Who makes the calculation of the level of product unification. Assessment of the level of unification. Designations and abbreviations

Indicators of standardization and unification characterize the saturation of products with standard, unified and original components, as well as the proportion of standard and unified elements of the product. Components are understood as parts or assembly units.). 5

The constituent elements in the product can be as follows:

Standard includes components manufactured in accordance with GOST, created on the basis of international and national standards;

Unified, created on the basis of the standards of organizations: 1) produced according to the standards of the enterprise, if they are used in at least two different products of the given enterprise; 2) obtained from other enterprises in the order of cooperation; 3) borrowed from other developments.

The indicators of standardization and unification include:

Applicability coefficient;

Repeatability coefficient;

Coefficient of mutual unification for a group of products.

Original, created for one product;

Borrowed, designed as original for a particular product, but used in two or more products.

The main indicators for assessing the level of standardization and unification are as follows:

1) the coefficient of unification K un, shows the proportion of standard, unified and borrowed elements, is determined by the formula (3):

where? G st - the number of standard elements in the product;

G un - the number of unified elements in the product;

G s - the number of borrowed elements in the product;

G total - the total number of elements in the product.

Determine the coefficient of unification for the gas stove "GEFEST 3100":

K un \u003d (201+ 10 + 16) \u003d 0.77

2) the coefficient of applicability K pr shows what is the proportion of the names of standard N st, unified N un and borrowed, N z elements in the total number of names N about elements in the product, determined by the formula (4):

where? N st - the number of names of standard elements;

N ун - the number of names of unified elements;

N s - the number of names of borrowed elements;

N total - the total number of item names in the product

The coefficient of applicability for the gas stove "GEFEST 3100" in accordance with the formula is:

K pr \u003d (9 + 6 + 7) / 52 \u003d 0.42

3) The repeatability coefficient K rep shows the ratio of the number of elements used in the product to the total name and is calculated by the formula (5):

where? G total - the total number of elements in the product;

N total - the total number of items in the product) .6

The repeatability factor for the GEFEST 3100 gas stove will be:

K rep \u003d 5.63.

Patent and Legal Indicators

Patent and legal indicators of product quality characterize the degree of patent protection of a product in the Russian Federation and abroad, as well as the level of patent purity of a product.

These indicators determine the level of patent protection of a product, which is calculated on the basis of dimensionless indicators of patent protection and patent purity.

Patent and legal indicators characterize the degree of renewal of technical solutions used in the product, and their patent protection and are an essential factor in determining the competitiveness of products.

The indicator of product patent protection is defined as the ratio of the number of component parts of a product protected by patents and certificates in the country to the total number of component parts in this product. At the same time, depending on the purpose and nature of a particular product, all its component parts can be divided into several groups of significance and a weight coefficient is assigned to each component part of the product.

The indicator of patent protection Ppz characterizes the number and weight of new domestic inventions implemented in a given object, i.e. characterizes the degree of protection of an object by the copyright certificates of Russia and patents abroad (for Russian inventions) belonging to domestic scientists and organizations, calculated by the formula (6):

PPZ 2 is an indicator of the protection of an object by patents abroad belonging to Russian scientists and organizations.

PPZ \u003d 0.9 + 0.1 \u003d 1

where Ki is the weight coefficient of the i-th component part of the object, protected by copyright certificates of Russia;

Let's calculate the indicator of patent protection according to the known formulas:

PPZ1 \u003d 9/10 \u003d 0.9

The indicator of patent protection of an object by patents abroad belonging to Russian scientists and organizations PPZ2 is determined by the formula (8):

where Kj is a weighting factor, depending on the number of countries in which patents were obtained, and the importance of these countries for the export of an object or the sale of licenses;

j is the weight coefficient of the j-th component part of the object, protected by patents belonging to scientists and organizations of Russia abroad;

m is the number of components protected by patents belonging to scientists and organizations of Russia abroad;

N j - the number of the j-th component parts of the object;

N is the total number of component parts of the object.

Ki K j Ka are determined by the expert method.

Let's calculate the indicator of patent protection according to the known formulas:

P PZ2 \u003d 1/10 \u003d 0.1

The indicator of patent purity of a product is determined as the difference between the unit and the achieved value of the indicator of patent protection of the product. This indicator makes it possible to answer the question of how easy it is to sell the product domestically and abroad. A product may be patent-free in relation to any country if it does not contain technical solutions falling under the scope of patents, certificates of exclusive rights to inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks registered in this country.

The check of the patent purity of the product is carried out, as a rule, in relation to the countries of intended export and the leading countries for its production. Due to the territorial nature of the patent, the indicator under consideration should be determined separately for the Russian Federation and for each country of the intended export.

