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After the birth of a child, many women face a choice - to be a good mother or a successful lady. Both are difficult work that requires a lot of effort and time. However, we found women who did not choose and went to success in a different way. Here are 12 tips to help you become a great mom and successful businesswoman in one bottle!

Focus on the essentials!

To move forward, don't dwell on the little things. As long as you spend time on small things, someone will think about the global instead of you and achieve success.

Get rid of perfectionism and value your time!

Buy groceries for a week!

If you want to devote more time to children and your career, then somewhere this time will have to be saved. The best option is to go to the store no more than once a week. This way, you don't have to spend extra hours every day buying the groceries you need.

Learn to Concentrate!

Get in the habit of doing what is here and now. This will help show children that the time mom spends with them is important. Concentrating on the workflow will ensure increased productivity and success for your business.

Take the kids to work!

The sooner you open the curtain of working secrets for the child, the best specialist it will come out of it. Start with small tasks and gradually increase the complexity. In the future, this will help the children to continue your business with dignity.

Don't take it all on your shoulders!

If you do not have time to do something or you lack the strength to do it, then seek help from your child. And as a token of gratitude, thank him for this with a token payment. Thus, from childhood, he will understand that any work must be paid.

Apply the playful method!

Sometimes work takes you by surprise and you need to devote a little time to it in your family nest. So that children at this moment do not interfere and do not feel unnecessary, play charades or correspondence with them. Thanks to this method, your business negotiations will go smoothly.

Reward yourself!

For any part of the work, reward yourself with something interesting or tasty. Remember, no matter how important the matter is, you are not a robot, but a woman. Allow yourself a well-deserved rest after productive work.

Get your kids involved!

When your child experiences all the delights of the hard work that you are doing, the understanding to you will increase significantly. At the same time, the kid's enthusiasm will increase to find something to his liking.

Live positive!

Get your thoughts in order and root out any negative feelings. This will bring harmony into your life and help you do your business calmly. Strive to surround yourself with people who hold the same attitudes.

Stop feeling guilty!

The only thing you should feel guilty about is the presence of such a feeling in your life. Everything that happened cannot be corrected, but if you remove this stone from your soul, you can easily achieve success in any field.

Health is most important!

Remember, if you have health problems, then you will clearly not be able to realize all your dreams. To care for children and build successful career, first of all, health is necessary. So you shouldn't sacrifice it for the good of your work.

Use a timer!

In order to set yourself up for work or complete all household chores on time, you must have an incentive. The timer in this case is perfect, because every task that is completed on time is a small goal achieved. But any achievement gives us confidence in ourselves and our strengths.

Remember, any choice is someone's condition. Don't obey them and follow your heart. It is up to you to decide which road will lead you to success. Use these tips and soon you will understand that any woman can easily combine the role of a good mother and a successful woman.

Parenting principles from a millionaire mom who travels around different countries to make parents think and avoid mistakes that parents have made for decades

Denis Johnson grew up in a poor family, gave birth to a child at 17, became homeless at 21, and earned her first million at 23. In March, a successful business woman, a mother of five children and a grandmother for several grandchildren, visited Riga and during a seminar spoke about her principles of raising children.

I travel to different countries to make my parents think and not make the mistakes that parents in the United States have made for decades. Our children are a new generation that is almost lost. Because they are used to getting whatever they want in childhood, and when they become adults, they just sit on the welfare, ”said Johnson.

1. The goal must be from childhood

Wealthy people clearly understand what goals their children should have. Yes, they educate future Harvard graduates, future top executives, future doctors or presidents. Meanwhile, the average person gives birth and brings up children with the thought: what if they get lucky?

“In the family of my friends, who owns his own publishing house, the son did not want to study and did not even know what to do in life. Then his father made a radical decision and sent him to work in a homeless shelter for a week, without any funds. A week later, the teenager returned with a great desire to study and participate in family business"Johnson says.

2. Without TV and mobile phone

Who best friend A "normal" child? Most likely a TV, computer and mobile phone. Denis Johnson's children received their first telephones at the age of 16, their first computer was their father's old computer, and there is no TV in the house at all.

