How many days after the pig layer lies. Basics of support in pigs. Giving birth techniques in sander

Breeding domestic pigs is a rather troublesome case, which requires a farmer of certain knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth of these animals. To take the povel support for the first time correctly, the animal husband must thoroughly prepare for this process. All that should be aware of pregnancy and pigs will be told below.

The main sign that the pig of any breed (large white, hanging Vietnamese, etc.) is a pregnant period (pregnancy) is the absence of a sexual hunt. If the animal is 20-30 days after the end of the ending with the boar does not show interest in males, it means that there are soon waiting for the range. This pregnancy test is reflexoretic. At home, it is considered the most efficient.

In addition, the following visual changes of the sows are experiencing signs of pregnancy:

  • swelling of nipples;
  • an increase in abdomen;
  • change behavior.

However, it is possible to find out about these signs of pregnancy, only when the second phase of pregnant will come. If these signs manifest themselves, meaning, kids will soon appear. But the main condition for which the offensive of pregnant is determined is the lack of hunting. Every livestock breeding of these pets should be known about this.

Duration and timing

To properly prepare for the appearance of young people, the farmer should know how much the pregnant lasts in animals. Pigny physiological pregnancy continues approximately 114 days or 4 months. But if the female is pregnant for the first time, then the pregnant can proceed with delays, and the support is passed with complications. For example, you may have to cut the stomach. If the first pregnancy, the delay can be 6-7 days. Massive and adult sows can give birth before the last period of 7-10 days. Birth lasts about 4 hours.

In this case, piglets can be born 2-4 hours. If the generic activity is weak, then the birth of kids can delay for 10 hours. To know exactly when they are childbirth from a pig, specialists advise to conduct a special calendar. In the calendar itself, you can make marks about the state of the animal, etc.

It is worth noting that the pig bearing calendar is a table that is easy to find out when it is worth expecting the appearance of small pigs. To correctly count the interval in 110 days from the moment of the end, the calculator should be used. So you can easily understand when the sneaking will push. During this period, it is necessary to keep everything you need to take a pork outlet without loss.

How many piglets wait

In order for the childbirth successfully, you need to know how many piglets are born in a pig. These animals are multiple, so at a time they can bring 12-18 piglets (the amount depends on the type). However, no one can provide a detailed report on how many young will be born.

On how many piglets can be fused at once, the following factors affect:

  • age of animal;
  • number of labor;

The average for pigs aged 1-3 years is 10-12 piglets in one rating. The first time the sieve gives birth to 6-8 kids.

How to prepare

To childbirth, so that they go through successfully, you need to get ready.

Especially the time with this can not if the support is happening for the first time. An animal before childbirth should be well there. Sword should be picked up with vitamins and mineral additives. She should eat the value prescribed.

Before the immediate beginning of the nipple support, it is necessary to wash with a weak solution of manganese. Cleaning and disinfection of the room is also performed. Floor in the pigsty must be covered with fresh bedding. In the room it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range of + 18 ... + 21 ° C.

How to accept childbirth

Any animal breeding should be able to take birth at domestic animals. Therefore, he must know how the pig is powered. When a sow showing the first signs of starting generic activity, the farmer must be ready. At hand, he must have the following things:

  • threads and scissors;
  • dry and clean cloth;
  • 5% iodine solution;
  • weak solution of manganese.

To participate in childbirth, you need to wash your hands well and wipe them with an antiseptic. Be sure to dress gloves and pure apron. At the beginning of the sweep support, they make up 4-5 minutes. Out of the genitals flowing oily water. With the appearance of the first pig, the integrity of the accumulation of the aircraft shell is checked. If she is a must, it should be broken.

Born baby should be wiped with a towel. It can be cleaned with nasal moves and mouth. Crop the umbilical cord is needed no closer than 5 cm. Newborn is put on a warm bedding into a heated box. In the first hour of life, they must eat a portion of the colostrum. Even if the sneaking did not have time to give all the piglets, already born babies applied to the nipple.

Pigs and nuances of the first support

Birth, especially for the first time, always an exciting process. Pigs in this matter is no exception. They are experiencing the same difficulties as people during this period. Also need qualified assistance. And if the mother-nature itself acts on the side of the sows, then the owner must bother himself about his knowledge.

Pregnant sow.

The first pilot of the sow - "moment of truth" for its owner. He will show the right choice he did, put a pig at that. A thoughtful owner will help to gain experience and subsequently, in case of needing, helping its pigs. If you still do not have experience, then the idea of \u200b\u200bthe first Pig Support you can get from this article.

Pregnantness (pregnancy) sows lasts just over three months (114 days). Such a duration allows you to receive two rating from one sow per year. But if you have not yet giving birth sow, then you should not chase the record number of supports per year.

It will be better for sure that its first sewer is on the world's most favorable time for piglets. It is believed that healthier pigs born in the middle of spring. Then, when it is no longer cold, but not hot. With such climatic conditions and the pig will be easier to give birth, and the piglets will experience a smaller temperature stress.

So, the end is needed in the middle of winter.

Signs of support

The day on the day of the support usually does not happen. At first-night and the second time of giving birth females, the support can begin seven or eight days later. This is considered the norm. Major females with a lot of weight can breed earlier than ten days. This is also the norm.

It is important not to miss the start of the support. Therefore, about one hundred to the tenth day of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the sow. At this time it is advisable to separate it from others.

The following behavioral manifestations signals the approximation of the support:

  • it becomes restless;
  • often falls, then dramatically jumps out;
  • lacks the mouth of the litter.

Pig before support

Physiological signs:

  • uM increases, the floor loop blushes;
  • before supporting, the sower saves the belly;
  • spine begins;
  • when pressed on the nipples, the browse droplets are highlighted - it begins to occur in one day before delivery;

Before childbirth, the pig is looking for a secluded place, falls on the side and quiet. After that, swells begin.

What to do before

It should not be such that the support began unexpectedly for you so that you are not ready for it.

  • Prepare in advance the machine to the support. Spend disinfection in it. To do this, use the disinfectant solution at the rate of the half liter of hot water a hundred grams of alkali. Wash them the walls and gender. Turn the ceiling and walls to hawked. Change the litter.
  • Put water in metal dishes. Drinking metal made more hygienic than wooden. Water should be a lot. If it is not enough, it can provoke a sow for eating the last, and then there is a chance that it will eat newborn piglets.
  • Prepare a corner for the range. Secure the infrared lamp there, under which it will be possible to dry the piglets. Get rid of possible drafts. The optimal temperature for giving birth to 18 to 20 degrees.
  • A week before the support, it is necessary to make a pig in antickest drugs or wormwood. Wash it with water with soap, then treat the body with an antimicrobial preparation, for example, a single-survive solution of Creilin. At the first fights, wipe the nipples with a pale moanglement solution.
  • You need to be at the ready, as they say, the duty suitcase. Put it into it
  • iodine or green;
  • freshly prepared solution of mangarteeau;
  • scissors;
  • thread to bandage cord;
  • sterile diapers.

Before the support, prepare boiled warm water. You yourself put on apron, rubber gloves, wash your hands to the elbow before that, and finishing them with an antiseptic.

If you do not have experience in this matter and feel complications, it is better to invite a veterinarian in advance.

