How to make it so that the roosters do not fight. Why the chickens peck each other to blood. Why roosters fight - reveal the reasons

Cockfish - a spectacular event that has a lot of fans around the world.

Specially trained birds of fibergian rocks take part in this gaming sport.

Referee and coaches are involved in the process, and even the winged fighters there are even real promoters. But it is quite another thing, when home roosters come into competition, the purpose of which is to trample chickens, squeeze in the mornings and ensure that Maternal instinct worked.

Fights in the chicken coop deliver a lot of trouble to the owner, because they distract the roosters from "work" and make the chickens are nervous, which negatively affects egg production.

Why roosters fight - reveal the reasons

The real cock in nature should have a living temperament, be able to stand up for himself and for his wards. If the male grows separately from other roosters, and he does not develop an infinct of rivalry, then the manufacturer from it will be mediocre. When young roosters compete with each other, they grow up full-fledged chicken flock and productive males.

What to do if the roosters fight among themselves

To reduce the number of conflicts, you need to leave the minimum sufficient number of roosters in the herd. For egging rocks, the optimal number of chickens per path - 12-15 heads, for heavy meat breeds one manufacturer is enough for 8-10 chickens. Do not hold more males in a flock. Permanent competition leads to unrest in the chicken coop, in addition, frequent mating can injure females.

Over time, a strict hierarchy will be built in the poultry house: chickens and roosters are divided into small groups and will stick to their territory. If each part of the team in the aviary for walking will be their feeders and drinkers, then the "disassembly" will be significantly less.

In the fall, when the flock of young people form, it is recommended to leave "middling" - not the most covered and not the most aggressive roosters.

Why should I avoid the poultry substrate

The subfolding of new chickens to the old fraught with trouble. A strict hierarchy is built in the bird stade, and the appearance of a novice violates it. As a result of Old-timers, they can progress the recruit.

Method of sung new chickens to the old. You need to wear tissue gloves and a few old chickens to be prompted with hands. The same gloves are "rubbed" a new chicken and closer to the occurrence of darkness sit in the chicken coop.

At night, old-timers will not have time on disassembly, and the smell from the new neighbor will be some kind of native. Morning is possible small disagreements, but usually, after a couple of days, the newcomer is poured into the team.

There is a more sophisticated way: in front of the evening behind, old and new chickens are sprayed with water with the addition of cologne.

Each poultryman knows what role the cock is performed in the economy - protects a whole harem of chickens from the dangers waiting for the door of the chicken coop. Sometimes he perceives as a danger and his host-farmer. Aggressive roosters attack people, painfully tearing the skin with sharp beaks and spurs. Adult man will be able to protect himself and recover from injuries. But a small child who does not know about danger can get serious injury and even lose his eyes. Let's talk in detail about how to wean the rooster to smoke to prevent it.

Problems with the aggressiveness of roosters often accompany those farmers who purchased a bird in adolescent or adult age. In the pennate, during this period, a character that develops in relation to the conditions in which he grew was already formed. For example, a rooster can purchase a steep temper if it was offended by stronger males from his litter.

For an adult rooster you are a stranger, a priori malicious. Pernata with a calm character will accept the owner after a while, but their embittered comrades will become attack.

In this case, the character of the rooster is difficult to correct. It is best to acquire chickens at a young age when they are still not clear to the main purpose of the male in the Chicken Kingdom.

At what age buy chickens

Do not buy chickens before or later reaching 10 days of age. Daily kids are sold at competitive prices, but are not adapted to survive on their own. We have to fight them in the incubator, but the likelihood is great that many birds will die during the move.

After the second week of life, the chickens will begin to acquire various characteristics of the character. It is at this time that aggressiveness is laid in them. Do not buy essential roosses, if you can take a young chick.

Method number 2 - try to negotiate

The most humane from the existing ways to teach the rooster to smooth, however, no less effective. You can make friends with the defender of the chicken, you can elementary paying special attention to him. Sut the rebel to a separate pen and systematically feed it with a special meal. Be sure to behave confidently. The cock though belongs to the birds, but feels human emotions like animals. The fear of the host for him is a signal to immediate attack. The pledge of successfully built communication with the disembodied rooster will be the following conditions:

  • calm tone of the owner;
  • no sharp movements;
  • regular feeding hand.

Talking with a bird, you teach her to your voice. An important condition for the humane method is not to accompany communication with physical violence. I put on the peaceful way to establish contact with a rooster you can not beat the bird with your hands, legs or infirred objects.

