How to love your work Tips for a psychologist? How to love your work: Tips for a psychologist How to force yourself to go to the unloved job

Which of us do not dream about once getting ready to work for your dream? There are no such? Not wise! Alas, people who would like their work in 24/7/12/365, and even 100%, simply does not exist. Nevertheless, there are ways to make sure that the work brings joy, and not ... Khm ... Well, we will not be about sad! How to change your attitude to work? Read this article, everything is written in it.


Part 1

Get more pleasure from work

    Do not forget about gratitude. Whatever your work is - beloved, unloved or no, constantly remember that it should be grateful to her, difficult. Difficult, but need. If you do not like your work, then think about all that you should be grateful to work - this will help you not break. If you see work in a more positive light, it will not be superfluous either.

    • You can even keep a special diary in which you will record everything, for which you are grateful to your work. Daily should be made in the diary at least 3 gratitude points. Here are examples: "The sun shines through my window", "a pretty courier girl looks at me", "today I was raised." Even if you have a particularly work and thank you for something, then make an effort and find three times to record in the diary.
    • Try to understand what is good for you work. Maybe the salary is decent, yes, such that is enough for the books that you dreamed of from childhood? Or do you work close to the house, saving a couple of hours that could spend on the road?
  1. Find at least one reason to love your work. Even if the work you don't care at all and even somewhere against wool, you need to try to find at least one reason to go to work daily. Believe me, it will only benefit you! Even if this occasion is an assortment in the dining room, where you go to a lunch break.

    • Of course, here you need not just to find something like that you are grateful. You need to find exactly the reason to get up from bed and go to work again and again.
    • Example: Just waking up, but still not getting out of bed, lie for a minute and think about the very reason (let's say, the reason for you is the ability to smell with a pretty foreman). In the afternoon, accordingly, naugh flirting from the soul, stopped on a second and tell me "That's what I am grateful to my work."
  2. Think about what you learned at work. Maybe you have chosen by Samodur's chief, can you work in any collective? Maybe you have become a more efficient manager? Maybe you learned better to manage your own time? Any job is something yes teaches yes, even if at first glance it seems that the only conclusion that can be done is the conclusion that you can't tolerate your work.

    • Some people make the focus on the skills they receive on any position - de help their career. And even if you are stuck in the post of "Junior Assistant not a very older manager," you are able to feel the idea that the experience gained will help you once come out in a big-pre-prolonged bosses.
    • Others, in turn, focus on the knowledge that receive at work. Yes, we will be objective, most vacancies in our days - nothing. Salary, as they say, small, but work is hard. What knowledge is here, you ask? And very important - you learned than you do not want to do before the end of your days. And this is already a motivation to find a job better, starting to engage in what the soul is.
  3. Think about the importance of work in itself. Think why you can call the work performed by you important. Think about what your stay is in the workplace for the enterprise. I can always tell you about something, even if it is only professional ethics or, let's say, the ability to quickly make a sandwich.

    • Remember, every employee, that is, part of the team, something is important. Accordingly, think about what you make such an important, and this will allow you to look at work a little ... warmer.
    • Do not forget that all professions are important, all professions are needed. All work is important if, of course, know which side to look. Do you work in a coffee shop? Yes, you help people cheer up and do your job!
  4. Be a realist. You do not love your work if you force yourself. There's no bit. Neither for a penny Do not even hope, it will not come out. What you will succeed, so it is only to detect all new and new difficulties and unpleasant moments around them, with your work related.

    • Do not refuse ourselves in pleasure sometimes wake up and understand that you do not want to go to work that you do not like your work - even then when you are trying to find something that you could have been grateful to work. Know that white bands will inevitably replace black.
    • If something happened that you are angry or annoying, try to remember that the problem is in a situation, and not in the work entirely. It will help you to stay and do not spin in the abyss of hand and irritation by work.
  5. Find something for yourself than you could do professionally besides work. Sometimes we just need to be distracted. Someone leads the blog, someone comes up with, how to optimize the structure of the enterprise ...

