Gopro Hero3 Black Edition is an extremely durable and compact action camera. GoPro Hero3 Black Edition - Extremely Durable and Compact Action Camera Characteristic Features of the Action Camera Gopro Hero3 Black Edition, Differences from Silver and White Edition

Gopro Hero 3 Silver Edition - Action Camera (or, as it is also called, "Sports DVR") of the third generation. Compact, somewhere three times less than the fourth iPhone, the camera is designed for shooting in the most unpredictable conditions where the usual camcorder simply cannot cope: water, dust, sand.

Due to its size and comfortable attachments, Gopro can shoot while driving, in a free fall or at a depth of 60 meters under the thickness of water, even when your hands are busy with something else (steering wheel, for example). However, selfie driving is not the best use of Gopro Hero 3. On where it is possible to apply this miracle of technology, to which it is capable and what is different from the usual video recorder - read further.

What's the difference?

Gopro Hero 3 Silver Edition is the base model of the third generation of the ACCHN cameras. It has a wider set of options than White Edition (for example, the built-in Wi-Fi module), and is limited in comparison with the top Black. Perfectly manifests itself as a video recording device (30 frames per second at Full HD and 60 with HD quality). Of course, the frame capture rates in 1080r are not enough to mount the video from the captured material of Slow Motion, but in 720r you will succeed. And from the silver Gopro, it can get out enough of the suitable "soapbox" - at 11 MP matrix, it is capable of photographing with a series or in Time Lapse mode. In the last frame capture frequency you exhibit yourself - from 0.5 to 30 seconds.


  • matrix for 11 megapixels
  • HD and FULL HD video (60 and 30 frames per second, respectively)
  • photographing as 11, 8 and 5 mp
  • protune mode (the ability to advanced color management)
  • monochrome display on the front panel
  • MicroUSB & MINI HDMI connectors
  • battery with a volume of 1050 mAh (enough a little more than 3 hours of continuous shooting)
  • microSD slot (support for up to 64 GB cards)
  • the built-in Wi-Fi module for remote camera control from the remote control (not included) or from a smartphone (also not included :))

What's new?

So, we have already said that the protune shooting mode appeared in the new version of Gopro. Let's talk about it in more detail. In this mode, you can manually choose a white balance and increase the scope of the video stream with a standard 15 MB / s to 35 MB / s. Thus, Gopro Hero 3 can be closer to the quality of shooting to professional cameras.

Also in Hero 3, the video capture mode appeared called Video Looping. It allows you to record a fragment of a given length of a given length unlimited number. In principle, it is useful if you know exactly how much the moment will last that you want to capture.

Contents of delivery:

  • same camera
  • plastic protective boxing
  • covers to boxing - ordinary and waterproof (up to 60 meters of depth). The waterproof cover also ensures reliable protection of the action chamber from dust and dirt.
  • hinge with three corners of turn
  • flat mount
  • stickers for fixing fastening on flat and convex / concave surfaces
  • USB cable
  • brand brand stickers
  • instruction and warranty card

Camera remote control

As we have already mentioned, Hero 3 Silver received the built-in Wi-Fi module. In the action chamber, it is not necessary at all in order to connect to the freebious Internet in the cafes (and it does not have such opportunities in principle). Wi-Fi is carried out by remote camera control. For this, in addition to the camera itself, you can buy a remote control (remote control). It is equipped with the same two buttons as the camera, and exactly the same monochrome display. With the top version, the remote is supplied in the kit, and it will have to give another 80 euros to the silver. But this is not the most important thing. The camera can be controlled via Wi-Fi from a smartphone or tablet running Windows Mobile, Android or iOS. The remote control application is available for downloading in the AppStore, Google Play and Windows Store.

IMPORTANT! Before installing the application, update the camera from the official site! If you ignore the update - only android smartphones will work as a waste.

And finally

Do not rush to order a chamber "Because of the Bugger". Remember that the risk of such a purchase is $ 340 + shipping costs thrown on the wind. First, you are denying the warranty of 12 months, secondly, you can get the already broken camera.

To shoot a video, it is desirable to install a Class 10 memory card. It is more expensive, but it will reflect on the quality of the video.

And last: in the dark Gopro Hero 3 Silver Edition manifest itself in the best way, but better than the second generation cameras.

I'll start with the main one.

What is an action-camera and why she?

About terms. Under the phrase of the Action Camera (Action-Camera) understand the small chamber with a minimum of settings and controls, designed to shoot in different inconvenient conditions, which dictates the basic requirements that such a camera must respond:

  • minimum weight
  • easy attachment (ideally, the action chamber can be strengthened by anything, including the dog)
  • minimum management bodies and, in general, minimum of operator participation
  • dust-, shock-, heat, waterproof housing
  • the maximum possible battery life (but not to the detriment of weight)

Indispensable for parachutists and other flyers, skiers, surfers, divers and other extremals. I especially want to pay attention to the divers: in their case, the action chamber can make a very cheap and convenient alternative to the bulky chamber in.

Many firms are engaged in the production of action cameras, I will tell about the camera Gopro.because It was her at my disposal.

Action Camera Gopro Hero 3

Gopro cameras have progressed quite widely to our market, and you can now find them in any more or less serious computer or photomagazine. They acquired a large number of fans and got a diminishing name "Goproshka".

Hero 3 series cameras exist in three versions (arranged in descending steering wheel):

  • Black Edition.
  • Silver Edition.
  • White Edition.

They differ in capabilities and configuration, but constructively exactly the same. My camera, the one that is white (White Edition) is the worst, but also it has pretty pleasant, infant eye, properties.

Briefly about the technical characteristics of the camera Gopro Hero 3 WHITE EDITION:

mass in naked form, g 74
mass in the Hermbox, g 136
immersion depth in Hermbox, m 40
video resolution 1920x1080 (25, 30 fps) 1280x960 (25, 30 fps) 1280x720 (25, 30, 50, 60 fps) 848x480 (50, 60 fps)
picture resolution 5 megapixels (2592x1944)
tIMLEPS (intervals), with 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60
serial shooting, frame / s 3
battery capacity, ma * h 1050
battery life without WiFi from 2 h 15 min to 3 hours, depending on the mode
starting time with WiFi 15 minutes less than without it
controls 3 buttons
display ch / b LCD with a mode indication and a pair of numbers
memory card microSD up to 64 GB
connectors mini USB.
Micro HDMI

The camera comes in an incredibly pathetic box, most of which occupies an empty place. The transparent cap of thick plastic cap is crowned, under which there is before our gaze, actually, the camera in the Hermbox, reinforced on a special platform.