How the support is passed

The sows are born a lot of piglets. In good, not the first time giving birth to sows, they can be more than twenty. But at first-night on the light, as a rule, it appears from six to eight piglets.

Pigs appear with an interval of 25 minutes

On average, the support, we have not gone sows, lasts six hours. Its duration depends on the strength of Poch. When the interval between the attempts becomes four minutes, the support begins, fermented waters depart. If the sweeps are weak, then the support can last ten hours. If normal, the sow will manage in two or four hours.

Pigs appear on the light with an interval of twenty to twenty five minutes. Some to stimulate the generic activity of the sow, with hot weather watered with cold water.

How can man help

With a delay in the pig support

  • keep out of the cell in an open aviary;
  • carry out the abdominal massage;
  • possess sweet water.

If after the birth of the pig was inside the airbag, which was supposed to burst with a support, then it urgently needs to get rid of it. Otherwise he suffers.

Sometimes the pig can save artificial respiration. To do this, it is lowered in warm water, quickly get and triturated well.

Appears piglets are wiping with a clean cloth, if necessary, purify the respiratory tract. At a distance of five centimeters from the core of the pig is cut down the umbilical cord and processed with iodine or green. Then they need to be discussed under the infrared lamp. This is especially true if it costs cold weather.

Just that have appeared piglets should be sure to attach sows of sows. They need maternal colosure. It will protect them from diseases and infections. Newborn piglets have no more immunity. The first months they save the maternal, which they get along with a colostrum. If this is not done in the first hour, they will most likely die later.

In the first hour of life, piglets must be attached to the nipples of sows. They need maternal colostrum

Weaker piglets attach to the nipples that are located closer to the sow head. They are usually more complete. Weak piglets will be easier to suck from them the necessary portion of the colostrum.

After completion of the support, after three to six hours, it must be released. If this did not happen, then you can not do without the help of the veterinarian. The later released, it is necessary to immediately remove that the sanguage will not eat it. Otherwise, in the future she can eat their cubs.

Critical situations

  • The fruit is located incorrectly and provokes constant sweat. This case is well in advance to invite veterinarian. If you did not do this, then urgently call it. In case of delaying assistance, you will have to act on your own and risk.
  • Wear glove,
  • lubricate Vaseline,
  • introduce into the labor paths and behind the legs, then for the right, then for the left pull the pig out,
  • act carefully, trying not to damage the uterus.
  • Prematurely moved the accumulate water. In this case, to help the srowy, injected into the labor paths
  • decoction of linen seed, it is an oily liquid;
  • or sunflower oil is pre-boiled and cold.
  • Long does not reveal the cervix. Accelerate the process can be burned in the generic paths of hot water (45 degrees).

But it is better if all this will do a veterinarian.

Caring for piercing sow

During the week after childbirth, the pig may have selection that change the color from the brown to a clear color. After supporting the diet feeding sows should not be changed. Changing the diet can adversely affect the well-being piglets.

After supporting Swing requires rest

After the swords, the Swing requires rest. Be sure to give it water. Replace litter. After twelve hours, it can be fed by a liquid mixture cooked from oat bran. They contribute to the production of milk. It is impossible to give rye and corn. They reduce the production of milk in sow.

The first two weeks the sowing sow fed with liquid feed. Dilmed it in the ratio one to three (one part of the feed - three waters). Fifteer feeding mode.

An exemplary daily diet, pushing the pig looks like this:

  • juicy feed - ten kilograms;
  • concentrated - four kilograms;
  • hay or fresh grass - a half kilograms.

The first support is a complex process for a pig and a responsible moment for her owner. To help your pet you need to possess knowledge. This article can only be able to compensate for their disadvantage. It can only be an impetus to their accumulation.


Function of pigs: sex hunting

\u003e Livestock\u003e Pig\u003e Figure

Average rating 4.67 (ranked 3 users)

In the dilution of healthy purebred animals, the process of the concerns cannot be bypassed. Successful offspring is not only a thoughtful choice of male with a female, but also time, as well as the place of pairing and season of the year. Animals must be in excellent shape, and sowing - in the hunt. In this article, we will deal with what should be the right incidence of pigs.

Freight pigs

The relative relationship between the boar and sow is undesirable, because it may lead to the emergence of non-visual offspring with genetic disorders.

At what age you can pave pigs

In females and males, sex maturity begins at 5-6 months and you can easily determine the sex hunting in pigs. At the same time, the final formation of the sexual system occurs no earlier than 9-10 months - the chryakov is at the ripening of the semennikov, and in sowers - the mammary glands.

Preferably the first pairing of healthy animals to be carried out in 10-12 months. The weight category for the concerns on average in the sower is not less than 110 kg, in a boar - from 120-125 kg.

After the coating, the condition of pregnancy in the sow lasts about 114 - 119 days.

The best convergence time for growing a strong, hardy, healthy and productive offspring is winter and early spring with such a calculation so that the support occurred from April to June.

Symptoms and process of hunting

It was during the period period that ovulation occurs (the yield of the egg from the follicle), therefore, at the time of entering the seed liquid, the boar is guaranteed in fertilization. Thus, the hunt in the sow is the main criterion for successful fertilization.

Since the period of ovulation is from one to two days (24-48 hours), it is difficult to predict it, so the sow has to be paired at least two times to achieve a guaranteed result. When to make mating? The first increment is desired 12-18 hours after the start of estrus, the second can be carried out 12-15 hours after the first.

To recognize hunting in pigs, the following signs:

  • If you calmly approach her from behind and slightly press the lower back, the pig will stop and gets back;
  • The sow appears irritability, anxiety, she squeals with a squeal on the shed, and then freezes motionless with the simultaneous deflection of the back;
  • It is noticeable to flow (specific separation from genital organs), blood also goes;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The genitals are blushing, lightly swell and therefore increase in size;
  • The sows sharply change food addictions or the appetite disappears at all.

Required conditions for offspring with excellent breed qualities

If no fertilization was achieved, the next sexual cycle should be waited after 21 days. Required conditions for the preparation of offspring with excellent breed qualities.

The process of pairing pigs

To make piglets with good heredity, the pigholds have to take into account the many subtleties of the process of increments of pigs. It is clearly clearly visible on the video, which there should be a situation and the mating process itself.

