Personnel assessment methods and their characteristics. What methods of personnel assessment are more effective? Qualitative methods of personnel assessment


1.2 Personnel assessment methods



The modern stage of development of market relations, transformations in the economic sphere impose new requirements for the quality of labor resources. The appearance on the domestic market in the late 90s of Western companies had a very significant impact on the requirements for the personnel policy of any organization, company or production. Competitiveness, the image of the structure among business partners and consumers, the effectiveness of the use of production potential directly began to depend on the skills, skills, creative initiative of employees, the consistency of their interaction.

Providing a structure of any level with highly qualified personnel is impossible without measuring and evaluating its characteristics. As an indicator of the quality of human resources in general, such criteria as staff turnover, educational level, average age of employees, the number of scientific and technological achievements, victories in external competitions are used. Indirectly, the correctness of the selection of personnel can be assessed through economic indicators, such as production efficiency, profit margins, competitiveness, and others.

At the same time, the realities of the present time often require not a general, but an individual assessment of each employee, as a combination of his personal and professional characteristics. The manager, having such individual "portraits", gets an opportunity for their comparison, analysis and subsequent decision-making on the reception, positioning, promotion, training and development of personnel.

Assessment of the business qualities of personnel is a purposeful process of determining whether the qualitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the requirements of a position or workplace.

Studies show that regular and systematic staff assessment has a positive effect on employee motivation, professional development and growth. At the same time, the results of the assessment are an important element of human resource management, since they provide an opportunity to make informed decisions regarding remuneration, promotion, dismissal of employees, their training and development.

Personnel assessment is the process of determining the effectiveness of employees in the course of implementing the tasks of the organization, which allows you to obtain information for making further management decisions that contribute to achieving the best results at the lowest cost.

Certification is one of the links in personnel assessment. It aims to assess the compliance of each specific employee with a certain standard for the performance of a given job at a given workplace. In contrast to staff assessment, when employees are compared with each other, during certification there is a comparison "employee - work standard" and you can only compare how one employee more or less corresponds to the work standard than another.

In Western management, there is no separation of the concepts of assessment and certification of personnel. The history of the emergence of personnel assessment systems can be attributed to the early twentieth century, when they appeared in US companies. In the 60s, they began to use assessment schemes in the context of strategic business objectives, which formed the basis of modern methods. But, despite such a long history of development, there is still no consensus either in the special literature or among practitioners on the definition of assessment or certification. Whichever name is chosen, it is important to define the purpose and content of the activity. Of course, setting goals for personnel certification is in full compliance with the goals and objectives of the organization, its strategy.

The use of attestation as one of the methods for assessing personnel has its opponents and supporters, and the arguments of each of the parties are quite weighty. Opponents of attestation motivate their refusal by the fact that immediate supervisors are constantly evaluating their employees, that attestation is a formal legal procedure aimed at confirming or increasing the pay scale according to the wage scale. The argument in favor of attestation nowadays is that it not only serves as a legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards and dismissals, but also serves a number of important purposes: it helps to determine, first, which employees require more training, and, secondly, the results of training programs. It helps establish and strengthen business relationships between subordinates and managers through the discussion of the results of the assessment and, in addition, encourages managers to provide the necessary assistance.

The relevance of studying various aspects of personnel assessment is determined by the need to ensure the accuracy and adequacy of the results obtained. In recent years, cardinal economic, political and social changes have taken place in modern Belarusian society. In all spheres of social life, the role of the individual has increased, and the intensification of labor, changes in the content of most types of labor activity, the emergence of new tasks have increased the importance of personnel assessment and increased requirements for the design and application of appropriate assessment technologies and procedures.

The aim of the course work is to develop recommendations for the use of modern methods of personnel assessment in the work of personnel services.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks:

- to reveal the concept, content, types and methods of business assessment of personnel;

- to analyze modern methods of personnel assessment, their use in personnel practice (foreign and domestic experience);

The subject of research in the course work is the methods of assessing the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The object of the research is the personnel of the enterprise.

The work uses both general methods of scientific research, including systemic and dialectical methods of cognition, and specific scientific methods (concrete historical, formal logical, analytical, statistical).

To write the term paper, textbooks by Belarusian and Russian authors, materials from periodicals were used. The main source of practical material used in writing the course work is statistical data, reporting data from JLLC "Galagroup-Invest".

1. Concept, content, types of business assessment of personnel

1.1 Personnel assessment as a function of HR

Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of the position, workplace. Human resources departments of modern organizations are actively involved in conducting business assessments, which is one of the functions of their activities. The extent of this involvement varies significantly depending on the type and procedures used.

As a rule, there are two types of business assessment of personnel:

1) evaluation of candidates for vacant jobs or positions;

2) the current periodic assessment of personnel, which is most often carried out in the form of attestation.

Evaluation of candidates for vacant jobs or positions (selection) involves traditional procedures:

- preliminary interview;

- analysis of personal data;

- verification tests;

- preparation of an expert opinion.

This type of business assessment can be carried out both during the initial selection of personnel, that is, when it is admitted to the organization, and, if necessary, the assessment of already working specialists who are considered as candidates for another position.

If the business qualities of working specialists are assessed, then the role of personnel services in obtaining objective results of the assessment is very large. In particular, the HR department of the organization determines the subjects and methods of such an assessment. They are quite diverse. For example, the subjects of a business appraisal can be: managers of the appraised employees; team (collective), that is, an assessment of the same level; clients, subcontractors, etc., depending on the specifics of the work of specialists, managers. Self-assessment, 360-degree assessment can be used.

Let's take a closer look at 360-degree assessment.

360 degree method Is a tool for assessing the effectiveness of an employee, as well as his personal and professional qualities based on an analysis of the opinions of people with whom the employee directly interacts in the course of work. Usually, such people are colleagues, subordinates, managers, and in some cases also external clients of the evaluated employee.

Specificity of the method: the 360-degree method is based on a comprehensive analysis of subjective assessments of the people around the employee. This is the main advantage of the method, since it allows the employee to understand how other people inside the organization (and outside it) perceive his personal and professional characteristics, style of behavior and interaction.

A 360-degree assessment provides structured, collaborative feedback on an employee's competence in areas that are key to successful work. The results of the assessment allow the employee to see their strengths and weaknesses, as well as plan specific ways to develop professional / managerial skills in order to improve performance. The most effective application of the assessment "360 degrees" in the following cases:

- identification of key employees (the most effective and most relevant to the requirements of the company);

- increasing the productivity of the employee and the efficiency of his interaction with other people inside and outside the Company;

- formation of a personnel reserve;

- creation and improvement of the employee motivation system;

- increasing the efficiency of investments in personnel training and development;

- development of a performance management system;

- formation of the corporate culture of the organization.

360 degree assessment technology.

360-degree assessment takes place in several stages:

Stage 1. Preparation for the assessment.

Selecting relevant competencies for assessment.

It is important to determine in advance what will be the object of the upcoming assessment, what personal / professional / managerial qualities will be measured. For example, the following competencies can be selected to assess managers: leadership, communication, decision-making, openness to new things, etc.

Identification of participants in the assessment process. Typically, a 360-degree assessment interviews four groups of people in an organization:

1. The evaluated employee himself;

2. His colleagues;

3. His leadership;

4. His subordinates (if any). if necessary:

5. His clients (both internal and external).

When choosing participants in the 360-degree procedure, it is important to make sure that when interacting with these people, the employee has the opportunity to demonstrate the competencies (professional and managerial qualities) that are assessed.

Development of a 360-degree questionnaire.

The standard questionnaire consists of several blocks reflecting the most important aspects of the employee's work that can be assessed using the 360-degree method (for example, "building relationships", "managing people", "working with information"). Each aspect is revealed using a separate group of questions (5-7 questions).

Preparatory work with staff.

Preparatory explanatory work is carried out with all employees of the Company participating in the 360-degree assessment procedure. As a result of this work, employees gain an understanding of the goals and stages of 360-degree assessment, as well as what specific benefits each of them and the Company as a whole can receive as a result.

Step 2. Conduct a 360 degree assessment.

Organization of anonymous survey of participants in the assessment procedure.

The 360 \u200b\u200bdegree survey of participants is conducted either electronically or on paper. Evaluation participants receive a copy of the questionnaire (or a link and password for access to the server where the electronic version is located) and must complete it within the allotted time.

Ensuring the confidentiality of the information received. During the 360-degree assessment, complete confidentiality and security of the information received is ensured. Only a few experts have access to the primary data, who subsequently process the questionnaires and prepare analytical reports.

Stage 3. Analysis and interpretation of the obtained data

Processing of questionnaires 360 degrees. The participants' answers received during the assessment are analyzed by experts, after which a final report is formed, which reflects the comprehensive results for each competence of the assessed employee.

Preparation of final reports for each assessed employee.

The report includes several standard elements: analysis of respondents' answers to each question, combined into separate blocks; comparison of the results obtained, highlighting the strongest and weakest sides of the evaluated employee; comparison of ratings provided by different groups of respondents, and analysis of the discrepancy between ratings of other people and the employee's own self-assessment.

Step 4. Provide feedback to the assessed staff.

Conducting meetings of employees with experts to discuss the results of the assessment. Feedback takes the form of individual paired meetings of the evaluated employees with experts. The feedback procedure is usually carried out in several steps:

- a description of the essence of the 360-degree method and those aspects of professional / managerial activity on which the assessment was carried out;

- discussion of the individual results of the employee in each aspect;

- discussion of the strongest sides of the employee;

- discussion of the employee's weaknesses, analysis of possible causes;

- discussion and analysis of those aspects in which the employee's self-esteem differs significantly from the assessment of other people. Discussion of the aspects on which these estimates coincide;

- selection of several aspects for further development, taking into account the personal interest of the employee and the requirements of his current and future position;

360 degree survey results. As a result of the 360-degree assessment, the customer receives a professional and managerial "portrait" of the evaluated employee, formed by the collective feedback of his colleagues, management, subordinates and clients. The results of the assessment allow you to see the difference between the employee's self-esteem and the opinions of those around him. The information received will help management make informed personnel decisions, competently plan the development of an employee and choose the optimal style of interaction with him.

The evaluated employee will also receive a rich and valuable experience in analyzing his strengths and limitations, learn to more effectively use the resources at his disposal and opportunities for professional and managerial growth.

It should be noted that there is no ideal subject of assessment. There are positive and negative aspects of evaluating any subject. Their choice depends on a number of factors that must be taken into account by HR workers. In practice, most often the subject of the assessment is the immediate supervisor of the specialist.

The current periodic assessment of personnel (attestation) is more formalized in comparison with the assessment of candidates for vacant jobs, the procedure for its implementation is largely determined by regulatory legal acts of different levels. The personnel service is responsible for the organizational work to prepare managers and specialists for certification. The personnel service of the enterprise, even at the stage of preparation for the certification, must take into account the peculiarities of its organization and the certified personnel.

In most modern companies, personnel are assessed once or twice a year. Today, more and more companies are commissioning a comprehensive assessment of personnel to recruitment agencies that have a wide range of different techniques and methodologies, including tests, role plays, group exercises, discussions and business simulations. One of the advantages of independent experts is their unbiased attitude towards the test takers, which allows them to give an objective assessment of each employee. Recruitment agencies are constantly improving the level of services provided, offering more and more advanced methods and new directions in the assessment and certification of employees.

1.2 Personnel assessment methods

In modern personnel practice, to assess the business qualities and performance of specialists working in an organization, numerous and varied methods are used, that is, methods and techniques that improve the objectivity of a business assessment.

There are no good or bad methods. Their correct choice depends on a number of factors that must be taken into account by HR workers. In this regard, the following groups of factors can be distinguished:

1. Factors of the initial state of the assessment system existing in the organization. Consideration should be given to the presence or absence of any evaluation system in the organization. If available, it is necessary to study what types, methods, assessment indicators are used, etc.

2. Features of the organization's personnel: quantitative and qualitative structure, its compliance with the needs of the organization, personnel management strategy.

3. Factors of the internal environment: financial condition, technologies used, prevailing style and methods of leadership, corporate culture, etc.

4. Factors of the external environment of the organization's functioning: the state of the labor market, the market for goods and services, the presence and degree of competition of competing enterprises, etc.

Based on the accounting and analysis of the above factors, personnel services employees select methods for assessing specialists who are their objects. It should be noted that the proposed methods are intended mainly for managers, who in most cases are the main subject of assessing their subordinates.

Of all the variety of methods used, the simplest, in our opinion, are the following four: the method of the graphic grading scale; alternative ranking method; critical case method; method of management by goals.

The graphical grading scale is the most common method of business appraisal. The scale reflects characteristics (quantitative and qualitative), each of which corresponds to the level of performance of duties (from unsatisfactory to excellent). In turn, each rating is expressed in certain numerical values \u200b\u200bindicated in the rating scale, which are then summed up.