Inside the box is:

  • sealed Boxing Door
  • two platforms on double-sided scotch (for mounting on a flat and convex surface)
  • warranty paper
  • a piece of paper, where the instructions are not here, but all that is interesting - look at the site
  • a piece of paper that we are convinced that we have the newest firmware
  • several stickers "Gopro (R) be a Hero"

A huge, too cool box - this is, of course, the bust, but here is the lack of a multi-page instruction for Downs, and replacing it with a piece of paper that ships us on the site is right, even here they saved some of the tree and delivered users from extra waste paper, which most of them even Do not open.

On the side of the camera there are connectors and a socket under a microSD card

There are 3 buttons on the camera:

  • on / off / switching mode
  • shooting / photo.
  • oN / OFF WIFI

WiFi is used to connect to a wifi remote control or with a smartphone to which you can put an application that allows you to remotely control the camera and see the same thing on the screen that it sees. Since neither, nor the other I do not have, this button is annoying me, but if you have appropriate devices, it is obvious: After all, WiFi landing the battery is 10-15% faster, so when it is not needed, it makes sense to disconnect it.

Video quality and photos, examples

Video quality I was almost completely arranged (if it comes to shooting with good lighting). At the very least, it is much higher than that of the budget camera. The main mode I use is 720p for 30 frames / s. One minute of video in this resolution weighs about 70 MB.

It all concerns mainly clarity and built-in cheapwhich, by the way, works well. But S. coloring The situation is somewhat worse.

The camera very noticeably "softens" the image, giving it yellowish-pastel tone. Moreover, the color ratio is maintained, and when applying automatic lights in the editor, the picture acquires a lost blue and is made much more similar to the original. But this is provided that there are no duties in the frame, for example, a bright sun. If they are - all adjustments will have to do manually. Here, for example, the same frame, shot on the arrows and on the usual camera, see the difference:

The possibilities of the Gopro Hero 3 camera, which conquered me

Underwater shooting

As you know, everyone who at least once dived with a mask in more or less transparent waters, it was definitely thought about the fact that it would be great to fall out underwater beauty in a photo or video. Some citizens decide this problem with boxes for underwater shootingwhich on this site is dedicated.

Owners of Gopro cameras get a stunning bonus in the form Underwater shooting capabilities without any additional devices: After all, the camera is already supplied with the Hermbox! And that is especially nice here, this is the price. For example, the camera Gopro Hero 3 White (along with boxing) costs $ 200, and Aquabox for the camera Canon PowerShot G15 is more than $ 300.

Add here the opportunity to consolidate the arrows on any part of the body, freeing your hands and focusing on underwater swimming and contemplation of beauty, and not on that, evenly, or not, we are currently removing on how it is inconvenient to row one hand.

It tells you a person who is familiar with the problem is not obstacle: I was immersed with the camera Canon SX100 in. Unfortunately, an illustration of using the Gopro Hero 3 camera under water I can not bring, but I correct.


On some strange reasons, the ability to shoot a timeletpec with all the simplicity of its implementation, there is far from all the cameras. And those in which it is implemented, usually cost much more than $ 200.

Typical Timelapse (3.2 MB) - not on Gopro, but the essence of the same

GOPRO cameras remove a timelaps with a customizable interval between frames, which can be selected from the following set of values: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60 seconds.

Actually, this is all said. After all, to capture how fast the sun comes quickly and how the clouds are mad, it is, perhaps, the second obsessive desire for all amateur photographers after underwater shooting and dew on the leaves.

Camera Disadvantages GoPro Hero 3 White Edition

Yes, the shortcomings of this chamber, of course, there is also. I can pay attention to the following:

1. The camera is designed exclusively for shooting with bright lighting, ideally clear in the open air. When you try to remove the video indoors in the frame there is an incredible number of noise, and the general quality of the video becomes uncomfortable.

2. Incorrect color reproduction, incl. With bright lighting ("softening" pictures, which was mentioned above).

3. A very strange behavior of the camera when shooting a long timelaps, especially when the illumination change begins (for example, the same sunset). From the frame to the frame, the exposure and color balance can ride as they do. On scenes with low illumination, the camera can increase the exposure, as it should be, and may suddenly decide that everything is enough, and set such parameters under which we can observe the next one thousand frames only a black screen. Here is a good example illustrating all these shoals:

4. Camera Gopro Hero 3 bumplessly buggy. Perhaps these are the problems of only my instance. But glitches will be lower in detail.

5. Of the less obvious and more controversial disadvantages: Well, that's why it was not to make more fasteners on the housing? It would have lost the design for a couple of grams, but how versatile the camera would be in the attachment plan!

Well, since it came about the attachment ...

Fastening cameras Gopro - do or buy?

Having rejected the acquisition, I thought. Two available fastenings on adhesive tape - one on a flat surface, another on a convex - I was not very impressed, because where to glue them, you need to think of them, and then constantly live with the thought "What if they fall off?"

As a bonus third fastening, a flat platform can be used on which the camera stood when sold, but in my case it also turned out to be not an option, because The length of the fasteners does not allow you to arrange the camera parallel to the site.

Well, there is a simple way to buy. After all, the Gopro cameras are sold simply a crazy number of different accessories. If you see the Internet on this topic, then, literally, the eyes begin to scatter. And, it seems, each thing is separately not so expensive. It turns out expensive when the heads of the eyes want this fastening on the steering wheel for $ 20 and it's on the head for 22 and this is on the chest for 30 ... as a result, the amount quickly rolls over 100 bucks. In general, buying is not our way. And I decided to do myself.

Homemade Gopro camera fastening on forehead

The first thing that occurred to is to adapt the fastening from a naked flashlight. It is said - Made, the benefit of non-confrawer lanterns in my farm turned out to be plentifully.

Not so beautiful and functional as industrial. The main two disadvantages are the impossibility of the rapid removal of the camera from the site and the periodic spontaneous weakening of the nuts accompanied by the "roaming". The disadvantage, in principle, eliminable, but so far it will come down.

Important moment. Pay attention to the metal plates scored between the fasteners of the Hermbox. It is necessary to select them so that the total thickness of the plates exactly corresponded to the gap, otherwise when tightening the nuts, you have all the chances to spoil the product!

The lack of such a Gopro attachment on the forehead is risks. When driving along a buggy road, the camera is quite jumping relative to the head, adding jitter. In this regard, the mount must be strengthened with additional belts, although, in my opinion, it is impossible to provide a sufficiently rigid location on the head with the help of a bandage. That is why the cameras love to fasten on the helmets very much: the properly chosen helmet is almost one-headed.

