Sachirikon magazine in the Russian periodical 20 century. Logs "Satirikon" and "New Satirikon" and their employees. A. Averchenko. Start of creativity Arkady Averchenko

"New Satirikon"

In the spring of 1913, a scandal broke out in Satirikon, which led to the rupture of Averchenko and to Cornfeld. Various sources provide different reasons for what happened.

L. Evstigneeva (Spiridonova) was outlined the first version in the monograph "Satirikon magazine" and Satyrcony Poets "(M., 1960). The researcher claims that the "direct cause was a monetary misunderstanding and a quarrel between the main shareholders of the journal: the publisher of Cornfeld, on the one hand, and Averchenko, Radakov and Remizov, on the other. According to the agreement between publishers and employees, Avechchenko, Radakov and Remizov had the right to control the economic part of the magazine, and Cornfeld pledged to not raise the subscription and retail fee for the magazine. However, from January 1, 1912, Cornfeld improved the retail fee, which caused a drop in the circulation in the future. Averchenko, Radakov, Remizov accused Cornfeld that he stopped allowing them to control economic books, the amount belonging to the magazine, began to delay the payment of fees to employees. Cornfeld, in turn, complained about the desperate financial position of the magazine, forcing him to conduct business in a new way. As a result of a quarrel, most of the leading employees left the magazine and founded a new one - at the cooperative basis. "

I find the second version in the article by Vasily Knyazev "Cement" Satirona "" (Literary Leningrad. 1934. No. 31): Averchenko, Re-Mi and Radakov literally grabbed Cornfeld for the throat and achieved in secret from other employees of the right to receive 50 percent of profits, that is, became shareholders. Then they allegedly decided to completely eliminate the publisher from affairs, creating a plan for its ruin by issuing unprofitable literature on expensive paper, with a luxurious cover, etc. In the end, on the affairs of M. G. Cornfeld was established guardianship represented by Shenfeld and Kugel, which, however, refused to convey the magazine Trinity of friends in exchange for a certain monetary compensation, which led to a rupture.

Finally, the third wife of "Satiron", the second wife of the "Satiron" leads in his memories of Alexey Radakov E. L. Galperin: "According to the condition concluded between the senior employees of Satiron and the publisher, after increasing the magazine's circulation to a certain number These employees had to become magazine shareholders<…> Well, Alesha told (Radakov. - V. M.) with his informs peculiar to him, I am once in the place where the king walks walking, and hear the conversation between our accountant and Uncle Cornfeld - a very opposite type that came from somewhere From Poland and intervened in all business. The accountant himself says that the magazine has long overwhelmed through the circulation provided for by agreement. I as he heard it, jumped like a crazy. Well, here I raised such a terrible bucha and severed Averchenko and others leave "Satirona" and organize his magazine. "

The scandal in Satirikon was widely covered in the press. On May 19, 1913, the Russian Molva newspaper published the following statement Averchenko: "In view of the rumors, distributed in the literary circles G. G. G. Cornfeld, that the cause of my departure from Satiron is material disagreement and calculations with the publisher, - hereby categorically declare It is mainly called my departure of my magazine, mainly those impossible working conditions in which I and my comrades were delivered by G. Cornfeld, as well as a number of violations of elementary literary and publishing ethics. "

Prior to this, May 15, Averchenko, Radakov and Remizov appealed to the St. Petersburg Commercial Court with a claim for the protection of their material interests. On May 18, Cornfeld handed over to the court of honor with the All-Russian literary society, his conflict with former employees. Those agreed to participate in court.

Two court sessions were held - on June 5 and 7 - chaired by Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov (Father writer Vladimir Nabokov). The trial has further confused the situation.

Perfectly giving yourself a report in the globality of what happened, Cornfeld tried to return and form his former employees. "It's so difficult and fraught with material, not to mention other things, the path of the progressive art journal in Russia, and so hard, almost hopelessly the creation of a new literary and artistic body, which is deliberately and ruthlessly served long and successfully weapons against darkness, stagnation and Violence is a direct crime against literature, against society "(New Satirikon. 1913. No. 21), he wrote, but ... in vain. On July 7, Cornfeld through "Satirikon" and other newspapers said: "... Watching the above-mentioned persons and such acts in a number of actions of the above-mentioned persons, I, after the refusal of the Lords Averchenko, Radakov and Remizov from the professional court of honor, is forced to refer to protection Corn courts. All further controversy stopping "(Satirikon. 1913. № 28).

Already in the 1960s, Cornfeld will write: "The closer I come to the end of my memories relating to the History of" Satiron ", the incomprehensible, and it is reasonable to be the end, if we consider the end of my gap with my nearest employees: Arkady Averchenko, Radakov and Remizov ( Re-mi), which without warning came out of the editorial board.<…> When the question is, what kind of genuine reasons for the split, I answered that I do not know, no one wanted to believe me ... When friends and well-wishers offered me to take on the role of intermediaries and conciliators, I rejected these proposals that did not correspond to this provision of things: in the very Affairs, reconciliation implies a quarrel. We never quarreled.<…> After the event of the editorial defeat, I was tortured by an ungrateful and difficult task in order of involuntary improvisation to re-establish the exit "Satiron" with the new composition of employees "(Cornfeld M. G. Memories).

Of course, what happened created Cornfeld a lot of problems, but also the position of Averchenko, Radakov and Re-Mi was not from the lungs. They also had "from scratch" to start a new publishing enterprise. Thinking about it, they, leaving, captured a book of addresses of old subscribers of the magazine. There was another "but", most significant - the lack of money for the opening of his own business. For the rescue, the buddy artist Nikolai Radlov, who lent five thousand rubles came to the rescue. According to Radakov, they returned this amount in a year already, and in another couple of years they could buy their own printing house and had a large publisher. Radlova thanked: since 1913 he became a permanent employee of the "New Satiron".

In record time, Averchenko, Radakov and Re-Mi created a new satyrikon partnership (no longer thought over the title), in which all three on equal pays became owners. Together with them to the new magazine, P. Potemkin, Tafffi, V. Azov, O. L. D'Or, Landau, A. Benua, M. Dobuzhinsky, K. Antipov, A. Yakovlev, V. Wariants and Others. Subsequently, Ark joined them. Bukhov.

In the old "satyrone" remained: V. Knyazev, B. Geyer, V. Tikhonov, as well as young poets V. Goriansky, S. Marshak (Dr. Friken), V. Winkert, N. Agnivetsev, D. Aktil and others . Vasily Knyazev, immediately became the "star" of the Cornfeld "Satirona," wrote after the Averchenko's earned poem "Arkady Lukin". It began to glorify the "king":

He was like a whirlwind. In love and sun,

Healthy body, strong, young,

He drunk us, breaking to us in the window,

And blinded, brightly between the star.

Grief on fire of immense success

Charming fooling and shal

He laugh, and the whole country, like echo,

Likuya, erected the king's fun.

And ended like this:

His animal laughter, so cute to us at the beginning,

Frequently, losing the piquancy of novelty;

And in vain in it to seek stitching notes of sadness,

Spiritual value, ideological whiteness.

Cheerful, rough laughter. Laughter clown ...

Arkady Timofeevich once again praised Knyazeva for the talent, very soon I was forgiven and took it to my new magazine.

The first number of "New Satiron" was published on June 6, 1913, that is, literally a month after the scandal and in the midst of the trial! The drawing, rushed on the cover, hinted that in the new edition, the reader would find all the traditional headings of Satiron. He portrayed an extremice flight: on Kozlch Averchenko, holding the entrance, on the seat - Radakov, re-mi, diluted with suitcases-departments. Under the drawing signature:

"Moving Satironktsev to a new apartment.

Fat satirikon (carefully): - All took?

It seems everything.

Wolf berries captured?

Feathers from the tail, the mailbox - put?

Here, here.

Did not leave anything?

See nothing.

Well, okay, arkadium, touch with God, Nevsky, 65. "

An official statement appeared in the same issue of the journal:

"We, the following, employees of the" New Satirona ", bring to the attention of readers that they do not find more opportunities to cooperate in M. G. Cornfeld magazine" Satirikon "and publish in Corpore from the editorial board. For the further direction and content of this magazine, published by M. G. Cornfeld, we are consistent with yourself any responsibility. "

The first address of the editorial office is Nevsky, 65. Subsequently, it was located in Nevsky, 88, in the courtyard left, on the third floor. It was a large apartment. In one room - the editorial office, in another office of the head of the office and the publisher, in the third - office; Two rooms held an expedition. In the remaining three rooms there were people who did not have any relationship to "New Satyrikon". In the same apartment was the warehouse of the publisher.

Cornfeld made feverish attempts to save Satirikon; The magazine was published until the end of 1913, a subscription was announced for 1914. Satirikon and "New Sachirikon" also existed for a while at the same time. However, very soon the first, deprived of the best authors, went to the fly ... Averchenko, thus became one of the owners and editor of the Satiriko-humorous edition in the country.

By putting the work of the magazine, Averchenko, Radakov and Rem-Mi no longer pampered by their visits, the mechanism was already launched and did not give failures. Radakov did not bother himself even to bring drawings - they sent home to him. Arkady Timofeevich also finally appeared the opportunity to take on the works of "at home".

In 1913, he became so powerful man that he was able to shoot a three-room apartment in a new profits of Count M. P. Tolstoy on Troitskaya Street, 15/17 (now Rubinstein Street). This is a building built in 1912 on the project of architect F. Lidval in the style of "Northern Modern", to this day, the architectural landmark of St. Petersburg. Here, Arkady Averchenko for the first time in his life, his own corner appeared! His childhood years passed in the grindiness, about the comforts of the Bryansk Mine or in Kharkov it is not necessary to speak. In the first Petersburg years, the writer wandered over furnished rooms. And now, finally, the first in life (and, closing ahead, is the last!) His permanent apartment.

Let's mentally visit Arkady Timofeevich. We will turn from Rubinstein Street in a semicircular arch, decorated with a gothic wrought iron lamp. Before us, the courtyard of the "Tolstsky House" with magnificent arcades, leaving in the direction of the Fontanka embankment. The writer lives in the first entrance to the right. He has already seen us, because the window of his working office looks at the front door of the front entrance. We need the second floor, the apartment is 203. But you don't have to go on foot - the steam elevator has a steam elevator.

