Who is involved in the certification of workplaces. General provisions on certification of workplaces. The mechanism for conducting a special assessment of workplaces at the enterprise

02.10.18 133 341 6

Amazing business adventure with salaried employees

By December 31, 2020, everyone with an employee must conduct a special job assessment.

Natalia Human

made a special estimate

The legislator established a five-year transition period for the phased implementation of the SOUT - it ended on December 31, 2018. Therefore, employers had to conduct a special job assessment before January 1, 2019. But those who performed SAUT in 2015 must undergo the procedure again until December 31, 2020, because the special assessment is carried out at least once every five years.

This article is for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs, because the large ones themselves know everything.

In fact, it is not enough to conduct a special assessment - you still need to fill out a declaration and submit it to the labor inspection. And here the nuances begin.

This spring I was doing a special appraisal at a small real estate agency. It was necessary to evaluate four office spaces located in the center of St. Petersburg, I had a spare time. As a result, I paid R 6,000 for the assessment of four jobs and was satisfied. I'll tell you in order.

What is a special assessment of working conditions

SAUT is an assessment of workplaces: experts determine harmful production factors and assess how the indicators in production correspond to the standards.

There is a law according to which organizations with workers must conduct a special assessment of workplaces, abbreviated as SOUT. Based on its results, the class of working conditions is determined. Depending on the class, fees are counted, special clothing is purchased or, for example, additional lamps are installed.

When conducting a special assessment, harmful factors are evaluated, not aesthetics. The expert will pay attention to noise, dust or lack of light, but not to the color of the walls or the quality of door hardware. They can also measure the severity of labor, chemical, biological factors. But usually this applies to complex manufacturing enterprises.

Are they strangling business with checks again?

A special assessment of working conditions is, let's face it, a headache. A lot of fuss, pieces of paper and formalities.

But it also has a meaning: SOUT helps to make sure that employees work in normal conditions, they have something to breathe, radioactive lime is not poured on them, and their eyes do not flow out of the dusk in the office.

Who should conduct

Any business in which employees work should evaluate jobs. All places where people work are subject to assessment: in the office, in the kitchen, in the cafe, in the sewing workshop and in the furniture industry.

The assessment is carried out by specialized firms. An expert of such a company comes to the office or production site, checks everything, and then writes a report. Based on this report, you fill out and submit a declaration to the labor inspectorate.

Who Shouldn't Assess Working Conditions

Companies without employees. Let's say the only employee in the company is the CEO. He works from home, because there is no office space. Then there is no subject of assessment, which means that it is not needed.

If an individual entrepreneur does not have employees, then nothing needs to be evaluated either.

Companies without jobs - all employees are remote. There is no need to evaluate the workplaces of telecommuters and home-based workers: if, for example, a designer or seamstress works at home and this is spelled out in their employment contract, there is no need to evaluate. There is no need to evaluate vacancies - this is when there is a place, but no one works there.

Ordinary people. The procedure does not apply to individuals: if you have a private chef or personal assistant, whom you pay as an individual, then you do not need to carry out the procedure either.


Sometimes a special estimate is needed, but a declaration is not needed: this mainly applies to all kinds of industries, cafes and restaurants. Or any business where harmful or dangerous factors are found - here you need to act differently, but this is a topic for a separate article.

What is the time frame for the special assessment

The special assessment should be carried out at least once every five years. For example, if you performed SAUT in August 2015, you must go through the procedure again no later than August 2020. And you will have 30 working days from the date of approval of the report to complete and submit a declaration for the SAWS.

Responsibility for failure to carry out a special assessment - a fine of up to 200,000 RUR

For those who do not want to make a special estimate, there are penalties. First time:

  • the general director or individual entrepreneur will pay from 5,000 to 10,000 R;
  • legal entity - from 60,000 to 80,000 rubles.

A repeated violation (failure to conduct a special assessment of working conditions) will cost:

  • the general director - a fine from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles or disqualification (ban) to lead for a period of 1 to 3 years;
  • a legal entity will have to respond with an amount of 100,000 to 200,000 RUR or with a suspension of activities for a maximum of 90 days;
  • The individual entrepreneur will pay a fine as a general director - up to 40,000 R, but his activities will be suspended as a company.

How often and how much SOUT works

The validity period of the SOUT declaration is 5 years. We count from the date on which information about the assessment results is entered into the accounting information system. In most cases, this period will be automatically extended for another 5 years. But the assessment will need to be repeated if:

  1. An employee suffered an industrial accident.
  2. An employee was diagnosed with a disease that appeared due to harmful or dangerous factors at work.
  3. During the inspection, the labor inspectorate revealed violations of labor protection standards.
  4. In these cases, in addition to the termination of the declaration of conformity, it will be necessary to conduct an unscheduled special assessment of working conditions. Another unscheduled special assessment will be required if new jobs have appeared or the office has changed. From January 1, 2020, the employer can also conduct an unscheduled audit if the employee sends him comments and objections regarding the results of the special assessment at his workplace.

Procedure for assessing working conditions

For myself, I divided the whole process into three steps:

Preparation - selection of a contractor, collection of documents. Carrying out - research and receiving documents from the organization. Submission of reports - filling out a declaration, notifying employees. Let's take a closer look at each of the steps.

Select an executor, issue an order and approve the list of places

Workplaces are evaluated by special people who have the equipment and knowledge for this. An entrepreneur cannot do it for himself. The contractor must have accreditation - it can be checked on the website of the Ministry of Labor.

Immediately - in the section "Register of experts of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions" - you can check the certification of an expert who will conduct the SAWS.

  1. The total number of places - the less, the more expensive.
  2. Office location - going to the industrial zone on the outskirts of the city will be more expensive.
  3. The complexity of the assessment - if you are evaluating not an office, but, for example, a garment production, then additional measurements of noise and severity of the labor process will be required, it will be more expensive.
  4. Urgency.

I called a dozen companies, chose three with a normal price for me, checked that they had accreditation, and then remembered in which company out of three they spoke to me more friendly on the phone. I signed a standard contract with this company.

In parallel with the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to create a commission to conduct a special assessment of working conditions. It sounds loud, but in fact, you need to draw up and sign an order with the CEO, which lists the composition of the commission from the company's employees.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to draw up and sign with the commission a list of places that are subject to assessment, and draw up a schedule for the SAUT. The schedule does not have any fixed form, you draw it up like all other internal documents.

Neither the order, nor the schedule, nor the list of places need to be handed over anywhere. They are kept along with other documents in a fat daddy at the accountant's. This is how these documents look at me.

The order, schedule and list were drawn up personally by me, for example. The design may differ from yours. It is not regulated in any way, but the documents themselves must be for order.

Obtaining an opinion

There are two stages in the assessment of workplaces: identification, and then measurements and research.

Identification. First, the expert examined the premises, talked with employees and their immediate supervisor: for example, he asked how much time they spend at the computer. The challenge was to understand what the workflow is and what measurements or research would be required.

You agree on the time in advance - it is important that the employees are at their workplaces and the commission members indicated in the order are present. The expert will need to show:

  1. The list of jobs and the jobs themselves.
  2. Working hours of employees.
  3. Equipment that employees work with.

After the examination, the expert said that there would be one factor to measure - illumination. The commission agreed and we set a date for a new meeting.

Measurements and research. An expert comes and takes measurements at the workplace. In our office it was necessary to measure the "parameters of the light environment": is there enough light in the room to work at the computer. For the study, the expert brought a light meter and measured the level of artificial lighting.

The expert described the results in the measurement protocol and set the class of working conditions. In total, there are 4 classes of working conditions:

  1. Optimal (first class).
  2. Allowed (second grade).
  3. Harmful (third class), there are also subclasses.
  4. Dangerous (fourth grade).

