American underwater fleet. The most modern nuclear submarine of the US class "USS Virginia. Tonnage of across the tankers, BRT

When they talk about the potential of our armed forces, it is necessary to proceed from how it correlates with the potential of a likely opponent. Otherwise, the conversation loses its meaning.
A special role is played by the navy and nuclear submarines.

Not so long ago, the US President Donald Trump said that the US Navy could destroy Russia. Is it really submarines under the star-striped flag so a formidable weapon or the head of the white house bluffing?

There are no no

At the moment, the US Navy is the leader in both the number and the combat capabilities of submarines and has 74 submarines of 4th grade. Three classes of multipurpose submarines - Virginia, Sivulf and Los Angeles - are responsible for the detection and destruction of enemy ships, as well as support for the operations of the marine assault. Ohio class submarines refer to the weapons of strategic containment and are intended to apply missile strikes on the most important military-industrial facilities of the enemy.

The main shock force of the underwater fleet of the United States is 15 boats of the Virginia class - a more advanced and economical alternative to Sivulf. They perform the same operational tasks as the Los Angeles boats, but have additional advantages, for example, the ability to work effectively in coastal waters, which is used to collect intelligence and conducting special operations. It is important to note that all American submarines have atomic engines, which significantly increases their autonomy (in the Russian Navy almost half of the submarine - diesel-electric).

Today, American submarines can produce fresh water and oxygen, and they usually have enough food for 90-100 days of swimming. Commenting on the water descent "Hawaii" (class "Virginia"), US Navy Minister Donald Winter noted that the "navigation range, maneuverability and deadly coupled with a highly professional and warmer crew makes this submarine the strongest at the underwater theater of hostilities."

Out of competition

Approximately about a third of American submarines are constantly in the sea: either patrols or conduct teaching. If necessary, they can all start performing a combat task in any part of the World Ocean, which is certainly an advantage against the background of competitors. Western military analysts believe that, unlike American submarines, most of those who are afloat Russian submarine will be deployed closer to their native shores.

American submarines have a higher nuclear potential than Russian: 24 Trident intercontinental missiles set on "Ohio" against 16 MBR "Bulaw" on Borey. In addition, the flight range "Trident" is a couple of thousand kilometers further than that of Bulava, while the power of the American rocket is about 1.7 times higher than the Russian. However, as Deputy Director of the Center for International Security at the Atlantic Council Magnus Nordenman noted, recently, the US Navy and NATO underwall was not focused on anti-submarine operations, which significantly worsened skills in this area. But if the advantage of American submarine before Russian is not so critical, then the Chinese underwater fleet compete with American yet. Experts are confident if the American command involves underwater vessels, for example, in the controversial water area of \u200b\u200bthe South China Sea, the US advantage here will be more than obvious.

The chief researcher of the Japanese Institute of International Relations Tetsuo Kotani notes that the American submarine with manageable missiles may slip away from Chinese hydrocators and calmly approach the shores of the subnet. There will be enough one 170-meter Michigan, carrying 154 winged rockets to destroy the runways of the nearest Chinese airfields. The ideal weapon defense industry of the United States is in the process of constant re-equipment of its underwater fleet.

In particular, the Pentagon develops new technologies for tracking and affecting the enemy submarine using unmanned underwater vehicles. Engineers plan to equip them with the most complex and sensitive sensory systems that have no analogues. The US Department of Defense intends to invest over $ 8 billion in the modernization of the submarine, first of all, in the IV and V series of submarines of the Virginia class, each of which suggest 40 "tomahaws", as well as to equip modern electronics. Developed submarines will be provided with a nuclear reactor atomic engine, which is designed for 30 years. The new almost silent engine (the level of noise is reduced due to the system of isolated chambers and the modern design of the energy unit with the "devastating" coating) will allow you to move the boat even by relative shallow water. Modernized "Virginia", according to the concept of the Pentagon, should be perfect "spies" and "killers".

In the late 1930s, the world was approaching the war. And this time America, definitely, could not stay aside. Therefore, we consider all types of American submarines that the US possessed the day before and during the war years.

Submarine R-6 (SS-83).

Types R and Barracuda (type R - 17 pcs.; Barracuda type - 3 pcs.: Barracuda, Bass, Bonita)

Two oldest and unsuccessful type of American submarines, they were in the fighting until mid-1942. They were used to patrol the east coast and the protection of the Panama Canal, and then reclassified into training units.

Water descent S-5. Portsmouth Navy Yard 10/10/1919.

Type S.(type S - 36 pcs.)

S-type boats were the oldest of American submarines who took direct participation in World War II. They were called to the "first line" not from a good life, but because there was not enough fighting boat to close all areas where boats were sent to patrol. In principle, these were secondary directions - Aleutian and Solomon Islands.

Constructive Type S was the development of the type R period of the first world, a slightly enlarged analog (900t, 5000 miles) of the German submarine type VIIA. The boats were designed for the Atlantic with the corresponding radius of action.

American boat like "S" (S-20) in Panaman Canal. Photo of the 1920s.

PL S-1 with onboard seaplane.

In the 1920s, marine theorists of many countries of the world reflected on the feasibility of accommodation on submarines of light intelligence airplanes. This wave and American submariners have not passed. In 1923 Submarine S-1 (SS-105, 1918. Buildings) was equipped with a cylindrical deck hangar. The boat was based on the special Biplan Martin MS-1 national team. The tests did not reveal any advantages of the submarine with the seaplane, further experiments in this direction stopped.

"Argonaut"(Argonaut - 1pc.)

In an effort to make sure about the correctness of the saying "The best - the enemy is good", the Americans decided to "cross" the descendant U-140 with mine equipment U-117. At the newly designed boat in the stern, two mine pipes with a capacity of 30 min each were delivered. As a result, the first and last SS-166 SS-166 "Argonaut" SS-166 "ARGONAUT", surrendered by the Navy in April 1928, appeared.

Submarine "Argonaut".

For the boat, a special sample of MK-10 mod.ii mines was developed, on the deck there were two six-inch guns. With underwater displacement 4164t, the boat remained large in the American fleet before the appearance of atomic submarines. Armament - 4 torpedo apparatus in the nose and 16 torpedoes (for comparison: the last modification of American submarines of the ocean class, which managed to play, "TENCH" during underwater displacement 2428 tons carried 24 torpedoes or 40 min).

"Argonaut" was the development of the type "Baracuda" and was built specifically for action in the Pacific Ocean. She wondered as an ocean trading fighter and at the same time scout with a plane on board and a large navigation radius. In theory, such a ship under the general battle was to go ahead of the linear forces and at the same time could put a mining barrage during the fight on the path of the enemy. As a result, it turned out something average with the ability to dive under water. Under water, the boat was very difficult to control and could not withstand the planned speed. In general, SS-166 turned out to be the most low-speed among all American submarines of the pre-war period - 14/8 of the nodes (instead of 21 planned). To complete the underwater mines, it can be noted that he fulfilled an unsuccessful combat campaign and returned to the base in January 1942 with a planned autonomy of 90 days. The boat did not put any mines in combat conditions, and after the first trip it was used in transport operations. Numerous changes in the specialization were expressed in the shift of onboard numbers: V-4, A-1, SM-1, APS-1. The brightest page in the biography of a failed minzag was a raid at the Makin atoll in August 1942.

A boat in the coral Sea died at the approaches to Rabalau, dried by Japanese destroyers "Akizuki", "Hamakaze" and "Yukikaze" from the co-worrying of the convoy, when I tried to attack transport. Probably a bear service was the low speed and a big noise of the American underwater cruiser-mines. It happened 10.01.1943.

SL "Argonaut", painted in light gray colors of peacetime (Standard Navy Gray). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge is barely distinguishable a pre-war inscription V4.

Type "Narwhal" (type Narwhal - 2 pcs: Narwhal, Nautilus)

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe cruising boat received its further continuation in the SS-167 "Narwhal" submarine, which was commissioned 15.05.1930. She lost mine pipes, but 2 ta was added, the torpedo margin increased to 24 units., The speed increased by 3 nodes. In total, the Americans had 9 underwater cruisers, and they all turned out unsuccessful, absolutely not justifying those hopes that they were restricted during construction. Two Narwhal boats were only slightly improved models compared to the 4 preceding boats like V. Like the remaining V-boats, they were large, slow and difficult, although there were several improved performance (17 nodes) with a bit increased Displacement (2915T). As in the preceding boats, their diesel engines have never reached the declared power, and the corps of the carriages of the crews are constant.