Alternative ranking method is the ranking of employees from best to worst according to some characteristics. First, you should write down all the employees who need to be evaluated, and cross out from this list those whom the manager does not know well enough. Then it is necessary to designate the best and the worst until all are ranked in this way.

Critical case method. The manager constantly keeps a record of successful or undesirable examples (or cases) of performance of duties by each subordinate, then every 6 months discusses these examples with them. The critical case method is often used in addition to ranking methods because it provides the hard facts needed to explain the score. Keeping an up-to-date list of critical cases helps eliminate any deficiencies in the performance of subordinates' duties.

Method of management by goals. This method begins with a joint (employee and his manager) determination of the employee's key goals for a certain period (one year or six months). There should be few such goals, they should reflect the most important tasks of the employee's activity for the coming period of time. At the end of the period, the specialist and the manager assess the achievement of each goal and the entire personal plan of the employee, as a rule, in percentage. Although the assessment is carried out jointly, the manager has the final say in the final decision.

Personnel certification is an effective form of assessing specialists and managers of Belarusian enterprises. In addition to traditional forms of this work, personnel departments develop and widely apply new methods. So, at the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant recently they began to assess employees according to the standard assessment sheet developed here. It reflects the opinion of the expert group about the professional and personal qualities of a person. The expert group usually consists of 5–7 people. It includes colleagues at work, immediate supervisors, and sometimes clients. The self-assessment of the certified employee is also taken into account.

An interesting form of personnel development of corporate culture in staffing is used at RUE "Gomselmash". Here, employment at the enterprise is carried out, as a rule, in the presence of a guarantee from a plant employee. Moreover, the interview with the applicant in the personnel department is carried out in the presence of the surety.

In the Republic of Belarus, some companies practice assessment, and even if it is carried out according to a simplified scheme, the very fact that the company uses modern technologies for personnel assessment is respectful. Such a company is ALC "Arlon".

Arlon's Four Stage Assessment Center.

1st stage. Presentation of the candidate (fifteen minutes of the presentation itself, the same amount - questions about the presentation).

2nd stage. The candidate is given a case created separately for each position. 50% of the case is written based on the company's experience, but different introductory conditions are used. In the text, as a rule, from three to five problem areas are hidden. In thirty minutes in a separate negotiation room, a candidate can think about a solution, then return to the experts and present the solution of the case.

3rd stage. The candidate completes a professional test (a set of questions with answers, from which you need to choose the right one) and solves professional problems.

4th stage. General questions (15-20 minutes) that the experts have during all stages, as well as on the resume and the candidate's questionnaire.

Using this method, it is possible to better assess the candidate, his managerial and personal qualities, to form adequate expectations of the candidate among managers, and this in turn helps to immediately identify areas in which additional training or support during the trial period is required.

There is a huge plus in conducting an assessment center - candidates do not yet have experience in participating in such procedures and are not "trained" for them, for example, for a standardized interview, when homework and stereotypes are felt, and on the other hand, in the situation of the assessment center, the candidate has more opportunities to open up and express yourself. So the company has the opportunity to get to know the candidate better, and he, in turn, receives a lot of additional information about the company and has the opportunity to get to know and get to know our leaders.

There has never been a case that an employee who passed the Assessment Center left the company. At the same time, candidates who did not pass the competition often thank the staff of the assessment center for the opportunity to gain new experience. It is said that a serious attitude towards selection in a company speaks of the seriousness of the company and arouses an additional desire to work in it. Of course, the process of selecting candidates is more complicated and takes more time, but the result justifies these costs.

All of these assessment methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. If they are intended for the manager - the main subject of the assessment, then the role of cadres is to discuss the methods used with the manager in advance and prepare him for their correct use.

2. Analysis of modern methods of personnel assessment, their use in personnel practice (foreign and domestic experience)

2.1 Foreign experience in personnel assessment

One of the most important methodological problems of personnel assessment at the present stage is who should assess the employee. In the practice of most US firms, this is done by a manager-manager. In addition to him, in some cases, this is done:

- a committee of several controllers. This approach has the advantage that it eliminates the bias that can occur in a single-boss assessment;

- colleagues of the assessed. For this system to bear fruit, it is necessary that they know the level of performance of his work, trust each other and do not seek to win each other the opportunity to raise salaries and advance in service;

- subordinates of the assessed;

- anyone not directly related to the work situation. This option is more expensive than the others and is mainly used to assess an employee in a very important position. It is also possible to use this option in cases where it is necessary to combat accusations of bias and prejudice. It should be noted that using this approach the evaluator will not have as much information as in the previous four options;

- self-esteem. In this case, the employee evaluates himself using the methods used by other evaluators. This approach is used to develop the skills of introspection in workers, rather than to measure performance;

- using a combination of the above assessment forms: the controller's assessment can be confirmed by self-assessment, and the results of the assessment by the boss can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues. A two-way (evaluator - assessed) discussion of the evaluation results provides good suggestions for senior management.

The main of all the approaches considered is the assessment of subordinates by their leader, but the most important purpose of the assessment is to identify the opportunities for personal development of the employee and then it is better to use the assessment by the boss of his subordinates in combination with other methods.

In addition to establishing qualitative criteria that make it possible to give an objective and fairly complete characterization of the activities of managerial personnel, it is extremely important to assess them quantitatively. The most effective, fairly widespread and promising is the method of collective discussion of a candidate for a position. This expert method fully meets modern recommendations, although in practice it has been widely used since the beginning of the 20th century.

Let us analyze the experience of the best Western companies, evaluating the work of the assessment center at YUKOS.

The personnel department of the YUKOS oil company believes that the certification helped many employees to show themselves positively, made it understandable for career opportunities. And what is no less important, people saw and appreciated how much the senior managers who were members of the commissions are interested in an objective assessment of the level of their professional training. This work is extremely important for both parties. This is the only way to form a single team. "

The staff of the assessment center may be minimal: a manager and a secretary. Experts (both external and from among the employees of the organization) can be invited only for the duration of the assessment procedures (for 1–3 days). In addition to organizing assessment procedures and participating in assessment procedures, the responsibilities of the center's staff include the selection of groups of assessed employees and expert leaders, as well as providing the latest methodological materials, and, if necessary, conducting training for leaders invited as experts.

As a rule, the assessment of candidates in assessment centers takes from several hours to three days, depending on the level of management for which assessment and selection is carried out: 3–6 hours for assessing line managers; one or two days for middle managers; three days for top managers.

Table 2.1 shows some of the methods used in the practice of assessment centers.

Table 2.1 - Methods for assessing managers used in the practice of work of assessment centers

Method name Brief description of the method
1 2
Biographical method Employee assessment based on biographical information
Free form oral or written characteristics An oral or written description of who the employee is and how he or she performs at work (achievements and omissions)
Assessment of the achieved results An oral or written description of a specific job performed by an employee
Interview Conducted in a structured or unstructured form to assess the degree to which the experience, professional knowledge, work behavior and attitude of the assessed employees meet the established requirements
Group discussions Assessment of knowledge, leadership potential, personal and business qualities of employees, communication skills during joint discussion of the problems posed to the group
Analysis of specific situations (case - study) Analysis of specific practical situations (their description can take from one page to hundreds of pages). The assessed leaders should identify the most important problems of the situations proposed for analysis and develop proposals for their solution
Selection of estimated characteristics from the standard list Comparison of the qualities possessed by the assessed person with the list of qualities presented in a pre-developed assessment form
Expert judgment method Determination of the degree of manifestation of certain qualities in workers by putting down expert assessments on a specific set of scales presented in an evaluation form
Psychological testing Determination of personality traits, knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics based on specially selected tests
Ranging Determination with the help of experts of the rank (place) evaluated among other candidates by the totality of evaluation results
Business games Playing situations according to a pre-developed scenario that simulates production conditions and requires decisions based on the information available
Specified scoring method Accrual (withdrawal) of a certain number of points for certain achievements (omissions) in the course of assessment procedures
Graphical profile method Instead of quantitative or qualitative assessments, a graphical assessment form (personality profile) is used. The method allows for a visual comparison of the "ideal" manager assessed with the profile, as well as comparing different employees with each other
Method of critical It is assessed how the employee behaved in critical situations
situations (emergencies, making a responsible decision, solving a new unfamiliar problem, resolving a conflict situation, etc.)
Interview In free form or according to a pre-compiled program, the plans and results of the work of the evaluated
"Director's folder" (in-basketball) Setting priorities, developing an action plan and making decisions based on the analysis of a specially designed package of documents: letters, reports, memoranda, telephone messages and other documents

Assessment centers not only provide an assessment of employees in an organization applying for certain leadership positions, they often act as a training tool for employees and at the same time as a way to develop skills necessary for effective leadership (for example, assessment skills and interview skills) among managers. participating in the work of the assessment center as experts.

Careful selection of assessment exercises, their standardization, as well as the use of a number of special organizational techniques can significantly reduce the subjectivity of decisions.

The assessment center should have a sufficiently large set of assessment methods and regularly update them to meet changing conditions and requirements, as well as to exclude the possibility of preliminary "training" in the correct answers to the questions of assessment tasks.

The tests used in the assessment centers are aimed not so much at assessing existing knowledge and skills as at assessing the ability to learn new things and at determining the level of development of the qualities and skills required by the leader. The group discussions used in assessment centers are most often focused on specific business issues: identifying ways to reduce staff turnover; ensuring increased efficiency of in-house training; ways to improve productivity and quality, etc. The use of structured interviews allows you to obtain important additional information for each assessed, which is taken into account in the final conclusion.

The detailed conclusion of the assessment center for each assessed includes a detailed consideration of his business and personal qualities, demonstrated abilities, the degree of readiness to take a specific position, prospects for further promotion. In most cases, a situational analysis is also given: what style of leadership the evaluated person gravitates to, what are his strengths and weaknesses, what kind of tasks and management functions he is inclined to, shortcomings that should be paid special attention to. An important feature of the work of the assessment centers is that the final reports, which are prepared for each person being assessed, contain not only an assessment of their potential, but also a number of recommendations.

Practice of work of western cents of estimation.

As a rule, testing takes from several hours to three days: 3–6 hours for assessing foremen, one day for line managers, two days for middle managers, three days for senior managers.

In the assessment center of the English company STC, the assessment of managers for the three-day program takes place in three stages. The first stage includes five assessment procedures: performance of management actions; discussion of the problem in a small group; decision-making; presentation of the developed project; preparation of a business letter.

The second stage includes filling out forms of psychometric tests, performing exercises to identify communication skills and filling out forms of personality questionnaires (in particular, the 16-factor Cattell questionnaire).

The third stage consists in filling out special forms for mutual evaluation in the group of assessed.

Benefits of using assessment centers.

Among the obvious advantages that the approach to assessing managers used in assessment centers has, the following can be highlighted.

1. Evaluation centers are more reliable than other selection methods. This comprehensive assessment method is more reliable in predicting the future success of candidates than other methods.

2. The detailed assessments given by the center are perceived by candidates as more fair and objective, since the experts of the assessment centers are not associated with the assessed “boss-subordinate” relationship.

3. The marks given by the center focus on the key competencies of the candidates. During the assessment, the emphasis is not on assessing the past performance of candidates, but on observing and assessing his behavior in specially simulated situations. The use of a wide range of tests, procedures that simulate the main components of management activities, and business games allow candidates to fully reveal their potential.

4. Evaluation business games are closely linked to the most significant aspects of the manager's work, which allows, based on their results, to make informed conclusions regarding specific candidates.

5. Applicants can receive more complete feedback on the results of the assessment centers.

6. Standardization of test exercises equalizes the chances of different candidates.

With all the advantages of this method of assessment, the work of assessment centers is not without certain difficulties and problems that prevent their wider use. Among such problems are the following.

1. Relatively high costs. Higher financial costs compared to other valuation methods. Requires more time spent by observers and candidates; preparation of methodological and other materials is necessary.

2. Sufficiently low efficiency. Most of the materials and conclusions turn out to be unclaimed.

3. Ethical problems associated with the need to communicate assessment results to individuals who have shown unsatisfactory results.

4. The danger that the assessment criteria are guided more by yesterday's requirements, rather than those requirements that the assessed workers will have to meet tomorrow.

Today, for the vast majority of organizations, the creation of an assessment center, the main task of which will be to assess the potential of specialists or managers applying for inclusion in the reserve or for occupying higher positions, is exotic. The main reason here is not the laboriousness of the methods used in such centers, but the lack of appropriate specialists and insufficiently clear understanding of the main content of the work of the evaluation center and the results that can be obtained by the management and representatives of human services.

If the management of the organization decides on the need to create an assessment center, then another issue that should be resolved is in what form the center will operate on an ongoing basis or its work will be terminated immediately after the completion of the assessment procedures and the preparation of relevant reports.

Using the above theoretical provisions on the organization of personnel assessment at the enterprise, as well as using the experience of foreign firms, we will analyze the organization of personnel potential assessment in the Republic of Belarus using the example of Galagroup-Invest JLLC.