How to behave, returning a rooster in a common aviary

Senakes in the mood of the jacket? Return back to the common aviary. Continue communicating with Petya for the current tactics: be calm and confident in your abilities. Do not avoid the pennate ward, boldly look into his eyes. Reduce the multiplicity of feeding, but do not remove completely.

Some roosters, penetrating the owner, on returning to the chirms and other roosters, again begin to aggression towards a person. This is due to the animal fear of male to be torn in front of the chickens, letting the offender. Stop writing to the quarrels in the presence of a rooster. If you want to collect eggs, drive out walking around the yard along with the chickens and lock, if you want to view or pick one of the nonars.

Method number 3 - exclusively Voller walk

One way to solve the problem discussed in the article - to burn out from it, in the literal sense of the word. Arrange a spacious pleasure aviary for your birds and do not let off the fencing. Self-harm the grass, which the chours are used to peck on the street and download them for the fence.

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Method number 4 - Education of hunger

Popular among experienced poultry farms - keep the rooster hungry for several days. The birds and animals have a weakly developed causal relationship. They are not able to analyze the actions of the owner, looking for the cause of action. The only way to give a roostech to understand why he was punished - to squint him alone in the aviary or a barn immediately after the clum and not to give food 1-2 days. Do not visit the pennate and do not spare it.

If the rooster quit not to all the owners, but only to one person, then after this time, the bird should offer me exactly. The rooster will look at him for the first time as a sacrifice, but as a Savior.

Be sure to leave in a clean water in a tier, otherwise the rooster will earn dehydration and seriously sick.

This effective way, as a rule, begins to work the first time. If the rooster turned out to be a stubborn, you should repeat the procedure as many times as necessary to achieve the result. Just do not overdo it! The result of zealous educational events can be frozen rooster hunger.

Method No. 5 - Water Procedures

Unlike other birds, roosters and chickens do not like to swim in the water. They are unpleasant to walk with a wet plumage, collecting dirt and dust along the pen and chicken coop. That is why, using ice water as weapons and protection at the same time, you cool to cool the dust of the pennate dreaching.

There are several methods for punishing the rooster with water.

Method using hose

The method is especially relevant to those who use an individual well to obtain water. Water in underground sources is cold. Fitting closer to the site, which usually encounter a rooster, take a hose with you.

According to the appearance of the pennate male, it is always clear whether he is going to attack. Ready for the attack rooster flies the plumage on the patch, opens the wings and attacks the sharp raid. When you see the boiled male, flying to you, turn on the powerful jet of the hose, and direct right on it. The bird will try to hide in the depths of the yard or chicken coop, but do not let her descend, continue to water the water for a while.

Repeat efficient water procedures with a rooster as much as it takes. An indicator of performance will be the cautious attitude of the bird, the fearful reaction to the hose in the hands of the hosts and imperceptible movement in the yard.

Method with dipping in bucket

Very popular among grandparents - the peasants of the old hardening. In the bucket of the rooster you can dip or get it with water from the legs to the head. Choose the first way if you are confident in the agility of your hands. Before dipping a rooster head in a bucket, you will have to reflect his attack, in time, while taring from Beak and Spurs on your feet.

Ice water bucket - an effective educational tool

Quickly grab the dracan for your head with one hand, behind the paws - the other. Put the bird's head in the bucket on the bottom of the neck and hold a few seconds. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times in a row, with small breaks, then cut off the rooster as much as possible aside.

A bird that has experienced serious stress in the form of a short oxygen starvation, will remember the punishment for a long time and will bypass you by the side.

Method with velvement from bucket

Dummies with cold water from the bucket are also very effective in the fight against aggressive roosters. Type the full bucket of cold water and leave it the attacking male. The procedure must be repeated several times, as the first forced swimming, the embittered bird will try an attempt to attack.

This method is good with its surprise, however, requires serious agility and strength. Not every woman under the power to raise the full bucket of ice water, while driving away from sharp beak and spurs, and even throw the penate.

The solution to the problem will be a decrease in the volume of bucket used to douse. Take care so that the small amount of water is compensated by its quality, namely as low as possible.

Method with dipping barrel

Perhaps the most effective method using water. It is in complete diving of the rooster in the barrel filled to the edges. The aggressive rooster is enough for the camp and the neck, so as not to be peeling, and several times dip in the barrel completely, delaying in the thickness of the water on the split of a second.

This method is good because the rooster does not feel any support under his feet. Finding into a foreign medium, the bird is experiencing impotence and despair and understands what is in your power.

Many farmers give a way with dipping in a barrel of the best reviews. It is enough to use it once, and the aggressive rooster will start to bypass you.

