Export customs clearance: stages and payments. Documents for export - a list of documents confirming the procedure, and their preparation Export customs clearance in a set

The company "InterCity Logistics" offers services for customs clearance of goods when exported from Russia through the airports of Moscow, St. Petersburg

Export customs clearance

  • Export from Russia
  • Export clearance

The customs representative of InterCity Logistics provides brokerage services and professional assistance in customs clearance of exports. The company specializes in customs declaration, cargo and terminal forwarding of air cargo, as well. We work at all customs posts of the Moscow air hub, as well as in Pulkovo:

  • in touch around the clock, seven days a week, 364 days a year;
  • there are regular offices at the cargo terminals;
  • we provide personal presence and escort of goods under customs control.

Export from Russia

It is a mistake to believe that export customs clearance, in contrast to, is a simple event that does not require special preparation. In fact, "customs clearance" has enough nuances, ignorance or ignorance of which can cause the cargo to "hang" at the customs, direct and indirect financial losses.

The professional assistance of a competent and experienced broker will allow you to complete customs clearance of exports from Russia in a short time - from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

The basic conditions for fast customs clearance during export processing are the correct filling of the DT and a competent package of documents. InterCity Logistics specialists in the process of DT formation:

  • will provide information support on customs and tax legislation of the Russian Federation, mandatory documents for export;
  • check the commercial package, paying attention to the completeness, completeness and consistency of the declared information;
  • analyze the conformity of the claimed TNVED code and information on exported goods - description, technical documentation, other documents and information;
  • clarify the existence of prohibitions, restrictions, tariff and non-tariff measures taken in relation to the exported goods;
  • control the availability of the necessary licenses, powers of attorney, certificates confirming the right to carry out activities, disposal of goods, product quality, as well as (if necessary) permission of the copyright holder to export intellectual property products;
  • assist in obtaining the necessary permits, opinions, licenses (Ministry of Industry and Trade, FSTEC, other departments);
  • help to confirm the origin, quality, safety of goods;
  • form (including all the necessary calculations) diesel fuel, submit to the customs post, carry out work on a quick release;
  • will receive confirmation of the departure of the cargo, which is required for a VAT refund.

Documents for customs clearance of export

The customs representative helps the participant of foreign economic activity to comply with the procedure for customs clearance of exports, fills in the DT and processes requests. However, the responsibility for the formation (and content) of documents confirming the information in the DT lies with the exporter. To declare commercial cargo for export, you must submit to the customs:

  • a package of registration documents, information about accounts, a signature card, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (before the first submission);
  • foreign trade contract (with all attachments, additions, changes) registered with the bank;
  • specifications, invoice, invoice, waybill;
  • information confirming the formed commercial and declared customs value of goods - accounting documents, transport invoices;
  • documents confirming the origin of goods (ST-1, form A), certificates of quality, safety (MSDS, phytosanitary, veterinary);
  • licenses for the sale of products, the turnover of which is limited by law;
  • confirmation of payment of license fees, if any;
  • other permits and explanatory documents required for the export of goods (relating to intellectual property, dual-use goods);
  • information about vehicles designated for crossing the border;
  • document confirming the payment of customs duties, export duties (if the position is subject to taxation).

Export clearance of goods

The company "InterCity Logistics" has been working for more than 18 years in the field of organization, customs clearance of the export of goods, and other procedures. Among the Russian-made products supplied abroad with the support of our declaring department, one can single out:

  • , components and accessories for transport, wheeled and motor vehicles;
  • navigation devices;
  • industrial, parts thereof;
  • equipment for receiving and transmitting data;
  • devices for recording and storing information;
  • medical and laboratory devices, apparatus, instruments;
  • pharmaceutical and veterinary drugs, raw materials;
  • cosmetics, perfumery;
  • , footwear, leather and fur products;
  • goods for kids.

You can get a preliminary consultation on the export of goods from Russia, order the organization of air transportation and declare cargo through the feedback form on the page, or by contacting a company specialist by phone.

Why work with us

If you are not familiar with all the intricacies of international transportation, InterCity Logistics will help you understand them. For example, we can ensure the import of goods without foreign economic activity by the client.

