Kulik bird. Lifestyle and bird habitat kulik. Kulik (Bird): Description and Lifestyle Kulick Habitat

Kulik (Limicolae) - refers to the detachment of rzhanko-shaped, which is combined with 6 families: rzhankye, colored peasses, sorcers, shieldless, snack and tirkushki. In accordance with the habitat, Kulikov can be divided into marsh, mountain, sandy and forest birds. This is the most numerous detachment of swamp birds. Fame, accessibility in all regions and diversity makes the kelits with the most popular trophy for hunters in Russia (Waldshnepe, Humpel, Bekas Garshnepe).

Description Kulik.

Couples - birds diverse outdoor. The body length ranges from 14 to 62 centimeters, body weight - from 30 grams to 1.2 kilograms.

It is interesting! There are opinions that differences in the appearance and the ways of existence require the separation of the wrenches into two independent groups: the first - rzhanks, shocklocks, sickey sulks, the second - bope, Yakan and colored becasy.

These feathers can be easily tamed. They quickly get used to the person, respond to care, adapt to the proposed living conditions and domestic food.


For the most part, sledding birds. This determines the features of their appearance. The body is elegant, slim, dense. Wings are usually long, more often narrow and sharp. Legs of Kulikov Short (Zuyki, Chibisats, Bekas), Long (Veretniki, Kronchneps), or very long (waders). There are three or four fingers on the legs (the fourth finger is quite weak).

In some representatives of the detachment (interfluent sandboxes, colored becasy,) the bases of the fingers are connected by the membrane, the floating birds on the sides of the fingers are leathery festones. The leg between the shin and fingers (the set) and the lower part of the lower leg is not supported. Feet of honeycomb have black, gray, green, yellow and red color.

The form of beak depends on the place and method of producing food. This tool can be long and thin, straight or curved down, and sometimes even curved up. And in such a kind, like a kulivonos, the beak bent the sidelines. There are birds with a medium-length beak, similar to the beak pigeon: a slightly compressed main part, in wide soft skin deepends are nostrils.

There is also a different form of beak - extended on top, for example, by Tirkushi, Kulichka, Lopanene, White Rzhanok, Zobaten Runokkov. The beak has high sensitivity due to the huge number of receptors, and therefore serves as a true assistant in the search for food. In addition, the beak of birds get food from soft soil and split a strong shell-shaped shell, removing mollusk from there. In the pussy of mollusks, the kulik can move the stone, not inferior in the weight of the bird itself.

It is interesting! Foot length is sometimes significantly larger than body sizes. So, in the stilt (Himantopus) length of the legs about 20 centimeters, while the maximum body size of 40 centimeters.

The plumage of these birds is dense, without bright colors. The main colors are white, gray, redhead. Such a modest outfit is peculiar even in the marriage period. The color of males and females is not much different. But some of the squad representatives have a contrasting bright plumage, for example, Turukhtans, most of the chibisov, sorcers, Kamershark, Schoclumber, Veretnik.

Twice a year, birds change the plumage. The summer molting can be called complete, it is quite long - from the beginning of summer until winter. At the end of winter, there is a premissal incomplete molting. Such temporary costs are also affected by the quality of the outfits: between the color of the summer and winter feather of some sides, there is a sharp difference. The tail in the coil is short, some birds can turn them, but never keep it high up. The eyes are big, which allows birds to exercise high activity at night. Have excellent vision and hearing.

Lifestyle and behavior

Kulik - Bird Stoy. The colonies of the feathered, gathered nesting or preparing for the flight, number thousands of individuals. Among them there are worst and settled. All birds of this squad run quickly, flourish perfectly, some know how to swim and dive. It is believed that the hut is quite simply tame.

How many Kuliki live

The average life expectancy of birds is 20 years for the last time of the Eskimo Kronshnepa, which inhabited the tundra of North America and wintering in South, saw in the spring of 1926. In just 30 years due to non-harmonious hunting and unasing lands, this species was completely exterminated.