Homemade Gopro Camera Fastening on Breasts and Other Parts

Naked fastening is easily transformed into breast. It is enough to slip it under the belt delayed in the right place.

The fastener from the flashlight was quite universal. With the help of shorter straps, it can also be mounted on such places as an ankle and knee. In general, space for creativity is available.

In the following video, I cite examples of the camera attachment at different parts of the body during skiing.

For an incomprehensible reason, the camera always turns out to be inclined to the right. Moreover, if at first I thought that I would always drive a tilted head, then then I suddenly found that the same tilt is obtained and when attached to the knee, ankle, chest. What trick is incomprehensible. Whether the camera is small in the side of the battery due to the imbalance, or I fixed it on the site with displacement to the right.

Sometimes I want to make a bubble level to the ropper.


Although the manufacturer will not pay me for these rows or a cent, I will say that Gopro. - Extremely comfortable thing, fully standing in money (I, of course, was doubly pleasant to get her as a gift, but we are not about that). Explosors to capture reality from a variety of angles and in a wide variety of conditions, this camera gives huge.

For example, youtube has a roller, where one American homemade trampler assured it to the radio-controlled planner, which was a descent from a height of about 30 kilometers, so we have someone to take an example. Although, this home owner is not the only one, YouTube tells us that only the most revealed lazy has not yet tried to attach the arroga to the aircraft / planner / balloon. Here, for example, I am going to make a report with, I'll wait for the wind ...

UPD: Problems with the camera Gopro Hero 3 White: The camera does not turn on

Despite the common enthusiasm about the product, forced to add the following unpleasant remark here. If in the future problems with the camera will appear, add their description here.

Description of the problem

Without any visible causes, the camera suddenly refused to turn on.

The harbingers of strange behavior was the blinking of WiFi light bulb, which could not be turned off by pressing the corresponding button. It helped only the recovery of the battery, after which the camera no longer turned on.

How did you clean?

Since the camera warranty, I did not try to climb inside, and without it all action options are reduced to the following:

  • remove / paste memory card
  • remove / paste USB
  • remove / paste the battery
  • switch on switch off
  • shake, knock, pour

And also to all possible combinations of listed actions.

Resorting to all these measures at the time of the detection of the problem, I did not get any effect, turned around and went to bed, with the thought that now it is necessary to look for warranty documents and ... in short, I lost chambers for a long time.

After about an hour, I touched the camera - she was warm! I was horrified by the battery, already suspecting that inside a short circuit, everything burned out, and even a battery.

The camera earned after me bowed in the battery compartmentAnd then inserted the battery. After that, she started to turn on without problems, turn off and removed.

Causes of malfunction and disappointing conclusions

What was the reason - it is completely incomprehensible, but the incident brings in extremely unpleasant thoughts gopro chambers reliability. And if this happened at that moment, when it was supposed to be shot the most valuable roller in life?

For example, it was because of these problems turned out to be prompted on the video moment of flight from rescuers during, which is pretty hurt.

For further odds in the behavior of the camera, I will definitely accomplish my goal, although, of course, I really hope that the glitch was a one-time, caused by the unsuccessful arrangement of satellites around Jupiter, and it will not happen again.

Continuation of a story

Alas, the disease has progressed. After about a month after writing the previous paragraph, the camera finally died: refused to turn on and charge the battery when connected to a USB. The way "give to get sequel and try again", well-proven before, now did not give results.

The recharge of the battery outside the camera also did not help, did not affect the camera's revival methods, in the abundance of "Gopro Dead", "Gopro Won't Power ON", etc.

What is characteristic, no extraordinary actions with the camera, or its use in extreme conditions there was no. The problem arose at the coming home after a completely normal video filming.

In May 2014, the camera was commissioned in warranty in Moscow and returned to me only in August. Malfunction is the motherboard, which was replaced. As it turned out with a careful inspection, they replaced not a fee, and the whole chamber is entirely (some characteristic losses on the housing disappeared).

One way or another, let's hope that problems are over. At the moment (December 20, 2014) - normal flight.

Finally, the long-awaited novelty is in our hands. Of course, it could appear before (online stores are always ready to serve), but terribly did not want to face the peculiarities, albeit rare, so-called "gray supplies." Namely, with the lack of localization, low-profile software and other unpleasant surprises. Fortunately, the official suppliers of this equipment in Russia are still available, and the speed of their work is pleasantly surprised: the third Gopro Hero series officially entered our market shortly after the overseas announcements. The difference in several months can be considered insignificant - it is enough to imagine the difficulties through which you need to get to obtain a certificate only.

But we will leave bureaucratic obstacles to those who are called them to overcome them. After all, there is a much more interesting reason for the article:

Design, specifications

The reader should be warned: in this article you will not see the fascinating frames taken in the stratosphere. There will be no broken cars, no broken limbs. Exotic methods for attaching Gopro to something also remain at the discretion of owners of such cameras. We will focus on learning the technical features of the device: control, shooting modes, methods of processing the received video. In total, what does not appear in the user manual or on the product web page.

Traditionally, the Gopro Hero camcorder is available in several variations, or if translate "Edition" Literally, publications. They differ not only completeness. Before buying, it is recommended to carefully examine the characteristics of each "edition" - this can be done on.

But everything is much easier for us: the camera is kindly provided for testing belongs to the "senior" version - Gopro Hero 3 Black Edition.

Included with the camera there is a serious set of accessories (closing ahead, we note: even such a collection is probably not enough to embody all the ideas):

  • multiple fasteners, including the platform
  • waterproof housing
  • replaceable back cover for housing (not hermetic, with holes for better sound recording)
  • radio remote control with charging cable
  • mini-USB-USB cable
  • paper instruction in Russian

The concept of the camera remains the same as in. Design - yes, slightly changed. The battery stopped reminding the telephone, now it has the shape of a brick. Of course, the former batteries to the new chamber are no longer suitable.

The accompanying battery allows you to conduct a continuous recording for 95 minutes in 1280 × 720 50p mode with Wi-Fi turned off. Wireless communication takes a lot of energy, the battery is depleted literally in front of her eyes. Not knowing this, the author, going to shoot and charge the camera, did not pay attention to the flashing indicator blinking in blue, and came to the place of shooting with an almost discharged battery. It turns out that it is not enough to turn off the camera - you need to make sure that Wi-Fi is also disabled: The wireless adapter in the chamber is turned on and off separately.

The body of the apparatus, as usual, made of shockproof plastic. On one of the ends there is a Wi-Fi on / off button on which the corresponding icon is applied.

