Breed of predatory birds. The main varieties of birds of prey are Russia. Day predatory birds

The great set of birds of birds are inhabited on the expanses of Russia, which can be attributed to several units - hawk, hawk-like, spoken, falcon and fallen, Soviet, Sipukhov, Crow. All are endowed with excellent vision, strong, large claws and beak, and all hunt in flight. Consider more representatives of these detachments.


Balaban refers to the Family Family. This daytime, predatory bird with a scope of the wings to 1.3 meters and weighing more than 1 kg in Russia is found in the south of Siberia and in Transbaikalia. The population of this bird is not too big, so in one of the Siberian reserves in 1990 its artificial breeding was launched. He is currently listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Balaban is a nomadic, migratory bird that flies to the warm edge for the winter. It feeds on Balaban with small rodents, as well as birds that are able to catch. The females are postponing at 5-6 eggs in the nest of other birds - ravens, kurgans, Kanyuk. As a rule, these nests are arranged on rocks and steppe hills. The chicks appear a month after the masonry of the eggs, and fly at the age of 1.5 months. Balaban - Hunting Bird, for hunting it is acquired in special nurseries or zoos.


Golden eagle

Berkut is also a daily birds of prey, but he is a representative of the family. This is a rather large and strong bird with a body length of up to 95 cm, and the wings are up to 2.5 meters. The females are much larger than males, weigh to 7 kg, while males does not exceed 5 kg. In Russia, Berkuta can be found in the third part of the territory, but very rarely. Basically, it nests in the mountains - in Altai, the Caucasus and in Sayanov, but lives in other regions of the country. Because of the widespread wings, Berkuta is difficult to hunt in the forest, so it settles in the armor, on the rocks, along the edges of the forest arrays, where the hares, foxes, deer, and a deer can be caught, and even the cubs and deer. Berkut is a hunting bird, and extracts for its owners and foxes and wolves. In vivo, the Berkut settles in the nest, built of thick branches, and each year the nest is completed, and can reach three meters in diameter, and up to two meters in height. For the winter, Berkut flies to the south, but trying to keep closer to the nest as possible. A pair of Berkukhs may have several nests at the same time, but the female eggs shock only one. In the masonry there may be 1-2-4 eggs, the chicks appear in 40-45 days, mainly, the mackels raises, and the male provides it with food. From the brood can remain only 1 chick, which appeared first, he climbs the younger brothers and sisters, and takes food from them. Get on the wing of Berktytte aged 65-80 days.

Golden eagle


Bearded - a predatory bird from the family of hawk. In Russia, he is called a lamb man, but he does not hunt for living sheep, but prefers to pick up Padal. And only sometimes attacks weak and small animals, so, the skulls of bearded lifts into the air and throws onto the rocks so that the shell crashes. He is called bearded for a beam of feathers, which grow under the beak in the form of a beard. Bird weight up to 7.5 kg, length up to 125 cm, wing length up to 80 cm, wings span to 2-3 meters. In Russia, bearded in the rocks of Sayan, Altai and the Caucasus. Bird is rare and listed in the Red Book of Russia. Borodachi's nests are built in the caves or crevices of rocks, females postpone 1-2 eggs, and herself sits them, while the male hunts and brings her food. Chicks appear for approximately 1.5 months, and fly out of the nest at the age of 100-130 days.



Derbnik - predatory, daily bird Family Family. Derbnik is a relatively small bird, the length of his body is up to 32 cm, the scope of the wings to 73 cm. Females are a bit larger than males, and weigh up to 300 grams, while males are within 150-230 grams. In Russia, the Drybnik lives in the Arkhangelsk, Smolensk, Moscow, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as in Tatarstan, Yakutia, in Yamal and Taimyr. For the winter, the Drybnik flies into the warm edges, where small birds fly away, on which he hunts and in Russia, and in the south. In addition to birds, minor rodents become mining, as well as insects. The jack of the Derbnik arms on Earth or on the trees, but can survive with a native nest of birds smaller and weaken. The female postpones 3-4 eggs, chicks appear in a month, and in a month they begin to fly out of the nest. South Family flies at the beginning of the fall.


Smereyad - the predator of the family of hawk. The bird is rare, the look of the disappearing, is listed in the Red Books of Russia and Belarus. Change body length up to 75 cm, scope of wings to 190 cm, the length of the wings - up to 60 cm. In Russia lives in the southwestern Siberia, Bashkiria, Mordovia, Kabardino-Balkaria, in Bryansk, Moscow, Smolensk regions. Mostly settles in the woods or steppes, where there is at least some trees, as well as next to the swamps. Smereyad is building their nests himself, but rather ineptly, they are getting small and small in size. Places for nests chooses on trees or rocks. The female postpones 1 egg, less often 2, but after the first chick, it stops surveys, so the second embryo just dies. Sitting lasts up to 40 days, the chick starts at the age of 70-80 days. Food snakes with snakes, horn, lizards, frogs, toads, small rodents and other field animals and birds. The bird is migratory, for the winter flies to the countries of South Asia or in Africa.


