Is it possible to order Xiaomi from China. How to get a Xiaomi smartphone from China without problems with customs passing. Cat in a bag.

For seven years of its existence, Xiaomi managed to achieve impressive success in the smartphone market. It is possible for a long time and thoroughly discuss the reasons why Xiaomi products have become successful and popular. The fact remains a fact - they were accepted and they want to possess. No exception and a large number of residents of the post-Soviet space, with the thrill perceive Xiaomi products.

Not so long ago, the company officially came to the Russian market and there would be there to refrank fans of its products, because they will no longer need to order a smartphone from China, afraid to lose the blatant seller's blood earned due to the fault. Add here the existence of the official firmware and guarantees - and you will understand that the truly paradise should be taken for Xiaomi fans. Perhaps it would have happened if there was no excessively aggressive policy of the official distributor of the RDC Group on the territory of the Russian Federation and his subsidiary of Smart Orange. The distributor in the face of the "punishing sword" Smart Orange took over the mission to stop the importation of counterfeit and "gray" Xiaomi products into Russia.

First of all, many online stores, trading devices surrounded by the territory of the Russian Federation and not included in the number of favorites. Smart Orange outlined a circle of partners in Russia, having the right to import Xiaomi smartphones into the territory of Russia, and all the other became the staff of Non-Grah. Being the copyright holder of the Xiaomi brand in the territory of the Russian Federation, the company announced this in his letter to the Federal Customs Service, becoming actually the only person who received the right to decide who to import smartphones, and who will remain overboard.

On the one hand, we would have to cause respect for the position of Smart Orange LLC, which decided to save Russian counters from fake devices. However, analysts and experts believe that under the guise of the fight against counterfeit, the dishonest method of competition and the desire to remove networks and shops that trade devices at a lower price are taken. Due to the difference in pricing policy, official vendors often suffer losses, and the goods are stripped on the shelves. The problem is that smartphones have more expensive. The price analysis on the market suggests that the mark-up for Xiaomi products in the official in Russia averages 30%. Agree, it is extremely difficult for us to convince us that we must pay an order of magnitude more than it was done until today, acquiring smartphones directly from the subnet. We know exactly what we want to acquire the goods at a lesser price and to feed the monopolist and cover its costs associated with logistics, warranty and service, many do not want. Almost predictably the lion's share of fans of smartphones Xiaomi would pass by the official store and everything would also acquire the devices in China, preferring themselves to reflash them.

Events would have evolved this way if the ban did not and private persons who, in theory, should not be distributed. But the state car in the face of the Federal Customs Service worked surprisingly clearly, banning the import of Xiaomi products to everyone who did not enter the number of favorites from Smart Orange. As a result - parcels to individuals from China with Xiaomi smartphones are sent back.

The procedure is simple. Customs authorities When receiving parcels with smartphones send a request to the copyright holder of the brand on the territory of the Russian Federation Smart Orange LLC to make a decision on the counterpacitation of the imported goods. It should be predictable that it is your smartphone that has signs of counterfeitness, and these most you violate the exceptional rights of intellectual property, and therefore the rightholder objects against his importance and asks to return the seller.

Such cases have already massively occur at the customs of Yekaterinburg and Orenburg. It seems that this is only the beginning and subsequently an increasing number of customs joined "to campaign on Xiaomi". At the moment, users who have never received their smartphones from China can seek justice through court decisions, but such a procedure requires certain spending and a vague judicial machine can cause a long-term dispute.

With a light hand distributor in the Russian market, Xiaomi has become a "innovator" in the fight against counterfeit when they are brought to the "sacrifice" of the interests of simple users. We were deprived of the right of choice and alternatives. We have the right to choose where, how and how much to purchase one or another product, as well as take on all the risks associated with the purchase. Most companies until today did not put the interests of their fans, introducing such an embargo on their products. But there is no guarantee that if the experience of the Xiaomi distributor will be successful and others will not want to introduce such a business building model. And we are not sure that after Russia, this practice will not be the norm in other states.

Our site in no way calls for some rebellion and slender revolutionary rows to arrange a coup. But we are confident that with our reaction of simple consumers depends, we will receive the right to choose and whether such a construction of a business is generally accepted. Media space - a huge platform where you can and need

Recently, there were cases when the Orienburg Customs began to deploy parcels with Xiaomi phones purchased for Ali Spress. When contacting the customs service for obtaining official explanation of the reasons why this product was stopped, issued the following answer: from March 2017 the official online store Xiaomi in Russia of Smart Orange (Marketing Division of the RDC Group), acquired the rights to sell Xiaomi products in Russia . Therefore, telephones imported into the territory of Russia and not past the approval of the company are counterfeit. There is a reasonable question arises, why Smart Orange LLC has not forbidden the sale of goods of this product at the Aliexpress site, and affects customs that stops the parcels that are personal use, and certainly non-contraceptible?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 328 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union: "2. Measures to protect rights to intellectual property facilities are not applied by customs authorities in relation to goods moved across the customs border: 1) individuals for personal use, including sent to their address in international postal sections; "

What to do if the parcel with the Xiaomi phone did not miss the customs?