The camera screen still does not have the backlight - it is a serious minus. And, just like in previous versions, navigating the menu is performed here in two buttons. This method of managing parameters cannot be called comfortable; However, this is a matter of habit. It is enough a week to work tightly with the camera to change the eyes closed, for example, recording mode, focusing on the sound signals and the number of presses. But, repeat, a newcomer such a non-obvious method of control may seem inconvenient and doppop.

Camera service interfaces are covered with a removable plug: Micro-HDMI, mini-USB, and a microSD format slot (up to 64 GB).

The control panel screen also does not have a backlight; In active mode, this screen completely copies the camera itself, repeating all the settings and pictograms. The device information exchange all on the same Wi-Fi. The remote control is stable, the maximum distance on which the camera is capable of receiving the control signal and transmit information can be 200 meters in direct visibility.

To recharge the remote, a special cunning plug is used; Charging is conducted from a USB port or from a similar adapter. At the time of charging from the remote, it is necessary to pull out the metal UCHO, for which the remote is intended to be attached, in order to avoid his loss.

The main technical characteristics of the camcorder are shown in the table:

Dimensions, Mass

(W × in × g) 59 × 41 × 29 mm, 77 g with battery

Battery life included

up to 95 minutes of continuous video recording in 1280 × 720 50p mode with Wi-Fi turned off


microSD memory card (up to 64 GB)

Video formats
Photo format

JPG, 12 megapixel, 7 megapixel, 5 meters

Optical zero
  • Gopro.
  • Micro-HDMI
  • Mini-USB 2.0
  • microSD memory card slot
Other features
  • shot of a photo series (3, 5 photos for 1 s; 10 photos for 1, 2 s; 30 photos for 1, 2, 3 s)
  • interval photography (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60 s)
  • photo during video
  • continuous photography while pressing and holding the shutter button
  • cyclic video recording (automotive video recorder mode)
  • protune mode with an extended dynamic range
  • white balance setting with three presets
  • wireless control, including using mobile devices
  • shooting by pressing one button (start recording when you turn on the camera)
  • charging from USB.

Video / Photography

First of all, it is necessary to know how much the resolution makes sense to shoot. It would seem: you would like to save events with maximum detail - use the available 4K here. But the frequency of frames when shooting with such a resolution, alas, as long as not enough - only 12.5 frames per second (here and then we will use the PAL standard as the main in Russia and most other countries).

But how to measure the permitting ability of this camera? The test table, printed on the A3 sheet, is not suitable for this. The fact is that the lens of the chamber under consideration has a fixed focal length. Simply put, objects located at a meter distance from the lens and to infinity will be in focus; The objects that are closer to the meter will come out of the focus area, vague.

What is the way out? Of course, the OGRO-O-Om "Test Table! True, printed (and place) this is quite expensive. In addition, it does not make much sense: after all, the main zones of the table, according to which it can be quite accurate to determine the resolution of the chamber, fit the only one on the six sheets of A4 format (the entire table could have a 3 meter width).

To print the required six sheets, we broke the "virtual" table onto sheets. After that, only the desired area was printed - it is highlighted in the next figure.

By gluing the resulting sheets and placing them on the vertical surface (wall), we were thinking out. Dilemma: from what distance should be shot? After all, it is required not to just remove this object. The main thing here is to withstand the desired proportions. It would be possible to take advantage of a simple counting, but alas - optical distortions that brought the camera lens are so strong that the usual geometry is not suitable here. Output one - we will help the consistent shooting, produced from different distances from the table. Armed with a tape measure and choosing a step of five centimeters, we made the necessary shooting by making several dozen doubles.

Now it is enough to combine in the graphics editor of the Stop frames obtained from each double, with the image of the table itself in the original and select the most suitable frame in size, where the key objects of interest to us will coincide with the original location and size. Ready!

The shooting was carried out, of course, in 4K 3840 × 2160 mode. This mode was chosen because the aspect ratio in it is standard 16: 9 - exactly the same as in the test table. Counting showed that the actual resolution of the camera reaches 2800 × 1600.. That's it! I remember Carlson with his sincere surprise: "Such a big householder - in such a small box?" What is this processor inside our chamber, allowing you to cite a picture with a similar resolution? Look, heats up as an internal combustion engine? Measure and this parameter.

This photo is made after half an hour since the start of the recording in 720p mode, the camera was indoors with a temperature of 24 ° C. As practice has shown, it is possible to avoid the achievement of critical temperature, refusing to use Wi-Fi and ensuring the machine the maximum possible ventilation. That is, shooting in the heat chamber placed in a sealed box, threatens overheating with the subsequent disconnection of the device - this aspect is highlighted in detail in the user manual. One thing pleases: due to the presence of the thermal sensor in the chamber, you should not be afraid of the vehicle breakdown due to overheating.

But back to the resolution. So, 2800 × 1600. These damn digits resemble the frame resolution, resulting in shooting in 2,7K mode. Conclusion: Get the most out of the detail of the video and at the same time avoid unnecessary spending of disk space can be used by one of the 2,7k modes: 2,7k (2716 × 1524, 16: 9) or 2,7K CINEMA (2716 × 1440, 17: 9) . Moreover, the frame rate of such a video is already close to normal: 25 or 24 FPS.

Cogniously submit a difference in detailing each of the recording modes using the following video:

To view in full resolution, click the "Original Size" button.

A huge number of shooting modes available in the Camera under consideration makes it output to a separate table - all parameters cannot be configured in the main table of technical specifications. Here you can download the stoppers and original clips taken in the specified modes.

ModeVideo resolutionfPS (PAL)Codec, parametersCorner viewProtuneDownload
4K Cinema.4096 × 2160, 17: 912 AVC. [Email Protected]
50 Mbps
WideYesframe, roller
4k.3840 × 2160, 16: 912,5 AVC. [Email Protected]
45 Mbps
WideYesframe, roller
2.7K Cinema.2704 × 1440, 17: 925 AVC. [Email Protected]
45 Mbps
WideYesframe, roller
2.7K.2704 × 1524, 16: 924 AVC. [Email Protected]
45 Mbps
WideYesframe, roller
1440p1920 × 1440, 4: 348 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
WideYesframe, roller
25 Yesframe, roller
24 Yesframe, roller
1080p.1920 × 1080, 16: 950 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
Yesframe, roller
48 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
Yesframe, roller
25 AVC. [Email Protected]
20 Mbps
Yesframe, roller
24 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
Yesframe, roller
960p1280 × 960, 4: 3100 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
WideYesframe, roller
48 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
Notframe, roller
720p1280 × 720, 16: 9100 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
Yesframe, roller
50 AVC. [Email Protected]
20 Mbps
Notframe, roller
WVGA848 × 480, 16: 9240 AVC. [Email Protected]
32 Mbps
WideNotframe, roller

It should be decrypted, which means a column with the name "Protune". This shooting mode is activated in a separate Capture Settings settings item, while the selection appears between the automatic balance of white, manual installation (3000 K, 5500 K and 6500 K) and shooting in CAM RAW mode. The last mode, apparently, allows you to get a picture as it is, without color processing. With this function Protune, we will understand a little later.