  1. To get high-quality offspring it is very important to choose a couple. Evaluation of a boar for several characteristics is necessary, including as far as it is suitable for sizes and breed qualities of a srowth, which is the advantages of its heredity and other factors. Large pig farms before mating make sperm analysis. On small socodes, it is enough to limit the information about the previous offspring. If the piglets turned out beautiful, strong and active, it means that the boar must come up with your sow.
  2. If a pig pig and her first hunt, have to evaluate it in external and breed parameters. If the sows already had a support, then the assessment occurs in the quality of the born piglets. As soon as the piglets are translated into separate food and the habitat, the sow can be paired again.
  3. Preparation for efficient and correct mating is not only a situation and a cozy room. Before the chance of a boar with a srowe, it is necessary to increase the percentage of concentrated feed, reverse and vitamin additives in the diet.
  4. For successful fertilization, the boar leads to a sow and leave them together in a closed shed, boxing or pimple. In the video, it is shown in detail how the coating process occurs, which lasts 15-30 minutes. Since the ovulation process is quite complicated for one hundred percent guessing, it has to leave pigs alone during the day or bring the boilers to the re-coating. In some cases, the sow fertilization can be achieved through several (21) days when it comes the next cycle. A joint headband significantly increases the chance of fertilization.
  5. If the end occurs in the warm season, the animals are permissible to leave in the punch or in the yard. In winter, mating should occur in a warm room. The main condition is silence and solitude, so it is desirable to protect the boar and a sow from outsiders and other animals.
  6. The prerequisite for obtaining a healthy offspring is the absence of a heightened, that is, the boars and sows must be bought in different places and belong to various lines. Only under such conditions it is possible to reduce the mortality of young and achieve the emergence of active, viable offspring with good breed qualities.
  7. When the cycle is over, you should wait for signs of pregnancy at the sow. If it has not come, it is advisable to repeat the mating in the next hunt.
  8. The sow is ready for the next end through different intervals after the support, which depend on the age of taken piglets. If they were taken to ten-day - pig ready for hunting after 10 days plus-minus 5-30 days. Two-week piglets - a sow can walk in 4-20 days, seminal - hunting can begin in 2-10 days. Here you should carefully observe a pig and in time to happen with a boar.

Hunting in pigs of the Vietnamese breed

The Vietnamese breed of pigs is famous for its soft, gentle and delicious delicious meat of bacon quality, as the fat has a small thickness (2-4 cm) with meat layers, in which the smallest amount of cholesterol compared to other rocks.

Why do many breeders pay attention to this species? Favorable investment in the breeding of Vietnamese pigs is explained by the large fertility and multiple pregnancy of sows, as well as a high percentage of meat products with a slaughter (from 80 kg of a carcass can be favorably implemented 70-80%).

For novice pigs, Vietnamese pigs can provide a good start, because in the first litter from the sow, the breeder can get 10-12 piglets, and in the next - up to 20 piglets. The breeding of Vietnamese pigs is beneficial to work on a tribe or slaughter.

Both business lines bring high income, but for experienced breeders, breeding remains predominant. For example, if you have 20 sows, then taking into account mortality, they will bring about 500 piglets.

Half of them can be sold at one age, and the rest to grow to six months and score.

The Vietnamese breed of pigs is very unpretentious, but requires maintenance of the temperature regime, as it is prone to colds. From other rocks is distinguished by increased cleanliness, accuracy, calm character and, of course, unique fecundity.

The process and conditions of the right pairing, the same as for the other breeds of pigs. Sex hunting in the pigs of the Vietnamese breed begins every 18-21 days.

How to find out whether a sow to the next pairing is ready? After the support until the next end, there must be so many days so that the young people can gain weight and start eating lures on their own.


Pig Support: Description, Signs, Dates, Calendar »Livestock» Pigs »Features of childbirth

Kira Tsekolova

In the breeding of any kind of animals, the key point is to enter and the birth of a healthy offspring. Pigs in the territory of the post-Soviet space is the most favorable branch of livestock economy.

The popularity of pigs is due to their unpretentiousness in feeding and maintenance, as well as good adaptability to any weather conditions. One of the advantages of these animals is their high productivity.

Each breeder should know everything about the pigspiece of pigs.

Pig Support

Duration of pregnancy

Pigeon's sexual maturity is reached at 8-9 months. Previously, fertilization is not recommended, because the animal organism is not prepared for having to wear. It is not allowed to cover individuals with weight of less than 100 kg. Pregnancy lasts 3 months. The povel support at home occurs in the period from 101 to 126 days.

Determine the exact date in the days is quite difficult. It is necessary to conduct advance preparations for the appearance of the rating. If the animals are contained by the group, the uterus is usually translated into separate content. There is a table at which you can calculate the approximate date of birth of piglets. In 95% of cases, this happens on 108-118 days, usually the table indicates 110 days.

If the fertilization was conducted on April 13, then in the calendar table is searched for an intersection with the fourth month and leaves the date 1.08. It is in this period that the female is translated into a separate content. Supporter before the term provided by the calendar occurs in rare cases, approximately 1 out of 100. Many breeders ask: "Can I make an accurate settlement in days?"

Conduct the calculation in the days when the birth time comes, the calculator will help. The video of the calculation and schedule is described in great detail. Knowing an approximate birth date of kids is very important. Such calculations help determine the deadlines for changing the diet and the translation of the biscuits in a separate room. Some individuals can reheaster for a few days.

What points to the approach of childbirth

A sow support calendar is not the only way to determine the approaching of childbirth. Before the support, the pig changes behavior. Increases sex lips and nipples. Signs of support are observed a couple of days before delivery. Vietnamese Chavronia behaves carefully.

Already during this period, it is necessary to begin preliminary training. First of all prepare the room. The main thing is sterility: on the floor there should be a clean dry litter, which is changed every day. It is necessary to provide a sow a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. The distant angle of the room is equipped with ultraviolet or several simple incandescent lamps.

In the first few days, especially if the poverty support is expected in winter, young people need heating. Lighting the room should not be too bright, otherwise the animal will begin to be nervous, it will feel uncomfortable. The first few hours of piglets are recommended to keep in a wooden box or a basket. Before the survey, the sow does not feed and do not quit.

The behavior of srowels in front of childbirth is distinguished by oddity: it begins to carry the hay in a supporting machine, trying to arrange a kind of nest. Often, behavior becomes restless, especially at the forekry. Soon often falls, and then rises to feet, can not find a place. Podorovka support is most often starting at night. Faithful signs - excessive evening activity.

Duration of the process

How is the support of pigs? How much time will take the Pig Support at home, it is impossible to determine exactly. It all depends on the course of pregnancy. In severe cases, the process can take up to 11 hours. With the normal flow of pregnancy, the support will take 2-3 hours. For the most part, it all depends on the physical health of the animal.

No matter how much the process occupied, each kid should get milk for 30-60 minutes after birth. Before breeding the young, a small amount of milk jumped, after which the nipples are wet, warm rag. Pigs are born not adapted to the external environment, so they need to help find nipples.

It is important to ensure optimal care for the just appearance. Weaker piglets in the first few days need to hold the nipples of the mother alone. They are applied to the front nipples, because they have the largest amount of milk.

Birth of young

Immediately before the start of the process, the animal walks along the penny or lies on a barrel, nothing eats and does not drink water. This is a faithful sign that childbirth will soon begin. At that moment, pigs begin at the pig. The interval between the fights in 3-5 minutes signals the approach of childbirth. At this time, the selection of white mucus is observed, the water is started.

As soon as the first pig will appear, it is necessary to check whether the aircraft shell ripped, otherwise it is necessary to make a breakdown with his own hands, so that the kid did not die from suffocation.

After the birth of each piglets, they are rubbed with a dry towel, the nasal sinuses brush it and remove the mucus from the mouth. Umbrella cut and carry out the processing of iodine.

All the rats are placed in a box under the lamp.

Postpartum period

After supporting, the srowy requires special care. When all piglets were born, it is important to wait for the placement of the placenta and remove it as quickly as possible. The main thing is to prevent the eating the placenta, otherwise the female can eat all the ranges. In wild animals, such a phenomenon is far from uncommon. In some cases, oxytocin rinses to accelerate the placenta rejection process.