Kanyuk (Sarych)

Kanyuk (Sarych) - Day Hunter, Bird Bird Family. Russia lives in the Urals and in Siberia, prefers to settle in the forests and forestry. The bird is average, the body length is about 55 cm, the wingspan of up to 130 cm. Hunt with small rodents and small birds, in the times of the meager hunting is fed and padal. The warm edges fly away in the middle or late August, or in mid-September, returns to the place of nesting in April or May. Knucking lives and hunting a lonely, but before the departure is going to flock. The nests of Kanyuk builds from deciduous and coniferous trees, from dry branches and twigs, and flies with grass stems. In the laying of 3-4-5 eggs, laying in April or May, the chicks appear in 33-36 days, they feed them both parents until the age of 44-50 days, when they fly out of the nest and begin to extract food independently. In general, the cannuki is good parents, and in captivity can take care of other pants.

Kanyuk (Sarych)


Cobchik - Day Hunter Family Family. The bird is not a large, body length is up to 33 cm, the length of the wing is up to 35 cm, the scope of the wings to 77 cm, the weight is about 200 grams. Kanyuk although it is a predatory bird, small rodents, lizards and frogs catch rarely, its main prey are large insects - beetles, grasshoppers, dragonflies. Sometimes sparrows come across in his claws, and even pigeons. Eggs are postponed in other people's nests, surviving from their places of crows, can be chosen to themselves in a tree trunk, or Nora. In the masonry 3-4 eggs, the male in their surrounding participation almost does not accept. Cobcchik lives with whole colonies in which there can be up to a hundred couples. The bird is migratory, flying in May, flies in August to Africa or South Asia. The brood of chicks falls on the appearance of a large number of insects, mainly dragonfly, which are the main feed. In Russia, Kobchik dwells in the forest-steppes, on the shores of Baikal, in Yakutia, Primorsky Krai.



Korshun - day hunter from the family of hawk. In Russia, you can see the Red and Black Korean, all of them in nature 8 species. This is a bird of medium-sized, weighing a little more than 1 kg, but with long wings, their scope - up to one and a half meters. In Russia, Korshun lives almost everywhere, from the Smolensk region to the Far East, and from Arkhangelsk to the Caucasian Mountains.

The red crucifixes differ in a split tail, but it does not possess special courage and swiftness as other conversations. The Kohsuhun hunting is pretty peculiar - swears at a large height, and from there look out for prey to rush to her suddenly, confuse and carry it in chain claws. Their prey - pants chicks, as well as frogs, lizards, large insects, snakes, mice, mean. The nests build on high trees and linse them found or stolen rags, paper, and other trash. In the masonry 2-3-4 eggs, the female raises. Korshun black slightly smaller than red, and his plumage is darker. At the beginning of the fall, Korean flies to the warm countries in Africa or Asia, returns to Russia with the spring.



Greets - daily predator Family Family. Greets are rightfully the largest falcon - his weight is about 2 kg, the wing span of up to 140 cm, the length of the body is up to 60 cm. In Russia, the Kuntche lives in the northern regions, in the Arctic and subarctic zones, in Altai, in Sayanov, in Eastern Siberia. Some species are migratory, some are settled, from the forest tundra in the fall flying a little south, in the forest. Grades hunts on small and large mammals and birds, can catch a hare, partridge, duck. The chute of the barrels does not build a nest, uses for masonry eggs of the crown nest or smaller birds of prey, if their sockets are located in rocks, niches, eaves, and covered with a canopy. In the masonry 3-4 eggs, chicks appear in 30-35 days, from the nest fly after a month and a half. Greets - a good, valuable hunter, but also often becomes mining poachers, in the north in the summer can please in the trapped in the sand


Filin, or Pugach

Filin, or Pugach - Night Hunter, Bird of the Soviet family. The length of the Philine's body reaches 75 cm, the wingspan of 190 cm, the weight is about 3 kg in females, and up to 2.5 kg - in males. In Russia, there are several types of Filins - Filin Ordinary, Filin Fish, bearded to do notasy, long-tailed to do. In Russia, Filin lives everywhere where there is a stern base for him, namely a large bird, hares, gopters, mice and other liveliness. Therefore, the habitat of Filin in our country extends from Sakhalin and Kuril Islands to Western borders. To live and eat Filin can be on various landscapes from taiga to the steppe and desert, but for reproduction it requires secluded corners in the form of forests, rocky slopes, ravines and hots. The bird is settled, a person is not afraid, and can stay within the city in the abandoned buildings.

