When the Russian reporter comes out. "Readers need to understand reality": Glavred "Russian Reporter" about the revival of publication and long reports. Where such confidence

"Lenta.ru": with the beginning of the crisis, more and more publications are closed. Is there a risk that "Russian Reporter" closes?

Lamin: We will stand until the last. And while this last is not visible. But the transition to a new format is, of course, is associated with the crisis, because part of our expenses - on paper and printing - rigidly tied to the exchange rate.

We viewed the cost reduction option. But recently, "Russian Reporter" and so strongly reduced the longness, and in one room we can no longer say everything that we want. Therefore, they chose another solution - to reduce the number of outputs, but it is to increase the volume of one number. Plus, we continue to reduce costs.

Due to what?

Three main cost articles are printing, distribution and staff. We have all the time optimizes the distribution system. We are working to sell magazines where they are selling better, and less where they are not sold. If the times were fat, and the incomes are big, we would rather have been more invested in distribution. Also, we are gradually reduced by the state. We will also raise the price of the room slightly.

What will change within the magazine itself?

The room will become thicker, and this will allow us to return to the old rubrics and add new ones. In the best years of the "Russian Reporter" we had such headings as a "story" and "Portfolio", in each room - not only a big report, but also a large interview or essays about a person. It all returns, including the complete rubrics, from which we refused to save.

In addition, some small rubrics will be added. We also want to return the completeness of the visual series, with reportage photos.

The most important thing is that we want to return a large research report about Russia, which would not only be about current events, war and crises, and on topics that we find themselves, and not those that we are dictated by the agenda and news agencies. We can do it best, but in recent years, due to savings, there are no such reports, but actual things.

Think, now it will be in demand?

That is what is in demand. This allows you to see what you can not be noticed in the news, in social networks. As if we greatly wrote a report from a conflict location, it will still be repetition. And the dramatic story about a person is what has not yet done, which will not find on the Internet. This, of course, is not in the trend of social networks and short news notes. We are in Antitrend, but it is precisely to this a man who is tired of noise. People are interested in reading people. For this, they take books, look good films, read great reports.

That is, the magazine will not be about the momentary, but about the eternal. Is almanac?

It will be a magazine with a big planning horizon. But we saw it, when we came up with.

It turns out that you leave the news.

In this genre, we cannot compete with newspapers and especially with the Internet. We have a rubric "current", and it remains, but we never tried to use it to report something. We have always had reports, analytical articles or some kind of new turn - infographics or interviews, that is, what will turn off tomorrow. Actual topics remain, but we discuss them in such a way that they can be read in two weeks.

In the crisis, many editions went to the network. You do not have such plans?

Network care is euphemism in order to say: the publication died. On the Internet, sufficient advertising budgets have units of publications. There are news portals that have very cheap content at large attendance, they can be in a plus. But on the Internet there is no advertising market to support a large and high-quality magazine, recoup the travel of journalists.

But, of course, we develop the joint website of the "Expert" and "Russian Reporter", which has half a million readers per day. It is less than that of the frontiers of production, but still a rather large audience, which allows the project to be increasing.

What is the fundamental difference between the "Russian reporter", which appeared in 2007, and the "Russian reporter", which will come out from the end of January?

When we started, we had hypotheses about who is our hero. By making reports from different places, it was better to understand social reality. But now there are even more questions, they are more difficult than then. Previously, it seemed to us that there is a progressive middle class, which should receive political rights. Now it looks not a very relevant agenda. The country in crisis and class structure is not so important.

The problem of man comes to the fore, it is not that survival, but creative, conscious life. When around the fire-war, and man continues to be a person despite the fact that nothing has nothing. What allows a person to keep dignity? It is just a key question of this period. It intersects with the question of the meaning of life, but also Russian literature, and a lot of reports somehow raise it.

How interesting "Russian reporter" is now interesting to people, how is it selling?

We still read students, the middle class, the demand is available. The last number that came out of us, I could not buy yesterday. He ended up, and in many kiosks that I passed. This, of course, is largely a consequence of our economy, but there is a demand. We remain the largest sales federal publication in the regions. It is clear that in the capital we have competition, but if we look in the regions, then there is almost no it.

And there is a subscription to the "Russian Reporter", or no one uses it?