The class influences the level of guarantees and compensations provided to workers engaged in production with harmful factors. We have set the second class in our office - these are acceptable working conditions.

The expert enters the class of working conditions into the map, and then makes a report. The deadline for preparing the report is specified in the contract. In my case, the contract stipulated 30 calendar days after the receipt of our payment, and I received the documents exactly on time.

The report should contain:

  1. Information about the organization evaluating workplaces, copies of the accreditation certificate and the scope of accreditation.
  2. The list of workplaces where the assessment was carried out, with a listing of the detected harmful factors.
  3. Research and measurement protocols.
  4. Special grade cards.
  5. Consolidated statement of results of SOUT and summary table of classes of working conditions.
  6. List of recommended actions to improve conditions, if necessary.
  7. Expert opinion.

The report must be approved and signed by the chairman and members of the commission.

Submit a declaration

The expert gives you a report for approval, and you sign it. In our case, we received the conclusion on May 15, and on May 16 it was signed by the CEO. Within three business days after approval, you must inform the organization that evaluated the jobs by any means available. We have emailed a scan of the signed report cover page.

After that, the organization conducting the SAUT sends a report on the special assessment to the FSIS (Federal State System for Recording the Results of the SAUT) and informs the customer about it within three working days. All these actions - during the term of the contract.

A declaration of conformity is submitted in places where nothing harmful and dangerous was found. There are exceptions, for example, for medical, pedagogical workers, for the list of exceptions, see paragraph 6 of Art. 10 of Law 426-FZ. The employer is obliged to submit the declaration. The deadline for submission is 30 working days from the date of approval of the report.

You need to serve in Rostrud:

  1. personally;
  2. by mail in a valuable letter with a list of attachments and delivery notification;
  3. if you have a qualified electronic signature, you can fill out the declaration directly on the Rostrud website.

Results of assessment of working conditions

The organization that conducted the SAWS draws up the assessment results in the form of a report.

What to do after the SOUT

Working conditions classWhat an employer should doExamples ofNormative base
Pay additional contributions to the FIUMaximum tariff - 8% of salary in hazardous conditionsclause 3 of Art. 428 Tax Code
Provide workers with guarantees and compensation- If the working conditions are dangerous or of the third - fourth degree of hazard - reduce the working time;
- if the working conditions are dangerous or of the second - fourth degree of hazard, provide an additional annual paid leave;
- increase wages
nn. 6 p. 1 art. 7 of Law No. 426-FZ
Improve working conditions for employees- Install protective and signaling devices;
- to reduce gas pollution, dustiness of the air;
- improve lighting
nn. 6 p. 2 art. 4 of Law No. 426-FZ
Provide employees with personal and collective protective equipment nn. 3 p. 1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 426-FZ
Provide workers with milk or other equivalent food art. 222 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Second or first class: acceptable or optimal working conditionsMonitor working conditions and promptly eliminate factors that may affect the level of safety- Timely change burnt out bulbs;
- monitor the state of ventilation;
- provide cleaning
nn. 1, 4 p. 1 art. 7 of Law No. 426-FZ

Fourth or third grade: hazardous or harmful working conditions

What an employer should do

Pay additional contributions to the FIU

Maximum tariff - 8% of salary in hazardous conditions

What an employer should do

Provide workers with guarantees and compensation

Certification of workplaces for working conditions is mandatory procedure for all employers. Evasion of it entails the onset of administrative responsibility. When carrying out certification, it is important to observe all stages of the procedure and take into account many nuances.

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What it is?

Attestation of working conditions is a series of activities, aimed at identifying harmful, hazardous production factors at the enterprise.

If such problems are discovered during certification, the leaders of the organization have the opportunity to take measures to bring the working conditions of employees in accordance with existing state standards.

Certification must be carried out with a certain frequency - once every 5 years. Are subject to examination all workplaces in the organization without exception.

During certification, the employer is checked for the following basic conditions for organizing the work of employees:

Watch a detailed video about certification of workplaces:

Legislative regulation

At the moment in the legislation the generally accepted term "certification of workplaces" has been replaced with a new concept - SOUT (special assessment of working conditions)... The term is used in professional circles, but in practice the concept of "certification of workplaces" is still used.

The main legislative act regulating the issue of attestation, is № 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions." According to this law, every employer must carry out systematic certification of workplaces in order to identify possible violations, dangerous and harmful factors.

Such checks allow improve security workers and improve their working conditions.

Who is undergoing the procedure?

Certification is aimed at assessing the organization of work in a particular enterprise, for this reason officials are responsible for the results of the audit, whose responsibilities include ensuring proper working conditions in the organization.

With a small number of employees (less than 50 people), the following can be responsible for labor protection:

  • head of the organization;
  • another authorized employee;
  • an organization or a labor protection specialist cooperating with the employer under a civil law contract.

Enterprises with more than 50 employees must create separate labor protection service, or, at a minimum, the position of an occupational safety specialist has been introduced.

By default, the responsibility for labor protection is assigned to the direct the head of the organization... If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur, then the person in charge automatically becomes himself individual entrepreneur.

Who conducts the certification?

Certification is carried out by the employer with the assistance of the certifying organization. The certification organization is a legal entity accredited to conduct this kind of checks.

The fact of cooperation between the parties is confirmed by the prisoner bilateral civil contract... On the basis of this agreement, a legal entity for a certain remuneration makes all the necessary measurements, as well as an assessment of the working conditions of employees.

Based on the check, the conclusion is drawn on the compliance of working conditions in the organization with the existing state standards, on the presence of violations, or dangerous and harmful production factors.

The organization involved in cooperation must have nothing to do with the employer. That is to be completely independent in its research.

The law does not prohibit the involvement of several third party organizations... In this case, the employer can distribute a certain number of jobs between them, or divide the range of work performed on the basis of the contract.

To carry out the procedure, the employer creates an attestation commission, which includes:

Heads the commission employer's representative. The composition of the commission, as well as the schedule of work, are approved by order of the employer.

Functions of the certification commission:

  • leadership process;
  • implementation control for work;
  • package formation documentsrequired for the procedure;
  • making a list jobs to be checked;
  • carrying out special events aimed at study of working conditions (determining the presence of harmful factors in production, measuring the level of injury, determining the availability of special clothing among workers, studying the composition of equipment and raw materials, comparing the indicators obtained with those of past inspections, etc.);
  • assignment of numbers workplaces;
  • filling in cards certification;
  • signing kart;
  • training proposals for changes, or additions to employees;
  • appraisal the results obtained;
  • development of an action planaimed at increasing the level of labor protection.

Procedure steps

The process begins with the creation of an attestation commission with an odd number of members. The employer approves the work schedule of the commission and the list of planned activities.

Main stages:

There are 4 main classes of working conditions in production:

  1. optimal (normal conditions corresponding to existing standards);
  2. admissible (insignificant effect on the body, which manifests itself exclusively in the workplace and disappears after leaving the workplace);
  3. harmful (the impact on the health of employees of unfavorable working conditions can lead to occupational diseases that cause partial or complete disability);
  4. dangerous (high probability of occurrence of occupational diseases, injury, or a threat to life).

Certification card and other documents

Attestation card - a document that contains information on actual working conditions at the workplace, on the availability of compensation, on the recommended measures to improve the situation.

If there is a certain amount similar jobs a unified certification card is drawn up for all these objects. The document is drawn up for the workplace, which is the first in the list of similar workplaces.