Birds - amazing creatureswhich can not only delight the eye with their elegant opera, but also admire speed, dexterity and beautiful flight. Among the known varieties of birds, birds are always presented great interest to humans.

Inborn hunters, with magnificent curved claws, a very angry look and incredible maneuverability, they are created by the killers. Attacking your sacrifice, these birds do not know the mercy. Falconiformes is a detachment of birds of prey, which includes the following bright representatives: falcons, eagles, cannuki, hawks and others.

Day predatory birds

Not all birds that make themselves food hunting belong to predators. Many species feed on various grains, however, as predatory birds are not classified. Maybe this will surprise someone, but owls who much lives in RussiaIt is not customary to attribute to birds. Although they have many similar features with eagles and hawks, they are classified as night predators.

Although all predatory birds belong to the carnivore, in the diet of their feeding there may be not only reptiles and mammals, but even insects. The same applies to the Sorokopus or Pesor.

Zoological systematics Recalls to the category of daytime birds of prey only those of them that belong to the detachment of falconies. The most famous of them:

  • hawks;
  • orlans;
  • falcons;
  • eagles.

These are just some of the daily birds of prey, which unites similar appearance: drown down the beak, curves and very sharp claws. Color among different representatives of these species for the most part almost the same, however, females are several times larger than males. Taking into account this fact, to distinguish the male from the female, you can even with a naked eye from the side.

Pretty large predatorWhich has a bright beautiful color: dark top with a gray tint, yellow eyes and light transverse stripes on the breast. The weight of an adult individual is ranging from 700 grams to 1.5 kilograms.

for a long time, it was counted for harmful predatorsBut now is protected by the law of Russia and is under protection, like other types of day predatory birds.

He hunts on various birds, deftly and with a robbery removal by destroying the crows, drokes and other feathers. It is not bent proteins and even young hares. Basically, sick or wounded animals become his victims, from its tenacious paws and powerful beak, they simply fail to leave.

A hawk is inhabited by the Hawk in almost the entire territory of the immense tundra and in the northern regions, according to the catch of rivers in the Southern Tundra. It's usually in very high treesAnd the eggs that postphesize the hawp female, have a light color with rates of dark colors.

This is a bright representative of the detachment of day predatory birds living in Russia. The weight of such an individual ranges from 4 to 7 kilograms, and the wingspan can reach up to 2 meters. It is worth noting that the distinctive feature of this handsome is a white tail, you can only observe in an adult bird whose age is more than three years old.

A young person has a dark color tail, because of this, it can be confused with the Berkut or even with an eagle. However, you can distinguish the bird during flight. The tail of Orlans will have a wedge-shaped form, while at the Berkut it will be rounded.

The habitat of this predator is almost all of Russia, with the exception of the anhydrous deserted places and the Far North. It nests this hunter on deciduous trees. And only sometimes - on the rocks. In the nesting places, Orlana must be nearby reservoirs and rivers, where it can in the necessary quantity to extract the fish and waterfowl on which it usually hunts.

On the territory of the open tundra to meet Orlans - great luck. As a rule, in such places the bird prefers not nest. Orlan's nests in such a terrain places on the hills or cliffs.

Orlans do not differ in such devotion and loyalty, like swans, but in choosing a partner is always constant. The female usually postpones up to three eggs that have white color and small brown spots. In some cases, the stains can be the colors of the ocher.

Eagle is an incredibly beautiful predator listed in the Red Book. The preservation of this type of birds is one of the priorities of the environmental legislation of Russia. This predator seeks to avoid people, and have seen when the Orlan migrated to distant cliffs from their spaced places near the reservoirs with a frequent appearance of people there.

Falcon and eagles

Falcon is a surprisingly fast bird, a born hunter. The speed that falcon is able to develop in the process of hunting can reach more than 320 kilometers per hour. In the sky, the predator feels incredibly confident And, as a rule, always overtakes the victim.

Falcons and eagles dwell on most of Russia, with the exception of the Arctic zone. Like eagles, the falcons are very often tamed with people and are used in hunting campaigns. Its owner Sokol always remains faithful and reliable friend.

Ideal vision, beautiful plumage, chain claws, with steel strength, massive beak - distinctive features of falcon and eagle.

Like many other bird predatory birds, falcons are protected by law. Some varieties of falcons, such as capsans or attacks, are prohibited for exporting from the country.

Nightly predatory birds

Birds predators who hunt for their prey predominantly at night are called nightly birds. The brightest representative of this species is owl, having several subspecies:

  • owl polar or white;
  • marsh owl;
  • humble or falcony.

If rare representatives of day predators have been seeing not to everyone, most of the population of Russia with enviable regularity can meet in the urban environment owl, not to mention the forests, where they live significantly more.