In addition to the indicators considered, the indicator of territorial distribution of the patent purity of a given product is also used, which is defined as the ratio of the number of countries for which the product has patent purity to the number of countries where products are likely to be exported or licensed to be sold.

The indicator of patent purity (PPC) characterizes the possibility of unimpeded implementation of an object in sales markets, and is determined by the formula (9):

where Kj is a weighting factor, depending on the number of countries in which patents were obtained, and the importance of these countries for the export of an object or the sale of licenses; Kt is the coefficient of significance of the t-th component parts of the object;

S is the total number of t-th constituent parts of the object (the number of significance groups); Nt - the number of t-th constituent parts of the object, subject to patents in a given country; and unprotected by the acquisition of these patents

N is the total number of component parts of the object.). 8, p. 128

Let's calculate the indicator of patent purity for the investigated gas stove according to the formula (11):

From this it follows that nothing interferes with the product both in the Russian market and in the foreign one.

competitiveness gas stove patent

Solve Problem 1 according to the given option.

The work carried out in the course of standardization makes it possible to improve the design processes and manufacture of a wide variety of machines, units and devices, as well as the development of high-tech industries and services, which significantly reduces the time required to master new products and ensures quality stability.

The main work performed on standardization is the unification of parts, assemblies, assemblies, machines, devices.

Unification- this is the reduction of objects of the same functional purpose to uniformity (for example, to an optimal design according to an established criterion and a rational reduction in the number of these objects based on their effective applicability).

The effectiveness of work on unification and standardization is characterized by its level, i.e. saturation of products with unified, including standardized, parts, assemblies and assembly units.

One of the indicators of the level of unification is the coefficient of applicability (unification) TO etc.

Applicability coefficient TO pr shows the level of applicability of the components, i.e. the level of use in newly developed designs of parts, assemblies, mechanisms that were previously used in previous similar designs. Calculated by the number of standard sizes, by the constituent parts of the product, or in value terms.

The coefficient of applicability in various industries is mainly determined using differentiated indicators characterizing the level (degree) of product unification (in%):

1.the number of standard sizes is determined by the formula:

where n - the total number of standard sizes;

n 0 - the number of original standard sizes that were developed for the first time for this product.

Standard size they call such an item of production (part, assembly, machine, device), which has a specific design (inherent only to this item), specific parameters and dimensions and is recorded as a separate item in the column of the product specification.

2.the component parts of the product are determined by the formula:

where N -the total number of component parts of the product;

N 0 - number of original product parts.

3.In terms of value, it is determined by the formula:

where FROM - the cost of the total number of component parts of the product;

FROM 0 is the cost of the number of original component parts of the product.

Any of the above formulas characterizes the level of unification only from one side. A more complete characteristic of the level of product unification can be given by a complex indicator - the coefficient of applicability, which can be represented as:

where AND u.v - the weight of all standardized parts in the product;

FROM y is the average cost of the weight of the material of the standardized parts;

AND u.t - total labor intensity of manufacturing standardized parts;

AND d.v - total weight of the product;

FROM t is the average cost of the weight of the product material as a whole;

AND d.t - the total laboriousness of the manufacture of the product.

h - average cost per standard hour;

Repeatability factor of component parts in the total number of component parts of this product TO n (%) characterizes the level of unification and interchangeability of component parts of products of a certain type:

where N-the total number of component parts of products,

n - the total number of original standard sizes.

The average repeatability of components in a product is characterized by the repeatability coefficient:

Problem 1

Determine the coefficients of applicability and repeatability for vehicle components.

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Metrology, standardization, certification

1. A characteristic that determines the measurement accuracy of SI - class of SI accuracy

2. Presentation of measurement results

3. Determination of the optimal level of unification and standardization

4. The concept of metrological support. Organizational, scientific and methodological foundations of metrological research

5. Methodology of software quality assurance

6. Legal basis for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The main provisions of the law of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements

7. Standardization of software quality assurance

8. Tasks solved in metrological support of product testing for the purpose of conformity confirmation

9. Metrological services. The structure and functions of the metrological services of an enterprise, organization, institution that are legal entities

1. Xcharacteristic, defining accuracysI measurements- SI accuracy class

Accuracy class of measuring instruments is a characteristic expressed by the limits of permissible errors. The accuracy class allows you to judge the limits of the measurement error of this class.

Accuracy classes are assigned to measuring instruments during their development, taking into account the results of state acceptance tests.