Sample workplace attestation card (clickable):

The completed card contains the following required information:

  • Complete name, the details of the employer.
  • Employee position in accordance with. The specified profession must correspond to the name in the all-Russian classifier. If the required position is absent in the classifier, a corresponding entry is made.
  • The name of the structural unit... If the employer has no structural divisions, a corresponding entry is made.
  • Number of similar jobs.
  • Number of employees according to the staffing table, indicating separately the number of women, minor citizens.
  • Equipment list, materials, devices, raw materials used in the workplace.
  • Assessment of working conditions (according to the degree of harm, danger).
  • Description of the production environment (chemical factors, biological factors, etc.).
  • Description of the labor process (severity, intensity).
  • Final grades working environment conditions, labor process (based on measurements).
  • Class injury risk.
  • Provision of PPE employees (personal protective equipment).
  • Compensation details (for hard work, for work with harmful, hazardous working conditions): the name of existing compensations, the actual amount and procedure for calculating payments, the need to assign compensation to employees.
  • The need for medical examinations.
  • Recommendations to improve conditions, change the working regime, organization of rest.
  • Recommendations for selection of employees.
  • Commission conclusion at the surveyed workplace.

The card is signed the chairman of the commission, its members. Also, the document is signed by a citizen working in this place.

The attestation card is drawn up based on the results of the survey. All instrumental measurements are documented. Forms of documents are established by regulatory enactments.

The following protocols exist:

  • protocol for determining the severity and intensity of the labor process;
  • workplace injury safety assessment protocol;
  • protocol for assessing the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

Test results

At the end of the check, final report for certification of workplaces. The following information is attached to the report:

Maximum 30 working days after receiving the verification results the employer is obliged to announce the results obtained to the staff and place information in the public domain (for example, on the organization's website).

After that it is necessary take appropriate measures, aimed at eliminating the identified violations, improving working conditions, reducing the level of harm and danger at work, assigning the required compensation to employees, etc.

After the approval of the report (on paper, electronic media) and the signing of the order to complete the inspection, the employer obliged within 10 calendar days from the date of signing the order, send to the territorial representation of the state summary sheet and information about the certifying organization.

In what case is the workplace recognized as certified:

  • no harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • injury safety requirements are met;
  • conditions meet hygienic standards.

Workplaces belonging to the 3rd class of working conditions (harmful) are usually conditionally certified... At the same time, the class is indicated and proposals are made for improving the workplace.

The place is considered not certifiedwhen it belongs to the 4th (hazardous) class of working conditions. This rate is subject to liquidation or complete restructuring.


An independent organization accredited to carry out inspections of this kind, may refuse to cooperate with a specific employer.

Refusal may be received due to the unwillingness of the employer provide experts with the necessary regulatory documents, or due to the unwillingness or unwillingness of the employer to provide experts with adequate conditions for carrying out measurements and evaluations.

How many years are the certification results valid? Each workplace must be assessed at least once every 5 years... The moment of the last check is considered the date of completion of the last certification of the given workplace. The date of the start of a new inspection is the day the employer issues an order on the creation of a commission and approval of the commission's schedule.

Thus, the validity period of attestation documents is 5 years.

New workplaces must be certified within 60 days from the date of their organization.

Cost and penalties

The average cost of the certification procedure for one workplace varies from 1000 to 3500 rubles... The amount depends on the number of required procedures, measurements and assessments that need to be made when certifying a specific workplace.

There are the following administrative penalties for lack of certification:

Repeated violation of the legislation on the need for attestation can lead to a significant increase in the amount of the fine and the extension of the suspension of activities. The head of the enterprise who repeatedly violated the law may be for a long time disqualified from leadership positions (from 1 to 3 years old).

Thus, workplace certification is mandatory procedure, which every employer must produce within the time frame established by law. To carry out the inspection, a special commission is created that checks the working conditions of employees and identifies possible violations.

Results sent to authorized bodies, and the employer organizes measures to eliminate the identified violations and improve working conditions in the organization.

Places on working conditions, taking into account the innovations adopted in 2015, received some major changes. The employer must become familiar with all the provisions required for a special assessment of jobs.

This is how the set of measures began to be called, which summarizes the analysis of the working conditions of the personnel.

New in workplace certification for working conditions in 2020

The purpose of the current procedure is to evaluate the existing ones.

You can understand the innovations that relate to the comprehensive analysis after reading Federal Law No. 426-FZ "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions".

The main changes concern:

  1. Methods for making changes. This requires a clear definition of performers and rules for assessing biological factors.
  2. Administrative responsibility for late execution of the procedure.

During 2015, at the legislative level, the issue of canceling a complex of assessment measures for some categories of small and medium-sized businesses was resolved. This provision did not find support from legislators, and will need to be implemented in 2020.

The exception will be companies that have effective results after holding the company until 2014.

By whom and when the certification is carried out

To conduct a comprehensive analysis of places of work, a special commission is created.

The composition is formed from the following category of specialists:

  1. An enterprise specialist in the field of labor protection.
  2. Representative of the employer, competent in current production issues.
  3. Representatives of the trade union organization of the enterprise.
  4. Authorized person of the certifying organization.

Involvement of a representative of the attesting company is mandatory. Even if hazardous factors and hazards are identified that can be recorded independently, the results cannot be recognized as legitimate.

The certifying company undergoes mandatory accreditation, which confirms the possession of the techniques for performing the procedure in the prescribed manner.

Workplace certification has not changed and is 5 years. Previous companies date back to 2009 and 2014.

However, when creating new jobs, the law establishes a period of 60 working days from the date of the start of operation until the moment of a special analysis of this place.

In case of improvement of working conditions at the workplace, the employer can conduct an extraordinary company to assess the place of work. According to the changed procedure, even if there are recognized results of the workplace assessment, if there is labor, a repeated procedure will be required.

Find out what a special assessment of working conditions is from the video.

The procedure for certification of workplaces in 2020, paperwork

To carry out control actions as part of a comprehensive assessment of jobs, it will be necessary to carry out some organizational measures:

  1. Create a commission for attestation.
    The document defines the composition of the governing board.
  2. Schedule of the event.
    The deadlines for performing actions are set on the basis of a separate document signed by the head.
  3. Agreement with the certification organization.
    When concluding a contract, the main rule determines the independence of the employer and the invited organization.

A comprehensive examination of the place of work provides for an objective assessment of the state of working conditions. The employer provides all the primary documentation, provides unhindered access to each production site.

The established procedure for attestation provides for the successive stages of the procedure being carried out:

  1. Jobs are determined that are subject to a comprehensive assessment, including on the basis of List No. 1 and List No. 2.
  2. Active dangerous or harmful factors are highlighted.
    Their quantitative or qualitative assessment, assessment of compliance with the established standards is carried out.
  3. An analysis of auxiliary factors is carried out - the provision of overalls and protective equipment for workers.
  4. A final document is drawn up, which allows one to draw a conclusion about the production conditions, and, if necessary, determine the types of compensation or benefits.

The results of a comprehensive assessment for individual places are determined on the basis of the final document, which takes into account:

    • initial documents for the start of a set of activities;
    • list of jobs for research;

  • objective information about the certifying organization;
  • a comprehensive assessment card for each job;
  • summary documents for all workplaces, including a table on hazard classes, assigned types of compensation;
  • the final document of the meeting of the attestation commission, indicating comments and proposals on the results of the completed work;
  • an approved action plan to improve working conditions for individual workplaces;
  • conclusion on the basis of state expertise of the conducted comprehensive assessment.

The results of the measures taken are obligatory for the employer of any form of ownership to fulfill within the established time frame.

Fines for lack of certification

Changes in the Administrative Code provide for two types of liability for non-compliance with the established Law on a comprehensive assessment of working conditions.