If you expect the Xiaomi phone and saw that the status with the customs refusal appeared in the tracking of your mailing, then the official appeal to the appropriate customs office should be written about the reasons for refusal. Apply an official response to an open dispute to Aliexpress.

At the moment there is information that Xiaomi phones pass through customs in Vnukovo. Basically, unfold parcels coming on customs in Orenburg. Therefore, if you want to buy a Xiaomi phone, then it is better to write to the seller before it is better to take advantage of the delivery that the parcel is not in Orenburg.

Xiaomi Official Store. - This is the official store Xiaomi on Aliexpress, where you can purchase original brand products with a guarantee of quality.

The company Xiaomi was able to become one of the leaders in the list of the best manufacturers of modern mobile devices and other techniques. A continuous growth in the number of sales, which is evidenced by financial reports, speaks of a high level of confidence among users of Siaomi products.

In this store you will find a wide range of Xiaomi products: mobile phones, tablets, laptops, headphones, routers and other goods. All of them are conveniently sorted by categories, so you will be taken to the desired Xiaomi Official Store section without any difficulty, where you can choose the product and place an order. | Wears title Xiaomi Official Store. And it can be visited by clicking on the link.

Another pleasant bonus when buying mobile phones in the official store Xiaomi on Aliexpress is that some products can be ordered from a warehouse located in Russia. For residents of the Russian Federation, sending goods occurs within 24 hours and the delivery takes a few days. Now you will not need to wait for the ordered phone from China will come to mail after 30 days or more.

On Aliexpress you can find a large number of all kinds of sellers who offer to buy products of the manufacturer Xiaomi, but they are not officially official. In addition, these stores most often cannot offer free warranty repair for buyers if the device fails.

IN official store Xiaomi on Aliexpress You can buy mobile phones, laptops, fitness trackers MI Band, TVs and many other products of the Chinese manufacturer.

Reviews of the store Xiaomi Online Store

The official Xiaomi store was opened on Aliexpress in 2010 and has already managed to win a high rating and trust among customers. To date, the number of reviews about the Xiaomi Official Store store amounted to more than 29,000 pcs. and 98.6% of them are positive.

The scandal around the Russian customs and smartphones Xiaomi does not subside: more than 10 thousand people signed a petition against the ban on the importation of devices. We learn from experts, whether the actions of the customs and distributor Xiaomi are legitimate.

What happened?

In Russia, cases of delay in the customs of postal shipments with Xiaomi smartphones. People buy them in Chinese online stores, but the parcels do not pass customs control. The reason for the appeal of the Xiaomi distributor in Russia (Smart Orange LLC): They own the rights to the trademark "Xiaomi" and announced all the devices passing customs, counterfeit. Therefore, customs forbids the import of Xiaomi smartphones through postal departures.

According to approximate estimates, more than a thousand Russians have encountered this situation.

On whose side the law: what experts say

Hi-Tech Mail.Ru spoke with lawyers about this situation and found out interesting details. Experts reported that they did not hear about such cases in other countries.

It is quite appropriate that customs will throw in claims, as in spite of the right claims of copyright holders of brands, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, the material carrier can be recognized by counterfeit only by the court.

As Ivan Nikitenko explained, an intellectual lawyer:

The material carrier can be recognized by counterfeit only by the court. That is, before the entry into force of the decision of the Court, the controversial goods are correct to consider "goods with signs of counterfeitness". This very concept is legal. Therefore, it should decide.

Under Russian legislation, the goods can be declared counterfeit only by court decision.

However, the head of the Moscow human rights center, Mikhail Salkin, said that the actions of the distributor and the company were completely Xiaomi:

Customs has the right to this - this is governed by various laws, as well as agreements. Under Russian legislation, customs may require a document from you, which allows you to use a shopping or trademark in Russia.
Mikhail Salkin
Lawyer, head of the Moscow Human Rights Center

Lawyer Alexei Egorov also called these actions by legal:

The situation, indeed, is quite loud. However, from the point of view of the law, the distributor, alas, rights. It is he who is the copyright holder of the brand in Russia. It is supported and the decision of the FCS. Now, when you receive a smartphone, the customs is obliged to send a request to a distributor, and he, of course, will answer that it is counterfeit. Therefore, Internet sites selling gray models can already be considered violators of Russian legislation. It is easier for them to agree with the customs and send the order back, than to have problems with the law. Well, or at least not to write that the smartphone is this brand they sell (this is just a cunning, and not a legitimate way of sale).

