What is the WED department. WED's management at the enterprise. Casual work of a specialist

Department of Foreign Economic Activities (OED)- This is part of the management apparatus of the enterprise, its task is to plan, the organization and coordination of the WED enterprise.

The main tasks of the VED department:

Managing the export potential of the enterprise and the creation of competitive products;

Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to foreign partners;

Development of new forms of production, scientific and technical and investment cooperation;

preparation of contract goods to customs clearance procedure.

In this case, the volume of export-import transactions is constant, homogeneous, its geography is limited.

The main function of the VED department It is the provision of stable and adequate potential possibilities of enterprise of foreign economic activity, deepening trade relations with foreign partners.

The main types of work performed by the department are the following:

Organization of export-import operations;

Currency and financial operations;

Declaration and customs clearance of goods;

Establishing partnerships with firms of other countries;

Scientific and information work;

Search for ways to enter an enterprise to the external market;

Studying the directions and trends in the development of the global market for a particular product.

Declarationand customs clearancethey are one of the main activities of the VED department, since not only consumers of enterprise products are abroad, but also the main suppliers of raw materials are foreign partners. This causes constant freight traffic of raw materials and goods. Cargo declaration involves the design of the following documents:

Cargo customs declarations (GTD);

Electronic copies of GTD;

Customs Declarations;

Describes the documents attached to the GTD.

The final result of the activity of the declarant is to obtain the customs mark "Release All."

In accordance with these common tasks and areas of activity of the WED department, its employees have their own specific responsibilities.

Consider structure of the WED department The composition of whose employees is determined by the structure and features of the production of export products, forms and scales of foreign economic activity in the enterprise: Head of the Department, Deputy Head, who directly submits the head of the department, and in turn subordinates: expert on customs regulation, economist, protocol bureaus.

Chiefthe VED department carries out the overall coordination of the activities of the department's employees and coordinates the activities of the department with other enterprises and services of the enterprise, deals with the movement of currency funds, solves current operational issues. In some departments, there is a specialist in foreign exchange operations (planning, monitoring monetary operations, etc.).

Deputy Head.the WED department monitors the timely implementation of instructions, conducts correspondence with enterprises and firms of Ukraine and other countries on scientific and consulting, economic and other issues, participates in the development of contract conditions.

Economistthe WED department is responsible for calculating the price of export products, taking into account the basis of the supply and other conditions, drawing up commercial offers for the sale of enterprise products, the development of articles of the contract, the design of the transaction passport under the sale contracts, preparation of the plan of measures to fulfill the contract terms and its control. In some departments, instead of economist there is a position of a leading specialist in conjuncture and prices.

Customs Regulation Expertleads all customs documentation: provides customs clearance of products exported and imported by the enterprise, draw up freight customs declarations, leads statistical reporting of the department.

In competence protocol bureauit includes the preparation of programs for the delegations, the transfer of documentation from foreign languages \u200b\u200bto the enterprise, assistance in organizing negotiations, the preparation of the necessary documentation for foreign exchangers of specialists.

As you can see, the department is small, but it can successfully cope with its functions thanks to interaction with other departments of the enterprise .

Wherein marketing department Learn markets and consumer demand, establishes requirements for the number, frequency of supply and product quality.

Planning and Economic Department Carries out the planning of the enterprise, it makes the calculations necessary in this regard, transfers the basic data on the prices of products, raw materials and materials to the VED.

Department of new technology Conducts technical development and control over the production of export products. The quality of export products is responsible for the technical department.

Financial department It is responsible for financial support for export-import operations, so the WED department provides him with all office notes and accounts for paying current expenses (duties, customs payments, certification authorities, etc.).

In accounting The WED department transmits acts to perform work on economic, scientific and technical cooperation with foreign organizations, estimates of costs for Events on foreign exchange, data on allocated financial resources and documents on currency account.

Transport shop Carries out the documentary cargo, transportation of goods and makes a schedule of sending them.

Thus, the WED department in its activities interacts with the services and departments of the enterprise. Coordination of this interaction lies on employees of the WED department.

The tasks of the WED department include planning, organizing and coordinating foreign economic activity in the company, as well as ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to foreign partners, the preparation of imported equipment to the customs clearance procedure.

The WED department in its activities interacts with all services and departments of the company. Coordination of this interaction lies on employees of the WED department.