SL "Nautilus" (V-6) with unconventional silhole - raised deck in the middle part of the ship. With its displacement, about 3000t boat was the largest US submarine until the appearance of the nuclear boat of the same name in 1954.

During the war, Narwhal and Nauyilus were used for a variety of tasks. The boats were brought, they added 4 torpedo to them. Two additional devices were in the nose, and two - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Middle (they were oriented back for firing in the stern).

Narwhal completed 5 fighting patrols, sulking 6 enemy ships. SS-168 "Nautilus" for 5 patrols Skilled 5 ships. After that, Nautilus, together with the S-166 "Argonaut" transported the marine infantry to Makin, and, together with Narwhal, landed the landing party on Attu. After that, both boats were used exclusively in special transport operations for the carriage of goods by Filipino partisans. In early 1945 Both boats were brought to the reserve. In just the war years, Narwhal has committed 15 combat trips, Nautilus - 14.

"Dolphin" (Dolphin - 1 pc.)

Recognizing the apparent failure in the design of the last 6 submarines, the US Navy made an attempt to coordinately revise its designs for design. Initially, the SS-159 "Dolphin" was designed as another type V (V7) boat, but as the boat index was replaced by D1 as the "parent" project. With a displacement of 1560t, it was almost twice as smaller than "Narwhal", but carried the same weapon with approximately the same high-speed indicators. The smaller "Dolphin" was much more maneuverable and easily controlled.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project as a whole was productive, but, unfortunately, at the level of technology in the 1930s in the United States to build a boat of medium-sized boats, without sacrificing anything significant in the project, it was impossible. When creating "Dolphin", the constructors first of all almost doubled the range of actions (9000 miles), had to loosen a bit, which reduced the possible depth of dive.

In the late 1930s, the fil "Dolphin" was painted black. During the war years, the boat has completed 3 fighting patrols, and after used as a training. At the end of the second combat campaign to the shores of Japan on the boat, they discovered a serious leakage of the solarium. During his return, her Maston commander Morton developed a plan, as when meeting with an opponent, save the team, and then blow up the boat with the Japanese. This plan was called "Deathtrap" (deadly trap), but fortunately, before its implementation, it did not come.

Being about the same size as the main boats of the war years "GATO", "Dolphin" in hostilities did not show itself, and after three unsuccessful campaigns was translated into training boats.

PL Ci "Cachalot" (SS-170) in an unlocked form (as it was launched).

Type "Cachalot"(Type Cachalot - 2pcs: Cachalot, Cuttlefish) SS-170 "Cachalot" boats (V8, CI) and SS-171 "Cuttlefish" (V9, C2) have become a further attempt to produce small lung submarines for use in the Pacific Ocean. At 1170 tons of displacement, they turned out to be less than the Dolphin boats, and differed from the predecessor in many parameters. The design features of the boats made them more speed, though due to the radius of action. And ultimately, on combat parameters, new boats turned out to be almost equivalent to the previously equivalent class "Dolphin". Obviously, their range of 12,000 miles did not allow the boat to get out of Pearl Harbor, to patrol off the coast of Japan and go back.

A distinctive feature of the type with was the widespread use of welding, especially in the structures of the durable case and fuel tanks. Leaks, especially from fuel tanks, were significantly higher than the previous types of boats. (For example, for 30 days of curriculum in 1941. A total of "Narwhal" lost 20 thousand gallons of fuel due to leaks). Moreover, it was even worse than the losses, a noticeable trail of the oil film was stretched by the boat, which allowed to easily detect the anti-submarine aviation submarine. Although, in general, the use of welding on the type C can be considered quite appropriate: it made it possible to significantly reduce weight with increasing strength. A problem with sealing over time managed to solve.

Educational SS-171 "Cuttlefish". Photo 15.11.1943.

Educational SS-170 "Cachalot". Photo 31.05.1944. When upgrading in the boards, holes have been added to increase the immersion rate.

The second important innovation was the TDC boat installation (Torpedo Data Computer). It was a mechanical analog controller, automatically installing the angle of the target, ahead and depth of immersion Torpeda according to data transmitted from the bridge into torpedo gyros. In these two innovations, the American fleet was ahead of all other fleets of the world for several years.

Boats type with turned out to be small for real use in the Pacific Ocean. Having made three almost unsuccessful fighting campaigns (one damaged tanker) submarines with were translated into training.

Type R.(type P - 10 pcs: Perch, Permit, Pickerel, Pike, Plunger, Pollack, Pompano, Porpoise, Shark, Tarpon) with the start of design in 1933. Boots of type R American underwater fleet began the development of a new submarine line, which is improving from the series to the series (if not to take into the calculation of two small boats M), first led to the "GATO" military series and ended in 1951. Boots like "Tang". Compared to the type with the increase in displacement, was 140t, which eventually led to the displacement of 1310T. They were 8m longer, which amounted to 92m lengths. The speed has increased to 19 knots at a radius of 10,000 miles.

Submarines of this type were used throughout the war. From Pearl Harbor to early 1944. They were sent to combat operations. Four out of ten boats p were lost during the battle. All the boats who survived the war were committed by about 8 combat trips each, and only SS-178 "Permit" went on combat patrols 14 times.

PL SS-172 "Porpoise". Photo 20.07.1944.

The Stingray boat is a typical modification of Salmon / Sargo boats 1942. External differences: SD or S J Ridar, two additional torpedo pipes on the nose are added.

Type "Salmon" / "Sargo"(Salmon type - 4 pcs.: Salmon, Seal, Snapper, Stingray; Sargo -10 type: Sargo, Sauury, Sculp in, SeaWragon, Sealarion, SeaWolf, Spearfish, Squalus / Sailfish, Sturgeon)

After a completely successful type, the American fleet decided to correct the shipbuilding program in the crisis. In addition to 6 Salmon boats, 10 Sargo boats were immediately presented. The "Salmon" type was an improved version of R. type boats. New boats were longer (94m) and more (1450t). At the same time, the designers managed to increase their speed by 1 node both on the surface and under water (20/9 of nodes). Double battery capacity has doubled the underwater range to 85 miles. To increase the offensive power of the Salmon boat, they were equipped with a pair of additional torpedo devices (on the parent type of P subsequently, two torpedo vessels outside the solid body) were also installed). The torpedo reserve was 24 torpedoes. When modernizing on SS-186 "Stingray" installed 2 external torpedoranches, bringing the total number of devices to 10 - the number that Lockwood and its supporters were considered minimally necessary for modern PL.

Completely successful in many ways the type "Salmon", however, suffered from one fatal design flaw. The ventilation hatch through which air flowed to working diesel engines was carried out, it was not fixed enough. Incidents with this automation happened on SS-185 "Snapper" and SS-187 "Sturgeon", but the indication on the central post properly worked. But "Squalus" sank (his story is described above), 23 people died. This defect was, in principle, easy to eliminate, but the reputation of the "Salmon" submarine was undermined. Despite its unpopularity among seafarers, the boats of this type were actively used during the war years. Like boats like r, most of them made no more than 8 combat trips. The exception is the "Stingray" boat, which completed 16 combat trips - the leader among the US submarine.

SCULPIN, which has already been mentioned in the history of the death of the boat "Squalus". Snapshot 1.05.1943., To the death of the boat is another 6.5 months.

SS-182 SALMON. Photo 1938

Type "Tambor" (Type Tambor - 12p.: Gar, Grampus, Grayback, Grayling, Grenadier, Gudgeon, Tambor, Tutog, Thresher, Triton, Trout, Tuna)

Type T boats have become the next logical step in the evolution of American submarines. 12 Tambor boats had an increased shock force (10 torpedo vessels), although they retained the features of the Salmon boat design features. Thus, they were a long-distance expected boat fleet. The submarines were quite long-appropriate to reach the shores of Japan, and strong enough to apply in such a removal of the enemy weighty damage. Equipped TDC, these boats could successfully interact with the surface forces. But ... taking into service these boats, the leadership of the underwater forces was forced to agree on the production of two obviously unsuccessful, not stacked in the strategic concept of use, small submarines M. In December 1941, there were a lot about this concession, because boats with a large radius of action obviously lacked.

