White droind, chrome mule and beauty with gold hair. Black Drozd - Bird. Report with photos and video White Drozd

Drozdovy, the family of frozard. Biological group - harmful birds.

Females and males have the same coloring, in which white, black, gray-bluish and reddish shades are present. A body is 25-28 cm long, a wing length of 15 cm, a mass of about 100 g. Here is such a, Drozda Rubbinnik. Photos well demonstrates it.

Prefers to dwell on the edges of deciduous and coniferous forests, near the floodplain thickets, in urban parks, gardens and household plots. Distributed almost everywhere. The most non-empty of all throwns.

Bird is omnivorous. In the spring and summer, it feeds mainly insects, worms, snails, winter and autumn - berries, fruits, seeds. It can be fed like both trees and earth.

Special preference in winter, these thrills give rowan. No wonder they were so called. With abundant yield, birds can stay for a long time in one place until all berries will oversee. Drozd Rubbinnik - the main distributor of seeds of these plants. Having been in the gastrointestinal path of the bird, the seeds of the germination do not lose.

A flock, laid on a rowan tree dispersed on it. Tearing and swallowing berries, birds are relatively evenly cleans the tree from the fruits. Part of the berries falls on the ground, and they are not lazy to descend to raise the damned. Then on the snow (if it lies) their traces are well visible. By the way, Ryabinnikov has the greatest traces of all thrown.

Drozd Rubbinnik - the bird is migratory, nomadic, stained. Above the colonies in which there can be up to 30 pairs. Nests - deep durable bowls, retained from thin twigs, herbs and attached to clay soil. They are constructed in the developments of the thick branches of trees and shrubs, at different heights.

Sometimes the colonies are ruined by the corners, jokes, forty. But the rowankers do not inactive, they protect their nests, "shelling" enemies with litter. This is a serious weapon, since pollution is so strong that the birds with glued feathers can not fly. People who fell into the colony can also go.

During the summer period, the female lays eggs twice. In the masonry there are from 4 to 7 eggs of interesting color - greenish with brown splashes. The protection of the nest and female takes on the male. Chicks are pinched together. The chicks for the first 12-14 days are carried out in the nest, then fly out of it, but they are absolutely not prepared for independent life. Parents continue to patronize them, fed, teach fly.

The young woman is knocked down in the flock and wagging, looking for a place for feeding. Later in their ranks are the second broods. By autumn, large flocks are formed, which includes both young and adult birds.

Drozd Rubbinnik can harm berry planting, garden strawberry including. Some part of the berries they eat, but a much larger quantity. They damage the currants, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, juniper, viburnum, cranberry, cherries, pears, apples. Great harm, these birds cause nurseries engaged in breeding especially valuable and new varieties of fruit and berry crops. In some states, even the shooting of Drozdov was allowed during a certain period of the year.

Drozhda's singing is unpleasant, cracker, stringing. Because of these sounds, the bird is not suitable for maintenance at home.

Drozd - a well-known singer and a berry thief, who, although it is a purely forest bird, but already so used to man that it is happy to organize his popular concerts in urban green areas. His song is especially good in the quiet evenings or in the morning.

Spring or early summer singing heard and nights. In the virtuoso bird singing, experts allocate up to 20 knees (more than at nightinga). With the advent of chicks, Drozd sings little, but nenetal. About your presence, the bird often reminds relatives of characteristic sounds: "Tax-Tax".

Pictures: Male Drozda - black. Female and young frozards of brown-ripped coloring.

In Russia, there are about two dozen species representing a family of Drozdov, among which black thrush is particularly distinguished. The male of this species is distinguished by a matte coal-black plumage, yellow-orange beak and characteristic rings around the eyes. Young, only the focused birds and females are distinguished by a brown plumage and a light breast (in young - Pepling). Drozda has a very movable tail, twitching indicates a state of anxiety.

Drozd is a migratory bird. Departure to wintering stretches over time, so it happens unnoticed. Birds usually arrive alone or small pieces. Warm edges fly away in September, but in the rich in the berries years - much later. Nests are arranged on earth, trees, stumps. Sometimes in the hollows, the roots of fallen trees, pile of twigs. At the same time, the nest is well hidden from predators. Female 1 - 2 times a year calls 3 - 7 eggs. Thanks to its painting, the bird in the nest is invisible. The male periodically briefly replaces the female on the laying. After two weeks, helpless chicks appear, which parents feed berries and insects. If you are lucky, then in the nest of a thrush with a special pride brings worms, mollusks, slugs, ants and even lizards and frogs.