Subscription for us is important, but is not key in our distribution. The editions are older more. We have a corporate subscription, and the postal use is almost impossible. "Mail of Russia" does not help much in this. We have a lot of signed readers who do not wait and buy a magazine in the kiosk.

How do you plan to survive?

But against the background of the crisis, it can be only less. Is not it so?

Where such confidence?

We have already pre-orders for advertising. Advertisers with understanding reacted to changing the frequency of the output, it seems that we do not lose orders. Advertising is not so much, so it will fit all.

Employees of the Russian Reporter have long complained about salary delays. What is the situation at the moment?

We have financial difficulties in the company, now debts are paid. I am very grateful to the editorial office that continues to work. In recent years, our big reporters had to work for several editions, nevertheless, many of them did not leave, but continue to work at the Russian Reporter, because he likes it.

How do you see the future of the Russian media in crisis conditions?

Heavy times are coming for everyone. Someone closes, someone is not. We must try to withstand. Those who are at this time will receive a large share in the market.

Announced Alexander Fedotov

While the overwhelming of newspapers and magazines fall around the world (even the famous Spiegel suffers losses!) And even famous print editions are closed, the Russian magazine "Russian Reporter" confidently wins the Internet battle for the reader.

Why for the Russian magazine "Russian Reporter" is not a competitor?

What is the secret of the success of this publication, which is already called phenomenal? This was told about this editor-in-chief of the Russian Reporter, Vitaly Liebin, who recently visited Riga at the invitation of the International Mediamad "Format A3".

A lot of journalists came to meet with him, and the conversation turned out about the most interesting thing - about the profession, which is now experiencing difficult times.

Journalism with quality mark

After meeting in Riga, immediately, a night aircraft, he flew to Moscow - to catch the editorial planner. The topic of the next issue "Russian Reporter" was born, as soon as it became known about the death of the classics of modern literature Boris Strugatsky, - to collect the stories of people famous in Russia about how the plots of the picnic on the sidelines were elected in their life, "difficult to be God" "Monday begins on Saturday" and others. The editor-in-chief, of course, was to express the colleagues a creative task and, honestly, even perhaps it was not to do it ...

The Russian Reporter's weekly magazine was released in 2007, and today its circulation is 165 thousand copies. Say, not much for huge Russia? But the average circulation of the print edition rarely exceeds 25-30 thousand copies, with the exception of the "millionaires" of the Komsomolskaya Pravda and the magazine "Results", the main competitor of the Russian Reporter.

Last year, the magazine under the leadership of Vitaly Lebina received the "Leader of Sales Market Market" award, and the growth trend continues. True, it slows down the rigorous distribution system, which does not allow you to deliver the fresh issue of the magazine to small cities and towns, where the most attentive readers live. But the editor believes that to take a bar in two million copies specified by the German "Stern", quite real.

Where does such confidence come from? After all, the crisis of paper media is obvious. Newsweek magazine has recently closed, which worked in about the same bed as "Russian Reporter".

Newsweek was too western, copy from the foreign original, explains Vitaly. - Short notes written in the scheme, sniffing language ... But all this is on the Internet, and for free. Enough there and folk journalists - bloggers and amateur reporters. This is all good. I myself was the editor-in-chief of the oldest Russian political project "Polit.ru". But the Russian audience has a different reading culture, so that professional journalism should be competed.

They are fighting ... each number that makes passion and soul - as the last ...

In search of the meaning of life

The phenomenon of "Russian Reporter" put into the deadlock of many professionals of journalism and marketing professionals, confident that the reader now went small, with fragmentary thinking, capable only to view headlines on the network and notes from the life of stars. But RR proves - it is not true! There are people in Russia, ready to read long articles that are not frightened by complex proposals and "smart" words, and they are becoming more and more.

The creators of the journal did not compete with the Internet, but offered what the network could not give - surround essays, richly illustrated with high-quality pictures on good paper.

Two years in a row - in 2010 and 2011, "Russian Reporter" received a reward for the best use of photographs in the press and once, even such a matner, like National Geographic magazine.

The basis of the journal is that in Western journalism is called Story, is a story about the ordinary person, which turned out in unusual, dramatic conditions.

The magazine publishes reports from hot spots, drug addresses, with arctic wintering, from the epicenter of the Gang seizure operation. Reporters do not get out of business trips and write that they saw their own eyes that they survived, and it gives the narrative authenticity and sincere intonation. Objective circumstances contributed to the success of the publication.