White Owl

This is the largest representative of the entire family of owls, which has the scope of wings to 1.5 meters and more than 70 centimeters of body length. Young owls are distinguished by a motley color, while older individuals are white, with black spots on her head. Paws of owls have plentiful plumage, yellow eyes, and beak with black color.

Owl is hunting on rodents and some birds, such as seagulls, bunches, rods and even ducks. Some other times, Owl can be tormented by forest animals that assigned to the trap. For this reason hunters are missing OV and can destroy them when meeting.

Swamp owl

More often than all other varieties of owls in the tundra and swampy terrain, you can meet the marsh owl. In the winter months, this species pokes throughout Asia and Europe, even to Africa and America can get.

The main difference between the marsh owl from the polar - its dimensions. The length of the adult bird ranges from 30 to 40 centimeters, and its wings are not more than 1 meter.

Its color has a brown or yellowish tint, paws and a black beak. In its diet, not only rodents can fall, but also frogs with insects.

Havy owl

This owl can be attributed to day predators. It has a lot in common with Sokol, due to which it is often called the falconian owl. Sharp wings and similar from a falconian hunting, screams and incredible courage, a quick set of height and a lightning attack turn it into the best hunter among their relatives.

In Russia, housing owl is found in Tundra, where it falls on floodplain places from the Ob North.

All predatory birds, including owls and hawk, great vision. With the help of sharp claws, the predator is enough and holds prey, and hooked beaks with sharp cutting edges serves as an excellent device for breaking the victim. For example, a falcon of the kelcred edges of his beak breaks the neck of birds and small rodents. The public cerebent-tear-tear beak is thin and swept, it gives a bird the opportunity to extract snons from the sink. On the paws at the Skops there are particularly solid soles, with the help of which the bird holds slippery fish.

Aguya - Birds Detachment Predatory Daytime, Family

Aguya (Geranoaetus Melanoleucus). Habitat - South America. Wingspan of 1.7 m. Weight 2.5 kg

Aguya or Chilean Sarych (Kanyuk) inhabit the plain and mountainous terrain of South America, a particularly numerous population lives in Chile, why the bird is predatory and received its second name.

This is a very uncommunicative and cautious bird, avoiding to settle near human housing. For a long time, this major cannook is high in the air, using its ascending flows, and looks out for prey. Acute vision allows him from a huge height to notice the movement of mice, rabbit, snakes, lizards, partridges on the ground. After folding the wings, Aguya falls on prey, stuck into it with sharp powerful claws and fines with a strong beak. Then, rises into the air, keeping the victim in the paws, and already in his dwelling calmly eats it, or, breaking into pieces feed chicks.

The Chilean Sarych is nesting on the largest trees or on the vertices of the rocks. In masonry from 1 to 3 eggs, which rakes the female.

Alet - Birds detachment predatory daytime, Family Family

Alet (Falco Eleonorae). Habitat - Mediterranean. Wingspan 1.05 m. Weight 500 g

The second name of this interesting bird is Falcon Eleonora. It is named so in honor of the princess Eleanora D "Arborea, the ruin of the island of Sardinia. The fact is that Alet has a very small area, it is found only in the Mediterranean. And if not measures taken by the princes already in the 14th century for the protection of a unique bird, hardly The kind of lived to the present day.

Alata nest on the coastal rocks of the numerous islands of the Mediterranean Sea. The chicks appear in early autumn, it is at this time that there is an intense flight from the northern edges of millions of singers of birds, on which Alata arrange collective hunting. According to the description of the ornithologists, dozens of falcons rise to meet the flying flocks and the piugs will not succeed. Before the span, the alasta is powered by large insects, in the twilight, catch bats.

Bird Baza

Base - bird detachment predatory daytime, family hawk

Crested base (Aviceda Subcristata). Habitat - Australia, New Guinea. Length 45 cm. Weight 700 g

On the edges of the tropical forests of New Guinea and Australia, you can see the birds of painted birds. The British and Americans call these birds "Cuckoo Sokolmi".

Pooban - Birds Detachment Predatory Daytime, Family Family

Pooban (Falco Cherrug). Habitat - Asia, Europe. Wingspan of 1.3 m. Weight 1.2 kg

Large falcon, inhabiting open spaces and foothills of Europe and Asia. In the southern regions, this is a nomadic or even settled bird, in the northern - migratory.

The main I write baloban is rodents and small birds, and the latter play a large role in its nutrition mainly in the winter months. This falcon is nesting on the rocks, steep cliffs, trees. Most often, the falcons choose the nests of other birds, and do not build their own.