A photo. White thrush.

White Drozd (Siberian) is common in Siberia and Sakhalin, Honsu and Hokkaido Islands. A timid bird lives in wet coniferous and mixed forests. Singing White Drozda - double whistling and quiet, gentle chirping. Nest usually in mountain forests and on taiga plains. The nest is twisted on the trees or on the bushes. In the masonry - up to 6 eggs bluish color with pendins.

A photo. Nest of Drozda.

A photo. Drozda.

Video where you can listen to the singing of the birds of the Drozd.

View: Drozd - TURDUS.
Family: Drozdovy
Squad: Sparrows
Class: Birds
A type: Chordovy
Subtype: Vertebrae
Bird length - about 23 cm
Weight - no more than 90 grams
Life expectancy: Up to 15 years

We all love nightingale trills. This is sweet music, immersing us in romantic memories. But if you were heard how the thrushes sing (straight line from the song), they would fall in love with the repertoire of this hollow feathered singer. Still would. Drozd can eclipse, for which they cliches his forest saltworker.


Bird Drozd, photo and description of this bird you will find further in the article, lives in Asia, Europe and America.

Birds are thermal-loving, that is, migrate, so winter is preferred in southern latitudes.

Interesting! In the second half of the 19th century, Drozdov was brought to Australia. They liked it there so much that they decided to occupy New Zealand. So these birds now do not except in Cold Antarctica and hot Africa.


In nature, more than 60 types of throsts are known. Here is some of them:

  • Black Drozd.
  • Ryabinnik
  • Belobrovik
  • Singe Drozd.
  • Shudyaba
  • Red Drozd.
  • Chernozey Drozd.
  • White Drozd.
  • Pale Drozd
  • Brown Drozd.
  • Olive Drozd.
  • Siberian Drozd
  • Redhead Drozd.
  • Golden Drozd

Interesting! A song repertoire Drozda has more than 85 trill. This means that such singing cannot be bored or bored. Some lovers of these songbirds even write singing on the voice recorder to meditate and relax under these sounds.

Black Drozd, Belobrovik, Sing Drozd, Drozd-Rubberbon - Bird Ommport. There are bugs and worms - she will eat them. No - it will eat berries, fruits, seeds


What does a bird of Drozd look like - a photo will show differences in the color of different birds: blue or motley drosh, black or singer. After all, every subspecies has its own distinctive signs.

  • Females belobrovik pale males. And those have a drowned with a green tump of a leaf on the back and dark spots below. Wings (bottom feathers) and breasts on the sides are cast rust. The name of the variety gave a strip, located above the eye - it is light yellow with a whitish tint.
  • Sovchego Drozda It is possible to recognize on a chocolate or gray-tone tail, head (vertex) and back, white tummy and yellowish sides. The breast at the singer Drozda seems to be dressed with brown strokes.
  • Black Drozd. - Bird, whose photo is known, for sure, not many. Looks like a male on a tank, the same black, only the plumage is not glossy, and the matte, and the beak bright yellow, even orange. But in size he is less than twice and smoothly at the same time larger than the sparrow. The female is not black, but a dark gray, there are specks on the back.
  • Drozd-Rubernik It has white abdomen and bottom feathers on the wings, a dark brown back and a brown-black tail and wings. Boc and breasts are motley.
  • White Drozd. It looks like black - also black plumage, but there is a white strip on the chest, which distinguishes this type.
  • W. moto Drozda Gray-blue head, orange abdomen and tail, white stripe on the back. And in winter, the bird loses orange color and becomes gray. The females of the motley drosh are similar to males in winter (gray): they have a white neck and gray with a brown head of the head.
  • Dremat. He has a white abdomen with specks, white lower wings, brown with a gray back. Tail long. The females are surprisingly similar to males, that is, there is no dimorphism about sexual sign.
  • Blue Drozd. It has a grayish blue plumage, black tail and wings. The female of another color - she is drowned with motley splashes.

These are just some varieties of thrills, most common in our latitudes.

Key Features

Eats a singing thrush preferably on Earth and moves with jumps: sat down - jumped, again sat down - jumped again. When it stops, I thoughtfully inclined my small head of the side, listening, is not the enemy. But in fact, so he tries to consider where the worm is located or the bug - the eyes are not in front of him, but on the sides of the head.