2.2 Analysis of modern methods of personnel assessment in the personnel practice of domestic enterprises on the example of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is a part of the Belarusian production and trade concern of the timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industry "Bellesbumprom". JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" was registered by the Decision of the Executive Committee of Minsk No. 70-75 dated June 21, 1994. Registration No. 288 OKPO code 00276624 Republic of Belarus.

JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is an enterprise that carries out complete processing of wood, starting with logging and cutting of logs, production of lumber, plywood, furniture boards, blockboards, woodworking products and ending with the production of highly artistic furniture.

At present, the Company produces over 130 products. The main types of products exported are plywood and furniture. The production of solid pine furniture for export is developing at an accelerated pace (37.4% of the supply of products for export).

The mission of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is leadership in the production of woodworking products. The main strategic goal of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" in the coming years is to increase the volume of production based on improving production and increasing the competitiveness of products in the markets of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries. Key performance indicators are given in Appendix A.

The average number of employees in the company as of 01.01.2009 was 51 people, of which 17 are employees. (5 managers and 12 specialists). As of 01.01.2010, the number of employees of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" was 60 people, including 20 employees. (6 managers and 14 specialists).

The organizational structure of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" (Figure 2.1) is determined by the Charter and includes the management apparatus (management services) and directly the production units.

Figure 2.1 - Organizational structure of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

All questions of the operational activities of the enterprise are decided by the director of the enterprise and his deputies appointed by him, heads of divisions of the management apparatus, workshops, departments, sections, etc., as well as foremen. The main structure of the management personnel of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is employees with higher and secondary education, with extensive experience in the enterprise. Administrative and managerial personnel predominantly have higher technical and economic education.

JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" has a regulation on the personnel service, according to which the personnel service is a structural division of the enterprise. In its activities, the personnel service of the enterprise is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the charter of the enterprise, the collective agreement, orders and orders of the head of the enterprise and is subordinate to the head of the enterprise.

The structure and staff of the personnel department are approved by the head of the enterprise, taking into account the tasks facing the enterprise, its specifics and the number of employees. The HR department is headed by a manager who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise. The division of responsibilities between employees of the personnel service is carried out by the chief in accordance with job descriptions and regulations on the personnel service.

The personnel department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" employs 5 people. The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - The structure of the personnel department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

The main tasks of the personnel department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" are:

- participation in the development and implementation of the personnel management strategy;

- providing the enterprise with the necessary number of personnel managers, specialists, workers of the required professions, specialties and qualifications;

- implementation of effective selection, placement and implementation of the labor potential of personnel in accordance with their professional, business and moral qualities;

- participation in the formation and development of a stable workforce, the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate;

- continuous improvement of personnel management based on the implementation of target programs, modern personnel technologies and systematic assistance to managers on personnel management problems.

Personnel assessment upon hiring is carried out by a recruitment specialist of JLLC Galagroup-Invest. In his activities, he uses two documents: a questionnaire (Appendix B) and a form for an interview (Appendix C).

The personnel assessment method used at JLLC “Galagroup-Invest” is quite simple in terms of criteria selection and implementation, and is mainly carried out in the form of certification of managers and specialists. The manager prepared detailed characteristics for the employees subject to certification, familiarized the certified employees with their content. Attestation of personnel, including managerial personnel, at JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is carried out every 5 years.

Thus, the assessment of personnel is reduced to the submission of two documents: a certification sheet and characteristics. On the basis of which, the attestation commission appointed by order of the head of the enterprise makes decisions.

The studied documents of the attestation also indicate some formalism: to approve the attestation results; eliminate the noted shortcomings; bring to the attention of employees. The minutes of the commission's meeting do not always contain comments on shortcomings. The main assessment document is the characteristic, certified by the head of the enterprise and the chairman of the shop committee, and the traditional quote from the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission: all questions have been answered.

The development of the certification procedure is mainly due to the contradiction between the inability to quantify the labor contribution of knowledge workers and the desire to "objectively" characterize this contribution.

The easiest way to assess the real contribution of this or that manager or specialist to his immediate superior. Only he knows that this employee was actually entrusted with, in what conditions he worked, to what extent he was distracted by various social assignments, how his work was controlled, how it was stimulated, what kind of help he was given and what obstacles were deliberately put up.

The immediate boss (and in practice, the head of the personnel department, and often the attested himself) draws up a description, which is then signed by the immediate boss and the chairman of the shop committee. This is followed by a meeting of the certification committee, which decides whether the employee is fit for the position. The verdict of the commission is entered in the certification sheet.

Disadvantages of the certification procedure:

- the characteristics are subjective (a panegyric or a "wolf ticket", with which they will not be taken to prison) or, on the contrary, are absolutely faceless, they cannot be relied upon at all);

- certification can turn into a performance with the dragging through of a decision made in advance, or into a poorly organized exam with a random result and high nerve costs of those being certified;

- after attestation, there is often almost no valuable information left for the subsequent management of the organization.

The regulations described above in order to increase the objectivity of the characteristics and make the meetings of the certification commission more constructive can be supplemented with expert assessments of the business qualities of the person being certified.

A list of business qualities to be assessed is being developed. For each assessed, experts are assigned from among the bosses, subordinates and colleagues, who are asked to rate each of his qualities from the proposed list in points, like school grades. The estimates of different experts are averaged. Sometimes the extreme estimates before averaging are discarded as subjective. (“As in figure skating!” - the authors proudly report, considering the methods of assessment in a popular sport to be the height of scientific validity).

The sheet with the average grades is guaranteed to the head of the attested so that he takes into account the opinion of experts when writing the characteristics. In addition, this leaflet can be useful for the attestation commission: both for deciding on the suitability of the position, and for determining the scenario of the meeting of the commission (with which of the attested you need to talk a little longer, which documents should be brought in; for example, if the attested has a low score in labor discipline , get acquainted with the documents fixing its violations).

There are disadvantages to this option as well:

- the score sheets do not have a significant impact on the quality of the characteristics.

- with large discrepancies between the characteristic and the assessment sheet, it is not very clear what to believe, while usually public opinion is not inclined towards the opinion of the boss.

- the complexity of the certification increases significantly.

- during manual processing of expert assessments, information leakage is inevitable, and the anonymity of assessments (if such is promised) is not ensured, which further leads to the bias of experts.

- the method of attestation during manual processing can be altered at any moment, which is often rushed by some managers, reshaping it to their taste, sometimes quite ignorantly.

- the score sheet is not a document, is not subject to legal protection and therefore can be ignored altogether by both the chief writing the characteristic and the certification commission.

- certification is still divorced from essential management tasks, it is considered “third-rate” in importance.

- the data bank is usually not used.

- Each expert understands the principles of scoring in his own way (for example, for one school teacher, a four actually means a three, and for another, a five).

- the qualities themselves can also be interpreted in different ways, and although the experts are offered written explanations, some experts do not read them, while others, after reading, ignore them.

- the final grades, expressed in points, are perceived with difficulty even visually, not to mention the perception "by ear"; the image of an employee does not add up comparing two employees (two columns of numbers) turns out to be a rather difficult problem.

- the problem of information leakage is not fully resolved, since there is still a large proportion of "manual" operations in which leakage is possible.

- sometimes they fall into the temptation to reduce a column of numbers to a certain final indicator, that is, to evaluate an employee with just one number. Then, be convinced in practice of the absurdity of the results obtained by simple averaging, the weighting coefficients of the features are introduced, the algorithms for obtaining the final estimate are complicated, but they have succeeded on this path, so far no one has reached.

To assess the competitiveness of the chief accountant, the head of the supply department and the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest", we will draw up an approximate list of personnel qualities and determine their weight (Table 2.2). Rules - conditions of expert assessments are given in Table 2.3.

Table 2.2 - Approximate list of personnel qualities of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

Personnel qualities

(competitive advantages)

Weight of personnel qualities by category
head of production and technology department head of Procurement Department chief Accountant
1. Competitiveness of the organization in which the staff works 0,20 0,25 0,20
2. Inherited competitive advantages (abilities, physical characteristics, etc.) 0,20 0,15 0,15
3. Business qualities (education, special knowledge, skills, abilities) 0,3 0,4 0,20
4. Intelligence, culture 0,05 0,05 0,1
5. Sociability 0,05 0,05 0,1
6. Organization 0,05 0,05 0,15
7. Age, health 0,15 0,05 0,10
Normalization conditions 1,00 1,00 1,00

Table 2.3 - Rules - conditions of expert assessments

Let's evaluate the competitiveness of the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" on the basis of expert assessments of the competitive qualities given in table 2.4.

We analytically construct a formula for assessing the level of competitiveness of a specific category of personnel - K P.

We formulate the requirements for the calculation formula.

Taking into account all the competitive qualities of personnel - summation by index j \u003d 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7.

Table 2.4 - The results of the expert assessment of the qualities of the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

Accounting for the importance of the j-th quality of personnel - a j (table 2.2).

Accounting for the assessment by the i-th expert of the j-th quality of personnel according to a five-point system - β ij, i - 1, 2, ..., n, n - the number of experts (n \u003d 3 (table 2.4)) - summation by index i.

Taking into account the full group (correspondences) of two factorial events - an expert assessment for the j-th quality β ij and the weight of the j-th quality a j by forming the products a j β ij.

Taking into account the conditions for normalizing the level of competitiveness of the personnel of the KP with preliminary taking into account the conditions for normalizing the weight coefficients of the qualities of the personnel (, table 2.2) - dividing the results of the summation by the number 5n the maximum possible number of points that the evaluated individual of the personnel can receive (5 points × n experts).

Let's structure the calculation formula for K P taking into account the above requirements:

. (2.1)

Let's calculate the competitiveness of the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest", corresponding to seven dominant qualities (average level of management) (table 2.2) based on the results of assessments of three experts (table 2.4):

K P \u003d / (5 ∙ 3) \u003d 13.2 / 15 \u003d

Based on the calculated value of the level of competitiveness of personnel K P \u003d 0.88, the conclusion follows: the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" has a fairly high competitiveness.

Let us evaluate the competitiveness of the head of the supply department of JLLC Galagroup-Invest on the basis of expert assessments of the competitive qualities given in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 - The results of the expert assessment of the qualities of the head of the supply department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

K P \u003d / (5 ∙ 3) \u003d

11,45 / 15 = 0,763.

Based on the calculated value of the level of competitiveness of personnel K P \u003d 0.763, the conclusion follows: the head of the procurement department of JLLC Galagroup-Invest has a fairly high competitiveness, but it is lower than that of the chief accountant.

Let's evaluate the competitiveness of the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" on the basis of expert assessments of the competitive qualities shown in Table 2.6.

K P \u003d / (5 ∙ 3) \u003d

10,85 / 15 = 0,723.

Based on the calculated value of the level of competitiveness of personnel K P \u003d 0.723, the conclusion follows: the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" has a fairly high competitiveness, but it is lower than that of the chief accountant and head of the procurement department.

Table 2.6 - The results of the expert assessment of the qualities of the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

Recommendations: to further increase competitiveness, the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" should pay attention to such qualities as organization, as well as strengthen their health.

Based on the analysis carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: at JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" two HR specialists are involved in personnel assessment: upon recruitment, this is a hiring specialist, and employee assessment is a certification specialist. When applying for a job, a questionnaire is used, however, the practice of working with recommendations from previous jobs, the lack of verification of applicants by the security service is not used as a selection criterion.

In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" a qualitative assessment of the potential of personnel is carried out due to the coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise performing work in the field of personnel assessment, as well as due to the knowledge and ability to apply in practice the employees of the analyzed company of the legal framework for personnel assessment. The regulation on the personnel service developed and acting at the enterprise contributes to the control over the implementation of the assessment of the personnel potential of the enterprise within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Based on the results of the research carried out in the previous chapter, it is possible to propose the introduction in JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" of a methodology for assessing the potential of personnel (in particular, management), including an assessment of the cost of the personnel potential of the enterprise, the calculation of the estimated cost of the employee, Goodwill of the personnel potential of the employee.

The cost of the personnel potential of the enterprise is the total estimated value of all employees of the enterprise.

The estimated cost of an employee is an estimated value equal to the product of the employee's paid or expected wages by the coefficient G kp (Goodwill of human resources):

S \u003d ЗП ∙ Г кп, (3.1)

where S is the estimated cost of the employee, rubles;

Salary - the expected or paid wages to the employee, rubles;

Г кп - coefficient, Goodwill of the employee's personnel potential (calculated value).

The goodwill of an employee's human resource potential is a coefficient that reflects the real, market, individual value of an employee not as a staff unit, but as a specific person who can perform certain functions, solve certain tasks.

Appendix D (the Coefficients G kp window) shows the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients that can be relied on when carrying out the calculation (Appendix D contains a fragment of this methodology on the example of individual management employees of Galagroup-Invest JLLC). It should be noted that these are recommended values, but since each employee is individual, then, accordingly, each employee must be approached individually, regardless of the recommended values.