Although the accuracy class characterizes the totality of the metrological properties of a given measuring instrument, it does not unequivocally determine the measurement accuracy, since the latter depends on the measurement method and the conditions for their implementation. Measuring instruments with two or more measurement ranges of the same physical quantity may be assigned two or more accuracy classes.

Measuring instruments intended to measure two or more physical quantities may be assigned different accuracy classes for each measured quantity. In order to limit the nomenclature of measuring instruments in terms of accuracy, a limited number of accuracy classes are established for a specific type of measuring instrument, which is determined by feasibility studies.

Accuracy classes of digital measuring devices with built-in computing devices for additional processing of measurement results are set without taking into account the processing mode.

2. Presentation of measurement results

The measurement result is represented by a named or unnamed number. Example - 100 kW; 20 ° С - named numbers; 0.44; 2,765 are unnamed numbers.

Together with the measurement result, the characteristics of its error or their statistical estimates are presented. If the measurement result or a certain group of measurement results are obtained according to the certified MVI, then instead of the measurement error characteristics, they can be accompanied by a reference to the MVI certification certificate, which certifies the characteristics of the error obtained when using this MVI measurement results and the conditions for its applicability.

If a measurement result is obtained from such an MVI, when the characteristics of the measurement error are estimated during the measurements themselves or immediately after or before them, the result is accompanied by statistical estimates of the characteristics of the measurement error.

It is allowed to present the measurement result with a confidence interval covering with a known (indicated) confidence probability the true value of the measured quantity. In this case, statistical estimates of the characteristics of the measurement error are not separately indicated. (This form of presentation of measurement results is allowed in cases where the characteristics of the measurement error have not been established in advance and the measurement error is estimated during the measurements themselves or immediately after or before them).

Together with the measurement result, if necessary, provide additional data.

The presentation of the results of measurements of the measured value changing in time, if necessary, is accompanied by indications of the points in time corresponding to each of the presented measurement results. In this case, the beginning of the time scale can be any moment in time taken for the given experiment as the initial one. The presentation of the measurement results obtained as the arithmetic mean of the results of multiple observations is accompanied by an indication of the number of observations and the time interval during which they were carried out. If the measurements at which these results were obtained are carried out according to the MVI established in any document, instead of indicating the number of observations and the interval, reference to this document is allowed.

If necessary, for the correct interpretation of the results and the measurement error, indicate for a given MVI the model of the measurement object and its parameters taken as measured values. If the measured value is expressed by a functional, the latter is also indicated. If necessary, the measurement result and characteristics of the measurement error are accompanied by an indication of compliance (or non-compliance) of the error characteristics with the measurement accuracy standards, if they are specified.

Examples for 2.4:

Example 1 - Recording in the protocol the result of measuring the flow rate of the liquid, obtained according to the certified MVI:

a) The measurement result is 10.75 m3 / s; | L | | Dh | \u003d 0.15 m3 / s; P \u003d 0.95. Measurement conditions: liquid temperature 20 ° С, kinematic viscosity 1.5 · 10-6 m2 / s;

b) The measurement result is 10.75m3 / s. Characteristics of the error and measurement conditions - in accordance with the certificate of attestation MVI No. 17 dated 05.07.2003.

3. Determination of the optimal level of unification and standardization

Unification is an activity for the rational reduction of the number of types of parts, units of the same functional purpose.

Unification can be considered as a means of optimizing quality parameters and limiting the number of standard sizes of manufactured products and their components. At the same time, unification affects all stages of the product life cycle, ensures the interchangeability of products, units and assemblies, which, in turn, allows enterprises to cooperate with each other.

The main types of unification: design and technological.

Design unification is the unification of products as a whole and their constituent parts (parts, assemblies, components, etc.).

Technological unification - unification of normative and technical documentation (standards, technical conditions, instructions, methods, guidelines, design and technological documentation, etc.). The result of work on unification can be albums of standard (unified) structures, parts, assemblies, assembly units, etc.

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bproduct unification, unification can be cross-sectoral, sectoral and factory.

The degree of unification is characterized by the level of saturation of the product with unified parts, assemblies and assembly units.

The indicator of the level of unification is the coefficient of applicability:

Kp \u003d p - p 100%

n is the total number of parts in the product, pcs;

n about - the number of original parts, pcs.

4. The concept of metrological support. Organizational, scientific and methodological foundations of metrological research

Metrological support is the establishment and application of scientific and organizational foundations, technical means, rules and norms necessary to achieve the uniformity and required accuracy of measurements. This is the approval and application of metrological rules, and measurement procedures (MVI), as well as the development, manufacture and use of technical means to ensure the uniformity and required accuracy of measurements.