Untimely scheduled (or extraordinary) certification is punished; it provides for a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles, or suspension of the company's activities for a period of 1 to 3 months.

In addition, punishment is provided for incorrectly conducted certification, where an official will be punished in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and a legal entity - up to 80 thousand.

Responsibility is provided for the maintenance of workplaces in an unsatisfactory condition. An official is fined from 20 to 30 minimum wages, and for a legal entity from 200 to 300 equivalent amounts.

It is in the interests of the employer to ensure the fulfillment of the established regulatory parameters for each harmful factor, with the exception of those places that are included in the aforementioned Lists No. 1 and No. 2.

When determining measures for a qualitative change in working conditions, they are also implemented for work in full. After all, the punishment for evading the implementation of measures can even lead to the suspension of activities for up to 3 years when re-fixing.

Who can not pass the workplace certification

There are few cases when a complex procedure for a comprehensive analysis of working conditions is not required. This mainly applies to small businesses.

In the case of employment in work of only one person, when an employment contract is not drawn up. Accordingly, there is no need to assess the workplace either.

However, when renting an office where there is at least one workplace, certification will be required.

When working in a company of remote workers, there is also no need to analyze their workplace. Here the number of employees does not matter.

You can save a little on the performance of certification if there are several similar places with the same type of working conditions.

There is no need to inspect each workplace.

It is only important to consider two restrictions:

  • the analysis is carried out for 20% of the available such jobs;
  • the number of places for a comprehensive assessment cannot be less than two.

In order to prevent violations in the definition of the scope of work, you need to confirm their number in accordance with the staffing table for the enterprise.

Compliance with the established procedure and the timing of a comprehensive analysis of workplaces will make it possible to establish legal types of compensation and benefits for all categories of workers, to develop measures to improve working conditions.

The payment of an administrative penalty for the untimely implementation of a set of measures is often larger than the funds required to improve working conditions.

You can learn more about the special assessment of working conditions from the video.

In contact with

Since January 1, 2014, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013, the certification of workplaces has been replaced by a special assessment of working conditions. Due to the lack of experience and the lack of the necessary equipment, many enterprises do not have the opportunity to carry out certification of workplaces for working conditions on their own, therefore they turn to specially created services, which include the SOTARM company.

Turning to the SOTARM company for certification of workplaces for working conditions, you can count on the following advantages:

  • Exact match of test results government regulations and standards;
  • Identification of all harmful factors affecting the health and safety of personnel working at their workplaces;
  • Drawing up the most optimal and effective plan to improve working conditions;
  • Free consultation on possible measures aimed at reducing production risks.

The importance of performing certification work

The certification of workplaces for working conditions in the organization is aimed at ensuring that the working conditions of working personnel comply with state requirements. Timely identification of unsafe and harmful factors allows you to reduce the risk of injury to employees, and in case of harmful production, to compensate the employee for the harm caused to his health by providing additional leaves, sending to a sanatorium, cash bonuses, etc. An employer who has certified workplaces reduces the risks of criminal and administrative punishment in the event of industrial accidents that cause injury or death of an employee.

With the tightening of laws and an increase in fines for violation of the working conditions of employees, certification of working conditions is becoming more and more important. Using the services of SOTARM, you will not only be able to assess the compliance of the working conditions of your employees with the required standards and norms, but also quickly develop a set of measures to improve these conditions. Also, certification of workplaces will allow avoiding possible fines and sanctions from state supervisory authorities.

The cost of certification of workplaces

The price of certification of workplaces for working conditions depends on the following factors:

· The total number of jobs in the enterprise, as well as the number of jobs that are completely identical in their functions;

· Features and specifics of the enterprise;

· The number of equipment used at the enterprise and their characteristics;

· The number of measured parameters in the certification process;

· The need to create a plan to modernize workplaces in order to ensure their compliance with government regulations.

The cost of certification of workplaces in the SOTARM company is one of the most affordableThis is due to the use of highly efficient equipment and extensive experience of employees, which allows us to perform the entire range of certification work in the shortest possible time. All specialists of our company have the appropriate education and work experience for more than 3 years in their positions, and also regularly take advanced training courses and knowledge tests.

Our company carries out certification of workplaces in Moscow and throughout Russia of organizations of various fields of activity - household, industrial, educational, etc. The certification process takes into account all the features of the organization's activities, as well as the specifics of the work of personnel, which allows us to determine with the greatest accuracy the compliance of conditions labor to the required standards. Our main task is to find solutions and their implementation aimed at reducing the price of workstation, as well as drawing up an action plan to improve working conditions with minimal time and material costs.

Frequency of certification of workplaces

Certification of workplaces for working conditions (AWP) should be carried out at least once every five years. Over a five-year period, the employer himself has the right to choose at what time it is more convenient for him to conduct the next check. The starting point for the new period will be the end date of the previous inspection, which is spelled out in the order "On the completion of certification of workplaces for working conditions". The date of the next inspection will be the date of issuance of the order "On the formation of a new commission and approval of the certification schedule".

The same is true for unscheduled certification of workplaces, which is carried out in cases where the enterprise has new workplaces, new equipment or changed the means of collective protection. Then, within a period of at least 60 working days, the employer must begin certification of new jobs. An unscheduled AWP can be performed both without fail and at the initiative of the employer.

The task of any enterprise is to ensure safe working conditions for its employees, it is for the organization to comply with these conditions that a set of labor protection documents serves. The company "SOTARM" provides certification services for labor protection, which allows management to avoid the consequences of non-compliance with safety standards at the enterprise. The certification procedure for labor protection must be passed without fail by all employees, as well as the management team. Additional certification activities are envisaged when hiring employees, changing the type of activity or going on a business trip.

Before undergoing certification, all employees of the company must study the set of labor protection regulations, which includes requirements for the state of workplaces, overalls, hygiene standards, conditions for granting vacations, rules for passing a medical examination and other regulatory forms. Knowledge in these areas will help an employee to safely perform their job duties, avoid accidents, reduce health damage in the event of work in high-hazard conditions, know and use their rights to provide benefits, time off and leave, and successfully pass certification. Our company not only carries out certification of employees and management personnel, but is also ready to conduct training on labor protection.

Advantages of working with SOTARM

2. 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund"

3. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 342n "On approval of the procedure for conducting AWP on working conditions"

4. Draft Federal Law "On Amendments to 426-FZ"

Object types

Arm in office

Arm at school

Arm in a medical facility

Arm in production

Arm in store


our clients

Feedback from our clients

A. A. Minaev

Cooperation with your company has shown the high professional level of your employees. I would like to note the competent work of experts, well-coordinated work of specialists and the high professional level of the company as a whole.

We look forward to a long and fruitful work with your company.

General Director A.N. Pishchurov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.
In the course of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT) in our company "ASTREA" LLC, I would like to note the competent work of experts, the high level of specialists. Employees of SOTARM LLC are polite, pleasant to talk to, always ready to provide additional explanations.

Director of ASTREYA LLC DP Safronov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, in 2016 SOTARM LLC carried out work on a special assessment of working conditions at the workplaces of MUE AiG.
The work was performed at a high level in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426 "On special assessment of working conditions" dated 28.12.2013. Based on the results, the reporting documentation was received, prepared based on the results of the work and executed in accordance with the current legislation.
We express our gratitude to SOTARM LLC for the professional solution of issues that arose during our joint work.
We are satisfied with the work performed by the specialists of SOTARM LLC and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

And about. Director E.M. Gorokhova

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

In December 2016 the company SOTARM LLC carried out a special assessment of working conditions in a private institution Atomstandard.