Types of Kulikov

Distinguish the following types:

  • Tuits. Middle Bird with a small head, direct short beak, short legs, but long tail and wings. Body mass from 30 to 70 grams. Splashing wings 45 centimeters.
  • Ulities. Middle and large birds in their detachment with long legs and long beaks, which is slightly bent up. Weight about 200 grams.
  • Veretennikov. Large bird. Weight up to 270 grams. Legs are long, beak medium length, straight. Red color prevails in color. Usually settled in the meadows along the rivers in small colonies.
  • Crockneps. Very major representative of his squad. The weight of the adult bird from 500 grams to 1.2 kilograms. The beak is very long, bent down. On a dark tail one thin white strip. To accommodate the swamps, overgrown with low grass, floodplains of rivers.
  • Sandplaes. Very similar to Sparrow. Elegant little bird. Tundra resident. Food finds in or stream. Special activity manifests at night.
  • Turukhtan. Differs in a bright color. In the marriage, a lush collar appears. In the package it is difficult to detect males with the same color. Metallic flows of golden, blue, black, green make males outfit unique.
  • Bekasy. Middle sized bird - body length 25-27 centimeters, weight from 80 to 170 grams.
  • Rzhanka. Representative of medium sizes with long legs and short beak.

Areal, habitat

Kuliki prefer to settle in the territories located in close proximity to the reservoirs: on the shores of the seas, rivers, lakes. Among the representatives of this squad there are also those that nest in dry and even desert places. There are horses living in the forest.

It is interesting!On all continents, besides Antarctica, Kulikov can be met: on the cold islands of the ice ocean, in the deserts of Central Asia and high in the mountains of the Pamir.

In Russia, representatives of this very numerous detachment of feathers can be found in all regions: from southern borders to the Arctic. In the south of the Far East, herbalists nest, Chibisa, carriers, small villages, Valdshneps. In Primorye - Charders and Asian Bekasovideo Veretnikov, and the mountain rivers are the favorite place of Ussuri Zuykov.

Japanese Bekasov and Marine Zuykov can be found only on the sea coast. In the Amur region there is a nesting range of large and oxide ults, figi, long-haired sandplaes and ordinary pubs.

Advantageously, sleds are migratory birds. During the migration period, they rise to the height of more than 6000 meters. Most of the detachment representatives make distant flights: from Polar Siberia to New Zealand and Australia, from Alaska to the south of Argentina. These feathers can be called long-distance migrants - they fly without stopping up to 11,000 kilometers, overcoming the enormous distances above the water, deserts, mountain solutions.

Diet Kulika

The hut menu is small water and terrestrial invertebrates found on the surface of the earth or water: worms, larvae, mollusks, wraps, insects. Vegetarian slices are content with seed grains and berries. Favorite delicacy of Kulikov is a locust. It is destroyed on the fly in a huge amount. From berries Kulik gives preference to blueberries. Larger types of feathers are happy to eat mice and frogs. Fishermen's slices will prefer small fish with any other dishes.

Natural enemies

Enemies of Kulikov are predatory birds. The appearance of Sokol causes panic from Kulikov: they shouted complaints and rushed into the water. Diving, feathery get a chance to escape. It is not possible to leave the pursuers in shallow water. , Sarychi hunt for inexperienced and not too fast chicks, and the piers destroy the eggs.

It is interesting! Parents' slices bravely defend their offspring. If grazing sheep is approaching the nest, birds attack a potential threat with such an energy that sheep turn into panic escape.

Reproduction and offspring

In April, Kulikov begins the marriage. By this time, birds dispersed their habitat. Some species are settled by the colonies, most of the birds - single pairs. They are currently current groups or one. Flying over the nest territory, concerned about the search partner, they make sounds that attract attention. In different species, this ritual looks different.

The sea zuyki first quickly worn with trills, then, already on Earth, placing the tail by fan, pursue females. CHIBISS to attract attention to themselves, take off cool up, and then plan down, changing the direction of flight to one, then in the other direction. Small souctions fly wide circles; Going to the ground, males run for females. Far Eastern crocknesses, taking off to a height of 30-40 meters, describe semicircles and at the same time ringing and melodically remove marriage trills.

Kuliki differ from other birds a variety of marriage relationships. They are also characterized by monogamy, polling, and even Polyandria.

  • Monogamy. The most common type of relationships. Parents form a couple for the season and surround the eggs alternately, taking care of the offspring together.
  • Polygyny. The male mates with several females for one season and does not take part in the surgery of eggs and will not care about the brood.
  • Polyandry. The female mates with several males and puts out eggs in different sockets. Eggs are based and remove chicks in this case. Men's individuals.
  • Dual nesting. The female puts eggs into two nests, in one - the eggs saming itself, in the second chicks, displays caring male. Parents help the chicks to grow as separately.