Such a publication as "Russian Reporter" was made possible when Russia went to the rise and the middle class appeared, "said Vitaly. - If in the 90s all were engaged in the struggle for survival, then those who have decided this problem (since 2000, the average salary in Russia increased ten times - from 50 to 700 dollars a month), allowed the luxury to think about intangible things. About that, for what, in fact, we live ...

It is this universal approach to the topic that makes it interesting for the residents of Samara what happened in Kazan or in the Arctic. It fully complies with the traditions of Russian journalism, who start from Pushkin and Gilyarovsky. As for the direction of the publication, the "Russian Reporter" directly calls itself pro-Russian.

We are not for Putin and the more not against, "says Vitaly Lamin. - Our magazine tells about life as it is.

Vitaly believes that national publications are needed, because they, like television, "stitch" the country. (It is curious that the successful magazine started in the regions, and already, forcing himself to talk about herself, appeared in Moscow and St. Petersburg.)

In the authors, RR lack no. Many journalists wanted to participate in a professional contest. Journalists know how tempting, without reducing themselves, write a full-fledged essay - what you want and how you want.

Vitaly says that first feared to resort to the services of mastyt journalists, believing that it would be difficult for them to rebuilt under the new format.

But I was wrong, "he admits. - It turns out that if you give a space for creativity, everyone writes easily and exciting.

Directly from Assange

Present fame and prestigious Award "Power No. 4" in the "Scandal of the Year" nomination In 2010, the journal brought the publication of WikiLeaks secret materials. This right to magazine, the only thing in Russia, handed over to Julian Assange himself, with whom Vitaly made Interviews - a real journalistic luck!

Making advantage of the objectivity of the Russian Reporter, many began to offer editorial staff for publications. By selecting them, the editor first asked for journalists what they would like to write about. Now he prefers to go on the other hand, asking the question - what would they like to read.

The editor says that he never had to shoot an article from the number of call from above, but "hints" and the threats were.

The most dangerous thing is to write about disassembly on the local, urban, district level. They try not to intervene in them.

Vitaly gladly talks about the workshop of the journalistic work of his deputy Dmitry Sokolova-Mithrich.

In Primorye, the gang, who killed the police officers. The reporter made unique pictures at the time of her detention. It would seem cool. But he does not stop on it. Talking with the detainees and finds out that they came out on the track of the war after they spent several days in the police, where they were beaten and humiliated. Can I go home? But Dmitry continues to dig. He learns that one of the best representatives of the profession fell first of the hands of the Avengers. So always happens: the victims of revenge always turn out to be innocent ... The reporter meets with a widow killed, which, it turns out, is also a policeman, but the husband did not allow her to reach dangerous work, repeating: "Only through my corpse!" And here I was sticking ... The widow of the murdered is trying on the shape to take the place of her husband.

Such a deep study of the topic is the property of high-quality journalism, it is expensive. Russian Reporter enters into the media holding major entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska, together with the magazine "Expert" - the leading and profitable business publication of Russia.

We were lucky: our owner loves to publish magazines! - Says Vitaly.

But the edition of the "expert" will soon reach the ceiling, because the number of businessmen, and therefore readers of the publication will not increase, therefore it was decided to master another niche. The calculation on the fact that when the audience of the Russian Reporter grows, he in turn will feed the "parent".

The creators of the "Russian Reporter" are confident: truly qualitative edition will always find its reader.

The Russian Reporter magazine is a fairly well-known weekly, which is not frightened and left topics - the union of Valentin Urusov, the defense of Warsaw Warehouse in St. Petersburg, sketching from the life of anti-fascist movement. Despite the "Jeans" type of articles in the glory of individual regions and state monopolies, the Russian Reporter continues to generate interesting content.

However, the issue of paying wages to permanent employees and fees to freelance authors in the publication is an edge. So what to do? Get on the Kremlin media, where do you change the conscience for money? Or in a little-known edition, where they pay "black bed"? Maybe you will score and write for an interesting magazine, without bothering on material things?

Rules of the game

A small background for understanding how the workflow is arranged and why do not help typical ways to gain money. The paper magazine and the website rusrep.ru on a par with the Financial Weekly "Expert" enter the Holding of Expert CJSC. In the professional community history with decisive acceleration of the team "Expert-TV" With subsequent vessels for the right to get salaries are quite well known, but few people know that the story with annual deferments of payments is still today's history of the holding.