Xiaomi Positions and Aliexpress

Hi-Tech Mail.Ru contacted Xiaomi press service in Russia. To find out their attitude to this situation. They know about the situation with Russian customs and distributor:

The company Xiaomi is aware of the current situation and together with our RDC Group partner we are working to resolve the problem. Our fans have always been the main priority of the company.
Press Service Xiaomi in Russia

It should be noted that Aliexpress representatives refused official comments.

Will the war comes with "Seryak"?

So, Xiaomi smartphones are delayed at customs - it's annoying, but another question arises: will this be a tendency? Other companies, such as Meizu or Apple, can also present the rights to brand ownership and declare counterfeit all devices ordered from other countries. Then we are waiting for a large-scale war between the official distributors and sellers of "gray" devices.

Customs actions created a precedent for other companies. There are already messages that the devices from Sony, BlackBerry, Chuwi and some other companies are "wrapped".

As Yuriy Salkin told, this outcome is quite possible. Customs services received new equipment that allows you to study the parcels without opening. Therefore, there is a chance that some iPhone, ordered in an unattended online store, can also be stuck on the border. So far there were no such cases, but be careful.

So far, all cases occurred in the Yekaterinburg and Orenburg customs, which is strange. For some reason, the parcels with smartphones do not delay in Moscow customs and other cities. Perhaps so far only there have been introduced new equipment and test it. So in the future, probably other customs will also start stopping the parcels with smartphones.

Why do people order technicians in China

The reason is simple - the price difference between the "white" and "gray" device reaches an average of 30-40%. Say, Redmi Note 3 Pro in the Smart Orange store will cost you at 13490 rubles. On Ali, a similar copy with a global firmware is estimated at 8700-9500 rubles. In the upper price segment, there was less in percent, and in absolute figures above - "official" MI Note 2 is given for almost 35 thousand rubles, and the "Chinese" costs 28781.

"Warn" at all points?

Not really. Among the perturbed buyers, the Ekaterinburg and especially Orenburg customs points are enjoyed. Users note that Xiaomi smartphones are missing in Vnukovo in almost no problem. A tendency is also seen: several devices arriving in Yekaterinburg in early May were checking, but the April is still lying. Community Subscriber Irina K. From some time began to collect statistics - which smartphones were monitored, and what it was not possible. From this data it can be seen that many devices depended in Orenburg tightly, and "May" no, no, and come out of Yekaterinburg:

Why did Smart Orange do that?

As in the case of consumers, suppliers are simply looking for their benefit - "parallel" imports one way or another hits the pocket content. The volume of "left" supplies is to calculate problematic, but, judging by the rustic reaction of deceived depositors, some percentage sailed by the official importer. The Senior Vice-President Xiaomi on the presentation in Russia itself also said about the intentions of "strangling" the Senior Smartphones. Another thing is that such a step seems to be designed primarily on wholesalers - Internet shuttles that bought it cheaper, they sold more here. Alas, he hooked up and simple users.

The rest will begin to do so too?

In this regard, the behavior of Meizu is a direct competitor Xiaomi for the attention of the Russian consumer. Meizu also has a representative office in the territory of the Russian Federation, but no one fights with a flow of gray imports - apparently, they want to drown it out of charge, but the service and other advantages of "white" smartphones.

But there are also opposite examples, and from us well-known Sony. The story of the guy from Surgut, who ordered PS4 Slim in Germany, and received a fine, recently had the entire Internet, but there is a case in the imperfection of the bureaucratic system: the new Slimka simply did not have time to register in the database of the note on the characteristics of encryption and goods. But the story that the employee of the press service of the Khabarovsk customs told the publication Amurmedia, deserves close attention:

"There was a precedent when we turned back the parcel with Sony Playstation, because the right holder said that he did not give import permits," Victoria Aleshina, the press service of the customs point of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Victoria clarified that if you find the goods included in the list of Rospatent in the sending, the request is sent to the rightholder - whether it gave permission to import. If the manufacturer responds with refusal, the goods return to the seller. Judging by customer reviews, Sony now sticks to such tactics.

Ok, I bought a smartphone, and he stuck at the customs, what should I do?

Strictly speaking, you have two options. Of these, only one can lead to a satisfactory solution to your local problem.

Option 1. Support with the FCS, which is long and mutually. Even in the case of a successful outcome, the trial may last more than one year. By that time, the smartphone will lose the relevance. Plus, the overhead costs should be taken into account.

Option 2. Try to return the money. This option is preferable to at least the fact that there are successful precedents. For refand you need to make a request to the customs point about the reasons for the return, then open the dispute and attach the answers there, explaining that the transport company returned the goods.