When the pigspieth ended, it is necessary to replace the dirty litter. The back of the sow body needs to be treated with soap solution and lose a dry towel. If after 5 o'clock the placenta never came out, you need to cause a veterinarian to the house. Swing must be given to drink about 4 l warm water. Feeding female is carried out 2 hours after childbirth.

Pier sower. Birth of piglets / life in the village


✅Cevinya Before Supporting ✨ Supplies. Basic Rules! ✨

Features of feeding

How much and what kind of food will be to get a sow with pregnancy and after it is 1 important moment. Overeating leads to a dairy gland. Approximately, a week before the support, it is beginning to gradually reduce the amount of feed. At this time, the diet of the pig should be the same as in the sump period.

For a half months, before the pig will result in the offspring, we remove rough feed with a high content of fiber and silage from the diet. At this time, you need to establish digestion to avoid constipation in the future. When a pig walks a little, the metabolism is disturbed, therefore constipation is possible. In order to avoid problems with the chair, it is recommended to give beets.

After childbirth, the diet gradually change. New products are inserted carefully that the young people do not have diarrhea. The diet is enriched with vitamin additives so that the offspring normally develops. From what kind of sow, the development and growth of young people will depend on.

Features of fertilization

After a month, piglets are annoyed from sows. At the same time, you can cover a pig again to increase the growth of the livestock. The sex hunting in pigs passes every 17-24 days, lasts 2-3 days.

Find out when sex hunting began, it is possible on the behavior and state of external genital organs.

At this time, the pig behaves uneasily, sometimes a little aggressive, he eats badly, at the sight of a boar makes a characteristic grunt.

After the end occurs, the presence of pregnancy is checked in a week. The female again show a boar, and if she does not let it, the insemination process was successful.

At home, a natural concern may be carried out or artificial fertilization. The second option is more in demand if there are large livestock.

The method allows you to cover the maximum number of females, and when complying with all rules, it can be carried out at home with your own hands.

Individuals are allowed to fertilization:

  • achieved 100 kg and above;
  • with well-developed dairy glands;
  • nine-month-old age, no younger.

Final part

How the pine fever occurs in pigs, each breeder needs to know to be able to assist the animal with complicated childbirth. There is a special calendar in which you can calculate approximate terms of the birth of kids. On average, the uterus wears piglets of 3 months.

Many novice breeders are asked if they independently have their own hands to take birth in a pig. It is desirable that a doctor attended at the first birth, because inexperienced farmers can not always help the animal if complications arise.

Understand what time the childbirth will begin, it is possible by the behavior of the animal. The right sign is that permission from pregnantity will happen the other day - anxiety.

There is also swelling in the field of mammary glands, milk is actively coming in 2 days before delivery. In any case, the pig will require assistance during childbirth, so it follows in advance:

  • patch as much clean towels as possible;
  • equip the angle for young heating lamps;
  • clean the room cleaning, wash the floor, the walls and putting the floor to the floor.

There is nothing complicated in making birth in pigs. The whole process will depend on the physical health of the individual. For greater confidence, you can see the learning video. The symptoms of the speedy approach are the concern of the animal and the separation of the whitish mucus from the genitals.

It is important to ensure good care and powered by a sow after delivery. It is necessary to ensure that weaker piglets receive a sufficient amount of milk - at first, they will have to hold them around the nipples alone. In the photo you can see how newborn offspring looks like. To know exactly what to do during pork gods, you can watch the video and consult with your doctor.


Features of the process of polling pigs

You are here: Animals\u003e Pigs\u003e Dilution\u003e Support

The pigs on the breakdown need to be bought from highly productive dyers, which not only give a large amount of piglets for one support, but also have a high lacticity indicator, and also have good maternal qualities.

The pig must correspond to the breed exterior, as well as have a large number of very well-developed nipples (different breeds can be from 5 to 8 pairs). Animals for the divorce is better to buy from the winter or wound source.

And when the future sows are purchased, then after a few months, the livestock has questions about how to identify the hunt, to carry out the trick, to properly prepare a pork to the support and spend it without loss.

To deal with the problems that arise from a farmer during the pregnantness of sow, its support and will help this article.

How to understand that pig is pregnant

If a pig pig, then it can be happening at 9 months of age. But the weight of the animal should not be less than 100 kg. It is advisable to cover the pork twice. The first is immediately after the detection of hunting, the second after 12 hours. Ideal it would be covered with different boars.

This increases the viability of the future offspring, increases fertility. In order not to miss the coolness behind the animals after the process begin to observe. If by the end of the third week after covering the pig is not coming to hunt, then it is pregnant.

If she again begins to enter the hunt, it happens with another boar or artificially seed.

For support, sows are suitable for weight of at least 100 kg

Exterior signs

Pogs to the support begin to prepare from the fourth month after the detection of pregnancy. Her belly is descended by this time, it begins to sign a spin, and the donkey with each day increases a little in size. Pig becomes lazy and more often.

In the last month of pregnant, when piglets in the womb grow faster, it increases the appetite. During the day before the support, and in some cases for 48 hours, the belly is very much lowered, and the yarn blushes. If you press the nipple, then a drop of milk appears.

Blows and shook a little floor loop. Before supporting the pig begins to build a slot similarity from the litter. She goes around, then after a while she gets restlessly, reappeats the litter again, laying her more comfortable.

After such signs, a pig must be kept under supervision. Plugs are more often in the night.

Pregnant pigs become sluggish, often sleep and eat more

For three or four days before the support, the motion of animals should be stopped.

How many pregnancy lasts

The duration of the period of pregnancy (pregnancy) in pigs is 114-117 days, and lactation from three to four weeks. True, in small farms this indicator may be less.

And private owners know that the protester period is calculated in three months, three weeks and three days after the coating. If the supports happen before the desired date, then the pigs can be born non-visual or even dead.

The duration of pregnancy affects:

  • Age of sows. Than they are younger, it is longer to dry out;
  • Seasons. In winter, pregnancy lasts less than in summer;
  • Number of piglets. The support is delayed if their small quantity;
  • Breed. The larger the exterior of the animal, the duration of pregnancy a little longer. In comparison, for example, Vietnamese pigs and large white;
  • Feeding and conditions. In winter, pigs should be contained in warm, not blowing rooms, and the diet is rather balanced.

The larger the size of the female. there will last long

The first supports in young sows are published later than the age.

How many piglets are born

Pigs are not only one of the most imperative animals, but also multiple. On average, an animal can bring from 10 to 14 and more piglets. The number of kids is predicted in advance, since it depends on some reasons:

  • Breed sowers. So, the large white in the support can be 12 or more sues. Lithuanian White, Breith, Muromskaya, North Caucasian, on average, bring 11 piglets. Urzhumskaya is distinguished by multipleness (12 pieces). Large black from 9 to 10 pieces;
  • Age of sows. At the forekry can only be from 4 to 7 kids;
  • Health status;
  • Diet.

Average. For one Pig Supportment gives birth about 10 piglets

Pregnant pig can lead up to 16 piglets.

The resilience of future piglets depends on the preparation for the support. therefore during the period of pregnancy, there should be a full feeding and active mionation of animals.

Only under such conditions the uterus will be moderately fasten, and the embryos will receive good development. Because pigs, noisy or disgusting, bring very weak rats.