The stories are nesting on the ground, the eggs are laying in a hole without cape. Traditionally, these are 4 pear-shaped spotted eggs with a greenish tint. Some species occupy last year's nests of other birds on the trees.

Chicks appear in vain. Their body is covered with thick down. Kids can independently extract themselves from the first days, but usually parents continue to take care of children - warming up, protect against dangers and show places where a lot of food. And Kuliki-Soroki even bring food with chicks in the nest. At the age of two years, the hills are ready for mating.

Video YouTube.

In Moscow, a rare appearance. Nests in the Moscow region.

Above the Braciaevskaya and Maryan walled floats were seen on the flights. Several times they flew in Maryino, on Popov Meadow. It was in spring and early summer. Then they disappeared somewhere.

Also seen in the spring of the forty ridges at the turn of the Moscow River towards the conversations.

Detachment: Rzhanko-shaped

Family: Silica Suliki

Rod: Silica-Soroki

View: kulik-forty


A large quillet with a long orange beak and a black and white plumage.

The most common look of a small haematopodidae family, which includes birds living mostly on sea coasts. It is common in Western Europe, the central regions of Eurasia, in Kamchatka, in China and in the west of the Korean Peninsula.

Nests on sandy and pebble beaches of seas and large inland reservoirs. It feeds on various invertebrates - crustaceans, mollusks in Inset. Peg's painting plumage resembles Soroka, for which he received his Russian name. Recognized bird of Faroe Islands

The view is sometimes included by Australian (Haematopus Longirostris) and the New Zealand (Haematopus Finschi), the village of Soroki, the general sign of which is the white "wedge" - protruding white spot on the blades. For the most part of the range. Nominational subspecies H. O. Ostralegus is considered usual, its number increases. Mainland and Far Eastern (H. Osculans) The subspecies of the Soroki Kulik are included in the Red Book of Russia as subspecies that have rare as a result of human activity (3rd category).

Within the range, a well recognizable bird. A large chunky kulik of about with a gray clove. The length of the body is 40-47 cm, the weight is 420-820 g, the scope of the wings of 80-86 cm.

In the plumage, contrasting black and white tones. In an adult bird in a married dress head, neck, the upper part of the chest, the front of the back, the small and medium-sized wings and the end of the tail of black, with a small metal glitter. From above black wings with a wide white transverse stripe. The rest of the plumage is the bottom, the sides, the hungry, the dummy and the strip on the wing - white. Under the eye there is a small white spot.

The beak orange-red, straight, flattened from the sides, length is 8-10 cm. The legs are relatively short for a hook, pinkish-red. Rainbill orange-red. In the fall of metal glitter disappears, a white spot appears on the throat in the form of a semiper, the tip of the beak darkens. Females outwardly do not differ from males. In young birds, black tones have a brown hue, there is no white throat stain, the beak is dark gray with a dirty-orange base, the legs pale gray, the rainbind dark.

Well runs and swims. Flying straight, rapid, with frequent wingspins, reminds flight of ducks. A fussy and noisy bird. The main cry, published both on Earth and in the air, is far audible Trell "Quirrrrr". During the calling, I publish a sharp repeated "Quik-Kvik-Quikik", usually with lowered beak. The last song, often accelerating and turning into a trill, sometimes occurs simultaneously from both members of the pair or from a small compact group of birds.

Three isolated populations of Culika-Soroki distributed on the territory of Eurasia are distinguished. Each of these populations was assigned the status of a subspecies - birds differ from each other with dimensions, a beak length and features of the painting of plumage.

Nominational subspecies H. O. Ostralegus (Northern Soroka Kulik) Nests along the sea coasts of Europe and Iceland - mostly Northern Atlantic, but also in the Northern Mediterranean. This population reaches the greatest number on the shores of the North Sea, where the mainland is penetrating far away and arranges his nests in the valleys of rivers, especially such large as Rhine, EMC, Elba and Weser.

In addition, it is found on the inland reservoirs of Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey and along the Arctic coast of Russia to the east to the mouth of Pechors.

Subspecies H. O. Longipes (mainland kulik-forty) nests in Malaya Asia, mainland Eastern Europe and Western Siberia east to Obi and Baldovyev Abakan. In the West of Russia, there is sporadically, mainly in the valleys of large rivers and their tributaries: don, Volga, Northern Dvina, gums, Pechora, Ob, Irtysh, Tobol.