The door opens the owner himself and invites you to a spacious hallway.

Well, this is my apartment, "he says. - I am satisfied with it. Central heating, hot water, telephone. What else is needed? .. The area is good - five angles. Again, it's not far - the street goes to the Nevsky Prospect, almost next to the editorial office of the "New Satiron".

Right in front of us - the door to the office. Let's go. Large room, walls are covered with lilac cloth, a huge library. The window has a written table. Arkady Timofeevich laughs:

Here daily there is a deaf, secret, having a fight between me and my maid Nadi. Every morning I view correspondence, accounts ... Read and no longer needed to throw on the floor. Leaving the editor. It comes Nadia, sweeps the floor, raises all the papers from it, carefully smoothes and sticks between the candlestick and the clock on the desk. In the evening I arrive, this pack again moor on the floor. In the morning it comes Nadia and twisted it again ... We never talk about it, because deathly warrant army do not carry negotiations among themselves!

Of course, the owner is joking - with her wonderful relationship.

From the office the door leads to the bedroom. Here on the walls of the cloth calm blue. Next to the bed, littered with books and newspapers, oddly enough, gramophone and ... rods! Arkady Timofeevich smiles again:

The most boring occupation for a person is to dress. I do it to the music. Tie boots - and listen to Shanov! And the rods ... Do not be surprised - I love to practice muscles sometimes.

The third room is a dining room and reception at the same time. Fruits in vases, live flowers. Cream wallpapers, on the walls - the web of Repin, Bilibina, Dobuzhinsky, Benoit, a close friend of re-mi ...

Cabinet windows, bedrooms and dining room overlooking the courtyard. Believe people in the bottom. The question involuntarily arises: who else has celebrities here? Arkady Timofeevich eagerly tells:

I am proud to live in the same house with Ludwig Chaplinsky - three-time champion of Russia for weightlifting. By the way, the House of Chaplinsky "Sanitas" sports hall works in the house. We are visiting him with chip when there is time. I often see Alexander Ivanovich Spiridovich. Well, you probably know who it is the head of the Imperial Palace Protection. Remember, he had major troubles in 1911, after the murder of Stolypin? He was even under the trial, but the case was stopped at the insistence of the emperor ... The most remarkable personality in our house - Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Andronikov. Yes, yes, the same - from Grigory Rasputin's environment! Sometimes Grigory Efimovich and the company comes here at night. Scary noisy, you will be all the tenants. The owner of the house, the Countess is thick, they say, I do not know how to get rid of this andronicikov. Judicial claims submitting him. And the prince of my maid was told that he arranged in his bedroom for a special shirma semblance of a chapel. Imagine - with a crucifixion, analog, froth, icons and even a thorns! However, on the other side of Shirma, the prince calmly indulges himself to betented debauchery. The fact that he is a homosexual, everyone knows ... Yes! Not far from here, literally across the road, the Trinity Theater miniature, with whom I cooperate. Very comfortably. I am on performances in your plays. Sometimes I go to visit to Levka Zhevergeev, he lives in the same house, where and the theater. Zheverzhev - collector, so spends all means for the purchase of books and theatrical relics. He organized a literary-artistic "Friday", where there are Bakst, Altman, Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky, Malevich, Filonov, Brotheruki brothers. I also go, but rarely. And Jerezhev started the "Friday album", in which guests leave memorable recordings, drawings, impromptu. Good idea ... Well, now let's dinner. My cook is preparing perfectly!

So Arkady Timofeevich lived on Trinity - comfortable and cozy. The apartment was remembered not only by the staff of the New Satiron. We managed to talk to the nephew of the writer of Igor Konstantinovich Gavrilov, who said that his mother recalled his trip from Sevastopol to Averchenko to St. Petersburg at the time. She shocked Brother's apartment. She admired everyone that he saw him, especially a vacuum cleaner and a home phone, which seemed to her signs of other, "foreign" ego.

Several sketches "From life on Trinity" left us Colleagues Arcadia Averchenko. Efim Zozulus recalled: "The door was opened to me the maid Nadia, a small rose of blonde with smart, greicly eyes. Before my arrival, she spoke on the phone, and letting me up without any questions in the dining room, hurried to continue the conversation. The phone was on the table Averchenko, and in order to keep the tube to a stranger, that is, not sitting at the table - it was necessary to burn. Somehow it was so uncomfortable by the device. And Nadia said, bent over the shoulder Averchenko. The conversation was not a business. It was about the relatives of Nadi, about the bows of some kind of kum, about someone's arrival. In the further visitors of Averchenko<…> I have repeatedly saw Nadia in such a pose that I did not bother Averchenko to work. Nadia, a simple girl, but very tactful and intelligent, kept himself freely, with dignity, felt at home, and supported in an apartment and in circulation with numerous and diverse visitors a surprisingly warm tone. It was typical for Averchenko, because the source of this tone was, of course, the owner "(Zozulu E. D. Satironsky).

But the fragment of the memories of Nikolai Karpov "in the literary swamp" stored in the funds of Ragal and exhibited on the Internet. Somehow Karpov met on the street of the poet Evgenia Vensky and said that he was going to the editorial office of "New Satiron" with a fairy tale in verses "Santa Claus".

"- poems with you? - Vienna asked a business tone. - So go now to Averchenko on the apartment. He is at home.

Awkward. I'm almost not familiar with him.

Fucking! What is he, eat you, or what? He has not bite for a long time. Maneru threw this. And not familiar - I will introduce. Fucking!

At that time, Averchenko rented two furnished rooms, with a separate entrance to Trinity. He himself opened the door. High, shaved, dressed in a well-stitched costume from the famous Telaska, Averchenko looked like a fractive, succeeding entrepreneur.

Here, Arkady Timofeevich, - began the Vienna Shatovsky tone, "Dosvalt" (he said, "Dosvalt") you will submit a talented poet. The misfortune happened to him.

Averchenko looked at him with a bewilderment, invited us to sit down and put a treat on the table - a box of chocolate chocolates.

Misfortune? - he asked.

Misfortune, Arkady Timofeevich. He wrote a fairy tale and sleeps and sees it to printed in Satirikon.

Averchenko looked at me questioningly. I silently filed a manuscript. He read a fairy tale and said:

Okay. I type it. Will go to the nearest room.

And he got up, letting know that the audience is over.

Arkady Timofeevich, - Suddenly crushed Vienna, - You are God! By God, God! And even more than God! If, let's say, I will now ask God an advance, the old man will not give me. He is angry with me cool, and there is a meager, like Harpagon. And you, Arkady Timofeevich, give without much displeasure. So you are higher than God.

How many? - Briefly asked to maintain a serious mine Averchenko.

I warn you, Arkady Timofeevich, - I do not take the ruble less than the ruble, "Viennese said.

Ruble? - surprised Averchenko.

Pyashnitsa is required, dear Arkady Timofeevich, Pyashnitsa. Now I will raise the brand, and in the Balarine hotel, I have lackes of ovation, like some Hamlet, Danish, - Balaguril Vienna, - I began to give them a diogrivan on tea, like some Pierpont Morgan. Know ours! Yes, and have a drink for your health less than the top five, ashamed. Only ended you!

Averchenko handed five rubles to him, and Viennese crumbled in the judovo thanks. "

The above fragment is not better shows professional editorial qualities Averchenko: even a little-known author N. A. Karpov, even the beggar and drinking Yevgeny Vienna could count on his patronage, if they brought talented manuscripts. Apparently, for the talent of Arkady Timofeevich, he could have forgive me a lot: in 1914-1915, the works of Alexander Green and Vladimir Mayakovsky, who had scandalous fame in Petrograd appeared.

Alexander Stepanovich Green glanced unbalanced, strongly drinking person, prone under the influence of wine vapors to focus and arrange rowers in public places. According to the memories of Efim Zozuli, Green could appear in the "New Sachirikon" at the end of the working day and go to sleep on the editorial sofa. In one of these evenings, Zozulya tried to find his place in the hotel, but no one wanted to settle with a completely drunk Green. Finally, there was a place in one of the hotels. However, Alexander Stepanovich was set up extremist - right in the lobby he stopped in front of a peaceful old woman in the dark Mantile and with an extraordinary angry turned to her:

Do you demand from us household stories? Do we have to describe your salted hoods? So I declare you: I will not describe your (followed epithets) hood. To hell (it was said otherwise) Mother! And do not think to demand. I flew to all your vile, weave life with your king (followed the definition)!

The old woman almost lost his feelings, and Zozulu shuddered, because two officers stood nearby and could hear the last words about the emperor. Already in the hotel room, sitting on a sofa, Green continued to let go to the old woman such a faded replica that Zozulu could not stand and began to laugh.

What did this old man do you? - he asked. - Why do you think that she is sure to need household stories?

After some time, rubrev and remembering the episode with the old woman, Green also began to laugh (Zozulu E. D. Satironsky).

Despite the peculiarities of the behavior of Green, Averchenko really appreciated his talent and treated him humanly warmly. He often repeated, looking after Alexander Stepanovich: "A strange person, but interesting and talented." The first book released by the publishing house "New Satirikon" in 1915, became the story of Green "Incident on the street of PSA". This is what the writer Lev Gumilevsky was remembered in the sketch "distant and close":

"Somehow I brought the story, who seemed humorous, in the" New Sachirikon ". Averchenko was rare in the editorial office, took visitors to his secretary of his Efim Davydovich Zozul, then still young, not yet half, but already an important, fat, dressed in black jacket and gray pants. He took the manuscript and ordered to call in a week or two. The story was adopted, and I went to the editor. At the table Zozuli, like a guest, sat perfectly shaved, perfectly dressed Mr., a little full, beautiful and lazy. It was Averchenko. He greeted me and courteously filed a book that he had just considered from his face, root and cut.

This is our first book, "he said," do you like?

On a gray cover with the brand "Satirikon" in the upper corner was printed "A. S. Green "and the title according to the first story seems to be a" incident on the street of PSA ".