Before the sow support procedure should be prepared:

  • It is necessary to feed them two or three times a day with wet mixers;
  • Clean water for drinking should be constantly in the pigsty. Temperature at least 10 degrees;
  • Three days before the support, the daily feed rate is reduced by twice;
  • Animal handling must be even, calm;
  • Moles before childbirth stop;
  • The day before the support, you need to cook: clean burlap or towel, iodine solution, sharp scissors, threads. It is necessary to build a box for piglets. Be sure to cook the lantern (suddenly the light will turn off during the support);
  • The litter in the pigsty is changed to fresh. And the walls of the room whites lime.

A person who will be present for the first time in a sow support, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian about how to provide first help born piglets and pig.

How the support is passed

If the reproach gives the rating not for the first time, the support can last from one and a half to two hours. Farwoons 6 hours and more. It should be remembered that the process goes faster if at the same time the one who constantly cared for the pork and fed it.

Pigs appear with mucos, and some even "in a shirt", that is, a generic bag. Appear with an interval of 20-25 minutes. The first piglets appear longer after the fence of sows. If there is no complications, the uterus itself pushes the kids.

After the piglet purified from the mucus is applied, the support is faster.

Immediately after birth, piglets are applied to the emotion of the mother

If childbirth takes place with complications, it is better to apply for help to a veterinarian or an experienced animal terroride.

Participation in kind

  • When the pig appears in the generic bag, it needs to be broken, clean the nose and mouth from mucus, wipe the appeared pigs with a burlap or towel;
  • Tear out, and better cut off with sharp scissors cord;
  • Sevement location migrate green or iodine solution;
  • Clean baby sit down to udam sangs;
  • If the sieve manifests strong anxiety, then piglets are put in a special crate, and then after 3 hours, but not later, they sit down to the emotion of the mother;
  • After the support is passed, all the litter, umbilical cord, the seascape is cleaned. You can jump later or burn.

At the birth of a piglet in a generic bag, it must be released immediately

In no case cannot be allowed for eating a sow of its last. This can lead further to eating piglets.

Pregnancy can be checked at home visually. True, this method is effective a month before the start of the support:

  • Pigs love when they are scratched with hand on the back, under the belly. This is exactly what you can use. Scratch a pig and wait until she goes;
  • Put hands on belly in the area of \u200b\u200bextreme rear nipples. Even if the layer of Sala is big, still the fruits will be forgiven.

You need to do everything carefully, stroking the animal.

In large industrial enterprises to grow the livestock of pigs, pregnantness is determined by ultrasound, tests, laboratory surveys of the epithelium from the rear walls of the vagina. You can diagnose pregnancy using a clinical method (palpation).

On large pig farms, pigs do an ultrasound test to identify pregnancy

Rectal diagnostics can only produce a specialist.

What to do if the pig before the support does not eat

Pigs are omnivores. But pigs may have a bad appetite and they do not want to eat the proposed feed before the support.

It is alarming, since in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to the birth of unhealthy and weak offspring.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of animals and try to get rid of the reasons as quickly as possible, which affect the decline in the appetite of sows. It can be:

Pregnant pigs are especially important to give green food

To maintain a lair clean, you need pregnant pigs feeding on separate sites.

If not pregnant

Leaving a pork for a breakdown, the farmer expects that it will come to the hunt in time and after the concern will immediately become pregnant. But this may not happen and there are reasons:

  • Pig is depleted or dressed;
  • Pathology of the uterus;
  • Hunting is quiet, the animal does not show too obvious signs.

If, with all the correct exterior indicators characteristic of this breed, the regular manifestations of hunting and carrying the ending pregnancy does not occur, then the wine is most likely:

  • Disposable coating after the detection of hunting. Therefore, you need to repeat the process in 12-18 hours, preferably with another boar. This will improve productivity;
  • P rocholost may also be due to poor quality sperm;
  • Pink disease;
  • Unbalanced feeding;
  • Incorrect content and care.

If the pig can not get pregnant, the reason may be obesity of the animal

If, after three weeks after the incidence of the pig comes to hunt, it needs to be held with another manufacturer.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is used in large farms and large pig-breeding complexes. And recently in households. This method has several advantages:

  • A large number of pigs are covered with one portion of the sperm of the breeding producer;
  • No need to look for the surroundings of a boar for the ending, while not knowing its features and rocks. And also not to focus on its weight, which may not fit for a small guinea;
  • Reduces the risk of possible pathologies;
  • If the farm is large, then you can adjust the supports. And it simplifies care for pigs-sausages.

There are two ways of artificial insemination:

  1. Diluted sperm. For seeding, a plastic catheter attached to sperm tanks is used. The catheter is introduced to the cervix, at the same time raising the reservoir with sperm.
  2. Fractional method. Spend in two stages. First, it is introduced to cum, pre-diluing it with glucose and distilled water, and then the diluent is introduced.

Artificial fertilization of pigs reduce farmers' costs.

What does aggressive behavior mean

After the birth of pigs are very inactive. Therefore, it is advisable to watch the pig does not presate them.

In addition, it is necessary to throw away the moment after the support, trying to make the uterus, because then it can eat and your sucking. In some cases, the pig destroys too weak piglets.

This is most likely due to the natural selection, according to which the strongest should remain. In some cases, the sow can be aggression:

  • Too dry food can lead to cannibalism;
  • The pig can attack the owner, biting or hitting his head, if he tries to pick up a suck of her;
  • An animal gets used to the owner, so aggressively responds to an unfamiliar person;
  • Among the milk and pregnant sows, antagonism occurs when they are configured into large groups or placement in an unfamiliar room;
  • Pregnant pigs can be enjoyed because of the scene near the trough.

Pig requires attention and proper care. Negatively affects the maternal qualities of loud cries, great noise on the house.

In this video, the process of pine support is shown.


Pig's support is one of the most important stages in the content of the livestock. If you competently bring the pig to the support, it is correct to spend it, then the piglets will cause strong, life-toned. Therefore, each animal husband needs to know simple moments:

  1. Pigs occur when they reach 8-9 months. The weight of females should not be less than 100 kg.
  2. Cover need 2 times. You can use for this cleaning manufacturer or apply artificial fertilization.
  3. I can define pregnancy at home can be torn by bug Pigs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe first nipples.
  4. Pigs for the support can lead from 10 or more sues. It all depends on the breed, as well as the age of the animal.
  5. Support is easier if an animal host is presentwhich should be ready to make piglets in the process of childbirth, as well as help animals in case of complication.

The fact is obvious: the increase in riches in Agriana begins when domestic cattle appears on the house. This article will go on the most common and profitable form of animal husbandry - pig breeding.

Why do pig breeding profitable?

With a good support can bring at a time from 10 to 20 piglets. For the year she happens two supports, while cows and sheep such fertility is not observed. And applying a shortened period of feeding small piglets (up to 30 days), it is possible to obtain as a result of 5 supports, and this is 2 years. With such fertility, one sow for the year can bring profits in the form of three tons of meat. The result is more than impressive.

Pig selection criteria for offspring

For a successful pigproof at home, it is necessary to take into account several basic moments. Female pigs become about 5-8 months. At this time, and choose a female for further breeding pigs at home. One of the main factors is the acquisition of the breed, the most common in this area. Breed cleanliness is also key. If possible, it is necessary to acquire pigs in highly productive uterus. You should pay attention not only to the number of small piglets from one support, but also to the ability to focus off the offspring and on the habits of an animal.