Female Paloban, like other falcon, is significantly larger than males. In masonry from 3 to 6 eggs. Chicks grow very quickly and already at the age of one and a half months are on the wing. Poobanan is on a par with a sapsan and a bidder - a favorite pet hunters with animal birds. However, the hunters are acquired exclusively. In zoos - to catch wild birds, it is impossible to catch wild birds - Pooban is rare and listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Feather hunters, united by common signs to capture the victim, are predators. All acute vision, powerful beak, claws. Predator birds All continents are in except for Antarctica.

In the systematics, they do not form a taxonomy group, but always stand out based on the sign of them - the ability to carry out air attacks on mammals and birds. Large feathered predators catch young antelopes, monkeys, snakes, some kinds feed on fish, Padal.

Pains are detachments:

  • hawp;
  • skopina;
  • falcin;
  • secretaries;
  • american vultures.

AT Family of predatory birdssupport types of Soviet and Sipukhov, for which night activity is characteristic. In the hawk community, the largest number of species, many of which live in Russia.

Bald SIP

It dwells the vulture in the southern part of Eurasia, North Africa. A large bird, a mass of up to 10 kg, a brown color with a characteristic white feather collar. A distinctive feature - in the finger-shaped wings that are in motion exceed 2 m, square tail.

The long neck, curved beak is adapted for cutting victims. Mounts on the sheer rocks, not far from open landscapes for pasture hunting. Prey looks out with a large height, lowered by spiral shades. The name "Sip" The bird is given for hoarse sounds that are particularly audible in the marriage.

Golden eagle

Lives in forest areas of Asia, America, Europe, Africa. Large size does not allow to delve into the thickets, so it settles along the edges of the thick arrays of the forest, in the armor. Huft to Lis, Zaitsev, Kosul, Tetherov. Predated Berkut interested hunters with animal birds.

In flight uses warm air streams. Known "Openwork" silhouettes of Berkut, they can be observed in the marriage. Like many predatory birds, in the nest, the eldest chick suppresses the younger, sometimes with a shortage of food eats it.

Swamp (reed) Lun

Moon body elongated shape. The bird has a long tail, tongue. The male color brown-reddish, tail and part of the wings of gray tones. A homogeneous female plumage color, chocolate shade, yellow throat. Bird is tied to raw territories with water plants.

Reed Lun is found in Central Asia, Eastern Europe. In the diet, a significant part is occupied by Mallard, Bekas, kosor, quail. Many hunters are known sharp cries of the moon. Depending on the climatic conditions of the birds lead a settling, nomading either a migratory lifestyle.

Meadow lun.

Birds of medium size, with severe sexual dimorphism. The males are gray, remarkable black strip, passing along the wing, reddish sandings on the sides. Female brown color. Fly low, silently. Birds live in Eurasia, winter in the tropics of Africa, Asia. Pernaya inhabitants of meadows are distributed in Russia.

Birds of the Moscow regionalong with the Berkut, the Sapsan, the blinds include a meadow moon, patrolling lakes, forest-steppe plots. The flight describes large circles, looking out for prey. In areas with a good feed base, groups of several dozen individuals are formed.

Field Lun

Birds distinguishes a grayish-gray plumage of a noble shade that has become the basis of the known comparison - gray-haired, like Lun. On wings, unlike meadow moon, there are no black stripes, only the dark tips of the feathers. Field Lunies - unsurpassed masters of flights, which make sharp turns, make intricate devices, fall sharply and torn, tumble.

Production is caught by surprise. Habitat is covered by the wide range of Central and Northern Europe, Asia, America. In the south of the area, there is a settling life, in the north, in the Zone of Forestandra, migratory.

Bearded (lamb)

A large predator, which has no underdeveloped plots on the neck, chest, head, like other vultures. The beak is decorated with hard feathers like a beard. The creamy color of the top of the body moves in the lower half in the reddish-redhead.

Wings are very dark. It feeds mainly by Padalu, but the prey is young and weakened animals. Bearded throws carcasses from the cliffs to break the big bones. There are in the hard-to-reach places of mountainous regions of the southern part of Eurasia, Africa.


Migratory birds of medium size. Specialization of Smereyov is manifested in the destruction of reptiles. Pernate predators have a big head, yellow eyes, very wide wings. Color gray shades, striped tail.

Inhabit Europe, winter in the tropics of Africa. Prefer forest zones with alternating open edges, solar skaters. In flight hang in one place, looking out for prey. Durable flakes on the paws protect the poisonous bites of the kite of birds. The victims of the scenery swallow from the head.

Red Korshun.

Elegant red-red color bird with dark pepins. The cores are widespread in Europe, live on arable fields, in the meadows not far from the forest. Beautiful flyers, hunters for live prey.

It is found in the cities in the places of noise, where birds also look out for Padal, garbage. Make raids on agricultural pens, where they can drain chicken or duck, to enjoy homemade pigeons. Scaring birds of prey becomesthe urgent task for many poultry farms.