Method No. 6 - Forced Insulation

Petukhov who attackers on the hosts in the chicken coop will not be water, otherwise you will have to clean and dry the floor of the room, lay a new litter. Effective protection against feathered can serve as an ordinary box with several holes. It is best to take a wooden. At the entrance to the chicken, stop and wait until the rooster flies and takes you offended. Already at the very feet dramatically stop it, covered with a box. Such an improvised prison will reliably protect against the roaming and scratches, and the rooster will threaten the behavior, sitting in an uncomfortable pose without the possibility of getting out.

Choosing a box, give preference to the heavy material made, otherwise you have to collect eggs and retain the rooster under the lid at the same time. Do not think that the bird will not attempt to flush. Rose of the presence of a man male will do everything to gain freedom.

When all things are finished, depart to the exit. Sharply holding up the box go out of the door. While the rooster will come to the street, you will be on the street.

Method No. 7 - Phase Points

This unusual device was originally intended for pheasants, which constantly overlook each other in close pens. It is suitable and aggressive roosters. Passenia looks like human reading glasses with a rounded tug for beak in the middle, but there is difference: opaque glasses. To be more accurate, there are no glasses in them, they are completely cast out of plastic.

Owing such glasses, roosters lose the opportunity to see straight, as a result, the person can not rush. It is necessary to mount on the key of the bird with the help of a plastic stud, which has been nosd. Two small studs are built into some models of glasses under the tuberculosis, two small studs, reliably fastened in the nostril.

Warning your concern about whether the bird can find food, we rush to calm down: Of course, the bird sees everything in the side, knows where food and water knows. Side vision he will notice a person, but rushing in his direction will not see the victims and calm down.

Video - glasses for chickens, pheasants, partridges

Method number 8 - trimble beak

Not the most humane, however, an effective way. True, the sharp spur will not save. Some experienced poultry farms cut off the beaks with their birds. It is better to put independent experiments when the chickens are still very small and do not feel pain from cutting a piece of beak. Adults to conduct this procedure are recommended solely in emergency cases or using a veterinary doctor.

With the help of what funds produce pruning the beak, consider further.

Brush trim hot blades

Hot-hot cocks of a metal blades of a rooster cut the beak in adulthood. This method is beneficial to the fact that the hot blades easily cut off the beak and immediately burn the place of the cut.

Do not care for the operation yourself, without having due experience, since you can strike injury birds incompatible with life.

Pruning beak laser

The preferred method of trimming the beak rooster. The laser works more accurately blades, annealing the beak neatly, almost bloodlessly and painlessly. Only one minus is added to the list of advantages - high price.

Pruning beak infrared light

It works only on delicate cranks of chickens sitting in the incubator. Tip processing with beak infrared radiation leads to a quick disappearance. The main advantage of the method is that birds do not feel any pain and the operation passes without the effects of bird health.

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Erasing beak special feed

Do not decide to put experiments on the pennate wards to the detriment of your health? Do not worry, there is a humane way. It lies in the temporary transfer of the rooster on the rude food, about which the beak gradually erased.

Below is the table of pros and cons of each trimming method.

Trimming hot blades
  • The beak is easy to cut
  • The location of the cut is disinfected due to the high temperature of the instrument.
  • Can be carried out independently in the presence of experience
  • Low cost
  • Train safety method
  • In the absence of experience, the beak is cut off unevenly, and the bird dies
Trimming laser
  • The procedure is practically painless
  • Bird loses the minimum of blood
  • High accuracy cut slicing
  • High price
  • It is carried out exclusively veterinarian
Pruning infrared radiation
  • Fully painless way
  • No harmful implications
  • It is held young not older than a few days
Erasing beak solid feed
  • Human way
  • Painless
  • Does not have harmful health effects
  • Does not injure the psyche of the rooster
  • To erase the beak feed, you will need a long period of time.

Method number 9 - protection attack

The basis of this method is the effect of surprise. The evil rooster is waiting for you to be afraid of his behavior and will not be able to defend and attack first. Finger the bird and at the entrance to the chicken, immediately start chasing it. This will discourage a rooster, because in the animal and avian world the one who will attack the first is the strongest.

Method number 10 - physical punishment

Everything is clear here. When you try to peel or scratch the owner, you should give him. You can do this with a variety of devices:

  • fly swathers;
  • sticks;
  • rubber hose;
  • legs or hands, etc.

The language of physical violence understands every creature on the planet. The rooster should know that the owner is stronger and will be defended. The more painful the blow, the clearer the bird becomes, who is the main house. However, use the way carefully so as not to put the pennate of real injections.

