Self-development: where to start your path to success. Where does success begin? Mental traps How to start success

Have you finally decided to become the best version of yourself? Then we advise you to understand what is meant self-development, where to start improve and what results you would like to achieve.

Do you think talented people are born? But no! Talent is a special worldview. Start self-development by changing your life attitudes. Immediately and quickly, of course, nothing happens. But even small progress will lead to significant success.

First of all, decide in which direction you would like to move. Here it is very important to build on your true desires and life preferences.

If you decide to do some new business just because you consider it profitable, or because your neighbor got rich in this way, we warn you right away - you will not succeed. You will start moving towards success only by realizing your true purpose.

  1. Answer yourself honestly to one very important question: what would you do if you had a million dollars. What would you do if you didn't have to earn your living?
  2. Make a list of 3-5 such cases, just don't go overboard. Absolutely anything you like will do. If your favorite pastime is watching TV shows, feel free to add it to the list. Do you know how much talented film critics get paid?
  3. Think about your hobby. Think about how you would like to earn money with it. Perhaps you already know the work of your life, you just didn’t have the courage to realize your dream before.

  • The main enemy of self-development is laziness. Most often it is due to low self-esteem. A person who is confident in himself always strives to improve his results. If you can’t figure out the reasons for your apathetic mood on your own, be sure to contact a psychologist - laziness must be eradicated by any means.
  • The second universal way to start self-development is to turn on positive thinking. Once you learn to find the positive side in every situation, you will enjoy mastering your skills, which guarantees future success.
  • One of your first steps should be getting your daily schedule in order. Success loves precision. So try to make good use of your time. Every minute is your chance to get better.

See also "What's so difficult about it" - many will answer. You just think about what you are going to do the next day, and you start at dawn. Everything is simple!

  • Start saving money. Then you decide for yourself what it is better to spend them on - for further self-improvement or development of your own business.
  • Look for inspiration in everything. You can start self-development by reading books about great people - there you will find inspiring examples, and ways to motivate, and ways to solve life's troubles.
  • Make helpful friends. Let your social circle consist of interesting, enterprising people who, like you, strive for self-development. Have less contact with whiners and negative people, they can deprive you of a very valuable thing - a good mood.
  • Gradually begin to move to healthy lifestyle life. Review your eating habits, find the right sport for you, and never forget to rest. There is no need to drastically change your daily routine - violence against yourself can provoke apathy, but striving for an ideal in the field of personal health is simply necessary.
  • Keep a self-improvement diary - write down the slightest positive changes there. The list of achievements will grow over time, and this will add an extra incentive to you.
  • Start cultivating by eradicating all your bad habits. Be sure to stop smoking and stop playing computer games. In general, try to use the computer only for work, and the Internet only for sending letters and congratulations.
  • Always set specific goals and write down your achievements in a separate notebook to achieve them.
  • Get excited about learning foreign languages. Not only will you learn a lot about the characteristics of other cultures, the list of information available for reading will become much wider.
  • Don't forget visualization. Self-development can be started by drawing up a "Wish Map" - this way it will be easier for you to determine your priorities. It is also proven that your intentions will come true much faster if you know exactly what you want to achieve.

After you choose a direction for self-development, you will need to draw up clear plan actions. Use our recommendations for this.

  • Analyze all areas of your life - physical, spiritual, material, intellectual and social. Find all the sources of discomfort and determine what skills you lack in order to be happy.
  • Make a specific plan for next steps. Write, for example, a list of all the trainings you would like to attend. To start self-development, purchase the appropriate books. Find the training exercises you need and outline a schedule for them.
  • If you decide to change jobs, take refresher courses in the field you are interested in and be sure to write a competent resume.
  • Determine the standard to strive for - your ideal should be at the limit of possibilities. Always remember the very effective advice of the sages: "Aim at the moon - if you miss, at least hit the stars."
  • The best way of self-development is to move towards the ideal in small steps. Just don't take any breaks. If you are lazy, luck will slip away.
  • Start exploring your favorite field of activity - do not miss a single news. If you choose the right occupation for yourself, you will enjoy learning.
  • Use every opportunity for self-development. In every conversation, try to find something useful for yourself. If you are reading a book or watching a movie, study the characters, look for qualities that you would like to develop in yourself.
  • Look for teachers - the invaluable experience of mentors will energize you, by their example you will see what you need to strive for.
  • Constantly improve your communication skills. Whatever goals you set for yourself, you cannot do without the ability to communicate. Treat people positively, learn not to be offended over trifles, and treat your own and other people's shortcomings with humor.

