Photoshop graphic editors in order to create image thumbnails.

Acquisition of consumables for an airbrush studio

The main consumables in airbrushing are paints and thinners. It is important that the studio is always provided necessary quantity materials. Various types of paints are used in airbrushing: water-based, nitro-paints, artistic paints.

Water-based paints are harmless, dry quickly and are easy to apply. The most popular brands are eXmix and Air Master. The cost is about 200 rubles per 50 ml.

The advantage of nitro paints is that they dry instantly. This allows you to make a clear drawing. But they are toxic and require a special solvent. Brands - Fox, Air Master. The cost is about 100 rubles per 50 ml.

Artistic paints do not need to be diluted; brushes and airbrushes are used for their application. Advantages: a large number of shades, do not change color when dried. The main disadvantage is that they are thick, and for the airbrush they are diluted. Acryl Art and eXmix are the most popular brands. Cost - 100 rubles per 50 ml.

It is recommended to start buying paints in sets with a wide range of colors. In the course of work, the most popular colors will be determined, which should be purchased in the future. It is difficult to calculate the paint consumption per drawing. A drawing can be large or small, contain many elements, have many colors, and so on. On average, airbrushers spend about 3-4 thousand rubles on a drawing on the hood of medium complexity.

How to promote airbrushing services

There is a fairly high level of competition in the car restyling market. Therefore, it is necessary to give Special attention airbrush center advertisement. basis marketing plan is a thorough study of the level of service and advertising campaign.

Determining the target audience is quite difficult. Currently, there is no clearly defined category of car owners who apply airbrushing to their cars. The studio's clients can be both owners of expensive premium cars and drivers of budget domestic cars. In addition, there are other services (airbrushing of motorcycles, laptops, interiors, etc.) - this expands the circle of potential consumers. If we are talking about target audience auto-airbrushing, then it is made up of owners of cars, mostly men aged 20 to 45 years.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The car owner, who decides who to entrust airbrushing his car to, most often makes a choice based on an example of work. Accordingly, it is necessary to draw up a portfolio of your studio in order to show the quality of your work. Also, advertising can be done by the so-called "word of mouth".

How to promote an airbrush studio:

    the Internet. Airbrush services are best promoted via the Internet. It is desirable to have your own website: firstly, this tool allows you to promote services via the Internet, and secondly, it simplifies the process of interaction with potential clients. The site should contain a list of services provided and a price list for them, a portfolio of studio works, contacts, a map, information about promotions and special offers. For an airbrush site, you only need a couple of web pages and a simple interface. The cost of such a site is about 25,000 rubles. To save on this type of advertising, you can create accounts on social networks, where examples of work, contact information, etc. will be posted.

    outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising is an effective advertisement for car services. It is recommended to place it near traffic lights, road signs, gas stations, car dealerships, car washes, tire shops, etc. Manufacture and installation of one pointer next to road signs costs an average of 15,000 rubles.

    building customer loyalty. To attract new customers and encourage the emergence of regular ones, it is necessary to provide an attractive loyalty program. For example, it can be the issuance of discount cards, including accumulative ones.

    advertising in the media. You can place an ad in the newspaper or order an ad on the radio. The classic of radio advertising is a 30-second video, the advertising text consists of 60-75 words, excluding prepositions. The cost of radio advertising depends on the selected radio, and on the broadcast time of the video, its duration and the number of repetitions. On average, the cost of 1 minute commercial is about 4000 thousand in the period 7:00 to 22:00. The approximate budget for advertising promotion through the media is 15,000-20,000 rubles.

On average, the promotion of the project will have to spend at least 30,000 rubles. It is recommended to plan the main part of promotional activities for the first months of opening an airbrush studio. However, experience shows that most effective advertising service like this is a job well done. qualified employees, quality work and a well-thought-out pricing policy will attract and retain customers.

Active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of recoupment of funds invested in the opening of an airbrush studio. In order for the project to pay off, it is necessary to serve at least two large clients per month.

How much do airbrush services cost?

The cost of airbrushing can be different and consists of many factors:

    the complexity of the drawing;

    the number of details for decoration;

    condition of the paintwork;

    the amount of consumables spent on the job.

The table shows approximate prices for various types of services.

Airbrush Center Price

In the future, it is possible to expand the list of services provided and engage in various types airbrushing.

How much can you earn from airbrushing?

The amount of profit received is influenced by factors such as:

    number of clients;

    possibility of simultaneous maintenance of several machines;

    security of residents of the city where the studio operates;

    the professionalism of the craftsmen and the quality of the work performed;

    presence of competitors.

The lead time for 1 order is from 5 to 12 working days - depending on the complexity of the work. In this case, 1 master will be able to carry out up to 6 orders per month. The approximate revenue of the organization in this case will be 80-150 thousand rubles.

How much does it cost to open an airbrush center

The project requires involvement Money in the amount of 160,000 rubles. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 31%, the share of advertising expenses - 19%, on the purchase of consumables - 19%, on working capital- 18%, and for other expenses - 13%.

Initial investment

In addition to the initial investment, monthly expenses should be planned, which are divided into variable and fixed.

Variable costs include the cost of purchasing consumables (paints and solvents). To simplify financial calculations, the value of variable costs can be calculated based on the average cost of the services of the workshop and a fixed trade margin of 400%, which includes the payment for the work of the airbrusher. Based on this, to complete a drawing worth 20,000 rubles, it is necessary to spend materials for 4,000 rubles.

Fixed costs include rent, advertising, depreciation, payroll, taxes and other expenses. Total constant monthly expenses will be about 100 thousand rubles. The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 150,000 rubles is 6 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 50-70 thousand rubles. The annual net profit for the first year of operation will be about 600,000 rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation can reach 25%.

What are the difficulties of the airbrush business?

In order to assess business risks, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. To external factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of enterprise management.

External factors include:

    high competition in the market, opening of new points in relative proximity, dumping of direct competitors. The emergence of new airbrushing studios will lead to a redistribution of the client base and profits. Often, large car services provide airbrushing services, which negatively affects the client base of small workshops. Reducing this risk is possible by creating your own client base, developing a unique trade offer, competent pricing policy and stimulation of consumer loyalty.

    increase in the cost of rent, which will increase fixed costs and may affect financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk when concluding a contract long term lease and choosing a good landlord. You can eliminate this risk by purchasing a property.

    decrease in purchasing power. Airbrushing is a rather specific type of service. In the event of a decline in income or an unfavorable economic situation, it is likely that the majority will refuse the services of the studio. Therefore, this risk, which entails a reduction in effective demand, has a high probability. They are very difficult to manage and almost impossible to avoid. It is possible to neutralize the impact of risk by holding promotions and reducing the cost of services.

    increase in the cost of consumables. This will lead to an increase in the cost of services and, otherwise, to a decrease in net profit. You can reduce this risk if you purchase consumables from a specific seller who can provide discounts to regular customers.

Internal risks include:

    technological risks, which include incorrectly selected equipment, breakdowns, which can lead to a stop in business processes. It is possible to reduce this risk with regular monitoring of the serviceability of the equipment, the correct choice of equipment.

    low level of work performed. In airbrushing, the main guarantee of a constant flow of customers is the professionalism of the artist. With absence decent jobs neither advertising nor reduced prices will save the business from serious financial losses and business reputation. To avoid this, it is necessary to extra education, improve training courses.

    non-fulfillment of the planned sales volume. It is possible to reduce this risk with an effective advertising campaign that involves various promotions and bonuses;

    decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience in case of errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk with constant monitoring of the quality of services, receiving feedback from customers and taking corrective measures.

The most serious risks in this business are the risk of competitive reaction and reduced purchasing power. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the formation competitive advantage, especially - the pricing policy, as well as the creation of a flexible system of work with clients. To reduce the impact of the risk of reduced purchasing power, it is recommended to diversify the business and provide various services in order to ensure a constant influx of orders.

In custody

Airbrush studio is a promising and profitable business. To prove this in practice, it is necessary to provide main factor success - quality service delivery. This is what will allow you to attract customers and set a decent fee for services - from which the company's revenue is formed. So, you've done market research, found a professional airbrush artist, advertised your services. But after opening, you find that customers do not come to you. What to do? First, analyze all the previous stages of work and identify the mistakes made in order to correct the shortcomings.

Second, don't expect too much from a growing business. Be prepared for the fact that at first the earnings will be small. To increase earnings and keep the business, you will have to make a lot of effort. Therefore, when planning expenses, lay a certain amount to cover the costs of the first months of operation. Thirdly, remember that even the most accurate calculations and preparation cannot guarantee you success. Any business is associated with risk, so it is easier to prevent risks than to eliminate their consequences.

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airbrusher is an artist who can make a standard car a unique object of pride for its owner and admiration of others by painting it with an airbrush. This work is called tuning. airbrush (airbrush - from the English. "air brush") It's a paint sprayer. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

No one dares to steal such a bright exclusive copy that stands out in any traffic. So far, not a single painted car has been included in the lists of stolen cars.

Tuning is of two types: external and internal. The profession of an airbrusher is in external tuning. Internal tuning is an improvement and a fundamental change in the devices inside the car, for which a specialist must have a higher engineering education and ingenuity at the Kulibin level.

An airbrusher can turn a car into an exclusive copy by improving it on the outside and in the cabin. In Russia, airbrushing became fashionable in the mid-2000s under the influence of bikers who actively used airbrushing to decorate their motorcycles back in the 80s of the last century. Pictures of the night city, color graphics in the form of music albums of metal bands, dragons, tigers, gothic themes, fantasy heroes, fairy tale characters, yin-yang symbols, Khokhloma painting - for every taste of the customer, the airbrush artist will create a unique masterpiece.

Features of the profession

Airbrushing is currently developing in two directions:

  1. Copying an existing drawing, that is, in fact, handicraft.
  2. Creating a fundamentally new image, real art.

Copying, even the most meticulously crafted in every detail, is incapable of creating a unique work of art. But this type of airbrushing is widely demanded and in demand. Specialists of this level are trained in courses where they master the technology of working with an airbrush and the technique of redrawing drawings from a computer to a car.

True airbrush artists take into account the fact that a car is an extension of its owner. Therefore, the inner world of the driver should be reflected in the tuning of his car. Proceeding from this, the airbrusher creates an individual image of the car, investing in the process not only his knowledge, talent, skill, but also his soul. Expressiveness of the car is also given by emphasizing its anatomical features.

The functionality of an airbrusher includes the following steps:

  • creation of an idea for a drawing corresponding to the image of the customer or his requirement;
  • development of a sketch together with the client - discussion of colors, details, location of fragments of the picture on the body or inside the cabin;
  • preparation of the body surface for painting;
  • selection of paints for airbrushing;
  • drawing on the surface of the vehicle.

As in any other profession, there is specialization in airbrushing. The fashion for decorating vehicles has affected not only motorcycles, scooters and cars, but also helicopters, planes and even yachts with boats. We are also taking orders for decorations. mobile phones, system units, motorcycle helmets, etc.

Pros and cons of the profession


An interesting creative work in which an artist can successfully realize himself.

High wages for experienced professionals.


High responsibility for the result of their work, which may not suit the customer.

The need to work with paint and varnish materials that are harmful to health.

Place of work

Design studios and workshops.

Important qualities

  • creative and artistic abilities;
  • sense of color and style;
  • the ability to clearly convey their ideas to the client;
  • sociability;
  • a responsibility.

Airbrush training

Ilnur Mansurov's three-day airbrush courses teach everyone and are very popular. Mansurov's teaching methodology is based on the systematization of the material and extensive work experience. AT training center There are several well-equipped rooms with painting booths, an enamel selection laboratory, a teaching studio and state-of-the-art classrooms. Thanks to all this, the courses provide a high level of training for specialists.

Salary as of 03/12/2020

Russia 20000—70000 ₽

Moscow 27000—120000 ₽

Airbrush specialists receive a fee that depends on many factors: the imagination and capabilities of the customer, the high cost of the car, the complexity of the pattern, the quality of the paint, etc. The cost of services starts from 30 thousand rubles for painting a car door or fender and can reach 200 thousand rubles. for full coverage.

Career steps and prospects

Good designers in the field of airbrushing become specialists in color and tattooing, who have skills in working with paints and drawings.

famous airbrush designers

A great merit in the spread of airbrushing belongs to the masters and studios that created the culture of airbrushing in Russia.

Ilnur Mansurov— one of the first in Russia who began to apply airbrushing on vehicles in a car service, in compliance with all steps technological process. He began actively painting with an airbrush in the late 1980s. He began to design cars while studying at the Moscow Automotive Institute (MAMI). Mansurov studied the technology and technique of painting cars at one of the major Russian car dealers and a paint manufacturer in Holland. A distinctive feature of his technique is the so-called free hand, where stencils are minimally involved. After leaving the car service, Mansurov started creating airbrush training programs.

Aidar Valeev- famous Russian artist-aerographer, characteristic feature which is a unique way of using stencils and special graphics with careful rendering of technical details. After graduating in 1986 from the Faculty of Design of the MVPCU (former Stroganov School), he worked as a car interior designer at AZLK. In the late 1990s, he became one of the first to practice airbrushing as an art.

Maria Kalinina, studio "Kalinina-Art", graduated from the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts with a degree in Metal Painting, as well as the Moscow State University Culture and Arts. She took up airbrushing in 2002 in one of the technical centers. Performs airbrushing on any vehicles.

Until 2000, a drawing on a car could lead to a conflict with an AIM inspector and fines. There were problems with the official registration of a change in the color of the car. But at present, such incidents do not occur. Moreover, specialized exhibitions and festivals are held in Moscow (Airbrush, Arena Drive, Auto-Exotica, international auto and motorcycle salons), which present the best samples this contemporary art.

Video: Do-it-yourself airbrushing on a car


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