The main goals of the MO are:

· Improvement of product quality, efficiency of production management and the level of operation of production processes;

· Ensuring the interchangeability of parts, components and assemblies, creating the necessary conditions for cooperation in production and the development of specialization;

· Increasing the efficiency of research and development work, experiments and tests;

· Ensuring the reliability of accounting and increasing the efficiency of the use of material assets and energy resources;

· Increasing the level of automation of transport management and safety of its movement;

· Ensuring high quality and reliability of communication;

· Consumer protection.

Organizational, scientific and methodological foundations of metrological research.

The organizational basis for metrological support is the metrological service, which consists of the state metrological service and metrological services of enterprises.

The technical basis for metrological support is the following systems:

· State standards of units of physical quantities;

· Transfer of the sizes of units of physical quantities from standards to all SI using exemplary SI and other means of verification;

· Development, putting into production and release into circulation of working measuring instruments;

· Obligatory state tests and metrological certification of measuring instruments;

· Obligatory state and departmental verification of measuring instruments;

· Standard samples of composition and properties of substances and materials;

· Standard reference data on physical constants and properties of substances and materials.

The normative-legal basis of MO is the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", regulatory documents of the State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

5. Software quality assurance methodology

standardization metrological service unification

One of the most important problems of software quality assurance is the methodology for their evaluation. The international standard ISO 14598, consisting of six parts, is devoted to the methodology and standardization of assessing the quality characteristics of finished software and their components at various stages of the life cycle.

In modern automated technologies for the creation and development of complex software systems, from the standpoint of ensuring their necessary and specified reliability, it is possible to single out methods and means, the complex application of which makes it possible to exclude certain types of threats or significantly weaken their influence. Thus, the level of attainable PS reliability becomes predictable and manageable, directly dependent on the resources allocated for its achievement, and most importantly on the quality and efficiency of the technology used at all stages of the PS life cycle.

Substation reliability assurance methods:

Error prevention

This group includes principles and methods, the purpose of which is to prevent errors in the finished program. Most of the methods concentrate on individual translation processes and are aimed at preventing errors in these processes. They can be broken down into the following categories:

Methods to cope with complexity, to minimize it, since this is the main cause of translation errors;

Methods for achieving greater accuracy in translation;

Methods for improving information exchange;

Methods for immediate detection and elimination of errors. These methods are aimed at detecting errors at every step of the translation, without delaying testing the program after it is written.

Error detection

Most of the methods are aimed at detecting failures as soon as possible. Error detection measures can be divided into two subgroups: passive attempts to detect error symptoms during "normal" software operation, and active attempts by the software system to periodically examine its state for signs of errors.

Passive detection. Error detection measures can be taken at several structural levels of the software system.

Active error detection. Not all errors can be detected passively, since these methods only detect an error when its symptoms are properly tested. Additional checks can be made if special software is designed to actively search for signs of errors in the system. Such tools are called active error detection tools.

Proactive error detection tools are usually bundled into a diagnostic monitor: a parallel process that periodically analyzes the state of the system to detect an error.

Error correction

The next step is error correction methods; after an error is discovered, either the error itself or its consequences must be corrected by the software. Correcting errors by the system itself is a fruitful method of designing reliable hardware systems.

Ensuring error resilience

The methods of this group aim to ensure the functioning of a software system in the presence of errors in it. They fall into three subgroups: dynamic redundancy, fallback techniques, and error isolation techniques.

1. One of the approaches to dynamic redundancy is the voting method. The data is processed independently by several identical devices and the results are compared. If most of the devices produce the same result, that result is considered correct.

2. The second subset of error resilience techniques is called fallback or reduced maintenance techniques. These methods are generally acceptable only when it is essential for the software system to finish correctly.

3. The last subgroup is error isolation techniques. Their main idea is to prevent the consequences of the error from going beyond the limits of the smallest part of the software system, so that if an error occurs, then not the whole system is inoperable; only certain functions in the system or some of its users are disabled.

6. Legal basis for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The main provisions of the law of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements

The legal basis for ensuring the uniformity of measurements is established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" (1993). The law regulates relations between the state governing bodies of the Russian Federation with legal entities and individuals on the issues of manufacturing, production, operation, repair, sale and import of measuring instruments and is aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, the established law and order and the economy of the Russian Federation from the negative consequences of unreliable measurement results ...

