1c enterprise 8 chairman of the condominium

1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA

Purpose of the program:

Functions of the 1C program:

1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA. Basic version

1C program for a small utility company.

Purpose of the program:

HOA - homeowners' associations, small housing estates, cottage communities, garage cooperatives, dacha cooperatives etc…

Functions of the 1C program:

  • Maintaining detailed records of individuals and legal entities, tenants of premises; keeping records of the tenants of the cooperative, passport registration, removal and delivery of registration, forms passport office.
  • Fund accounting: buildings, apartments, garages, houses, etc. ...
  • Accounting for personal accounts of tenants: number of residents, mutual settlements, transactions performed, settlements and charges, benefits, overpayments, payments.
  • Settlements with service providers.
  • Formation of reporting for an enterprise in the field of housing and communal services.


Difference from the 1C program Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, HOA and housing cooperative

What is not in HOA Chairmanbut is in 1C Accounting in management companies

There is no simplified accounting of owners

There is no quality control of the provision of services

There is no work with debtors

Maintenance and repair

There is no registration of requests from residents

There is no distribution of requests among responsible foremen

There is no control over the execution of applications

Formation of work orders is absent

There is no write-off of materials by type of work

There is no house-to-house cost accounting

Accounting functions

Client bank is missing

There is no accounting in the context of contracts

There is no accounting for equipment, fixed assets and intangible assets

There is no value added tax (VAT) accounting

There are no principles of accounting and tax accounting

No chart of accounts

No cost accounting

There is no calculation of the cost of production

No regulated reporting

Accounting and analysis of production costs, calculation of planned and actual cost is absent

No personnel accounting

No payroll calculation

The procedure for purchasing programs:

1. Prepayment 100%,

2. Free installation (for programs without a discount),

3. Delivery of the program within 5 working days,

4. Installation of the program by our specialist on a working computer connected to the Internet,

5. Updates of basic versions of programs - free of charge.

The program module "1C: Homeowners 'Association Chairman" can be introduced into housing construction, garage construction and summer cottages, as well as villages and various homeowners' associations.

Description of program features:

The functionality of the "HOA Chairman" product makes it possible to calculate the rent according to the established tariffs, consumption rates, instrument readings, perform auto recalculation of services in accordance with changes in information on objects and accounts, take into account payments coming from the population.

The software solution "1C: HOA Chairman" gives the board of any HOA a convenient tool in decision-making.

The main features of this program:

Property owners accounting:

  • creation of detailed records of legal, individuals and tenants of residential and non-residential premises;
  • full-fledged passport registration, formation of passport office forms;
  • accounting of housing stock, storage of characteristics of buildings, offices and apartments;
  • work with operational information on accounts, as well as opening and closing personal accounts, and changing their state in the present;

Calculation of the required charges:

  • flexible definition of services and their calculation, utilities and other services, accrual of penalties;
  • benefits: accounting for all available benefits for residents, accounting for subsidies, accounting for subsidies from the budget;
  • recalculations: based on the results of the delivery of services, various adjustments;
  • payment: distribution between services, bank commission calculation;

Organization of voting:

  • creation of voting lists taking into account the existing database of the passport office;
  • accounting of results;
  • formation of various kinds of reports: on accounts, on benefits, forms of statistics and others;

The simplest accounting of different parts of the organization, such as:

  • inventory control;
  • accounting of transactions;
  • accounting of households. activities of several organizations in a single database.

Integration options:

  • uploading information for social services and administrations;
  • loading indicators from counters and automated loading of information on incoming payments that were carried out through banks;

Additional features of the software module:

Exchange of information with the website of the housing and communal services, HOA and the website of the housing and communal services. RF, loading and unloading data on accruals on accounts and information on readings from metering counters.

Difference of the standard version of "1C" from the professional:

Some software solutions from 1C have two versions at once: professional and basic, which gives users the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for running their business. ...

From the accountant's point of view, these versions of the modules have almost no differences. The main differences between the basic version of 1C application solutions and professional versions are in their working configuration and capabilities.

Namely, the differences lie in the following parameters:

  • In the basic version of the product, in comparison with the PROF, the user has the ability to keep records of only one operating enterprise in one database. The professional version allows you to maintain any number of enterprises in one database;
  • The PROF version has built-in support for the network version of work, which also allows several accountants in an enterprise to work in a single database. The basic version of the software solution excludes this option;
  • The PROF version has built-in support for finalizing the functionality for the working needs of the organization, while the basic version only supports the ability to add external processings, reports and reporting forms for documents;
  • The basic version of the product includes free online support. To receive updates on the PROF version promptly, an ITS subscription is required;
  • The basic version can be reinstalled only three times, the PROF version does not have this limitation.