The diet of the drosets consists of butterflies, rainworms, caterpillars, insects. At the same time, it depends on the time of year. So, in the spring it is rainworms, in the summer - caterpillars, closer to autumn - seeds and fruits. Some species (white stuffing) eat snails, mollusks, insect larvae, helping thus riding plants and trees from pests.

It is interesting to eat snails. They clamp the beak shell and beat it on the stone. Ornithologists on the remnants of the shells near the stones understand that there is a nesting barrier nearby.


Dark places for Drozda nests prefer to avoid, and therefore build them in the form of a bowl in the bushes on the edge or near the forest glade. For the year, the female rushes up to five times 4 - 5 eggs. Two weeks later appear from eggs chicks. Both parents take part in the education, feeding of chicks.

Interesting! Drozda - very bold creatures. They rush to enemies if they encroach on their nests and offspring. However, if the enemy is a major or stubborn, female or male pretending to be hit and, whimping, making away, lubricating the enemy away from home.

With the onset of cold, frozard are going to large flocks and go to the south to go.

Drozdov, like Solovyov, are often caught and kept in cells. Someone - to listen to singing. It happens, a chick is found or a baked bird. After feeding or treatment, they can no longer return to the natural environment, and it remains to live in a person. These birds begin to breed.

Catch the best in the spring when tired and hungry frozard return from the south home, and before they are tuned sockets. Each ornithologist has its tricks, but they are in focusing: harvesting worms, insects, ant eggs. Then, when Drozda understands that it is in this place that there is food, you can put a cache.

Tip: consider - do not catch a Drozda from once, you will need to wait for a year. Drozda is very incredulous and well remember a dangerous place.

And here - Drozda caught. The cell should be wooden so that the ptah does not hurt, and is covered with a cloth - also for safety. Cell size - 40x80x55 cm (approximately). Do not forget to set drinking, barbell and feeder. A month later, Drozda can be relocated in a permanent home.

The permanent habitat should be rectangular and practically deaf: the facial side is lattice, all other sides are deaf. So the bird will feel calmer and will start singing before.

To feed Drozdov, you need twice a day with food for insectivorous birds or mild worms (up to 10 pieces per day), ant eggs, rainworms (5 pieces per day). You can prepare a hot salt mixture: grated carrots, crushed white crumbs, cottage cheese and boiled eggs. Vegetables, fruits, fruits - give, as an additive.

With a good terms, you can hear uncertainty. Do not make sure, and after the end of the song, feed the artist in gratitude. Thus, you can save the singer's favor.

Those who have not yet heard the singing of thrills, we suggest listening to one of the incredible beauty of the Ary.

Drozd (lat. TURDUS) - Bird, which refers to the detachment of sparrow. There are 62 species to the droproind family, about 20 species are found in Russia. The most common - singing thrush, its mass reaches 55-100 grams, the body length is 21-25 cm. The back and tail are painted into a chocolate brown color with silver divorces. The abdomen is white, the sides of the motley. The chest is yellowish, with dark brown spots, the zone under the wings reddish. Young color is more dull, sexual dimorphism is not expressed.

photo: Singe Drozd. It is he who has the most beautiful vocal among Drozdov.

Drose Belobrovik less, its mass rarely exceeds 60 grams. The back is painted in the olive-brown color, the zone under the wings and the sides of the chest reddish, above the eyes are "eyebrows", pigmented in Belish-Yellow, so the bird received such a name.

photo: Drozard Belobrovik

Black Drozd is completely black, the beak is bright orange.

photo: Black Drozd. He is also a good vocalist.

The white thrush is very similar to the black rod, but there is a distinct white strip on the chest, the beak is pigmented by orange.

photo: White Drozd

Also common with a rower, red droid, deryaba, red, gray, olive, Siberian, Golden and other species. What do different types of frozards look like you can look at the video below.