The provisions of the RF law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements":

Article 1. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are applied:

uniformity of measurements - the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legalized units of quantities and measurement errors do not go beyond the established boundaries with a given probability;

measuring instrument - a technical device intended for measurements;

standard unit of quantity - a measuring instrument designed to reproduce and store a unit of quantity (or multiple or fractional values \u200b\u200bof a unit of quantity) in order to transfer its size to other measuring instruments of this quantity;

state standard of a unit of magnitude - a standard of a unit of magnitude recognized by a decision of an authorized state body as a reference on the territory of the Russian Federation;

normative documents on ensuring the uniformity of measurements - state standards, international (regional) standards, rules, regulations, instructions and recommendations applied in the prescribed manner;

metrological service - a set of subjects of activity and types of work aimed at ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

metrological control and supervision - activities carried out by the body of the state metrological service (state metrological control and supervision) or by the metrological service of a legal entity in order to verify compliance with the established metrological rules and norms;

verification of a measuring instrument - a set of operations performed by bodies of the state metrological service (other authorized bodies, organizations) in order to determine and confirm the compliance of a measuring instrument with the established technical requirements;

calibration of a measuring instrument - a set of operations performed in order to determine and confirm the actual values \u200b\u200bof metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for use of a measuring instrument that is not subject to state metrological control and supervision;

certificate of type approval of measuring instruments - a document issued by an authorized state body, certifying that this type of measuring instruments is approved in the manner prescribed by the current legislation and meets the established requirements;

accreditation for the right to verify measuring instruments - the official recognition by an authorized state body of the authority to perform verification work;

a license for the manufacture (repair, sale, rental) of measuring instruments - a document certifying the right to engage in these types of activities, issued to legal entities and individuals by the body of the state metrological service;

calibration certificate - a document certifying the fact and results of calibration of a measuring instrument, which is issued by the organization performing the calibration.

Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements

The regulation of relations related to ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is carried out by this Law and acts of legislation of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it.

Article 3. International agreements

If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those contained in the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, then the rules of the international treaty are applied.

Article 4. State management of ensuring the uniformity of measurements

1. State management of activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart of Russia).

2. The competence of Gosstandart of Russia includes:

interregional and intersectoral coordination of activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation;

submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of proposals on units of quantities allowed for use;

establishment of rules for the creation, approval, storage and use of measurement standards of units of quantities;

determination of general metrological requirements for instruments, methods and results of measurements;

implementation of state metrological control and supervision;

monitoring compliance with the terms of international treaties of the Russian Federation on the recognition of test results and verification of measuring instruments;

management of the activities of the State Metrological Service and other state services for ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

participation in the activities of international organizations on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Article 5. Normative documents for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

1. In accordance with this Law and other acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Gosstandart of Russia approves regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements, establishing metrological rules and norms and binding on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. It is allowed to approve normative documents on ensuring the uniformity of measurements by the Gosstandart of Russia and interested state governing bodies of the Russian Federation, which are responsible for the application of these documents in the areas of management entrusted to them.

7. Standardization of software quality assurance

Standardization is an activity aimed at the development and establishment of requirements, norms, rules, characteristics, both mandatory and recommended, ensuring the consumer's right to purchase goods of appropriate quality, as well as the right to safety and comfort at work. The goal of standardization is to achieve the optimal degree of ordering in a particular area through the wide and repeated use of established provisions, requirements, norms to solve real-life, planned or potential tasks. The main results of standardization activities should be an increase in the degree of conformity of a product (service), processes to their functional purpose, elimination of technical barriers in international trade, promotion of scientific and technological progress and cooperation in various fields.

Standards are of great importance - they provide an opportunity for software developers to use data and programs of other developers, to export / import data. Such standards regulate interaction between different programs. To do this, there are inter-program interface standards, for example OLE (Object Linking and Embedding - linking and embedding objects). Without such standards, software products would be "closed" to each other.

All development companies must ensure an acceptable level of quality of the software (software) being released. For these purposes, software quality standards or separate sections in software development standards dedicated to software quality requirements are intended.

Depending on the occurrence: "de jure" and "de facto". The de facto standard is a term for a product from a vendor that has captured a large market share and that other vendors seek to emulate, copy, or use in order to capture their share of the market. The de jure standard is created by a formally recognized standardization organization. It is developed following the rules of consensus in an open discussion process in which everyone has a chance to participate. No group can act independently to create industry standards. If any vendor group creates a standard that doesn't take into account user requirements, it will fail.

Software Documentation Standards.

The creation of software documentation is an important stage, since the user begins his acquaintance with the software product from the documentation. Software documentation should answer the questions: what is the software product intended for, how to install the software product, how to start working with it. The basis of the domestic regulatory framework in the field of documenting software systems is a set of standards for the Unified System of Program Documentation (ESPD). Now it is a system of interstate standards of the CIS countries (GOST) operating in the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of an interstate agreement on standardization.