PL "GAR" comes out of Pearl Harbor 03/31/1944. In its 12 combat patrol. Boat is armed with 5 "/ 25с1 to the gun.

The SS-201 Triton SS-201 is photographed at the exit from the DC Harbor in May 1942.

Tambor has become the last submarines adopted by the start of the war. With the beginning of the fighting, they represented the main shock force until the end of 1942. They did not make up new "GATO" submarines. Nevertheless, the boat t continued to serve in the first line until the end of 1944, after which they were translated into training centers and on secondary directions. From 12 boats of type T died 7. The SS-199 "Tutog" boat is leading in terms of the number of ached ships and ships.

Type M. (Type M - 2 pcs: Mackerel, Martin) In the famous book, D. Inrite says: "Training in the sea was carried out on board the American submarines - Mackerel (SS-204) or" Marlin "(SS-205). These were new US Navy submarines with the most modern equipment. Their radius of action did not allow the use of boats in combat moves in the Pacific Ocean, but they were quite suitable for training and training. The exercises were held in the Long Island Strait. The destroyers based in Newport served "goals."

Types "GATO", "Balao" and "Tanch"(GATO type - 54 pcs: Albacore, Amberjack, Angler, Barb, Bashaw, Blackfish, Bluefish, Bluegill, Bonefish, Bream, Cavalla, Cero, Cobia, Cock, Cod, Corvina, Croaker, Dace, Dorado, Drum, Finback, Flasher, Flier, Flounder, Flying Fish, Gabilan, Gato, Greenling, Groupler, Growler, Grunion, Guardfish, Gunnel, Gurnard, Haddo, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Harder, Herring, Hoe, Jack, Kingfish, Lapon, Mingo, Muskallunge , Paddle, Pargo, Peto, Pogy, Pompon, Puffer, Rasher, Raton, Ray, Redfin, Robalo, Rock, Runner, Sawfish, Scamp, Scorpion, Shad, Silversides, Snook, Steelhead, Sunfish, Tinosa, Trigger, Tullibee, Tunny , Wahoo, Whale

balao Type - 120 pcs: Archerfish, Aspro, Atule, Balao, Bang, Barbero, Batfish, Baya, Becuna, Bergall, Besugo, Billfish, Blackfin, Blenny, Blower, Blueback, Boardfish, Bowfin, Brill, Bugara, Bumper, Burrfisli , Caberon, Cabrilla, Caiman, Capelin, Capitaine, Carbonero, Carp, Catfish, Charr, Chivo, Chopper, Chub, Clamagore, Cobbler, Cochino, Corporal, Crevalle, Cubera, Cusk, Dentuda, Devilfish, Diodon, Dogfish, Dragonet, Entemedor , Greenfislt, Guavina, Guitarro, Hackleback, Halfbeak, Hammerhead, Hardhead, Hawkbill, Icefish, Jallao, Kraken, Lamprey, Lancetfish, Ling, Lionfish, Lizardfish, Loggerfish, Macabi, Manta, Mapiro, Menhaden, Mero, Moray, Pampanito, Parche , Perch, Picuda, Pintado, Pipefish, Piper, Piranha, Plaice, Pomfret, Queenfish, Quillback, Redfish, Roncador, Rouquil, Rozorback, Sabolo, Sablefish, Sandlance, Scabbardfish, Seacat, Seadevil, Seadog, Seafox, Seahorse, Sealion, Sea Owl, Sea Peacher, Sea Robin, Segundo, Sennet, Skate, Spadefisli, Cutlass, Diablo, Irex, MedRegal, Odax, Pomodon, Quillback, Requin, Runner, Sea Leopard, Sirago, Spinax, Tench, Thornback, Tirante, Togo, Torsk, Trutta)

SS-212 "GATO" SS-212, which has given name to a whole type. Photo 29.11.1944.

PL "BARB" June 20, 1942. Boats built by Electric Boat Co., differed by the form and location of the holes in a lightweight case.

SCABBARDFISH is a typical GATO type boat later release series. Exit to the first combat campaign 05/30/1944.

Boat SS-249 "Flasher", Leader NO Skilled tonnage in the American underwater fleet. Photo 4.11.1943.

The submarine SS-228 "DRUM" was the first boat of type "GATO", adopted in the composition of the Navy 1.11.1941, but at the time of the attack on Pearl harbor only "GATO" was considered a combat. It became the first of 73 submarines of this type ordered in 1940. and those who became the main boats of the United States in the war of the war. After an attack on Pearl Harbor, another 132 boats closely like "Balao" were ordered.

GATO has become an enlarged version of the penultimate series "Tambor". These boats were 350T more (1825t) and 1.2m longer (92m). Most of the overweight accounted for improved diesel engines and rechargeable batteries. The remaining changes affected the inhabitants (for example, tanks for fresh water were increased).

The type "Balao" was very close to "GATO" and was sometimes not considered as a separate type. The main differences were two: firstly, a number of cabinet elements made more technological for mass production, secondly, the power elements of the housing were redesigned for a more significant pressure, which allowed the boat to dive with 100 feet deeper, and total - 400 feet. These boats were very popular and proved more than once their high vitality.

"GATO" carried out the whole severity of the war from 1942. And before its end. Of the 73 boats taken to the Navy (SS-248 "Dorado") Skilled in the Caribbean American aircraft along the way to Panama Canal and 18 were lost in the Pacific As a result of countering the enemy. The most famous boats, the names of which were famous during the war years, were the "GATO" type pl 5th - SS-249 "Flasher" (boat leading across a stuffed tonnage), SS-220 "BARB", SS-215 "GROWLER", SS-236 "Silversides", SS-237 "Trigger", SS-238 "Wahoo" and many others who did not have enough a little bit to get into the leader group.

In the photo at the top: PL "GROWLER" in February 1943 faced with Japanese transport. In the photo 5.05.1943, the boat after restoration repairs goes to the test.

Three of the 22 marine pilots saved by the "Tang" boat during their second patrol. Rescue operation in the area of \u200b\u200bO.Tru k, April 1944.

Of the 132 boat ordered "Balao" for the last 10 units, the order was canceled due to the end of the war, 21 boat was in the stage of combat training and did not participate in hostilities. All other 101 submarine took part in the battles with Japan. Most of them came into order too late to have time to make a lot of combat trips and achieve significant results. In this regard, the exception of steel SS-304 "SEAHORSE" and SS-306 "Tang". 10 Balao boats were lost.

At the end of the war, 134 Tench boats were ordered. But until the end of the fighting managed to launch only 30 on the water, of which 11 managed to finish combat training and go into battles. No boat like "TENCH" was not lost.

Characteristics of American SEC of World War II

Cutting boat "Dolphin" (type N). This loop of a bright gray-blue color typical pre-coloring American submarines. Two radioantennes are clearly visible on the sides of the cutting.

Three photos (1 at the top and 2 below) show from different sides the cutting of the PL "BASHAW", moored to his Flubaz, Brisbane, August 9, 1944. Pay attention to the hatch for servicing the deck gun in the nasal part of the cutting and TVT, mounted in the boxed sponson on board the cutting (instead of the nasal or feeder, as practiced usually). Bashaw painted on one of two gray-black camouflage schemes taken in June 1944. It is likely that this is a light MEASURE 32 / 3SS-B scheme.

Rating of atomic submarines of Russia and the United States. Who is stronger?
Americans state that in the case of even a nuclear-free war, Russian submarines will be destroyed for 12 to 15 days. They say, they are all noisy, they are easy to throw out and sink even by conventional torpedoes or bombs. Is it a bluff?

We offered readers to dive into the depths of the world's ocean. And see: who is stronger under water - American submarines or Russian submarines. And who has more powerful weapons. Today, the Military Expert Colonel Mikhail Polezhaev and the KP Observer Colonel Victor Baratan continues to compare the underwater forces of two superpowers.

Who is stronger than noise?

Mikhail Aleksandrovich, how many atomic submarines are now in Russia and the United States?