Despite the pleasant team of the editorial board of the Russian Reporter, decorated under the Labor Code of journalists, the same victims of the holding, which are paid by urabs - as a result, most professional correspondents, including supervisors, preferred to escape, without even receiving amounts. Works remain having a host on the side or those who dangle on business trips. Despite the declared lack of funds, traveling the authors receive all the money to the last penny.

Typical History of the photographer Dmitry Markov, who described his misfortunes to make money, the court, non-appearance of representatives of the publication and the impossibility of getting money with the help of attachments: "Now a familiar" Tomorrow "I get in the form of e-mails, dear editors are not strained:" We are not We can respond to accurate payout dates, for technical reasons they are frozen. " Zhurfakov graduates are ready to write in a magazine and free - it is important for them to replenish their resume and they don't even dream about receiving payment. The ability to achieve accurate amounts is the "Punch of the Beat for your favorite magazine" and "Yabedeanica."

Most of them come through "Media Polygons" and the educational programs of the Summer Schools, which makes the editor of the science department Grigory Tarasevich.

Who is responsible for

Most of the authors, including chambers, are limited only to the fact that once a month they write to their editor - those who have not yet quit them, they say right: "There is no money, you can sue, but it did not help anyone to get money." Others call to the accounting department, where shifting responsibility on the financial director Vladimir Petrova, declare that they do not respond for accrual. The accountant themselves also gradually leave. In turn, Vladimir Petrov is not available or by telephone or by email.

Those who are bold - are associated with the editor-in-chief of the Russian Reporter - Vitaly Liebin. He answers all questions: "Soon the magazine will go money, to be patient!". Waiting for the weather by the sea, communicate with the accounting and donate to the Finnitcher Vladimir Petrov can be infinite. An analysis of court decisions in favor of the victims of the authors who spent on the court, but not received money, also does not give a reason for optimism.

Coulura Threats

At the same time, the leadership is afraid of publicity, armed with a voice recorder, and several of my colleagues went alternately to a meeting with the management of the holding. Each of his eloquence said that he was ready to make a public history - the reaction followed. The chief editor of EXPERT magazine Tatyana Gurova, which is entering the board of the holding, recognized the eligibility of the requirements, appeased with the crisis and asked in surprise: "Why didn't you come before? Money here only those who reach personally! "

And really a few weeks after a conversation with the promise to pay money under the recorder, the whole amount was paid, albeit many months after the date recorded in the contracts for the preparation of materials.

Unfortunately, in Russia, with rare exceptions, there is no practice to protect their rights among journalists, as is not the current trade union. Therefore, the team of affected authors cannot publish this material under its own names. Such an inside and warning to colleagues Any chief committee will consider the "removal of Sora from Horses", which means refuses to cooperate.

Half a year ago, after 10 years of work, the Russian Reporter magazine closed. They said that it was gone to the past alone unnecessary great reports. But on February 27, the issue of "RR" will resume. The first issue will be released by an edition of 85 thousand copies. The editor-in-chief of Vitaly Liebin told "Moments", why I need reportage journalism and what had to be changed for the Renaissance of the Russian Reporter.

"Russian Reporter" will again begin to be published after a semi-annual break

- Commenting on the closure of the magazine, you said that financial problems arose. What are their reasons?

Perennial decline in the advertising market. We fought to the last. But the reduction was catastrophic - 60% of advertising every year, for three years. In general, the printed press experienced shock due to the fall of the advertising market. Advertising on the Internet grows slightly, but not so much to improve the economy of Internet publications.

- Some glooming that the reason and in the loss of readers - they say, they do not need reports to anyone ...

- When moving to the format of the output every two weeks, a decline occurred, but very small. In general, the reader's demand for "Russian Reporter" did not fall. All the time, while we measured the rating, he either grew up or remained at a steady high level.

The problem is not that the reader does not need a reporter texture. And in the fact that there is no economic model for the content of such a press, except for the external infusion. The industry is experiencing a huge crisis. All manufacturers of expensive content - cinema, music, books, high-quality journalism - have pressure of free information of less quality. But this does not mean that people will prefer any meaningless illiterate text of real quality journalism.

