The story of two ducks. History about two ducks What a duck with the cottages of Medvedev

It has long been known that in Russia the right of ownership is unwritten and it works informally. Usually, discussing this story, remember the legendary phrase of the Moscow mayor that it is not necessary to cover with a piece of paper. The property in Russia can only be owned if the authorities are not against, it is known to everyone. But the same plot involves another perspective: in order to truly own property in Russia, to use it, to be able to transfer it and so on, not necessarily the presence of a formal paper. Of course, a wonderful example here is the so-called Dacha Medvedev in the Ples, about which a new newspaper has already written several years ago and on which the public Foundation of the fight against corruption (FBK) Alexei Navalnya has now again drew.

Natalia Timakova, a spokesman for our Prime Minister, officially explained that the Dacha Medvedev did not belong to the documents and that he also did not rents it. At the same time, for inexplicably reasons, the system of government special community is located at the cottage. From here there is a logical paradox. If Special Communications is equipped with private land and for the private owner, then it is a diversion. If the property is actually a state, then officials seem to be reported to taxpayers. In the Plea, a circle of trotskists are opened, which offer incredible scenarios: Neither private, nor state, but simply there is Medvedev, for whom Special Communications and still house is equipped.

The life of the presumably premiere opener has become a sensation. Her house in the center of the pond, found FBK on the territory of the estate in the Plesa with the help of a quadrocopter, was in the center of attention of social networks. Theoretically, the dodder should cause lunizing, but in the case of Medvedev, on the contrary, all infuriates. The leader of "United Russia" in recent months is pursued, so that everything was recorded: and his dormant in the presidiums, and "no money", and the salaries of teachers. Duck, Medvedev, even the undisputed headliners of the domestic political festival - Dog Shuvalov. Social networks were joking that even Yanukovych had ostriches, as if sorry Medvedev, but actually it is an evil irony. And then, apparently, in the fact that citizens want to know, at whose expense and in whose interests this banquet is held. Who built a six-meter fence, followed by a dust with a specialty.

Owners of the clarification (whoever they are), of course, adhere to another system of values. Do not butt this case - to shove your quadcopters into our affairs. Approximately this is the agenda of these noble donov. Especially beautiful this is obtained from the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechina (the editors does not have documents about whether Schachina duck and a house for it). This statesman and businessman won the lawsuit against the newspaper Vedomosti. And now the publication is obliged to refute the information that Sechin allegedly builds a house on Rublevsky highway. And - in accordance with the famous refined taste of the plaintiff - to destroy the newspaper's paper rooms with the corresponding publication.

The reason for the claim was associated with the violation of the "Vedomosti" the rights of Igor Ivanovich for a privacy. It turns out that today Russia is arranged something like this: no one officially owns nothing. The only reliable exception is a dock for a clarification, but provided that there is a specialty center. However, talking about it - it means to break out the enemy the state secret, also known as the privacy of the best husbands of Russia.

Okay, let's talk about ducks. I have a very instructive job on this topic.

Against the background of the British duck scandal, what is happening with us looks even more wildly. Huge costs 30 billion rubles and financed by gas oligarchs.

What is installed there a useless zone.

Well, a lot of things revealed interesting, including chopped birch groves because of the "Allergy of Ilyushi Medvedev".

And what? And nothing.

Well, everything is clear to me with the authorities, prosecutors and deputies.

Well, the press something? Even the remaining independent media are not able to keep something in focus of attention more than one day. Not to mention the development of the plot.

Dear Russian journalists, do you think Cameron demanded the resignation of Wiggers, because was it very indignant by the house? Yes No - it simply crushed him. Endless publications, they created such a background and such an intensity of the pressure that the British Prime Minister was forced to do what the public wants from him.

Great topic. Beautiful pictures. Traffout. Clicks. Interesting. Socially useful. But anyway, no one does anything.

Okay. This is not a post with complaints about journalists. This is a post that in beautiful Russia the future incident of the duck house will be resolved as in Britain, and not as we have now.

The fact is revealed --- media and public opinion are put on politicians - policies are resigned.

It appeared thanks to the film-investigation of the Foundation for the fight against corruption about the secretary dacha Medvedev, in whose territory they noticed a pond with a duck house. Since then, Duck, Medvedev, has become a symbol of Putin's regime and excessive spending of government representatives. Rubber yellow ducks have become often used on opposition rallies.


On September 15, 2016, an investigation into the secret cottage of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Mland was an investigation into Utub-Channel, Alexei Navalny. Quadcopter flew through a 6-meter fence and removed a huge complex of buildings, some of which are historical, ski descent with lifts and much more.

But most of all the attention of social network users attracted a pond with a small house, which the authors of the film signed as "Cepecling House".

The fact of the presence of a "house for a clarification" on an equally impressive dacha premiere caused a serious resonance among the Russian population. In andnoterly reacted to this instantly, began to joke on Twitter, but then this topic appeared in Facebook and Vkontakte.

The famous cartoonist Sergey Eklin joked on the topic of the clarift Medvedev.

In March 2017, another investigation of FBK about Medvedev was published :. The name of the film has become a meme, and the investigation into corruption schemes and illegal income of the prime minister caused a wave of protests throughout Russia. One of their characters of all these rallies became yellow rubber clarops.


"Dwill Medvedev" - a symbol of the exorbitant luxurious life of a state official. In a country where thousands of people live in poverty, the presence of a clarification of the Prime Minister of his own house caused great indignation. It is also important that Alexey Navalny applied this information in the ironic vein, to which great public attention was riveted.

After rubber claritions began to massively appear on opposition rallies, Dwill Medvedev became peculiarsymbol of protest movements in Russia.


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