In our field, long-term experience is a guarantee of the company's reliability.

If you are the owner of a large company and do not want to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, but are going to develop and sell your goods abroad, then you definitely need a reliable transport company capable of providing a full range of services related to the registration and delivery of goods.

Because, even when concluding a profitable deal, you should not rush to rejoice, because you have to export goods abroad, which means that you have to resolve the difficult issue of export registration.

On the one hand, you can independently engage in this procedure and study the regulatory framework, purchase software, assign some functions to your employees, hire a declarant and, as a result, fear for the safety and timely delivery of your goods.

On the other hand, you completely remove this problem from yourself by entrusting the customs clearance of exports to the hands of professionals. .

Export clearance with the company "Customs Technologies"

At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple, and you will independently cope with the export registration procedure, however, a large number of nuances and bureaucratic subtleties can become a real problem for a person who does not have enough knowledge and experience in this matter. There are special computer programs for export registration, customs legislation is constantly updated and changed, and as a result, in order to guarantee the safety of your exported goods, it is better to turn to professionals.

Specialists of "Customs Technologies" will make customs clearance of exports a relatively quick procedure that does not cause problems for your business. By contacting us, you receive first-class services and a reliable business partner represented by our company.

Export clearance from Russia: a list of services and modes

Our company has been dealing with and rendering a full range of services for transportation and paperwork in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation for several years already. As for the customs clearance of exports from Russia, here we can offer the following options:

  • registration of permanent export of goods;
  • registration of temporary export;
  • export clearance for processing outside the customs territory;
  • re-export;
  • export clearance according to;
  • provision of contract holder and exporter services;
  • analysis and solution of issues on various non-tariff measures of foreign economic activity regulation.

In addition, we can offer clients a full range of services, and more.

Execution of documents for export quickly and inexpensively

Obviously, the services of a customs representative will require payment. However, these very small expenses will pay off very quickly, besides, you will spend many times less time and effort on paperwork for export. You should not create unnecessary obstacles for the development of your business, contact "Customs Technologies", and the registration will not cause you unnecessary trouble and delays. Develop your business, and we will handle the delivery and registration!

At the very beginning of your journey, you must decide on an export contract. We offer you a very good contract template for downloading and studying.

In addition to the contract, you must prepare documents (according to the list) for registration at customs and documents required for customs clearance at the post.

Customs clearance of the export of goods with discounts

Another pleasant news from our company is the availability of discounts for regular customers, as well as legal entities that regularly process the export of goods from Russia to Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan. Cooperation with us will free you from the hassle and difficulties associated with customs clearance of the export of your products, and will help you to deliver efficiently and on time.

Export of goods from Russia is the export of goods and non-material products from the customs territory of the Russian Federation. This procedure requires the participation of both transport and logistics companies and those who process the goods for export. In the conditions of the growing demand of Russian enterprises in the sale of goods for export, the Group of Companies "GTK-S" has developed a universal solution to the task. One of our companies - LLC "Company" GTK-S "- an export customs representative, was specially authorized by us to work with Russian companies exporting goods abroad. We will disclose the advantages of working with an export customs representative on this page.

Analysis of the clearance of export goods through the "export" and ordinary customs representatives (TP)

"Export" TP (LLC "Company" GTK-S ") Regular TP (JSC "Firm" GTK-Service ")
- only goods for export, not subject to export customs duties - export (all customs procedures, all goods), import (all customs procedures)
- lower risks (reduction of searches, inspections, inspections) - all risks associated with import and export are taken into account
- expedited customs clearance (risks are lower, therefore auto-registration of DT, auto-release) - less often auto-registration and auto-release
- reduction of document circulation (LLC "Company" GTK-S "on the simplified tax system, VAT rate - without VAT) there is no need to confirm the zero VAT rate during customs clearance and delivery - customs clearance with VAT
- does not affect the increase in the VAT rate from 18% to 20% - the increase in the VAT rate affects
Output: lower cost of services, fewer documents, fewer problems with registration Output: higher cost, more documents, lower speed of customs clearance

When exporting goods, customs clearance is carried out, as a rule, within 2-4 hours. As practice shows, this process can usually proceed even faster, the record of the release in which the customs carried out the release of goods - from 1 minute to an hour, but only if there were no export customs duties and the absence of additional control.