Self-development will expand your opportunities - you will perceive the world in a new way. If you decide to do what you love, life will immediately cease to be boring and monotonous - excitement and a desire to win will wake up in you.

Success begins with a new life or a new perception of life. How to make room for success in your old (unsuccessful) life? The most important secret, from which success begins, is to replace the word “should” with the word “want”. How to replace coercion with desire? Step by step actions.

We take a pen. We write: "How Success Begins"

  1. What does it mean to me to be successful person”(Glory, Security, Declaration of love, Achievements) - What exactly?
  2. Why am I worthy of success (I work hard, I am inventive, I have good goals) - Why really?
  3. All my shortcomings are my virtues (Stubbornness - Perseverance, Pride - Respect for Dignity, etc.) - look at your shortcomings as positive character traits.
  4. Write 10 sentences that begin with the word "I want"
  5. Describe lifestyles positively. What is good in your life now?

Where to start your success in life - 10 rules for success in life

  1. Positive always! Focus on the good things. Start the day positively. Relax, think positive.
  2. Confidence is your second nature! Trust your decisions. Success accompanies confident natures. Know your goals are achievable!
  3. Hang out with optimistic people. Express positive views. Life will surely smile at you.
  4. Respect the time! Respect your own life and that of others. Do more pleasant things.
  5. Find time for yourself. Every day a few minutes of solitude, relaxing exercises (baths), walks. Knowing yourself, you will know the world.
  6. A soul without a body is nothing! Take care of your body. Proper nutrition- health of the body. If food does not become medicine, medicine will become food! In a healthy body - a healthy soul (spirit). Physical activity is a gift to the body. Without movement there is no life, no beauty.
  7. Plan boldly. Let this be your hobby. Learn to dream! Without a dream, there is no goal. Without a goal, there is nothing to strive for, there is no plan of action.
  8. Failure does not exist, there is knowledge of experience. Life is a game! Deal with failures playfully.
  9. Don't be afraid of change! Any change is the starting point of something new.
  10. Love novelty, don't let your brain get rusty! Look for interesting knowledge. Get new skills.

Where does success begin? From ordinary law to cheerful psychological climate. With anticipation of an unusual amazing life, a joyful event, a romantic date. Success is so much and so significant for the life of every person.

Have you ever wondered what the essence of success is? The answer to this question is not as simple and obvious as many people think. There are as many definitions of success as there are people on our planet. And often the definition of success is very vague.

The first answers that usually come to people's minds are success is money and financial independence; success is power, recognition and a sense of pride in our achievements. These are precisely the desires that lead us to material success and often dominate our lives. Society primarily measures success in these categories, which is why so many people enjoy being in the public eye so much.

We all have passion. If you are an athlete, your passion is to be stronger and better than your competitors. If you're a musician, your passion might be recording a number one hit. And if your passion is business, your goal may be to reach the very top of your industry. All this, of course, worthy results and, but that's not all. This is not enough. Real success is more than that.

What is real success

There are two sides to success, and they are inextricably linked: this is the material side and the personal side. The key word here is balance. Real success is possible only when these two sides are in balance. How we run our business, how we interact with others, how we use our time, how we deal with negativity, how we develop our character, how we think of ourselves - all these facets have a huge impact on our success.

Think of the golden rule and basic principle for human life: "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you." No matter how preachy it may sound, but to live by this principle is a real success.

People tend to measure success only in the material plane - their property or money account. You may hear (and even say) statements such as: “When I am a millionaire, I will feel successful” or “When I have a luxury car, I will know that I have achieved success.”

When we define success, we often compare ourselves to others. It's too easy to look at another person's success and think that if we had what they have, we'd be successful too. We strive to own what others own in order to experience the same success that others have experienced. And if we don't get it, we feel like failures. If we get these material goods, then we find that this is not enough, and therefore we still do not feel successful.

When your thoughts about success are solely about money and material wealth there will come a moment when you wake up and realize that something is missing in your life. Success means much more than that.

Of course, we should not forget about the monetary aspect of success, because this is part of it. But that's really just part of it. True success encompasses all areas of your life, and when you measure everything through them, your success will be balanced.

Areas of success in your life

  • Health
  • Personal development
  • A family
  • Friends
  • Work
  • Finance
  • Relationships with people
  • Recreation and entertainment

Measuring success goes far beyond work and business. When we attribute our success in life too much to our business, if we get fired or our business goes bankrupt, our lives can simply fall apart.

If you want to be successful in your life, you must be successful in all areas of life, otherwise your victory will not be real.