You can also conclude from the table that some shooting modes allow the use of different frame frequencies. It is hardly necessary to convince the reader in the need to always use the highest possible frequency of frames, especially when there are filming of fast-moving objects. And since we are considering the action chamber, only such a shooting is assumed.

Another burning question concerns the corners. The most which are now for some reason are not indicated in degrees, and have a more understandable designation: Wide (superwatch), medium (medium) and narrow (narrow). We will try - clearly, of course - see and evaluate the difference in the corners of the lens. As can be seen from the above table, not every recording mode allows you to change the angle. Just two: 1080p and 720p. In general, these formats today are the most in demand, so in the future we will shoot in the older of them, 1080p. With the maximum possible frequency of frames, of course.

It requires a lot of free space to measure the corners. And therefore we will go to the plenier, armed with a shovel to clearing the snow (we are in Russia, and now not summer).

What is the verdict? It seems that in WIDE mode, the camera has an angle of view of 150 °, in the medium mode this angle reaches 110 °, and in Narrow mode, it is narrowed to 80 °. The most preferred is the average mode, medium. And the field of view is wide enough to cover the main scene, and at the same time geometric distortion is not so cut your eyes as in the maximum WIDE mode.

By the way, about distortions. How to fix them? The answer is unlikely to please: it is difficult to overcome this distortion. However, perhaps. For example, in Photoshop. Do not be surprised, this program works well with video (video processing in Adobe Photoshop: Part 1, part 2). There is a way to correct distortion using the open by: filter for VirtualDub. Unfortunately, in both cases, the video will have to proceed or repack into the format, which is understood by the relevant programs (Photoshop and VirtualDub).

However, you can do without preliminary or writing Avisynth scripts. So, in After Effects, there are several ways to partially overcome distortion, here is one of them:

As we have already seen, the camera under consideration has a rather big MOS matrix. In this regard, it is quite reasonable to expect a terrible rolling shitter from her. Check and this, we will remove passing transport in different modes.

If the rolling tentter is available, then it is so weak that does not pay attention to itself even in the maximum mode 4K. Not every camera is capable of such.

Considerable benefits promises WVGA mode. Recall: shooting in this mode is carried out with a frequency of 280 frames per second. Slowing like a video of 10 times, you can get a rare result. Let the following plots are pretty banal, but the potential of such shooting is easy to understand.

Now, as planned, consider the protune shooting mode. The manufacturer promises that the video taken in this mode is much better than the color correction - we will conclude that Protune mode allows you to shoot with an increased dynamic range. To confirm this theory, we will carry out another experience: we will remove the contrasting scene.

Indeed, darkened areas with Protune turned on look more distinguishable, and, apparently, from such a wide-range video, you can "pull out" a lot of colors and lights. There would be a desire, skill and time. More precisely, a lot of time.

What differences are different modes in technical terms? Is the camera in Protune mode manages to encode video with greater trimming? No, it turns out to be much easier to calibration. Files differ only on the bitrate (when Protune is turned on, it is above one and a half times) and the GOP length (Group of Pictures, 15 frames as usual and 8 frames in Protune mode). Below is the key frame frequency in both the above rollers.

As for the color correction - it is not easy to spend it, but necessary. The reader has already noticed that the camera will noticeably "yellow." In any scene, wherever in whatever conditions it is removed, the yellowish flare is clearly traced. Perhaps this is the fault of the lenses. Be that as it may, and get rid of the yellowness is simply necessary. It is easy to do in any video editor.

No correctionWith correctionNo correctionWith correction

Due to the presence of a cyclic recording mode, the device can be used as a car video recorder. True, in order to simultaneously take the video and recharge the camera, a boxing with open interface holes is needed - after all, no fixtures for fastening the camera does not have, it can be attached to anything only under one condition: when it is in boxing.

Having considered these rollers and stoppers, it is safe to declare: in terms of detailing with this video camera, none of the existing automotive DVRs will be compared.

At night, when lantern lighting, the camera also behaves very good. In the case of a video recorder, a fixed focus of the camera plays an exceptionally positive role.

Interval shooting is possible only in photoregam: the camera is capable of creating photos of the size specified by the user through the following time intervals: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60 seconds. Thanks to this mode, it is possible to get a pretty beautiful video sequence, aligning photos in the video editor.

A happy incident allowed to try out the camera under consideration in underwater shooting. Of course, in an artificial reservoir. The result is quite expected: impeccable work in all modes and, most importantly, almost complete disappearance of distortion. In principle, it is understandable: water is an excellent correction lens.

Photographic abilities of the camera are worthy of respect, but only in terms of excellent detail. Of the disadvantages - of course, the wrong geometry and the absence of so-loved by many photographers (or those who consider themselves to be photographer) with a small hype and, accordingly, "bokeh".


The built-in Camera software on an external monitor looks much more convenient and more logical than on the camera itself. If it were not for one thing: the menu navigation is possible only in one direction - forward. The damn lacks another button, which would allow to go back instead again and again ross all the menu with risk again slip.

Camera Wireless Adapter When you enable the GoPro App mode creates an access point with a specific name. To control the camera using a smartphone or tablet, you need to install the GoPro App application on your smartphone (there are versions for both IOS and Android), connect the device to the specified point and start the installed application.

It is a pity, but on the available android devices, this application really did not work. Three different devices were tested: smartphone, tablet and media player running Android 4.0. The connection was established, the application was launched, but then it did not matter: despite the seemingly confident connection and even the appearance of the video stream in viewing window, the application stops working after a few seconds, displaying the message about the need to check Wi-Fi to the correct connection. Why check it if the camera even has a picture of time to withdraw - it is not clear. We hope this flaw will soon be eliminated.

No matter how much the application of the application in the IOS version, but there is no such device in the foreseeable environment.

Comparative testing in the same conditions

With almost the absence of light, there is much more preferable to shoot without using Protune. The actual resolution of the chamber has already been mentioned above - it is approaching 2800 × 1600. This figure is an absolute record, there are no such permissions today, no amateur full-length camera - what to talk about such microscopic bricks as a hero of this review.