The proposed methodology for calculating the cost of human resources of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" will, on the one hand, make all the necessary mathematical calculations and reach specific figures, and on the other hand, it is quite simple, primitive and does not require any special software or large time expenditures.

Of course, the proposed calculation method is imperfect, which is why it can easily be criticized by specialists from academic science, but this approach is acceptable in assessing the cost of the company's human resources.

We will reveal the mechanism for the implementation of the methodology for assessing the potential of management personnel, including the assessment of the cost of the personnel potential of the enterprise, the calculation of the estimated cost of the employee, Goodwill of the personnel potential of the employee.

The calculator (in JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" it will be a certification specialist) himself has the right to consider the qualifications of the existing personnel according to the classification acceptable to him (see in Appendix D "Example of calculating the cost of human resources").

The calculator himself has the right to put down the coefficient (goodwill of human resources) as he sees fit. The main thing is that this is done correctly enough.

This technique assumes that the cost of the human resources of a commercial enterprise is calculated on the assumption that all human resources of the enterprise are replaced by others.

The replacement period is 1 month.

In view of the fact that the staff is completely replaced, we assume that the recruitment of new personnel will be carried out on the basis of recommendations, through recruitment agencies, and by placing advertisements in the specialized press.

The level of staff salaries and the amount of remuneration for recruiting agencies are taken based on the level of salaries and the cost of services that have developed in the labor market at the present time.

The factors affecting the goodwill of an individual employee can fluctuate sufficiently.

Implementation of the technique: open a spreadsheet. We create 2 sheets: "main sheet" and "goodwill KP" and enter the staffing table of employees into it (see Appendix D). We create the third sheet "Coefficients G kp" and fill it out, based on the example in Appendix D.

On the main sheet, we determine which positions will be hired on third-party recommendations, which through recruiting agencies, which through advertising in a specialized newspaper.

Accordingly, we highlight: blue - according to third-party recommendations; yellow - through advertisements in the newspaper; white - through Personnel Agencies.

Fill in the columns: "the current level of wages" and "Estimated ..." in the "main sheet".

We calculate the cost of the costs of recruiting services (recruiting agency). We accept the cost of services as a part of the estimated wages. We fill in the table ("main sheet").

We open the sheet "Goodwill KP". We arrange the coefficients, based on an example (sheet "coefficients G kp"). In the "Goodwill KP" sheet, we summarize the given coefficients and obtain the coefficient "Goodwill of human resources" for each employee separately. We copy the coefficient "Goodwill of human resources" in the "main sheet".

We make the calculation by multiplying the estimated salary and the goodwill of human resources. We sum up the costs and get the result.

I also consider it expedient to introduce the “cafeteria” system in JLLC “Galagroup-Invest”, where a certain point is assigned to each social incentive. Depending on the position of the employee in the hierarchy of positions, status and results achieved, the employee is invited to form a social package for a certain point on his own.

The following job position assessment matrix is \u200b\u200bproposed, which contains all of the above components:

1. Knowledge (qualifications, education) and work experience.

Knowledge is understood as the totality and type of information necessary to perform the work stipulated by the job description. This indicator assumes an assessment of the proficiency and related knowledge, skills and abilities required to satisfactorily perform the work. Moreover, this assessment is made in two aspects (table 3.1).

2. Difficulty of work (effort) - includes physical and mental effort.

Table 3.1 - Assessment of employee knowledge and experience

Physical effort - the degree of physical exertion necessary to perform the typical and regular duties recorded in the job description. Mental effort is the combination of mental stress and visual attention required to perform job duties. Evaluation of these efforts is made according to the data of tables 3.2 - 3.3.

Table 3.2 - Assessment of the employee's physical efforts

Description of physical effort Number of points
Easy work requiring low physical exertion. Mandatory sitting position most of the time
Work that requires little physical stress; involves frequent standing up, walking, bending over, and regular operations on a computer, office or technology equipment 2
Work requiring an above average level of physical stress; involves constant standing, walking, bending, continuous use of equipment, including office equipment, monotonous repetitive work
Work that requires strong physical exertion, but only periodically or at intermediate stages of its implementation
Exceptionally hard work, great physical activity, determined by its specifics or the long-term nature of the applied efforts

3. Initiative and independence - this factor is associated with the degree of independence of the position in the performance of official duties.

Table 3.3 - Assessment of employee mental efforts

Description of physical effort Number of points
Monotonous work, constant performance of single functions 2
Current job, performing several functions that do not require special mental stress 4
Diverse work with the use of elements of analysis, the choice of ways to solve the assigned tasks (2 or more groups of functions with a variety of operations) 6
Diverse work requiring detailed analysis, logical reasoning, choice of solutions to various problems (there are always several groups of functions, the unpredictability of their occurrence)
Work associated with a creative approach to the search and system analysis of information, associated with the isolation, formulation and formulation of problems, the development of ways to solve these problems

Table 3.4 shows the levels of this independence.

Table 3.4 - Assessment of employee initiative and independence

Description of the degree of initiative and independence Number of points
Follows certain instructions: instructions are available, come from a direct supervisor who is constantly present. Powers are limited and constantly reviewed 3
Follows established procedures: all job responsibilities are strictly defined, although the position is not under constant supervision Abnormal situations are always resolved by a superior
Follows general guidelines: not all job responsibilities are rigidly defined. The goals are formulated from above, but the planning and organization of work is done by the employee independently, although the implementation procedures are defined. Appeal to a superior superior is episodic
Follows a general policy: for this position, only general goals are formulated, the development of procedures and methods for performing work is carried out by the employee independently based on the organization's policy
Creates and formulates policies, procedures and methods of work: the carrier of this position is practically under self-control, which is carried out according to the results of work. End result score

4. The level of decision-making - this factor is closely related to the previous one, but is more aimed at assessing the nature and scope of decisions that must be made by the post holder in the performance of his official duties. Here we mean not only management decisions, but also decisions related to the implementation of various technological instructions, involving a choice from alternative options (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5 - Assessment of the level of decision making

Description of the decision-making level Number of points
Decisions are based on fully known factors. A general course of action is outlined. Decisions are made to complete the operating cycle
The decisions are based on most of the known factors and where it is simply required to select the best alternative available. Decisions are agreed with senior management before negative consequences can occur 4
Decisions are made in the face of uncertainty, but are directed to approval from senior management before negative consequences can occur
Large-scale solutions with many alternatives. The negative effect of bugs is usually not immediately apparent
Decisions requiring a high level of intelligence, strategic in nature, leading to undesirable consequences in case of errors
Strategic policy decisions with significant economic implications. The results will become tangible only after a certain period of time

5. The level of maintaining contacts with clients and with outside organizations - this factor evaluates the amount of communication or teamwork required for a given position with personnel inside or outside the organization (excluding direct supervisors who are under the control of this position).

Table 3.6 - Assessment of the level of maintaining contacts

Description of the level of contact Number of points
1 2
Virtually no contact with clients, no external contacts at work 1
Contact with clients and external organizations sporadically 2
Constant contacts with clients, involving interaction with 5
high-ranking officials on matters requiring clarification, discussion or decision-making
Previous level contacts, as well as contacts at the external level, involving interaction with officials of significantly higher rank on issues requiring clarification, discussion or decision-making 8
External contacts at the highest level, often requiring difficult negotiations, a vision of strategy and a sense of timing

The level of responsibility for the work of others and the level of material responsibility are assessed according to the data in tables 3.7 and 3.8.

Table 3.7 - Assessment of the level of responsibility for the work of others

Table 3.8 - Assessment of the level of material responsibility

According to the developed matrix of job position assessment, the position of a certain employee is assessed. The assessment is carried out by the employee himself and his immediate superior, after which the arithmetic mean value is found - this will be the assessment of the job position in points. The second stage is the development of a list of social benefits and the establishment of the number of points that correspond to each type of benefits from this list. For convenience, this information is summarized in a table. It is possible to offer a rough list of social benefits provided to workers to choose from under the "cafeteria" system (table 3.9).

Table 3.9 - List of social benefits

Social benefits Number of points
Vaccination during epidemics 5
Corporate Skills Trainings 10
Training 10
Participation in external trainings 10
Providing theater tickets for the whole family 10
Provision of tickets for sporting events 10
Provision of travel tickets 15
Provision of medicines for diseases (up to 40 thousand rubles) 15
Physiotherapy 15
Manual therapy, massage 15
Participation in conferences 20
Payment for meals in the cafe (canteen) 20
Payment for mobile communications (up to 100 thousand rubles.) 30
Vouchers to sanatoriums, rest houses 30
Tourist trips 40
Tuition fees at universities 50
Individual advanced training in home education systems 55

The last stage is the formation by the employee himself of the variable part of the social package from the list offered to him for the received score.

The introduction of the “cafeteria” system at the enterprise will take into account the work of each employee of the enterprise, and, therefore, will motivate employees to increase labor productivity without reducing the quality of labor.


The analysis carried out in the course work allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Personnel assessment is a procedure carried out in order to determine the degree of compliance of the employee's personal qualities, quantitative and qualitative results of his activities with certain requirements. The task of assessing the potential of personnel is to identify its labor potential, the degree of use of this potential, the employee's suitability for the position held or his readiness to take a specific position, in order to characterize the effectiveness of his labor activity, and, consequently, the value of the employee for the enterprise. Of all the variety of methods used for assessing personnel, the following four are the simplest: the method of the graphic assessment scale; alternative ranking method; critical case method; method of management by goals.

In foreign practice of personnel potential assessment centers for personnel potential assessment are widely used. The experience of the assessment center at Yukos, as well as in the assessment center of the English company STC, showed that these assessment centers not only provide an assessment of the organization's employees applying for certain managerial positions, they act as a tool for training employees and at the same time are a way of development the skills necessary for effective leadership of the leaders participating in the assessment center as experts. The tests used in the assessment centers are aimed not so much at assessing existing knowledge and skills as at assessing the ability to learn new things and at determining the level of development of the qualities and skills required by the leader.

In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" two specialists of the personnel department are engaged in personnel assessment: upon recruitment, this is a receptionist, and employee assessment is a certification specialist. When applying for a job, a questionnaire is used, but the practice of working with recommendations from previous jobs, the lack of verification of applicants by the security service is not used as a selection criterion. In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" a qualitative assessment of the potential of personnel is carried out due to the coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise performing work in the field of personnel assessment, as well as due to the knowledge and ability to apply in practice the employees of the analyzed company of the legal framework for personnel assessment.

The results of assessing the competitiveness of the chief accountant, the head of the supply department and the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" indicate that the chief accountant has a fairly high competitiveness (the level of competitiveness (KP) is 0.88); the head of the procurement department also has a fairly high competitiveness (K P \u003d 0.763), but it is lower than that of the chief accountant, and the head of the production and technological department also has a fairly high competitiveness (K P \u003d 0.723), but it is lower than that of the chief accountant and the head of the supply department.

The methodology for assessing the personnel of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is quite simple in the field of selection of criteria and implementation (which is undoubtedly an advantage of the assessment methods used at the enterprise), it is mainly carried out in the form of certification of managers and specialists and is reduced to the presentation of a certification sheet and characteristics, based on which the attestation commission appointed by the order of the head of the enterprise makes decisions.

In general, the personnel assessment system of Galagroup-Invest LLC is at the proper level, however, there is a need for its constant improvement, the use of the latest developments and methods, in connection with which the following can be proposed: introduction of the personnel potential assessment methodology in Galagroup-Invest JLLC , including the assessment of the cost of the personnel potential of the enterprise, the calculation of the estimated cost of the employee, Goodwill of the personnel potential of the employee. The proposed methodology for calculating the cost of the organization's personnel potential will, on the one hand, make all the necessary mathematical calculations and reach specific figures, and on the other hand, it is quite simple, primitive and does not require any special software or large time expenditures.

I also consider it expedient to introduce the “cafeteria” system in JLLC “Galagroup-Invest”, where a certain point is assigned to each social incentive. Depending on the position of the employee in the hierarchy of positions, status and results achieved, the employee is invited to form a social package for a certain point on his own. The introduction of the “cafeteria” system at the enterprise will take into account the work of each employee of the enterprise, and, therefore, will motivate employees to increase labor productivity without reducing the quality of labor.

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Posted On 15.05.2018

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………

1. General approaches to employee certification …………………………………………

2. Forms of personnel assessment ………………………………………………………………….

3. Two approaches to personnel assessment ………………………………………………………

4. Personnel assessment methods ………………………………………………………………… ..

4.1 Quantitative assessment methods ………………………………………………….

4.2 Qualitative assessment methods …………………………………………………… ..

4.3 Diagnostic assessment system ……………………………………………… ..

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Appendices …………………………………………………………………………………………

Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree of implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. how efficiently organizational resources are used.

The profit indicator allows you to assess the efficiency of the organization as a whole, which consists of the effectiveness of the use of all organizational resources, including each employee. Naturally, employees do their job differently - in any organization or department there are leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to carry out this gradation, it is necessary to have a unified system for assessing the effectiveness of each employee in their job functions.