Method number 11 - rejoice out to the strongest fellow

If you have several cocks, and some of them are stronger than the eternal jacket, sit down together in a separate enclosure for a couple of days. The rooster offender will experience the charm of the position of the victim, the role of which determined you and will come out of the conclusion of silk. Do not worry about the moral condition of the aggressor, he received deserved.

Method number 12 - public humiliation

This method is to trample the rooster in front of the chickens, which he draws, attacking the owner. Stretching the bird is better to hand in order not to crush, but be sure to maintain the power and intensity of attitudes. The male's humiliated on the eyes of his heart is becoming disgraced and starts to behave peacefully, because now the chicken coop is known, who is stronger than all on the farm.

Method number 13 - eliminate annoying factors

Perhaps the feathery aggressor does not have troubles with you, but reacts to a strong stimulus. Surprise, but sometimes the ordinary clothes are bright colors and fluttering. The bird seems like this is your plumage, formidable and embracing. As you know, the roosters themselves are trashing the plumage during the attack. Your bright, bat clothes, they perceive as a signal about the attack and take the only true action - they are protected.

It is better to always visit the chicken coop in the same neutral clothing. Then the bird will get used to you and stop fighting.

Method number 14 - put on soup

No matter how cruel it sounded, but there are individuals that are impossible to wean. It is embedded to their breed or a medium in which the birds were grown. In this case, one exit remains - churn the rooster. This is the last solution, try at the beginning of the rest. However, if the rooster has a real physical harm to you or your children, you will have to get rid of it.

Method number 15 - Determine the loop to the cocks

An excellent way for those who have decided to get rid of the rooster, but regrets him to cut him on the soup. Sell \u200b\u200ba bird to a man engaged in cocks. Get rid of him with the benefit and save the feathery life.

Let's summarize

The above methods for tearing the rooster to smoothly be checked by farmers throughout the planet. Each efficiency is proved by many years of experience of poultry farms. We hope that having tried them, you solve the problem with an aggressive rooster once and for all.

People who have never been engaged in breeding poultry cannot understand why chickens peck each other to blood. Sometimes real battles begin in the poultry house, which lead to the death of several individuals, and sometimes a whole herd. It is important to know what to do if birds attack their relatives and pluck them feathers.

Sometimes there are real battles in the poultry house, which lead to the death of several individuals, and sometimes the whole herd

In winter or during a period of molting on the carcasses of chickens appear poles. Sometimes they are visible drops of blood. Healthy birds begin to attack a weakened part and zoomed to her. Why do the chickens pluck feathers and slugging each other to death? Veterinarians call such pheniophagia phenomenon. Some still can not determine what it is a disease or just a bad habit. In fact, both. Such a habit begins to form at an early age when small chickens are trying to smear small wounds from their comrades. They grow up and continue to fight with relatives.

There are a number of factors that can cause cannibalism from chickens:

  1. Incompute nutrition. The bird should receive enough vitamins and trace elements along with the feed. If the chickens do not eat protein and calcium, during the molting period they will look for other ways with which the deficit can be filled. For example, they pluck and eat feathers from other birds. If it does not isolate the wounded individual on time, it will be stolen by chickens to death.
  2. Intensive lighting. With bright light, the chickens are fighting and behave more aggressively. They see all flaws on the skin and try to none in the wound or scratch. Oblost from chickens can provoke an increased level of humidity and high air temperature in the room.
  3. Purchase. Most often, this negative factor is manifested in winter. The chickens are constantly in the poultry house, so they begin to peck each other from boredom. Aggressive behavior in adult individuals can cause suiting young. They immediately throw on young chickens and pluck feathers. In each herd, there are started, which starts the fight. Such behavior of chicken flock resembles the "grandfather" in the army.
  4. Incompatible breeds. In the risk zone, it is usually chicken with different color, for example, black will attack white and vice versa. After you run into the common aviary of birds of another breed, you need to watch them so that they do not fight with their comrades.

How to deal with an outline (video)

What to do to solve the problem

So that the chickens do not flush each other, it is necessary first of all to provide them with high-quality balanced feed. Do not forget to put in a tank with a sequent and ash. Periodically you need to add small fish to the feed. You can also give kitchen waste mixed with stern yeast or bone flour. If there are not enough sulfur in the diet, you need to give a white-born cabbage chicken or "methionine". This drug is added to the feed for two weeks.

With a lot of crowding, it is necessary to produce a flock for several hours to the street. The floor in the poultry house should be covered with hay or straw. You can pour a little chalk in the litter so that the bird is busy and distracted from the exploration.