Surprised the camera, you will not say anything. Honest 2.7K with a tolerant frequency of 25 frames per second - is it not a miracle? As for the 4K mode - it is introduced here rather "for a tick", because the real permission does not reach such an indicator. Yes, and the frequency of frames in this mode does not have to use it.

The second important positive point is the presence of Protune mode, in which the image is not exposed to color correction (often incorrect) and software noise cancellation, and is taken directly from the matrix.

Finally, another aspect: Rolling Tentter. It is practically no, which will at least surprise. The matrix with so many pixels should - no, simply obliged to issue the consistent rolling tentter in the form of oblique lines and a jelly-like picture. However, we do not observe this.

Speaking of minuses characterizing this unit, two points should be noted. The first is the risk of overheating. True, only theoretical. In practice, during testing, we never encountered overheating - but it is understandable, winter on the street. The second serious minus is uncomfortable, archaic management. A long time ago it's time to abandon this two-button blind control (however, someone can consider it a sore highlight characteristic of only Gopro). And insert already at the same time, no backlight in the screen!

Listed shortcomings are quite serious, but other quality of the camera, positive, undoubtedly outweigh them: a great resolution, minimal rolling shutter, the presence of Wi-Fi. And not just outweigh, but make this apparatus for our award. Quite deserving.

The official value of the Gopro Hero 3Black Edition camcorder in Russia - 20,500 rubles; The current average price (number of proposals) is $ 369 (10).

(Questions about GoPro Hero 3+)

IN: How to turn on the camera?

ABOUT: To turn on the Gopro Hero 3+ camera, you need to install a charged battery into the housing, and then press the number 5 button once (see photo) on the front panel of the camera

IN: Why in a white rubber band (lock)?

ABOUT: The retainer is installed in the mount (see photo). In most cases, it does not need it, because The connector sits very tight.

IN: How to enable video recording?

ABOUT: To start recording video, you must press the camera on top of the camera once.

IN: Camera modes

IN: How to enable photo mode + video?

ABOUT: SIMULTANEOUS VIDEO AND PHOTO ("Simultaneous video and photo") allows you to take pictures at the same time and video and photos. You can set the camera parameters so that the photography activates each 5, 10, 30 or 60 seconds during video recording. Before installing the photo shooting mode in video mode, check whether the corresponding video resolution has been set and the Protune mode is turned off.

ATTENTION: Shot in Simultaneous Video and Photo mode is possible only when setting permission in: 1080p and frequency 30 and 24 frames / s, 720p with a frequency of 60 frames / s, or 1440p at 24 frames / s.

IN: How to flip recording?

ABOUT: If you install your HERO 3+ camera in an inverted position, but you want the files to be displayed correctly upon subsequent viewing or editing, you must enable this feature. It will avoid the need to turn video and photo files after recording.

To enable this mode, you must enable the camera, enter the general settings, then in the Capture Settings section and select the desired item marked with icon

IN: Why does Spot Meter mode?

ABOUT: Spot Meter ("Point Exposer") should be used when shooting in the direction of the unlined zone to the illuminated, for example, when shooting from the car's interior.

To enable this mode, you must enable the camera, enter the general settings, then in the Capture Settings section and select the desired item marked with icon

IN: Why Low Light mode (Auto Low Light)?

ABOUT: Auto Low Light mode in Gopro Hero3 + automatically adjusts the frame shift speed, finding the optimal frame rate for use in lighted and poorly lit places.

IN: How to quickly get out of the settings?

ABOUT: In order to quickly exit the camera settings menu, not listened to the EXIT item, you need to press and hold the button number 2 (see Foto)

IN: Why do you get blurred photos?

ABOUT: Because There is no image stabilizer, flash, and / or other source of external illumination of the objects, the presence of good illumination at the place of shooting is very important. You will definitely get good dynamic pictures with a sunny day, but their quality will fall commensurately with a reduction in illumination (evening, twilight, night)

Tip: To reduce Luba during the photo, use the Wi-Fi remote / smartphone with the Gopro App, pressing the shooting button on it. Thus, the camera will remain more stable. You can also turn on the serial shooting in the camera settings, one of several frames should turn out to be clear.

IN: How to enable / disable Wi-Fi?

ABOUT: In order to enable Wi-Fi module in the chamber, you must press the button once on the camera end

The fact that Wi-Fi is turned on flashes the blue LED on the front of the camera and the icon on the display.

To turn off, you must press and hold the button on the camera's end. On the shutdown signal 7 blinks with a blue LED, as well as the absence of icons on the LCD display.

Attention: Remember that the wireless module works autonomously, even when the camera is turned off.

IN: How to connect a Wi-Fi Camera Camera?

ABOUT: To connect the chamber and the remote, it is necessary to carry out the so-called pairing. To begin with, turn on Wi-Fi on your camera.

You must log in in the Wi-Fi settings menu. To do this, click Once again on the Wi-Fi power button.

Choose New.

The camera will go to the console search mode

After that, it is necessary by holding the red button with the red button. After switching on (2-3 sec.) Release the red button - the remote control will switch to the search mode. After a while, the conjugation will be established.

The console can be immersed in water? Is he Water Resistant?

It is protected from dust / moisture / spray. The console cannot be immersed deeper than 3 meters under water

IN: How to connect your smartphone / tablet to the camera?

ABOUT: To connect the camera and your device, you need to download the Gopro App proprietary application. You can do it in the App Store (for iOS) and in PlayMarket (for Android).

To begin with, turn on Wi-Fi. Click the button again and go to the settings. Choosing a GoPro App.

Go to your smartphone / tablet. Open the settings for the WiFi connection and select the network with the name of the camera. Enter a standard password for connecting goProHero. (Pay attention to the case of letters, it is important).

Open the application. We are offered to change the name Wi-Fi network and its password (step is required).

A confirmation of a change with new data will appear on the screen.

The connection is set, you can use the functionality of the camera control.

IN: What is the standard password from Wi-Fi?

ABOUT: GoProHero (without spaces)

IN: Camera time. Charging

Chamber charging time can be different, it depends on the current output strength of your s \\ y. If you charge the camera through the original charging, the charge time will be 1.5 hours by 80% and 2 hours by 100%. Standard charging issues current strength equal to 1A, at a voltage of 5V. When choosing s \\ y, look at its parameters. Ideally, they must coincide with the parameters of the original charging. When using z \\ y with greater current, the battery wear grows. Not original charging can charge the battery to 100% from two to three hours.

IN: What is Hard Reset for GoPro?

ABOUT: Hard Reset is a reset of camera settings to default values.

IN: When Hard Reset firmware is reset?