"I am sure that the demand for renowned journalism is" Photo: Anton Belitsky

- The point is in the volume of text. For 10 years of the existence of "RR", the world of media has changed dramatically. Experts argue that in priority - short materials that can be quickly read.

When "RR" just began to go out, we were told that the younger generation in the modern world will read only short texts and headlines. But we found that among our audience there are a lot of young people, along with the Soviet reader.

At the same time, professional journalism is indeed between the hammer and anvil. On the one hand - new Internet technologies, social networks. On the other - information war. Both are characterized by short, ideologically clear statements. In general, it is in demand. But in order to stay in the right mind and solid memory readers would like to understand reality. If we completely lose attention to the details of our life, a reporting invoice - I am afraid that our bad things. And I am sure that there is a demand for real journalism.

- You noticed this after the closure "RR"?

We felt that the reader is in some shock because of our market departing. Brilliant reports make some colleagues: "Newspaper", "Ribbon", "such cases", "New Gazeta" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". But this is not enough - they are drowning in the Internet garbage. On the other hand, the reporters colleagues found that a significant source of publications and interesting work took place. There was a reaction from civil society, benefactors - interest in appearing texts about the life of society.

"We still do not comment on the sources of financing" Photo: Personal page Vitaly Lebina in the social network

- So you offered to help sponsors?

Yes. We found that we can find those who are interested in the resumption of issuance and people interested in reports. We realized that we will have resources for edition for the period of the year at least. And immediately started.

- You can tell me where tools?

"Neither I, nor Holding (Media Holding" Expert "," approx.) So far, do not comment on the sources, but we assure you that they will be enough to publish them in the near future. We also have an analytical judgment that the crisis in the acute phase, which we experienced with interruptions since 2009 ends, and the country's economy moves to growth. We think that you can find on this wave and old markets, and new ways of monetization.

- Which for example?

- Direct advertising in magazines is replaced by demand on history, including business. We are ready to do them, including on a commercial basis. But not like jeans - secretly and bad, and good - if it's a good deal. The model changes - from contemptuous to the advertiser to a genuine interest in business. This does not mean that we will not distinguish between commercial texts and non-commercial, but paid materials require the same talent, the same work.

"Now we will pay more attention to life inside Russia" Photo: Personal page Vitaly Lebina in the social network

- Following the economic policy, the editorial will also change?

- It will remain more or less former with that amendment that earlier the essential part of our reporter efforts was associated with the war in Ukraine, and now it will be with our country. The war in the Donbas continues, and we will pay attention to her, but we understand that the reader is important to read about himself, about life in Russia. And being "Russian Reporter" we must search, first of all, internal stories. We will comply with the proportions of materials as before, at the beginning of the work "RR". When the maximum number of materials concerned life within the country, internal conflicts.

- What place will Ekaterinburg take?

Ekaterinburg from the start of RR showed the greatest demand for the type of communication that we offer is slightly smaller than Moscow and Peter. We love Ekaterinburg and consider it one of the main regions. And we have an explanation - this is a growing living city with a large number of urban population, with greater freedom than in other regions and high demand for high-quality journalism.

Against the background of the crisis, the Russian Reporter's weekly magazine announced a reduction in the frequency of exit - the fresh number will appear in the kiosks every two weeks. Also promise that the magazine will change the format, will turn thicker and return to the old rubrics. On crisis economy, ways of survival and demanded formats "Lente.ru" told the permanent editor-in-chief of Vitaly Lamin magazine.

With the beginning of the crisis, more and more publications are closed. Is there a risk that "Russian Reporter" closes?

We will stand until the last. And while this last is not visible. But the transition to a new format is, of course, is associated with the crisis, because part of our expenses - on paper and printing - rigidly tied to the exchange rate.

We viewed the cost reduction option. But recently, "Russian Reporter" and so strongly reduced the longness, and in one room we can no longer say everything that we want. Therefore, they chose another solution - to reduce the number of outputs, but it is to increase the volume of one number. Plus, we continue to reduce costs.

Due to what?

Three main cost articles are printing, distribution and staff. We have all the time optimizes the distribution system. We are working to sell magazines where they are selling better, and less where they are not sold. If the times were fat, and the incomes are big, we would rather have been more invested in distribution. Also, we are gradually reduced by the state. We will also raise the price of the room slightly.