    • Think how it would be possible to make your work better. Maybe you can work more efficiently? Faster? Better? All this will allow you to show your creativity and initiative, will give you a goal - in general, it does not hurt.
  6. Make your work better. Sometimes there are ways to turn the work-torture into the work - a dream (or, which is much likely to work, which is, can-and-suffer). Maybe it's just enough to talk to the boss on the transition to a more convenient work schedule?

    • Example: Your colleague or even the boss is constantly getting you. Talk to them about this Tet-A-Tet. Perhaps they don't even guess how it all affects you! If you understand, then try to reach their conscience (and give them reason to change your behavior) - it can be all great to change for the better!
    • Indicate the limits and limits of permissible. If you process, and for thanks, you will discuss it with your leadership. If the work is such that processing seems to be meant - run from there!
  7. If you don't care about the bone in my throat - dismissed and do not spare, for life is alone, and that short. Yes, sometimes you and work are simply incompatible for any other reasons. Well, just find yourself a new job - the one you enjoy more.

    • Think if it is really worth dismissing. If work beats your well-being, physical or mental, if colleagues are humiliated, and you can not do anything with all this - yes, it's time to leave.
    • Try not to dismiss anywhere, that is, not finding a new job. However, remember - it is not a fact that you immediately come out for the previous level. Perhaps you have to start from the very beginning. But, of course, this does not mean that you need to continue to christmas on the unloved work.

    Part 2

    Make your workplace better
    1. Appreciate colleagues. Even if you do not really appreciate them, remember - the working atmosphere in the team will be better if you refer to them at least professionally. Understand and admit that all your colleagues make something useful for the company.

      • Do not forget to say "Thank you" to colleagues. You can thank you as for something common (thanks for not forgetting to turn off the light in the kitchen) and for the work done (thanks for worked at the presentation - it is right masterpiece).
      • Admit that every colleague is important. Actually, it is - all of us are valuable as workers who produce one or another product (even if the intangible). Support? The company's face. Workers dining room? They feed you. Cleaner? Thanks to her, you do not work in a hlev! Appreciate and respember someone else's work.
    2. Try to remember the names of colleagues and use them in a conversation. Instead of template "Hi, how myself?" You should learn to contact colleagues by name. The mechanism is simple: people love to hear their name, people are warmer relate to those who know from name. And we know that how pleasant you see the place of work is largely depends on the team, and the relationship with the team can be improved, just remembering the names of colleagues. Everything is simple - pronounce their names more often, and the people will dyate to you!

      Help each other, keep each other. A more positive working atmosphere is based on mutual and support, on the feeling of shoulder and elbow, so to speak! You understand, you have to spend a day with these people, so you should not complicate my life.

      Try to find something in your work than you could inspire. Even if your job is cleaning in hotel rooms, or the street sale of sandwiches, or an important position in a large bank. Whatever you earn an urgent bread, try to find in this inspiring moment - even if only for yourself. You decide what your work is important.

      • Refer to the example of people inspiring you, including celebrities. Not necessarily become the second Mother Teresa, but you can help one two people!
      • Start some creative project at work or outside it (but so that it is connected with it). This will serve as a great way to confuse inspiration. You can come up with new ways to perform work - it will be quite good.
    3. Do not forget to have fun with your colleagues. Even if you do not really like what you have to do at work, Troller humor and fun will allow time to fly faster. For this, you, by the way, do not need to be lazy or cruel!

      • Record on the chalkboard for markers the funniest guess of the day for the authorship of colleagues.
      • Organize a contest of really bad jokes and offer some stupid prize for winning it. Preferably, of course, avoid coarse and evil jokes.

    Part 3.

    Live not only by work
    1. Remember that the working life affects personal, and personal - on the working. What we do at work is important and then when we come home. The way we feel at home becomes how we feel at work. This is a cycle, and the eternal, where both parts affect each other. Try to keep the balance of workers and personal. About it - hereinafter.

    2. Cut the time with relatives and loved ones. People tend to go to themselves and their work. And then they suddenly understand that for the last time you have seen with friends! And why? And because all the time and all the strength they gave work, hoping to earn an increase.