I replied that the book was published fine. "

The poetess "New Satirona" Lydia Forest in the book "Memories of Alexander Green" (M., 1972) left interesting certificates of relationships Averchenko and Green:

"Petersburg. Nevsky Prospect. Lucky high man in a coat of an indefinite color widespread on the icing sidewalk. Hands stuck in the pockets, the head is drawn in the shoulders, the collar raise, and the hat is thrown to the eyebrows.<…>... a person is in a hurry to enter at the entrance of the house number 88. It rises to the second floor. To the right door with the inscription "Yagurt Prostokvasha", left - "Editors of the magazine 'New Satirikon'. He enters. Pleasant warmth covers a man in a coat; He goes to the secretary table. I take a look from the log number of the log.

Hello, Alexander Stepanovich. Brought something?

He stretches the four-folded sheet of papers.

Very good. Tomorrow I will give Arkady Timofeevich.


I collapsed hope for an advance. Little advance ...


I will call Averchenko, I will say that you brought the material. He will allow accounting. Come tomorrow at twelve. Okay?

He looks at the table. Silent.<…> Green was considered a gloomy, sullen man, said: "He is strange." He was deeply closed ...

Averchenko's ratio to Green had the nature of the patronage sympathy. He liked to wander with him after editorial meetings on the embankments. It was strange to see them together: radiating health, a smiling athletic addition man, always elegant, and near Green - in a dark coat with a raised collar, pale, gloomy. However, talking to Averchenko always in a low voice and somewhere in the distance from mockery employees, Green began to smack.<…>

I remember such a case.

Alexander Flit, a lawyer for education, served as a legal adviser in some institution, and suddenly - wrote a poem! The young poet brought him to the "New Sachirikon". A week later, I came for the answer.

No, "said Averchenko good-naturedly," we will not go. "

Fleet decided never to write any lines again.

But - wrote, brought, - and the same result. And the fleet, as in sin, really liked the satirco-humoristic atmosphere of the editorial office of the magazine. He began to tavern, he was converting himself with everyone and became friends with an unlike Green. The excited "returns" of a friend, Green decided to talk to the editor.

Arkady Timofeevich, not me, of course, to teach you, but with the fleet somehow unfairly do. His poems reads Bukov and does not allow. Are they so bad, these poems?

Bukhov says that the fleet has no face that he "puts up", and does not write.

Flut has an absolute literary taste. And you remember how I did not go and did not go the stories of Efim Zozuli, and the fleet came up with the headline "premature stories", and immediately the raisin appeared. Remember?

Yes, yes ... let him write fastener, I myself read.

The battle was won - Basni liked. Fleet has become a permanent employee. "

As we can see, no Green antics could damage respect that Averchenko fell. However, Alexander Green could carry out something with a drunk only. But the young Vladimir Mayakovsky scandal was the concept of everyday behavior. Literally a few days before the appearance of the "New Satiron" editorial office, the poet caused PE in the "Stray Dog". On February 11, 1915, with a pop cafe, he read his poem "to you!", Whose overall pathos and obscene vocabulary at the end shocked the audience. Some ladies fainted. According to the results of this speech, the police protocol was drawn up. At the same time, TEFFI and Alexey Radakov were present. Nevertheless, in two weeks, February 26, the Satyric "Anthem of the judge" of Mayakovsky appears on the pages of the journal Averchenko!

Averchenko gave Mayakovsky work in a very difficult life time for the poet of lack of money and even starvation. He in search of at least some earnings requested Chukovsky to acquaint him with Vlas Doroshevich, however, Doroshevich wrote in the response telegram to Ivanovich: "If you bring your yellow jacket to me, a call of the nearby ..." "King of Faketon" Doroshevich, as seen, the reputation of Mayakovsky was scared . The "king of laughter" Averchenko turned out to be bolder, although about the general policy of the rejection of futurism "Satirikon" and "New Satirikon" we have already spoken. On the pages of the journals, the evil and taking criticism, cartoons, ridicuing figures of this flow appeared on the pages. Let us give, for example, the poem of Vasily Knyazev "Recognition of the Modernist" (1908):

For a new rhyme

Ready Tiff We.

In verse to pick up

And mess around with him

And get infected

And die!

Especially radically configured by Arkady Bukhov: at the mention of futurists, it literally began to shake. In 1913, his poem "Legend of a terrible book" was published in Novom Satirikon:

He was put on iron boots

And nails under the nails were driven by

But the secret could not give out the exhausted:

The mouth was silent.


The convoy burned and the court thought,

Suddenly someone said cleanly:

"Oh, your clay! Let them bring

Poems of one futurist. "


Exhausted silently rose from the ground

In the premonition of a terrible blow.

"Pretty! - he said. - tortured fire

Subjected to unnecessary offended ...


No: better iron boot.

What kind of secret do you need to know?!

Please - Be kind! "

Bukhov could not forget futurists even in 1921 in emigration. "Of course, you heard about futurists," he wrote in Faken "on the skull of knocking." -<…> Once the literary elders said: Pen Asper Astra is through obstacles to the stars. The literary youth futuristic sense was expressed more definitely: through the bazaar - to the site! Other futurists also worked and walked along the same path. Futurist Golzschmita traveled with lectures in the cities and publicly broke the board about his head. The lecture was called "Beauty Road!". What is the beauty of the city of Goltstschmita. In any case, it was only clear that the road to beauty should be pierced with its own skull through oak boards. Futureur Burluk also read lectures, but without boards, and with the shoe, which he put on the department and said: "This is a beauty - and Venus Milos Milosy Doll." Futurist Vasily Kamensky read his poem "Stenka Razin"<…> In a circus, sitting on a horse, face to horse and holding a horse tail. Will be. Such examples could be dialing hundreds. Especially Bukhov hated Mayakovsky and wrote that that "noticed only in a good edition, where everyone writes competently and talented, noticeable, like a chirny on a healthy body."

However, not all satyrcons were not accelerated by Mayakovsky. Alexey Radakov, for example, was under his great influence, although it was much older. It was he who led the poet to Averchenko, who, according to some testimonies, said Vladimir Vladimirovich: "You write, as you wish, it's nothing that sounds strange, we have a journalistic magazine." It seems that Arkady Timofeevich guess in Mayakovsky Big Talent (at that time he drew attention to the poet and Maxim Gorky) and was able to abstract from foolishness and outcasting, which was famous for the young futurist. Averchenko managed to very sensitive to understand Mayakovsky that his talent imposes a certain responsibility for him.

Listen, Mayakovsky! - he often said. "You are a smart and talented person, and it is clear that you will have fame, and a name, and an apartment, and everything that happens to all poets and writers who deserve this and do this. So what do you like, go on your head, clowning in this lousy cabaret "Total comediantov" and so on? Honest word for what it is? Chudak you, right!

When Mayakovsky tried to answer something, Averchenko did not give him to do this and appealed to someone from those present: "No, seriously, you say, because a person will break into open doors! Well, what does he need? What kind of root? The guy is young, healthy, talented ... "

Vasily Knyazev so expressed the impression of the arrival of Mayakovsky to the magazine: "Mayakovsky is a huge cliff, who collapsed in a quiet pond. He in a short time ... put on his head all the "satyricon" ... overwhelming the magazine lyrics, to the detriment of satire and humor.<…>... it was possible to indignant, to hide, feel angry, but in the depths of the soul are sensitive (I didn't, of course) conscious - this biologically necessarySo that Hippo came to Satiron's dishwasher and handled Messinsky Painnesss there "(Letter Ark. Bukhov dated May 28, 1935). The presence of Mayakovsky, his coming to the editor, the noisy discussions with which they were accompanied, witty and are not always innocuous dive with the magazine staff, with the authorities made a variety and concern to the editorial life. Mayakovsky did not let you bored, and Averchenko sometimes poured oil into the fire, provoking it. Writer Victor Ardov recalled: when Mayakovsky mobilized and saw her head, Averchenko noticed: "You are always over-fulfilling twice," hinting that the poet should be assessed only by the half-harms as a platoon.

Mayakovsky arrived in the "New Satirone", in which he published 25 out of 31 poems written during this time and excerpts from the poem "Cloud in Pants". He liked to work with Radakov, who undertook to illustrate the poem "Anthem Judge", "Hymn of bribe", "Hymn of Health", "Anthem to a scientist", realizing that Mayakovsky should be illustrated not as other poets. So a new creative union was born, which in a few years will still shimate himself in the "Growth Satira". Radakov recalled that he did not have a drawing to the ironic "hymn of scientist" (1915):

Sits all nights. Sun because of the houses

again declared on human disgrace

and at the bottom of the sidewalks again prepared

actors go in the gymnasium.

Pass red, and he is not tedious,

that the person grows stupid and conquer;

after all, it can every second

remove square root.

The illustration has obtained some kind of inconclusive. Mayakovsky, who himself was by education by the artist, looked at the drawing for a long time and said: "And you hide the head of a scientist in the book, let him go to the book." Radakov did it. And the drawing behaved thematically.

Efim Zozulu testified that Mayakovsky belonged to the activities of the "New Satiron" editorial board, and in the presence of Averchenko behaved "as a obedient boy." At Friday meetings, the poet looked so well that Peter Potemkin, who was famous for his simplicity, even noticed once:

Vladimir Vladimirovich, you are not at all how much.

If you are tormented, I can separately go to your home and shank, "the one replied.

Cooperation in Novom Satirikon provided Mayakovsky opportunity to access a wide reader audience, but later, when the magazine was closed by the Bolsheviks as an anti-Soviet, the poet wrote that he worked in it "in the reasoning of what would eat" ("I myself." 1922).

With the beginning of the First World War, the team of "New Satiron", headed by his editor, Arkady Averchenko, took an active patriotic position. In the last July issue for 1914, the editorial article reported:

"When one, all the uniting task arises to all the people, - to defend his fatherland, defend its independence, when tens of thousands of families accompany their loved ones to war, when people will soon appear in deep traw and in churches will not remember the expensive names of the soldiers who fallen in battle - then not only laughter, but even a weak smile are an insult to the people's grief, folk sorrows ... Then the laughter is inappropriate - the laughter that in peacetime is so needed, so everyone loves.

And, however, we consider your necessary task, our duty, to make our at least a tiny share that increases the universal inspiration, to make at least a drop in that huge wave of patriotism, in the spontaneous ninth tree, which is powerfully raised on his sparkling ridge to the sky of all of us , Forcing the forget of party strife, scores and quarrels of peacetime.