ABOUT: No, the firmware does not change, all your settings are simply reset to factory values.

IN: How to make Hard Reset?

ABOUT: Turn off the camera, remove the battery, press the shooting button and not to release, paste the battery, press the power button. Receive settings.

IN: How to format a flash drive through the camera?

ABOUT: You need to go to the settings and scroll to the last item with the basket icon. At this point, select All / Format and confirm the action.

IN: Why can not delete files from a memory card when the camera is connected to the PC?

ABOUT: In the Hero 3+ chamber, the file deletion is installed when the camera is connected to a PC via USB cable. In order to clear the memory card, you can use the above-described method (# 21) and clear the contents of the map in the chamber itself. Either by connecting a memory card to a PC with a card reader.

IN: How can I see the captured video on TV?

ABOUT: There are several options, you can choose the most convenient way:

1. By connecting the camera through the HDMI cable (the cable is not included and purchased separately)

2. By copying files from a memory card to a USB flash drive and connect to TV (smart), console / player, etc.

3. By connecting the chamber to TV directly via USB port, like a flash drive

IN: Why brakes video when viewed on a PC?

ABOUT: The camera removes video with a high bit rate and the computer does not cope with it decoding. You can correct this situation in several ways:

1. Install the current (fresh) codec

2. Try another player (VLC for example)

3. If possible, use the "hardware acceleration of video"

4. Change your computer to a more powerful (CPU upgrade, video cards, RAM)

5. Recode captured video into less "heavy" format / bitrate and after that watch it.

IN: How and how to handle the captured video?

ABOUT: The programs for the editing video are much, you need to decide which will be convenient for you? What is suitable for a specific task?

The most simple in development, but at the same time, quite powerful in functionality are:

Sony Vegas (Win)

Final Cut Pro (Mac)

Next, you can mark more complex programs, such as Adobe Products - Adobe Premiere Pro (not to be confused with Adobe After Effects, because AE for components and creating special effects). Simply simple, such as standard Windows Movie Maker, etc.

IN: What if the camera freezes?

ABOUT: If your camera hangs, it usually means that you need to update the firmware either you have any problems with the SD card. Below are the steps that will help you troubleshoot the problem:

1. Find out that you have the latest firmware version. Find out how it is done, you can in n. # 30. If you have an old firmware version, or if you are not sure that you have the latest version, we recommend that you update it.

2. If you have the latest firmware version, you may need to update it manually, as any failures could occur when installing.

3. Try reformat the SD card using the "Delete All" menu.

Try the other, obviously good SD card. Try to use high-quality manufacturers!

4. If your camera is still freezing, you need to contact the Customer Support Service of the GOPRO using the "Contact US" form.

IN: How to reduce the effect of fish eye?

ABOUT: First, let's see what it is. Fish eye, Fishai (from the English. Fish-Eye) is a distorting ultra-wide-organized lens. From conventional (orthoscopic) short-focus lenses is distinguished by a pronounced unordorted barrel-shaped distortion and an angle of sight, close to 180 ° or exceeding it. The use of the lens "Fisheye" is most often reflected in the shooting of street extreme sports (Parkur, Skateboarding, VMH, etc.). It can be said that he is the "main" lens in such shooting, allowing you to capture with a short distance as the "rider" and the architecture used when performing tricks. Also, the use of the lens of the fish eye is very common in shooting spherical panoramas, because it allows the minimum number of frames to get the full sphere of panorama.

Now we know that this type of lens with a wide viewing angle which is set to Gopro Hero 3+. In order to reduce this effect, you need to make some simple steps. Opening the camera settings and select the menu with the resolution settings and the number of frames per second. This menu has 4 settings items. This is: res (resolution); FPS (number of frames per second); Fov (viewing angle \\ field of view); Low Light (Low Lighting).

We need a clause called FOV. In the chamber there are three viewing angle settings. This is: Wide (wide) medium (medium) Narrow (narrow). To reduce the effect of Fishai, we need to put an angle of review by Narrow (narrow). Note that with a decrease in the viewing angle, the picture will cease to be widescreen.

Reducing the viewing angle through the settings is not the only way to remove Fish. For those who processes video, there are video lessons how to remove Fishai in the editors. When using editors, some part of the picture will still be lost.

IN: What if the camera does not turn on?

ABOUT: If your camera does not turn on, then the problem can be either in the chamber itself, or in the battery, the SD card or somewhere in the chamber lost contact. Here are some tips to help find out what kind of problem you have.

1. Disconnect all BACPAC accessories, battery and SD card from the camera. Insert only one battery. If the camera is turned on, then your camera simply freezed and now you can quickly continue to work with it.

2. If the camera is still not turned on, remove and re-insert the battery and charge the camera, using a USB charger or your computer. Do not try to turn on the camera while it is charging. You must see the red light bulb on the front of the camera. As soon as the light bulb out, disconnect the chamber from the USB and turn it on. If the camera turned on, then your battery was Sorted and simply needed to be charged.

3. If your camera does not turn on and this is Hero3, then look at the red light bulb behind the camera. If it burns dim, then remove / insert the battery and try to turn on the camera again. You may have to do it 10 times as long as the camera does not turn on.

4. Try to make Hard Reset (item # 20)

5. If your camera has not turned on, you need to contact the GOPRO client support, using the "Contact US" form.

IN: How to find out the camera firmware version?

ABOUT: You can find out the firmware version installed on your HERO2 or HERO3 / 3 + camera while looking into the Version.txt file stored on the SD card in the MISC daddy.

If you can not find the file, follow these steps:

1. Reformat the SD card using the "Delete All" menu feature.

2. Record short videos, or make one photo.

3. In the MISC folder you will find the Version.txt file.

4. Open the file. For the Hero3 camera, you will find a line with the firmware version, "Firmware Version", and a line with a Wi-Fi version, "Wi-Fi Version". For Hero2 cameras, you will find a string with the firmware version, "Version".

IN: Why are you needed.lrv i.thm files on the Gopro memory card?

A: .lrv - These are video files in a small resolution (Low Resolution Video).

.lrv You can use to edit video files on a weak PC, and with the final render, replace them with high-resolution originals. If you change the extension from these files by N.Mp4, you can view them a simple player. These files can also be used by smartphones to display captured video through the branded application.

.thm - These are miniatures recorded video files (Thumbnail Image File).

.thm Can be used to display the first picture on the LSD screen of the camera, or in the preview on the smartphone through the GoPro App.

These files may appear on the memory card if you shoot at the camera: Hero3 + Black, Hero3 + Silver Edition, Hero3: Black Edition, Hero3: Silver Edition, Hero3: White Edition, HD HERO2, with LCD screen, or via Gopro App

IN: Why can't I watch the captured photos and video on iOS through the app?