Healthy birds begin to attack a weakened individual and zoomed her wound

When building a poultry house, it is necessary to consider that on 1 m² you can accommodate 5 adults. If the poultryman made the right calculation, then it may forgive the losses associated with the excavation forever.

On the shed, you need to scatter cut pumpkins and beets so that the chickens can peck the vegetables all day. A bright light bulb under which all the vessels on the adhesive are visible, it is better to replace matte. Slipping into the head of young people, pay attention to the one adult chicken pecks young. After you find a pest, take it into a separate pen. If possible, let the flock of the militant breed in the flock of the young rooster. He will examine his leading aggressive female, and she will cease to offend relatives. If you adhere to these simple rules, the chickens will not pinch feathers and turn each other.

Causes of Skolov (video)

How to deal with a rooster whose chickens

If you have noticed that the rooster behaves too aggressively, attacks the chickens and tries to peck them, you need to urgently take action, as it may endure the deplorable. It is important to figure out why the rooster coars the chicken and how to prevent it. In each herd, there are several significant individuals who strongly support the rooster.

If you notice that the rooster behaves too aggressively, attacks the chickens and trying to peck them, you need to urgently take action, as it may endure

They help him peck the victim and drive her away from food. If you want to avoid problems, you need to select these birds for a while at another place.

In small farms, the causes of aggressive behavior of the rooster can be a psychological character. Most often, the rooster coars the chicken, which recently appeared in the herd. It can not be delated separately, because after returning a weakened part can squeeze to death. It is much more efficient to remove from the Waller Rooster. When you start it again in the flock, the rooster will behave calmly and stop attacking the sacrifice. If you have noticed that there was a conflict between churars and a rooster, you need to quickly respond and immediately begin to solve this problem. This will allow you to preserve the population in the herd and the health of the bird. It is reasonable to progress and immediately get rid of problematic individuals.

Not having an outlet of adrenaline, a battle cock risks die from the heartbroken

The cost of combat bird can reach up to 100 thousand rubles

Getting from the side of real cocks in Russia - an empty undertaking. Because officially they are prohibited as casino and slot machines. You can, of course, buy a ticket and buy a ticket and look into some entertainment center, where the birds for money are trying to burst, giving it to the original Russian fun. But nonsense is, and not fun, Konstantin Dibyov from the Moscow region and Alexander Mukhanov from Magnitogorsk are considered to be breastners from Magnitogorsk. On the eve of the new year, which is known to be held under the sign of the fiery rooster, these serious men agreed to tell how it was arranged closed from the bird "Fight Club".

In Russia, lovers of this case are not so much - not that in Central Asia, for example, but in almost every area there are mobile panels. They are famous for breeders Dagestan and Chechnya. Several times a year we are going to the tournament to give the birds to face forces and find out if the direction is given a selection. And after the tournament, of course, conversations at the table with the same turned on a fighting theme by comrades! - laugh Alexander Mukhanov.

We know each other for twenty years. All lovers. Large bets do not, but the hosts of roosters in front of the fight can, having agreed, to put money on the context. Fights we are not fatal: the fight stops when the rooster got knockout - lowered his head to the ground, - explains Konstantin Dibyv. - A fighter bird costs from 3 thousand and up to 50 thousand rubles, there are copies of 1000 dollars and above - depends on the breed. The most expensive breed is Shamo: up to 100 thousand rubles for the rooster. Which breed is the strongest and aggressive, it is impossible to say - it's like choosing the nationality of boxers. Rast the combat cockerel is not so expensive - as simple chickens. But when preparations for the fight, the "warrior" are arranged in a separate cell and feed meat, eggs, cottage cheese, walnuts, raisins - to strengthen muscle mass. Some breeders give pets red and black caviar, honey - indulge.

Course of a young fighter

A month before the fighting of future "Van Dammov" and "Chokov Norrisov" in feathers begin to train, our experts tell. Before each occupation, the muscles are warmed with a sponge dipped in warm water. For the foot fortress, the exercise "goose step" practices: a rooster, which is slightly pressed back, goes on bent paws. Stamina train running in the wheel. For the development of impact, the exercise "Reference" is used. The neck is swing rotational movements and movements up-down. Sparring in intrusters and invarons help work out the technique of impact and protection.

King of the yard

Age when a rooster is ready for fights, different species have its own. Light breeds are ready to rush into battle at ten months. Larger ripen to one and a half years. Petukhov use up to 2-2.5 years, after which, if the warrior does not have a loss, he is sent to a well-deserved rest to the quarrels: to improve the "population" of the flocks and follow the order on the bird's courtyard.