If you have psychological problems, fears, complexes and traumas, you will not be happy even if you earn a lot of money. Your career is undeniably important, as is paying the bills and providing for your family, but you must be in other areas if you want to be truly happy.

By the way, did you know that when people decide all their financial difficulties, they have other most different types problems? They fight with their spouses; they discover that their friends have been cheating on them; Do they start having health problems, and consequently, psychological problems, fears, doubts, etc.?

Real success comes when you know what it means to be insignificant, when you realize how ignorant you are in many matters, when you have fallen many times and still found the courage within yourself to get up and continue on your way. Your overall success in life depends on your balance and perseverance, because you will have to go through many stages until you reach perfection.

However, the important thing is that you will definitely be successful if you develop your human conscience and become wiser, even if things do not go as easily and well as you would like.

How do you measure your success?

A Zen professor came to an enlightened monk to explain to him what Zen is. “Tell me, dear, about the essence of Zen,” the professor asked. "Okay," said the monk, "but let's have some tea first." The monk brought cups, set them down and began to pour tea for the professor. The cup was filled to the brim, but the monk continued to pour. Here the tea has already flowed over the edge. “Wait, where are you pouring,” shouted the professor, “my cup is full!” “Your cup is full,” the monk confirmed, “how can I explain the essence of Zen to you?”

Maybe your cup is also full? Then the first thing you need to do in order to succeed is to make room for new information, for new attitudes, beliefs, thoughts. Why is it so important to start with thoughts - because each of us is ready to accept only what is already in our minds. Our thoughts today are our reality tomorrow.

For example, give you countless treasures right now, if you are not ready to accept them, think that you are not worthy of such gifts, or believe that wealth is danger, evil, injustice, etc., you do not have specific goals, what you will spend your capital on, and do not even think about what you will do with the wealth that has come to you - you will either not accept these funds, or get rid of them in all possible and impossible ways. In any case, they will not bring you long-term happiness, but most likely they will add problems.

Why do you need to cling to stereotypes of behavior and thinking that do not bring you satisfaction from your life? Do you have another life? Why work at a job that depresses you or live with a person who constantly bullies you? Why communicate with people after communication with whom you constantly spoil your mood? Do you really like it? Does everything seem familiar, understandable and predictable to you in your ossified comfort zone? If you're afraid of losing what you have - then back to the cup example - you can't add something to your life that brings you joy without getting rid of something that spoils your life. No other way. You can endure further - this is your right and your choice, or you can clear a place for success and start cleaning with false beliefs and attitudes. You can be sure of one thing - a holy place is never empty!

So, to become successful, you need to know for sure that there are no obstacles (especially in your head) to achieve success. At this stage, it is advisable to do the following exercise:

1. Write ten sentences starting with “I must”, “I must”, “I need”. And now replace the words “should”, “must”, “need” with “want”. Now the sentences are true? If not, rephrase those sentences that do not correspond to reality, leaving the word “I want”.

For example: "I have to work to earn a living."

“I want to work to earn a living.”

This is true? Are you comfortable when you say this sentence?

This option causes less resistance or does not cause at all:

“I want to work to be financially secure.”

Or “I want to do what interests me and brings in income”

2. List ten of your qualities that serve your calling card. Now, next to each quality, write whether you consider it your strength or weak side. Now write what advantages you can derive from your listed personal qualities in a given situation.

For example, if you wrote “I am stubborn”, do you consider this character trait an advantage or a disadvantage? Doesn't this quality speak about your purposefulness? Or you wrote "I'm humble." To be humble means to be genuinely interested in others, often more than in oneself; respects the norms of morality and morality accepted in society; recognize and respect the dignity of others. Do you like being like this? Would you like to communicate and do business with such a person? If both options are “no”, write what you would like to receive in return for your modesty. I guess it's self-confidence. Self-confidence is a acquired thing, how to develop it in yourself is a little later.

3. Make a list of ten items detailing what you enjoy about your current life.

For example, “I have a stable, albeit small, salary.”

4. Describe ten things that are not in your current life, but that would give you great pleasure.

For example, “I would like to work at a convenient time for me.”

5. List ten reasons why you deserve to be successful.

For example, “I am ready to devote 50 hours a week to my hobby.”

As you noticed, in all sentences there is no “not” particle. Thoughts such as “I can’t take abuse anymore” or “I don’t want to need money” your brain perceives without a “not” particle. And you end up with "I can take abuse" or "I want to need money." And all because the brain thinks in images. He cannot imagine “non-dog” or “non-tree”. But he understands well what a dog or a tree means. That is why it is so important to think, speak and want without the “not” particle. With a little bit of conscious practice, you will develop this useful habit.


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