“My children cannot afford mobile phone because they don't earn anything. The mobile phone teaches a person not to organize and plan his time, and the TV shows the wrong models of life. What does the cartoon about SpongeBob teach you? The lazy, licentious, nihilistic peasant rejoices at how he has circled others. Would you like your sons to grow up to be such peasants? Would you like such husbands for your daughters? If you don't watch TV for 30 days, you can get rid of this addiction, ”Johnson said.

3. Teach your child to love work

The weekend is coming up and what are the kids hearing? Thank God Friday; you can take a break from THIS work; my boss is a pig; subordinates do not obey, and work in general infuriates. This attitude teaches a person from childhood that work is bad, hard and unpleasant. Children who are trained in this way will not want to work or start. own business Denis Johnson believes.

In her family, children have been doing simple work around the house, and by the age of 11, their contribution is already quite significant. “This is how they pay for room and board in our house. Nothing in life is free, ”Johnson said. She does not use the services of a cook, maid or nanny - the family handles all the housework on their own.
At the same time, it is necessary that the child be able to do work that he does not like or makes him tense - because this develops character, willpower. If you only do what you like, it will not bring any additional benefit to the person.

4. You are not an ATM machine for your child

“I give my child $ 50 a year for shoes and buy four pairs of jeans. You can't buy any luxurious shoes for that kind of money, but if you want - either go and earn money, or wait for a sale! " - says Johnson, noting that the child must be provided with the most necessary things, but he must realize special fantasies and desires himself.
“The worst thing parents can do is earn money to give their children what they themselves lacked in childhood. When children grow up, they find themselves in a world where they can no longer afford to live the way they used to, ”says the business woman.

5. Spend or save?

With spending money, there are only two options: buy unnecessary things (and provide a good education and travel for the children of those businessmen who sell these things), or teach children that money can be saved, earned and invested. “How to motivate a child not to spend money where it is not needed? We have a rule in our house: save 10 dollars, and I'll give you another 10. When the amount is collected, you can only buy things that allow you to grow and develop: a bicycle, musical instrument, travel, ”says Johnson. And don't buy what others buy! As a rule, these are unnecessary things that only take up space.

6. Teach your child generosity

Most of successful people are distinguished by emotional and material generosity. They are not envious and very generous. Teach your child to respect, Johnson urges. It is no coincidence that the Bible says that 10% must be donated: the children in her family also give 10% of every dollar earned to orphans. 20% remains for recreation and entertainment, and the rest goes to the piggy bank. For the future and the implementation of ideas.

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When three years ago I conceived my business project, I had a dream, not a penny to my heart and two children in my arms. Today I am a successful Internet entrepreneur, one of the best Runet experts in my niche and happy mom and wife.

I will not tell you about the technical aspects and give you step by step plan start your business. I'll tell you something more important! Something that will help any woman who dreams of self-realization and financial independence to start her path to the Internet business correctly and with enthusiasm. and reach it.

Step 1: tune in right

It took me 3 years to succeed in the internet business. During this time, I was faced with lack of money, and with impotence, and with hopelessness. Therefore, first of all:

- prepare yourself not to work out right away - that's okay. Nobody succeeds right away.

- tune in to forget about the word "failure", now you will only have experience. Both positive and negative, you need all of it in order to succeed.

Only by overcoming obstacles can you succeed and create your favorite and profitable business.

Step 2: choose what you love

Yes, business should be loved! Don't even think about doing something that doesn't turn you on. Only if you are truly passionate about what you do, you will have the strength and motivation not to give up and try again and again.

From the very beginning of my project, I believed that I have something special that only I can give to the world. So I didn't even have that option to "surrender." My dream helped me to put all of myself into my business (and, accordingly, "work hard"). In short, I did not give up. And now I'm not going to. Because I love what I do.

- what do you really love?

- what business inspires you and gives you a sea of ​​positive energy and energy?

- what do you dream to change for the better in this world?

“Find what you love and pursue it on maximum speed"- wrote Richard Bach. This is where your business success lies.

Step 3: start right now!

If you are ready to work hard and have a favorite dream - start building your business right now. Don't delay! Don't expect ideal starting conditions:

- when there is more money

- when the children grow up

- when the husband starts to wash the dishes,

- when spring comes.

Use the resources and circumstances that you have now. And you will be surprised how much you can achieve!