The estimated implementation time, as on other products from 1C, is, on average, up to six months. Implementation is usually carried out by the employees of the enterprise themselves. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to contact 1C specialists.

Most popular questions:

Question: is it possible to transfer data to 1C: Accounting from the configuration "1C: Homeowners' association"?

Answer: the configuration "1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA" does not support the transfer of information to "1C: Accounting", only the ability to upload data to the program "1C: Accounting for government agencies" is supported.

Question: tell me if it is possible from the 1C configuration. Should the chairman of the TS upload data to commercial accounting ?. Without data exchange, I see no point in purchasing a module, although I really want to buy a 1C HOA Chairman.

Answer: we have an alternative solution that may also suit you "1C: Accounting in the management organizations of housing and communal services, HOA and housing cooperative". It includes a typical configuration. That is, you can combine that program with this one and conduct accounting in one program. This will be much more convenient and faster.


The program module "1C: Chairman of the HOA" includes:


  • Platform "1C: Enterprise 8";
  • Industry configuration "1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA";
  • ITS disk of the current year of release;
  • Industry configuration documentation set;
  • A set of documentation on the platform "1C: Enterprise 81C Chairman HOA"
  • Six months ITS subscription agreement;
  • Hardware protection keys for the product "1C: Enterprise 8";
  • Hardware protection keys "Enterprise 8 Chairman of the HOA";
  • License for use with "1C: Enterprise 8" systems and a separate configuration "1C: Homeowners' association chairman".

Price: 3 990 rub.

Add to cart Order demo

Price: 3 990 rub.

With this purchase you get:

The cost of the 1C program includes free support and database updates. You will be able to evaluate the quality of work of the specialists of the company "1C: Franchisee Victoria"

The company "1C: Franchisee Victoria" provides its clients with the opportunity to receive affordable, prompt and qualified advice on almost all issues related to working with 1C software products.

Applied solution "1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA. Basic version "is developed for the institutions of homeowners' associations that carry out accounting and calculation of utilities, passport registration, housing stock and so on. Applied solution "1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA. Basic version "in contrast to" 1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA "(PROF) has a number of limitations: Only one user can work in the database; There is no possibility of finalizing the software product for the needs of the user (for example, changing the type of the printed form of the report) Other limitations inherent in all 1C product lines of the "basic" format.

The program is intended for use in housing and communal services organizations that conduct both the calculation of rent and other utilitiesand passport registration.

This program is suitable for any institutions in the field of utilities and housing services, such as:

    homeowners' associations (HOA);

    cottage settlements;

    garage building cooperatives;

    country cooperatives;

    housing and construction cooperatives.

The configuration solves the following tasks:

Property owners accounting:

  • Keeping detailed records of physical and legal entities and tenants of residential and non-residential premises;
  • Keeping detailed records of information about residents;
  • Full passport registration (registration, deregistration, change of name, replacement of identity document);
  • Automated formation of printed forms of the passport office:
    • form No. 1 "Application for registration at the place of stay";
    • form No. 2 "Address sheet of arrival";
    • form No. 3 "Certificate of registration at the place of stay";
    • form No. 4 "Journal of registration of applications for registration at the place of stay in form No. 1 and the issuance of certificates of registration at the place of residence in form No. 3";
    • form No. 5 "Questionnaire";
    • form No. 6 "Application for registration (deregistration) at the place of residence";
    • form No. 7 "Address sheet of departure";
    • form No. 8 "Certificate of registration at the place of residence";
    • form No. 9 "Registration card";
    • form No. 10 "Apartment card";
    • form number 11 "House (apartment) book";
    • form No. 12 "Migrant statistics sheet";
    • form No. 13 "Journal of registration of applications of form No. 6 and issuance of certificates of registration at the place of residence";
    • form No. 14 "Notification to the registration authority".