      • Support for relatives and friends is very useful for health. People who have strong friendly and related ties live longer and rushing, and therefore, as a result, happier.
      • Meet friends at least once a month. Even if someone does not come on one day, this person will be able to come on another day!
      • Be sure to spend time with your family. Even if you are tired, at least talk about how they went through their day, help them with household chores and so on.
    3. Do not forget about your hobbies. Most of us are not destined to do at work to what the soul is. Of course, this does not mean that you need to forget about hobbies! You need to find a way to deal with them outside of work, if, of course, there is no possibility to do this at work.

      • For example, if you are interested in climbing, it is not necessary to become an instructor at the climbers school or look for a similar profession. You can find such a job that will give you enough money to conquer all the Himalayas! Yes twice!
      • Find a creative hobby for yourself. Maybe knitting you like? Or drawing? Believe me, the way to give productively getting creative energy will only benefit.
    4. Select from the comfort zone. Open something new for yourself, it significantly asks life and allows you to discover all new and new sources of inspiration!

      • Not at all, it is not necessary to spend a bunch of money on, say, around the world travel or skaydiving courses (although if there is an opportunity and desire, then why not?). You can open for yourself a new one and more fiscal - say, posting on culinary courses or starting growing flowers on a flowerbed under the window.
      • You can do volunteer activities. Why not? From the comfort zone, it will be withdrawn from you at once, and at the same time, and will allow you to recall that for everything in this life that you have, it is worth being grateful.
    5. Watch for health. Stress at work and outside it is pushing health, both mental and physical. Accordingly, this question must be done! There are many ways to preserve health even in the face of stress and difficulties.

      • Exercises are one of the most important aspects of good health, mental and physical. Exercises allow the brain to produce endorphins - hormones of happiness. We are not less than half an hour per day, and daily. If at work you clone into sleep, stand up and walk (even if only on the stairs or around the building) is much better than the next portion of the caffeine!
      • Proper nutrition is also important, because the body needs healthy food to cope with the affairs. Frequent food intake rich in fat, sugar or salt, you will not benefit. You need proteins (meat, more precisely), you need fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates (and high-quality)!
      • Purge. Many people in our days suffer from sleep deficit, because of which they work less efficiently and feel unhappy as a whole. You need to sleep at least 8 hours, and preferably at night. The more hours will be able to sleep until midnight, the more rested you will wake up. For half an hour before leaving you, you need to turn off everything that will distract you.
    6. Take a vacation. Many people, even those who have paid vacation, as if forget about him, of course, to themselves. Vacation is always helpful, it is an opportunity to relax from work, look at her with a fresh look and think, and whether it should continue to spend time and strength on it.

      • At least a week, but it is necessary to rest. Spend this time on vacation, rest and once again rest ..
    • You can, of course, complain to work, it helps to get rid of stress. Nevertheless, everything is fine here when in moderation. If your work constantly gives you reasons for complaints, you need to change something in it ...
    • Remove yourself for working efficiently. Say, buy yourself a new book or cookies. Such awards - the stimulus for the brain to work is better, and it's just nice little things!


    • There is nothing that would be "forever." Your work is also not for life. If you think that you never get rid of it, then only complicate life yourself, and let it be harder. In addition, if you remember that your dream work is not forever, then you will appreciate it more.
    • Do not replace your personality and work your personality, how would you like your work. Remember that work is just a job, and you are you. No need to confuse warm with soft, friends.

At the beginning, think about why you continue to work on the unloved job? Sometimes it seems that we are all extremely clear, however, when you start to deal in detail, the arguments are not so much. Take a sheet, divide it into 2 columns. In the first let there be "pluses", in the second - "minuses". List all that, for which you can appreciate your work, and for what is disliked. If there are more minuses in it than pluses, it should be seriously thinking about replacing this work. You, as a reasonable person, you know that dismissal is not fatal, and you can always find an alternative. Another question is how much time will take search for a new place.