We consider only submarines with ballistic missiles, right? Russia is in the ranks of such only 12, and the average "age" is 26 years. No boats carrying more than 16 missiles, no. The basis of the Russian fleet is only 6 submarine rocket mines of the Dolphin project (according to the NATO classification of Delta-IV). The United States is 18 submarines of the Ohio type, 4 of them are repairs and upgrades. Each boat carries 24 rockets.

Americans state that in the case of even a nuclear-free war, Russian submarines will be destroyed for 12 to 15 days. They say, they are all noisy, they are easy to throw out and sink even by conventional torpedoes or bombs. Is it a bluff?

The most vulnerable underwater ship makes it noise. All is noise: Mechanisms, devices, screws and a flowing boat water. Noise for each type of boat your own. Who heard first, discovered, he won. And will find the first one who below the level of noise and more sensitive acoustics. Therefore, one of the main tasks in the underwater shipbuilding is to reduce noise. The development programs of nuclear submarines of the United States and are subordinated to the achievement of superiority in the detection range and less noise. And in this Americans succeeded.

But disputes about "who is stronger who is weaker" theoretical. The right thing of the one or the other may prove only practice, that is, the war (pah-pah!). Now, in peaceful conditions, underwater ships carefully monitor each other and determine the characteristics of "opponents". For example, the American submarine like "Los Angeles" and Russian "Pike" (according to American classification of Victor-III) approximately equivalent ships. The Americans believe that "Pike" detects "Los Angeles" in deep-water areas at a distance of 125 miles, and Los Angeles - "Pike" at a distance almost 500 miles.

When you talk with Russian submariners, they often tell the bikes about how their periscopes almost score the Boc of American ships, and they suspect nothing ...

Want to be? In the winter of 1996, the Russian Embassy in London appealed to the command of the British Navy with a request to assist the sailor, transferring the operation aboard "Pikes". He had peritonitis, the treatment of which is possible only in the hospital. "Pike" pop up, the Esmynets "Glasgow" approached, his helicopter took the patient and delivered ashore. The British media together expressed bewilderment: while in London there were negotiations on the evacuation of the patient, in the North Atlantic, just in the area where "Pike" was located, passed NATO anti-submarine maneuvers. However, the submarine managed to move only when she sacked her own position to pass on the unfortunate sailor helicopter ...

And how do you assess the technical capabilities of those atomic submarines of the United States and Russia, which are now in the ranks?

The same "pike" has a completely modern "cub" - "Pike-B". The level of its noise is 4 - 4.5 times lower than the noise of "Mamashi". Here Russia even overtook Americans. The detection range of the hydroacoustic complex "Skat-3" increased three times and was practically equal to the American AN / BQQ-5.

In addition, the new "pike" has no world analogues of the detection system of submarines and enemy ships by the kilvater trace after many hours after their passage.

On "Pikes" there is a unique tracking system that allows you to read traces of enemy boats. On the water!

Boat for billion

And what about?

The basis of the underwater fleet of Russia at least until 2015 will be "squid" (which will be replaced by the cruisers of the type "Yuri Dolgoruky") and "Dolphins".

What is the atomic fleet? Can you call numbers?

At the construction of "Dolgoruky", the treasury has already spent around a billion dollars. By completing this figure will grow by several tens of millions. Each "Bulava" is also a few tens of millions. That is, up to 1.5 billion dollars the cost of the finished "long-growing" will certainly grow.

We consider further. At the end of last year, 12 atomic underwater rocket cruisers remained in the North and Pacific Fleets in the combat composition. There are still "Dmitry Donskaya" project 941 ("Shark"). The price of each such ship is about billion dollars.

US Nuclear Fall What does Russia teach Russia?

The United States as the main superpower in military construction issued the preference to the naval forces and primarily their rocket-nuclear component, concentrating on atomic rocket submarines to 65 - 70% of nuclear potential. This is not just like that? This is another challenge. And he will have to answer. Would love ...

"Bulava" flew successfully

On September 18, the underwater rocket cruiser of the strategic appointment "Dmitry Donskoy" held another test launch of the Bulava ballistic missile. If you believe official sources, the flight was successful. According to the assistant commission of the Navy of Russia, Igor Dygalo, the launch was made from the underwater position in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe White Sea.

The parameters of the trajectory are worked out in normal mode, "said Dygalo. - Training blocks reached the Kura test landfill, located on the Kamchatka Peninsula in 380 km north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

However, the successful launch of Bulava does not open her a long-awaited way to new submarines in the near future. In the General Staff of the Navy, the KP correspondent reported that the rocket would be adopted only in 2009.

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In the photo at the top: PL "GROWLER" in February 1943 faced with Japanese transport. In the photo 5.05.1943, the boat after restoration repairs goes to the test.

Three of the 22 marine pilots saved by the "Tang" boat during their second patrol. Rescue operation in the area of \u200b\u200bO.Tru k, April 1944.

Of the 132 boat ordered "Balao" for the last 10 units, the order was canceled due to the end of the war, 21 boat was in the stage of combat training and did not participate in hostilities. All other 101 submarine took part in the battles with Japan. Most of them came into order too late to have time to make a lot of combat trips and achieve significant results. In this regard, the exception of steel SS-304 "SEAHORSE" and SS-306 "Tang". 10 Balao boats were lost.

At the end of the war, 134 Tench boats were ordered. But until the end of the fighting managed to launch only 30 on the water, of which 11 managed to finish combat training and go into battles. No boat like "TENCH" was not lost.

Characteristics of American SEC of World War II

Cutting boat "Dolphin" (type N). This loop of a bright gray-blue color typical pre-coloring American submarines. Two radioantennes are clearly visible on the sides of the cutting.

Three photos (1 at the top and 2 below) show from different sides the cutting of the PL "BASHAW", moored to his Flubaz, Brisbane, August 9, 1944. Pay attention to the hatch for servicing the deck gun in the nasal part of the cutting and TVT, mounted in the boxed sponson on board the cutting (instead of the nasal or feeder, as practiced usually). Bashaw painted on one of two gray-black camouflage schemes taken in June 1944. It is likely that this is a light MEASURE 32 / 3SS-B scheme.

Device and arms

The internal device of American boats has little differed from such ships of other countries. Although post-war comparison with trophy Japanese, German and Italian boats testifies to the best life conditions, the inhabitants of American submarine (this, of course, is not about the German boats of the last episodes).

SS-213 "Greenling", 1943

In the photo at the top: the commander of the boat is watching the purpose of the artillery periscope. In the foreground - according to his reports, the navigator conducts calculations on a circular logarithmic line, in the background - the operator contributes data to the torpedo firing machine.

In the photo at the top: feed two-tier shelves spare torpedo.

BUT target Bearing Transmitter.

In the photo below: Residential space for the team was located on boats in the nose between the torpedo compartment and the battery compartment. The situation was very spartan, but also such compartments caused envy at the submariners of other countries.

In the photo on the right below: the central post of the submarine. Its part of it is the assault table with cards. Around the arrangement of the course laying.

In the photo at the top: two mechanics in a diesel compartment from the switches of the screw / charging mode.

In the photo on the left: photo of the bridge of the "tinosa". In the frame: TVT (Target Bearing Transmitter - "Target Corner Definition Determination"), Compass Repeater and Intercom (Squawk Box).

The American submariner controls the "Christmas Tree" (panel of the layout state indication). Green light bulbs testified to the closure of the valve, and the red - about the opening.

Central post Control operators depth and filling ballast tanks.

At the bridge of the SPADEFISH. The commander examines the horizon in the binoculars, near the TVT device and the dog "Shakey" - the talisman of the submarine.

Before each combat campaign, the noise of submarines was checked (if she was superior to the norms, her reasons were eliminated, although Japanese noise feels were ineffective), and the corps were demaging (after the war, it turned out that the Japanese magnetic mines were not set).

On two photos at the top showed Diesel Model 16-278A of General Motors.

Energy Installation

Boats "GATO" and "Balao" were distinguished by their energy installation. First of all, for the first time after the First World War in American submarine, the passport power of four 8-cylinder diesel engines (each 1535l.) General Motors or Fairbanks-Morse corresponded to their real return. Diesels could drive 1100kw generators. The central post watch regulated the generator power and could use it in order to lead to any of two rowing shafts. If necessary, the power of generators could be used to charge 252 elements of nasal and feed groups of batteries.

Appearance and MK-14 torpedo device.