Accounting for residential and non-residential stock:

  • Non-residential and residential premises:
    • Storage of many characteristics of buildings: number of storeys, number of entrances, various types of building areas, responsible building service technicians, as well as the ability to take into account additional individual characteristics defined by the user;
    • Storage of many characteristics of apartments and offices: number of rooms, type of property, condition, category, area of \u200b\u200bpremises, as well as the ability to take into account additional individual characteristics defined by the user;

Working with personal accounts:

  • Quick access to all necessary operational information in one window:
    • Information about residents and owners of the personal account;
    • Information about mutual settlements for the current and previous month;
    • Detailed information about all mutual settlements for an arbitrary period;
    • Text marks of various services of the company about this personal account;
    • Viewing all transactions that have ever been performed with this personal account;
    • Information about the used commercial accounting devices (counters) in this personal account;
    • Viewing the list of personal accounts with various selections and filters;
  • Working with personal accounts:
    • Opening, closing personal accounts and changing their status (information about residents and their number);

Calculations and charges:

  • Accruals:
    • Flexible definition of services and methods of their calculation;
    • Accruals for housing, utilities and other services, taking into account all the features of calculation and accrual - according to norms, areas, number of residents, - with the possibility of allocating individual tariffs for the first or last floors, as well as taking into account other features;
    • Calculation of charges for services using individual and household (general) metering devices (meters);
    • Accounting and accrual of various parking services;
    • Calculation and accrual of penalties;
  • Privileges:
    • calculation and accounting of all benefits available to residents;
    • accounting of subsidies, calculation and accounting of budgetary subsidies;
  • Recalculations:
    • As a result of underdelivery of services;
    • As a result of the temporary absence of tenants;
    • When supplying utilities of inadequate quality;
    • When tariffs change;
  • Payment:
    • Distribution of payments between service providers;
    • Accelerated payment acceptance using barcode scanners;
    • Bank commission calculation.

Interaction with service providers:

  • Automation of contract work and settlements with resource supplying organizations;
  • Formation of reports on charges and debts in the context of service providers.

Functions of a homeowners' association:

  • Cost estimation,
  • Closing costly accounts in accordance with the estimate and monitoring its execution;
  • Accounting of votes and voting results.


  • Financial and personal account;
  • Personal account statement;
  • Personal accounts report;
  • Payment card;
  • Consolidated statement;
  • Brief summary sheet;
  • Statement of charges and payments;
  • Several types of receipts (including with a barcode);
  • Information about the debts on the personal account;
  • Debt certificate (form No. 3);
  • Payment report;
  • Help-report of the cashier-operator;
  • Service usage report;
  • Reports on resource consumption according to meter readings;
  • Information about persons entitled to benefits by category;
  • Consolidated statement of benefits;
  • Help for a subsidy;
  • Report on falling income with the formation of a file in txt format;
  • Tenant lists;
  • Resident population change report;
  • Lists of entrances, premises of the building;
  • Lists of parking spaces and their owners;
  • Formation of statistics forms:
    • F22 - Information about the work of ZhKO in the context of the reform;
    • F26 - Information on the provision to citizens social support to pay for housing and utilities;
  • Household costs table;
  • other reports.

Financial and economic accounting in the HOA:

The original chart of accounts providing accounting:

  • Inventories and services;
  • Money;
  • Earmarked funds for subsidizing public services;
  • Own costs and reserve funds in the HOA.

Integration options:

  • Uploading data for social services, administrations and municipalities;
  • The program has the ability to automatically download indicators from nodes (devices) of commercial metering (meters). The formats of the following manufacturers of metering devices with data retrieval are supported:
    • Moscow plant of electrical measuring instruments;
    • Leningrad Electromechanical Plant, JSC;
    • INCOTEKS LLC (Moscow);
    • Taxonomy;
    • NPO "St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Company";
    • TBN Energoservice Company;
    • ZAO NPF Teplocom;
    • STC "Argo";
    • JSC NPO Teplovizor;
    • Moscow United Energy Company;
    • Transenerkom CJSC;
    • SAYANY;
    • Vzlyot CJSC;
    • RTSoft;
    • Schneider Electric;
    • Intelpribor;
  • The program has the ability to automatically download information about payments for services made:
    • Through banks. The following banks are supported, and it is also possible to connect other banks:
      • Sberbank;
    • Through payment terminals. The following payment operators are supported, and it is also possible to connect other operators:
      • OSMP - United System of Instant Payments (QIWI);
      • Eleksnet;
      • e-port;
      • Money-Money;
      • LLC "Alter-I";
      • Cyber \u200b\u200bpayment;
      • Company;
      • NOVOPLAT;
      • "Cashier.net";
      • Unikassa;
      • JSC "Unisensor";
      • LLC "Vip-Plat";
      • AUTO-PAY;
      • Quickpay;
      • Artigraph;
    • The program has the ability to exchange information with the Housing and Communal Services Website, HOA and the VZHKH.RF portal:
      • Uploading information about charges on personal accounts and receipts for payment of services;
      • Loading information on readings of nodes (devices) for commercial accounting (meters).