Export customs representative LLC "Company" GTK-S "is not only expedited customs clearance due to the automatic registration procedure for an electronic customs declaration, but also the" automatic issue "of the declaration. For our client, this is expressed in the promptness of the provision of this service. The customs clearance time (from the moment of registration to release) is a matter of minutes.

Group of Companies GTK-S offers the participant of foreign economic activity the most relevant and effective solution for organizing customs clearance of a commercial consignment of goods sent abroad under your contract - cooperation with LLC Company GTK-S, an export customs representative. At the first contact, our experts will tell you in detail how to draw up documents for export delivery for export export, the time frame for obtaining confirmation of the actual export of goods, provide a list of documents for customs clearance of export and explain the procedure for customs clearance of goods in Russia.

Features of customs clearance goods for export

Certain types of goods are often subject to additional controls on the part of customs during the clearance of exported goods.

Situations to consider when exporting customs clearance of cargo:

  1. Industrial equipment, in accordance with the assigned TN VED codes, can be included in the list of military or dual-use goods. In this case, in order to formalize the export, it is necessary to submit permits from the authorized Federal services (FSMTC and FSTEC) so that the customs does not interfere with the export of these goods abroad.
  2. When exporting goods with a registered trademark from Russia, it is necessary to obtain permission from the owner of the trademark to export the goods.
  3. Under the customs regime of export for goods of foreign origin, it is necessary to provide information on the cargo declaration, according to which customs clearance was issued upon import into Russia.
  4. Using the services of an export customs representative LLC "Company" GTK-S ", you can minimize or even reduce to zero some risks. For example, the risk of cargo inspection and additional checks, making the export customs clearance procedure longer or associated with the actual delivery of the goods to the customs authority. We work on the simplified tax system, which for you is expressed in a minimum package of documents and simplified reporting.

Documents required for export clearance

Using the services of an export customs representative of LLC "Company" GTK-S ", you can minimize the package of documents provided for customs clearance of exported goods. For export clearance, the following documents are required as standard:

  • Foreign economic contract.
  • Invoice (account).
  • Packing list
  • Product description
  • Consignment note of international standard.
  • Certificates, licenses, other permits for the export of goods (if necessary).
  • Proof of ownership of the shipped cargo.
  • Documents confirming the origin of the goods (certificates, quality certificates), trade mark and manufacturer.

Employees of "Company" GTK-S "LLC may request additional documents, the need for which is due to specific provisions of the contract or individual characteristics of the cargo.

Customs clearance of goods for export with LLC "Company" GTK-S "

In our Group of Companies GTK-S, the organization LLC Company GTK-S works specifically as an export customs representative. The task of this organization is extremely efficient customs clearance of EXPORT. We present a full list of services for customs clearance of the export of goods:

  • providing advice on the preparation of a foreign economic contract;
  • checking the completeness and correctness of filling out the prepared documents;
  • obtaining opinions of expert organizations for the passage of export control;
  • registration of certificates of origin;
  • registration of an export declaration;
  • obtaining confirmation of the fact of the export of goods from the border customs, which is necessary for the VAT refund.

Export customs payments

An important issue is customs duties for export.

According to Federal Law No. 289, exporters, starting from September 4, 2018, are not obliged to pay customs duties for customs operations related to the release of goods under the export procedure. But this does not apply to all categories of goods, but only goods that are not subject to customs duties. As a rule, customs duties are levied on resource goods, including oily products or products based on them. When customs clearance of such goods for export, it is necessary to check with the broker the amount to be paid in advance. It should be borne in mind that a number of oily products or products based on them can be issued only in places strictly defined for this.

Through the efforts of the GTK-S Group of Companies, more than a dozen consignments of goods for export are processed a day. Your cargo can be shipped in any region of the Russian Federation and go to any country outside the customs Union. Export customs clearance is one of our priority areas.

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