Distribution, Nutrition, Nesting Drozdov

Basically, drosses are powered by various caterpillars, butterflies, insects, rainworms. They can also peck ripe berries and fruits on trees.

photo: Black Drozd with Prey

Fitting chicks, representatives of this species destroy many insects: every day they have to fly in search of food for the offspring of 200 or more times.

photo: Singe Drozd for feeding chicks

The nests of the Drozda can be seen on trees, shrubs, hemps, often next to the forest canopy or on the edge, dark birds avoid. The nest of the birds are built in the form of a bowl of thin twigs, roots, leaves, pieces of moss, from the inside it is uncooked by clay. Basically, females make two masonry per year: 5-6 and 4-5 eggs, respectively, they cause chicks of 13-15 days. Feed offspring both parents.

photo: Singe Drozd in a spacious cage

At home, it is recommended to contain drosses in large cells, from 70 cm long. To equip them with a house, strangers, drinkers, toys. You can give the birds soft feed, grated vegetables, cottage cheese, berries, fruits, cereals, bread, flour and other worms. In captivity, they also breed, but in aviaries.

  • These birds are interested in moving: jumps, slightly squeezing;
  • Distributed in Europe, America, Asia, for the winter fly by flocks south;
  • The most popular for breeding species are: singing and black frost - there are beautiful voices in such individuals, they were even called "forest nightingales";
  • To dare enemies from the nest, the thrushes are attacked. If the tactic does not work, the bird is pretending to be patient and chrome and takes a predator away from the nest;
  • Dreams bold, but cautious birds. One day, a deceived individual will never fall into the same trap.

See photos of different types of drokes and listen to the voice of the singing rod

Drozdda - small birds from the detachment of sparrow, widespread in Eurasia and America. Drozda is not afraid of frosts, so the nestings arrive at the places very early, they fly away later than other types of birds, and with the abundance of the feed remains in moderate latitudes. These are singing birds, and black and singing frozards are considered unsurpassed singers.

Birds are nesting with separate pairs or colonies, depending on the weather they can postpone 2 masonry. In the sump there are from 3 to 7 chicks. They feed the frozard with various insects, spiders and worms, during the harvest period will not be given to fruits and berries. On the ground moves a step or jump, highly lifting the tail.

On the photo, Drozda look very different: the genus of real throwns is included in the family of drokes and forms 62 species of birds with the most diverse color of the plumage.

Bird, known for its measured, melodic singing, where low trills and a ringing whistle are interspersed with sound-like by other birds.

The magnitude of the singing throst is from 21 to 25 cm with a weight of 55 - 100 g. The back, tail and painting of birds painted into a chocolate brown with a gray bloom. White belly and yellowish chest sweeps well-pronounced brown pendins. The males and females of the look look equally.

Pevichy Drozd is widespread in most European countries, in Asia Minor and Siberia. Birds will fall in a wide variety of biotopes, but prefer forests and forest-steppes with a predominance of ate, fir and juniper.

The basis of the power of the black thrush is insects, fruits and berries appear in the diet.

Males arrive at the nesting places. The pair is formed after the marriage ritual, when the male with the disheveled feathers jumps around the female, and she meets him like a dance. The nest is based on small trees, at an altitude of up to 3 m above the ground and is a neat bowl of dry grass and moss, firmly elbowed ground. In contrast to other species, singing drosses carefully "plastering" the nests from the inside of clay and a pipe, abundantly lubricated saliva and do not linger the tray with a bedding. Their eggs are distinguished by a bright blue color in a rare speck. In the nest there are from 3 to 6 eggs, some couples bring offspring 2 times per season.

The singing thrush is much easier to hear in a characteristic voice than to see.
Fingering Drozd in autumn bushes.
The singing rod sings on a tree branch.


This is a large thrush, up to 27 cm long and a body weight about 140 g. Summary like a deryab looks like the same motley singer. The spoke of birds painted in a gray-brown color, belly white with bright bright pepins, tiering too white. The females and males are painted equally.

Shrimps build nests high above the ground, in the development of thick busts. In the masonry there are from 4 to 6 light eggs, which are based on 14 days. Another 2 weeks, the chicks are completely fascinated, but some time feeds at the expense of parents.

Bird, famous for the name of the Belobrow Drozd, Drozd-Oreke and Just Belobrovik. Representatives of the form are easy to distinguish on a wide pale yellow "eyebrows", which are especially noticeable in the photo of the Belobrovik.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe species covers Northern Europe and Asia, the birds are flying to the south, right up to Africa.

The length of the Belobrovik is about 22 cm with a body weight of up to 60 g. Spin the birds olive-buoyan with pendins. Belubo lighter, the lower crumbling feathers of the wing and the side surfaces of the chest are painted in rusty-red color.

Belobroviki will be searched in bright deciduous forests with a predominance of birch and fir forests, dense old forests avoid. The diet of birds includes insects and rainworms.

Belobrovik's nests are always located close to the Earth, on the lower branches of shrubs, in the thickets of grass and drunk stumps. On a durable basis, the nest looks solid and massive, on the chisture is elegant, on the ground. The tray occurs from 3 to 6 eggs, repeated laying is usually smaller. Parents feed off, throwing whole beams of rainwoods into the nest. The chicks are very movable and after 10 - 12 days after hatching, they are quickly running on the ground under the supervision of parents.

This poultry of about 22 cm and a wing length of 12 cm can be found in a blunt-gray back, lighter belly and brownish legs. Females and young individuals are distinguished by olive-brown color with reddish sides, light belly, throat in the pendents and bright yellow-orange legs and cervals.

Single-color drosses live on the extensive territory of South Asia from Nepal to Pakistan and make seasonal migration to Central Europe.

The nests of the bird are shuting on the trees, in the masonry there are 3 - 4 pale green eggs in fine scorch.

Birds are famous for their charming melodic vocals, resembling the sounds of a sad flute that can be heard at dawn and twilight.

Black Drozd is a large bird, its length together with the tail is about 26 cm when the body weight until 125. Males are distinguished by a completely black color of the plumage, yellow-orange beak and the ring around the eyes. Females and young copies brown, darkened, with light throat and belly.

Black strokes are widespread in Europe, in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Birds inhabit both deciduous and coniferous forests and city gardens and parks. Feed insects, rainworms, with pleasure, use berries and plants seeds.

The nests are built high on trees or practically on earth, the inhabitants of cities can arrange a nest in a flower box on the balcony or in the garden bucket. The masonry contains from 4 to 7 greenish blue eggs covered with spots and brown brown strokes.

Dinner of black brozda.

This is a typical inhabitant of South America from Uruguay to Bolivia, as well as the official symbol of Brazil. Wintering redheads in the tropics, and with the onset of heat migrate to moderate latitudes.

The length of the body of birds is about 25 cm. Females and males painted into the same brown color with rusty-red belly and white throat. The beak of birds is yellow, some individuals around the eyes are yellow circles.

The diet of redbryuhi drokes equally includes insects and worms, as well as the fruits of many tropical plants. By walking guava, papaya, cherries and oranges of birds sprinkle untouched seeds, thereby spreading fruit plants.

The nests are located at an altitude of up to 4.5 m above the ground, the laying consists of 2-6 bright colutative eggs, the extension lasts about 13 days.

These birds live and nest throughout North America and are familiar inhabitants of gardens and parks. Separate representatives of the species are sometimes noted in Europe.

The magnitude of adult birds 20 is 28 cm with a body weight around 77. The head, back, tail and the top of the wings are painted in black or dark gray. Belly and chest red-orange, white throat. Eyes are circled with an intermittent white ring, which is well noticeable on the photo of the Drozda.

During the period of reproduction, the base of the diet is all sorts of beetles, ants and butterflies. In the fall, the berries of the suma, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries prevail.

For the nest of the bird choose the fork of trees, thick shrubs or a niche of buildings, located not higher than 7 m above the ground. In the masonry there are from 3 to 6 pure blue eggs. Depending on the weather, the pair can bring offspring 3 times per season.


One of the most common types of Drozdov, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich goes throughout Europe, in Central Asia and North Africa.

Pestro ripples painted: head and dummy gray, spin brown, sneakers and belly white, chest sweated with bright pendins. This is a large bodies with a body length 25 - 28 cm and weighing up to 130 g.

Unlike most relatives, the rowangers nest do not separately, but with colonies of 30 - 40 pairs, drawing up the nests on the edges of the forests and in the park areas. The masonry contains from 4 to 7 pale green eggs in a brown spot. For the season, the couple has time to bring offspring 2 times.

The birds received their name through collective eating mature rowan. Representatives of the form are pretty militant and defending themselves or offspring, the stone is rushed from height on people and animals or abundantly shells the lack of guests.

Drozd Rubbinnik on rowan.
Drozda Rubbinniki on rowan.
Drozd Rubbinnik mining Ryabin.
Drozda Rubbermen in winter feed rowan.
Drozda Rubbinnik with a berry rowan in the beak.

To date, most types of drocers are quite numerous and the state of their populations does not cause concerns.


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