But, if your "pluses" quantitatively more, however, "minuses" do not give you peace, you can try to love to work with a volitional effort. Some ways to fall in love again in your work:

1. Once you came to this place, with your expectations. Something attracted you in this company, in this position. Remember what exactly? What has changed now? Maybe the company still provides you with certain benefits, but now you are accustomed to them and they have become less noticeable for you. But they didn't go anywhere, it is still positive bonuses, without which you would be worse. In addition, over the years of work, it is most likely new opportunities. If you used to be a novice employee, now, every day you grow as a professional, improve skills, work experience. You go through various situations on the working field, and thus your labor hardening is growing. Think about it.

2. Make 2 photocollage. Hang them above the workplace. Visualization is your good friend.

  • In the first you need to collect pictures that show the advantages of your work. The opportunity to have earnings, social package, interaction with new, interesting people (the ability to adopt their experience, develop new skills in themselves, create the so-called "communications"), the possibility of learning (often companies are conducting trainings, where expensive "success coaches" are invited, Would you be able to afford such a coach without your office?), Favorable atmosphere in the team (Comfort in relations love everything, the person is social and social), corporate property for free (perhaps you are provided with a car, laptop, hiking to the pool at the expense of the organization), The social utility of your work (of course, this argument is not suitable for everyone, but for someone knowing that their activities helps someone brings satisfaction).
  • On the second collage, make the topic "What do I want to buy for earned money?" Money is the strongest motivator. In the end, no one works "Thank you". Rest abroad, real estate, car, household appliances, beautiful branded clothes, gifts to your favorite people and so on.

3. Put goals. If the authorities give you only a routine work, and it seems to you that it does not lead to your development, then develop yourself. Put one global goal (do not be afraid to dream), then small goals, each of which will be a step on the way in the main one. As well as the tasks, the implementation of which will be your steps to future achievements.

4. Try to enjoy even the trifles during the working day. It will bring a positive attitude to your life. For example, there were several cases in your schedule, you completed one of them, praise yourself. Make a little break to gain strength, as well as your brain to realize progress. "I'm fine fellow!" -Prink in the rumor. And after a working day, you can encourage yourself not only verbally.

5. Try to ensure that your desktop is always pribran. So that there is no extra. Your phone, keys let them in a bag or a special box. Paper are decomposed by folders, handles stand in the stationery set.

6. If it seems to you that too many things have fallen at you right away, try to make a plan of action and order. Write it up, follow. So in your activity will come systemality and chaos will retreat. And together with him, the boundaries of your consciousness will come.

7. There is also a purely female way. It is no secret that the girl periodically updates his wardrobe and, of course, you want to show a beautiful thing. When you know that tomorrow at work everyone will see you in a gorgeous costume that you are slightly, you know that you will be envy to watch, there will be compliments, then the desire to go to work (at least for this) appears. Even if you do not buy clothes often, it is enough just to make a beautiful makeup or hairstyle. This can be learn on the Internet. In the network mass of video materials. Let colleagues see you every day in a new image, and you feel attractive and successful.

8. In advance, try not to think about things. Working moments stayed within the walls of your organization. Are you at home, among loved ones, what to load the brain with oppressive thoughts about problems? Your job is spinning around your life, not life around work. Therefore, on weekends, take your thoughts and hands with something that is not connected in your main activity.

  • Do you have a cottage? Make repair there, or invite friends to kebabs.
  • In general, more often suite fees with friends and relatives. Who to invite? Where to collect? What will be the evening menu? What to wear? Maybe you should think over the parties script so that it is busy not only conversations? In general, let your thoughts be occupied by these issues, and not what you have there at work.
  • Hobbies. Nothing gives the strength for a new worker barbell, like a hobby. The charge of positive emotions that a person receives from several hours of his favorite business can give a huge influx of energy and excellent mood for the working week. Even if you do not like your work, you will not seem in a good mood that she is so bad.
  • Certify a new one every day. Read books, they will help you develop, expand the horizons. And interesting read or viewed facts can be discussed with colleagues in the break, thereby distracting again from the problem zone.
  • If you are a lonely person, then go on dates. What to wear? What to talk about? When? In what time? Where is it better to meet? What will happen after dinner? Noticed? Not a single thought of hated work!
  • If you are a family person, then you can think about what a surprise to make a loved one. Maybe you want to arrange something like? And again there are no negative thoughts about oppressive work. You think only about the case (you need to edit the data, check the documents, make a presentation, etc.), and in the breaks about a romantic evening with loved ones.
  • Get yourself a pet. You will always know that as soon as you do everything, you will go home where you are waiting for you. In addition, thoughts about a cute kitten are always forced to smile. And this is the signal for our body, that "all is well!"

We will also discuss aspects that are associated with good well-being in general in life (which contribute to emotional attitude to work):

9. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

10. Check.

11. Every morning when you get up - turn on the radio or simply energetic music. Going to joyful, invigorating sounds.

12. Try to walk every day, at least on the hour.

13. Properly manifest, enrich the diet of vitamins.

I wish you success!

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Not all people love their work, but due to certain circumstances, they are simply forced to do it. It happens that you do not want to work, but you make yourself practiced at least something. After all, only working, you have the opportunity to make money, provide your family.

For those who want to change all for the better and love their work finally, we offer to read our article.

Why don't we love our work - the main reasons

In life it happens so that it is impossible to love work. The reasons for which this happens like, very, very much. If you want to change your life, you should love your work in any way. Next, we will give a list of the main reasons why people really do not like what they make a living. These reasons can be called objective and try to fix everything.

1) Little Salary

Very frequently held social skins show that people do not like their work most of all due to low wages. The level of salary may affect the interest of a person in work. Agree, because if a person will pay little money, will he fit to work fit? The answer is unequivocal - no. But all people have the concept of wages different. For example, the top manager may also be dissatisfied with his salary, at least someone did not even dream.

And people, in principle, can be understood. After all, everyone wants to receive such a number of money that would fit the efforts spent. It happens so that someone pays more than you. Here you should think: for what you work? Some work exclusively because of the salary. Then it is worthwhile to make a search for higher paying work. Others, on the contrary, is not interested in the material side of the question - they are ready to work for writing in the employment record. Yes, there are few such, but even this happens in our world. Therefore, it is possible to solve only you - you want, you can look for another job, but if your job is fully satisfied, then you should not complain about the level of salary. As you can see, the medal always has two sides. And in the question of work, this principle works really significantly.

2) little free time

The second very popular reason why people do not like their work is the lack of free time. Often, too busy work people cannot find a moment free time for themselves or their family. Agree, it is very unpleasant. Modern realities make many work on 14-16 hours a day. Of course, not everyone likes such a work schedule when you, not having time to come home, must go to bed. But the houses of many are still waiting for homework, which is not going anywhere.

In this case, you should not despair. Find yourself not such a profitable job, but gives more free time. Believe me, with such work you will feel free.

3) Chief-tyran

Many people can not tolerate their bosses. Those, in turn, also do not store their "love" to subordinate in the form of demanding and inconsistency. Understand, the chiefs do not immediately become. Often these people have passed a difficult path through the career ladder, some walked, as they say, "on the heads" of employees. And all in order to take their "place under the sun".

If you cannot adapt to the style of communication with your chief, you should reconsider the issues of communication not only with him, but also with other "problematic" people. You must assume that every person familiar to you at a certain point can help. And there is probability that your chief-tyrant will also be among these.

4) bad team

On a bad team, newcomers are often complaining. It happens that the girl just came to a new job, as the team was already called the team "Serpentaria". Especially this concept is not suitable for the female team. You should not be very surprised - women are accustomed to compete with each other in life. And it does not matter at all, where exactly the rivalry is happening - at home or in the team. It should be noted that few who like to observe this in the labor collective. However, you should not fall the Spirit. In such a situation, no matter how strange it sounds, there are also its advantages. For example, after the working day, no one can force you to stay to suck with colleagues. After all, you prefer them their relatives and family, isn't it? Another plus is that you should treat this like a game. Well, let someone trying to show their superiority, but this is just a game in which adult auntie played. Perhaps over time she will get tired and everything will fall into place.

5) no prospects for career growth

There are no such people in the world who would like to stand still, without improving their professionalism. But it happens that your work may not imply a promotion on the service stairs. For example, the boss is too tight for its place and therefore does not allow subordinates to shift it. If you want to grow further, do not stand still, but encounter such obstacles, you should think about changing the work on the one that will allow you to reveal all your creative potential, and not stay in place for years.