The specialists of SOTARM LLC showed high professionalism and efficiency in solving the assigned tasks. The employees' willingness to react quickly to circumstances made a favorable impression. This confirms that the company SOTARM LLC has extensive practice in conducting SOUT and uses an individual approach when working with clients.

The work was performed in accordance with the current legislation. Good presentation of the results of the work carried out was noted.

We are satisfied with the work of SOTARM LLC and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

With respect,

Director V.V. Morozov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

During the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SAUT) in our enterprise (JSC ICB "DOM-BANK"), the competent work of experts and a high level of specialists were noted.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions".
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Executive Director of JSC MKB "DOM-BANK" S. B. Rygin


The Federal Autonomous Institution "Center for the Development and Support of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation expresses gratitude to SOTARM LLC for the high-quality performance of a special assessment of working conditions

Head of the Federal Autonomous Institution "Center for the Development and Support of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

M. Surikov

Thank you letter

Limited Liability Company "Usinskoye Road Repair and Construction Department" expresses deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to the staff of the Limited Liability Company "Labor Protection and Workplace Certification Service" for mutually beneficial cooperation, conscientiousness and professionalism, manifestation in carrying out work on a special assessment of working conditions in our company.
We express our special gratitude to the experts Maria Vitalievna Komarova and Andrey Gennadievich Titor, who were directly involved in the research and analysis of harmful, dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process for their serious and thoughtful attitude to work.
We highly appreciated the joint work with your company,
We wish you and your company success and prosperity,
economic and financial well-being.
We express our confidence in maintaining the existing friendly
relations and look forward to further
mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.
Director of LLC "Usinskoe DRSU" I.A. Slasten

General Director of SOTARM LLC

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

Non-governmental institution The editorial office of the newspaper of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia "Soyuznoe veche" expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time. The reporting materials are presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013. No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Chief editor L.P. Rakovskaya

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.


In the course of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT) in our enterprise LLC "Center" Second Birth ", competent work of experts, a high level of specialists were noted. We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director E.V. Romanyuk

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of RB Logistics LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.

We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


General Director A.A. Budkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of OPTICOM Region LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC, the head of the laboratory, E. V. Maksemenyuk, for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. The employees' willingness to react quickly to circumstances made a favorable impression.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

With wishes of success to you and your organization
Art. change S.N. Sirotkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

We would like to thank the staff of SOTARM LLC for the service of carrying out a special assessment of working conditions in our organization. It was very pleasant to feel efficiency and technically competent attitude to work on the part of your company's employees during the entire period of our cooperation.
I would like to especially note the head of the testing laboratory Elena Valerievna Maksemenyuk and specialist Victoria Biryukova. I would like to thank them for their professionalism and sensitive attitude in solving all the issues that arose.

We look forward to further cooperation with you and your company.

General director
LLC "Mosexpert" A.L. Voronin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of the Central Branch of Metal Profile Company LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Branch Director L.A. Mikhailov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Brunel Rus LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. During the work, the specialists of SOTARM LLC were attentive to all the needs of our company and quickly found the best solutions for the questions that arose. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts, as well as their conscientious attitude to the matter.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director of Brunel Rus LLC Andrea Lukkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Leogon Trading LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the timely and high-quality work on carrying out a special assessment of the conditions of the load. I would like to note the competence and literacy of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for successful fruitful work in the future.


Director S.V. Lyulikova

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of GH Project LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

Head of LLC "GH Project" A.A. Zuikin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Roshalskiy Technical School" expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Director of the technical school V.Yu. Kashlev

General Director of SOTARM LLC
A.A. Minaev

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of VDNKh Economic Department expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, the materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions"
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term and fruitful work in the future.

Director A.V. Korolev

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Ramenskaya Teploset JSC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated 28.10.2013 "On special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director A.M. Sinitsky

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Opticom JSC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions.
We note that the results of the work of SOTARM LLC on SOUT, provided to us, correspond to high quality standards in this area.
Separately, I would like to thank the head of the laboratory, Maksemenyuk E.V. and employees who performed work under the contract with high quality and on time, promptly and competently resolved all the issues that arose, both at the stage of the SAUT and after its completion, as well as note their high level of communication culture with the customer's representatives, communication skills and professionalism.
We wish you and your company new achievements and financial well-being.

Head of the warehouse complex M.Yu. Chistov

The most important specific direction in the work on the prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases is certification of workplaces for working conditions, this Russian version of the classic analysis, assessment and management of risk in the workplace.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the certification of workplaces for working conditions as an assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and take measures to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

Certification of workplaces for working conditions allows you to identify and objectively evaluate hazardous and harmful production factors at workplaces.

The certification of workplaces, in turn, subject to the establishment of the procedure and norms for the free issuance of these protective equipment, will allow employers to more fully provide their employees with protective equipment, depending on the working conditions at each workplace, and thereby contribute to a significant improvement in the work of employees.

The procedure for certification of workplaces

In accordance with article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure the certification of workplaces for working conditions.
Attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions is carried out in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of labor.

Certification of workplaces makes it possible to objectively evaluate each workplace from a number of basic positions:

  • by individual factors of the working environment;
  • by the intensity and severity of the labor process;
  • on workplace injury safety;
  • on the provision of the employee with personal protective equipment.

The actual result of the attestation is knowledge of the situation about working conditions and their dangers, the formal result is the completed attestation cards. It is the workplace certification cards that become the basis for all subsequent actions, and all preventive work to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases often depends on the correctness of their filling.

The main options for the certification of workplaces for working conditions

According to the first option the entire range of works is carried out entirely by the institution itself.

The practice of certification of workplaces convincingly shows that only a few institutions with an average number of employees can successfully cope with this work.

According to the second option execution of the whole complex of works in full ("turnkey") is carried out by a third-party organization (having permission to carry out this type of work.

According to the third, most optimal, option,the implementation of the entire range of work is carried out mainly by the institution itself, jointly and under the methodological guidance of specialists from a third-party specialized organization (which has permission to carry out this type of work, as a rule, to regional labor protection centers). At the same time, a third-party organization provides qualification assistance in the implementation of measurements and training of personnel for carrying out certain elements of certification of workplaces in the field by the institution.

The main regulatory document for organizing and conducting certification of workplaces for working conditions is " Regulations on the procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions "(further Regulation ), approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1997 No. 12 (effective from July 1, 1997). On September 1, 2008, a new "Procedure for the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions" comes into effect, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 No. 569.

Terms of certification:

installed at least once every 5 years from the date of the last measurements;

workplaces are subject to compulsory recertification after replacement of the equipment used, changes in the technological process, reconstruction of collective protective equipment, etc., as well as at the request of the bodies of the State examination of working conditions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the event of violations during the certification of workplaces for working conditions;
the results of recertification are drawn up in the form of an appendix for the relevant positions to the Card of certification of a workplace for working conditions. It should be remembered that certification of workplaces for working conditions is a long-term, practically permanent, work of any institution!

Stages of certification

1. Preparatory stage;
2. The main stage (actually certification of workplaces);
3. The final stage;
4. Evaluation and use of the results obtained;
5. Preparation of the institution for the certification of labor protection.
Let us now analyze the content of work at various stages of their implementation.
At the preparatory stage, the following activities are carried out.

1.1. The head of the institution or, on his behalf, one of the employees - the future chairman of the certification commission forms the composition of the certification commission.
For certification of workplaces in small organizations, it is recommended to create an certification commission consisting of: the head of the institution or his deputy - chairman of the commission, labor protection specialist, mechanic, HR specialist, specialist of the labor and wages department, power engineer, technologist, chairman of the trade union committee and others. Each institution independently determines the composition of the certification commission.
In institutions with a larger number, as a rule, a central certification commission and commissions in divisions are created.
The composition of the commissions is approved by the order of the institution. A variant of attestation by divisions is possible.

