Kit at the mouth of the river. "Tired and sighs loudly": in the Khabarovsk Territory Kit stuck at the mouth of the river (photo, video). As an animal turned out to be imprisoned

In the Khabarovsk Territory from the morning of August 10, they decide how to save the 13-meter Greenland Whale, on the island of Great Chatestant.

In the "trap" mammal fell because of the flock of kitkeeper. But it can not turn around and go to the sea independently, because because of the popular turned out to be on the mel. China's weight scientists estimate about 30-40 tons.

According to the most optimistic forecasts, he can hold a maximum of three days in such a situation.

Deputy Director in the field of environmental protection FGBU "Reserve Amur" Dmitry Grankin, commenting on this situation on the air of the TV channel, explained that Keith went to the mouth around 5 in the morning (August 10) at about a kilometer.

"In the mouth, during the tide, it is possible to go, and then it is splitting, and there is stranded on which Kit and turned out to be. Half it turned around, but he prevented the sister, and he was stuck," Grankin says.

According to him, the wolf to drag whale weighing in tens of tons is impossible - the skin will be soda. Plus, we need a technique that could approach the water, which is also unrealistic.

Now the inspectors, employees of the reserve, dozens of tourist volunteers are on duty near the whale. All of them are trying to alleviate the fate of the stuck whale, which is only half of the water. Waiting for the tide, they watered with water from the hose.

Experts say - the main thing is that he does not dry his eyes. Volunteers consider at the same time that National Park Staffs do not do everything possible in order to facilitate the position of China. In blogs, they write that the animal is very tormented, bloodshed, and it has already begun to emblorict small fish.

According to the latest data, whale was still able to advance to a depth - about 200 meters. Now it is completely in the water, so it is no longer necessary to water it.

However, the animal is injured and expires blood. Apparently, Kit strongly scratched a pebble bottom while he tried to turn towards the sea.

Attacks of Kozatok on whales - not uncommon. Their English name at one time happened from the Spanish "Killer Whales".

Live Cosatki flocks. And the same, the whole packs, pounce on Big China and just tear it into pieces.

In addition, they are still eating dolphins, seals, penguins, can hunt for sharks. Kosyki is distributed practically throughout the world Ocean. In Russia, they usually hunt the Kuril Ridge and the Commander Islands.

Greenlandic whale or polar whale is one of its kind as a subdirector of pretty whales, which lives in the cold waters of the northern hemisphere.

The total number of Greenland whales does not exceed 400 animals.

The maximum length is 20 meters, and the weight of an adult animal is from 75 to 150 tons. Slises such a whale to a depth of 200 meters and can remain under water up to 40 minutes. Life expectancy is about 40 years. This is the only type of messenger whales, conducted all his life in polar waters.

So whale looks in a trap on the island of Great Chatestant in the Khabarovsk Territory. © Photo Instagram @Sansaraband

At the mouth of the river on the island of Big Chamber in the Khabarovsk Territory, 13-meter Greenland Kit was stuck, today the media. That's how it was told about this, for example, TV channel "Russia-24".

Chartarka Islands - Archipelago of 2.5 thousand square kilometers in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

There are 240 species of birds, 30 of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia. On the islands there are fan-bubbling seals - Syvucha and Largy, near the archipelago regularly notice the Greenland whales. Big Shantar is the largest island of the Shagar archipelago. Together with other islands, he is part of the Chartarka Islands National Park.

According to experts, the most terrible thing he passed his weight internal organs. How much in such a situation he can hold out - unknown.

Publication from Sergey Share (@SergeyDolya)

Aug 9 2017 at 11:51 pdt

Instagram Travel-blogger Sergey Shadow.

"We have already talked with scientists who specialize in whales, all of them are quite pessimistic," the Deputy Director in the field of environmental protection of the FGBU "Reserve Amur region" said Dmitry Grankin said.

Whale inflicts injury itself.

Rescuers lack technology, there are only two boats on Greater Chantara. Expand the whale with their help can be a kilometer cable. Dmitry Grankin says that if even such a cable was found, it is unlikely that someone would have decided to attach him to the tale of the mammal. Keith weighs about 70 tons, its length is about 13 meters.

"Whale continuously hits the tail, one movement - and that's it. We have no technical opportunity to help him. We thought to shift it with a helicopter, but it threatens with the crash of the aircraft, "said Dmitry Grankin.

Scientists doubt that whale lives until the morning. "I hope that he will still reach the morning tide. For us, this is a very big trouble. Besides the fact that the animal is a big threat, there is another problem. If it remains across the mouth, the lake will be greatly harmful for a long time, "said Dmitry Grankin.

Video: stuck in the mouth of the Kit River in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk next to Khabarovsk

"We have twilight. Darmest. Water continues to leave. Keith is no longer twitching. Tired. Just lying and sometimes loudly "sighs." Still nobody does anything. Just sitting everything on the shore and watch, "says Travel-blogger Sergey Share, who was on the island of Great Chatestant as part of the Mamont Cup 2017 expedition.

By the way, the frontman of the Yekaterinburg Music Group "Sansara" is also involved in the same expedition, Alexander Gagarin. Snapshots of the situation they are also published in Instagram.

Publication from Sansar / Sansara (@Sansaraband)


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