Torpedo automatic

A significant new product capable of improving the efficiency of the use of the PL began on American boats, a torpedo firing machine (TDC), which appeared on the submarines, starting from the S. Series

Data from the navigator logging received a lieutenant on TDC. The indicators were compared and the averaged data required to control the torpedo shooting were obtained. A firing torpedo machine with an arrow on the screen showing the angle of immigrants during a torpedo attack, ensured a schematic diagram of the relative position of the "pursuer" and "goals".

The lighting light warned when the optimal torque starts will be achieved. In the ideal case, the torpedoes were to be shot aboard the target from the distance from 920 to 1850 meters. Here, on the torpedo vehicle shooting, the angle of installing a gyroscope for controlling torpedo was calculated. These data were transmitted to the torpedo compartments, where they move the arrows on the cartus. And the second moving arrow on the other cartoon indicated the gyroscopic angle, which was automatically installed on the torpedo gyroscope. This was achieved using a steel rod, which was something like a wrench passing through the torpedo apparatus to the nest with the inner cutting in the torpedo. The rod automatically retired when the shot.

In the nasal and feed of torpedo compartments, the devices on combat posts were lagging-torpedoes of the 2nd class. Each of them controlled both arrow pointer. If they did not coincide, the earsman manually installed the torpedo gyros in the torpedo devices one of the pointers.

Unsuccessful torpedoes

The TDC torpedo machine was good, but the American torpedo MK-14 with a non-contact fuse quite often refused. In identifying defects in American torpedoes there is nothing incredible, especially if you consider the complexity of technology and its high cost. Torpeda MK-14 cost more than 10 thousand. Dollars, and even such a rich organization, as the main artillery department of the US Navy, could not afford a large number of tests under conditions close to combat.

For a long time, the main artillery management left numerous complaints of submariners without an answer. The scandal is called after in 1943. SS-283 "Tinosa" submarine released 10 torpedoes on the damaged Japanese tanker "Topap Magi III", American acoustics spotted 8 blows into the goal, but not a single explosion followed. The epic of finishes and refinement began. Changed details, checked technology - everything is useless.

On June 24, 1943, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet US Admiral Nimitsa was patient. He ordered to remove non-contact fuses from the torpedo and replace them with improved contact. The main artillery government expressed bewilderment about this, but Nimitz remained adamant. However, with the weapons of all American submarines, the non-contact fuse was removed only in March 1944, when attempts to bring him crash.

In the late 1944 A new American acoustic torpedo based on German T4 Zaunkonig was accepted in Pearl Harbor. When testing, it turned out that the torpedo, called Cutie, contains a lot of congenital defects. And most importantly - it is not able to strive the goals moving faster than 8.5 knots. A series of experiments convinced the military that the use of Cutie from submarines is impractical. It was more successful as an aviation anti-submarine torpedo in the Atlantic.

Another important disadvantage of the main American torpedoes MK-14 (MKXIV) and MK-18 (MKXVIII) was a small weight of the combat part. 500 pounds (226.8 kg) Explovers located in the US Torpedes were less than the fighting charges of the remaining warring countries. There was little expense of such a number of explosives, both from the point of view of a serious damage to the combat ships of the enemy, and in terms of defeating the tankers who became the main purpose of American submarine since 1943

On two photos (at the top and bottom): the process of loading torpedoes into a submarine.

In the photo below: Sailors on the SPADEFISH boat (in the foreground) are celebrated by the Tinosa, returning to Pearl Harbor from the next hike.


Artillery armament of American submarines during the Second World War has undergone significant changes. At the same time, two main goals are traced - protection of the boat, forced to be in an overnight position, from the opponent aircraft and artillery weapons for attacks of unprotected transports.

The first task at the beginning of the war was to solve with the help of a 0.5-inch (12.7-mm) machine gun with water cooling, mounted on a platform of cutting. Doubting the effectiveness of such systems, submarines began to arm a 20-mm machine guns Oerlikon and 40mm Bofors. Fire power has certainly increased, but the hopes will be fought off such a sentence from several aircraft looked too optimistic, although the Aviation at the end of the war from the Japanese was no longer the one that at the beginning. By 1945, 12.7-mm machine guns were again entered into fashion, the truth was now "land" - with air-cooled, killing inside the housing during immersion.

Training shooting out of 3 "guns (in a combat atmosphere, the entire calculation of the guns dressed as a helmet).

5 "/ 25с1 tools.

20mm Oerlikon.

4 "/ 50cal tools.

40mm bofors.

12.7mm machine gun with water cooling casing to Silverside. Photo of 1942.

12.7mm Air Cooling Machine. When immersing, machine guns were filmed and removed inside the boat.

Artillery armament has proven itself on German submarines in the first world. The guns of American submarine at the beginning of the Second World War had a clearly insufficient caliber - 3 inches. When shooting cars, the boat had to be on the surface for a long time and spend many shells. Gradually, 3 inches changed to 4, then 5.

Boats "GATO" and "BALAO" ended the war armed with 5 "to the gun in the bow of the deck, 20 mm Oerlikon on the balcony, 40 mm Bofors in the aft part and a pair of portable 12.7-mm machine guns. Although the options for the placement of weapons was somewhat ...


Mines that could be put out of torpedo devices appeared in Germany in 1916. Assessing the importance of such an idea back in 1921, the US fleet began to develop an anchor of a 25-inch torpedo caliber. The created sample received the name MK-10. Fur - galvanized. Mina was in service until the mid-1950s. Released models for air, with torpedo boats, model 3 had a magnetic fuse, etc. The main plus of mines is a very long time of the fighting service, but the depth of the formulation was limited to the length of the Ministry of Award.

Several later, the development of bottom non-contact mines (magnetic) on the basis of German-type German mines with a charge of 1000 pounds of trinitrotoloole was launched. Mine was performed in a cylindrical aluminum case and simply shot out of the torpedo apparatus. The weapon was called MK-12. A well-designed specimen only in 1957 was recognized as obsolete and removed from weapons. In this model, the weakest place was the warranty period of the accumulator - 90 days. True, this period strongly depended on the local conditions and could change towards the increase. There is a case of a possible undermining on MK-12 mine 23 months after setting. Although, of course, a relatively short period of operation of electrical equipment reduced combat value. In order to complete the boat mines, it should be noted that in 1945 the new sample was adopted with urgency and multiplicity devices, a non-contact fusion, etc. The weight of explosives in mine MK-17 increased to 1375 pounds (623.7 kg), but apply Her in combat conditions did not have time.


While other fleets for increasing a limited view from submarines experimented with airplanes, US Navy set the opposite task before developers. In the early 1930s, the NRL Project Institute (NVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY), cooperating with other design and production units of the Navy, developed a technical device for directed radiation of radio waves and receiving signals reflected from the target. This device was called "Radio Detection and Ranging", soon abbreviated before Radar. At the end of 1938, the first prototype was mounted on the New York linear ship. Radar was bulky and very unreliable, but operational. The process of phased improvement began. From May 1940 New, more compact and reliable samples began to be installed on the ships of the main classes.

Submarines on this list were far from the forefront. Nevertheless, in the late 1941. Search anti-aircraft locators decreased to such sizes that their placement has become possible on submarines. The first type of "boat" radar was SD, a non-directional radiation locator with a 6-10-mile radius. Its quite powerful radiation, it could be accepted by the enemy radio bearers. However, it was a huge assistance in finding aircraft - the main opponents of submarines. The SS-179 submarine "Plunger" published from Pearl Harbor 12/13/1941, having one of the first radar plants on board, became the first American submarine that experienced his radar in a combat campaign. Soon, as far as possible, other submarines began to be equipped with SD locators.

Only a very small number of submarines received a complete set of radar antennas, as shown in the photo "Mingo", 06/17/1945. Anti-aircraft radar SS recent years of release replaced the SD rectangular antenna of a large oval, fundamental in the picture. The lifting antenna is now used for long-distance communication and replaced the pin antenna, which was previously used to duplicate SD.

Early SD version

Late SD version

Early version SJ.

Late version SJ.

The SEARAVEN PL is equipped with an antenna system characteristic of the middle of war. The boat has a late oval antenna Radar SJ, and in the background, thin antennas SD are visible. Also visible 3 constantly raised pines antennas. The one is in front - for SPR-1, average for VHF and aft - for IFF. Snapshot of February 6, 1945.