ABOUT: In order for you to view the footage through the application in the iOS database application, you must allow the application to save the photo on the device.

Everything is solved simple: "Settings" open,

and shift the slider opposite the GoPro

When it comes to action cameras, the enthusiasts of extreme shooting at first think about Gopro., and then ... about Gopro.. The company of the same name has achieved perfection, forcing Asians to rivet crafts under different brands that do not reach the original in all articles. Small, high-quality, with a huge number of accessories and thoughtful ergonomics, this camera can at times more than "some kind of" iPhone there.

Although what is there. Gopro Hero itself is "iPhone" in its class. This reputation could deserve only a quality device. He will go under the water, rises to the mountain and goes to the tropics with you - and will not let down. Special GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition, new version of the camera Gopro Hero 3., Literally a couple of weeks ago. What's new?

Action cameras are small, compact blocks with a sensor, lens, processing board and a battery. This is not a camera in the usual understanding, but rather, a highly specialized tool for which extreme sports amateurs are allowed. Remember some exciting case from your life - ultrafast descent on skis or diving in the depths of the ocean? Gopro is created with the calculation that you take it with you and capture these moments so "epic", as far as possible.

GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition - flies from the language, is it not true? But it is meaningless to justify that the product does not have real analogues. This small rectangular chamber weighs 74 grams, and according to the "Santimeter function" ratio approaches the coolest modern smartphones. What about filming a full video in 4K format? Not every computer is able to lose it without brakes, and this "trifle" will not even choose.

The main part of any camera is a sensor, as well as a lens, its closing. Any photographer knows that extreme sports and type lenses fisheye.just created for each other. Here such a lens is set by default and is equipped with several operation modes at once: wide-angle (WIDE) and cut (Narrow), which allows you to shoot without a strong effect "fish eye" in cases where it is not needed.

The pride of the manufacturer, up to date only for the newest model - mode Superviewcreating without exaggeration wild Panorama and correcting too strong distortion on the edges of the frame. Above shows an excellent example of its operation.

Complete with Gopro Hero 3+ Black Edition comes with a breathtaking amount of various cords, adapters, fasteners and other tinsel of varying degrees of usefulness. Special attention is paid to the remote control of the basic functions of the camera, which allows you to shoot yourself from afar and opening a large space for creativity in not the best.

The camera has no external viewfinder. But view taken pictures and videos, including right at the time of shooting, you can still. The position saves the built-in Wi-Fi module, creating a local wireless network. By connecting it to it through the iPhone, you will not only see everything that currently removes the camera, but also you can manage the process yourself right from the smartphone screen - write and view the photos and videos.

Through the company app GoPro App. [iTunes Store] It is also very easy to change the system settings of the camera. Without an iPhone, it has to do for some kind of archaic system: one button strolts positions in the menu strictly in one direction, and the other allows them to choose. Ask, and where is all this displayed? On greenish black and white display in front. And what did you like - an extreme camera requires a harsh approach to ergonomics.

Like all Gopro models, the camera is enclosed in a hermetic acrylic "box", which withstands not only strong blows, but does not allow water to fall inside. In this case, all the necessary buttons remain available, albeit with difficulty. This acrylic case is a necessary thing, without which the action chamber simply cannot be. Surprisingly, it is possible to remove it in two seconds, only pulling the lobby simple mechanism at the end.

Gopro Hero 3+ is equipped with a battery of high-capacity, which allows you to shoot up to two hours of uninterrupted video in Full HD format. Given the miniature sizes of this battery, in front of Gopro engineers it is worth removing the hat. The previous model showed the result of about 30% worse. Included with the camera only one battery comes, and if you are going to shoot tons of rollers, it makes sense to fork out another one.

Since we started about the differences in the old and new models, let's come to the process with all the rigor. So, in front of you HERO 3+ Black Edition and Hero 3. The obvious difference in the design of the acrylic building is immediately thrown into the eyes: Hero 3 is not only thicker, but also harder. The opening mechanism "Boxing" in the old model is less logical: you must first hook one plug, then the second, and only then pull the cover up. The size of the buttons changed - in the new model they became wider, and their height decreased, which added convenience when shooting and controlling the camera from hand.

Hero 3 may seem more than Hero 3+ Black Edition, but in fact they are absolutely the same in size and even weight. Just one "fat" protective building, and the other is more thoughtful. To reduce weight, abandoned metal "bolts" and an additional frame in the lens area. Now the camera looks a little more nice if it was important for someone.

The most significant changes did not occur outside the housing, but inside it. The manufacturer declares that the new Gopro model is better removed in conditions of insufficient lighting. And indeed, the difference in detail between Hero 3 and Hero 3+ turned out to be very significant, especially when viewing the rollers on a clear MacBook Pro screen with the Retina display. The video shot through a new model turned out to be noticeably clear and more detailed, with a smaller number of artifacts and a more pleasant eye balance white. It was filmed with the same settings - 1080p, 30 frames per second. Although the camera itself is capable of issuing 60 frames 1080p, and 15 frames in 4K resolution.

But the photos gave the opposite result. Maybe it was in the white automatic balance. Continuing the topic of technical improvements, pay attention to the photo itself. I and Arthur stand with different iPhones and manage the filming of two different cameras through two different Wi-Fi networks. On the old model, a significant "lag" was noticeable between the display of the frame on the iPhone and the movements in the real world. Sometimes the delay is as many as three seconds, and it turns out a kind of "portal" in time. You can get to do with it, but it is not very convenient to shoot anything moving. But the new camera, Hero 3+ Black Edition, gave the maximum "lag" except for a second. Watching this with your own eyes, the difference feels very much.

There is no one's own memory in the chamber - MicroSD cards are used instead. Inserting 512-megabyte plates that fell in Chulana, I do not advise you, because their speed is not enough. For normal operation of the camera and unhindered shooting on any settings, be sure to use quick microSD cards from well-known manufacturers. For instance, SanDisk Ultra Class 10. It was this that was pre-installed by the store in this chamber, and with its help I removed the 4K roller without problems. It is a pity that my laptop on the Core i3 processor did not pull it.

GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition - this is bestaction camera and a set of all necessary for shooting in any conditions. Owners of previous generations going to spend winter in ski resorts, it is worth planning an update now: it's worth doing even for the sake of a loose video. And additional improvements in all characteristics have completed the picture of the perfect gift for active sport lovers. In addition, Gopro has a very strong Russian community of users, cohesion and interest comparable to Apple's owners. Will be prompted and help.


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