Chicks of Orlov

The progenitor "Petushina hunting" in Russia consider the graph Alexey Orlova Chesmensky.In the XVIII century, he wrote out of England fighting roosters, and began fun, in which everyone did not understand the estates. 1906th this thing was banned, but after the revolution Lenincanceled all the royal decrees, and the cocks were resumed. But from recently, they were banned again. This led to the degeneration of Russian breeds: Moscow Fight, Serpukhovsky. There was such a wonderful person - Boris Antonchev, Chairman of the Moscow Region Society. Former boxer, he put a lot of strength to collect us all. He was interested in Orel Churra and achieved the restoration of almost lost breed. His efforts were revived a fighting sport in Russia. Unfortunately, in 1997, Boris Stepanovich did not. Then the cocks were banned, and all his efforts came up.

Universal Soldier

The most valued fighters-universal, not adhering to one style of the fight.

I had a rooster of rocks Turkish Hint Khoroz, named Taras, "says Mukhanov. - Not large, but very cunning. He adjusted to the tactics of any fighter. Beil himself very sharply and accurately, at the beginning of the battle injured his eyes to rivals and won the battle ahead of time.

The loser is considered the participant who, not wanting to continue, falls into the ring. It happens that a fighter, having missed a lot of shocks on the head, "floats": "falls asleep", dropping head and beak touching the ring. This is also counted defeat. The battle lasts from 40 minutes to one and a half hours.

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Petukhov-champions, it happens, and steal, our experts are recognized, so marshmetes are trying not to let into their possessions of unfamiliar people. Another shadow side of this case is doping. Recently, a lot of chemistry falls into Russia from China, thanks to which the bird can win the battle, as it holds above the limit of its capabilities. But such fighters die quickly - they have a heart planted. It is practiced during battles with high rates.

Without knife slaughtered

Instead of prohibitions, why not regulate the bird fights, how do it, for example, in Thailand: close spurs, have claws? - reasonable macakeniks. - It turns out, in fact, an honest fist fight, in which the bird has only small injuries. And judging, as in boxing: who will apply how many blows. Fights with open spurs, as they do "good" Americans or French, we didn't even before the prohibitions. In several Provinces of France, fights are allowed, so there, on the contrary, it is impossible to let a bird without knives - it is considered humane. In the sense that the rooster was immediately killed, and he does not suffer.

Bets there reach up to two thousand euros. But in Uzbekistan, we were told, they put from five to $ 50 thousand to the bird. True, not one person, but a crowd. One company on his rooster, the other - on the enemy.

Inborn killers

For roosters, it is a natural need - they assure specialists. - It is impossible to force it. How many times happened: the rooster let go to the ring, and he runs away. So, not healthy. Or just a coward - this is also found. Fighting roosters were bred more than three thousand years, and in them, naturally, aggression genes are developed especially. If the roosters do not fight, die early. It happens, die from heartbroken. Adrenaline beats - it must be splashing, and the roosters are kept in the cage. How many birds lost so much.


The word "cocktail" literally means "roasting tail". In England, after bird battles drank a mixture of beverages. It consisted of so many ingredients as feathers left in the winner's tail.

Styles of Boy

* Straight. The rooster rushes right on the enemy, with the go hits the head and chest.

* Circular. He walks around the circles, unexpectedly unfolding, beats, not allowing to come to his senses, runs away, and so, until it widespread.

* Seasoned. Does not chase in a circle, but intercepts in a straight line and beats in the head.

* Thievish. It hides their head under the wing of the opponent either goes to the legs, knocking down from the pace, he hit himself.


* In England, until the end of the XVIII century, there was a bloody fun "Hydan in the rooster." The public threw the stick into a bird planted in a pot while she did not empty the spirit. And in Russia, the roosters did not beat, but they put it in the basket, which was placed on the carnival on the top of the ice pillar. "Cockerel on a stick" was given to the most strong and destruct.

* There are signs: the rooster was soldered in aptural time - to the big change. By the way, the first roosters give a voice at midnight, the second - at 3 am, the third - at the dawn, at 5 am.

* The crown of the feathelter has different configurations. The leaf type of the crest, pink, pea, nut-shaped, horns, crown, twisted, as well as the type of "open book" is distinguished. Breeders combine genes to obtain the desired form.

* In her harem, the main rooster mates with all the "ladies", not subparent to them rivals. In the presence of several cockerels, homosexuality is often developing, when highly orders are trying to "lower" subordinates.