The appearance also tells a lot. Highly productive sow has a developed chest, exterior without flaws (for example, spinned back), strong legs and the correct bite. If the pig's jaw is slightly twisted, it may be a sign of rhinitis, which will also affect productivity. In addition, this defect can go to the offspring. Nipples must be developed.

Females are better to acquire in winter or early spring. First, the cultivation will occur on warm days, which will allow them to be fed by cheaper feed. Secondly, the fence can be made by the end of the year, and the range of the next spring of the next year. Its further implementation will not be difficult and will bring great benefits.

Content of males intended for reproduction

Leaving males for breeding breeding, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the peculiarities of their growth. Males should be selected with the disadvantages of the exterior (bite defects and undeveloped genitals).

Approximately 3 or 4 weeks of small piglets are gradually admitted to juicy feeds. Roots are rubbed on a fine grater, then on large, and at the end they should simply cut into a knife. From the mother do not take about 50 days. IMPORTANT: On the third day of life and after three weeks, it is necessary to introduce drugs containing iron, 5 ml of urospheres or 2 ml of Ferodex. After about 16 weeks, the future manufacturer in normal development already has a lot of approximately 40 kg. It is necessary to pay attention to the daily ham. It is recommended to adhere to about 650 grams.

Poland passes slowly and ends at the age of 8 months. It is recommended to use males for reproduction when at least already have a year. At the same time, they must have a body weight about 200 kg. Use earlier is irrational: weak offspring appears, animal growth decreases, the body is exhausted, which reduces the use of their use on the tribe.

Detection of sex hunting

The physiological maturity of pigs and their readiness for reproduction occurs at the age of 10-15 months. At this time, their mass achieves about 130-140 kg, and mating can be made. For the year there are several periods of hunting. At this time in the body of pigs there is a change in the hormonal background. The cycle period is approximately 18-20 days.

Hormonal changes in the body provoke a sharp change of female behavior. She is restless, runs, practically does not eat and strives for a boar. Fixability reflex is observed: it raises the tail and freezes. Such behavior can be observed within a few days. This period is one of the most responsible in the content of pigs! Ovulation occurs: an egg, ready to fertilization, is released from the ovary. She comes on the second day after bright changes in behavior and lasts day or two.

What is best to choose the best time for insemination?

Terms play a key role in conducting fertilization procedures. Three main factors can affect the choice of period. It is worth taken into account the narrow temporary framework of fertilization - from 5 to 10 hours. Next occurs the aging of the egg, which affects the possibility of fertilization and the appearance of pathogenic or defective development. In addition, it is advisable to be increasingly carried out 6 hours before ovulation. It is necessary to take into account the viability of sperm. With a female female with a boar, it will be about a day or two.

Knowing that most animal animals last about half a day, fertilization is carried out according to the scheme. If the beginning of the sex hunt was recorded in the morning, then based on the natural biological rhythms of females, the procedure is appointed for the evening - between 17 and 19 hours. The manifestation of sexual activity in the evening determines the need for seeding in the morning - in 5 or 6 hours.

Another very important point. It is necessary to cover the pigs twice: the first time - after the manifestation of signs of hunting, and the second time after 14 hours. If necessary, the insemination is repeated until the female calms down. At first glance, breeding pigs at home is an occupation requiring specific skills and knowledge. But if you adhere to the deadlines, rules and norms, the result will not make yourself wait.

Natural Covering Pigs Powers

Temperature affects the reproduction of boars. Its optimal indicators - 20-22 degrees above zero. If on the street heat, then fertilizing ability is reduced by about 30%, if not more. Cold floors in winter or autumn can also significantly appreciate the reproductive health of the boars. Lack of movement and lack of walking may be a negative factor. The insemination process lasts 5-10 minutes, after which the pig is translated into a quiet place.

Stages of preparation for the appearance of offspring

Powers support at home involves the emergence of healthy offspring and minimizing negative consequences after delivery. Preparation of the room is the first thing to pay close attention to. To do this, its disinfection is carried out by a hot smoothie solution from the calculation of 100 grams per half liter of water. Treatment of walls, floors and inventory. It will be akin to paint the machine with fresh lime to destroy pathogenic bacteria, because after childbirth pigs, piglets are very vulnerable.

It is better to prepare scissors to cut umbilical cord, burlap, warm water and a tincture of iodine. It is very carefully necessary to follow the animals. Signs of support include elevated appetite, more relaxed behavior than usual. At the same time, the period in the female does not occur. The offensive of the support is calculated by timing. It can be expected from 110 days since it is necessary to translate into a separate stall and watch it. For 3-4 days, the diet of its feeding is reduced by about twice.

Immediately before childbirth, pregnant sows behave very restlessly. They instinctively prepare the nest, root the litter and stretch on it. Most often they jump back, then again fall. Now it's time to warm the water and install duty.

It is important to have a maternity cell. This minimizes the likelihood that sows simply give their little piglets. It is placed in such a machine a few days before the occurrence of childbirth, and the litter is changed.

Picking poverty

It is noted that the birth of pigs pass more often in the dark time. Usually they last about 4 hours, but it happens that the support is delayed for 10 hours. Under normal conditions, small piglets appear each other with a period of 5 minutes. If the childbirth takes place hard, the pig is removed on the walk, massage her stomach and give to drink sweetened water, and in the heat they dock with water.

At birth, piglets covers the mucus. A variant of the appearance in the generic bag is possible. To break the bag is extremely important, while it is necessary to wipe the breathing organs and fall from the mucus so that the pig does not suffocate. Then you can carefully wipe it. Only then trimmed upside down at 5-6 cm from the abdomen. In the place of the cliff, it is disinfection with iodine solution. Before sucking piglets to the sow, the yarn of the mother washes and wipe dry. If it is damaged, it is disinfected with a weak solution of manganese. For the calm of the sow to her, piglets are satisfied. It sucks mother's milk, warmed, and the support takes place calmer. If the pig behaves restlessly, then the piglets are placed in the boxes.

It is important not to be late with the first feeding of piglets, which should occur after one and a half or two hours after childbirth. The pilot must be removed on time, otherwise there is a huge risk of eating their own offspring. So that the sows do not crush piglets, along the walls of the machine, install barriers with a height of about 15 cm from the floor. In the subsequent cubs fix and can independently run away from the false mother. In general, the povels of pigs at home passes quietly, but in complications it is necessary to consult with professionals.

Restoration of female after childbirth

The body of the pig after the support is strongly dehydrated. Therefore, in its drinking it should be clean water with a temperature of not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. The lack of fluid can dramatically deteriorate the process of breastworking and negatively affect the overall condition of the animal. In the postpartum period there may be constipation, so it is important to maximize the diet. The first feeding is carried out no earlier than ten o'clock after childbirth. A third of the norms of Boltanka feeds. The number of Javronia must be gradually increased. About a week later, you can give a complete rate of feed.