From March 15, 2017, another official distributor appeared on the territory of Russia, Smart Orange Company. It carries out the sale of MI technology and user support throughout Russia. It seems to be good, but not everything is so unequivocal.

What is the problem

A week after a loud announcement and the appearance of an official store, users on social networks complained to the following: Russian Customs by decree Smart Orange began to deploy Xiaomi smartphones, ordered on sites like Aliexpress and send them back to China.

It is worth noting that it is about useral orders users, not about gray suppliers and delays of entire parties "gray" products intended for sale in the country and tax evasion.

Such unlawful actions were seen on the customs of Yekaterinburg and Orenburg. From them have already suffered a lot of users who did not get their Xiaomi phones with Aliexpress.

What is explained by this

The company SMART Orange officially confirmed its participation in the "Scheme" and explains it as follows:

According to a letter of the Federal Customs Service of March 15, 2017 and PP. 2 p. 1 Art. 313 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, paragraph 1 of Art. 1515 and paragraph 4 of Art. 1252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Article 18 of the World Postal Convention, are not allowed to be introduced into civil turnover on the territory of the Russian Federation, Xiaomi smartphones imported through unauthorized channels. Recently, such parties suspended by the customs authorities. The situation applies to orders of individuals made on foreign trade online players and sent to Russia by postal departments.

Also, the company calls on all users who have faced a similar problem, become their customers and buy the same Xiaomi smartphone with an additional discount. This is the loyalty program.

And what about prices in Russia

The appearance of the official distributor in the country is an excellent event that first should be aimed at improving the service and user support, and in the second place for the sale of official products. But Xiaomi fans on social networks celebrated the high cost of MI smartphones, some models are 2 times more expensive than on AliExpress.

For example (32 GB), which is sold on Aliexpress for 8-9 thousand rubles in the Smart Orange store will cost 12.999 rubles. Fablet Mi Max on 32 GB of memory costs 19.900 rubles against the Chinese price of 12-13 thousand. Mi Note 2 - 34.000 rubles against 25-26 thousand rubles.

How to order a xiaomi smartphone so that the customs will not return it

Users noted that the problem touched the Xiaomi smartphones, light bulbs, bracelets and other smart gadgets are customs without problems. And once again we note that cases were fixed on customs in Orenburg and Ekb. And so, here's a small list of tips, how can I buy Xiaomi on Aliexpress, so that it does not return the customs back.

  • ask the Seller not to indicate that this is a Xiaomi smartphone (let me point Meizu, Bluboo, Venee or any other less popular brand)
  • ask the seller not to indicate that this is a smartphone at all (let it write in the declaration that it is gift, a photo frame and so on)
  • ask the seller to repack your smartphone to another box so that it cannot be identified, without opening the package
  • ask not to send to the above customs (though it is difficult)

What will happen to Xiaomi in Russia

Brand Xiaomi is very popular in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. Not small merit in this is just Chinese stores that sell MI technique for the whole world. What will it be with the brand and Xiaomi products in Russia?

Two main sales drivers Xiaomi smartphones are low cost and balanced characteristics. Without one of these components, the meaning in the devices of this brand is lost. Very small probability that in Russia users will start massively buy Xiaomi phones with a double markup, such a scheme simply will not work. Most users will switch to similar smartphones that can be ordered from China without any problems: Meizu, Leeco, Huawei, Vivo, Oppo and others.

Xiaomi Tech proudly declares every year about his record sales, if you compare the numbers to become clear that the big percentage of these sales is accounted for by the international market, on which the brand is not presented at all. Merit of these sales - exactly chinese stores with adequate prices and delivery around the world, but the manufacturer usually silent in the reports.

Thus, having deprived Russian users of the possibility of ordering available Mi-smartphones in Chinese sites, Xiaomi itself will be waiting for losses and falling global sales. The situation is harmful not only to ordinary customers, but also the MI brand.

We hope that Chinese stores adapt to such conditions and will "collapse gray products", simply repacking Xiaomi phones in ordinary white boxes, without logos and inscriptions.

Instead of conclusions

Do you remember the times of the Redmi 1S, MI3 and the first Redmi Note with a 5.5-inch HD screen? When all Xiaomi devices were sold in these pretty beige boxes from recycled cardboard. When even waiting for the parcel was something pleasant and magical. And when you took her in the post office and opened the lined box - there was no limit to delight.

Today, the popularity of Xiaomi made the company strongly commercial and it feels in all aspects. New products come with blocked bootloader, and recognizable beige boxes became faceless white, like Apple. Today, everyone is trying to make money on the brand fans, howled prices and cut off the ways of delivery. But many do not understand what fans from Xiaomi want, because they themselves are not.


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