Such a system increases the efficiency of human resource management in an organization through:

¨ positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on employee motivation, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace, and achieve increased productivity.

¨ vocational training planning. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify gaps in the work of each employee and provide for measures to eliminate them.

¨ planning professional development and career. Assessment of employees reveals their weak and strong professional qualities, which allows you to carefully prepare individual development plans and effectively plan a career.

¨ making decisions on remuneration, promotion, dismissal. Regular and systematic employee appraisals provide management with the information they need to make informed decisions about pay increases (rewarding the best employees motivates them and their peers), promotions, or firing.

The above benefits do not automatically come to the organization at the time of the implementation of the assessment system. They are implemented when a number of additional conditions are met:

¨ Firstly, the assessment system and, most importantly, the actual assessment of employees' performance should be as objective as possible and perceived by employees as objective. To impart objectivity to the assessment system, its criteria should be open and understandable to employees.

¨ Second, the results of the assessment must be kept confidential, i.e. known only to the employee, his manager, human resources department. Disclosure of results creates tensions in the organization, fosters antagonism between managers and subordinates, distracts employees from preparing and implementing a plan for correcting deficiencies.

¨ Employees' acceptance of the assessment system and their active participation in the assessment process is also a prerequisite for its effective functioning.

It is very difficult to create an assessment system equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and clarity, therefore today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

However, the most common is the personnel appraisal system.

1. General approaches to employee certification

Attestation is a process of assessing the effectiveness of an employee's performance of his job duties, carried out by his immediate supervisor. Attestation includes several stages: determining the date of attestation, training an employee and a manager, attestation interview and filling out a form.

Employee's personal plan ... One of the results of the certification interview is the approval of the employee's personal plan for the next certification period. The main purpose of the plan is to develop a "recipe" for improving employee performance. There are several forms of such plans, although the most common (and complementary) currently are the individual development plan and personal goals.

Individual development plan (Fig. 1) represents the employee's self-assessment (in relation to his position), his vision of how he could improve the results of his professional activities and activities that could help him in self-improvement. Often, an individual plan contains an item on the long-term professional development of the employee, i.e. development of his career.

Fig. 1. Individual development plan

Personal goals - this is a limited set of key tasks for an employee during the certification period. Setting personal goals is part of the system management by setting goals (MBO in English abbreviation). The goals included in the personal plan should be specific, measurable, stressful and related to the tasks facing the organization as a whole and the department in which the employee works. In order to achieve this, the goals set by the employee are discussed by him with the manager. The result of this discussion is an agreed personal plan for the employee, which guides him during the certification period.

Many organizations today use both individual development plans and personal goals to conduct certification. The first makes it possible to plan and evaluate the professional development and growth of an employee, the second sets specific professional objectives and provides a tool for assessing their implementation.

Current control. During the entire certification period, the manager monitors the employee's work, including the implementation of the individual plan. For these purposes, the manager can use a special achievement registration form, which allows him to more objectively certify an employee at the end of the period and better prepare for the certification interview.

2. Forms of personnel assessment

One of the most important methodological problems - who must evaluate the employee. In the practice of most firms, this is done by a manager-manager. In addition to him, in some cases, this is done:

1. a committee of several controllers. This approach has the advantage that it eliminates the bias that can occur in a single-boss assessment;

2. colleagues of the assessed. For this system to bear fruit, it is necessary that they know the level of performance of his work, trust each other and do not seek to win each other the opportunity to raise salaries and advance in service;

3. subordinates of the assessed;

4. someone not directly related to the work situation. This option is more expensive than the others and is mainly used to evaluate an employee in a very important position. It is also possible to use this option in cases where it is necessary to combat accusations of bias and prejudice. It should be noted that using this approach the evaluator will not have as much information as in the previous four options;

5. self-esteem. In this case, the employee evaluates himself using the methods used by other evaluators. This approach is used to develop the skills of introspection in workers, rather than to measure performance;

6. using a combination of the above assessment forms: the controller's assessment can be confirmed by self-assessment, and the results of the boss's assessment can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues. A two-way (evaluator - assessed) discussion of the evaluation results provides good suggestions for senior management.

3. Two approaches to personnel assessment

Assessment methods in which employees are assessed by their line manager are traditional for most modern companies. They are effective in large hierarchical organizations operating in a fairly stable external environment.

Executive Assessment: Competency-Based Methods

A. Agashkova

Executive appraisal is one of the most powerful tools for enterprise development. However, the assessment gives a positive result only if its goals are correctly defined (the goals of the assessment procedure do not conflict with each other) and the assessment tool is adequately selected. Each group of assessment methods is aimed at solving certain problems of the enterprise, has its own advantages, but also its limitations. A brief description of the methods is given in Appendix 1.

Therefore, in practical work, methods in their pure form are not used, but their combination is used. Through a competent combination of assessment tools, they enhance the positive effects and compensate for the limitations. In practice, the best results are achieved by combining result-oriented assessment methods with competency assessment methods. The combination of these methods allows you to measure the degree of achievement of the head of the goals set for him and, at the same time, to ensure his development. This combination orients the assessment procedure into three dimensions at once: into the past (in this case, the past activity of the leader is considered as a source of information about the results achieved), the present (the level of development of the leader's skills and abilities is determined) and into the future (the promising goals of the activity and development of the leader are determined) ...

Consider an assessment procedure based on measuring the competencies of managers.

The essence of this method is to determine the key competencies necessary for the successful performance of the job of the assessed position and to measure the degree of development of the identified competencies in the assessed manager.

Competencies are a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and personal qualities necessary for the successful performance of work in a specific position in a particular enterprise.

This method is used to implement the following tasks of the enterprise:

Determination of the need for the development and training of managers (the development of competencies requires a fairly long development period - 12 months and more);

Motivation of leaders;

Determination of the head's compliance with the position (occupied or vacant, if promotion is planned).

The advantages of this method:

Allows to draw the attention of managers to those competencies that require development and to determine the ways in which this can be done;

With its adequate use, a motivating effect arises. This happens due to the joint work of the assessed leader and the assessor, when both parties discuss the level of development of the competencies of the assessed and decide what developmental and training activities are necessary for further progress. However, the motivating effect arises only if the assessment of competencies is not directly related to the level of remuneration of the manager. Otherwise, the feedback procedure on the results of the assessment is reduced to the assessor's attempts to overcome the resistance of the assessed person regarding the identified "reserves" (insufficient level of competence development). When the question arises about the level of payment, the assessed one “goes into defense” even in the presence of irrefutable facts;

Allows you to track the dynamics of the development of managers' competencies;

Objectivity (it is achieved by measuring the characteristics of the assessed manager based on the analysis of the production behavior of managers);

Allows you to compare managers with each other (according to the degree of development of competencies).

Leadership competencies include:

1.professional competencies (managerial skills) - knowledge, skills and professional qualities necessary to manage a specific team, structural unit or function. These competencies are highlighted through work analysis.

An example of the result orientation competency is given in Table 1.

2. Behavioral strategies that lead to success or failure in activities carried out in the assessed position. Behavioral strategies are described using patterns of behavior "+" and "-" (an example of patterns of behavior for the competence "focus on results" is given in Table 1).

3. organizational (corporate) competencies - qualities that affect the efficiency of work in the conditions of a given enterprise (for example, the “learnability” competence is necessary for successful work in enterprises at the “formation” or “growth” stages). The description of the “learnability” competence is given in Table 2.

4. Meta-competencies - competencies that are so powerful that they affect the ability of a leader to acquire new competencies (for example, the competence "emotional intelligence" and "adaptability", manifested in the field of learning and development). An example of the description of the “adaptability” competence is given in Table 3. The essence of the inclusion of this group of competencies is that the skills that are needed tomorrow do not necessarily coincide with the skills needed today, so the ability to learn from experience is one of the most valuable competencies.

Assessment technology based on the competency model.

Stage 1. Development of a competency model.

Initially, it is necessary to describe the functions performed by the assessed position and highlight the most important of them. Job analysis can be performed using the following methods:

Diary method (when the manager keeps an hourly record of his production activities for a certain period of time);

Direct observation method (when a specialist supervises the work of the leader);

The use of special questionnaires that invite the manager to consider the list of components of his workflow and select the most relevant for his professional activity, or rank them according to the degree of importance (for example, the Position Analysis Questionnaire - PAQ and the Work Profiling System, developed by by SHL).

In order to obtain a more complete and accurate description of the workflow, it is necessary to combine two or more methods of work analysis.

After the work is described, it is necessary to highlight the criteria by which it will be possible to select the most effective leaders occupying the same management levels. For this, quantitative indicators are best suited (for example, the volume of profits or revenues received by the division, staff turnover, the number of trained employees, the average score in employee certification, the market value of the company's shares, etc.). This is a very important step, since the result of work on the development of a competency model depends on the correct definition of performance criteria.

Interviews based on critical incidents (Critical Incidents Interview), when the manager and / or his immediate supervisor and / or his colleagues are asked to recall the cases (incidents) when the work was performed especially well, and the leader was satisfied with his own performance, as well as cases when the work was done poorly.

Recalling a number of incidents, respondents should describe them in detail: the conditions in which the situation arose, the actions taken by the manager, the consequences of these actions. The purpose of this procedure is to highlight the traits and properties that determine the success and failure of this work;

Repertory Grid Method (Rep Grid). This procedure is performed individually with each employee being interviewed. Interviews are conducted with the manager who is one or two levels above the studied position and the best performers of the position being evaluated.

Interview procedure:

a) The interviewee is asked to recall six employees doing the work being studied. The respondent must know well the described employees, their work experience at the enterprise must be at least two years, they must show different work efficiency. Ideally, three of them should be above average or exceptional workers, and three should be below average or ineffective. It is not necessary to give the surnames of the characterized workers, you can assign each of them a number or designate them with letters.

b) Next, the interviewee should evaluate the behavior of the described workers and select two that are most similar to each other and not similar to the third. The interviewer should highlight the property that reflects this. It is important here that one aspect of the behavior is highlighted and that there is a verb in its description. After that, the respondent should indicate how the behavior of the third employee differs. The interviewer records the answers and asks additional questions to validate the answers, refine and clarify the characteristics of the described behavior. In the terminology of repertoire grids, the parameter obtained in this way is called a "construct".

c) the procedure is repeated with the second triple.

Personel assessment

The same questions are asked, but in order to identify a different aspect of behavior.

d) this continues with different combinations of workers, and the combinations should not be repeated.

For example, a similar pair A and B

These workers make plans in advance, they are thoroughly prepared in advance.

Differs from them B

He always leaves the task at the last moment. Doesn't plan in advance, everything comes as a surprise to him.

In this case, the parameter looks like “the ability to plan”, but in order to be convinced of this, it is necessary to apply this behavioral grid to other respondents, so that the sample is representative.

e) Next, it is necessary to analyze the behavioral grids. This can be done in different ways, one of them is to characterize the parameters that appear in each lattice, and then remove from them those that do not distinguish between effective and ineffective workers.

Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the suitability of an employee for a vacant or occupied workplace (position) and is carried out in various ways (assessment of employee potential, assessment of individual contribution or certification as a comprehensive assessment).

Currently, there are several systems for assessing specialists:

Method of analytical evaluation: the attestation commission considers a written description - a response to an employee and conducts an interview with him; rating system, where the total number of points, percentages, points (rating, rating scale) is calculated;

Ranking ("aligning" personnel by ranking): as a result of ranking, the manager (certification commission) can compare employees with each other with subsequent conclusions;

Situational assessment - a description of the employee's demonstrated behavior in a specific situation is used as a scale for assessing, for which a description of effective and ineffective examples of behavior during, for example, receiving visitors, concluding agreements with partners, etc., is developed;

Evaluation on the achievement of goals - the method is effective for management personnel.

Review of systems, methods and techniques for personnel assessment

Distinctive features: orientation towards a specific goal; concentration on specific goals; general purpose, to make sure that staff perceive mistakes as personal problems.

In practice, the most common method is the method of analytical assessment, and more and more popular (especially abroad) is the method of assessing the achievement of goals, which essentially becomes an integral part of the organization's management system by goals.

Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the employee's compliance with a vacant or occupied workplace (position) and is performed in three ways.

1. Assessment of the employee's potential. When filling a vacant job, it is important to establish the potential of the employee, that is, professional knowledge and skills, production experience, business and moral qualities, personality psychology, health and performance, the level of general culture.

2. Evaluation of individual contribution allows you to establish the quality, complexity and efficiency of the work of a particular employee and its compliance with the place occupied using special methods.

3. Personnel certification is a kind of comprehensive assessment that takes into account the potential and individual contribution of the employee to the final result.

The initial data for personnel assessment are:

Personnel workplace models;

Regulations on the certification of personnel;

Organization philosophy;

Internal labor regulations;

Staffing table;

Personal files of employees;

HR orders;

Sociological questionnaires;

Psychological tests.