To avoid depletion of sows to the end of the feeding period of young, daily packs should be increased by 80%. Potatoes are served in the boiled form, but other vegetables can be offered in cheese, after having grinding them. After the feeding, the sow should be walking about 15 minutes. At this time, the room cleaning and take care of piglets. A week later, the walk time increases, and in the warm period of the year you can produce piglets with piglets. They are very vulnerable. It is necessary to take care. You can not beat, scold, because it negatively affects the behavior of sows.

For the feeder of young

Pig's milk is the main power source piglets. However, in their diet should be crushed chalk, charcoal, red clay to prevent anemia, the signs of which are diarrhea white color, pale leather. Newborn at the same time apathetic, do not eat.

The organism of the cubs in the first days of life is absorbed only by maternal milk. Weekly young people attach to feeding. The roasted grain has not only a sweet taste, but also crumbles, it is only slightly pressing on it, which makes assimilation. On the cow's milk, small piglets are translated in the second week of life, because it differs little from the pork. But it is desirable to feed him with small portions several times a day.

Optimal deadlines

To reduce the cost at home in their main diet, as a rule, include products grown in the personal economy. Therefore, piglets teach to such a killer from early childhood.

Sealing piglets to two months old is considered early. It is economically advisable to spend a month later. However, only developed piglets are taken away, which are accustomed to eating feed.


In general, it is highly profitable. Pigs are omnivorous animals. They are able to absorb any food. Observing technology and culture of production, you can achieve high results.

Those who came up with a sow support calendar, facilitated the work of future pigsties. Thanks to such a table, you can quickly determine the estimated date of birth of kids, which means no longer have to lead long recordings or keep important information in the head. We will help you figure out how to work with such a crib and how not to miss the approaching childbirth. In addition, we will teach you to recognize false and real contractions and tell how to behave in unforeseen situations.

The value of the labeling time

Before proceeding to work with a pig support calendar, it should be understood why such a system was developed. It is believed that the pregnancy of sows is expressed by a date consisting of three triples: 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days. But, 114 days are averaged indicators that may more harm than help.

Now, we only want to clearly show what the use of average data in this area of \u200b\u200bpig breeding is fraught. It has been proven that only 25% of sows give birth to 114 day. Consequently, using the averaged indicators, you are 85% mistaken with the estimated database. About how to prevent this, read further.

Learning Do not allow mistakes: Working with a table

We have already told what is the wrong definition of the reference date. Now we'll figure it out how to find out the duration of childbirth and prepare for this event in advance. This is important, since immediately before the support, the srowy is moved into a separate machine.

So, the easiest and most advanced way to avoid mistakes in dates, take advantage of the pig support calendar. The table below will help you solve this task.

Let's see how to work with these data. All existing months are listed in the top line. The left column introduced numbers from 1 to 31 - the number of days in the month. We know that, for example, the insemination of the uterus occurred on April 1. We are looking for April in the upper line, and in the left column we find the number "1".

In the intersection cell indicated the estimated date of childbirth. The difference with the "settlement method" is that the calendar shows the earliest period of the start of the porridge support, so that the farmer manage to prepare and prevent critical situations. In addition, working with such a crib, elementary convenient.

The importance of identifying the exact date: Previous care

However, pig breeding is not only complex science, but also painstaking work. Especially during the period of pregnantness behind the animals requires separate care and close attention. Therefore, just in case, it should always be expected difficulties before and after the date of the date, when the sieve can be cordoned.

Before the planned date of the support (called the pigs of the pig with the incorrect) sows are translated into a separate room, in order to prepare suitable conditions for them. For a start in the machine, the temperature increases to 25 degrees, since during this period, the piglets and their mom is extremely necessary heat.

To create in the room comfort, you will need to insulate the walls, prepare ultraviolet and heating lamps. It is necessary to lay a fresh and soft litter, provide sows of high-quality feed and clean water. In addition, childbirth can begin in any of the days of the calculated interval, so that at hand it is necessary to have a clean fabric, carrying for kids, as well as tools for taking birth.

Beginning soon: physiological manifestations

It is possible to determine the beginning of the expected support not only by the calculated methods, but also simply examined the sow. Physiological manifestations are manifested in detail 2-3 days before delivery, so if you are detected, you can proceed with the latest preparatory work.

So, the pig before the support has the following external differences:

  • enlarged sex lips;
  • wake-up nipples;
  • red-free sex loop;
  • prior belly;
  • deflection in the spine.

To determine exactly how many days left until the appearance of piglets are quite difficult, but a day before childbirth, a colostrum manifests itself from nipples.

If a sow foggling at least once, the likelihood of successful births above 80%. But at firstwives it is necessary to observe closely to see all the signs described above and have to help in the case of complications.

Behavioral signs of approaching birth

The behavior of the pig before the support is better than any tables, it will soon begin childbirth. For example, a sow showing anxiety, especially if it helps for the first time.

With a strong manifestation of anxiety, it should be forced to limit the pig in the movement along the Wolter, and a few days before the start of the battle - completely isolate it from contacts with the external environment.

Pregnant Motock has other oddities. For example, she begins to fill a straw and put a kind of nest out of it. In addition, before childbirth, the pig goes a lot, but often go to bed, and then again begins to move aimlessly, not finding a place to itself.

To see the above signs of the support can even beginner in animal husbandry - the main thing is to understand what to pay attention to. Despite the high activity, before the most kinds of the pig is clogged into the angle, turns over on the side and stops moving. As soon as this happens - wait for the start of the dug.

Consequences of improper date definition

Some features of the support require preliminary preparation. So, just the born piglets need heating, for which they are placed in the basket under heating lamps. If you do not do this right away, kids may die.

Having taking a cub in a faded pig, the oil-free shell is broken if necessary. After this procedure, piglets are pulled out and wipe in clean rags, to prepare that need in advance. If you do not do this before childbirth, during the appearance of the pigs you will not have time, and animals may suffocate, since you do not save them from the mucus on time.

Experienced farmers understand that the life of newborns, and sometimes the sowers themselves depends on the speed of their reaction. But even if you have no experience in this area, a competent approach to the support, timely and accurate calculation of the date of delivery and careful preparation for the process will help you cope with possible difficulties.

Sometimes, one competent advice helps better than dozens of read articles. Therefore, feel free to write comments, because communication with colleagues will only benefit.

Today, the majority of pilot farmers are engaged in independent, since the purchase of piglets from other farms or just with hands has a risky character. Svethers are usually quite expensive in their content, but all the costs of their maintenance pay off. It is important to note in advance of the date of seeding to know the estimated time of the appearance of offspring (usually it happens on 112-115 days), take care of the preparation of the premises and inventory, invite veterinarian.

Arrangement of Podnarnica

The process of support is very difficult and requires special attention, so it is necessary to initially understand the features of this event.

Sveta before the support is mandatory in a separate stall with comfortable conditions.. In it should be sufficiently dry, light and clean. It is impossible to allow the slightest drafts, as it may be adversely affected in the future in the health state of the newly minted mother and its kids. If the pigsty is not equipped with a heating system, it is equipped with a warmed angle, equipped with a low roof, under which the infrared lamp is fixed. Thanks to this procedure, the room is ensured by the missing heat.

The bodies for labor are necessarily thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, even if there were no other animals in it and supports were not carried out. Walls and floors are cleaned of any organic residues, wash out water under pressure and processed by disinfectants. After that, the surface is still washed clean. The room prepares approximately a week before the transfer of sows into it.