Finally, the most eastern subspecies of H. O. Osculans (Far Eastern Kulik-forty) inhabiteschatka, Primorye, Western shores of Korea and Northeast China. Like the numerous redheaded sea off the coast of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, in Korea, the birds nest in a similar adorid-tidy zone of the Semangam, being far to the river river beds in the yellow sea.

The nature of the stay of Kulik-Soroki is closely connected with the zones of tides and sings, where the bird finds yourself food. The nesting biotop is shallow sea coasts, islands, a gentle of the valleys of large rivers and lakes with relatively wide rocky-sand, shellular or pebble beaches and shallow. Also occurs on small rivers near the places of their imposition in larger reservoirs.

Occasionally suits the nest in raw meadows, where chooses places with low growing grass, as well as potato fields and the woven areas of sandy quarries. Drown, smoking grass and forest, and also avoids the swampy shores.

Typically, flight view. Only in the north-west of Europe, part of the birds winter in the nesting places either makes minor nomads - for example, hundreds of thousands of winter kulikov can be observed in the south-west of England and the shores of the Watt Sea, where the poultry nesting here are mixed with arriving hits from Iceland, the northern regions of Great Britain, Scandinavia and North-West of Russia.

Another part of the birds moves south to the shores of the Pyrenean Peninsula of Southern Europe, and the units intersect the Mediterranean Sea and reach North Africa. The southernmost state where the Soroki's sulks are marked.

The population of Central Eurasia (subspecies of Longipes) are far migrants - their wintering places are located in East Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula and India. The subspecies of Osculans winters in the south-east of China.

Autumn seal begins shortly after the end of the breeding season. In Europe, the first nomads are marked in mid-July, but the main mass leaves the nesting places in mid-August - September.

The nesting places begins to leave at the end of January, and by the end of April the bulk of birds are already in the field. Poly birds tend to hold the coastline and only in some cases are found in the depths of the continents.

Most birds start up of reproduction on the fourth year of life and retain this ability to the end of the life. Themogams, members of the couple retain loyalty to each other during life. The breakdown of the pair, although it is rare, but still happens - this happens if there is a competition for the male or suitable for the device of the nest, or if one member of the pair decided to change the partner. The nesting places arrive in the second half of April, while often returned to the same nesting site as in the previous year.

Mounting is always preceded by a wedding ceremony, during which the males walk in a circle either fly in small groups backwards, lowering the beaks and stretching the neck, while in the increasing pace shouting "Kevik ... Ke-Vic ... Quirk, Kvik, Kvark, Quirrrr ... ".

Gradually, the flocks of birds disintegrate on the pairs and proceed to arrange the nest. Each pair has its own protected nesting portion, however, with a large density, the sockets can be located at a very close distance from each other. The nest in the form of a small hole in the sand, shallow pebbles, either occasionally in low-rise injurious, without a litter or with rare edifices or shells.

As a rule, it is located on a small elevation, openly and not far from the water. Sing Siberia sometimes takes old snob of raven or other birds. Diameter of a tray 120-130 mm. In the masonry, it is usually 3 eggs, but there may be 2 or 4. Eggs are grayish-yellow with deep matte gray spots and black grip, quite large - (51-62) x (36-54) mm.

Both members of the pair are based on 26-27 days. During the occasion of the nest is very vulnerable for predators, including raven and chaps, and is not left without supervision by parents. In case of loss, the female is postponed again.

Punchy chicks on the first day leave the nest, but the first time is unable to follow their parents and independently extract their feed. They hold close to the nest, while parents bring them writing in the beak, often from afar. Grown chicks swim well and in the case of danger dive, sailing under water a few meters. The feeding period is about 1.5 months, all this time of chicks spend the night in the nest.

On the wing, it becomes about 35 days - the first flight chicks in the Abakan area appear in the first decade of July. It was noted that broods grown on inland reservoirs and pastures are developing and become independent much faster (up to 6 weeks), rather than those who appeared on the sea on the seashore.

Experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that for mining solid marine food - shells of mollusks and crustaceans require more energy and skill than for softer worms and insects, dwarled away from the sea. The most famous age is 36 years old.

It feeds on a variety of invertebrates - mollusks, multi-eyed worms, crustaceans and insects. Rarely eats fish. On sea coasts, small bivalve mollusks play a special role in the diet (Cardiidae), Macoma Balthica, Baltic Mac (Macoma Balthica), and other televisions (Tellinidae), as well as seafood (Patellidae), Littorins (Littorinidae), hydrobia ( HydrobiDae), buccinum undatum. Balyanas and booplasts predominate from crustaceans. In the estuary and banks of inland water bodies, earthworms, insects and their larvae are becoming the main feed (including caterpillars and larvae of mosquitoes).