* So that the chicken rushes, the cockerel is not necessary - just eggs will be without an embryo. But to hatch chickens, it is necessary that the rooster fertilizes the female. Penis Peuet Nature has not been awarded that it does not prevent him from hearing a tireless lover: he pleads the girlfriends with literally one touch. Perching on a girlfriend, the cock starts to trample her, holding the beak behind the head and trying to find the hole with her - Cloacu. At the same time, its clock is turned out, and the seed released by sex glasses is seeping into the chicken clock, where fertilization occurs.

Bloody fun

Natanael West "Saransch Day":

"Humu immediately rose into the air and stipped with red sprat in the chest. She passed through feathers into the body. They turned against the spur in the chest, the redhead turned and twice the opponent in the head ... again, Humu took off over the red, but this time missed himself spurs. Redhead tried to rise above him, but could not. Huhu took off and beat again, and sec lay with such a speed that they merged into a golden semicircle. Redhead met him, crossed on the tail and clinging his paws from the bottom up like a cat. Humu fell on him again and again. He broke red one wing and almost cut his leg ... His cracked beak breakdown, and there he boiled a big blood bubble ... The rooster had already ended. He could not even keep right neck. Dwarf took a redhead on his arms, swelled the feathers under the tail and firmly squeezed together the edge of the rear pass. When it did not help, he stood back to the little finger and scratched the mouth of the testicles. He fed and made a courageous attempt to straighten her neck. "Let", "said Dwarf ... Huhu rose again into the air, and this time his spur pierced the eye of red and entered the brain."

Each pilot poultry is known what a larger role is played in the farm. Heading a whole harem chicken, he protects them from various dangers that can wait for birds beyond the borders of the chicken coop. In some cases, the bird believes that the owner of the farmer can also act as a source of danger.

The rooster can attack a person and using a sharp beak and spurs, gluing and tearing the skin into the blood. An adult person is completely able to repel the attack of the rooster, but little children are very difficult to confront the bird, and it can lead to serious injury, up to the deprivation of the eyes. In such a situation, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations, what to do if the rooster nailed.

Why and why the rooster holds and attack

The leader of a whole harem of chickens can attack completely unexpectedly. And such attacks often end with painful injuries. Aggressive bird with his beak and spurs can bite and even slight enemies to blood. There is also a big risk of appearance on the legs of abrasions and bruises, the treatment of which can take a long period of time. In most cases, the feathers can pounce and chat from above or behind. They are a big danger to children, because they are trying to mine their eyes.

Among the common causes of the attack, specialists allocate two main:

  • Cocking attacks may arise due to the fact that the individual was already purchased in adulthood. It has been formed in nature, the rooster is unable to accept the authority of the newly minted owner.
  • Perhaps, in the past, the bird was oppressed by people or strong fellows, which imposed a fingerprint on the character of the rooster. The attitude of the bird to the hostess or fellow becomes hostile, he holds and throws on them.

Experienced poultry people who know what the roosters are afraid, they are advised to acquire only those chickens whose age is ten days. Such a nuance is associated with the fact that newborn chicks need incubatorizing, and the grown individuals can get used to the new place from the first weeks of life. In the future, it will be very difficult for them to adapt and get used to the new atmosphere.

Ten-day chickens

Additional Information! In the poultry practice there were cases of attack on people of a rooster, who had a completely calm temper. Until today, the reason for such manifestations of aggression is not established.

The attacks of the bird can not be ignored. If, in relation to other animals, the bird shows attention and care, the attacks for a person are of great danger. If no rehabilitation methods do not help, you can always make a delicious broth. Buying the necessary medicines for the treatment of received wounds will cost several times more expensive than buying a new rooster.

There are many reasons due to which the feathered creation attacks other animals. With a variety of breeds on a farm, pet collisions occurs quite often. Animals may not have enough free territory and they begin to share it. Perhaps they are not enough wet air or nutrients. The attacks of the rooster occur due to the unfavorable setting, as well as the individual features of the animals.

Petuha attack

How to wean a rooster to smooth and attack a person

Petukhov breeders are struggling with the attacks of featheled by various ways. These methods may be peaceful or quite cruel. The rooster can be attempting to form, demonstrating the true owner using a humane path. If the peace-loving method did not help, the feathered deprived of life.