Organize your life

If you want to get more done and find time to work on your project, you need to learn how to plan and follow your plans. How else? After all, you want to start a business with practically no money, which means that at the moment you have either a main job, or children and family who need to be paid the lion's share of your day. Therefore - start self-organization! Don't ask a question, just start.

Follow the leader

It is important from the very beginning to choose for yourself a "guru" in your niche and literally copy all his / her actions and strategies. Then you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”, you will use ready-made developments. Find all the free materials of your "guru" and study them, subscribe to his / her mailing lists, understand how he / she works and copy it into your business.

Use everything free to the maximum

Explore all the free features of the services you need to technical organization your business. Today, many services have free accounts, which, although reduced in functionality, will still help you a lot on initial stage building a business on the Internet.

Step 4: learn!

Without this step, your growth is absolutely impossible. You will learn a lot from the free materials of your "guru", your own experience will give you a lot, but paid training from a professional in your niche will raise the level of your work to heaven!

And the last: "Never, never, never give up!" You can definitely become the best professional in your niche - but it will take 5-7 years of hard work. Therefore, acquire immunity to failures and falls - this is necessary if you want to achieve your dreams.

Everything successful internet businessmen started from scratch and failed many times. But they didn't give up, they tried again and again - which is why they are the best now. You will be the best too - just never, never, never give up!

Now, let's go! Let's start!

So, the project needs to be completed at night. Call the company - the customer and agree on the cost of new work. His eyes began to stick together disobediently.

A loud signal in front of the flying headlights cheered Masha up. She also knows how to drive fast and press the horn. It is difficult to say what Maria Nikolaevna does not know how in this school of life.

Hard worker

Chop wood, manage construction, organize your business, squeeze all the juice from contractors and get a brilliant result in the end.

Her husband affectionately calls “my tank”. There are no problems that Masha cannot solve. Rather, it was not until the beloved husband, without her permission, left for six months on probation in Europe.

Well, nothing, nothing, she knew how to see the pros everywhere: you can stay longer at work, spend the weekend on business.

Nobody interferes. A five-year-old son in the care of her parents. Is it bad to spend a lot of time with your grandparents?

According to Mary, everyone should be happy and contented.


With a confident gait, Masha entered the apartment, slammed the door and suddenly found her son on the rug by the doorway. He slept curled up in a ball. Nightmare. Where is granny looking?

Two o'clock in the morning. A rolling snoring is heard from the parents' room. Okay, I'll deal with them tomorrow.

The woman took Leshka in her arms. How heavy it has become. The son woke up. He hugged me gently.

Mom, Mom! You came, I was waiting for you.

Why aren't you sleeping in your bed?

Do not swear! I needed to talk to you. Urgently. Grandma fell asleep and I came to wait for you at the door so as not to miss, otherwise I usually go to bed - you are not yet. I wake up - you are no longer there.

I work, I don't rest!

So I wanted to ask you: Mom, how much do you earn per hour?

Why do you need?

Tell me, please.

Masha grunted angrily:

Three hundred dollars an hour, I guess.

Mommy, won't you borrow me a hundred dollars?

There you are, you little asshole. Give him some money. I waited until two in the morning. Stubborn.

Go to sleep! Then we'll talk about your behavior.

Mom angrily closed the door to the nursery. I went into the kitchen and made myself some coffee. Or maybe he really needs this money. For something important, she didn’t ask. She screamed. Conscience began to gnaw.

Maria quietly glanced at her son.

No mom.

Sorry, I had a difficult day today. I brought you money. Here, take it.

Oh, thank you very much.

Lesha jumped out of bed, took the money, ran to his piggy bank and returned to his mother, joyful.

Mom, here's three hundred dollars for you, please spend one hour with me tomorrow!

The main thing

There is no moral to this story. Everyone chooses his own path, but still you should not forget about life priorities. There are no irreplaceable employees, better or worse, but someone can work for you.

In personal relationships, you are irreplaceable. For a baby, a mother always remains a mother. Only the parent's time limit for building trusting relationships with the child is limited. You can be late, he will get used to do without you. Will give his love and affection to others. Do not glue the broken cup.

Take care of your family! Don't miss this great opportunity to be a mom!


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