In search of feed, the kulik moves along the shore in shallow water either on the naked land, it shoves the beak or sand, explores the remaining puddles, spaces under the stones. During the reproduction period often feeds in close proximity to the nest, but periodically flies from place to place. Small, up to 12 mm in diameter, shells are swallowed by the whole; Larger pre-split the beak.

The famous saying "Each Horik his swamp" reflects the unrealistic connection of the feathery with a characteristic reservoir. In the numerous detachment of swamp birds only in Russia, about 75 types of kelits.

Due to the wide distribution in all regions, the feathers became the most famous trophy of hunters.

Description and features

Kulikov are classified as a detachment of rzhanko-shaped, combining 6 families. At the place of habitat, birds are divided into groups of forest, marsh, mountain, sandy. Despite the diversity, Kulikov unite distinctive features clearly indicated by ornithologists.

Most birds are interconnected with water, dwell along the banks of rivers, lakes, swamps, although there are representatives of the deserts - Avdotka among the Kulikov - Waldshnepes among the Kulikov.

In the photo of a forest kulik

The general view of the village resembles the outlines of the pigeon on long legs for walking in shallow water, viscous soil. But there are also a short-legged representative (Chibisa,).

On the legs three fingers, the development of the fourth is weak. If the bird, then the foundations are bound by the membranes. The body is dense. Tail short, never looks up. Some birds shall be swayed when walking.

Kulik in the photomaybe in different outfits. Color from most modest, nonsense. White, red, black, gray colors prevail. There are exceptions - bright on the contrasting plumage and the legs of yellow, red color, for example, sorphs, turoktans. Dresses of males and females practically do not differ. Kulik changes the fool twice a year.

Kulik - Swamp Bird. Extract from the mall of the mass of feed helps a long beak and a wonderful touch. Good vision, rumors contribute to bird activity at night.

The method of extracting food is associated with the bending shape - down, up or sideways. Many receptors help extract food. The main tool bird is capable of moving the stone to find a mollusk whose weight is not inferior to his own. Wings are usually long and sharp.

The appearance, the size of the kelits differ significantly. The length of birds varies in the range of 15-62 cm, the weight can be from 200 grams to 1.3 kg. All the slices are beautiful runners, most birds can swim well. Adaptation of birds to different climatic conditions contributed to a wide settlement in various areas of sushi, except.

The main enemies of the Kulikov in nature are predatory birds. The approach of falcon creates a panic that manifests itself in high-profile shouts and diving. There is no rescue in the shallow water. Chicks often become the prey of the raven, Sarychi, Kunitz, Lots. Eggs from nests steal chasps.

Some types of females have a feature different from males


Ornithologists are distinguished from 13 families of 214 types of horses. Despite the diversity, many varieties are listed in the Red, thin-blooded Kronep, the Birds are in the category of disappearing species.

The main reason is the human activity: the drainage of shames, the construction of coastal areas. Bird breeding in captivity is problematic. Only individual species are known for the expansion of the region of their distribution (in the folder and some other).

Among the varieties of Kulikov are the following types:

Ravernists.Large cautious birds of elegant appearance. Long legs, beaks help confidently feel on or strong coasts, steppe swamps, in raw meadows. Peerly adjacent to other birds. Perfectly fly, run, swim. The motley outfit includes a black and white plumage with red splashes.

Crocks.Large birds with a remarkable sickle beak. Description Kulik. It necessarily contains this item, according to which the bird will immediately recognize. In the length of the beak reaches 140 mm. Sea-gray color, tail decorates a white strip.

Kronshneps - a hunting look, but in some parts of the range it is not subject to shoot. It dwells on the swamps, floats of rivers. Good floats. Flight birds strong, fast, with sharp turns. During the migration of the birds fly the Wedge, which is not typical for the kelits.

Sandplaes.Small slices of elegant forms live in the tundra zone. The birds have a small beak, relatively short black legs. The size is larger, the addition is dense. Small eyes give a distilled view.

Stayed with dense flocks. The similarity with the sparrow is observed in individual varieties: a white-tempered sandbox, a sparrow slices. At night, the sand shows show activity.