When making a decision on the re-education of the feathery, the poultry industry must first understand and understand how much this very rooster is dear to him. The owner of the chickens should understand how to tame a bird how to wean a rooster to throw on people, whether he will have enough strength to re-educate an aggressive feathery. You can then apply one of the following loyal methods:

  • Perform a rooster with a special attitude towards him. The deboschir is sitting in a separate, fallen part of the shed, it must be surrounded by conversations and feeding. If there are no sharp movements, then with the help of a quiet tone, the owner quickly calms the rooster and he stops smooth. When the pennate return to the aviary, you need to continue to feed it, and at the time of cleaning and collecting eggs to produce a rooster from the barn.
  • For walks to use only the fenced territory. The free movement of the rooster in the yard is completely excluded, to walk with it only in tanned. The necessary grass is harvested in advance, and then it is a portion of the rooster.
  • Dump the rooster from attacks on the owner or other animals can be using temporary insulation. A box is put on the head of the attacking rooster, so that he does not interfere with the process of assembling eggs. Leaving the aviary, the box is removed from the pennate.
  • A hunger strike is often used as an educational method. The rooster must be selected in a separate room and do not feed it over two or three days. This method is very effective. But if the bird is quite stubborn, then you will have to repeat the procedure several times. It is worth mentioning that it is important not to overdo it with an educational process, otherwise the feathene can begin to root.
  • Poultry trucks often use the phase-glasses method. With the help of transparent plastic fixtures of pheasants on the farms, we stand to attack and smoke. This method is popular and among those who breed cocks. The design is fastened with studs, and then it needs to be carefully done through the bird's nostrils. It will interfere with the rooster to consider what happens in front, and if there is no object of aggression, then there are no reason for the attack.

As cardinal methods, poultry products are recommended to resort to water procedures. The thing is that roosters do not tolerate bathing, and water dives will force an aggressive feathery animal to change the tactics of their behavior. In order to wean the bird from the attacks, it needs to be dipped into a barrel with water for a few seconds, about 5 times in a row. It is necessary to ensure that the rooster does not choose with water. As an option, you can simply drop it from a garden hose or from a bucket.

Aggressive rooster need to isolate

In some cases, poultry trucks cut off the keys. This procedure is not complicated, but during its execution you need to follow safety. As a last resort, you can seek help from a veterinary clinic specialist. The beak is cut with a laser, infrared light or hot blade. As a humane alternative to feeding a rooster, coarse food is used, which contributes to the gradual erasing of the beak.

Call the rooster by surprise you can use the oncoming attack method. It winds out the aggressive dust of the penate, teaches him that the owner must obey. For each attempt to peush the host, the host will be useful will be a lightweight punch with the use of hose, fly swathers, arms or sticks. The blow should be mesmer, but if the bird came across a misunderstanding, then the power of the blow should be gradually increased by watching not to cause a rooster of serious pain.

To present an instructive lesson to the knocking rooster of his fellow. If there is a stronger bird in the farm, it needs to be placed in one aviary with an aggressive rooster, so that she lets the Daryun. Own unstellious experience will show a rooster that it is not good to fight and smoke.

Note! If all of the above methods have been triggered, and Pernaya continues to attack and smooth, it remains to resort to two extreme methods: sell the bird to the cocks of the battles or cut off her head and cook appetizing broth.

Nailed rooster in the leg, very hurts: what to do

What to do if the rooster nailed in his leg, causing severe pain? In such a situation, you need to follow the following scheme:

  1. Wash rinse with economic soap, remove possible dirt remnants. Due to the fact that the soap contains alkali, it can effectively cope with pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. If the result of the attack is accompanied by plentiful bleeding, the place of attacks tied by a bandage. It is not worth allowing to stop the bleeding, as all infection comes with blood.
  3. The edges of the wound are disinfected using the iodine tincture, hydrogen peroxide or green. The injury place is lubricated by ointment with an antibiotic content.
  4. On the wound impose a sterile bandage. Broadcast is strongly strictly prohibited, because the remnants of the pathogenic flora are allocated along with Sukrovitz.
  5. If the injured place is very hurting, the doctors recommend to take one tablet potent analgesic.

Wound must be well to process

Competently rendered first assistance in the attack of the bird blocks the development of infection in the body and reduces possible complications to a minimum. After the first assistance affected by the presence of a strong wound, it is necessary to deliver to the doctor of the trauma branch. Appoint adequate treatment The doctor can only after the external examination of the wound.

Draish roosters and children

The behavior of children in relation to roosters is often infratum. It happened such that the pennate aggressor Kleval a child directly into the eye. If the injured place in the boy swells, you should immediately contact the doctor. Treat eyes independently do not recommend!

Immediately after the incident, the wound was washed, treated with hydrogen peroxide, and the edges are migrated to a small amount of iodine. If the deep wound is accompanied by plentiful bleeding - the imposition of bandages is required. To prevent infection in the blood uses a disinfecting ointment. If the tumor does not fall within 2-3 days, it is necessary to turn to the doctor so that it eliminates pathogens into the child's body, and also prescribed a course of treatment.


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