In the terrible hour of testing, the internal distribution will be forgotten.<…>

We, at first, wanted to suspend our magazine during the war. Before imagining great events, it is terrible for the whole world, our business seemed to us with anyone who had no importance and interest - too suppressed us, like everyone else, the greatness of events. But then we said ourselves:

Let everyone in this Terrible for the Motherland an hour benefit to her Fatherland, as he can and how he can ...

We would be happy if the new satyrikon managed to capture our great and terrible time on their pages. To capture our enemies and friends, heroism, suffering, horror, sadness, cunning, beauty and abomination of war. "

Sachironki, from now on, turned their critical talent against the external enemy - the Germans and their allies. The pages of the magazine were sent by fell beer and caricatures, ridicuing the emperor Wilhelm, Austrian and Turk, Bulgarian king Ferdinand. Thoughts about these figures did not leave Averchenko even during the rest. On August 8, 1914, being visited in Kookkale, he left the next entry in the recently appeared Almanac "Chukocal":

"Not because we fight with Wilhelm, but in general - I find that Wilhelm is ridiculous. You can make a mistake in one case ... Well, in two! .. Well, in three !!

1. I thought that England would be neutral ... - I was wrong.

2. I thought that Japan would be against Russia. - Wrong.

3. I never thought that Japan would be for Russia. - Wrong.

4. I thought that Belgium would silently miss the Germans. - Wrong.

5. I thought that Italy would be behind the Germans. - Wrong.

6. I thought it was likely that Italy would be neutral. - Wrong.

7. Hoping the power of Austria. - Wrong.

Total - 7 errors. These are precisely those 7 troubles for which - one answer "(Chukochal. Handwritten Almanac Kornea Chukovsky. M., 2006).

Arkady Timofeevich was not subject to mobilization. In December 1916, he passed a complete medical examination, as a result of which he was recognized as "notable" to military service and enrolled in the all-round militia. Two other owners of the "New Satiron" - Radakov and Remie - were served in the rear military school, which was preparing the chauffeur and motorcyclists. In Chukokkale, a comic figure of December 28, 1915 was preserved, in which he portrayed himself in a soldier's uniform, with a gun and a blurred backpack. In the comments to this cartoon Chukovsky wrote: "The artist of re-mi, waiting for a call to the army, tried to imagine how he would be in a soldier form. It turned out ridiculous scarecrow.<…> In fact, in a soldier's uniform, he was still unsightly "(Chukocal. Handwritten Almanac Kornea Chukovsky). Alexey Radakov Already in the 1920s, loved to paint, as he was "silent-military" and "ladies just fell, fell, such I was a handsome man!". In the same automotive school since September 1915, Vladimir Mayakovsky worked since September 1915, and Victor Shklovsky taught newcomers to drive cars on a Mars field. Radakov recalled how fun to spend time: "We had a rather strange service, somewhat even humorous. We needed to build troops that came from the front. Suppose some part arrives from the front. For example, military cars come, cyclists, we needed to find the appropriate room in the city and represent. To do this, it was necessary to go to the Duma, bold and hell knows what "(Radakov A. A. Memories. Record on April 26, 1939. Manuscript. BMM).

Sasha Black was mobilized (served in the 13th field hospital in the Warsaw region), Vasily Knyazev and Arkady Bukhov, who immediately after the appellation were demobilized: the first - by illness, the second due to the "unreliability".

In the early years of the war, the wave of patriotism was overwhelmed by all the layers of Russian society. The owner of the "Vienna" removed the sign of the institution and replaced it to "Restaurant I. S. Sokolova"; Tafffi in July 1916 was photographed for the magazine "Sun of Russia" in a sister of mercy. The signature under the picture was reading: "The famous writer N. A. TEFFI, who disposted gifts to the lower ranks in the existing army." Averchenko also wrote about the manifestations of heroism at the front, ridiculed the rear weekdays: ramped speculation, theft and bribery. In one of the Fakeleons of 1915, he argued that an unscrunetrating merchant raising prices for essential goods should be referred to: "Where is your patriotism, which covers all decent, decent Russia?"

« Editor (sadlo). GM ... Mnishek. It seems I understand you. Pedigree Kaiser?

Writer. Mmmm ... nn-no.

Editor. Sorry, I am very busy. Break down to explain what's the matter.

Writer (thoughtfully, with conviction). Original, the bright character of this woman, the overall color of her personal life ...

Editor (strictly). What is the war here?

Writer. I say that I have nothing to do with it.

Editor. Cute, the reader requires military, topical stories.

Writer. Is it? I did not hear. Where did you read about it?

Editor. Sorry, I once ... ( Looks at the writer with hatred.) And where did you see anyone else read other than the stories about the war? "

The writer, and without falling down the editor, is deleted with nothing. Following him, the Cabinet comes the Belletrist Boshko, which writes in all the requirements of the "current moment":

« Boshko. <…> Will be satisfied. The case takes place in the trenches. Mass shots.

Editor. And machine guns are there?

Boshko. All, all. Armored forts, machine guns, zeppelins and even Fugasi.

Editor (in love). Lord! Give God to man! Luxury feather! Pyrcy of paints! Life, blood and fire!

Boshko (non-pains). BUT? Yes: the hero beaten into the blood and thrown into the fire. "

Averchenko raised a similar problem, for example, in Faken "Military Specialist. From the life of a small press "(1915), in which heated amateurs writing about the war and not understanding the meaning of many special terms. The conversation editor of the newspaper with the "Military Observer" appears that described in the Faken, is a smile:

"- Which you wrote oddity:" The Austrians were continuously shot in Russians from the bludges, directing them in them. " What does "them in them" mean?

What is incomprehensible here? Directing them in them, mean, directing the blocks in the Russians!

Yes, can the bludge can be directed?

Why, - shrugged Military Observer, - after all, he was moving. If you need to aim, it turns on the necessary direction.

Do you mean, think that you can shoot from the pancroja?

Why ... Of course, who wants - can shoot, and who does not want - may not shoot.

Thank you. So, in your opinion, the bludge is something like a cannon?

I don't think this, but in a military! - flared browser. - What are you kidding me, what? In any newspaper, we will meet phrases: "Russians shot out of the bludges", "the Germans shot out of the bludges" ... donkey just won't understand what kind of duck! "

Arkady Timofeevich was amused and then when I saw the manifestations of an exalted attitude towards a military topic, which became fashionable. In his notebook of this time, we found such sketch:

"- Who you are?


Thank God! First military ...

Oh no, I am a military tailor. "

Believing in the healing power of laughter, Averchenko often spoke before injured in hospitals. One day, an interesting case described in the story of the "terrible boy" occurred aqueous of the lazarets with it. However, before bringing out a quote from it, we ask the reader to remember the circumstances of the Sevastopol childhood of the writer, namely the hooligan Vanka Pharmaccock, who held the artillery Slobodki boys in fear. Remembered? Now provide the word Arkady Timofeevich:

"On November 12, 1914, I was invited to read a few of my stories by the wounded, who was deadly bored in a peaceful laza lazart atmosphere.

I just entered into a large, styled bed with beds, like from behind me, from the bed, I heard a voice:

Hello, Frare. What are you set on pasta?

The tone native to my child's ear sounded in the words of this pale, overgrown with a wounded beard.

Are you me?

So do not recognize old friends? Wait, you will fall to me on our street, you will find out what Vanka Pharmikenok!

A terrible boy lay in front of me, weakly and gently smiling at me.

Children's fear of him for a second grew in me and forced me and him (then, when I confessed him to this) laugh.

Cute pharmacy? An officer?

Yes. - And in turn: - Writer?

Not injured?

That's something. Do you remember how I drank Hannibazer to you?

Still would! And why did you "get to me" then?

And for watermelons from bashtan. You stole them, and it was not good.

Because I myself wanted to steal.

Right. And you had a terrible hand, something like an iron hammer. I imagine what she is now ...

Yes, brother, - he grinned. - And you can't imagine.

Why, look.

And showed a short stub from under the blanket.

Where is it like that?

Battery was taken. They were a person fifty. And we, this ... less. "

In the summer of 1915, Averchenko took a trip, which was called "Caucasian evenings" in the press. He spoke before injured in the Caucasian mineral waters and tried to distract these people from heavy thoughts, cheer. The writer deliberately selected pre-war works for public execution, allowing to discharge an alarming atmosphere and thoughtlessly laughing. The Pyatigorsk Echo newspaper on June 15, 1915 wrote with gratitude: "This high person with such a good-natured character and a mocking face came to us at a time when the twilight became especially painful and gloomy, when it was so difficult to breathe in the faint air, and said Only one word - laugh! We obediently laughed, and somehow immediately became easier, more fun in my soul. "

New military realities caused new topics of creativity: by 1915, the laughter plot was firmly established in Novoya Satirikon, born living conditions under the "dry law". From July 19, 1914, due to the royal decree on the prohibition of the production and sale of all types of alcohol products throughout Russia, alcohol trade was discontinued. The protest "alcoholic" humor of Satirontev was friendly to drinking. They were so ironically related to the "dry law" that in 1915 they released a whole satirco-humorous collection of "Ospen Number on the grave of Green Zmia", in which skeptically considered the prospect of universal sobriety. The content of this book cannot but cause a smile: Arkady Bukov "World History of Drinks", Isidor Gurevich "Alcoholism and Medicine", Alexander Roslavlev "Drunk poems", etc.

Averchenko wrote four fellowallon for the collection: "Osin Col", "dry holiday (non-hearing story)", "hypnotism" (essay) and "incomprehensible". In the Fakele "Osin Col", which opens a collection, satirik clearly defined its position:

"Let me cry, the reader is my intimate trusted friend," you know what? On the disappearance in the rus of drunkenness.<…>

It seems to be enjoyed?

This text is a familiarization fragment.