1.2. It is advisable to begin the certification of workplaces for working conditions with training members of the certification commission by contacting regional labor protection centers or other training centers, preferably at labor management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which have permits for conducting educational activities and sufficient experience in the procedure certification of workplaces for working conditions.
To do this, the chairman of the commission should organize the provision of methodological assistance by inviting the regional center for labor protection and conducting two to three day classes (educational seminar) with members of the commissions. For this, the following sequence of actions is carried out.

1.3. The head of the institution issues an order on the certification of workplaces with an indication of its terms.

1.4. The attestation commission develops a schedule for the establishment and conduct of attestation of workplaces for working conditions, in which it is necessary to distribute the activities and stages of attestation, indicate the timing and responsible executors.
It is advisable to carry out certification of workplaces first in the main divisions, and then in the auxiliary ones. This will avoid measuring repetitive factors in the same location for different categories of workers. For example, the results of measurements of factors at the workplace of the main production can be taken as a basis for the support services of the corresponding workplaces (mechanics, repairmen, managers, etc.) when specifying the exposure time and only if necessary, additional measurements of the missing factors can be made.

1.5. Since during certification of a workplace for working conditions, all hazardous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and intensity of labor, are subject to assessment at the workplace, the certification commission forms lists of workplaces subject to certification, indicating the harmful factors for instrumental measurements ...
To compile a list of workplaces subject to certification, it is recommended to use the staffing table, the "All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades" OK 016-94.
When compiling the list, the attestation commission proceeds from:
characteristics of the technological process;
equipment composition;
used raw materials and materials;
similar data from previously conducted measurements of the levels of hazardous and harmful production factors, the severity and intensity of the labor process;
employee complaints about working conditions.
In institutions where there are technological regulations, the characteristics of the technological process can be obtained from this document. It also contains detailed data on harmful production factors, the appearance of which is due to the technological process, and also describes their main sources.
The main factors subject to mandatory assessment are: the intensity of the labor process, the severity of the labor process. It does not require any special funds. This work can and should be performed by specialists of the institution - members of certification commissions according to the methods and proposed samples of completed protocols for assessing the severity and tension of the labor process.
The parameters of the microclimate and illumination at workplaces, levels of electromagnetic radiation (at workplaces with computers) should be referred to necessarily measured factors.
The whole set of harmful and hazardous production factors in the workplace is formed due to the presence of raw materials and materials (or semi-finished products), as well as processed products that have properties harmful to humans, with which the employee contacts. To this should be added the harmful factors arising directly from the operation of technological equipment (heating, cooling, noise and vibration from the operation of equipment, ventilation and air purification systems, hand and power tools, etc.).
A compiled list of workplaces with an indication of harmful factors is approved by the chairman of the certification commission.

1.6. The attestation commission draws up a list of regulatory documents that it will need to assess the factor of injury safety, provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

For the purposes of injury safety at workplaces, it is recommended to use two types of protocols: one is designed to systematically obtain information about the training of workers in labor protection, as well as to test knowledge of electrical safety, etc., the other is to enter all equipment, tools and accessories for all workers places included in the List of jobs. Similar protocols must be completed for PPE, work severity and intensity, etc.

To assess workplaces in terms of the severity and intensity of the labor process, as well as the time of exposure to harmful factors, it is recommended to draw up the timing of the working time for each workplace (photograph of the working day). Protocols of preliminary survey of workplaces to a large extent streamline the work of direct performers.

In order to simplify the tasks assigned to the direct executors, it is recommended to prepare samples of completed certification protocols for some similar workplaces.

After organizing such work and filling out the preliminary examination protocols, photographs of the working day, a list of regulatory documents is drawn up. If it was compiled in advance, then any changes and additions are made to it.

Functions of the certification commission:

  • implementation of methodological guidance and control over the certification of workplaces for working conditions at all stages in all departments;
  • the formation of all the necessary regulatory and reference base for the certification of workplaces and the organization of its study by the participants of the certification process;
  • compilation of a complete list of workplaces of the institution with the allocation of works similar in nature and working conditions;
  • identification based on the causes of industrial injuries in the institution of the most traumatic areas, work and equipment;
  • compilation of a list of hazardous and harmful factors of the working environment, indicators of the severity and intensity of the labor process, subject to assessment at each workplace, based on the characteristics of the technological process, the composition of equipment, raw materials and materials used, data from previously carried out measurements of indicators of hazardous and harmful production factors, the severity and tension in the labor process, complaints of workers about working conditions;
  • assignment of codes to industries, workshops, sections, workplaces for automated processing of the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions;
  • certification of specific workplaces and making decisions on the further use of workplaces;
  • development of proposals for improving and improving working conditions;
  • preparation of the institution for certification of labor protection.

In relatively large institutions, with a staff of 500 people or more, commissions are usually created in structural divisions.

If the duties (and responsibility) of the chairman of the central commission and his deputies include the organization and management of all work on the procedure for certifying workplaces, including the responsibilities for observing the certification schedules and the quality of the certification materials, then the chairmen of the commissions in the structural divisions are responsible:

  • for organizing and performing work on certification of workplaces (collection of initial data, performance of instrumental measurements of harmful and hazardous factors, filling out certification cards, etc.);
  • for drawing up a summary sheet in a structural unit, for developing measures to improve working conditions for employees, for holding meetings of the certification commission;
  • for providing materials of certification of workplaces to the central certification commission.

Determination of the actual values \u200b\u200bof hazardous and harmful production factors in the workplace

When certifying a workplace for working conditions, all hazardous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and intensity of labor are subject to assessment at the workplace.

This assessment is carried out according to the hygienic criteria defined in the “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and work process. Criteria and classification of working conditions ”(Guideline 2.2.2006-05) entered into force on November 1, 2005.
Please note that this Guide has replaced the generally accepted and official (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) terms “working environment”, “hazardous production factor”, “harmful production factor” with new, and, in our opinion, not entirely successful, terms “working environment "," harmful factor "," harmful factor of the working environment "," dangerous factor of the working environment ", practically without changing their meaning and content of the concept, which can cause a certain complexity and confusion in the preparation of official documents on labor protection in practice and what we need we cannot but draw the attention of our listeners.

When carrying out measurements, it is necessary to use the measuring instruments specified in the regulatory documents. The measuring instruments used must be metrologically certified and verified by the state verification bodies within the established time frame.

Instrumental measurements of the levels of production factors are documented in protocols.

The form of the protocols is established by normative documents that determine the procedure for measuring the levels of indicators of a particular factor.

The protocols should contain the following data:

  • name and code of the division of the workplace institution;
  • date of measurements;
  • the name of the third-party organization (or its subdivision) involved in the measurement;
  • the name of the measured production factor;
  • measuring instrument (name of the device, instrument, date of verification and number of the verification certificate);
  • the method of carrying out measurements with an indication of the normative document on the basis of which the measurement is carried out;
  • place of measurement, sketch of the room with indication of the point of measurement (sampling);
  • the actual value of the measured parameter;
  • position, surname, initials and signatures of the worker who carried out the measurements and the representative of the administration of the facility where the measurements were carried out;
  • the signature of the person in charge, the seal of a third-party organization (or the stamp of its division) involved in the measurement.