Radio antenna

JP hydrophone

In July 1942, the SS-231 "Haddock" received the next-generation radars - SJ, installation for the detection of surface ships. This allowed the definition of simultaneously azimuth (directions) and a distance to the target on the surface of the water with an accuracy that makes the shooting torpedo according to SJ data with good chances of success. As the first samples were tested and calibrated, and RLS operators are appropriately trained, submariner commanders really believed that with the help of radar they can navigate in the situation outside of human vision.

In September 1943, the SS-279 SNOOK boat was first equipped with a new type of radar with a circular indicator with a radial scan. It in easily accessible form displaced the situation with azimuths and distances. This new screen, called PPI (Plan Position Indicator - the position project indicator), replaced the previous indicators that displayed information about the target as a pulse mark on the horizontal scale. PPI screens made radar results available to everyone.

During the war, the radars were constantly improved. Implemented at the beginning of the SD model gradually was replaced with SS type. The radar turned American boats into a formidable weapon capable of seeing in the dark and in bad weather, retaining many lives of American submariners.


Against the background of the success of the radar, somehow "lost" the achievements of hydrolections. But sonars were also improved, and the model FM of the end of the war could almost safely hold American boats through mine fields.

Hydrocators could detect anchor mines at distances to 3.5 cab. According to American specialists, their hydrolytator worked more hidden than English "Asdic", and allowed to accurately distinguish anchor mines from other underwater objects.

There was a case of use by Americans PL for exploration of mine barrage at approaches to the coast of Japan in order to ensure safe maneuvering of their superwater ships in the area. With its help on March 13-14, 1945, SS-282 "Tunny" found 222 Anchor mines of the Japanese in the East-Chinese Sea. Despite this, several submarines of the United States died in Japanese mines.

08/13/1944 American boat SS-250 "Flier", following in an overnight position, blew up on Mine and sank in the Balabak Strait. 13 officers and sailors succeeded. This example of the underground is little connected with the hydrolyator, but the following is directly on the subject of this chapter. 7.11.1944 The Japanese watchdog noted an underwater explosion within the mine bar of O. Khokkaido in the SS-218 "Albacore" submarine patrol area. This boat disappeared. She probably blew up on Mine and sank.

American pls who have achieved the greatest success during World War II

Skill. Ships tonnage

SS-222 Bluefisli 12 50.839

SS-291 Crevalle 9 51.814

SS-260 Lapon 1 1 53.443

SS-257 Harder 16 54.002

SS-239 Whale 9 57.716

SS-254 Gurnard 10 57.866

SS-229 Flying Fish 15 58.306

SS-213 Greenling 15 59.234

SS-230 FINBACK 13 59.383

SS-281 SUNFISH 16 59.815

SS-311 ArcherFish 2 59.800

SS-238 Wahoo 20 60.038

SS-223 Bonefish 12 61.345

SS-208 Gray Back 13 61.655

SS-266 Pogy 16 62.633

SS-283 Tinosa 16 64.655

SS-200 TRESHER 17 66.172

SS-287 BOWFIN 16 67.882

SS-19S Sealion 1 1 68.297

SS-211 Gudgeon 12 71.047

SS-304 SEAHORSE 19 71.564

SS-197 Seawolf 18 71.609

SS-199 Tautog 25 71.641

SS-217 Gardfish 19 72.424

SS-279 Snook 17 75.473

SS-259 Jack 15 76.687

SS-228 Drum 15 80.580

SS-237 TRIGGER 18 86.552

SS-411 SPADEFISH 21 88.091 + 17.05.45 "Transbalt"

SS-236 Silversides 23 90.080

SS-306 Tang 24 93.824

SS-220 BARB 17 96.628

SS-269 Rasher 18 99.901

SS-249 Flasher 21 100.231

American submarines during World War II
Office management

US submarines in the Pacific Ocean were reduced in two compounds: the underwater forces of the Pacific Fleet and the underwater forces of the Asian fleet - with the relevant commander and headquarters. In early 1942 The underwater forces of the Asian fleet were subordinate to the commander of the submarine forces of the Pacific Ocean. At the Atlantic TVD submarine US boats were reduced to the underwater forces of the Atlantic fleet.

The headquarters of the underwater forces included the departments of operational planning, exploration, combat training and personnel. As part of the headquarters were research groups that generated recommendations for the choice of the highest distances of the volley, the dissolution angles of the torpedo in volley, the tactics of the PL, leading to the greatest loss of the enemy. These recommendations were not less than once a month published in the "Submarine Bulletin".

Submarines "Grouper" and "This" represent 2 options for typical GATO type boats 1945.

In the photo at the top: the GROUPER veteran boat (11 patrols) 5-inch gun is located preload, 40 mm Bofors machines on the balcony and bridge.

In the photo below: the boat "This" in 1945. 5 "Weapon behind the logging, 40-mm automatic machine on the" balcony ". SS and SJ antennas are visible.

Three American boats in Auckland Harbor in 1945. Left - right: "Cabrilla", "Bluefish" and "COD".

Communication with boats located in the sea carried out command items. They had cards, with subsequent places and routes of pl, as well as the situation obtained on the radio from the PL and other forces. From the command items on the radio on the boats, the situation was transferred, the orders of the commander, information about the promotion of distinguished. But on submarine submarines, command points often have often made the receipts about the reception of their radiograms (the delays reached 1 hour or more), which forced the boats for a long time to be over the water. There were no effective air intelligence in the Americans.

To ensure the interaction between PL, surface ships and aviation, the Americans created a zonal system. Zones were identified:

1st - for the sky activities of the pl and 2nd - the safety corridors of the PL (in these zones, submarines were prohibited, except the cases of the unequivocal identification of the enemy);

The 3rd - for the combat activities of the PL (approach to the zone by surface ships was banned);

4th - aerial-winding - for the actions of surface ships and aircraft (PL did not have the right to enter it without permission);

The 5th - United - for the simultaneous actions of pl, surface ships and aircraft, which, while in it, were guided by the rules of mutual security;

The 6th - unlimited bombing - for the action of aircraft (boats to enter the zone forbidden).

However, despite the presence of this system, there were cases of combat contacts and clashes of American fils with each other and their ships. SS-217 "Guardfish" 01/24/1945 Skilled the rescue vessel (tug) "Extractor", accidentally turned out in the 3rd zone, having accepted him for an enemy submarine.

An identification of Americans was worked out badly. The submission of identification signals from the PL was often regarded on surface ships and aircraft as the trick of the enemy. Until the end of the war, the American command could not organize the notification of the location of his PL when approaching them of aviation or surface ships, as a result of which the aircraft and surface ships were presented for submariners. Let us give a specific example.

10.10.1944 Japanese submarine RO-41 attacked the American compound from the escort aircraft carriers CVE-63 "St. LO "(up to 15.9.1944 -" Midway "), CVE-70" Fanshaw Bay "and four escort destroyers (" Shelton "," Richard M.ROWell "," EVERSOLE "," Edmonds ") to the north-east From the island of Morotha. Torpedoes fell into the SHELTON escort police officer, which sank fourteen hours when towing (02 ° 33 "S.Sh., 129 ° 18" VD.). Escort destroyer "Richard M.ROWell" attacked underwater boat with deep bombs, but RO-41 left him and soon returned to Kura.

But the search for a Japanese submarine continued. About 3 hours after the shelton was attacked, the aircraft carrier aircraft carrier. Lo "discovered a submarine. After some time, she attacked and Skilled the Ministry of Emergency "Richard M.ROWell". As a result of the Fleet of the United States lost the SS-197 SS-197 submarines. All this happened in the "Safety Corridor" (2nd zone) ...

PL "Trout" in December 1943. The boat will be saved by the Japanese destroyer 02/25/1944. When attacking the convoy.

PL S-20 during successive tests in New London in 1920.

PL "PIKE" comes out of the base of the mayor Island. On the boat weapons I.Ob the beginning of the beginning of the war. With the installation of radar silhos of submarines changed much.

During the war, 28 pls were attacked by their aircraft, 5 - surface ships; Two - sweeping, nine damaged returned to the base base.

Submarines dictate the rules in the sea war and force everyone to observe the order of order.