Who we are looking for

Communicability, the ability to negotiate, active life position, organization, attention to detail and responsibility are the main qualities of a specialist in the VED, necessary in its work. We value honesty, labor ethics and the desire for excellence in our specialists in foreign economic activity.

The EDE specialist should have a higher education - economic, financial, logistic, transport, linguistic. Staff training courses on Logistics programs, "Customs regulation of foreign economic activity", "VED" are preferred.

It should also be well focused on the features of import-export operations, the rules of international freight transport, customs clearance technologies, cargo insurance rules, tax and currency legislation.

Portrait of a modern specialist VED

90% of WED managers have a higher education, 80% are fluent in English, and 75% have passed specialized courses. Women in this profession a little more (57%) than men. The age range of the most popular labor markets for WED - 25-40 years.

(website of the professional orientation center Profgid, link)

As we are organized

The structure of the VED department has developed for almost seven-year foreign economic activity of the Company and includes several activities:

declaration and customs clearance

One of the main directions of the activities of the WED department. Our specialists conduct all customs documents: provide customs clearance of im-portable equipment, draw up freight customs declarations, lead statistical reporting of the department, etc. The final result of this activity is the receipt of the customs marks "Release All."

translation activities

In view of a large turnover of documentation in a foreign language, our translators are always loaded by work. We welcome specialists with knowledge of English, German, as well as Chinese. Technical translations are one of the most complex types of transfers, our employees will be successfully coped with this difficult task!

establishment and maintenance of partnerships with companies in other countries

The most interesting and delicate activity of the WED department is cooperation with foreign companies. In addition to existing European partners, we are constantly expanding the geography of work to the East, and we are negotiating with representatives of China, Y. Korea, Taiwan and other countries. Competence in the knowledge of language features and traditions, the ability to negotiate is the indispensable qualities of specialists dealing with this activity.

transport logistics

The WED department in its activities is largely interacting with the transport shop, which carries out the documentary registration of goods, transporting goods and makes a schedule of sending them. WED specialists are engaged in the choice of foreign carriers, preparation of documents: for cargo insurance, certificates, instructions, invoices, TTN, packaging sheets. This responsible work requires care, organizational and responsibility of employees who perform it.

work with contracts

Compilation of an international contract requires an understanding of many conditions and nuances: who is responsible for the risk of random death in the way, whether the goods are insured during international transportation, which is included in the supply price whether there is warranty and other. The preparation of international contracts is carried out by our VED specialists on their own, starting in 2009. Compiled in two languages, taking into account the norms of international and Russian law. Employees of the WED department also carry out complete control over the execution of contracts: validity period, timely payment, etc.

Organization of foreign economic activity (VED) in the enterprise

  • Tasks, structure and functions of the WED service.
  • Risks in foreign economic activity, their classification and minimization methods.
  • The order of the automated risk-categorization of the participants of the WED. Criteria for attributing participants of the WED to the level of risk level - low, medium or high.
  • Sources of information for market analysis and competitors. Marketing studies of foreign markets. Search and evaluation of the prospects of foreign markets (in practical examples).
  • Development of the company's strategy when entering foreign markets.
  • Pricing mechanisms and price strategies in international marketing.
  • Options for promoting goods to foreign markets.
  • Classification of foreign companies. Features of building relationships with various categories of foreign partners.
  • Agents, distributors, dealers - their role and place in the company's sales policy.
  • Structure and content of foreign trade contract contract.
  • Features of the preparation of the main documents for the implementation of the foreign trade transaction and customs clearance of goods.
  • Market of near -chanous services: Customs representatives, temporary storage warehouses, customs carriers and their role in the company's foreign economic activity.
  • Workshop: Analysis of typical errors in the preparation of the contract of international purchase and sale of goods.

Legal regulation of exports: minimizing risks

  • The beginning of export activities in the company. Regulation of the VED department of the company. Process and work on a foreign economic contract. Interaction with third-party partners (law firms, carriers, logistics companies, etc.).
  • Geographical and legal features of import and export. Regulation of exports from Russia to the EU and EAEU. Legislative and other regulatory legal support for export activities. How to choose countries for export, features of foreign law.
  • The opening of the enterprise in the European Union as a form of foreign economic activity. Freedom movement of companies in the EU. Institution and movement. Taxation. Reports and checks. Selection of European jurisdiction. EU directives in the field of corporate law, features of action. Russian legal entities in the EU. Capital of joint-stock companies and financial statements of companies. Standards of corporations in the EU. The invalidity of the company in the EU. Companies of one person in the EU. Supportual companies. Legal nature of a supranational company in the EU. European cooperative. European Economic Interest Association (EOOEI) or European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG).
  • Foreign economic activity and responsibility. Civil law, administrative or criminal liability. Typical errors. Minimization strategies. Penalties for taxation. Penalties in currency legislation. Penalties in customs legislation.