6) constant hassle

In life there are situations when you want - do not want, and you will start to worry and nervous. It may happen that you are being loaded with work so much that it will not even raise the head. At the same time, the head will still mock and say that you are poorly working. Absolutely no one is insured against such situations. Some people take everything too close to the heart. But you must understand that it is simply impossible to react to what is happening. First you need to think about why this happened to you. You may need to take leave, relax, that is, to switch your attention to something else, just not to work. It also needs to be understood that it is not necessary to verbalize your health for the sake of career growth. Health, it is still more important.

7) Tosca Green This job ...

If you are bored at work, then you know that you are not alone - many people really bored at work. Everything happens because they perceive their work as something meaningless and not at all.

Let us give an example. You work a journalist, your life is full of new acquaintances, impressions, trips and everything new. But here in life comes the moment when you have to choose: or leave work or translate and become, for example, an accountant. And even though you know this sphere perfectly, it will be very boring among all these numbers, reports and universal monotony. In such cases, you must understand that this is also a job, and we must treat it with due respect.

How to love the work of which you do

Above, we outlined the main reasons for which the work may not like a person. Having learned about these reasons, you should not rush the events, and immediately write an application for dismissal. We are sure that you can still love your work. How exactly? Read on.

First of all, you must imagine the perfect work. You need to think about who you want to work, what to do.

You must learn to understand what makes your contribution to the common cause. After all, it is not for anyone no secret that some people are engaged in volunteering. At the same time absolutely free. Of course, this activity can not be called simple. Often it takes the mass of time and effort. But agree that it is worth it! After all, there is nothing better when you see that your work is needed to someone. You need to think that you do not only for yourself, but also for your superiors, colleagues. It is due to the fact that you work, you receive wages. Developing personal qualities, you must begin to realize that you are a valuable employee. In no case cannot be considered a bad employee, because after a while it can notice the rest.

Sometimes, in order to understand how much you love your work, you need to go on a business trip. Only so you can see the opposite direction, that is, to see how other people work, acquire a new experience that you may be, just lacked for complete confidence, as in a specialist.

The worst version of the development of the script is when a person depicts a sacrifice. No need to complain to everyone and everyone, so to speak, to look for a "vest", ready to listen and regret. If you are really constantly complicated, then get ready to change the attitude to your own life. Perhaps you should start to show the initiative, and also do not forget to take responsibility for yourself for what is happening in your life. Do not forget to find a way out of any professional situation, do not think to let everything in samonek. Worse from it will be only to you and anyone else.

Interest in work will be back, if you arrange some competitions between employees. Agree that it is more interesting to work in a team, where there is both strong and weak rivals than trying to do something yourself. It is not necessary to inform everyone that you decided to conduct such a competition. Let him know only you, but so you can customize yourself, to make it work even better to achieve the goal. If you can awaken an interest in work, consider that it has already been done. Now it will only be tune in to the desired "wave", and you will see that everything will work out.

In order to overcome difficulties, you must make friends with colleagues. After all, difficulties are always easier to overcome together, together, and not alone. We are confident that in your team there is a pretty man. Feel free to make friends with him. It is not necessary to talk with a colleague only about work. You can discuss all the most interesting topics, most importantly, find a common language with a person. Understand that the better you learn your colleagues, the easier it will be to put the priorities of communication and find an individual approach to each of them. As soon as this happens, you will notice that it has become easier to work and more interesting.

An important factor that directly affects performance is considered an appearance. Come to choose creative clothing. Even if a strict "dress code" must be observed in the office, find the opportunity to look beautiful, without leaving the accepted framework.

Work needs to love!

All professions bring money, but not all work has to do. It happens that a person is dissatisfied with his work. Why is this happening? Why many do not like their work?

In order to love their work, you must clearly determine what is their positive and negative points. It happens that man seems to be not too much salary, but at the same time he loves his work.

If you are thinking about throwing a job, answer yourself a few questions. Will future work be the same interesting as the former? Can you blame with the team?