Bekasi.In small birds, a very long beak. Convert with other conezas relatives is difficult. Loves areas with high humidity: coast, swamps, bustle places. Excellent swimmers, divers.

Many time spend on Earth, but fly well. In the case of danger, they even transfer chicks in their paws to a new place.

Tuits.Middle Birds with a small head, short beak. Run on low legs by a seed step. The tail at the feathered long, wings are 45 cm. Black, white, white, red-brown shades create a variety of color, which differs from different species: marine, stone school, Chibis.

Street.The inhabitants of medium latitudes are painted in gray tones, sometimes with pendins of black and white colors. This is special bird detachment Kulikovwhich is bowed to all the body. Long beak, high legs and the average body inherent in all the ultrasound. There are large individuals, weighing up to 400 g.

Rzhanki.Less than other rods are tied to water. Inhabitants of tundra size with pigeons. High legs, small beak, color from black and gray-white gamma. Prefers large spaces along which moves short flights and fuses.

Turukhtan. Bird, related to Kulik,it is distinguished by bright colors, which is not inherent in the whole tree. The males in marriage are sparkled by green, blue, yellow, reddish shades.

Another important difference is the fighting qualities of birds. Fights, like roosters, the usual phenomenon among these original slices. Flusted collars, rapier's beaks, throws on the enemy and blows with wings express the battle characters of birds.

The fights do not prevent the subsequent peaceful rest next door to the recent opponent.

Lifestyle and habitat

On the territory of all continents, in addition to the Antarctic, they live omnipresent hoods. These are artistic birds that are going to several thousand individuals. Most of the kelits are worst, although there are also representatives settled.

About, what birds are migratory or not, Says their habitat and wintering. Reducing the temperature, lack of familiar feed makes the kelits leave the usual places. Almost all of them migrate over long distances from their native places.

Without stops, the hills can overcome the distance to 11,000 km, flying over mountains, deserts, water spaces. The inhabitants of Siberia fly to Australia, from Alaska make flights to South Argentina.

During the migrations of the flocks of the kelits, mass accumulations are formed in separate areas of coarse. There birds find food to gain strength for distant wanderings.

In Russia, different types of kelits are found everywhere. In the Far East, small souctions, Waldschneps, Chibisa dwell. In Primorye - the place of nesting of the deltaists, the coast of the mountain rivers - the Motherland of the Ussuri Zuykov.

The horses are not only well flying, but also run on the ground, swim, dive. Many types of Kulikov You can tame. Active and sociable, in captivity are quite good, get used to homemade feeds.

They adapt to the new environment, they are not afraid of man, feel and respond to care. Attempts to preserve rare horses listed in the Red Book are complicated by the difficulty of their breeding.


Kulik - Bird reservoirs. The diet of birds consists of water, terrestrial invertebrate organisms are worms, crustaceans, mollusks, various insects. Birds predators eat mice and frogs, lizards, in the summer, the delicacy of feathery becomes a locust, which is absorbed in large quantities.

Waterfowl-fishermen even dive for their prey. Some horses are vegetarians, based on their grain food, seeds, berries. Special delicacy - blueberries.

Reproduction and life expectancy

The wedding period of Kulikov opens in April. Toecping takes place as one by one, as well as large groups. The ritual of the involvement of a partner in different groups of Kulikov differs.

For example, sea tiles are worn in the air with trills, and on the ground we are painted by the tail of the fan and pursue females. Chibisov attracting attention is expressed in a sharp change in the trajectory of the flight. The crumbs are high in a circle and sing melodiously.

The wedding relationships are diverse, manifest themselves in the following sections:

  • monogamy - the formation of a pair for the season, joint surgery of eggs and care for the offspring. The most common type of marriage relationship;
  • polygini - male mating with different females for the season, eliminating from participation in surrounding and caring for brood;
  • polyandria - pairing females with different males, laying eggs in a few nests. Men's individuals are exercised and care;
  • dual nesting - laying eggs in two nests. In the first female sherself sits the chicks, in the second - care is manifested by a male. The help of newborn kelits is also separate.

The nestings are engaged in the Earth, the eggs lie in the pits without a litter. Some species of birds capture other sockets on the trees.

Chicks are born in vigorous, Taurus with a dense poump. Although the kids are able to feed themselves from birth, parents worry about the offspring: warming, protect, lead to the feed plots. In the event of danger, the huts desperately protect the nest, attack the enemy.

By two years, young ready for mating. The average lifespan reaches 20 years.