As a result of personnel assessment, the following documents are formed:

Test results (examinations) of professional knowledge and skills;

Socio-psychological personality portrait;

Medical report on performance;

Assessment of business and moral qualities;

Analysis of bad habits and hobbies;

Assessment of the level of production qualifications;

Conclusion of the certification commission.

The task of a comprehensive assessment of management personnel has many alternative options, both from the point of view of the methods used to study the characteristics of employees, and from the point of view of the formation of an integral indicator. At present, a method for a comprehensive assessment of management personnel using a rating has been developed and experimentally tested.

The rating is the sum of points that measures the potential of the employee for a certain period of time, depending on the combination of qualitative and quantitative characteristics and based on the accepted model of the workplace.

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Necessity, goals and methods of personnel assessment.

Under staff assessmentthis implies a planned, strictly formalized and standardized assessment of employees as members of the organization holding certain positions.

Personel assessment - it is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the leader in making management decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

The main goals of personnel assessment:

1.administrative purposeis achieved by making a grounded administrative decision (promotion or demotion, transfer to another job, referral to training, dismissal) based on the results of personnel performance assessment;

2.information purposelies in the fact that both employees and managers have the opportunity to obtain reliable information about the activities;

3.motivational goallies in the fact that assessment itself is the most important means of motivating people's behavior, because adequately estimated labor costs will ensure a further increase in the productivity of workers, but only if a person's labor is evaluated according to his expectations.

Personnel assessment methods are a means of achieving a specific goal, serve as the basis for interaction between a manager and a subordinate, combine the goals of an enterprise and an employee, etc.

In terms of focus, the methods are classified into three main groups:

1) Qualitative methods -these are methods that determine employees without the use of quantitative indicators:

  • Matrix method (involves comparing the qualities of a specific person with the ideal characteristics for the position held)
  • Arbitrary characteristic system method(the management simply highlights the brightest achievements and the worst mistakes in a person's work, and compares them to draw conclusions)
  • Assessment of task performance (the work of the employee as a whole is assessed)
  • 360 degree method(employee assessment from all sides)
  • Group discussion

2) Combined methods -it is a collection of descriptive methods using quantitative aspects.

  • Testing (assessment based on the results of solving pre-set tasks)
  • Sum of estimates method
  • Grouping system(employees are divided into several groups - from those who work perfectly, and to those whose work is unsatisfactory against the background of the rest)

3) Quantitative methods - all results are recorded in numbers.

  • Ranked method(several managers make a rating of employees, then all ratings are compared, and usually the lowest are cut)
  • Scoring method(for each achievement, the staff receives a predetermined number of points, which are summed up at the end of the period)
  • Free score(Each quality of an employee is assessed by experts for a certain number of points, which are summed up and an overall rating is displayed).

Manage pers.

Evaluation criteria for applicants and employees.

To obtain reliable information, it is necessary to accurately and objectively highlight the indicators for which the assessment is made. In this case, it is important to establish clear and thought-out criteria for evaluating personnel.

Personnel assessment criteria - these are indicators that represent the most significant labor, behavioral, personal characteristics of employees, as well as characteristics of the results of their professional activities, which can serve as objective grounds for determining the degree of compliance with the position.

There are four groups of criteria that are used in any organization with some adjustments:

1. Professional criteriapersonnel assessments contain characteristics of professional knowledge, skills, skills, professional experience of a person, his qualifications, labor results;

2. Business criteriapersonnel assessments include criteria such as responsibility, organization, initiative, efficiency;

3. Moral and psychologicalpersonnel assessment criteria, which include the ability to self-esteem, honesty, fairness, psychological stability;

4. Specific criteriastaff assessments, which are formed on the basis of the inherent qualities of a person and characterize his state of health, authority, personality traits.

Applicant evaluation criteria:

  • The amount of labor - volume, efficiency, labor intensity, time use are determined;
  • Labor quality - the share of errors in work, product quality and its compliance with the best world standards are established;
  • Attitude to work - the employee's initiative, his ability to withstand heavy workloads, the ability to adapt to various situations, especially new ones;
  • Thorough work - attitude to the means of production, their use, the optimal use of raw materials and materials, the degree of accounting for material costs at the workplace;
  • Willingness to cooperate within the enterprise - participation of an employee in solving joint problems, relationships in a team, the ability to participate in collective work, reaction to comments from the outside, other personal qualities.

What are the methods of personnel assessment in the organization?

Personnel assessment tools.

Observation and research are important means of assessing personality. Having the opportunity to directly observe a person, how he behaves at work and in his free time, “family, among friends and acquaintances, in a narrow circle and in a larger society, it is powerful to make a judgment about his personality. much can be established only through long and close communication.

To select the means of personnel assessment based on the competence-based approach, you need to understand what the subject of assessment is, i.e. what competencies are to be assessed.

To assess the personnel of the enterprise, several methods are used: analysis of personal data, interview, competitive exams, expert assessments, testing, evaluation of work results.

Applicant assessment tools are often classified as personal or technical.

1. Personal means of personnel assessment:

- analysis and evaluation of documents (analysis of the application, biography, academic performance, photographs, verification of personal profiles, reviews);

- testing (test for academic performance, intelligence, character);

- interview-interview (analysis of the ability to express one's thoughts, attitudes to work, communication skills, speech skills);

Technical means of personnel assessment:

- working experiment (trial work in laboratory conditions, trial movements, assessment of the most significant elements of the labor process);

- graphological conclusion (analysis of personality: personal image, picture of academic performance, industrial relations).

Managing person.

Conditions for the qualitative assessment of personnel.

Necessary conditions and requirements for a qualitative assessment of personnel:

  • Objectively -regardless of any private opinion or individual judgments;
  • Reliable - relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly accidental);
  • Reliable in relation to activities - the real level of proficiency in skills should be evaluated - how successfully a person copes with his job;
  • With the possibility of forecasting - the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable;
  • Complex - not only each member of the organization is assessed, but also connections and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;
  • Process assessment and assessment criteria d.b.

are not accessible to a narrow circle of specialists, but are understandable to appraisers, observers, and the assessed themselves (i.e., have the property of internal evidence);

  • Conducting assessment activities should not disorganize the work of the team, but be built into the general system of personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

Necessity, tasks, and methods of personnel development.

Staff development -carrying out activities that contribute to the full disclosure of the personal potential of employees and the growth of their ability to contribute to the activities of the organization.

Development opportunities d.b. provided to everyone, because it increases not only the efficiency of work, but also the flexibility of management, improves the moral climate, facilitates the delegation of authority, and ignoring the need for development, new knowledge and skills increases staff turnover.

Personnel development has traditionally been based on training processes that are managed and funded by the enterprise for which these training processes are intended. The purpose of the training is to develop the intellectual potential of employees.

Personnel development objectives:

1. Advanced training for the purpose of releasing new products, correct use, maintenance and repair of means of production; training and retraining of personnel, training in modern technologies.

2. Ability to communicate, work in a group.

3. Awareness of the importance of the increasing role of labor, financial, production work discipline in the sense of the exact execution of actions that ensure the error-free operation of a machine, installation, department or enterprise.

4. Formation of responsibility as a systemic quality of an employee and the development of its types.

5. Self-development of their professional skills and knowledge by personnel.

Among methods personnel can be distinguished:

and) methods of formation and development of the organization's human resources:

  • methods of organizational development, staffing;
  • methods of improving the corporate style of management;
  • conflict management methods that facilitate interpersonal communication and create a favorable microclimate;
  • manager's group work technique.

b) methods of developing the potential of each employee:

  • methods of training and retraining workers, specialists and managers;
  • methods of continuing education outside the organization;
  • branded one-day or weekly seminars;
  • conferences, group discussions;
  • a system of methods for promoting the development of creativity (heuristic methods, business games)
  • management trainings.

Manage pers.

Purpose, principles, forms and essence of a new approach to personnel retraining in market conditions.

Retraining of personnel refers to additional education, ensures the acquisition of a new qualification of the corresponding profile of education at the levels of higher and secondary specialized education and is confirmed by a retraining diploma of the established sample.

The purpose of professional retraining of specialists is to acquire additional knowledge, skills and abilities in educational programs that provide for the study of individual disciplines, sections of science, technology and technology necessary to perform a new type of professional activity.

Retraining is built on principlesconsistency, obligation, differentiated approach, prospects.

Retraining should be purposeful, i.e. to be focused on a specific workplace and an employee willing to take it.

The volume of retraining and the specification of its forms depend on the availability of an appropriate training base at the enterprise, material support, and on the enterprise's capabilities to carry out this work on a contractual basis with special educational institutions.

Retraining of personnel is carried out at the expense of funds attributed to the cost of production. In addition, the source of financing is the funds specially created in the employment services, part of which can be transferred to enterprises for retraining of personnel within the framework of employment programs in the given territory.

Manage pers.

Professional development of personnel.

Professional development of personnel - This is training after employees have received basic education, aimed at consistently maintaining and improving their professional and economic knowledge (deepening, increasing, bringing them into line with the requirements of a higher position), skills, and increasing skills in the employee's profession. For this, production and economic courses, management schools, targeted courses, schools of advanced techniques and methods of labor, etc. are organized.

Modern professional development programs aim to teach employees to think independently (including economically), solve complex problems, take an entrepreneurial approach to business, and work in a team.

They provide knowledge that goes beyond the position of the job and encourages the desire to study further. However, the prospect of continuing education will only activate those employees who have not yet reached their ceiling.

In order to increase the responsibility and interest of personnel in the continuous improvement of their qualifications, it is necessary to ensure the relationship between the results of advanced training, certification, job transfers and remuneration of workers with the quality of knowledge and the effectiveness of their practical use.

Work on advanced training is an integral part of the training of the personnel reserve and therefore is provided for by collective agreements between the administration and the employees of the enterprise, and the measures for improving skills themselves are reflected in the planning system at the enterprise.

Professional development of the personnel d.b. comprehensive in coverage, differentiated by individual categories of workers, continuous, focused on promising professions.

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Stepkina N.S., Tretyakova L.A.

The study and systematization of modern methods of personnel assessment are relevant, since the strategic task of the personnel manager is the formation of a competitive staff of the organization, which determines the efficiency of production. Sooner or later, the HR manager is faced with the task of conducting a personnel assessment. When choosing methods for conducting an assessment, it is important not to lose sight of its purpose, namely: assessing the performance of employees, their contribution and suitability to their positions, as well as identifying promising employees for their training and promotion.

Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in the context of the company's strategic objectives.

Personnel assessment is a purposeful process of determining whether the qualitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the requirements of a position or workplace.

During the assessment, the employer compares the employee in a given position with a specialist who would be ideally suited for the position.

Various methods are used to assess the performance of personnel. In Russia, certification is considered the traditional method of assessment. Modern valuation methods in Russia appeared recently, when Western companies entered the Russian market. The number of firms that use the Assessment Center, Management by Objectives, "360 degrees", Performance management is increasing, but not at a very fast pace. The main obstacle is the Russian mentality of the continuity of Western technologies, distrust of them, as well as the desire for conservatism and stability.

1) Certification. The certification procedure is set out in the officially approved documents. In their absence, the company must have a duly approved “Regulation on certification” of the company's personnel. All regulations and procedures are approved and agreed by the company leaders. By the decision of the administration of the organization, certification can be regular or extraordinary.

Certification evaluates the results of the employee's work (according to recommendations from the manager or according to the assessment sheet), personal and business qualities, practical skills and level of knowledge (in the form of a standard exam), qualifications.

The attestation commission is created from personnel services workers, trade union members, and middle-level representatives. The number is usually determined by an odd number of participants ranging from 5 to 11 people. The commission, in the presence of the employee, considers all the data and makes a decision on the future fate of the employee in the company.

The results of certification may be the basis for the dismissal of an employee in accordance with Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the employee does not agree with the decision of the attestation commission, he can appeal to the labor dispute commission in the organization or go to court. The Commission must provide reasons for its decision.

Advantages: This method is familiar and well established. Based on the results of certification, you can make personnel decisions (transfer to another position, training, increase or decrease in salary, dismissal, re-certification). Collegial decision-making by the commission.

Disadvantages: The method is perceived negatively by the staff, accompanied by great stress. May not apply to all categories of personnel. It requires a lot of time and labor. Employees don't get feedback.

2) Management by Objectives (MBO). The essence of this method consists in the fact that the manager and the employee set tasks together and also jointly evaluate the results of their implementation at the end of the reporting period (usually the end of the financial year).

1. First, a list of tasks is drawn up:

a) the leader himself formulates the tasks, and then brings them to the subordinates. Further, they are adjusted taking into account the proposals of employees;

b) the manager and the subordinate set tasks separately from each other, and then agree on them during the interview.

2. Then the criteria for performing tasks (weight as a percentage of the total success for each task, coefficient) are determined in accordance with the strategic direction of the company.