Pig Behavior Before Support

In terms of animal actions and some external features, it is practically impossible to determine what kind of childbirth will begin. It is important to carefully follow the sow in the last days of pregnancy. Before the support (like any other breed), the emergence of the following symptoms:

  1. Animal begins to worry, try to equip a kind of nest from the litter.
  2. Significantly increases in the sizes of udder, which begins to respond along the entire length of the body.
  3. The sexual body acquires a more rich red shade and expands.
  4. From the nipples, colostrum is distinguished when pressing.
  5. As a result, the pig lies the side and calms down, after which the first signs of generic activity appear (liquid release and gradual amplification of uterine contractions).

Required childbirth tools

Regardless of whether a veterinarian support will be present or not, it is required to prepare all the tools and materials that can be needed in this process. The birth of piglets at home requires the presence of a minimum set of fixtures and aseptic agents, such as:

  • iodine solution;
  • pelvis with warm water;
  • scissors and strong cord;
  • pure sterilized pelleys;
  • gloves.

The main thing is that all the tools are sterile, and the clothes and hands of hosting people - clean. With the advent of the first signs of the beginning of the generic activity, the Swing is washed out of the abdomen and nipples, which ensures hygiene requirements and prevents the effect of infection.

In some cases, the support takes place with complications when the sow is not possible to give birth to kids yourself. In such cases it will be necessary to take advantage of special veterinarians:

  • hook for support;
  • universal tongs;
  • obstetric loop and glove.

It is worth remembering that the first support is better to spend under the supervision of a specialist who will tell you how to implement the whole process correctly. But the second pregnancy and childbirth can do without his presence.

Generic process

The beginning of the sow support is characterized by the appearance of short contractions accompanied by uterine contractions. The time of the first bouts must be recorded. The generic process in most cases comes at night.

Usually, childbirth lasts up to six hours, which depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. With weak points, they can delay ten or more hours. In such cases, it is necessary to invite the veterinarian to receive consultation.

The piglets appear from the generic channel every ten or twenty minutes. All kids thoroughly wipe the mouth, nose and ears to remove the accumulated mucus. The newborn wipe dry, slightly massaging the skin, treated with umbilical umbrella and applied to the nipple. The first portion of the colostrum is very important for each piglet, since it allows you to strengthen the immune system and favorably affects its further development.

For manflocks, it is quite natural if the kids appear on the light of the legs forward. It should not be embarrassed by receiving childbirth. In cases where piglets come out in a fruit shell, it should be quickly broken so that it can breathe. The kids in the film appear at any time of childbirth, what should be always ready for.

If the baby does not give signs of life, it is necessary to intensively massage the chest, making harsh, but unlock movements. If this procedure turned out to be unsuccessful, the pig open the mouth and the air is blowing with force. As an option, you can still try to dip the baby alternately into the cool and warm water. In most cases, after such manipulations, the newborn begins to breathe.

For all the time, the pigs must be provided with water, because in case of severe thirst, it can eat the sewar. It is also fraught with the late formation of colostrum.

The number of lapse released after the support should coincide with the number of newborns. It is carefully collected and removed from the maternity punch. It is important to prevent feeding the last of the Piggy, because in the future it can eat and kids, which is quite often found in animals.

Complications in support

Complicated supports are primarily considered to be protracted delivery, the duration of which exceeds six hours. In such cases, it is possible to use oxytocin to enhance the strengthening of uterine contractions. But it is forbidden to apply it until the appearance of the first piglery and if the symptoms of the infringement of the generic canal are present.

When for a long time, the attempts do not lead to the appearance of the baby, they should urgently intervene in the process of childbirth. For this, the generic channels are washed with a weak soap solution, otherwise it will be hard to penetrate them.

Next, they wear a high obstetric glove and carefully lubricate it with an antibacterial agent so as not to incur infection. The childbody canal inspect to reveal the first baby and determine the reasons why he is poorly going on the generic paths. The pig is carefully captured and slowly promoted out.

After external intervention, mastitis, metrate, agalactium may develop with such birth. Therefore, an animal for the prevention is pierced by the course of antibiotics.

Sometimes sows show aggression in support and can bite newborn babies. Therefore, the behavior of the animal should be monitored throughout the childbirth, and piglets immediately place in a separate edge or box. Pig aggression usually passes after a few hours. After that, the kids begin to put on it one by one, observing its reaction. In the future, it is better to abandon the use of this animal as a sow.

For each individual at the end of the delivery, it is necessary to organize a certain care, allowing to provide a larger amount of milk to the animal to irrigate the offspring.

  • Twelve hours after childbirth, you can try to feed the pig with a small amount of liquid bolt. Due to this, digestion is being established. It is impossible to immediately overload its body too dense meal.
  • Feeding sows after the support is performed in full within 24 hours. This increases the milkness of the pig.
  • Hoody sowers and individuals, brought a large ratio, in the diet add fat-containing products and feed. If the pig begins to lose weight, in a short time it comes to hunting and produces little eggs.
  • Swing with lactation can be given a large amount of feed, but only if a number of conditions are followed: the room temperature is not lower than eighteen - twenty degrees, good quality food.
  • If the animal refuses to eat in sufficient volume, then its diet should be enriched with the maximum amount of nutrients. Such pigs in the feed add a couple of percent of the total mass of fish flour and up to three percent of the feed oil. The introduction of green feed has a positive effect.
  • An animal after childbirth must at least twice a day. A week later, it can already be brought to short walks, so the appetite is stimulated, the digestive process is improved and the general condition of the body is normalized. In addition, this method will allow it objectively to appreciate it.

Caring for newborn piglets

In order for the piglets to have a good health, they need to be mandatory after birth to try colostrum. Usually kids are happy to satisfy instinct when applying them to nipples. However, there are cases when it is almost impossible to do it. For example, if a pig for some reason is very little or completely absent milk, the animal showed aggression to the offspring or when a sow died in childbirth.

There are several other ways to feed piglets:

  • Many breeders freeze colosure, which can be used in the future if necessary. With proper storage, it does not lose its useful qualities.
  • For the sake of the browse, the kids can also be put on the other recently pushing a pig that gave birth no more than three days ago.
  • To provide newborn kids milk, you can use another sow that gave birth for more than three weeks ago, but still preserved lactation.
  • In the extreme case, milk is suitable for milk of any animal, including even mixtures for artificial feeding. However, it is important to carefully monitor the common state of kids in order to prevent diarrhea.

Thanks to feeding piglets from birth, milk and colostrum can be protected from various infections and bacteria. Therefore, it is worth attaching a maximum effort to provide a pig lactation at the required level.

Features of the introduction of Prikorma

At first, the piglets are completely powered only by maternal milk and this volume of food is absolutely enough. But in the diet of kids, it is also necessary to additionally include iron, which is not enough in milk. Therefore, special additives are added to the fourth day. As an option, this trace element is injected intramuscularly. You can also do and conventional peat litter.

A week later, they already give the babies of liquid porridge enriched with protein. Food is periodically diverse, following the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

From sows of pigs, they take off after they reach the six-week age. During this period, they are gradually transferred to an adult diet.

The support is a very important test for both pigs and for its owner. But if you plan all the actions in advance, it will be prepared for possible scenarios of childbirth, this process will pass as easily and safely for the animal.

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