What happy and successful people always ignore. How successful and happy people think and act Happy and successful people

Success and happiness are often inseparable. What you need to do or not do and how to live correctly so that one day with a sincere smile you can declare yourself: “I am happy and successful person».

There are indeed rules, and future success will depend on how responsibly we approach their implementation.

1. No one can ever replace the value of books for a person. And it doesn't matter if it's a paper edition or a recording in the form of an audio file. The main thing is that the information is received. It is enough to read just one book a week, and in a year your reading arsenal will be replenished with 50 books. Such value cannot go unrewarded. Successful people tend to be highly educated.

2. Education: anytime, anywhere. Do you have free time at work? Great, learn a foreign language. Just a few minutes? Well, this is quite enough to learn a couple of new phrases. Nothing is wasted. Any work is rewarded sooner or later.

3. One of the most precious gifts that a person receives from life is time. And it needs to be protected. This should always be remembered and try to save time in every possible case. For example, if in your job responsibilities includes such a function as "typing on the keyboard", then learn how to type blindly. The time spent looking for the right letter is irrevocable, but you could use it for something more important.

4. In pursuit of success, do not forget to rest. But remember that rest must also be of high quality. That is why it is so important to plan ahead for the weekend. After all, just spending time in front of the TV will not do you any good.

5. The most important part of rest is sleep. A healthy person needs 7 hours of sleep, of course, if he works fully and eats on time. Ideally, shift your schedule so that you wake up and go to bed earlier. Oddly enough, but in the early hours and activity is higher.

6. The Internet should be useful. If most of the time spent in front of the monitor screen falls on reading the news, chatting in in social networks or computer games, ask that you turn off access to the worldwide network. If this is not possible, then make an effort and organize yourself: delete accounts, toys, horoscopes and leave sites about psychology, self-development and free foreign language courses in the tabs.

7. Speaking of news. Have you noticed that only individual news are remembered, those that are the most "notorious"? Now watch how many times a day you have to discuss them with colleagues, friends and family? Hence the conclusion - do not waste time reading the news. Believe me, important information will still be conveyed to you.

8. Be sure to exercise. This does not mean that you need to add an expense item to the gym. All the most valuable things in our life can be free. Borrow a bike from your friends, have a swimming competition, start jogging in the morning. All this will help to add self-organization to your life, without which success cannot be expected.

9. Now about the environment. Take a closer look - the people around you are at approximately the same level of success. This trick has long been revealed by the sages. The outside reflects the inside. That is why it is so important for everyone possible ways try to surround yourself with the people you want to be. The people around you should be smarter, bolder, more active, more successful and happier than you are. And then you will have an irresistible natural desire to achieve what they have already achieved.

10. And finally, the most important thing - understand what you are interested in. If the circumstances in your life are still developing in such a way that you cannot afford to do what you love all the time, then find at least 30 minutes a day for it. Read the stories of the most successful businessmen- they all did what they loved, and, as a rule, started small.
So it is very important to remind your dream that you are still waiting for its implementation, and then one day it will certainly reciprocate.

How to Become a Successful Person

Folk wisdom says: "Who gets up early, God gives him." If you carefully observe people, you will notice a lot of interesting things. For example, those who follow the daily routine, get up with the dawn of the sun, look more energetic than those who get up late. People who do charitable deeds are more successful in business than those who are focused on personal enrichment.

A person has 2 main goals - to become successful and to be happy

A person's success is measured by his personal effectiveness, resource state, a set of practical skills that lead him to achieve the goal.

But will success suit you if there is no happiness in it? Probably not. Therefore, it is important that the two main goals unite with each other. If we want to achieve success and happiness, then we need to take into account the different levels of relationships with the outside world.

There are 2 trends in the modern world

On the one hand, interethnic and interpersonal conflicts are growing stronger, families are breaking up. With a lot of contacts in the smartphone address book, a person often feels more and more lonely. On the other hand, many areas of activity are beginning to merge today. For example, 20-30 years ago it was hard to imagine that medicine would cooperate with psychology. But, according to doctors, the causes of many diseases are of a psychosomatic nature, so pills, procedures and operations are no longer enough to cure them.

When building houses, planning apartments, modern builders and designers take into account the laws of space. When determining the location of the house, interior design, they use Feng Shui, Vastu technologies, which contribute to improving health, harmonizing relationships and financial well-being.

The approach to human life must be holistic

Created over 10 years ago educational project"Psychology of the Third Millennium", we proclaimed that the solution of psychological problems should be based on a comprehensive holistic approach.

To become successful and happy you need to have knowledge and practical skills on the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels.

For example, if you and I want to master real psychology, we must take root in all areas of knowledge and contact with them. Today, many people live with the desire to succeed. But to achieve this, it is not enough to use certain techniques and techniques. It is necessary to take into account the influence of society, the state of health, natural phenomena.

Learn to interact with different energies of life

Three years ago I ran a program in Los Angeles. I flew to my destination for 11 hours, and when the plane landed, I couldn’t think anything from fatigue. My friends brought me home. Fortunately, their house was on the ocean. I said, “Let me rest and recover. Now I can neither eat nor sleep, much less speak.