Functionality of the configuration "1C: Housing and communal services website. Start"

    Disclosure of information on activities in the field of management of apartment buildings (according to Resolution No. 731 of 23.09.2010)

    • General information about HOA:

      • requisites;


        list of houses;

    • Publication of any financial statements;

      Publication of information about the work performed;

      Publication of information on the procedure and cost of providing services, as well as prices;

      Publication of information on tariffs for utilities;

    Placing general information for HOA members

    • Meeting minutes;

      Information about tariffs;

      Statutory documents;

      Contact information for service providers;

      Cost estimate of HOA;

      News, articles and other documents of any content;

    Personal Area a tenant in which he can:

    • Receive and print without leaving the apartment, a receipt for payment of utilities;

      View the balance of payments and debt;

      Enter the readings of water, gas, electricity meters, etc .;

      Ask a question or send an appeal to the Head of the HOA and get an answer on the website or by e-mail;

    Possibilities of integration and exchange with information systems for calculating utility bills

    • Unloading the meter readings entered by residents from the site into the information system of the HOA;

      Typical setting of the integration module for the 1C configuration: HOA Chairman ";

      Integration with other accounting systems through the exchange of files in XML format;

      Uploading meter readings in CSV format;

    Additional opportunities for organizing a settlement center

    • Batch printout of receipts for payment, organized by entrances, houses, whole HOA;

      Formation of consolidated reports on utility payments;

    Debtor Relations

    • System of individual e-mail notifications of debtors;

      The ability to automatically publish lists of debtors in a separate section of the site;

    Additional portal options

    • Automatic reminders to alert debtors and defaulters;

      Four color options;

    Multilingual interface

    • Russian language support;

      Ukrainian language support.

The composition of the product

Product 1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA (article 4601546092816) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platforms "1C: Enterprise 8";
  • ITS disk of the current release
  • Hardware protection key for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform

The product "1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA. Basic version" (article 4601546092847) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platform "1C: Enterprise 8
    • branch configuration "Chairman of the HOA" ed. 1.0
  • User's Guide for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform
  • Industry configuration documentation set
  • License to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" system, configuration "HOA Chairman" at one workplace.

1C: Enterprise 8. Chairman of the HOA + 1C: Housing and communal services website. Start "(article 4601546095305) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platforms "1C: Enterprise 8";
    • branch configuration "Chairman of the HOA" ed. 1.0;
  • ITS disk of the current release
  • Set of documentation for the platform "1C: Enterprise 8"
  • Industry configuration documentation set
  • Documentation set "1C: Housing and communal services website. Administrator's and site user's guide"
  • Coupon for a half-year subscription to ITS
  • Envelope with PIN codes of the software license for the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform
  • Envelope with pincode for registration on the user support site
  • An envelope with a license key for "1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Start" and for "1C: Site for Housing and Utilities. Start" (license key is shared)
  • Hardware protection key for the configuration "HOA Chairman
  • License to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" system, configuration "HOA Chairman" at one workplace.

The "HOA Chairman" configuration is protected and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user

The expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 workstations) and client licenses for the "HOA Chairman" configuration (for 1, 5 jobs).

The number of licenses purchased to use the HOA Chairman configuration and the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform is determined based on the need for the maximum number of concurrent users with the HOA Chairman configuration on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

To work in the client-server version, you must purchase a license to use the 1C: Enterprise 8 server.

Data protection

Firm "1C" received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated 20.07.2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the protected software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software tool with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access (NSD) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the results of certification, compliance with the requirements of the guidelines for protection against NSD -5 class was confirmed, according to the level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDV) for the 4th level of control, the possibility of using for automated systems (АС) up to protection class 1G (i.e. АС providing protection confidential information in LAN) inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems (ISPDN) up to class K1 inclusive.

Certified copies of the platform are marked with conformity marks from No. Г 420000 to No. Г 429999.

All configurations developed on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" (for example, "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", "1C: Chairman of the HOA", etc.) can be used when creating information system personal data of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.


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