A unified system of program documentation is a set of state standards that establish interrelated rules for the development, design and circulation of programs and program documentation. The ESAP standards mainly cover the part of the documentation that is created in the process of developing the software, and are associated, for the most part, with documenting the functional characteristics of the software. The ESPD includes:

fundamental and organizational and methodological standards;

standards defining the form and content of program documents used in data processing;

standards that ensure the automation of the development of program documents.

In the Russian Federation, there are a number of standards in terms of documenting software developed on the basis of direct application of ISO international standards:

GOST R ISO / IEC 9294-93. Information technology. Guidelines for managing software documentation. The standard is fully consistent with the international standard ISO / IEC 9294: 1990 and establishes recommendations for the effective management of software documentation for managers responsible for their creation. The purpose of the standard is to assist in defining a strategy for documenting the FP; selection of standards for documentation; selection of documentation procedures; determining the required resources; drawing up plans for documentation.

GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93. Information technology. Evaluation of software products. Quality characteristics and guidelines for their application. The standard fully complies with the international standard ISO / IEC 9126: 1991. In its context, a quality characteristic is understood as "a set of properties (attributes) of software products, according to which its quality is described and evaluated." The standard defines six complex characteristics that describe the quality of the software (software, software products) with minimal duplication:







These characteristics form the basis for further clarification and description of the quality of the PS.

GOST R ISO 9127-94. Information processing systems. User documentation and packaging information for consumer software packages. The standard fully complies with the international standard ISO 9127: 1989. For the purposes of this International Standard, a consumer software package (CP) means "software products designed and sold to perform specific functions; the software and its associated documentation, packaged for sale as a whole." User documentation is understood as documentation that provides the end user with information on the installation and operation of the PP. Information on the packaging is understood as the information reproduced on the outer packaging of the PP. Its purpose is to provide potential buyers with primary information about the PP.

GOST R ISO / IEC 8631-94. Information technology. Software constructs and conventions for their presentation. Describes the presentation of procedural algorithms.

GOST R ISO / IEC 12119: 1994. Information technology. Software packages. Quality requirements and testing. This standard establishes quality requirements for software packages and instructions for testing them for compliance with specified requirements. The concept of "software package" is actually identified with the more general concept of "software product", considered as a collection of programs, procedures and rules supplied to several users for general use or operation. Each software package must have a product description and user documentation.

8. Tasks solved in metrological support of product testing for the purpose of conformity confirmation

The main goal of metrological support of tests is to obtain reliable measurement information on the values \u200b\u200bof quality and product safety indicators.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

a) create the necessary conditions for obtaining reliable information on the values \u200b\u200bof quality and safety indicators of products during testing;

b) develop test methods that ensure the receipt of test results with an error and reproducibility that does not go beyond the established standards;

c) develop test programs that provide reliable information on the values \u200b\u200bof quality and safety indicators of products and their compliance with the established requirements;

d) to conduct a metrological examination of programs and test methods;

e) ensure verification of copies of measuring instruments used in the areas of distribution of state metrological control and supervision and calibration of measuring instruments that are not subject to state metrological control and supervision;

f) ensure the certification of testing equipment in accordance with GOST R 8.568-97;

g) ensure periodic inspection of the technical condition of technological, laboratory and auxiliary equipment used during testing;

h) ensure the certification of measurement procedures in accordance with GOST R 8.563-96 and certification of test procedures taking into account the VNIIS Recommendations and Section 5 of this manual;

i) to provide training of personnel of testing departments to perform measurements and tests, maintenance and certification of test equipment.

In accordance with the tasks of metrological support of tests, the metrological services or other organizational structures for ensuring the uniformity of measurements functioning at enterprises and organizations (including as part of testing departments) should perform their functions determined by the Regulations on the metrological service of an enterprise (organization), including regulated in clause 5.13 of GOST R 51672.

Specialists of the metrological service of an enterprise or other structure to ensure the uniformity of measurements must ensure the fulfillment of tasks under clauses d), e), h) and take part in solving all the other above-mentioned tasks of metrological support together with specialists from other technical services.

9. Metrological services. The structure and functions of the metrological services of the enterprise, aboutorganizations, institutions that arewith legal entities

Metrological service of enterprises, organizations and institutions includes:

Chief Metrologist Department,

Verification and measurement laboratories,

Measuring instruments repair group,

Rental office, etc.

The metrological service is created to perform tasks to ensure the uniformity of measurements and metrological support for research, development, testing and operation of products or other areas of activity assigned to the enterprise.