I walked with difficulty towards the shore. When 50 meters remained, I sat down on the sand and began to look at the sunset, at the ocean, listened to the sound of the surf. At some point, the forces began to return, and after half an hour I was in perfect order. No psychological technique could change my state so quickly and effectively as it did with the help of wind, sun and the sound of the surf. Learn to interact with different energies of life

A person's success is determined by his attitude, desire and determination.

Let's master the science of life, and not just study individual disciplines. If you are interested in obtaining holistic knowledge that will lead you to success and happiness - enter the Science of Life school

You will receive professional knowledge, skills and tools that will help you find balance in all areas of life. You realize what your purpose is, and you can do what you love. You will create happy relationships with the people around you. You will receive a state diploma of the Russian Federation on additional vocational education majoring in Psychology in social sphere and be able to help other people solve their problems. To achieve success and happiness, you need to interact with the laws of the world and develop the skill of being a winner in any situation.

The article was prepared on the basis of Oleg Gadetsky's training "Be a winner in any situation"

Hello dear readers! Doesn't each of us dream of becoming at least a little happier, richer and more successful? What brings us closer to this, we will consider in today's article, carefully read and apply in life - urgently!

Modern life is a tough competition that only a professional can withstand. For any man in his endeavors and reach the very top career ladder naturally. But desire is only the first, albeit important, step on a long and thorny path.

Now there is a popular point of view that a career should be pursued until the age of forty, so that in later life the business would already give returns. Indeed, the bulk of the benefits that accompany success usually accumulate by the age of forty. What needs to be done in order to, if not in everything, then definitely in many ways?

The biggest obstacle to success can be self-doubt, the belief that you can never succeed. These limits are set by the individual. MirSovetov believes that in order to overcome them, first of all, to understand oneself. And there can be several reasons for internal restrictions ...


Sometimes a person resigns himself to the impossibility of achieving success. He tries to change something, but nothing works. In this case, some people capitulate before they give it their all, and in the end, they themselves destroy the possibility of success. Remember: any change is possible only with self-confidence, and this requires energy and perseverance.

premature disappointment

Many try to practice self-improvement, but fail. If this happens over and over again, a complex “it’s all in vain anyway” can develop. Any slightest obstacle will cause a breakdown and, naturally, failures will be repeated again and again.

Even if the result you achieve is small, don't give up. In reality, serious obstacles can arise, and a person in a collision with them is able to pass. However, having overcome the feeling of disappointment, he can enter the fight with redoubled efforts and become more successful in his business than anyone else.

lack of support

When a person tries to change something, a certain risk arises: failures, uncertainty, violation of the established order of things are possible. In this case, the support of friends will help overcome the difficulties that arise in the course of change.

The new school year is just around the corner. Without education, becoming a successful person in our time is not easy. But there are other, no less significant aspects of life, in order to become happy man and live life in such a way that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years. Let's call it commandments. There will be 25 of them in total. Try to stick to them, and everything will be fine with you! It is useful to read not only students.

1. Understand what you really like. This is the most important and the most difficult. Golden Rule says - do what gives you real pleasure, and then you will become much happier. But one must be prepared for the fact that the search for one's path is a marathon that can last for many (dozens?) years.

2. Give up the garbage that you eat, drink and smoke every day. No secrets and cunning diets - just natural food, fruits, vegetables, water. You don't have to become a vegetarian and stop drinking completely - just limit sugar, flour, coffee, alcohol and all plastic food as much as possible.

3. Teach foreign languages. This will unrealistically expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented prospects for learning, development and career development. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. English speakers - a billion. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including the language one. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.

4. Read books. Approximate circle - your professional field, history, natural science, personal growth, sociology, psychology, biographies, high-quality fiction. No time to read because you drive - listen to audiobooks. The golden rule is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life.

5. Make the most of every weekend. Go to a museum, an exhibition, go in for sports, go out of town, skydive, visit relatives, go to a good movie. Expand your contact area with the world. When you have already traveled around and around everything, take your friends with you and tell them what you know. The main thing is not to sit still. The more impressions you let through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.

6. Start a blog or regular diary. No matter what. It does not matter that you do not have eloquence and you will have no more than 10 readers. The main thing is that on its pages you will be able to think and reason. And if you just regularly write about what you love, readers will definitely come.

7. Set goals. Fix them on paper, in Word or a blog. The main thing is that they be clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you can either achieve it or not. If you do not put, then there are no options for achieving at all.

8. Learn to touch-type on the keyboard - not being able to do this in the 21st century is the same as not being able to write with a pen in the 20th. Time is one of the few treasures you have, and you should be able to type almost as fast as you can think. And you should not think about where the desired letter is, but about what you write.

9. Ride time. Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. For starters, read Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Make decisions quickly, act immediately, do not postpone "for later." All things either do or delegate to someone. Try not to let the ball linger in your side. Write down on the sheet all the "long-playing" things that have not yet been done and prevent you from living. Rethink whether you need them (remembering point 1). Do what is left for a few days, and you will feel incredible lightness.