Drainage of territories and mass development deprives the feathered familiar places, threatens to reduce populations. The neighborhood with a man is detrimental to birds, but only a person can create conditions for the rescue of rare species of Kulikov.

Kulik - Bird Common. This is a large recorder highlighted from the detachment of rzhanko-shaped. Kinds include many families, but the ornithologists can no longer determine the opinion and make a final classification. Let's talk about these disagreements and the lifestyle of the lifestyles from various families.

Spores of Ornithologists

Scientists call the kelits with a sonorous Latin term CHARADRII. Some use synonym Limicolae. Until recently, the following families were held in the suburbs of the aquatic and columns) (detachment of rzhanco-shaped):

  • types of rzhankovy;
  • 4 subfamily of forty sorts;
  • slices from the Tirkushkov family;
  • birds are surpoclies;
  • schoklutovkov family;
  • bekasovy;
  • colored beeks;
  • yakanovy.

Now the reasonable arguments are increasingly voiced that two groups of birds are falsely attributed to the kelits:

  • the first includes rzhanok, shields and forty hives;
  • to the second - bird-birds, colored peckers and the Yakanov family.

Active disputes are underway that the representatives of the second group have formed an independent branch of evolution. However, the final decision is not accepted, both groups continue to be considered as Kulikov.

Description of varieties. Kulik Sparrow

Bird Kulik, the description of which we will start with the smallest representative, can have different sizes and a diverse appearance. The hero of this section is a kulik-sparrow. The mass of this bird rarely comes to 30 g. The kid has ten-centimeter narrow wings, short and straight beak, medium-sized legs with small fingers. Kiel, Boca, Goob, Gorelshko, neck and cheeks reddish-ocher with brown pendins. The tummy has a sparrow-sparrow, and flying feathers on the wings of black and brown. In winter, the color is a little brighten.

This kulik is a bird of cold tundra. It settles in Norwegian forests and in Siberia. It is found to the lower Lena. Wintering a kulob-sparrow in Africa or South Asia.

Fat game Cool Sparrow. Breaking offspring

Sparrows' slices begin to marriage, returning from wintering places to their native edges. To attract the attention of the female, the male takes off and lifts up the wings in the flight. Instead of smooth movements, he performs twitching, publishing draft trills that resemble the "song" of the grasshopper.

The nest of the pair is building under the bushes. Wills it with foliage and postponing 4 eggs. Olive-brown egg shell color. Eggs are distinguished by shades. The masonry occurs at the end of June, and at the end of July chicks appear. During the month, the initial cannon is replaced by a full-fledged plumage, but the kids are not yet ready. In August-September, the young team unites in the pack, learns to fly and prepares for the flight.

Kulik Chernysh

This kind of slices consists in a bope family, which means that it may soon be removed into a separate evolutionary branch. Bird Kulik-Chernysh is significantly larger than a sparrow slices. The weight of many individuals comes to 80. The torso of Chernysh can have a length of up to 25 cm, and the scope of bird wings is a little less than 50 cm. Body attachment in birds is awkward, the beak is black shortened, the top of the top of the body is brown with a pattern of light dots. The abdomen of Chernosh white, the tail is also white, but the tip is black.

Bekasy Chernysh nests in coniferous forests of Scandinavian countries and Siberia. Chooses swampy places, there is about two months in the pair's nest, after the chicks appeared, the culp-chernosh bird leaves the nest. For the winter flying to the moderate latitudes of Central Africa and South Asia.


These are beautiful birds with strong legs and direct elongated beak. The color of the fits are contrasting, black and white. Sometimes there are brown and brown shades. Silestures are 4 subfaming united by the same name. The most common kulik-forty ordinary. The size of this bird, like the middle pigeon. Long strong beak sometimes raise up, but not often. All ordinary forty-beak hollows are slightly fightened from the sides.

Adult birds have a black head, neck and upper back. Part of the wings and the tip of the tail they also have black, but belly, the lower part of the wings and the tail is white. At the northern subfamily, the forty-forthy horses are more than a white pigment in the plumage. And one of the submenses is completely black. The weight of the throat is a little less than 500 g, the scope of the wings - about 50 cm.

This kulik is a bird, the photo of which is the easiest way to do on the shores of the river basins in Eastern Europe. However, they only live near those rivers whose currents are directed to the south. In addition, Kulika Soroka can be found on the coast of the White and Barents Sea. With these birds familiar to the population of Kamchatka, the North and Western part of Europe, as well as America, Africa and even Australia. Winter feathers in Asia and Africa.