International Automotive and Container Transportation

  • Transportation management in Supply Chain Management.
  • Supply chain management concept. General concepts.
  • The location and role of the "Transport" element in the SCM system. Information flows, finance and materials.
  • Transportation: Definition, mission, tasks. Transportation. The main tasks of transport management.
  • Types of transportation: straight, mixed, multimodal and other. Participants in the transport market.
  • Types of transport. Characteristics and comparison. Selection of the type of transport.
  • Motor transport.
  • International cargo transportation by road. Legislative base of international transport. Characteristics of rolling stock.
  • Provisitive documents for the international transportation of goods, the features of their filling. Customs Transit Company. Expenses for international road haulage.
  • Transport forwarding contract, features of its design.
  • Shipping.
  • Legal shipping laws. The main terminology used in water vehicles.
  • Container Shipping. Different types of containers. Social and feeder lines, organization and features of work. Types of linear cavias: nominal, rational, for bearer, feeder cavaria.
  • Linear conditions of transportation: Li, Lo, Fi, FO, CY, fees to the base freight rate. Costs for the carriage of goods in the container. The responsibility of the container line for the loss and damage.

Customs clearance of goods in the Eurasian Economic Union

  • The basic principles and objectives of the operation of the EAEU.
  • Basic agreements of the Unified Economic Space.
  • Features of customs and tariff regulation on the territory of the EAEU.
  • Unified Customs Tariff EAEU. Agreement on exporting customs duties.
  • Tariff preferences and tariff benefits regarding goods imported into the EAEU territory.
  • Innovations on the Customs Code of the EAEU (TC EAEP).
  • NEWS TK EAEP in terms of declaration, release of goods and customs control.
  • Simplification of the procedure for making customs operations during declaration and production of goods provided for by TC EAEP.
  • New conditions for obtaining the status of an authorized economic operator for TC EAEP.
  • Requirements for persons operating in the field of customs.
  • Customs procedures provided for by TC EAEP, conditions and procedure for their application.
  • Features of calculating, paying and returning customs payments in accordance with the TC EAEP.
  • Workshop: Calculation of customs payments taking into account existing risk profiles.
  • Ways to ensure customs payments, determination of the amount of the provision provided for by the EAEP TC.
  • The procedure and conditions forced recovery of customs payments.
  • Arrival of goods and vehicles to the customs territory of the EAEU. The procedure for applying the customs transit customs procedure provided for by TC EAEP.
  • Use the "single window" mechanism when making customs operations.

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The relevance of the program is that the foreign economic activity of the regions of Russia in modern conditions contributes to their translation to the innovative path of development. The need to regulate foreign economic activity is confirmed by the practice of doing business. The regulation of the WED is widely used throughout the world, including in Russia. In the conditions of market economy, it is a system of measures of a legislative, executive and controlling nature, designed to improve the foreign economic activity in the interests of the National Economy.
The purpose of regulation is to stabilize and adapt to the foreign economic complex of the country to the changed conditions of the global market and forms of international cooperation, solving national strategic and tactical tasks.
The modern stage of the development of the global market is characterized by continuing globalization and high competitiveness. Under these conditions, foreign economic relations are becoming increasingly prominent part of the strategy of economic activities of organizations, business demonstrates growing interest in cooperation with foreign partners. The management of foreign economic activity of the Organization related to international production and scientific and technical cooperation, exports and imports of products, the exit of the enterprise to the external market, allows you to successfully implement competitive advantages and contributes to ensuring the country's economic growth.

Features of the program

Passage of practices in organizations - partners MGIMO Foreign Ministry of Russia

Extensive employment opportunities, including the results of practices / internships

Block of international disciplines in accordance with its own educational standard of MGIMO Foreign Ministry of Russia

Fundamental theoretical preparation for economic, legal and general minced disciplines

Preparation of highly qualified professionals in the field of foreign economic activity management capable of solving problems in Russian and international organizations capable of building business relations with foreign partners

Diplomatic module disciplines

Language training

Practitioner teachers

Future work graduates

Specialist in the department of foreign economic activity, supervising all operations related to the foreign economic activity of the organization


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