The main tasks of the metrological service of the enterprise include:

Ensuring the uniformity and required accuracy of measurements, increasing the metrological support of production;

Introduction into practice of modern methods and measuring instruments aimed at increasing the level of scientific research, production efficiency, technical level and product quality;

Organization and carrying out of calibration and repair of measuring instruments in operation and timely submission of measuring instruments for verification;

Carrying out metrological certification of measurement procedures, as well as participation in certification of test and control instruments;

Carrying out a metrological examination of technical specifications, project, design and technological documentation, draft standards and other regulatory documents;

Carrying out works on metrological support of production;

Participation in the certification of testing departments, in preparation for the certification of production and quality systems;

Implementation of metrological supervision over the condition and application of measuring instruments, certified measurement procedures, standards used for calibrating measuring instruments, compliance with metrological norms and rules, regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements at attached enterprises.

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The main work performed during standardization: systematization of objects, phenomena or concepts; coding and classification of technical and economic information; unification and simplication of parts, assembly units, assemblies, assemblies, machines, devices; typification of structures, products and technological processes; aggregation of machines and other products.

Systematization objects, phenomena or concepts aims to arrange them in a certain order and sequence, forming a clear system, convenient for use. The systematization takes into account the relationship of objects. The simplest form of systematization is the alphabetical system of object arrangement. The ordinal numbering of the classified objects or their arrangement in chronological sequence is also used (Gosstandart of Russia registers GOSTs in the order of numbers, after which each standard indicates the year of its approval or revision).

Computing technology works with information presented only in coded form, in the form of a combination of various numbers and letters. Coding information assumes mandatory systematization and classification. Coding is education according to certain rules and the assignment of codes to an object or a group of objects, which allows replacing the names of these objects with signs (symbols). With the help of codes, objects are identified with a minimum number of characters. Unification - it is the reduction of objects of the same functional purpose to uniformity (for example, to the optimal design) according to the established criterion and a rational reduction in the number of these objects based on data on their effective applicability. During unification, the minimum necessary, but a sufficient number of types, types, assembly units and parts with high quality indicators and full interchangeability are established. Unification helps to single out individual samples, the prototypes of which in various sizes and parametric versions are used in many products. In the process of development of unification, two main directions are determined: restrictive and layout. The restrictive direction is characterized by analyzing the range of manufactured products and limiting it to the minimum required range of standard sizes of products and their elements. The layout direction is characterized by analyzing the needs and identifying the range of products required by the national economy. In terms of content, unification is subdivided into:

intra-dimensional, when the unification covers all varieties (modifications) of a certain machine both in relation to its base model and in relation to modifications of this model; interdimensional, when not only modifications of one basic model are unified, but also basic models of machines of different sizes of a given parametric series; intertype, when the unification applies to machines of different types included in different parametric series. Unification can be carried out at the plant, industry and cross-industry levels. The restrictive direction of unification is called simplication. Simplification -a form of standardization that aims to reduce the number of types or other varieties of products to a number sufficient to meet current needs. Typing product designs -development and establishment of standard designs containing design parameters common to products, assembly units and parts. When typing, they not only analyze existing types and sizes of products, their components, but also develop new, promising ones, taking into account the achievements of science and technology and the development of industry. Typification of technological processes -development and establishment of a process for the production of the same type of parts or the assembly of the same type of components or products of a particular classification group. Aggregation - the principle of creating machines, equipment from unified standard units (autonomous assembly units) installed in the product in various numbers and combinations. These units must be fully interchangeable in all performance characteristics and dimensions. The selection of aggregates is performed on the basis of a kinematic analysis of machines and their components, taking into account their use in other machines. At the same time, they strive so that the maximum number of equipment layouts can be created from the minimum number of standard sizes of autonomous units. Determination of the optimal level of unification and standardizationIt is advantageous for manufacturers to have a more rarefied range of products, which makes it possible to reduce the costs of mastering production and reduce the range of tooling. For consumers, a dense row is more profitable, which allows optimal use of their own resources (space, energy, consumables, etc.)).

The criterion for choosing the compared series is the minimum cost of manufacturing and operating the product. Comprehensive standardization allows to ensure the technical and economic efficiency of a group of objects as a whole, and depends on the solution of the problem of its optimal limitation. Insufficient coverage of the elements of complex standardization and their indicators by normative and technical documentation will not lead to the desired result. Too deep coverage is economically unprofitable, since, starting from a certain maximum, further expansion of the boundaries of standardization sharply increases the cost of standardization work, but has little effect on the quality level of standardization objects.

The question of the optimal limitation should be decided in each specific case.