Those stubs, which will risk neglecting the rules of the game, expects an ambulance and painful death in the oiled water, in the midst of floating fragments and spots of oil. Boats, regardless of the flag, remain the most dangerous combat machines capable of crushing any opponent.

I suggest your attention a small story about the seven of the most successful projects of a submarine years.

Boats type T (Triton-Class), United Kingdom
The number of submarines constructed - 53.
Water displacement surface - 1290 tons; Underwater - 1560 tons.
Crew - 59 ... 61 people.
The working depth of the immersion is 90 m (riveted housing), 106 m (welded body).
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.5 knots; In the underwater - 9 nodes.
The stock of the fuel 131 tons provided a navigation range in an overnight position of 8000 miles.
- 11 torpedo devices of a 533 mm caliber (sinyl or III boats), ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 1 x 102 mm Universal weapon, 1 x 20 mm anti-aircraft "erlikon".

HMS Traveler.

The British underwater terminator capable of "knock out a crack" from the head of any enemy with the help of a nasal 8-torpedo volley. The "T" boats were not equal to the destructive power among all the submarine period of the VMV period, they explain their ferocious appearance with a bizarre nasal superstructure where additional torpedo devices are located.

The notorious British conservatism remained in the past - the British were one of the first to equip their boats asdic hydrocators. Alas, despite its powerful weapons and modern means of discovery, the open sea boats like "T" did not become the most effective among the British submarines of the Second World War. Nevertheless, they passed the exciting combat path and achieved a number of wonderful victories. Tritons were actively used in the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea, japanese communications on the Pacific, several times noted in the shock of the Arctic waters.

In August 1941, the "Taigris" and Trident submarines arrived in Murmansk. British submariners demonstrated a master class with their Soviet colleagues: 4 enemy steamers were swaming for two campaigns, incl. "Byi Laura" and "Donau II" with thousands of soldiers of the 6th Mornetral Division. Thus, the sailors prevented the third German attack on Murmansk.

Among other famous trophies of the type "T" type, a German light cruiser "Carlsruhe" and the Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Asigar" are launched. The samurai "was lucky" to get acquainted with the full 8-torpedo salvo submarine "Trenchent" - having received 4 torpedoes into the board (+ one of the stern ta), the cruiser quickly overturned and sank.

After the war, the powerful and perfect "Tritons" another quarter of a century were in service with the Royal Navy.
It is noteworthy that three boats of this type in the late 1960s acquired Israel - one of them, Ins Dakar (formerly HMS Totem) died in 1968 in the Mediterranean Sea with unexplained circumstances.

Boats like "Craising" series XIV, Soviet Union
The number of submarines built - 11.
Water displacement surface - 1500 tons; Underwater - 2100 tons.
Crew - 62 ... 65 people.

The speed is complete in the surface position - 22.5 UZ.; In the underwater - 10 bonds.
Swimming range 16500 miles (9 Ultrasound)
Sailing range in the underwater position - 175 miles (3 UZ.)

- 2 x 100 mm of universal guns, 2 x 45 mm of anti-aircraft semi-automatic matters;
- up to 20 min of barrier.

... December 3, 1941 German hunters UJ-1708, UJ-1416 and UJ-1403 threw the Soviet boat bombs, trying to attack the convoy of Bustad-Sunda.

Hans, do you hear this creature?
- Nain. After a series of explosions, the Russians lay on the bottom - I sit down three strikes about the soil ...
- Can you determine where are they now?
- Donnervetter! They are blown away. Surely decided to emerge and surrender.

German sailors were mistaken. A monster rose from the sea depths to the surface - the cruising submarine K-3 series XIV, which brought the artillery fire on the opponential. From the fifth volley, the Soviet seamans managed to sink U-1708. The second hunter, having received two straight hits, snamed and turned aside - his 20 mm of anti-aircraft vehicles could not compete with the "weaving" of the secular underwater cruiser. Throwing the Germans like puppies, K-3 quickly disappeared beyond the horizon on a 20-node move.

Soviet "Katyusha" was a phenomenal boat for his time. Welded body, mighty artillery and minno-torpedo arm, powerful diesel engines (2 x 4200 hp!), High surface speed 22-23 nodes. Huge autonomy of fuel reserves. Remote control valves of ballast tanks. Radio station capable of transmitting signals from the Baltic to the Far East. Exceptional level of comfort: shower cabins, refrigerated tanks, two plating water cleaner, electrocambouses ... Two boats (K-3 and K-22) were equipped with Led-Lizovsky ASDIC hydrocators.

But, oddly enough, nor high characteristics nor the most powerful weapons did "Katyushi" efficient - in addition to the dark with the attack K-21 on the Tirpitz, during the years of the boat of the XIV series there are only 5 successful torpedo attacks and 27 thousand BR. Reg. tons of across tonnage. Most of the victories were obsessed with the mines. Moreover, our own losses amounted to five cruising boats.

K-21, Severomorsk, our days

The causes of failures lie in the tactics of "Katyush" - the powerful underwater cruisers created for the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, had to be "staring" in the shallow Baltic "puddle." Under the actions at depths of 30-40 meters, a huge 97-meter boat could hit the nose of the ground, while her feed was still sticking out on the surface. Few easier accounted for sailors-navalomors - as the practice showed, the effectiveness of the combat use of Katyush was complicated by the weak preparation of the personnel and the misinterpretation of the command.

It's a pity. These boats were calculated for more.

"Baby", Soviet Union
Series VI and VI-BIS - built 50.
The XII series - built 46.
The XV series - built 57 (4) was taken in hostilities.

TTH boats type M series XII:
Water displacement surface - 206 tons; Underwater - 258 tons.
Autonomy - 10 days.
The working depth of immersion - 50 m, the limit - 60 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 14 UZ.; in the underwater - 8 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position - 3380 miles (8.6 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position - 108 miles (3 nodes).
- 2 torpedo apparatus of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 2 torpedoes;
- 1 x 45 mm anti-aircraft semi-automatic.


The mini-submarine project for the rapid strengthening of the Pacific Fleet - the main feature of the type M boats was the possibility of transporting according to the railway in a fully assembled form.

In pursuit of compactness, I had to sacrifice many - the service at the "Baby" turned into a grueling and dangerous event. Heavy domestic conditions, a strong "bolt" - the waves ruthlessly threw a 200-ton "float", risking it into parts. Shallow immersion depth and weak weapon. But the main concern of sailors was the reliability of the submarine - one shaft, one diesel, one electric motor - a tiny "baby" did not leave a chance of a careless crew, the slightest malfunction on board threatened the death for the submarine.

The kids quickly evolved - TTX each new series differed from the previous project: the regiments were improved, the electrical equipment and detection means were updated, the dive time was reduced, autonomy grew. "Baby" of the XV series have already reminded their predecessors of the 6th and XII series: one-and-and-alarm design - ballast tanks were taken out of a solid body; GEU received a standard two-walled arrangement with two diesel engines and underwater electromotors. The number of torpedo devices increased to four. Alas, the XV series appeared too late - the major severity of the war carried the "Baby" VI and XII episodes.

Despite their modest sizes and only 2 torpedoes on board, tiny fish differed simply terrifying "voraciousness": in just the years, the second world Soviet submarines of type M Skilled 61 vessels of the enemy with a total tonnage of 135.5 thousand BRT, destroyed 10 warships, and also damaged 8 transports.

Babes, originally intended for action in the coastal zone, learned to fight effectively in open marine areas. They enjoyed enemy communications with larger boats, patrolled from the exits from enemy bases and fjords, deftly overcame the anti-submarine barriers and undermined the transports right in the pits inside protected enemy harnesses. Just amazing how the redties were able to fight on these garbage ships! But they fought. And won!

Boats like "Average" series IX-BIS, Soviet Union
The number of submarines constructed - 41.
Water displacement surface - 840 tons; Underwater - 1070 tons.
Crew - 36 ... 46 people.
The working depth of immersion - 80 m, the limit - 100 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 19.5 knots; In the underwater position - 8.8 knots.
Sailing range in the surface of 8000 miles (10 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position 148 miles (3 nodes).