Similar information is indicated when drawing up protocols for determining the severity and intensity of the labor process. Considering that the assessment of the severity and intensity of the labor process is carried out by the organization independently, below are the methods for assessing the severity and intensity of the labor process, as well as recommendations for measuring and assessing the factors of the working environment using laboratory and instrumental research methods.

Assessment of workplace injury safety

The main objects of assessment of workplace injury safety are:

  1. production equipment;
  2. devices and tools;
  3. provision of training and instruction tools.

Assessment of production equipment, fixtures and tools is carried out on the basis of the current and applicable regulatory legal acts on labor protection (state and industry standards, labor protection rules, standard instructions on labor protection, etc.).

Methodological basis forfor the certification of workplaces for the factor of injury safety are "Methodological guidelines for assessing injury safety of workplaces for the purpose of their certification for working conditions. MU OT RM 02-99 ".

Before assessing the injury safety of workplaces, the presence, correctness of maintenance and compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of ensuring labor safety are checked.

The assessment of injury safety is carried out by checking the compliance of production equipment, fixtures and tools, as well as training and instructing facilities with the requirements of regulatory legal acts. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the availability of safety certificates of the established form for production equipment.

In cases where production equipment and devices at workplaces were manufactured before the enactment of the regulatory legal acts that apply to them or when these documents have not been developed and approved in the prescribed manner, the injury safety assessment of production equipment and devices is carried out for compliance with the requirements set forth in the national regulatory legal acts providing safe working conditions at workplaces, including:

  • availability of protective equipment for workers from the effects of moving parts of equipment that are a source of danger;
  • installation of fences for cables and other elements, damage to which may cause danger;
  • presence and compliance with regulatory requirements of signal colors and safety signs;
  • ensuring the functioning of protective equipment during the action of the corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor;
  • elimination of the occurrence of dangerous situations in the event of a complete or partial cessation of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as in case of damage to the power supply control circuit;
  • protection of electrical equipment, electrical wiring (including grounding) from mechanical stress, rodents and insects, penetration of solvents, making connections of wires and cables in junction boxes, inside the enclosures of electrical products, devices, machines;
  • compliance of the dimensions of the aisles and driveways with regulatory requirements; appropriate location and design of controls (including emergency stop devices) for vehicles;
  • equipping vehicles with protective equipment and safety signs;
  • availability of labor protection instructions and their compliance with regulatory documents;
  • availability and compliance with regulatory requirements of hand tools and devices.

Assessment of workplace injury safety is drawn up in a protocol.

When choosing the regulatory and legal documents that are required for assessing injury safety, one should be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2000 No. 399 "On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection." According to this document, when assessing the injury safety of equipment, devices and tools, it is recommended to use firstly documents at the top of the table - intersectoral rules on labor protection. If there are no relevant Interindustry rules for this equipment, then the industry rules on labor protection, etc. In the absence of approved normative legal acts on labor protection of direct action or their insufficient quality, national rules and standards for labor protection should be applied: GOST 12.2.003-91 “Production equipment. General safety requirements "; GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “Signal colors, safety signs, signal markings. Purpose and application rules. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods "; GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ", etc. In the protocol for assessing injury safety, several regulatory legal acts from the list should be used, since often not all features of production equipment can be assessed by one document. A similar situation arises when evaluating devices and tools, instruction and training on labor protection.

The injury safety protocol should not completely rewrite all sections of the regulatory documents that are used in the assessment, it should only reflect the most important points and inconsistencies of working conditions at a given workplace (by the injury safety factor) from the point of view of regulatory and legal documents. The section "Regulatory safety requirements for the workplace" of the injury safety assessment protocol contains, as noted above, the most important points of the NLA from the evaluator's point of view.

In the section "Compliance with regulatory legal acts" it is written either "Complies" or "Does not comply".

The section "Necessary measures and recommendations" provides possible technical and organizational solutions aimed at correcting the identified inconsistencies. The recommendations and activities in this section should be specific and actionable.
Unfortunately, there is no section "Safety requirements for production facilities" in the approved protocol for assessing injury safety. However, sometimes a situation arises that the equipment meets the requirements of regulatory documents, but is located in premises that do not meet the requirements, or the location of the equipment does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents. It is necessary to assess the workspace external to the equipment and reflect these conditions in the protocols for assessing injury safety. For example, special requirements for the placement of production equipment; passages between equipment; floor covering, wall cladding; number of emergency exits, etc. As a rule, this is reflected in the section "Safety requirements for equipment".

Such important points as the availability of the necessary instructions, instruction logs, the availability of protocols, certificates for checking knowledge, passports and instructions for the operation of equipment and other documents necessary in practical, daily work, the Methodology refers to the preparatory stage when conducting a workplace according to the factor of injury safety ... However, as the experience of the certification work shows, the specified information must be entered into the protocols for assessing the injury safety of the workplace.

Information on the timeliness of training, instructions on labor protection is recommended to be entered in the section "Requirements for the means of instruction and training on labor protection".

Recommendations for assessing the workplace by the factor of injury safety:

1) correctly draw up a list of equipment, fixtures and tools. This task can be assigned to the department of mechanics or technology bureau. It is imperative to agree on the list of equipment, devices and tools assigned to the workplace with the responsible technical services;
2) before filling out the protocol, conduct an analysis of injuries at the enterprise for previous years (at least 5 years);
3) select regulatory documents and draw up a list of requirements for compliance with which an assessment of the workplace will be carried out by the factor of injury safety. At the same time, you cannot use the regulatory legal acts that have been canceled (Rules, GOSTs, etc.);
4) to assess the injury safety factor with the definition of the hazard class (optimal, permissible or dangerous);
5) enter the hazard class in line 61 of the workplace certification card;
6) based on the results of the assessment, develop a plan of measures to ensure the safety of workplaces.

The final assessment of the working conditions (by the factor of injury safety) of each workplace should be attributed to one of the following classes:

optimal (class 1) - equipment and tools fully comply with the standards and rules (regulatory legal acts). The required protective equipment and tools are installed and in good working order; instruction and training tools are designed in accordance with the requirements, the equipment is in good order;

permissible (class 2) - damaged and defective protective equipment that does not reduce their protective functions (partial contamination of the signal paint, loosening of individual fasteners, etc.);

dangerous (class 3) - damaged, defective, or there are no protective equipment for working bodies and gears (fences, interlocks, signaling devices, etc.) provided for by the design of the equipment, the tool is defective There are no labor protection instructions, or the existing instructions were drawn up without taking into account the relevant requirements, the conditions for their revision were violated. There are no labor safety training tools (rules, training and monitoring programs, teaching aids, etc.), or the available tools are of poor quality and the conditions for their revision have been violated.

When a workplace is classified as class 3 according to the injury safety factor, the working conditions are dangerous, such a workplace is considered conditionally certified.

The assessment of the provision of PPE to workers is carried out by comparing the actually issued PPE with the Standard industry standards for the free issue of special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees, other regulatory documents (GOST, TU, etc.), as well as taking into account the specifics and types of work performed.

The effectiveness of PPE is assessed:

  • availability of certificates of conformity;
  • adherence to the term of wear;
  • a correctly compiled list of PPE.

The work of a specialist conducting such an assessment includes two stages.

First step:
determination of the procedure for issuing PPE, the compliance of the set and the degree of their provision with the requirements of the Standard Industry Standards for the Free Issuance of Special Clothing, Special Shoes and Other Personal Protective Equipment, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
At this stage, you should check:
availability of internal standards for the issuance of overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment. As a rule, such norms are approved by the heads of the institution and are included in the relevant section of the Collective Agreement;
compliance of internal standards with the standard industry standards for the degree of coverage of employees of the institution, for the list of issued protective equipment and for their number.
the procedure for issuing overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees.
visits to workplaces and conversations with employees.