Black Korshun.

The inhabitant of forest, rocky zones has a brown plumage of a dark shade. The diet is diverse, includes fish, waste, palm. The predator is seen in the abduction of mining from other birds. The dexterity of the KORSHUNS manifests itself in the fact that they snatch the contents from the grocery baskets, even in people, without fear of man.

Small subsistence

Common inhabitants of Europe, India, leading migratory life with wintering in Africa. In the appearance of birds are characterized by a fairly long wings and tail. The color of the plumage of brown, light shades. Prefers deciduous forests for habitat, hilly and flat places with wetlands. Nests on the dividers of the trunks. The voices of birds are heard from afar.

Ordinary cannuk.

Bird with a dense body, brownish color with transverse pendins. A rounded tail is visible in the air, pressed against the neck. Big predatory birdsdwell on various landscapes, in forest and rocky places, on the plains. Long plans at the height, prey enough with the summer. The name of the birds received according to characteristic sounds, similar to the meowing of a hungry cat.

Ordinary oed

The color of birds varies between whitish and brown shades of the plumage. At the bottom of the body, characteristic pendans are observed. The mass of the adult bird is about 1.5 kg. The main habitats are in the forest areas of Europe, Asia. Cold season of sieces are carried out in Africa.

The basis of the diet is insects, predominantly wasps. From the bites of stinging eyes and the area of \u200b\u200bthe Blue Birds protect dense features. Food supplement for the siege are small birds, amphibian organisms, small reptiles.


Large dark brown chunky birds with wide white tail edging. Adherents of water elements, centuries nesting on rocky cliffs along rivers, marine coasts. Huft to large prey, do not happen to Padalu.


An unrigible feathered predator of a contrasting color from black and white tones, with a typical area of \u200b\u200bnaked skin on the head. On the back of the head and neck long feathers. Vultures are distributed in Eurasia, Africa.

Day predatory birdsoften charged over pastures, there are nearby from human settlements. At the heart of the nutrition, the fall of the late decomposition stage. Easily adapt to any conditions of existence. Birds bring undoubted benefits by performing the mission of Sanitars.


The predator is a small representative of the hawk family. Sexual dimorphism is reflected in the shades of the bird of the bird. Males in the top of gray, chest and abdomen in transverse strips of reddish. Females at the top of the brown color, the bottom of the body whitening, with a pendine. Remarkable feature - White feathers above the eyes, like eyebrows.

Eyes and high feet of the hawk yellow. Restarenits are common in Central, Northern Eurasia. Hunt for small birds in a lightning attack, looking out for prey in the air. Lifestyle depends on the range. The northern populations fly to winter closer to the southern borders of the habitat.


Birds are larger than conifections. Wizards hunting from ambush, eat only fresh prey. Speed \u200b\u200bis gaining in a few seconds. Live in forests of different types, including mountain. Adhere to certain sections. Predator birds Skopina families are represented by the only species.


A major bird predator lives around the world, except for South America, a large part of Africa. It feeds exclusively by fish, so it settles along the rivers, lakes, less often seas. If the reservoirs in the winter freeze, flying to the southern part of the range. Coloring color - dark brown top and snow-white lower part. Tail in transverse strips.

The skill catches the height of long legs, stretched forward. The allocated wings have a characteristic bending in a cranky joint. The outdoor finger of the bird turns freely back, which helps to hold prey. Song feathers protect against water, nasal valves - from diving water.

Falcony family is distinguished by high flight qualities of birds. Klyvi Sokolov with an additional cluster on the cluster. The most famous species are found in South America, South Asia.


Small migratory bird, wintering thousands of kilometers from nesting sites. It dwells on open spaces, preferring raw fields, wetlands. Food in the insects, especially often May beetles. When hunting low plans. The males are painted in a rich gray, the abdomen is light. The females have a redhead head, the lower part of the body. On gray back black stripes pass.

Ordinary emptore

Birds are well adapted in various landscapes. Cannor can be found in the mountains, forest-steppes, deserts, in urban squares, parks. A lot of birds nest in Italy. In winter, their number increases due to migratory individuals.

Color color multicolor. Gray head and tail, redhead back, abdomen light brown, paws yellow. The black drive passes through the tail, dark spots scattered by body. The peculiarity of the penis is the ability to hang in the air in one place with the tail dropped by the wings.


Bird of dense addition, large head. Wings are pointed, like many falconian representatives. Weight of about 1.3 kg. The uniqueness of the feathers - in high-speed qualities. Sapsan is the fastest bird among all living creatures on Earth. In the "peak" speed reaches 300 km / h.

Flight skill allows predators to catch a variety of prey. Sappsan falcon plumage at the top of the black color body. Breast and abdomen light shade, with dark longitudinal stripes. The beaks and paws are yellow. Sapsans live in Australia, Asia, America, Europe.

Most birds focused in the tundra zones. The population of Mediterranean island birds is characterized by a small size, a reddish tint of the abdomen. Fans of falcon hunting often ruin the bird nests, taking the chicks, thereby cutting the number of populations.


The bird represents a variety of small falcon, lives in extensive areas with a temperate climate. Ptahi weight is only 300 gr. Names of predatory birds Sometimes replacing comparisons. So, based on the similarity of the color of Cheglock is often referred to as "Sapsan in miniature".

Birds migrate to long distances in front of seasonal cooling. Prefers broad-sized forests alternating with open spaces. Sometimes birds fly to urban parks, poplar groves. Hunt at twilight time on insects, small ptah.


The second name of the species is the Mediterranean Falcon. A large population is focused on the territory of Italy. In Russia sometimes appears in Dagestan. Prefers rocks, cliffs along the coarse. Lanners are silent enough screams of prey birdsyou can hear only near the nests. Anxiety from a person leads to a decrease in population numbers.


In the detachment of falconous, a large bird is the only representative of his family. The mass of an adult individual is about 4 kg, an increase of 150 cm, the scope of wings over 2 m. There are several versions of the origin of the unusual name of the bird.

The most common explanation in the similarity of the appearance - the color of the bird's plumage resembles a men's suit of the secretary. If you pay attention to the plumbing gait, sticking feathers on the back of the head, the long neck, slender legs in strict "trousers" of black, then becomes clear the birth of the name-image.

Huge wings help to fly perfectly, soar on top. Thanks to the long legs, the secretary runs perfectly, develops speed up to 30 km / h. Missed the appearance of the bird resembles a crane, herrock, but an eagle look, a powerful beak indicate the present essence of the predator.

Inhabit the secretaries only in Africa. Birds live in pairs, keeping loyalty to each other all his life. American vultures are characterized by large sizes, food addiction to fell, soaring flight.


Types of Andean and California Condors are shaking power, sizes. Giant birds of strong physique, in the scope of the wings reach 3 m. Remarkable long naked red neck with a white feathers, hooked beak with leathery earrings.

On the forehead of the males is a meaty increase. The Condor Area is tied to mining systems. Smeted birds can be seen on the protrusions of the rocks, among the high mountain meadows. In the air, they rise with a large runway either take off from rocky ledges. In the planning flight they may not make a single waving wings for half an hour.

Despite the threatening appearance, peaceful birds. Feed the palm, eating a large amount of food about the reserve. Birds are amazing long-livers. In nature, they live 50-60 years, record holders - up to 80 years. Ancient worshiped the Condor as Toten Birds.


The view of the American black cathipa, the second name of the bird, is distributed in the extensive territory of North, South America. The size is inferior to the Condor, the mass does not exceed 2 kg. Head and neck at the top without feathers, the skin is very wrinkled, gray.

Thick paws seem more adapted for running on the ground. Prefer open lowlands, deserted places, sometimes birds look at urban dumps. In addition to fell, they feed on the fruits of plants, including rotten.


The birds consider one of the most common in America. The feature of the turkey grip is a disproportionately small head compared to the bulk body. Feather on the head is almost no, naked leather of red. Color is very dark, almost black.

Some feathers at the bottom of the wings have a silver shade. Vulture-turkey prefer to feed near pastures, agricultural land, looking out for Padal. Acute smell helps to find food in shelters under the branches of shrubs. Birds consider quiet, calm, but sometimes you can hear sounds of prey birdssimilar to grunting or hissing.

Royal Big

The name of birds is justified by impressive appearance, a separate way of life outside the pack. In addition, in the fight against relatives for prey, royal stamps are more often the winners of the fights. Birds attracts Padal, sometimes the diet replenishes the curling fish, small mammals, reptiles.

Night predatory birds,unlike most day-to-hunters, represented by Sovic, Sipukhov species. A special anatomical structure allows you to allocate a special detachment of sophisticated predators.


The rays in the feathers forms the so-called facial disk. All night feathered predators have big eyes from the front of the head. The feature of view is hyperopia. Unlike many birds, owls have ear holes covered with rugs. Acute hearing and smelling acute exceeds human capabilities 50 times.

The bird can watch only forward, but the ability to turn the head to 270 ° provides a complete overview around. Neck is almost not visible. Soft plumage, the abundance of fluff provides a silent flight.

Acute claws, movable outdoor finger, bent back, adapted to hold mining. All owls masking color - a combination of gray-brown-black pendins and white strips.

Ordinary sipuha

Unusual for the appearance of a bird, about whom they say that she has a monkey face. Like a white mask on his head gives mysteriousness of a nightly predator. Body Length Siphuha is only 40 cm. An unexpected meeting at twilight time with a small bird will leave an indelible impression.

Silent movement and sudden appearance - the usual tricks of the predator. The name of the bird received a sapper voice similar to cough. The ability to click the beak hurts horror on night travelers. Happy birds are poured on the branches, indistinguishable among trees.

The variety of predatory birds is represented by species living in almost all corners of the planet. The skill of feathered hunters is honed by nature since the ancient times of the creation of the world.

Painted is made to call birds hunting in flight for their sacrifice. Their characteristic features are excellent vision, as well as strong claws and beaks that serve to capture and kill the target. An important role in the hunt of feathered predators also plays hearing.

Types of prey birds

Birds are divided into two types:

  • day predatory;
  • night predatory.

The daily predatory birds include families

  • hawp;
  • skopina;
  • falcin;
  • secretaries;
  • american vultures.

The nightly predatory birds include a detachment detachment, in which two families are distinguished: Sovic and Sipukhov. The most famous representatives are owls (White, polar, eared, swamp, hawk and others), Filin, Owls and Silles (house, sparrows and others), neuasy (bearded, long-tailed, gray), Sipuha and Slushushki.


Features of the appearance and their influence on lifestyle

Almost all owls have common features. On the big head there are big eyes that seem even more at the expense of the fusion located around them. This is a facial disk. Have a short beak curved shape, at the base of which there are nostrils. These birds have thick and soft plumage, the tail is rectangular, quite large rounded wings, with the help of which it quickly and silently plans and flies. The wings may differ depending on the type: in birds hunting in the forest, they are rather short, and seeking production in open locality - long.

Feet and fingers are covered with feathers to claws, the exception is fish owls. Due to the fact that the front fingers are negotiable, owls can sit on branches, And the presence of long and sharp claws gives them the opportunity to firmly capture their victim. A bright feature that distinguishes them from other birds is the lack of goiter.

Color's color protective, helps relocate on the background of the environment and be practically invisible during the daytime. In the predatory birds of this species living in the forest, the brown shade of feathers, and in the living in coniferous forests, it changes on gray. Sov, living on the plains, feathers brighter, and in the deserts of a redhead. The color of males and females are always the same, the exception is the polar owls. The males have a snow-white color, and females are motley, with a brownish tint.

Owls are nightly birds, hunting in the darkness is helped by acute vision and good hearing. Large eyes from owls look forward, but the ability to turn the head almost 180 degrees provides a wider range of review. Ears are on both sides of the facial diskAnd not all species they are symmetrical, may differ in size or be shifted up or down. These birds have a very large inner ear, as well as a huge number of neurons in the area responsible for the rumor. At the expense of these features of the owls, they will greatly hear their sacrifice at night.

Maja Most nightlife. Exceptions are the house owl and marsh owl. During the Arctic of the Arctic and the polar owls hunt at night during the summer, and in winter they are looking for food in the afternoon. The remaining representatives of the Soviet Day family sleep on the branches, in the crevices of the rocks, in the attic of houses. Separate species are building nests in Norah or earth deepening.

Almost all kinds of owls live all their lives in one place and fiercely guard him from other birds, especially predators. but there are and migrant speciesFor example, marsh owl. The rest can change the habitat only in the absence of food.

These birds feed on mice, rats, rabbits, rainworms, insects, snakes, fish, crustaceans. In rare cases, there may be Padal. Mammals catch on the fly, and fish will wait, sitting on a branch over the water.

Owls are very talkative. In addition to the famous Wuhan, their lexicon includes a large number of other sounds.which they publish when hungry, protect the territory during the reproduction period, etc.

Reproduction of owl

Favorable weather conditions and food have great influence on the reproduction of these night predators. If these factors are performed, the period of reproduction occurs before, the eggs will be more in the nest. Otherwise, there will be 2-3 eggs in the masonry.

Depending on the species, some owls create couples for the rest of their lives, others form a new couple in each subsequent marriage season. For masonry eggs in most cases find nests of other birds, hollow trees, cleft cliffs. Separate species use rodent holes for these purposes or lay eggs in the grass. Alone build nests very rarely. Choosing a suitable place, for several days, the female postpones up to 10-14 eggs. Singing chicks, depending on the species, continues from 24 to 36 days and begins from the date of laying the first egg. Accordingly, the chicks appear within a few days. In the future, there are often cases when older chicks take all the food in difficult time, and the younger starve.

Chicks are born helplessFor 2 week our eyes open. First, the food brings the male, and when the cubs will grow and eat more, the female flies on the hunt. After 20-25 days, the counted is chosen from the nest. Fly is first bad, so far from the nest is not deleted.

The appearance and lifestyle of other nightly predatory birds are very similar to the Soviet, although there are small differences and features.


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