New Year twelve. Bottle slapped, baby-year looks out the window, my frosty wine snapped in a glass. I am alien to new desire, but will I get town about when I have a memories of the past happiness? Here again I am a Moscow student, and you are with me, and again

For the new year of the new year in anticipation. Eternity Shirma is immense. Stars thoughtfully believe me, I believe you, lunar stains! I know whose secret moaning, your heart is understandable: the days that you drive, do not return back. I see I tear down. Fantasically measured in their authority

The new home is once with a black cat (which "by itself" in the kipling) we lived together ... And there was our relaxing house with peaceful love for Vikings and books a little bit warm, and this cool light of spacious loneliness was mercant for anyone. In vain, someone's hearts caught as if

New century Even if you muffle the old English clock with a pillow, scorching the last and first moments of the time, and to hide the head under the blanket and say at 11 o'clock in the evening: "Sleep!" - Don't fall out anyway. The subconscious records the event: not a year

Birth Ave. "Satirikon" I successfully went ... M. Bulgakov. Ivan Vasilyevich Arkady Averchenko appeared in St. Petersburg under the new, 1908 with eleven rubles in his pocket and hope for good luck. In one of the autobiographies, he even called the date of arrival - December 24th. However, in the other

The "New Satirikon" of 1The 1913 in Satirikon broke out a scandal, which led to the rupture of Averchenko and K Cornfeld. In various sources, various reasons for what happened. The first version was outlined by L. Evstigneev (Spiridonova) in the monograph "Magazine

I. The new world of the cold winter night - when the transition from the previous century to a new one - a young man of twenty-six years old, sitting in a stuffy train car, wrote a letter facing a beautiful woman. From the window of the wagon, a view of the endless, lined with snow

New Chairman, a new course in March 1982, a year after the retirement from "Chase-Bank", I became the chairman of the company "Rockefeller Centr Inc." (RSI), which by that time owned not only the Rockefeller Center, but also another real estate. Framework,

New, well, very new me sent me to the village of a new goose-crystal area to the old wooden orphanage. Strange, practically I do not remember the bright and beautiful orphanages. All of them were extremely poor and old, as if the childhood was "such" a child can only pass in

The new century has come in the XX century. Alexander Alekseevna Mayakovskaya: "In the spring of 1901, Luda cums seven classes. On the occasion of the end of the course, we decided the whole family to go to Sukhum, where familiar lived. "In the Sukhum of Seven-year-old Volodya, the car was interested

Nikolai Markovich Emmanuel was a great connoisseur of female beauty. Just this I can explain my presence in the company of academicians. I was among them the only title not honored. Academics was a person six. Involved new, 1956.OTong

"Satirikon Fellini" still during study in Lyceum Federico read the issue of Satiron, equipped with pretty bad erotic illustrations. This version was not adapted for adolescents by removing obscene places. The author of this reached us in the form

New Year On December 31, friends gathered at Serov to spend old year and welcome new. They remembered how Under the New 1938 went from Spain. Yes, Spain is far away. And the whole year passed. But as it is close, and how recently they were there, under her bright sky on the scorched spaces

"Chelyabinsk State University"
          Department of Journalism
Faculty of journalism
      Evolution of Satirikon magazine.

Performed: Mukhametnurova O. U.
(FZH -201)
Checked: Art. prep. Warriors K. V.


Introduction ______________________ ______________________________ 1
§1.1. History of the magazine "Satirikon" ____________________________3
§2.1. The evolution of Satira style in the magazine "Satirikon" _______________ 5
CONCLUSION __________________________________________________ __7
List of used literature ____________________ ___________8


The revolutionary events occurring in the world and, in particular, Russia at the beginning of the 20th century led to the fact that the Russian public became more liberated. It became brighter to express their democratic aspirations not immediately and not directly, but by means of fekelon, epigram, and with the help of other ironic means. It could not not notice the press in which humorous and satirical publications began to develop. One of them is the humorous magazine "Dragonfly" (1875-1918), which, but soon lost its popularity 1. But he gave the basis of another not less than bright Petersburg Satirikon Satyrikon magazine (1908 - 1913). Named in honor of the eponymous antique novel of the Roman writer Petronia of the Arbitrator, he continued the best traditions of Satira's hike. purpose Works - trace the development history and evolution of Satirikon magazine. From here there are two tasks: 1. Trace the history of Satirikon magazine. 2. To allocate the main land development and evolution of Satirikon magazine.
The history of the development of this printed publication is full of takeoffs and falls. So the magazine was able to stand on his feet after the first Russian revolution (1905-1907) and by 1912 to bloom in full color (the policy of P.A. Stolypin and other democratic reforms could not be promoted. Then he fell into a lane of the crisis of 1913 and left it updated, having survived hard attacks censorship. Already "New Satirikon" survived to the beginning of 1918. Only after the October Revolution, the magazine was closed, and most authors were in emigration.
The main reason for the high popularity of the magazine was that he combined as a political satir (aimed, for example, against German's foreign policy before and during the First World War, against the Black Hundreds, and after October 1917 - against the Bolsheviks), and harmless humorism . It was important that the figures of the Russian culture of the Silver Century were actively involved in it, which are generalized and called "Sachirikonovtsy". The editor-in-chief of the journal became Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko, who is attracted by a whole Pleiad of talented poets and prosaikov: Sasha Black, Osip Smoke, TEFFI, Arkady Bukhov, Leonid Andreev, S. Marshak, A. Kubrin, A.N. Tolstoy, S. Gorodetsky. And in 1915-1917. With "New Satirikon" collaborated by V.V. Mayakovsky. Among the main employees were no less talented graphs A.A. Radakov, N.V. Remizov-Vasiliev (Remy), A.A. Junger (Bayan), A.V. Remizova (Miss). Their bold caricatures and cartoons also decorated every room of a bold magazine and were also the object of censorship.
Satirikon magazine left a bright trail in the history of periodicals, pouring a political and social life of Russia in the form of a caustic of Satira at the beginning of the XX century.

§1.1. History of the magazine "Satirikon"

The history of the magazine "Satirikon", rich in the events, began in the depths of another satirical publication called "Dragonfly". It was there that in the fall of 1907, the future chief editor of Satirona Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko began to work. In 1907, young artists of the re-mi (N.V. Remizov-Vasilyev), A. Radakov, A. Junger, A. Yakovlev, Miss (A.V. Remizov) and a poet (A.V. Remizov) also collaborated .M. Antipov). All of them were unhappy with a colorless empty "dragonfly" and persistently offered to the publisher to reform it. Oddly enough, the appearance of Averchenko served as if the last impetus for the cautious editor Cornfeld agreed.
At one of the regular sessions, the editorial board it was decided to turn the "dragonfly" from the humorous magazine to satirical, reflecting the topical events of public and political life in the country. Immediately came up with the magazine another name. He was offered radicals. He remembered the famous Ancient Roman Roman Guy Pocronia "Satirikon" reform - the narrative of the nightmarish era of Nero, where life details are fancy mixed with grotesque images of the disgusting world.
So the creative face of the new organ was determined. And from the third of April 1908, instead of the Satirikon's Satirikon, who set itself the task of the moral correction of society by satira in the temper, began to be published. And "Dragonfly" soon completely stopped existence. "Satirikon" chose the tactics of public and political satire, the main object of which was political life. "Satirikonovtsy" was ironic about state-owned, political intrigues and parties. The satyrconets were ingeniously ridiculed everyone who was the stronghold of a government and public reaction. Very often and willingly, they criticized the Cadet Party, primarily for her behavior in the state of the State Duma. The symbol of the helplessness of the cadets was "Vyborg Pretzel". In this case, there was meant the famous Vyborg Cadet's appeal, in which they called on the people "do not pay taxes and carry out the tactics of passive resistance."
By the end of 1911, there was an obvious drop in the political acute "satiron". From the front-line satirical organ, he gradually turns into a humorous, smoking less from the "alarm", "jester", "shards". However, many of the "smiling satire" did not suit the same principle. So in 1911 from Satiron leaves Sasha Black, not wanting to put up with the fact that the magazine acquires the "dance class". Such a decline in radicalism is partly connected with expectations that PA politicians gave Stolypin and the events of the Tredunion coup, when Nicholas II went on significant concessions.
In 1913, a split took place in the editorial office of the journal, as a result of which "New Sachirikon" was formed. The immediate reason for the split was the cash misunderstanding and the quarrel between the main shareholders of the magazine: the publisher of M.G. Cornfeld, on the one hand, and Averchenko, Radakov and Remizov, on the other. According to the contract between the publisher and employees, Avechchenko, Radakov and Remizov had the right to control the economic part of the journal, and Cornfeld pledged to not raise the subscription and retail fee for the magazine.
The new satirikon "continued to exist successfully (18 rooms came) until the summer of 1918, when it was banned by the Bolsheviks for the counter-revolutionary orientation.