Second stage of assessment:
To start working on this stage, you must prepare and have:
protocols of instrumental measurements of factors of the production environment (microclimate, illumination, noise, vibration, heat radiation, chemical factors, etc.);
injury assessment protocols;
protocols for assessing the provision of personal protective equipment;
analysis of injuries at the enterprise over the past five years.
A comparison should be made of the conformity of the properties of the actually issued PPE to the conditions of the working environment, data on which are available in the protocols. This applies primarily to special protective clothing.
Based on the analysis of the injury safety assessment protocol and directly at the workplace, it should be determined whether it is necessary to use a protective helmet, face shield, safety glasses, whether they are correctly selected for their protective properties. It should also be determined whether the hand and foot protectors provided are capable of protecting the worker from injury.
Particular attention should be paid to assessing the compliance with the conditions of the working environment of the issued personal protective equipment for the respiratory organs: are the brands of gas masks selected correctly, are their protective properties sufficient at the detected concentrations of harmful substances.

The results are documented in the form of protocols, where information is entered for each certified workplace. The identified deficiencies are described in the final part of the protocol. It also contains suggestions for improving the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

Data on the actual provision of the employee with personal protective equipment is entered in line 070 of the workplace certification card for working conditions.

Assessment of the actual state of working conditions at the workplace consists of an assessment of:

  • the degree of exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors;
  • the degree of injury safety (i.e. the risk of injury);
  • provision of employees with personal protective equipment, as well as the effectiveness of these means.

The assessment of the actual state of working conditions by the degree of exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors is carried out in accordance with the hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions on the basis of comparing the results of measurements of all hazardous and harmful factors of the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process with the hygienic standards established for them.
It is advisable to carry out such measurements only after the preparatory stage has been completed, as well as the assessment of injury safety and provision of workers with personal protective equipment, including their effectiveness.

Workplaces must be properly prepared, i.e. burned out lamps are recommended to be replaced with new ones, windows to be washed, equipment must operate according to technology, raw materials and materials must correspond to technology. This will help avoid repeated measurements and reduce the cost of performing instrumental measurements.

On the basis of comparisons of the results obtained with regulatory requirements, the class of working conditions is determined, both for each factor separately, and for their combination and combination, as well as for the workplace as a whole.

According to the protocols for assessing the injury safety of the workplace in accordance with the classification of working conditions by injury safety, the hazard class is separately established or an opinion is given on the full compliance of the workplace with safety requirements.

The results of the assessment of the actual state of working conditions at the workplace are entered into the Card of attestation of workplaces for working conditions, in which the attestation commission of the institution gives an opinion on the results of attestation.

In the absence of hazardous and harmful production factors at the workplace or the compliance of their actual values \u200b\u200bwith optimal or permissible values, as well as when the requirements for injury safety and provision of workers with personal protective equipment are met, it is considered that the working conditions at the workplace meet hygienic and safety requirements. In this case, the workplace is recognized as certified.

In cases where the actual values \u200b\u200bof hazardous and harmful production factors exceed existing standards or requirements for injury safety and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment and do not comply with existing standards, the working conditions at such a workplace are considered harmful and (or) dangerous.

When working conditions are classified as class 3 (harmful), the workplace is recognized as conditionally attested with an indication of the appropriate class and degree of hazard (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) and making proposals to bring it into line with regulatory legal acts on labor protection in the Action Plan for improvement and improvement of working conditions in the institution.

After the modernization of the conditionally certified workplace, it is necessary to carry out instrumental measurements of the levels of production factors that previously exceeded the MPL.

When classifying working conditions as class 4 (hazardous), the workplace is notcertified and subject to immediate re-equipment or liquidation.

Attestation Card

The attestation card of workplaces (s) for working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card) is a document containing information about the actual working conditions at the workplace, applicable benefits, compensations, additional payments to employees and their compliance with current legislation, standards for the issuance of overalls and protective equipment, as well as recommendations for improving working conditions at a given workplace or a group of similar workplaces and, if necessary, proposals to abolish benefits and compensations or introduce new ones.

The card is intended for:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the existing conditions and content of labor at a workplace or a group of similar (typical) workplaces;
    injury safety assessments;
  • identification of workplaces that do not meet the norms, rules and standards of labor safety;
  • justification of benefits and compensations for unfavorable working conditions (additional payments to tariff rates, additional leave, shorter working week, pensions on preferential terms);
  • development of measures aimed at improving working conditions and maintaining the health of workers;
  • familiarization of employees when hiring with working conditions, their impact on health and the necessary personal protective equipment.

At the final stage, final documents are formed

In this case, fill in:
List of workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification for working conditions in the unit, which includes information about certified workplaces and working conditions there, the number of workers employed in these conditions, their provision with personal protective equipment;
A summary sheet of workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification for working conditions in the institution, which indicates the number of workplaces by structural divisions and the institution as a whole, the number of workplaces at which certification was carried out with their distribution by classes of working conditions, the number of employees, employed in workplaces where certification has been carried out, information on the provision of employees with personal protective equipment.
The results of the work of the certification commission of the institution are drawn up by the protocol of certification of workplaces for working conditions.

The protocol must be accompanied by:
Workplace certification cards for working conditions;
Sheets of workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification for working conditions in departments;
Consolidated statement of workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification for working conditions in the institution;
A plan of measures to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

Implementation of the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions

The implementation of the results of certification of workplaces is to develop an action plan to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

Based on the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions, the certification commission, taking into account the proposals received from the structural divisions of the institution, individual employees, develops an Action Plan to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

The Plan specifies the deadlines for the implementation of activities and the responsible executors. The plan should provide for bringing all workplaces in line with regulatory requirements for labor protection.

The plan is signed by the chairman of the certification commission, and after agreement with the joint committee (commission) on labor protection, trade unions, approved by the head of the institution.

The results of certification of workplaces for working conditions are brought to the attention of the employees of the institution.

Documents of certification of workplaces for working conditions are materials of strict accountability and are subject to storage for 45 years.

Procedure for the development and approval of instructions

Recall that the head of the institution (unit) is responsible for the timeliness and correctness of work with instructions [on labor protection].

The first head of the institution organizes the timely development, approval and availability of labor protection instructions for all types of work performed in his institution or in an independent structural unit such as a branch.

If there are deputies, assigns them this work. The latter exercise control over the timely development, approval and availability of instructions for all types of work performed in subordinate units.

If the institution has a labor protection service or at least a labor protection engineer, then they are directly involved in the work on the preparation and approval of instructions. If the institution has a labor protection management system, which provides and regulates the responsibilities of all managers to ensure labor safety, then it also regulates the work of writing and approving instructions. If the institution is small, then this work will have to be done by the head himself or by contacting specialists. The development of instructions for employees is carried out on the basis of orders and orders of the head of the educational institution.

The main link for working with instructions is the head of the middle link - the level of the head of the shop, the head of the department. He knows the specifics of his production better than others and is responsible for this work under the law.

He directly,
firstly, together with the labor protection service and the department of labor and wages (OTiZ), develops a list of necessary instructions for labor protection,
secondly, he develops himself personally or entrusts his deputy or other competent employee with such development;
thirdly, it monitors the timely approval and availability of labor protection instructions for all types of work performed in the shop, department he supervises.

The list is developed on the basis of the staffing table approved at the enterprise in accordance with the "Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers" and "Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees." The list is approved by the head of the institution and sent to all structural divisions (services, departments, etc.).

Persons appointed by the order of the head of an independent unit (subject teachers, etc.) are directly involved in the development of labor protection instructions.


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