The nesting "Forty" begins in different times. It depends on the geographic location. In the Moscow region, this is April, in Kandalaksko Gulf - May, on the coast of the Barents Sea - June. Nests are arranged on wide marbles either on rocky shores. In the intramatic territories are river and lake coast. The structure of the nest is the most primitive (pill pump). In the laying of 5-6 major eggs. Situation lasts up to 28 days. County sorks are caring parents. They felt their offspring for a long time, since they cannot produce food themselves.

Kouli Bolotnaya

On the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus often you can find a wetland. This bird is the desired hunting trophy, since it has a gentle delicious meat. In various sources there are the names of "Veretennik", "Nettagel" and "Snail". All this is the same bird. From the name of the family it is clear that this kulik is a swamp bird.

The size of this type of hives is comparable to the pigeon. However, his beak is thin and long, the legs are also much longer than pigeons. The plumage has a yellowish-reddish color with pendils. The female is somewhat brighter, but the male more red shade. Return to native swamps from wintering falls about April.

Couples of marshes are so violently care about the offspring, which often gives the place of the nesting. They are trying to dissipate predators and hunters, attracting attention to the chicks. Hunters massively exterminate birds, knocking out entire generations.

What foods eat

It is necessary to consider another important aspect, without which the bird-kulik will not survive - food. All families have a similar diet. It includes small invertebrates, a variety of insects, larvae, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, spiders. It is often present vegetable food, mostly berries. Larger species can hunt small fish and lizards.

Within the framework of this article, we looked at just a few families from a large suburior of Kulikov. Some of them are modest and imperceptible, some bright and contrasting. Kulik - the bird is interesting, there are so different representatives in the sublit that, perhaps you want to get acquainted with other families.

Probably, no one needs to explain to anyone - where does the bird have such a name, just look at her appearance. Black and white plumage attaches incredible similarity with forty, but there are general signs, in general, and end. What else is famous for kulik-forty?

In general, these feathered lifestyles and nutrition are no different from their fellows - Kulikov.

According to the scientific classification, Kulik-Foroka is a representative of the family of the forty squad of rzhanko-shaped birds.

What does a kulik-forty look like?

In addition to the plumage, looking at this bird, immediately striking her beak. It is painted in a bright orange shade. In the tone of the beak in the bird also eyes - they also have an orange color. Against the background of black and white plumage, such a bright emphasis looks very attractive. By the way, about the plumage: head, neck, chest and spin of birds are painted in a monophonic black shade, and the abdominal area has light feathers. In winter, on the neck, a white spot appears in a silence. Feet at the feathered of this type of reddish-pink.

The sizes of the Forty Kulik significantly stands out among other Kulikov: the body length grows from 42 to 47 centimeters. The beak can reach 10 centimeters. The mass of an adult village-Soroki varies from 420 to 800 grams. The scope of the wings in this bird can be up to 88 centimeters.

Where dwells a kulik-forty?

The habitats of Kulika-Soroki are considered to be the territories of Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, North and South America. This species of birds is considered to be migrated, but this concerns only the northern populations of Eurasia and North America, the southern "brothers" of the forty sorcers lead a settling lifestyle. Share the bird prefers not far from the reservoirs, it does not attract forests and thickets, but on sandy beaches and raw meadows she feels excellently.

What feeds the kulik-forty?

The main power source of Kulika-Soroki is a water literature. However, the fish is not the main food of this bird. Kulik-forty gladly eats mollusks, swirls, pivots, Peskodov. Does not refuse this kulik and from the eggs of other birds, moreover - it can even eat on small chicks!

Impregnation finds out on the shore or shallow water. Sometimes for water animal hunting can use their swimmer skill. With the help of its acute and strong beak, the culkin-forty is easily splitting the sinks of mollusks and with pleasure to be lacking with their gentle meat.

How does Kulik-forty breed?

With the onset of the marriage games, the males of the poppies begin to shove. At this time, there are loud overflows of sounds, similar to "Kevik ... Kevik ... Kevik ...".

Listen to the Voice of Kulika Soroki

After mating, the female proceeds to postpone the eggs, the exercise of which lasts, on average, 27 days. Participation in the process is taken in turn and male, and the female of Kulik-Soroki. If the random death of masonry occurs, the female immediately postpones the second.


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