4. Then, measures are planned to improve the quality of work.

Benefits: The employee understands the criteria for the success of his work even before starting the task. Elements of the translation of the firm's strategy appear. Feedback elements are present. Intangible motivation appears: awarding with diplomas, awarding of honorary titles, awarding with distinctive signs, etc. The method is optimal in terms of time costs.

Disadvantages: The method is not devoid of subjectivity, since the performance of tasks is mainly assessed by one person (leader). Focus on the employee's past merits, not on his future development.

3) Performance management (PM). Using this method, they evaluate the results and competencies of personnel, plan an employee's career, and identify areas of development. Attention is focused on the manager's feedback with the employee in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).

Interviews for defining tasks and a final interview (held jointly by the manager and the employee) are held once a year, where the subordinate is given feedback on his work and ways of developing the quality of work and his success are developed. The results of work are evaluated by tasks and competencies, areas are identified and plans are drawn up for training the employee and developing his career.

Advantages: The method gives a clear understanding of the criteria for evaluating a subordinate and his place in the company. This method allows for a close relationship with the firm's strategy and KPIs. Promotes the transmission of corporate culture through competencies. The method is focused on long-term personnel training and development. The employee receives feedback throughout the year, not just at the beginning and at the end. Career movement is carried out both horizontally and vertically. An individual development plan for a subordinate is drawn up.

Disadvantages: This method is time consuming. this method can be applied only in those organizations in which the corporate culture is very developed - very transparent, with a high level of management and aspiring to the future. In addition, a lot of preliminary work of the HR department and line managers is required - sometimes even over several years.

4) "360 degrees" is a competency assessment performed by people who constantly work with an employee. The employee himself can initiate this assessment method in order to identify their areas of development.

The opinion about the employee is made by four parties: the manager, subordinates, clients, colleagues in the amount of 7-12 people. It is desirable that others evaluate the employee not only positively, but also negatively.

Competencies assessed:



    Organizational skills;


    People management;

    Ability to make decisions;



    Ability to adapt;


All received data are summarized and sent for processing to an independent expert or processed automatically (online). The results of the assessment (usually on a 5-point scale) are received by the employee himself and his manager.

Benefits: Getting a versatile assessment for one employee individually. That is, an employee is able to compare his self-assessment of competencies with how his colleagues assess his competencies and his behavior. Another advantage lies in the democratic method (not only the manager evaluates his subordinates, but also the subordinates can evaluate him, this increases the loyalty of the staff to the company, for them it is an indicator that their opinion is listened to). Building and strengthening trusting relationships with customers (an opportunity to show that the company is working to improve customer service). The most effective use of this method is to create individual development plans and identify training needs.

Disadvantages: Not used directly for key personnel decisions: salary increases, transfer to another position, dismissal. Assesses only the competence, not the achievements of the employee. Requires a high degree of confidentiality. It is difficult to obtain reliable information from employees in the assessment (especially the opinion of subordinates about the manager).

5) Assessment Center - this is a method that consists in a specially selected set of test tasks for participants in the form of discussions, business and role-playing games, individual exercises and other tasks in which participants can demonstrate their professional competence to the maximum extent. It is these professional competencies that are assessed during the Assessment Center. The topic can be anything, and does not have to reflect the content of the subordinate's work. Each situation (case) allows you to evaluate several competencies in various combinations. The exercises are performed in pairs or in a group. The behavior of employees is monitored by specially trained observers - these are external consultants, employees of the personnel department.

Advantages: This procedure can be applied at any stage of work with personnel, starting with the selection of candidates and ending with summing up the results of the talent pool development program. The effectiveness and reliability of the method varies from 68 to 80%. The accuracy of the Assessment Center method is explained by the fact that it can be used to observe real manifestations of behavior and the fact that these behavioral characteristics are checked in more than one way.

Disadvantages: The only drawback is that the traditional holding of the Assessment Center can only be carried out by specialists in this field, and since there are still not enough of them, the quality of the Assessment Center in small and medium-sized companies leaves much to be desired.

The best option for carrying out the Assessment is to attract experts from outside. The degree of objectivity in assessing the work of subordinates will increase, but this can be very costly for the organization. To solve this problem, it is more expedient to train specialists in the Assessment Center within the company. Such specialists, periodically improving their qualifications, would be able to assess employees at a high level.

Each assessment method has its pros and cons. And in order to reliably evaluate personnel from all sides, it is necessary to use a certain set of methods that will be optimal in terms of time and financial costs for a given organization.

Thus, the assessment of personnel is a procedure that is carried out in order to identify the degree to which the qualitative and quantitative results of the subordinate's activities, his personal qualities, meet certain requirements. The task of assessing the work of personnel is to identify their labor potential, the degree of use of this potential, the employee's suitability for the position held or his readiness to take a specific position, in order to characterize the effectiveness of his work activity, and, consequently, the employee's value to the organization.


    Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management / M.I. Bukhalkov. - M .: INFRA-M, 2005 .-- 368 p.

    Egorshin, A.P. Personnel management / A.P. Egorshin. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2003 .-- 720 p.

    Ivantsevich, D.M. Human resources management: fundamentals of personnel management / D.M. Ivantsevich, A.A. Lobanov. - M .: Delo, 2006 .-- 317 p.

    Malinovsky P.D. Personnel assessment methods / P.D. Malinovsky. - M.: 2007 .-- 197 p.

    Official site of the "HR-Portal" magazine. Url:

    Khrutsky, V.E. Personnel assessment / V.E.

    Personnel assessment methods. Personnel certification and assessment

    Khrutsky. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2004 .-- 172 p.

    Shkatulla, V.I. Personnel manager handbook / V.I. Casket. - M .: NORMA - INFRA-M, 2004 .-- 426 p.

Personnel assessment in an organization is an important aspect of management practice and theory. The team of both a private enterprise and a public service must be able to realize the goals of the company, based on its values. To form and maintain a powerful team, to achieve the set strategic objectives of the administration, it is necessary to systematically assess employees using various existing methods.


The most common form of performance verification is personnel appraisal and appraisal, which are special management measures periodically carried out in an organization in full compliance with national labor laws. This is done by a special commission, which includes representatives of the management, heads of structural divisions, representatives of the personnel service and other employees, one way or another related to personnel management.

Attestation is a complex system that uses a variety of assessment methods. Its results are needed for:

  • Assessment of the employee's compliance with the current position, his specialization and qualification level (grade), the possibility of revising the salary within the framework of the corresponding levels for this position.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of the goals set for employees during the previous attestation.
  • Setting tasks for the next period.
  • Definitions for employee developmental activities.
  • Making personnel decisions: changing the salary, transferring an employee to another grade, changing specialization, raising / lowering in position, transferring to another job, dismissal.
  • Changes to the compensation package by transferring to another grade (position).

Personnel qualifications and assessments should be carried out regularly whenever possible. Its frequency depends on the position. When conducting certification, certain characteristics of a particular person are compared: business qualities, communication skills, professional qualifications. The results are then verified against the performance of other workers and industry benchmarks for the job.

Indicator selection

Before developing an employee certification procedure, it is necessary to carefully study all the functions and tasks that employees must perform in accordance with the job description. Based on the analysis, indicators are selected - criteria for assessing personnel.

For each specific function performed by an employee, or for each individual task, it is necessary to develop clear, well-understood performance indicators and standards for their implementation. To establish work performance standards, the optimal number of indicators is selected, which will serve as benchmarks for assessing various qualities of an employee. In practice, a certain set of evaluation criteria is most often used for this. It may include, for example, the following items:

  • Professional knowledge.
  • Diligence and participation in work.
  • Attitude towards managers and employees.
  • Reliability.
  • Quality of work.
  • Work intensity.
  • The pace of work.
  • The ability to express yourself.
  • Ability to organize planning.
  • Attitude to work.

Evaluation criteria requirements

When defining standards, certain requirements must be followed. So, the developed criteria should:

  • Display normative ideas about personal and business qualities, work behavior, employee performance, based on organizational and individual goals.
  • Have quantitative certainty for assessing different levels of performance.
  • Be reliable and reliable in order to rule out subjective errors.
  • Be understandable for managers and performers.

In addition, the costs of the assessment process should not exceed the benefits of its results. To obtain a thorough description of the object of analysis, a sufficient number of criteria must be used.

Sequence of evaluation processes

When evaluating and analyzing the performance of employees, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions in order to end up with clearly structured data. Such analytical material is easier to process, and the business assessment of staff will be as correct as possible.

  1. First, the goals are specified for implementation. They must be described as clearly as possible, otherwise the whole point of the certification is lost.
  2. The actual level of performance achieved against established standards is then measured. The range of methods, methods, tools for this is huge and depends on the structure of the organization and the tasks it performs.
  3. The third step is to compare the actual results with the desired (or expected) results. This will help to objectively rank employees among themselves based on achievements and failures.
  4. The next stage consists in the obligatory discussion of the results of the assessment with employees in compliance with all the rules of business ethics.
  5. At the end, motivational, qualification, administrative and other decisions are made based on the research results.

Whatever the assessment of personnel management, employees should know what positive results they achieved in the reporting period, what prevented them from successfully solving problems and what recommendations they can use in their future activities.

Assessment principles

Personnel assessment methods will fully function in compliance with the following principles:

  • Objectivity. Only reliable information bases and systems of indicators are used when determining the characteristics of the employee. Current activities, period of work, dynamics of results are taken into account.
  • Publicity. Comprehensive familiarization of the checked employees with the assessment methodology, bringing the results to the attention of stakeholders.
  • Efficiency. The speed and timeliness of certification, the regularity of its implementation.
  • Democracy. Participation of members of the audited group in the assessment of subordinates, colleagues.
  • Unity of evaluation criteria.
  • Clarity, accessibility and simplicity of the procedure.
  • Effectiveness. Taking prompt action based on the results obtained.

Assessment of personnel in the organization is carried out in two areas of activity: current and prospective. Current activities are analyzed for performance and compliance with the requirements for a specific position. When planning promising activities, managers determine what qualities need to be developed, what needs to be taught to the employee, the procedure for improving qualifications, and how best to unleash his potential.

Main characteristics

In order for the assessment of the work of the personnel of an organization, enterprise, institution to be adequate, it is recommended to begin with determining a list of the most important indicators. For example, they can be:

  • labor efficiency;
  • professional behavior;
  • personal qualities.

Business assessment of personnel must meet the following requirements: completeness and reliability of the display of results, specificity, ensuring compatibility with the achievements of other employees, as well as with the previous period.

Key figures may vary for different positions. Somewhere stress resistance is important, somewhere prompt decision-making, perseverance and scrupulousness, the ability to convince or the ability to say "no". A person cannot be perfect in everything. Therefore, 2-4 positions that are critical for a particular profession are determined and, when checked, they focus on them.

In order for the assessment of the professional performance of employees to be objective, a variety of methods should be used that are best suited to the structure of an organization, its goals, as well as the nature of the team's activities. Professional sources describe many methods for studying and analyzing the competence of employees. Among them:

  • Attestation is an assessment of the performance of personnel, which uses an integrated approach using various methods. During the audit, the attestation commission determines the suitability of the candidate for the vacant position or the position he holds.
  • The forced choice method. This procedure consists in the selection by experts of the characteristics most suitable for the employee, for example: the ability to plan their activities, sociability, work experience, etc.
  • The descriptive method involves the creation of a consistent, detailed characterization of the positive and negative traits of each employee.
  • Testing is a personnel assessment system that determines professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, personality psychology. These qualities are revealed with the help of special tests that can be deciphered using "keys".
  • A business game is a kind of management game, during which the knowledge and skills of an employee are analyzed, and his ability to work in a small group is assessed.
  • Management by Objectives (in foreign literature - Management by Objective (MBO)). Evaluating the effectiveness of personnel using this method provides for the general setting of tasks by the manager and the employee, after which the results of their implementation are assessed at the end of the reporting period. This system covers all positions in the company - from technical to institutional levels.
  • Performance Management. According to this system, not only the final results of the employee's work are assessed, but also his competencies - those personal qualities that are necessary to achieve the set goals.
  • The assessment center (group and individual) is designed to test employees by competencies for specific personnel tasks. Personnel assessment methods can include behavioral interviews as well as case studies (game situations). To select candidates for high positions and when assessing top managers, the emphasis is on behavioral interviews, and for the promotion of employees to the talent pool - on business games.
  • Self-report (presentation) consists in conducting oral presentations of the head or specialist in front of the work collective, during which the implementation of the work plan and personal obligations is analyzed.
  • 360 ° method. According to it, employees are assessed by colleagues, managers and their subordinates. An individual and general questionnaire is filled out for each person.
  • Assessment by the method of committees. In this method, the work of employees is discussed in a group, and it is broken down into separate tasks. As a result, a list of actions is drawn up, each of which is assessed as successful and unsuccessful.
  • Method of independent judges: the employee is evaluated by independent persons who were not familiar with him (usually 5-7 people act as “judges”). At the same time, personnel assessment methods are based on the principles of cross-examination.
  • Interview: Applicant acts as HR manager and interviews multiple job candidates. The ability to correctly analyze and select employees is tested.
  • Observation. In this case, the employee is assessed both in an informal (on vacation, at home) and in a work environment using the methods of instant observations and photographs of the working day.