2.4.1. The main areas of unification are:

c + development of parametric product lines

c + development of standard products

в- classification of objects of standardization

2.4.2. The main directions of unification are:

c- selection of specific objects that are recognized as appropriate for further use in production

c + limitation to a reasonable minimum of the range of products and materials permitted for use

c + development of standard products

c - finding the optimal main parameters, as well as all other indicators of quality and efficiency

c + development of unified technological processes

2.4.3. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bimplementation, unification can be:

c + intersectoral

c- interspecific

c + industry

c- interproject

in + factory

2.4.4. Depending on the methodological principles of implementation, unification can be:

b + intraspecific

c- intersectoral

c + interproject

c- industry

3.1 State control and supervision over compliance with the requirements of state standards

3.1.1. State control over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out in relation to:

in + products

в- banking services

c + production processes

in + operation

c- educational services

3.1.2. State control over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out in relation to:

in + products;

in + storage

c + recycling

c- production

3.1.3. With regard to products, state control over compliance with technical regulations is carried out ...

Sample answer at the stage of circulation.

3.1.4. Bodies of state control (supervision) have the right:

c + require the manufacturer to present a declaration of conformity or a certificate of conformity

c + issue orders to eliminate violations of the requirements of technical regulations

3.1.5. Bodies of state control (supervision) have the right:

c + suspend or terminate the declaration of conformity or certificate of conformity

c + carry out measures for state control over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations

c- issue certificates confirming quality

c + hold the manufacturer liable under the laws of the Russian Federation

c- issue certificates confirming safety

3.1.6. State control (supervision) bodies are obliged to:

c + observe commercial secrets and other secrets protected by law

c + comply with the procedure for implementing measures for state control over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations

3.1.7. State control (supervision) bodies are obliged to:

c + take measures to eliminate the consequences of violations of the requirements of technical regulations

в- to evaluate products for quality

c + carry out explanatory work on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation during measures for state control (supervision)

c + send information on non-compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations

c- carry out product certification

3.1.8. The state control bodies within ... are obliged to inform the persons whose rights have been violated about the measures taken against the officials guilty of violating the legislation

Sample answer months

3.1.9. The manufacturer, who became aware of the non-compliance of the product with the requirements of technical regulations, is obliged to inform the state control body about this within ...

Sample answer ten days

3.1.10. The seller, who received information about the non-conformity of the product, within ... is obliged to bring it to the manufacturer

Sample answer ten days

3.1.11. Upon receipt of information on non-conformity of products, the state control body within must notify the manufacturer

Sample answer ten days

3.1.12. During the inspection, the state control (supervision) bodies have the right to:

c + demand from the manufacturer materials for verifying the reliability of information on non-compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations

c + send inquiries to other federal executive bodies

c- impose penalties on the manufacturer;

c + if necessary, involve specialists to analyze the materials received

3.1.13. State control (supervision) body:

c + promotes the dissemination of information on the timing and procedure for measures to prevent harm

c + asks the manufacturer for documents confirming the implementation of the measures specified in the program of measures to prevent harm

c- determine the punishment of the manufacturer for non-conformity of products;

c + verifies that the deadlines specified in the harm prevention program are met

c- impose penalties on the manufacturer

3.3.1. Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) is carried out in order to:

c- increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services in the Russian and international markets

в- assisting buyers in a competent choice of products, works, services

3.3.2 Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) is carried out in order to:

c- voluntary application of standards

c + confirmation of the competence of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) performing work on confirmation of conformity

c + ensuring the confidence of manufacturers, sellers and purchasers in the activities of certification bodies and accredited testing laboratories (centers)

c + creating conditions for the recognition of the results of the activities of certification bodies and accredited testing laboratories (centers)

3.3.3. Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories is carried out on the basis of the principles:

c + voluntariness

c + openness and accessibility of accreditation rules

c- maximum consideration in the development of standards of the legitimate interests of stakeholders

c + the competence and independence of the accreditation bodies

3.3.4. Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories is carried out on the basis of the principles:

c + ensuring equal conditions for persons applying for accreditation

c- providing conditions for uniform application of standards

c + voluntariness

c- maximum consideration in the development of standards of the legitimate interests of stakeholders

c + inadmissibility of combining powers for accreditation and confirmation of conformity

3.3.5. Accredited testing laboratories (centers) conduct research (tests) and measurements of products within their scope of accreditation on the terms of ... with certification bodies

Sample answer contracts

3.3.6. The certification bodies provide the accredited testing laboratories (centers) with information about the applicant ...

b + not entitled

in- right

3.3.7. An accredited testing laboratory draws up the results of research and measurements as appropriate ...

Sample answer protocols

3.3.8. An accredited testing laboratory, experts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract are responsible for ...

Sample answer unreliability or bias of research results.


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