10. Give up computer games, aimless sitting on social networks and stupid surfing on the Internet. Minimize communication in social networks (up to optimization - leave only one account). Destroy the TV antenna in the apartment. So as not to constantly check email, install an agent that will inform you about incoming messages (including mobile).

12. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have more time than in the evening. If you leave Moscow at 7 am on weekends in the summer, then by 10 am you will already be in Yaroslavl. If you leave at 10, you will be there in the best case for dinner. The same goes for weekend shopping. A person needs 7 hours of sleep, subject to high-quality physical activity and normal nutrition.

13. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open-minded, smart and successful people. We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and learn from (it's especially important that your bosses fall into that category). Accordingly, try to minimize communication with people who are negative, dull, pessimistic and angry. In order to get taller, you have to strive upwards, and having people nearby that you want to grow up to will be a great incentive in itself.

14. Use every moment of time and every person to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what is the essence of his work, what are his motivations and goals. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can be an invaluable source of information.

15. Start traveling. It does not matter that there is no money for Argentina and New Zealand - the quality of the rest has nothing to do with the money spent, and my best trips were to regions that are not at all distinguished by pathos and high cost. When you see how diverse the world is, you will stop obsessing over the small space around you and become more tolerant, calmer and wiser.

16. Buy a camera (maybe the simplest one) and try to capture the beauty of the world. When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only by vague impressions, but also by beautiful photos that you brought with you. Alternatively, try drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, designing. That is, do something that will make you look at the world with different eyes.

17. Go in for sports. It is not necessary to go to a fitness club where jocks, pick-up artists, Balzac ladies and freaks hang out. Yoga, rock climbing, biking, horizontal bars, bars, football, running, plyometrics, swimming, functional training - best friends a person who wants to restore the tone of the body and get a surge of endorphins. And forget about what an elevator is - if you have to walk less than 10 floors, use your legs. In just 3 months of methodical work on yourself, you can change the body almost beyond recognition.

18. Do unusual things. Go somewhere you've never been before, take a different route to work, sort out a problem you don't know anything about. Get out of your "comfort zone", expand your knowledge and horizons. Rearrange the furniture at home (and do it about once a year), change your appearance, hairstyle, image.

19. Invest. Ideally, every month it is worth investing part of your income, because a rich person is not someone who earns a lot, but someone who invests a lot. Try to invest in assets, minimize liabilities and control expenses. If you set yourself a financial goal and put your personal money in order, you will be surprised at how easily you will move towards achieving it.

20. Get rid of junk. Throw away any items you haven't worn or used in the last year (you won't be able to get to them next year either). Leave only what you really like and need. It's a pity to throw it away - distribute it. When buying a new item, get rid of the old similar one so that the balance is maintained. Less stuff means less dust and headaches.

21. Give more than you take. Share knowledge, experience and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, is incredibly attractive. Surely you know something that others really want to learn.

22. Accept the world as it is. Give up value judgments, accept all phenomena as initially neutral. And even better - as unambiguously positive.

23. Forget about what happened in the past. It has nothing to do with your future. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, a good relationship and positive impressions.

24. Don't be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. You don't have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance to experience failure.

25. The last, it is the first. Do what you like. Learn. Learn. Develop. Change yourself from within.

And as a bonus, let's go over the key principles of life:

Mirror principle. Before judging others, you should look at yourself.

The principle of pain. An offended person inflicts insults on others.

The principle of the upper road. We move to a higher level when we begin to treat others better than they treat us.

boomerang principle. When we help others, we help ourselves

hammer principle. Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on someone's forehead.

exchange principle. Instead of putting others in their place, we must put ourselves in their place.

The principle of learning. Every person we meet has the potential to teach us something.

principle of charisma. People show interest in a person who is interested in them.

Principle 10 points. belief best qualities people usually makes them show their best qualities.

The principle of confrontation. First you should take care of people and only then confront them.

Rock principle. Trust is the foundation of any relationship.

Elevator principle. In the process of relationships, we can lift people up or down.

situation principle. Never let a situation mean more to you than a relationship.

Bob principle. When Bob has problems with everyone, the main problem is usually Bob himself.

The principle of accessibility. Ease in relationship with ourselves helps others to feel free with us.

The trench principle. When you prepare for battle, dig a trench for yourself so that a friend can fit in it.

The principle of agriculture. All relationships need to be cultivated

The principle of 101 percent. Find the 1 percent that we agree with and focus 100 percent of our efforts on it.

The principle of patience. Traveling with others is always slower than traveling alone

Celebration principle. The true test of a relationship is not only how loyal we are to friends when they fail, but how much we rejoice when they succeed.

The principle of friendship. Other things being equal, people will tend to work with those they like; under other unequal conditions, they will still do it

The principle of cooperation. Collaboration increases the likelihood of joint victory

Satisfaction principle. In a wonderful relationship, it is enough for the parties to enjoy simply being together.


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