"Six torpedo devices and as much spare torpedo on convenient racks for recharging. Two guns with big ammunition, machine guns, subversive property ... in a word, it is necessary to fight than. A 20-node wind speed! It allows you to overtake almost any convoy and attack it again. Technique is good ... "
- Opinion of the commander S-56, Hero of the Soviet Union G.I. Shchedrin

"Esquis" was distinguished by rational layout and balanced construction, powerful weapons, excellent travel and seaworthy qualities. Initially, the German project of the company "Deshimag", improved under the Soviet requirements. But do not rush to clap your hands and remember Mistral. After the start of mass construction of the IX series on the Soviet shipyards, the German project was revised for the purpose of the full transition to Soviet equipment: Diesels 1D, weapons, radio stations, a sovereign, gyrocompass ... - in boats that received the designation "IX-bis series", there was not a single Fride bolt!

The problems of combat use of the "average" boats, as a whole, were similar to cruising boats type K - locked on the sided mines, they could not realize their high battle qualities. There were much better things on the Northern Fleet - during the war years boat C-56 under the command of G.I. Shchedrin made a transition through the quiet and atlantic oceans, going from Vladivostok to Polar, becoming subsequently the most effective boat of the USSR Navy.

No less fantastic history is associated with the "Bombaluator" C-101 - Over the years of the war on the boat, the Germans and the Allies were reset over 1000 deep bombs, but every time the C-101 was safely returned to the polar.

Finally, it was on the C-13 that Alexander Marnesco achieved his famous victories.

C-56 torpedo compartment

"The cruel alterations in which the ship, bombing and explosions got, depth, far exceeding the official limit. From everything we protected the boat ... "

- From the memories of G.I. Shchedrin

Boats such as GATO, USA
The number of submarines built - 77.
Water displacement surface - 1525 tons; Underwater - 2420 tons.
Crew - 60 people.
The working depth of immersion is 90 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 21 bonds; In the underwater position - 9 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position of 11,000 miles (10 nk.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 96 miles (2 nk.).
- 10 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 24 torpedoes;
- 1 x 76 mm Universal tool, 1 x 40 mm anti-aircraft gun "Boiffs", 1 x 20 mm "Erlikon";
- One of the boats - the USS Barb was equipped with a reactive system of salvo flames for the shelling of the coast.

The ocean underwater cruisers like "Getow" appeared in the midst of the war in the Pacific Ocean and became one of the most effective tools of the US Navy. They tightly blocked all strategic straits and approaches to the atales, cut all the lines of supply, leaving Japanese garrisons without reinforcements, and the Japanese industry - without raw materials and oil. In the fights with the "Getow", the imperial fleet lost two heavy aircraft carriers, lost four cruisers and damn a dozen destroyers.

High speed, slaughter torpedo weapon, the most advanced radio techniques of the enemy detection - radar, direction finder, hydrolyator. Swimming range, providing combat patrols from the shores of Japan when acting from the base in Hawaii. Increased comfort on board. But the main thing is the excellent training of crews and weakness of Japanese anti-submarine products. As a result, "Getow" ruthlessly spoke everything in a row - they brought them from the blue sea depths to victory in the Pacific Ocean.

... One of the main achievements of the Getow boats, which changed the whole world, is considered to be an event on September 2, 1944. On that day, the submarine "Finbeck" was defended by a disaster signal from a falling aircraft and, after many hours of searches, discovered in the ocean of frightened, and was already a desperate pilot. . Saved turned out to be someone George Herbert Bush.

Cutting submarine "Flasher", Memorial in Groton.

The list of Flasher trophies sounds like a fleet anecdote: 9 tankers, 10 transports, 2 watchdogs with a total tonnage 100 231 BRT! And on a snack, the boat grabbed the Japanese cruiser and the destroyer. Lucky, damn!

Electricity type XXI, Germany

By April 1945, the Germans managed to lower 118 submarines of the XXI series. However, only two of them were able to achieve operational readiness and reach the sea in the last days of the war.

Displacement surface - 1620 tons; Underwater - 1820 tons.
Crew - 57 people.
The working depth of immersion is 135 m, the limit - 200+ meters.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.6 tons., In the underwater position - 17 bonds.
Swimming range at an outdrawal position 15 500 miles (10 nk.).
Swimming range in the underwater position 340 miles (5 nk.).
- 6 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 2 anti-aircraft "Flac" caliber 20 mm.

U-2540 "Wilhelm Bauer" on the eternal parking lot in Bremerhafen, our days

Our allies were firmly lucky that all the forces of Germany were thrown on the Eastern Front - Frica did not have enough resources to release a flock of fantastic "electric vehicles." They appear for a year earlier - and all, drut! Another fracture in the battle for the Atlantic.

The Germans guess the first: everything that shipbuilders of other countries are proud of - large ammunition, powerful artillery, high surface speed of 20+ nodes - has little value. Key parameters that determine the combat efficiency of the submarine is its speed and reserve of the stroke in the underwater position.

Unlike his peers, the "eletrobot" was focused on permanent under water: the maximum streamlined body without heavy artillery, fences and platforms - all, for the sake of minimizing the subsea resistance. Snorkel, six groups of batteries (3 times more than ordinary boats!), Powerful email. Motors of full turn, quiet and economical email. Engines "Samples".

Feed part U-2511, flooded at a depth of 68 meters

The Germans calculated everything - the whole campaign of the "electricity" was moving on a periscopt depth under RDP, remaining difficult to suit the enemy's anti-submarine means. At a great depth, its advantage has become even more shocking: 2-3 times the larger reserve of the course, with twice as much speed than any of the submarines of the War Years! High stealth and impressive underwater skills, self-equipped torpedoes, a complex of the most advanced detection tools ... "Electrobots" opened a new milestone in the history of the underwater fleet, determining the vector of development of the submarine in the post-war years.

The allies were not ready for a meeting with a similar threat - as shown post-war tests, "Electrobots" were several times exceeded by the range of mutual hydroacoustic detection of American and British destroyers, guarding convoy.

Boats like VII, Germany
The number of submarines built - 703.
Water displacement surface - 769 tons; Underwater - 871 tons.
Crew - 45 people.
Working depth of immersion - 100 m, limit - 220 meters
The speed is complete in the supernation - 17.7 n.; in the underwater position - 7.6 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position 8 500 miles (10 tons.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 80 miles (4 nk.).
- 5 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 14 torpedoes;
- 1 x 88 mm Universal tool (until 1942), eight options for add-ons with 20 and 37 mm anti-aircraft installations.

* TTH-given TTX correspond to subseening boats VIIC

The most effective combat ships of all, ever koving the world ocean.
Relatively simple, cheap, mass, but at the same time an excellent armed and deadly agent for total underwater terror.

703 submarines. 10 million tons of across tonnage! Battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, corvetics and enemy submarines, oil tankers, vehicles with airplanes, tanks, cars, rubber, ore, machinery, ammunition, outfitting and food ... Damage from the actions of German submariners exceeded all reasonable limits - if Not an inexhaustible industrial US potential capable of compensating for any loss of allies, German U-bots had all the chances of "strangle" the United Kingdom and change the course of world history.

U-995. Graceful underwater killer

Often, the success of "seven" is associated with "prosperous time" 1939-41. - Allegedly, when the allies of the convoy system and the asdic hydrocators appears, the success of German submariners ended. A completely populist statement based on the incorrect interpretation of "prosperity times".

The alignment was simple: at the beginning of the war, when for each German boat I had to one by one anti-pelvis ship allies, "seven" felt themselves invulnerable owners of the Atlantic. It was then that there were the legendary Aces that sinking on 40 enemy vessels. The Germans have already held the victory in their hands when the allies suddenly put out 10 anti-submarine ships and 10 aircraft at the rate of each operating boat Crymsmarine!

Starting from the spring of 1943, Yankees and the British began to methodically fade by crigsmarine anti-submarine equipment and soon achieved a magnificent loss ratio - 1: 1. So fought until the end of the war. In Germans, ships ended faster than their opponents.

The whole history of German "seven" is a formidable warning from the past: what threat is submarine and how large the costs of creating an effective system of countering the underwater threat.

Washed American poster for those years. "Beit on pain! Come serve to the underwater fleet - in our account 77% across a tonnage!" Comments, as they say, unnecessary

The article uses materials from the book "Soviet underwater shipbuilding", V. I. Dmitriev, Milivdat, 1990.


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