It should also be noted that at each stage of an employee's work in the company, certain assessment methods can be used: for example, in the process of selecting an employee for a vacancy, you can use the interview and testing method at the same time, and to make a decision on dismissal from the position, it is enough to conduct an employee certification.

Research volume

The analysis of personnel assessment directly depends on the volume of research, the quantity and quality of the research methods used. In terms of content, they can be partial, when they evaluate only certain qualities of the performer or the level of work performance, and complex, when they consider in a complex business and personal qualities, labor behavior, and results of activity.

According to the regularity of the research, they are divided into those that are organized constantly with a certain frequency (depending on the position: once every six months, a year, two, etc.), and episodic assessments that are due to a certain stage (completion of the probationary period, advancement in service, disciplinary responsibility, etc.).

Depending on the frequency, the assessment is divided into current, final and prospective. Current determines the level of performance of duties by the employee at the moment. The summary summarizes the work performed and its results at the end of a certain period. Perspective determines the abilities, qualities, motivation, expectations of the employee, that is, it allows to predict his potential opportunities.

Rating system

Depending on the criteria, a quantitative, qualitative, analytical (summary of all results for all criteria) assessment and the definition of time benchmarks are distinguished. Personnel performance assessment is divided into two types:

  • Systemic: when all blocks of the analysis system are involved;
  • Unsystematic: when the evaluator has the right to choose criteria, methods, methods, tools, analysis procedures.

Subjects of assessment

This concept refers to employees assessed by their manager, colleagues, clients, subordinates. They can also be subjects of a comprehensive, so-called 360 ° assessment, taking into account all of the above factors in a complex.

In addition, the so-called self-assessment, or internal assessment of personnel, is practiced. In this case, information is obtained after conducting motivational monitoring. The combination of conclusions on external and internal testing allows for a fuller implementation of the orienting and stimulating functions of research.

Assessment of the labor activity of personnel allows:

  • Assess the professionalism of an employee, namely: the level of professional training (knowledge, skills), the level of psychological training (personality orientation, motives of behavior, adaptability, character traits, temperament), labor efficiency (productivity, quality of work), the desire for rationalization and inventions.
  • Develop recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities of employees.
  • Determine the degree of compliance of remuneration, its effectiveness with the efforts of the employee and his expectations.
  • Determine the main directions of personnel development.
  • Form an effective mechanism for professional motivation of employees.

Foreign experience

The assessment of personnel in foreign countries is somewhat different from how this process is going on here. In the USA and Western Europe, a special test for assessing personnel is used - the Bussiness Personality Test (BPT). It contains 100 questions, the results of personnel assessment vary on a scale from 0 to 10 points. This allows you to get much more information from each question for analysis than using the traditional “no / yes” scale, or choosing from the given answer options.

The giant General Electric has determined that criticism is an ineffective means of informing subordinates about shortcomings in their professional activities. In order to provide feedback, there should be a two-way discussion on specific improvement issues. In Japan, the assessment of personnel is based on the philosophy of production adopted here, that is, the abilities of each employee are determined individually. A feature of such an assessment of personnel is its regularity and obligation for everyone.

Domestic experience

In Russia, both analytical methods of personnel assessment and special electronic devices that work by analogy with “lie detectors” are used. For example, the "Luch" apparatus, created by researchers at the Institute of Psychology, allows specialists to test such human qualities as quick wits and speed of reaction.


Not all of these methods are equally good at implementing the personnel appraisal process. Their effectiveness directly depends on the goals set, the level of maturity of the company, its objectives and the type of corporate culture. Evaluation of personnel training, possession of theoretical knowledge and practical skills are equally important. Agree, it is better to conduct employee certification using the performance management method, since each company works directly for the end result, which is customer satisfaction and profit. Therefore, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to periodically check how each employee is doing the work. Already on the basis of these data, the administration can make an appropriate managerial decision on increasing wages or, conversely, on reducing them, on career growth or on the dismissal of a person.

The head of the organization must use human resources rationally. At the same time, it is important not only to effectively manage already hired workers, but also to control the selection of new ones.

In 2018, a leader must apply modern assessment principles to help meet economic goals. Their advantages lie in independent peer review.

It is conducted by a special center. This center will be able to confirm whether the skills of the employee meet the pre-established standards established by law.

What methods of personnel assessment are more effective?

Practice shows that the most effective modern method is a combined one. It is an integrated approach that combines four systems of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

It includes:

  • system of summarized assessments;
  • testing;
  • a system of a given grouping of employees.

Qualitative methods for assessing employees

Modern qualitative methods do not include quantitative indicators.

These include:

  • the method widespread in modern conditions is matrix;
  • "360 degrees";
  • group discussions;
  • system of arbitrary characteristics;
  • analysis of task performance.

The main methods of selection and assessment of personnel

The basic principles of recruiting that provide a company with an effective staff:

  • Complexity. Expert analysis of biography and career, identification of work and personal qualities, determination of the level of knowledge and competence;
  • Objectivity. The minimum subjective opinion of the recruiter. Repeated selections must show initial results;
  • Continuity. The employee search process should not be urgent. The talent pool must be part of the company's strategy;
  • Planning. The company must take into account development prospects and the need for new employees;
  • Alternativeity. Effective selection implies the benefits of selection. For this it is worth attracting more candidates;
  • Activity... Modern recruiting must be effective. Its main task is to work with potential personnel.

Effective selection of employees should be carried out in stages:

  • preliminary selection;
  • questioning;
  • autobiography;
  • interview;
  • testing;
  • verification of recommendations;
  • medical checkup;
  • expert decision-making on employment.

There are four main ways of recruiting personnel:

  • Mass recruiting. The task is to find employees of the lower and middle management. Personnel analysis is simplified and aimed at identifying the candidate's compliance with the established requirements;
  • Direct search... The purpose of this technique is the selection of a top-level employee, or a narrow specialist with special skills and knowledge;
  • Headhunting. A kind of direct search. The technology consists in finding a highly qualified specialist and luring him into a competitor's company. Only an experienced HR professional can cope with such a task;
  • Premilling. A modern and efficient way of personnel selection. This implies the selection of employees among the trainee students. HR managers carry out certification.

Four expert qualitative methods of personnel assessment:

  • Primary selection, is carried out at the stage of resume analysis (qualitative assessment of the compliance of the candidate's characteristics, the established characteristics, experience and requirements of the vacant position);
  • Interview (analysis of the professional and personal qualities of the candidate in a personal meeting with the employer);
  • Assessment Center (a comprehensive analysis focused on identifying the real qualities of applicants, their professional and psychological characteristics, potential opportunities);
  • Professional polls (direct verification of the knowledge and skills required by the candidate).

When is it better to use quantitative methods for assessing employees?

Modern quantitative methods are considered more objective than qualitative ones. The main benefits of quantifying in specific numbers recorded in a report.

there is four effective quantitative methods, which employers can apply worldwide:

  • The quantitative method of compiling ratings;
  • The given point score;
  • Free point score;
  • Graphical profile system.

Benefits of non-traditional methods of employee appraisal

Employers can conduct unconventional expert analysis.

Modern non-traditional methods and their advantages:

  • Graphological... The employee writes several sentences under dictation. The result of the work is checked by a specially hired specialist - a graphologist. You can reveal the character and learn the skills of a person;
  • Physiognomic - not only unconventional, but also modern. Its advantages lie in the complete decoding of the personality by facial features. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to hide true feelings. In forensics, physiognomy is often used, but many argue whether to use it, not trusting the results;
  • Psychological tests - non-traditional for personnel analysis. Tests help analyze an employee's ability and readiness to perform job duties. By analyzing psychological tests, a psychological portrait of a person is compiled, fully revealing his potential and predicting the level of development;
  • Modern and unconventional methods of analysis - astrology, numerology for many quackery. That does not prevent them from existing, and many companies choose them as the main ones.

In order to provide the company with high-quality staff, and not overload the employee with duties for which he is not ready, employers must use modern classical (quantitative and qualitative) and non-traditional methods.

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So, briefly about tasks of personnel assessment in the organization:

  • obtaining information for making management decisions;
  • stimulating employees and "keeping them in good shape";
  • planning and development of training programs;
  • cost reduction or cost justification.

Personnel assessment criteria

Based on the tasks, it is possible to formulate the main qualitative criteria for assessing personnel in the company:

  • focus on achieving the strategy and goals of the company;
  • compliance with corporate culture;
  • transparency of procedures and clarity of results for consumers (managers, employees).

If we talk about the criteria by which personnel are assessed, it is customary to divide them into a competency-based approach (and various types of performance appraisal. And this correlates with the types of assessment.

Types of personnel assessment

There are two main types of personnel assessment:

  • performance assessment for a certain period;
  • assessment of personal and professional qualities - a competency-based approach.

It is important (and this is true for both types) that the assessment is carried out regularly.

Assessment of personnel performance

Evaluation of the results of personnel labor is impossible without the existence of a well-functioning planning system in the company. When the goals of departments and employees are linked and digitized. When there are clear boundaries of responsibility. There should also be a system for recording performance results.

The best option would be to implementKPI or similar. Some companies are introducing additional or duplicate feedback systems. For example, gamification.

Assessment of personal qualities and skills of personnel

Assessment of personal and professional qualities is carried out using different methods. And more on that later. But the most important thing in personnel assessment is the presence of clear and transparent criteria - competencies.

It is after the determination of the assessment criteria that the methods of personnel assessment are selected. For example, in the modern world, IT employees are especially in demand, therefore, special attention is paid to their assessment and selection. At the same time, IT employees have different roles in the company and, depending on their role, functional area, corporate culture of the organization, certain requirements are imposed on them, which can be formulated in the form of assessment criteria or competencies. After drawing up the criteria, you can proceed to the assessment methods, since each method has its own field of application, that is, it is intended for assessment in certain situations. You can read more about what is recommended to be assessed by IT specialists and how.

Personnel assessment methods

Our company evaluates personnel by competence. The following are the most well-known formats - individual and group assessment methods. At the same time, the development of technologies contributes to the emergence of new forms, for example, we implement.

Individual methods of personnel assessment

The most famous individual assessment methods are:

  • interview (competency interview / structured interview / in-depth interview);
  • testing and personality questionnaires;
  • monitoring activities;
  • case studies;
  • assessment 180/360 ° -feedback.

Personnel assessment interview

The interview is probably the most commonly used assessment method.

Almost every employee who comes to the company is interviewed. Also, in many companies, we carry out or in-depth interviews (study of motivation and attitudes) to assess managers in situations where it is impossible to conduct an assessment center (status managers or a small number of employees).

In short, a competency interview takes place in the form of a 1.5-3 hour conversation, in which the consultant learns about a person's previous experience using a special technology that allows him to obtain information about the presence of the necessary qualities, knowledge and skills.

A large number of mistakes made by interviewers are due to the seeming simplicity of the method - ask questions and listen. But this is not the case. After all, each of us wants to give the most attractive information about ourselves. Therefore, when conducting an interview, a specialist is required with the technology (for example,STAR).

Personnel assessment testing

Testing can be called the simplest and, in some cases, the most budgetary way to assess staff. Having its pros and cons.

Testing is most effective in researching the knowledge of employees and determining personal characteristics using standardized and proven methods. Many techniques are easy to use, publicly available and can be used without the involvement of providers. They do not require much time (except for interpretation) and are convenient for the possibility of remote conducting.

In some cases, we supplement the assessment center with test methods.

However, there are big limitations of test methods:

  • in some cases, low accuracy;
  • the ability to transfer the key (correct answers) to other employees;
  • limited description, impossibility of forecasting, etc.

Observation as a method of personnel assessment

Field support, joint visits to clients, listening to calls, monitoring the execution of the technological chain, "photo of the day" ... All these are forms of observing employees in their activities to assess their effectiveness and behavior. And further providing feedback.

Observation is most effective when there is a checklist or other form of fixation. In this case, it is possible to provide the employee with structured feedback, to compare his actions with other employees. If this method is carried out by external consultants without prior notice to the employee, it is often called a "mystery shopping" or "test purchase".

Group methods of personnel assessment

Group methods of personnel assessment allow you to combine approaches - individual solution of cases, simulation of meetings and negotiations, production processes and interaction with subordinates.

Group - variations on the theme of business games:

  • assessment Center (Assessment Center / Development Center, etc.);
  • light assessment (business game with rating of participants);
  • simulation of meetings and negotiations.

Assessment center in personnel assessment

(Assessment Center, Development Center - there are a lot of variants of the name) is the most accurate way to assess competencies. According to our data, the validity of the classic assessment reaches 85-90%, while the next method - competency interviews - has only 60-70%.

The method consists of a combination of role-playing games, individual exercises and case studies developed under the competence of the company. This (together with the professionalism of the observers) explains the high accuracy of the method.