As soon as you decide to find a new job, we carefully stick all the arguments, do not hurry, because then you can very much. When you love your work, you will be happy to come to your workplace. Returning home, you will feel pride for not in vain lived another day, they became something useful to people.

As you can see, our advice is very simple. And even if you are 100% sure that you need to leave, try to adhere to our recommendations at least 1 month. Did not help? Then look for a new job, the one that will really make real pleasure. Believe and you will definitely find it.

Cases when a person chooses the work does not like it, but in connection with acceptable monetary remuneration or from hopelessness, it is not uncommon in modern society. Experts note that a long stay on the unloved work can enter a person even in the state of depression. And only work that brings pleasure, can help a person to grow, develop and self-improvement. About how to love his work, leading psychologists are divided by advice.

Career growth, raising wages, other perspectives are impossible to a priori at work, which did not come to a person in the soul. It must be remembered that labor activity takes most of the time in life, and staying in a state of dislike and even hatred is fraught with psycho-emotional background disorders. Amend the situation is quite possible if you adhere to several recommendations from psychologists.

The first thing to remember is that the work is an important component of the life of every person, since according to statistics it takes from 40 to 60 hours a week. Calculating how much time is spent for a month and for the year, you can get stunning numbers. In this regard, it is not necessary to underestimate harm from painful and tedious work, which takes 70-80% of all life. Psychologists note a negative impact not only on psycho-emotional background, but also physical condition.

The reasons and consequences of dislike for work may be as follows:

  1. Accumulation in the body of a stress hormone. To spend every day in a tense state, bringing home negative, all this is a circulation of stress in a person's life. Thus, the duration of life is reduced, the work of the brain, nervous system and other systems deteriorates.
  2. Assistance to harmful habits. Most often it is overeating and incorrect meal, smoking and drinking alcohol for soothing and relaxation, receiving sleeping pills due to insomnia on the background of stress and much more.
  3. Non-shy. Most people because of severe and tedious work sleep less than 8 hours, which affects performance and health.
  4. Negative impact on other areas of life. Practice work lowers motivation on other purposes and achievements, takes the strength and desire to other classes in life.
  5. Omission of different moments in life. The wrong choice of work takes most of the time, as a result of which important events in life, rest, travel, raising children, etc. are being passed.

Opinion expert

Victor Brent

Psychologist and expert on self-development

According to statistics, only 13% of the population of the whole world are engaged in the work of their lives, that is, they lead the work activities they want, and it brings only pleasure and positive emotions. The rest of the same people spend their health and life on making money, after which the remaining part of life spend this money to restore health, being in a closed circle.

How to learn to love your work?

Help in solving such problems can advice psychologist, as well as their own desire for change in life. First you need to realize the problems, for this piece of paper you need to write everything that a person does not suit in his work - the head, salary, team, working conditions, schedule, etc. Next, it is necessary to think about whether it is possible to somehow neutralize these items or Change attitudes towards the situation, to accept something.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists, as well as people who have reached great heights in their work activities, produce books and collections of tips on how to love the work that you hate.

Of these, you can make some simple and efficient advice, namely:

  1. Initiative - If you manifest the initiative in your work, you can revive interest and purposefulness in your field of activity.
  2. Competition - Competing and motivation in the form of "who faster" will help make tedious duties fascinating and alive. You can deliver goals and a certain awarding yourself to prove your abilities and talents.
  3. Self improvement - If the position has already become uninteresting and monotonous, you can go to advanced training courses to acquire new skills.
  4. Positive effect - fulfilling your duties, do not stop purely on the salary. On the contrary, you need to understand what kind of activity brings for society as a whole.
  5. Refusal of hurry - Do not chop out the gossip, wanting to leave work. Before you should make a lot of effort to solve the problem, overestimate your attitude to negative moments, try to change the situation.

And first, you need to remember that the work is not the whole person's life, it did not grow out with the Light Wedge. If the work makes you ride and spend the night in the workplace, it is clear that it will cause almost a vomit reflex. It is necessary to give yourself and the body time for rest, other classes and entertainment.

Collection of methods

A collection of articles from famous psychologists and psychotherapists will teach each person to treat his work only from a positive point of view. Many of the specialists conduct trainings and seminars, sharing invaluable experience with other people. The most popular methods how to love your work as follows:

  • awareness of the significance of work, because no work can be insignificant and aimless;
  • self-improvement, manifestation of smelling and creativity;
  • the value of it, then there is, not every person manages to find a job in modern competitor;
  • thoughts about themselves, it is impossible to take overwhelming tasks, and the workplace should be comfortable and cozy.

Do you like your job?


Also mentally it is necessary to submit that the work is that the activity of which a man dreamed of. Psychologists insist that thoughts materialize, and their attitude towards any things and actions can be coordinated independently. By changing the attitude to work, you can make sure that in fact everything is not so bad as it seems.

How to love your homework?

The main technique is awareness of the significance of homework. Antisanitary, dirt, poor nutrition and adverse living conditions - all this is an excellent opportunity for reproduction of microbes, pathogens of microorganisms, which entails a danger to human health. Therefore, when cleaning, washing, cooking and other duties, you need to understand that a person is guarding the health and life of his family, being her defender.


Regardless of the type of activity and working conditions, each person must periodically arrange holidays and entertainment. Unloved work can lead to negative thinking, depression, apathy and quarrels in the family. Therefore, it is important to rethink your attitude, to look at yourself and activities from the side, after which adhere to the councils of psychologists to subsequently love their work.

I wonder if many of us on the question "do you like your work?" They will answer the affirmative ... In fact, to engage in a favorite thing - great happiness. Not everyone is so lucky in life: not the profession was chosen, not in those conditions fell, they needed earnings and so on. How not to go crazy in the walls of a hateful place and love your work?

If it were possible to change jobs like gloves! I did not like the chef - dismissed! Did not show proper respect for our person - write a statement! And now wake yourself up. Apparently, you have to try to love your work, no matter what.

Hatery work exhausts morally. She takes the joy of life. A person stops enjoying a new day. This leads even to health problems (the risk increases to acquire anemia, neurosis, gastric diseases,).
Often we hate not so much their responsibilities as the situation that surrounds us at work. For example, non-dislisible misanthrops are contraindicated professions requiring active communication in the team, participation in public events. In this case, it is advisable to choose the work whose specifics will be privacy. Of course, it's not as drafting to get a beacher by a beacon somewhere in the plague! There are many quiet and unlaxed jobs: archives, reading rooms, etc. Those who hate work with numbers will never become a happy accountant. If someone likes it when a rapid activity is frustrated around, you can go to the sphere of service.

Work is just a job. But she demands to give her the third part of the day at least (such is statistics). It turns out, we are obliged to turn this watch not to a hard work, but in normal and.

How to love your work? Here are three useful advice.

1. Answer yourself: why do you like your job and for that you can't tolerate it

Help yourself leading questions: "I want to quit out of ...", "" Work flashes my pride, because ... "," I grew up in this workplace ... ". Take a sheet of paper and write in two columns: "Like ..." and "I can't stand ...". Weigh the advantages and disadvantages and decide whether you should work at this place. If not categorically - change your job. If yes - accentuate attention to good and accept the fact that I do not like.

2. Locate the balance between the advantages and disadvantages.

To any person, the fulfillment of certain work gives pleasure, and some duties are straight as a bone in the throat. Analyze: why you are praised and for what they scold. Think out how you can strengthen your strengths and reduce the effect of weak (or get rid of them). Perhaps then you will be able to love your work.

3. If the reason for the negative attitude to the work is non-invalid employees, try to minimize the communication time with them

In the end, you come to work, and not to be accepted and find out the relationship. It is useful to learn for yourself such axiom: we are not obliged to love their own. Rather correct and restrained relation to each other. There is no team in which there would be no pitfalls. Rivalry, careerism, envy, gossip - all this you will find at any workplace. Therefore, do not try to correct the position of things. Just keep them and engage in your immediate duties.

Our successes bring us satisfaction and joy. They produce self-esteem and feeling of need. If a person understands the case, which is engaged, this suggests that he was able to realize. Strive for new achievements. It will make your life saturated and fruitful.

Well, if it does not work in love with your business and work, change the profession.


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