    §2.1. Evolution of Satira style in Satirikon magazine
From the first days of creating a young copyright and editorial board, and with the author's position of the Creator: he belongs to the terrible and vulgar world as a calm observer, not alien to humor, but sometimes a poisonous irony, but without a feeling of grief or anger. "Poisonous laughter" "Satirona" did not pumped on the basics of an existing building. The magazine did not even be removed from diseases to the toothless, entertainment press. But at the beginning of his life, Sachirikon quite often appealed to political satire 2. Most of all the Iddzok "Satirona" was delivered to the share of the right deputies of the Duma. Averchenko talked worried about how "due to bad behavior" did not call them for lunch to Prime Minister Stalypin. About the Black Hundred P. Large magazine with a grin remarked: "Yes, he is essentially a bright head! It is nothing that he went all in the ears, "hinting for the connection of the Kruznsky with the Department of Police. In No. 9 for 1909, Duma Speech were printed:
"Octobrist: we, gentlemen, stand guard ...
Peasant deputy (horrified): still guards? Eh, Rossei !! " 3.
However, after the storms of the first Russian revolution, the laugh of poets and Prosaikov "Satiron" becomes more good-natured. In this regard, it is characterized by No. 3 of the satirical edition for 1913, dedicated to the memory of the "Unforgettable Kozma Prutkov". Noting the 50th anniversary of his predecessor, satyrconets are sophisticated in witty parodies, but their public sound is small. Paradoxuality and sentimental intimacy are increasingly beginning to replace social and meaningful satire. On the pages of the magazine flashes naked women's bodies, stories about "artist-bootiness" and a modist, which he seduced, Easter, Mollyant, christmas baubles 4.
The central place in the journal was taken by cartoons on fashionable writers and artists. In this journal there was a special heading "Russian Groancy on Parnassa", and the authors of the stylized parodies of P. Potemkin and S. Gornyh 5 became the poetic leaders in the journal.
By 1912, disagreements began inside the editorial office, which brought soon to the split. It was visible on the editors of the magazine. So in the New Year's issue of the magazine, drawing a solemn parade of employees, A. Radakov, aside, portrayed Sasha Black, "rushing sometimes even on his". In 1911, Sasha sniffed with the magazine, publicly stating that he did not share his directions. Meanwhile, liberal critics enthusiastically welcomed the rotation of "Satiron" to humor. In their opinion, the main merit of the magazine was that he was able to entertain Russian society, nodded after 1905, thoughtlessly frivolous laugh.
According to Averchenko, Satirikon was to please the part of the Russian society, which felt the need to shook with the soul the pressing nightmare stainedness, freely sigh, fun to laugh. The magazine offered laughter as a saving remedy for longing and despondency 6. The new function of the satire of those years he sees in to save the intellectual, drowning in pessimism, and help the "recovering" part of Russia should have fun.
But, unfortunately, such a strategy was winning, as the charges of war and destruction in the country gave little reason for fun. And the cardinal permutation of political forces after October 1918, when the Bolsheviks became at the head of power, tried the logical end of this bright magazine.
The five-year history of the origin, development, crisis and closure of the satirical magazine Satirikon was a bright page in the history of not only Russian journalism, but also poetry of the Silver Age. Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko managed to gather under his beginning the best poets and prose of the silver century. Among the main employees - graphics A. A. Radakov, N. V. Remizov-Vasilyev (Remy), A. A. Junger (Bayan), A. V. Remizova (Miss), writers Sasha Black, Tafffi, A. . Bukhov, etc.
The charter of the faceless humor "Dragonflies", "alarm" and "Sharkovkov" Young employees "Satiron" began to famously criticize politics and social system and morals in Russia. Only short-lived handler before the First World War Dala and Liberal Reforms P.A. Stolypin gave them a reason for the transition to a smiling and harmless satire. It could not do not give reasons for dissatisfaction with radicals (and first of all, the Bolsheviks). They called such a satir "toothless." The editorial team was added to this thematic confusion (especially between A.T. Averchenko and MG. Cornfeld). And the arrival of the Radicals of Bolsheviks in October 1917 completed the outcome of this satirical publication.
Thus, the goal of the work was performed: the history of the creation and development of Satirikon magazine was traced and the main milestones of its development were allocated.
However, in the XXI century. The traditions of "Satirona" are alive: in 2006 he began his life e-magazine "Satirikon - bis!" 7. Artist Alexey Karakovsky intends to choose the style of registration in domestic and foreign retro cards. The name of the magazine is symbolic: "bis", on the one hand, means continuity from the "New Satiron" Arkady Averchenko, and on the other hand, applause.
    List of references:
1. Evstigneeva L.A. Satirikon magazine and Satyrconic poets. M., 1968.
2. Poets "Satirona". [Prepared. G. E. Riklin. Hitch Art. Evstigneeva L.A.], M. L., 1966
3. Kazak V. Lexicon Russian literature of the 20th century. M., 1996.
4. URL:

Students 133 groups

Yakovleva Olga

Shadrinsk, 2008.

    Sachirikon ......................................................................................... ..3

    A.T. Averchenko ............................................................ .. ... .5

    "Two crimes of Mr. Nambagina" .........77

    Sasha black ........................................................................ 8

    Poems .................................................................................... .10.

    Teffi .................................................................................. ..1.1.

    "Babya Book" .................................................................. ..14

    Bibliography .................................................................. .16.


Speaking about the main directions of the Russian poetry of the Silver Century, poetic schools and individual groups, it is impossible not to mention another unification, which entered the history of literature called "Satirikon".

Sachirikon was that outstand, which is always lacking during the mode in the one's sense of the word. The regime was the royal, there was so-so, and the characters and plots were enough for ridiculous with an excess. So there was a "satyricon" - a stinging and mocking magazine.

On April 1, 1908, it became a symbolic date. On this day, the first issue of the new weekly magazine "Satirikon" was published in St. Petersburg, which then had a noticeable influence on public consciousness. Artist Alexey Alexandrovich Radakov (1877-1942) became the first editor-in-chief of the journal (1877-1942), and from the ninth room, this post went to the Satirik writer, playwright and journalist Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko.

The editors of the magazine was located on Nevsky Prospekt, in the house number 9. Satirikon was a hilarious and caustic, sarcastic and evil; In it, the witty text was interconnected with stinging caricatures, funny jokes were replaced by a political cartoon. At the same time, the magazine was distinguished from many other humorous editions of those years with their social content: here, without going beyond the fractions, uncompromisingly ridiculated, the authorities, the Power, Markobes, and therachnotens. The position of the magazine in the last paragraph was determined not so much writers and journalists with Jewish roots - V. Azov, O. Smoke, O. L. D'Or, how many purebred Russians: A. Averchenko, A. Bukhov, TEFFI and others who gave anti-Semites There is much more fierce rebuff than their colleagues. Jews.

Such satirics were printed as V.knyazev, Sasha Black and A. Bukhov, L. Andreev, A. Tolstoy, V.Makovsky, were printed, with the illustrations of the famous Russian artists B. Kustodiyev, I. Bilibin, A. Benua. For a relatively short term - from 1908 to 1918 - this satirical magazine (and his late version "New Satirikon") created a whole direction in Russian literature and an unforgettable era in its history.

Special merit in such a loud popularity of Satiron largely belonged to the gifted poets - satiritis and humorists who collaborated in the journal.

The reader quickly appreciated everything that satyriki tried to convey to him. All Russia read out by stories, poems, humorings, epigram pieces, which complemented brilliant caricatures, cartoons and drawings. Satirikon attracted readers by the fact that his authors practically refused to induce specific high-ranking persons. They did not have "generally binding love for the younger wrench." After all, the stupidity is everywhere remains nonsense, vulgarity - vulgarity, and therefore the desire to show a person such situations when he himself is ridiculous. Satira Liric, self-ironymia come to replace the objective satire, which allow to reveal the character "from the inside". This was especially pronounced in poetry, where the object of satirical or humorous image is a lyrical hero.

Creativity of Sasha Black, Tafffi, P. Potemkin, V. Goryansky, V. Knyazev, E. Vienna and other leading poets "Satiron" was presented on its pages with a variety of genres: poetic cartoons, pamphletes, humorings, parodies, fables, epigram.

In the period of the journal, in 1911, his publisher M. G. Cornfeld released in the magazine library "Universal history treated with Satirikon". The authors of this brilliant parody-satirical work were TEFFI, O. Smoke, Arkady Averchenko and O. L. D'Or; Illustrated the book artists-satyrconets A. Radakov, A. Yakovlev, A. Junger and Remizov (N. Remizov).

The popularity of TEFFI and Averchenko in those years is difficult to find analogues. Suffice it to say that Nikolai II himself gladly read these authors and bought their books in the skin and atlas. And it is not at all by chance that the beginning of the "universal history" was instructed to "process" the TEFFI, knowing, whose beloved writer she was, the objections of censors could not be afraid. Thus, speaking against the Duma, government, officials, bureaucrats of all the masters, Sachirikon, with the highest favor, unexpectedly came to the role of a legal opposition; His authors managed to make their poetic and prosaic creativity in politics much more than any politician.

However, in May 1913, a split on the basis of financial issues occurred in the journal. As a result, Averchenko and all the best literary forces left the editors and founded the magazine "New Satirikon". The former Satirikon under the leadership of Cornfeld continued to go out, but lost the best authors and as a result closed in April 1914. And "New Satirikon" continued to successfully exist (18 rooms) until the summer of 1918, when was banned by the Bolsheviks for the counter-revolutionary orientation.

Alas, the fate of satyrconets were not happy. Someone left his homeland, someone was repressed and died ... an attempt to revive the magazine by Russian emigrants was not crowned with success. But there is a considerable inheritance, which must certainly find his reader.

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Timofeevich Averchenko

Born on March 15, 1881 in Sevastopol in the family of a decreased merchant Timofey Petrovich Averchenko.

Arkady Averchenko graduated from only two classes of gymnasium, since because of poor visual vision, he could not work for a long time and, in childhood, as a result of an accident, heavily damaged his eyes. But the lack of education over time was compensated by a natural mind, according to the testimony of the writer N. N. Breschkovsky.

Averchenko began to work early, for another 15 years, when he entered the service in the private transport office. He lasted there for long, a little more than a year.

In 1897, Averchenko leaves to work as a railway to the Donbass, to the Bryansk mine. He worked on the mine for three years, subsequently writing several stories about the local life ("Evening", "Lightning", etc.).

In 1903, he moved to Kharkov, where his first story appears on October 31 in the South Edge newspaper.

In 1906-1907, he edits Satyric magazines "Shtyk" and "Sword", and in 1907 he is fired from the next place of service with the words: "You are a good person, but do not go to hell." After that, in January 1908, A. T. Averchenko leaves for St. Petersburg, where in the future will acquire broad fame.

So, in 1908, Averchenko becomes the secretary of the Satyric magazine "Dragonfly" (subsequently renamed Sachirikon), and in 1913 he was his editor.

Averchenko, for many years, successfully works in the team of the magazine with famous people - TEFFI, Sasha Black, Osip, Dymov, N. V. Remizov (Remy), and others. It was there that his most brilliant humorous stories appeared there. During the work of Averchenko in Satirikon, this magazine became extremely popular, based on his stories were placed in many theaters of the country.

In 1910-1912, Averchenko repeatedly rides traveling around Europe with his friends-satyrconets. These journeys served aurchenko rich material for creativity, so in 1912 his book "Satyrontev's expedition to Western Europe" was published, who had a lot of noise at that time.

After the October Revolution, everything changed dramatically. In August 1918, the Bolsheviks found the "New Satirikon" anti-Soviet and closed it. Averchenko and the whole team of the magazine took a negative position in relation to Soviet power. To return to my native Sevastopol (in the Crimea, busy white), Averchenko had to get into numerous redirects, in particular, to wade Ukraine across the occupied by the Germans.

From June 1919, Averchenko worked in the South newspaper (subsequently "South of Russia"), campaigning for the help of a voluntary army.

November 15, 1920 Sevastopol was taken red. A few days before, Averchenko managed to float on a steamer in Constantinople.

In Constantinople, Averchenko felt more or less comfortable, since there at the time there was a huge number of Russian refugees, the same as he.

In 1921, in Paris published a collection of pamphlets "Dozen knives in the back of the revolution", called Lenin "Highly Bottible Book ... Anchored to the Umbrants of the White Guard". He followed the collection of "Dozen Portraits in Format BooR."

None of these cities Avechchenko remained for a long time, and moved on June 17, 1922 to Prague for permanent residence.

In 1923, in the Berlin Publishing House North, his collection of emigrant stories "Note Simproin" came out.

Life away from homeland, from the native language was very heavy for Averchenko; Many of his works were devoted to this, in particular, the story of the "Tragedy of the Russian Writer".

In the Czech Republic, Averchenko immediately acquired popularity; His creative evenings enjoyed noisy success, and many stories were translated into Czech.

On the eve of revolutionary shocks and in the revolutionary era, satirical magazines have gained special popularity. The most famous magazines "Alarm Clock", "Beach", "Guillotine", "New Sachirikon", Pamphlet organ "Eshafot".

Weekly magazine "New Satirikon". In the foreground - the magazine page with the poem V. Mayakovsky "Judge" ("Anthem Judge").

"About two tens of years, we are rules by us, smart, free people, this boring boring couple ... who allowed? And they were all silent, they endured and even sowed sometimes in all the throat" God King King ". Who made it disgrace and the All-Russian mockery above us. ? Who allowed? Ay-Ya-Yai "1.

Arkady Averchenko

In a revolution with satire

The Petersburg weekly satirical magazine "Satirikon" was used by the deserved attention of readers, since 1913, which was called "New Sachirikon". The journal arose based on the humorous weekly "Dragonfly". Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko became the editor and inspirer "New Satiron". Sachirikonovtsy headed by the chief editor was optimistic and inspired by the revolutionary events of February 1917. On the cover of all rooms there was a slogan "Long live the republic!". One of the main plots of satirical works was the royal couple, the favorite themes were the policy of the former emperor Nicholas II and his ministers.

The article is indicative of Averchenko himself "What I think about this", printed in April 1917 and represented the author's reflection on the state of the Russian state and society.

Frequently challenged the authors of satirical and humorous pamphlets into the court of those whom they were written. So, Averchenko received a challenge and challenge to Chelyabinsk to participate in the court session on the statement of "some Chelyabinsk Airborne". Receipt of the agenda and the failure of Averchenko from the presence at the meeting, as well as the further absence of any punishment, along with the awareness of complete freedom, he picked up the editor of the "New Satiron" on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe state-bordered state of the state and society of post-revolutionary Russia: "Paper is completely fresh, And what is it now? Where now "by decree of His Majesty"? Where is this strict fixer now? Where are you, darling? " 2. This thought was the harbingers of the lack of support by the magazine Bolsheviks in the future.

"Take a rag for a state person"

Fully and fully welcomed the republic, Averchenko argued about the human essence of Nicholas II: "I somehow it is scared that Nikolai Alexandrovich, sitting on the throne, was not the real emperor of All Russia, but the most ordinary person, that's how we are with you ... maybe his ideal to play a screw on a hundredth, to breed in the garden in the garden of flowers and, having arrived from the cottage to the service in Petrograd (he must serve as an assistant challenge in the department), go in the evening to Nevsky, find there a night feuit and invite It was somewhere on the caravan, change fearfully and timidly with his grumpy and power, but he faded from worries and get his wife with the kids. Maybe he is the former king of this one - by nature and everything in his warehouse - that's exactly such a person! ". In such a disrespectable impendence of the emperor, the destruction of the myth of the godopotannosis of the king, the priesthood and the inviolability of his figure, the overthrow of his own and his whole family to the average representatives of the Meshchansky estate. However, Averchenko did not feel pity for the fate of the Augustic person, he experienced sincere surprise, as such a person could get to the Russian throne: "Let me! Yes, what's the thing? How did this Nikolay Alexandrovich, I have been allowed (I don't have the name of Romanov - it would be that "Alive in the kind of this), how did they allow him to go to the mountainous mantle and give the reigning individuals and ambassadors of the audience", "and we are also good! Icicles, to take a rag for a state person!" 3.

The author pays great attention to his own assumptions about the reaction of Nicholas II on the events. To enhance the effect, Averchenko promoted the experiences of the emperor, despite the evidence of eyewitnesses about the severity of the decision to renounce the throne: "His guffling, worrying and stumbling, proves that he needs to renounce the throne, and he? Was he showed at least some greatness of Tirana Has he dropped at least one historical phrase? .. They say, he sat down and stroked the punishment with a pencil. And then, silently signed the renunciation and said after: "Well, okay, I will go to Livadia, I will breed the flowers" 4.

Stiffness, exaggeration and bringing the situation to the absurdity became inalienable features of Arkady Averchenko's creativity during this period. The accusatory articles of the editor asked the overall tone of the whole edition. In the April issue of the magazine under the portraits of the imperial couple "in concerns about the welfare of loyal ..." A photo of guns found in one of the former policemen "for turning the fingers, expansion of the wounds and to break the eardrum with particularly important interrogation purposes" 5 .

Caricature - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye

The attitude of the Imperial Family with Germany and, in particular, with Emperor Wilhelm II, were the favorite theme of journalists-satiritis of the revolutionary epoch. The German origin of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna became a direct reason for her image as a spy, the only desire of which was the collapse of Russia from the inside that there was nothing in common with reality. A bright example of the development of this topic on the pages of the magazine has become published cartoons of re-mi. The cover of the magazine depicted the Empress for the counter with a sign "The yard supplier. Wilhelm II. The latest news of the season" - offers representatives of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria a certain secret plan. Signature under the caricature: "Sale of Russia Wholesale and retail. As some" great princes "lived and worked and worked. - How, your majesty? expensive for me - our cute Russia ... "6

In the same room, the caricature was printed "How the Russian people of German spies imagined and what they really are", consisting of two drawings. The first is a man in a black rainter, running through the field with a small lantern in his hands, on the second - Alexander Fedorovna in the royal phaeton near the military unit with a camera in his hands. The troops give her honor, and the Empress records the features of the device of the fortress 7.

"Protopopov for a walk wants to shoot"

Not only the imperial family was subjected to attacks, but also visible in the past. Favorite figures were the chairman of the Council of Ministers P.A. Stolypin and Minister of Internal Affairs A.D. Protopopov. Karicatura A. Radakov on the "Stolypinsky Tie" called "Last Consolation", which was answered to the news that the monument to Stolypin was dropped from the pedestal, raising him with the neck of a crane on the iron chains: "Stolypin: - How well it happened, That I used my "Stolypinsky" tie to another while in life, and it was applied on me only a few years after my death ... "8

Sergey Mikheyev's poem was awarded the former Protopope Minister for whom rumors had rumors about mental illness (in 1917, Protopov was really diagnosed - bipolar affective disorder, characterized by frequent change of symptoms of mania and depression). Probably, this was the reason for the addition of the following lines:

Dimming the strength of the passage
Olya Silver ...
Protopopov for a walk
Wants to shoot ...
- I'm tired of royal ethics,
Press the heart drama ...
Eh, to get a gun -
In the forehead would bang straight ...
Answered the soldier for it
Looking somehow stricter:
- it's we are without a pistol
Very simply can ...
Take only spirit
And, I will say without flattery,
Fight kid - how to fly
I will be put on the spot.
There is and time to pray -
Quietly like everywhere ...
But ... Shouts suicide:
- Uncle! .. I will not ...
Dormant the strength of the passage,
The evening began to go down ...
Someone cried for a walk:
- I want to shoot it! nine

"Repeated? Minister did?"

The post of Minister itself was ridiched, as evidenced by the caricature of N. Radlova "before, now." In contrast to the happy family of a tsarism era, experiencing joy and pride for the success of the head of the family, at the bottom of the figure depicts a man who informs the appointment to a new position with the appropriate signature: "Required? Minister made? Families do not regret ... yes not roar, Petka still it will not be easier ... "10

In 1917, many publications shared the history of Russia on the pre- and post-revolutionary. These two Russia is opposed to each other. The February Revolution has widely declared the equality of the rights of all citizens of the Russian Empire, regardless of gender, nationality, religion. In turn, the "era of tsarism" began to be associated with inequality and favoritism. Karicatura A. Radakov "People of the first necessity and the last" confirmation. The first part of the caricature shows the emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexander Fedorovna and Grigory Rasputin, giving nobles, higher Russian and foreign officials. The second part of the caricature illustrates the indifferent attitude of the above-mentioned soldiers in the fields of the First World War 11.


This is only part of the examples of the cruel court of journalists of "New Satiron" over the ears of the old Russia. Despite the opposition to the royal regime, an indifferent development of those flaying and depressing the authority of the former "hosts of life", the "New Satirikon" was not found in Soviet Russia. The October issue of the journal was signed "with deep angry dedicated to the Bolsheviks and internationalists," the first post-beater numbers were naply with bullying attacks to the Bolsheviks equated to street robbers. For Satirikonovtsev, the new revolution seemed chaos. It is not surprising that in July 1918 "New Satirikon" was banned, his ideological inspirer Arkady Averchenko moved to the side of Belykh and graduated from his days in emigration.

1. Averchenko A. What I think about it // New Satirikon. 1917. April. N 14. P. 2.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid. P. 3.
4. ibid.
5. In concerns about the good of loyal // New Satirikon. 1917. April. N 15. P. 2.
6. Sale of Russia Wholesale and retail // New Satirikon. 1917. April. N 14. P. 1.
7. On one great princess // Ibid. P.5.
8. Last consolation // New Satirikon. 1917. April. N 14. P. 4.
9. Mikheev. S. suicide // ibid.
10. Before, now // New Sachirikon. 1917. June. N 22. P. 13.
11. People of the first need and the last // New Satirikon. 1917. April. N 14. P. 9.

Speaking about the main directions of the Russian poetry of the Silver Century, poetic schools and individual groups, it is impossible not to mention the association, which entered the history of literature called "Satirikon".

Sachirikon was that outstand, which is always lacking during the mode in the one's sense of the word. The regime was the royal, there was so-so, and the characters and plots were enough for ridiculous with an excess. So there was a "satyricon" - a stinging and mocking magazine.

In the fall of 1907, a young man appeared to the editor of the St. Petersburg humorous magazine "Dragonfly". He was resented to Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko and expressed a desire to work in the journal. He was accepted by the publisher - MG Cornfeld, who had just inherited from the Father, a magazine, known for all Russia, but lost by this time not only former popularity, but also most of his subscribers. Having learned that Averchenko edited in Kharkov the magazine "Beach", "the edition of which was a little less than the circulation of" dragonflies ", Cornfeld invited a stranger on the Editorial Meeting.

This is how Averchenko describes his first appearance in the editorial board "Dragonflies":

You did not have the right to invite to the meeting of all provincial passing people! - roared, like a storm, gusty radicals. - Southern trains bring hundreds of puddles of provincial meat every day - what are all them and drag here, right?

Yeah, - shook his head discreet by re-mi. - Not good, not good. Stay and I invite someone from the street to the meeting - will it be nice?

However, when I at the second meeting suggested a couple of topics for the drawings, I was listened to me, the topics were discussed, accepted - and sorry Cornfeld again raised his head.

A week later, I was already invited as a secretary of the editorial office and solemnly entered into the execution of his duties Averchenko A.T. Favorites. - M.: Satirikon, 1913, №28, - 7pm. .

In 1907, young artists of Remi (N.V. Remizov-Vasilyev), A. Radakov, A. Junger, A. Yakovlev, Miss (A.V. Remizov) and the Poet of Red (K. M. Antipov). All of them were unhappy with a colorless empty "dragonfly" and persistently offered to the publisher to reform it. Oddly enough, the appearance of Averchenko served as if the last impetus for cautious Cornfeld agreed.

At one of the regular sessions, the editorial board it was decided to turn the "dragonfly" from the humorous magazine to satirical, reflecting the topical events of public and political life in the country. Immediately came up with the magazine another name. He was offered radicals. He remembered the famous ancient Roman "Satirikon" - a motley kaleidoscope of the nightmare era of Nero, where embossed vital details are fancy mixed with grotesque images of a disturbing disgusting world. His author read Guy Petronia Arbitrators

Radakov's proposal liked. A free statement of events in Satirikon seemed to be the editorial office of a happy find: without a fighting author by any framework, it gave great freedom of his creative fantasy. The young editorial office of "Dragongrosis" seemed the right and author's position of the creator of "Satiron": he belongs to the terrible and vulgar world as a calm observer, not alien to humor, but sometimes a poisonous irony, but without a feeling of grief or anger.

So the creative face of the new organ was determined. From the third of April 1908, instead of the Satirikon Satirikon, who set itself the task of moral correction of society by satire to the morale, began to leave the "dragonfly". And "Dragonfly" soon completely stopped existence.

"Everyone, who has recently followed the magazine" Dragonfly ", drew, of course, attention to those more or less noticeable reforms, which were gradually injected into the basis of our magazine," said one of her last numbers. "And then reforming the steadily" dragonfly ", we did the experience in a broad sense in parallel, founded a new magazine" Satirikon ". Currently, in view of the all the growing success of Satiron, we decided to combine both editions from June 1." Averchenko A.T. Fakelites. - M.: Dragonfly, 1908, №21, - 2 pp.

Meanwhile, the time for the heyday satire was the most inability. The first Russian revolution was suppressed.3 June 1907 Nicholas II, violating the promises, which was forced to give people to the revolutionary days of 1905, dispersed II State Duma. A strip of a gloomy reaction began in history under the name "Stolypinskaya". Step by step was taken by the blood-conquered "Freedom".

"That were times," the block wrote, "when the royal power was last reached, I wanted something: Witte and Durnovo twisted the revolution of the rope; Stolypin firmly wrapped this rope about his nervous noble hand" Block A.A. Cathedral Works. - M.: Small Book Publishing House, 1962, - 9 pp.

And if Russia was complained by the mouth of Gogol: "boring to live," and in the 80s they said after Chekhov: "Sad live", now she could only moan: "It's scary."

Remembering the first days of the life of the magazine, one of his employees - V. Warians - wrote:

It was at the time of Nicholas, in the godine of the royal clauses, in the era of Hollyz, weave, when there is an evil flock from the edge and to the edge of the edge of stupid hills.

The fireman of the scrambled eggs, stolen elders and children, was here, in our capital, where the devilish creams are close, where the stone dreams are shied, where - Sleepy, Pavenitsa - intelligent wisels wishing the judges of Dennica and Political Spring.

Among the extracted creatures, dressed in pink uniform, in silent failures of dark buildings - a small satir was born. V. warriors on the verge. - M.: Red Laughter, 1917, №1, - 4 pp.

Satirikon appeared at the moment when satirical literature of the progressive direction was finally strangled with a censored terror. Tested "veterans" of Russian humories were dominated on the book market: "Alarm clock", "fragments" and "jester". Remembering this, A. Averchenko wrote:

"As if the bloody-red rocket was swaying in 1905, burst, burst and scattered with hundreds of bloody-red satirical journals, such unexpected, scared with their unusual and terrible courage. Everyone went, taking the head of the head and winking each other on this bright rocket. - Here it is where, freedom!. And when the foggy bad morning came - on the place where the rocket was swaying, they found only a semi-burned paper tube, tied to a stick - a bright symbol of any Russian step - ahead whether, back whether.

The last sparks of Gasli Rocket gradually in 1906, and 1907 was already the year of complete darkness, darkness and despondency.

From the horizon, which represented by the leather bag of the newspaper, disappeared such magnificent, invigorating titles, like a "machine gun", "Zarya", "Zhepely", "Spectator", "Zarla" - and still took the honorable place drunk before the corner - quiet , peaceful "stockmarks" and "word".

During this period, everyone who had time to get used to the laugh, the irony and the ulcerative audacity of the "red" color and content of satirical magazines, again remained at four former old men, with which everyone was in difficulty in the complex, "alarm clock", " Shuthe "and" fragments ".

"When I arrived in Petersburg (it was at the beginning of 1908), in the windows of the editorial, the sinister persons" Leschi "and" the merchant, who drowned on Maskarada "," Dachnik, oppressed Dacha ", etc. Characters of Russian humorous Sheets, dozens of years eaten by this half-jammed rubbish. The Day ended. Inxainted from the free speeches of the guests were delivered along the plots, along various "forward", "single", and stayed behind the bold wine and diluted apricious table only - bad: "County husband", "Evil mother-in-law" and "merchant, sweeping on the masquerade".

What is called poor relatives. Thus, I arrived in the capital at the most unfortunate moment - not only towards the hatching, but even by the end of this cap analysis, when almost everything was received on the header. "Averchenko A.T. Selected stories. - M.: New Satirikon, 1913, №28, - 6 pp.

The period of the Stolypinsky reaction and the years that followed him are noteworthy precisely that they completed the process of sizing various groups within the Russian intelligentsia. A significant part of it openly or secretly went to the service to the bourgeoisie who seized the domination of the bourgeoisie, a minor minority joined the movement of the proletariat. Finally, she part that wanted to remain "independent," persistently believing in his "superclass" being and a saving mission, began to slowly die or decompose. By 1917, when the placement of political parties came to the highest degree, the illusion of the "absentee" position became apparent. But so far it did not happen, this part of the intelligentsia believedly believed that her position was the only right and in every way glorified her "non-partisanity."

All this should be remembered by speaking about the character and direction of Satiron. The subsequent disagreements inside the Satirikon editorial board clearly reflected the process of ideological embodiment of the Russian intelligentsia.

Nevertheless, at the beginning, Sachirikon actively opposed two negative trends in the development of the then satire: the wretched headlessness of the black-eyed humoristics and the unintended dust of the street press. The editorial office of the new magazine has set itself the goal - to cheer out the nursed Russian society with the help of "oppressions of evil laughter" or to drink it with "magic alcohol".

The appearance of Satiron became an event in the literary life of the Stolypinsky Russia. The reader who has just survived the Epoch of Freedom of the Word, strongly demanded with satirists of topical responses to all the concerns of his questions. Meanwhile, the last of the magazines, the famous "political spring", "Gray Wolf" - in 1908, was prohibited by order of the government.

Satyrconicians opposed their creativity to the tovaaba humorous "the jester", "alarm clock" and "fragments". After the revolution 1905-1907. The demand for these editions finally fell. The Russian audience, which bought from under the floor, the forbidden numbers "machine gun" and "signal" could no longer satisfy the empty, lightweight humor. Having ridiculed his "neighbors" by Satire, A. Averchenko so determined their face:

"Alarm clock": an old man with trembling hands, a stewful, giggling with a creamy unfortunate laugh. It turns out in an old woman with bright divorces, and if this bathrobe open, then like plushin, it can be seen that there is nothing under the bathrobe.

The Jester, who once brightened against the background of dreary colorless publications, turned into a wretched clown, without the slightest signs of originality and spark of wit. Now his stiffness is premature, and the kind of sadness to an eye. "

Finally, "fragments". Averchenko responded about them again:

"There was an honest cute magazine, in which Chekhov, Boudyshev, etc. were working at Leukein. Now it is a Cockclotte, who has fallen on the slope of his days, smashing with penny paints, inspired, with his primitive seduction with the help of a bad foot-drawn or famously removed female thigh." Averchenko A.T. Selected stories. - M.: Satirikon, 1908, №34, - 5-6 pp.

Naturally, satyrconets were in every way to dissolve from such literary fellow.

In the first issue of Satirona, the editors said:

"We will be a chlestically and ruthlessly beat all lawlessness, lies and vulgarity, which reign in our political and public life. Laughter, a terrible poisonous laughter, like scorpion stamps, will be our weapon." Black C. Red and white. - M.: Satirikon, 1908, №1, - 2 pp.

The first eight magazine numbers were edited by A. Radakov, A. Averchenko became the editor and soul of the magazine. Under his leadership "Satirikon" turned into a publication born in a lively modern life. The Russian reader found on the pages of "Satiron" acknowledgment characteristic of the political situation of Russia, a satirical image of public morals.

Foreign humor is widely promoted in the journal: English, French, German. Satirikon from the room in the room reprinted caricatures from German humorous magazines: "Simplicissimus", "Fliegende Blahatter", "Meggendorfers Blahat", "Kladderadatsch", "Jugend", etc. Therefore, contemporaries perceived "Satirikon" as a Russian "simplisisus".


Perhaps it will be useful to read: