Quotes about profession. Phrases about professions quotes about profession for children

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty statements about profession. This is a fairly interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining acute and sayings, smart thoughts of philosophers and the label phrases of masters of the spoken genre, the brilliant words of great thinkers and the original statuses from social networks, as well as much more ...

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As part of the reform, 100 firefighters fired and hired one fire swallower.
Jusef Kmetsyak.

In Russia and in the Dartmore prison there is no unemployed, and for the same reason.
English Laborist Philip Snowden in 1932

Probably, only one person out of a thousand passionately is absorbed by his work as such. The only difference is that they will say about the man: he is passionate about his business, "and about a woman: she is some strange.
Dorothy Seyerz.

Weighing other people's misses, few of us will not put your hand on the scales.
Laurence Peter.

Here is the best advice that can be given by the youth: find something that you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it.
Catherine Whitehorn.

All professions are a conspiracy of specialists against the opposites.
George Bernard Shaw.

There will always be lovers to laugh at professionals.
C. Indoor.

The thing is more important and more difficult, the more time it is released.
Syril Northcot Parkinson.

The amateur does not know how to say: I can not ", and everything else he can.
Adolf Jonechik.

Proof of the truth of any vocation is the love of the hard work that it requires.
Logan Piercoll Smith.

Friends cannot be impartial and often even unfair, trying to keep impartiality.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel.

If you think that we work more than everything, it means you are the same as everything.

If you like, consider what happened.
Leonid Leonidov.

If your work speaks for yourself, do not interrupt it.
Henry Kaiser.

If you are told: we will notify you about your decision, "you are already notified.

If something is worth doing, it is worth doing for money.
Joseph Donah.

There are several ways to break the gardens: the best of them is to charge this business to the gardener.
Karel Chapec.

Measure the micrometer, mark with chalk, bran the ax.
"The rule of accuracy is Reia.

In one, create all the conditions, and it will still work well.
Mikhail Genin.

When you marry your mistress, you create a new workplace.
James Goldsmith.

The compliment increases the performance of a woman halve.
Francoise Sagan.

Lover lives hopes; Professional works.
Garson Kanein.

Millions of our fellow citizens do not work, but, thank God, have a job.

Maybe the work is not too pleasant lesson, but somewhere it is necessary to go in the morning.
Yanina Ipokhorskaya.

Brain - truly amazing organ; It turns on immediately as soon as you wake up, and continues to work up to one minute when you cross the threshold of your office.
Robert Frost.

Young professionals do not know how to work, and experienced specialists know how to work.
Alexander Google.

We always start to respect the people after trying to make their work.
William Feder.

We live in an era of specialists who are not interested in their specialty.
Peter Bichsel.

The bread is earned with hands, on the oil - head.
Yuzef Bulatovich.

Find a man easier when you already have one; Find work is easiest then when you already have a job.
Page Mitchell in a modified editorial office.

Do not choose a profession for money. The profession needs to choose as a wife, - by love and because of money.
John Houston.

I do not like conversations of specialists. But even more - the conversations of non-specialists.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Do not finish what works.
Bert Lans.

Ignorance brought people. Professionalism shares them.
Boleslav Pashkovsky.

Some people love everything they do, even if they do what they do not like.
Boguslav Voenar.

There are no bad professions, but there are those that we give up to others.
Miguel Zamakois.

There are no professions with great future, but there are professionals with great future.

First priority - first of all, second ever.
Shirley Connare.

Acceptable unemployment rate? On the bureaucratic language means that "we will not be thrown into the street," and "acceptable bud? - What "someone will have tight, but not for us.
Laurence Peter.

Preissance does not exclude the right. Anger is a bad adviser, but what an insightful analyst!
Karol Izhikovsky.

A professional is a man who can do his job when she doesn't like him. A lover is a man who cannot do his job when she souls.
James Ageite.

Professionals are building "Titanic", lovers - Noah's ark.

Work is the last refuge of those who can no longer know how.
Oscar Wilde.

Work is a kind of neurosis.
Don Herold.

The work fills all the time allotted on it.
Syril Northcot Parkinson.

Work is not a wolf - stuck, but does not bite.

The work is not a wolf, but there are hunting hunters.
V. Skumbat.

Work is not wolf. But the boss is a beast.
Victor Konayin.

Work work, but you need to do something useful.
Henrik Yagodzynsky.

Work that seems easy to seems to be difficult. Work that seems difficult to seems to be impossible in practice.
"Stokemar Theorem.

Once they pay money, it means that this is a job.
Danil ore.

There is a growing interest in year-round employment as Santa Claus.
Yuzef Bulatovich.

Reorganization is when your colleague loses work; recession - when you lose work; Crisis - When the work loses your wife.

The decline is when your neighbor loses its work, the crisis - when you lose work.
Harry Truman.

A specialist is a person who knows everything about a little and anything else.
Ambroza Birsc.

The specialist knows more and more about everything less and less.
Nicholas Butler.

A specialist is similar to flux: fullness of its one-sided.
Goat rods.

Middle age is when you are too young to retire, and too old to get another job.
Laurence Peter.

Subjectivism is common when finding objective reasons.
Leshek Kuyor.

Subjective assessment.
i like it, "objective.
i like the bosses.
Mikhail Gasparov.

Only I can judge about color, "said Daltonik," because I am impartial.
Vellas Brudzignan.

He who looks into business on both sides usually does not see any of them.
Oscar Wilde.

The one who wants does more than the one who can.

Requires managers not older than 35 years with forty-male experience.

A narrow specialist knows a lot about very small, and the narrower specialist knows everything about anything.

Learn, learn and learn again, because you can't find work anyway.
Victor Konayin.
Impartiality. Objectivity.

A good person is not a profession.
Praphrassed Ilf and Petrov.

The harder work, the easier it is to get on it.
Konstantin Melikhan.

To make a job as it should, time is always lacking; But to remake it, time is always located.
Mesquinena law.

The expert sets out an objective point of view. Namely, her own.
Moragri Desai.

I do something that no one would do if I did what I do.
Cornel Makushinsky.

I first write the preface, and I read the book later to keep impartiality.
Sydney Smith.

I specialize in the universe and everything surrounds it.
Peter Cook.

The critic is a writer who is incapable of writing, spending his life to criticize new works.

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Amin Ar-Reahani

If the builders struggled buildings just as programmers write the program, the first flourished Word would destroy the civilization.

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Second law of Vainberg

Eternal Dream Palacha: a compliment sentenced for excellent quality execution.

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Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

The chauffeur is a man who is quite agile to drive a car, and smart enough to not have it.

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Leonardo Luis Levinson

English-speaking. English teachers.

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Konstantin Kushner

Profession of the diplomat is akin to the profession of a magician. Both are needed high bowlers, and surprises hidden there are all known to the rest of diplomats and magicians.

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Will Rogers.

The most dangerous profession is the head of state.

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Natalia Grace

Tailors and writers united the general motto: "No day without a line."

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Valery Afonchenko

We are not doctors, we are pain.

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Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

The cheap paper is undoubtedly explained why women in literature succeeded earlier than in any other professions.

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Virginia Wolfe

Be care not about the colors, but about the kidneys.
A teacher who does not study with his disciples, chose not the profession.

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The hacker is not a la carter with overestimated, but a programmer with an underestimated salary.

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Unknown author ()

Makes to fuss any profession - even the mission of the bird.

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Tarry Glushchenko

Kostoprav and in love finds the consequences of the disease of the spine.

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Frantishek Cover

If a person exists [according to predestination over] in order to worship God, why did God do not make a person self-respecting him? If a person is created in order to build, then why should he still learn and have a desire for the craft? In other words, if God, creating a man, predetermined the fate of the builder in advance, then why did he not give a man immediately, from birth, decrease to build? Why do you need, fulfilling the predetermination of God, to study another profession? Why is a person not born by a carpenter, a mason, excavator, etc.?

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Unknown author ()

A criminal lawyer will find thirteen loopholes in ten commandments.

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Unknown author ()

Actor - Trainer of the public.

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Gennady Malkin

The doctor, lawyer and theologians know perfectly well, how to clean it certainly - pockets, soul, body.

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Unknown author ()

Each real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but the patient himself.

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The stock speculator is a person who studies the future and acting before it comes.

Statements, quotes and aphorisms about the profession

« How good when a person has the opportunity choose a profession not necessity, and conforming with spiritual inconsistencies. " Apsheroni A.

« As for the future, I repeat one thing: for whatever you take, the main thing is to be devoted to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some stellar success, but be honest in front of himself in the chosen profession - necessarily.»De Niro R.

«… professions seem to us the most elevated, if they let deep roots in our heart, if the ideas that dominate them, we are ready to sacrifice our life and all our aspirations. They can make sure that they have a calling to them, but they are circumscribed on the death of someone who has gotten hurriedly, thoughtlessly, yielding to the moment. " Marx K.

« The profession initially must be an act of love. And in no way married for the calculation. " Murakov H.

« Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupid - if you clicter in your specialty, and it is ignorance - if you get out of it. " Goethe I.

« The calling is a course that it is useful to teach an obstacle in its source in order to see whether this river is or only a stream. " DecCemsel A.

« It is impossible to become a narrow specialist, without becoming, in a strict sense, the nervous

« Every profession is a plot against the uninitiated. " Show B.

« And with unexpected sadness, I thought about the imperfection of the mechanism of human self-imministration, in which virtuosos of accountants are sad on the failed fate of brave seawares, brilliant tailors regret the lost opportunities to become journalists, and prominent cardiac doctors believe that their talent could only bloom only on theatrical Rods, - Professional Cherk, as the French say. " Brothers Weiners

« The hardest profession is to be a man. " Marty H.

« Here is the best advice that can be given by the youth: find something that you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it. " Catherine Whitehorn.

« A specialist is the one who knows a lot about very small. " Batler N.

« If you want to start at once from the top of your profession to invent your own profession. " Villaget E.

« His own business man should do as if he is looking for help. " Halifax D.

« The closest to the natural state of all those classes that are able to ensure the existence of a person is the work of his hands. Of all social positions, the most independent of fate and from people - the position of the artisan. " Rousseau

« Everyone, in my opinion, is a debtor of his profession.. " Bacon F.

« High professionalism - facing creativity. " Ginzburg L.

« No high-paying professions with big future, but there are professionals with great future

« Engineer - man; capable of taking the theory and attach to her wheels. " Levinson L.

« Knowledge of the back of the profession or vocation - this is the price we pay for the mastery of professional skills. " Baldwin D.

« We do not learn to be artists, artists or writers - we learn to be. " McCartney P.

« If the profession becomes a way of life, then the craft turns into art. " Shevelev I.

« No restless specialties. There are only passive people who are not able to get carried away by the fact that before them.»Berg A.

« Happiness is a privilege all day to do what it seems important to you. One finds happiness to feed your family. Other - in the robbery of banks. The third can spend years of scientific work, the result of which is unclear. Pay attention to the individuality and subjectivity of the choice. There are no two identical cases - and they should not be. Every man and every woman should pick up such a lesson for which they will be happy all day without raising their heads, and then will not be scary any professional burning. »Heinline R.

Funny and fun aforisms, quotes and statements about the profession

« Not choose profession for money. The profession needs to choose as a wife, - by love and because of money.»Houston D.

« Honest bartender: the one who earns a little less than the host of the institution. " Orben R.

« The engineer is a person who can explain how this or that device works, but cannot explain why it does not work. " Tatcher M.

« Suffler, suffering a mania of greatness: suggests only the main roles. " Brudzin V.

« Whether a person has thirty-two eyes, ophthalmologists would not be poorer dentists.»Gerkov I.

« The profession of futurologist is unreliable. It can only be done until the end of the world. " Kumor A.

« The hero is the shortest profession in the world.. " Rogers W.

« People of one profession are rare together even for entertainment, but their meetings end with a conspiracy against society or a plan to increase the rates. " Smith A.

« The most common profession in Russia is a chance of difficulties. " Yankovsky S.

« All my own. Saint Francis Assisi said: "Every Saint will be able to create a miracle, but not everyone can manage the hotel decently"." Twain M.

« The waiter is an incorrect account of the right digits; this is different from the statistics that comes around. " Elghodi J.

« The executioner pay for work; In his excuse, he can say: "Everyone should live!"" Steinhaus H.

« If every child's cherished dream come true, our world will fill fire and militiamen.. " Water

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Whether a person has thirty-two eyes, ophthalmologists would not be poorer dentists. I. Gerchov.

As for the future, I repeat one thing: for whatever you take, the main thing is to be devoted to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some stellar success, but be honest in front of himself in the chosen profession - necessarily. De R. Niro.

Any profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated. B. Shaw.

  • Here is the best advice that can be given by the youth: find something that you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it. K. Aithorn.
  • All my own. Saint Francis Assisi said: "Every Saint will be able to create a miracle, but not everyone can decently manage the hotel." M. Twin.
  • High professionalism - a concerned creativity. L. Ginzburg.
  • The hero is the shortest profession in the world. W. Rogers.
  • Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupid - if you clicter in your specialty, and it is unforgettable - if you get out of it. I. Goethe.
  • If the profession becomes a way of life, then the craft turns into art. I. Shevelev.
  • If every child's cherished dream come true, our world will fill fire and policemen. G. Voddy.
  • If you want to start at once from the top of your profession to invent your own profession. E. Brilliant.
  • Knowledge of the back of the profession or vocation is the price we pay for the mastery of professional skills. D. Baldwin.
  • And with unexpected sadness, I thought about the imperfection of the mechanism of human self-imministration, in which virtuosos of accountants are sad on the failed fate of brave seawares, brilliant tailors regret the lost opportunities to become journalists, and prominent cardiac doctors believe that their talent could only bloom only on theatrical Rods, - Professional cake, as the French say. Brothers Weiners.
  • Engineer - man; able to take the theory and attach to her wheels. L. Levinson.
  • The engineer is a person who can explain how this or that device works, but cannot explain why it does not work. M. Thatcher.
  • Everyone, in my opinion, is a debtor of his profession. F. Bacon.
  • How good when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not as needed, but conforming to spiritual inconsistencies. A. Apsheroni.
  • People of one profession are rarely gathered together even for entertainment, but their meetings end with a conspiracy against society or a plan to increase the rates. A. Smith.
  • We do not learn to be artists, artists or writers - we learn to be. P. McCartney.
  • Do not choose a profession for money. The profession needs to choose as a wife, - by love and because of money. D. Houston.
  • It is impossible to become a narrow specialist, without becoming, in a strict sense, the nerd. B. Shaw.
  • No restless specialties. There are only passive people who are not able to get carried away by the fact that before them. A. Berg.
  • The waiter is an incorrect account of the right digits; It differs from the statistics that the opposite comes around. J. Elgosy.
  • The executioner pay for work, he can say in his excuse: "Everyone should live!" H. Steinhaus.
  • The calling is a course that it is useful to teach an obstacle in its source in order to see whether it is or only a river. A. Decursel.
  • Professions seem to us the most elevated, if they let deep roots in our heart, if the ideas that dominate them, we are ready to sacrifice our life and all our aspirations. They can make sure that they have a calling to them, but they encourage the death of someone who began to hastily, thoughtlessly, yielding to the moment. K. Marx.
  • The profession initially must be an act of love. And in no way married for the calculation. H. Murakami.

Phrases about professions, show the benefits of a particular activity and indicate people that a favorite thing should become their profession.

All professions are a conspiracy of specialists against the opposites.
George Bernard Show

Proof of the truth of any vocation is the love of the hard work that it requires.
Logan Piercoll Smith

There are no professions with great future, but there are professionals with great future.

Probably, only one person out of a thousand passionately is absorbed by his work as such. The only difference is that they will say about the man: "He is passionate about his business," and about a woman: "She's some strange."
Dorothy Seierz

A good person is not a profession.
Ilf and Petrov

Do not choose a profession for money. The profession needs to choose as a wife, - by love and because of money.
John Houston

There are no bad professions, but there are those that we give up to others.
Miguel Zamakois

If something is worth doing, it is worth doing for money.
Joseph Donochu

We always start to respect the people after trying to make their work.
William Feder.

Here is the best advice that can be given by the youth: "Find something that you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it."
Catherine Whitehorn.

The dictator is the only profession, affordable rapidly obsessed: it does not face a medical examination.

If the Military Profession means something in general, it should rely on the unshakable Code of honor. Otherwise, those who follow the drums will be just a bunch of hired killers.
Karl Clausevitz

A writing prostitute is an oldest profession.
Evgeny Kashev

Find a husband is art; Hold it is a profession.
Simon de Bovwar

The calling is any badly paid lesson you chose yourself.
Mike Barfield.

Man only then becomes a master when he understands that until the end of his life will remain novice.
Robin Collingwood

Find a job that you like and your winnings will be five days a week.
Jackson Brown Jr

Over time, people are becoming less and less competent in the profession, for which they first were well prepared.
Paul Armer.

The more women in any profession, the lower the reward for it.
John B. Cox

Weaver - a purely men's profession, and tipple -sugo women.
Vyacheslav Verkhovsky

The price you pay for the mastery of the profession is too close to acquaintance with its unpleasant parties.
James Baldwin

And the most unpleasant profession gives moments of joy. Whether I, for example, a graveter or even a pall, I would not have been able to serve someone.
Douglas Jerrold

Eh, music! What a beautiful art! And what a cracked profession!
Georges Bizeta

Being a star is not a profession, but an accident.
Lauren Baikol

Scripture is a profession that is acquired by writing.
Simon de Bovwar

Something I did not meet the actors with a slight character, if, of course, the profession owns them completely.

I think the flawiness is contained in any profession. Profession - Is this a job done to work?
Rinat Litvinova

It is said that politics is the second oldest profession. But I came to the conclusion that she has much more common with the first.

Chubais is already a profession.
Alexander Livvitz


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