What will change within the magazine itself?

The room will become thicker, and this will allow us to return to the old rubrics and add new ones. In the best years of the "Russian Reporter" we had such headings as a "story" and "Portfolio", in each room - not only a big report, but also a large interview or essays about a person. It all returns, including the complete rubrics, from which we refused to save.

In addition, some small rubrics will be added. We also want to return the completeness of the visual series, with reportage photos.

The most important thing is that we want to return a large research report about Russia, which would not only be about current events, war and crises, and on topics that we find themselves, and not those that we are dictated by the agenda and news agencies. We can do it best, but in recent years, due to savings, there are no such reports, but actual things.

Think, now it will be in demand?

That is what is in demand. This allows you to see what you can not be noticed in the news, in social networks. As if we greatly wrote a report from a conflict location, it will still be repetition. And the dramatic story about a person is what has not yet done, which will not find on the Internet. This, of course, is not in the trend of social networks and short news notes. We are in Antitrend, but it is precisely to this a man who is tired of noise. People are interested in reading people. For this, they take books, look good films, read great reports.

That is, the magazine will not be about the momentary, but about the eternal. Is almanac?

It will be a magazine with a big planning horizon. But we saw it, when we came up with.

It turns out that you leave the news.

In this genre, we cannot compete with newspapers and especially with the Internet. We have a rubric "current", and it remains, but we never tried to use it to report something. We have always had reports, analytical articles or some kind of new turn - infographics or interviews, that is, what will turn off tomorrow. Actual topics remain, but we discuss them in such a way that they can be read in two weeks.

In the crisis, many editions went to the network. You do not have such plans?

Network care is euphemism in order to say: the publication died. On the Internet, sufficient advertising budgets have units of publications. There are news portals that have very cheap content at large attendance, they can be in a plus. But on the Internet there is no advertising market to support a large and high-quality magazine, recoup the travel of journalists.

But, of course, we develop the joint website of the "Expert" and "Russian Reporter", which has half a million readers per day. It is less than that of the frontiers of production, but still a rather large audience, which allows the project to be increasing.

What is the fundamental difference between the "Russian reporter", which appeared in 2007, and the "Russian reporter", which will come out from the end of January?

When we started, we had hypotheses about who is our hero. By making reports from different places, it was better to understand social reality. But now there are even more questions, they are more difficult than then. Previously, it seemed to us that there is a progressive middle class, which should receive political rights. Now it looks not a very relevant agenda. The country in crisis and class structure is not so important.

The problem of man comes to the fore, it is not that survival, but creative, conscious life. When around the fire-war, and man continues to be a person despite the fact that nothing has nothing. What allows a person to keep dignity? It is just a key question of this period. It intersects with the question of the meaning of life, but also Russian literature, and a lot of reports somehow raise it.

How interesting "Russian reporter" is now interesting to people, how is it selling?

We still read students, the middle class, the demand is available. The last number that came out of us, I could not buy yesterday. He ended up, and in many kiosks that I passed. This, of course, is largely a consequence of our economy, but there is a demand. We remain the largest sales federal publication in the regions. It is clear that in the capital we have competition, but if we look in the regions, then there is almost no it.

And there is a subscription to the "Russian Reporter", or no one uses it?

Subscription for us is important, but is not key in our distribution. The editions are older more. We have a corporate subscription, and the postal use is almost impossible. "Mail of Russia" does not help much in this. We have a lot of signed readers who do not wait and buy a magazine in the kiosk.

How do you plan to survive?

But against the background of the crisis, it can be only less. Is not it so?

Where such confidence?

We have already pre-orders for advertising. Advertisers with understanding reacted to changing the frequency of the output, it seems that we do not lose orders. Advertising is not so much, so it will fit all.

Employees of the Russian Reporter have long complained about salary delays. What is the situation at the moment?

We have financial difficulties in the company, now debts are paid. I am very grateful to the editorial office that continues to work. In recent years, our big reporters had to work for several editions, nevertheless, many of them did not leave, but continue to work at the Russian Reporter, because he likes it.

How do you see the future of the Russian media in crisis conditions?

Heavy times are coming for everyone. Someone closes, someone is not. We must try to withstand. Those who are at this time will receive a large share in the market.

Alexandra Fedotova


Perhaps it will be useful to read: