A number of cases require quality control. Types of quality control. What is product quality control

Topic 4. General functions of product quality management

4.4. Control, accounting and analysis of quality management processes

4.4.1. Organization of product quality control and prevention of defects

Quality control takes a special place in product quality management. It is control as one of the effective means of achieving the set goals and the most important management function that contributes to the correct use of objectively existing, as well as man-made, prerequisites and conditions for the production of high quality products. The efficiency of production as a whole largely depends on the degree of perfection of quality control, its technical equipment and organization.

It is in the process of control that the actual results of the functioning of the system are compared with the planned ones. Modern methods of product quality control, which allow achieving high stability of quality indicators at minimal cost, are becoming increasingly important.

Control Is a process of determining and evaluating information about deviations of actual values \u200b\u200bfrom specified ones or their coincidence and analysis results. You can control the goals (goal / goal), the progress of the plan (goal / will), forecasts (will / will), the development of the process (will / is).

The subject of control can be not only performing activities, but also the work of a manager. Control information is used in the regulation process. So they say about the expediency of combining planning and control into a single control system (Controlling): planning, control, reporting, management.

Control is carried out by persons directly or indirectly dependent on the process. Inspection (revision) is control by persons independent of the process.

The control process should go through the following stages:

1. Definition of the concept of control (comprehensive control system "Controlling" or individual checks);
2. Determination of the purpose of control (decision on the feasibility, correctness, regularity, efficiency of the process
3. Scheduling the inspection:
a) objects of control (potentials, methods, results, indicators, etc.);
b) verifiable norms (ethical, legal, industrial);
c) subjects of control (internal or external control bodies);
d) control methods;
e) scope and means of control (complete, continuous, selective, manual, automatic, computerized);
f) timing and duration of inspections;
g) sequence, methods and tolerances of checks.
4. Determination of the actual and prescribed values.
5. Establishing the identity of discrepancies (detection, quantitative assessment).
6. Working out a solution, determining its weight.
7. Documenting the solution.
8. Meta-check (check check).
9. Communication of the decision (oral, written report).
10. Evaluation of the solution (analysis of deviations, localization of causes, establishment of responsibility, investigation of possibilities for correction, measures to eliminate deficiencies).

Control types are distinguished by the following features:

1. By belonging of the subject of control to the enterprise:

2. On the basis for the control:
according to law;
according to the Charter.

3. By the object of control:
control over processes;
control over decisions;
control over objects;
control over the results.

4. Regularly:

Quality control should confirm that specified product requirements have been met, including:

· Incoming inspection (materials should not be used in a process without control; inspection of the incoming product must comply with the quality plan, fixed procedures and can take various forms);

· Intermediate control (the organization must have special documents fixing the control and testing procedure within the process, and carry out this control systematically);

· Final control (designed to determine the conformity between the actual final product and the one provided by the quality plan; includes the results of all previous checks and reflects the compliance of the product with the necessary requirements);

· Registration of the results of control and testing (documents on the results of control and testing are provided to interested organizations and individuals).

A special type of control is testing of finished products. ANDtrial Is the determination or study of one or more characteristics of a product under the influence of a combination of physical, chemical, natural or operational factors and conditions. The tests are carried out according to the appropriate programs. Depending on the purpose, there are the following main types of tests:

· Preliminary tests - tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of acceptance tests;
· Acceptance tests - testing of prototypes to determine the possibility of their production;
· Acceptance tests - tests of each product to determine the possibility of its delivery to the customer;
· Periodic tests - tests that are carried out once every 3-5 years to check the stability of the production technology;
· Type tests - tests of serial products after significant changes in design or technology.

The accuracy of measuring and testing equipment affects the reliability of the quality assessment, so ensuring its quality is especially important.

From the normative documents governing metrological activities, the following are distinguished: the Law of the Russian Federation on the uniformity of measurements and the international standard ISO 10012-1: 1992 on confirmation of the metrological suitability of measuring equipment.

In managing inspection, measuring and test equipment, the organization should:

· Determine what measurements should be made, by what means and with what precision;
· To document the compliance of the equipment with the necessary requirements;
· Regularly calibrate (check the instrument divisions);
· Determine the methodology and frequency of calibration;
· Document the results of calibration;
· Provide conditions for the use of measuring equipment, taking into account environmental parameters;
· Eliminate faulty or unusable instrumentation;
· Adjust hardware and software with the help of specially trained personnel only.

The passage of inspection and testing of products must be confirmed visually (for example, using labels, tags, seals, etc.). Those products that do not meet the verification criteria are segregated from the rest.

It is also necessary to identify the specialists responsible for carrying out such control and establish their powers.

A number of criteria may be important for making a decision on control and organizing control processes: its effectiveness, the effect of influence on people, control tasks and its boundaries (Fig. 4.5).

Fig. 4.5. The main components of the criterion for a control decision

Quality control system products is a set of interrelated objects and subjects of control, the types, methods and means used for assessing the quality of products and preventing defects at various stages of the product life cycle and levels of quality management. An effective control system allows, in most cases, to carry out a timely and targeted impact on the level of quality of products, prevent all kinds of shortcomings and failures in work, ensure their prompt identification and elimination with the least expenditure of resources. The positive results of effective quality control can be identified and, in most cases, quantified at the stages of development, production, circulation, operation (consumption) and restoration (repair) of products.

In market conditions of management, the role of quality control services of enterprises' products in ensuring the prevention of defects in production increases significantly, their responsibility for the reliability and objectivity of the results of the inspections carried out, and the prevention of the supply of low quality products to consumers increases.

The need for priority improvement of the activities of technical control services of enterprises is determined by their special place in the production process. Thus, the close proximity to controlled objects, processes and phenomena (in time and space) creates the most favorable conditions for employees of control services for the following:

development of optimal control plans based on the results of long-term observation, analysis and generalization of information about the quality of the initial components of the finished product, the accuracy of the equipment, the quality of tools and equipment, the stability of technological processes, the quality of the performers' labor and other factors that have a direct impact on the quality of products;

prevention of marriage and ensuring an active preventive impact of control on the processes of deviations from the requirements of approved standards, technical conditions, parameters of existing technological processes, etc .;

timely conduct in the required volume of all envisaged control operations;

purposeful operational changes in the conditions of operation of the object of control to eliminate emerging failures and prevent the production and delivery of products of inadequate quality to consumers.

It should be emphasized that the quality control carried out by the relevant departments of enterprises is primary (preceding in time) in relation to control by other subjects of quality management. This circumstance testifies to the need to urgently improve the activities of technical control services at enterprises. Figure 4.6 shows the typical composition of the structural divisions of the technical control department (QCD) of a large enterprise.

Quality control operations are an integral part of the technological process of manufacturing products, as well as their subsequent packaging, transportation, storage and shipment to consumers. Without the employees of the control service of the enterprise (workshop, site) carrying out the necessary verification operations in the process of manufacturing products or at the end of individual stages of their processing, the latter cannot be considered fully manufactured, therefore they are not subject to shipment to customers. It is this circumstance that determines the special role of technical control services.

Fig. 4.6. Structural divisions of quality control department

Technical control services are currently functioning at almost all industrial enterprises. It is the quality control departments and departments that have the most essential material and technical prerequisites (testing equipment, instrumentation, equipment, premises, etc.) for carrying out a qualified and comprehensive assessment of the quality of products. Nevertheless, the reliability of the results of quality control carried out by the personnel of these services often raises reasonable doubts.

At some enterprises, the exactingness and objectivity of technical control workers when accepting manufactured products remains at a low level. The weakening of work to identify internal defects is almost everywhere accompanied by an increase in claims for manufactured products. At many enterprises, there is an excess of the amount of losses from claims and complaints for low quality products over the amount of losses from defects in production.

The discovery of many defects in products only by consumers of products indicates the unsatisfactory work of the technical control services of enterprises and, in particular, the lack of the necessary interest and responsibility of the personnel of the controlling departments in the complete identification of defects in the serviced production areas.

In the structure of product quality control services of many enterprises, there are mainly subdivisions that provide technical and technological aspects of quality control. At the same time, the organizational, economic and information functions of departments and departments of technical control are not sufficiently developed. At many enterprises in the work of these departments there are such problems and disadvantages as:

low throughput of control services and an insufficient number of personnel, leading to a disruption in the rhythm of production and sales of products, non-performance of certain quality control works, the emergence of uncontrolled production areas;

unreliability of control results;
low exactingness and subjectivity in assessing product quality;
weak technical equipment and shortcomings of metrological support;
imperfection of measurement techniques, duplication and parallelism in quality assessment work;
relatively low wages of workers of quality control services of enterprises;
shortcomings in the systems of bonuses for the personnel of control services, leading to a lack of interest in the full and timely detection of defects;
inconsistency of the qualifications of controllers with the category of performed control works, low educational level of employees of quality control departments of enterprises.

The elimination of the noted shortcomings in the work of technical control services, which prevent the achievement of high preventive measures, reliability and objectivity of inspections, can have a multifaceted positive effect on the processes of forming and assessing the quality of products.

First, technical control aimed at preventing imbalances in production processes and the occurrence of deviations from the requirements set for the quality of products, contributes to the prevention of defects, their detection at the earliest stages of technological processes and prompt elimination with minimal resource consumption, which undoubtedly leads to improving the quality of products, increasing production efficiency.

Secondly, strict and objective quality control of products by the quality control department employees prevents defects from penetrating the gates of manufacturing enterprises, helps to reduce the volume of substandard products supplied to consumers, reduces the likelihood of additional overhead costs inevitably arising from poor control to identify and eliminate various defects in already assembled products, storage, shipment and transportation of low-quality products to consumers, their incoming control by special departments and the return of defective products to manufacturers.

Thirdly, the reliable operation of the quality control service creates the necessary prerequisites for eliminating duplication and parallelism in the work of other services of the enterprise, reducing the volume of information processed by them, releasing many qualified specialists engaged in re-checking products adopted by the technical control service of the enterprise, significantly reducing the number of disagreements that have place in assessing the quality of products by various subjects of control, reducing the cost of technical control and increasing its efficiency.

Improving the activities of departments and departments of technical control of enterprises should first of all provide for the creation, development and strengthening of those divisions within the control services that are able to effectively solve the following tasks:

development and implementation of measures for the prevention of defects in production, prevention of deviations from the approved technological processes, prevention of malfunctions leading to a deterioration in the quality of products;

development and implementation of progressive methods and means of technical control, contributing to the growth of productivity and capital-labor ratio of QCD inspectors, increasing the objectivity of inspections and facilitating the work of control services personnel;

objective accounting and comprehensive differentiated assessment of the quality of labor of various categories of personnel of the control service, determination of the reliability of control results;

preparation of the necessary data for the subsequent centralized processing of information about the actual state and changes in the basic conditions and prerequisites for the production of high-quality products (the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, etc., supplied by cooperation, the quality of labor of workers, the state of technological discipline in workshops and sites, etc.), as well as information on the achieved level of quality of products;

carrying out work to expand the implementation of self-control of the main production workers (in particular, the formation of a list of technological operations transferred to self-control of quality, equipping workplaces with the necessary instrumentation, tools, equipment and documentation, special training of workers, selective control of the activities of performers transferred to work with a personal stigma, assessment of the results of introducing self-control in production, etc.);

conducting special studies of the dynamics of the quality of products during their operation, involving the organization of an effective information relationship between suppliers and consumers on product quality;

planning and technical and economic analysis of various aspects of the product quality control service;

coordination of the work of all structural divisions of departments and departments of technical control of the enterprise;

periodic determination of the absolute value and dynamics of costs for product quality control, the influence of preventive maintenance, reliability and efficiency of technical control on the quality of products and the main indicators of the enterprise, assessment of the effectiveness of the control service.

At small enterprises, for a number of objective reasons, the creation of several new divisions within the technical control service is not always possible. In such cases, the functions listed above can be transferred for permanent implementation not to newly created divisions, but to individual specialists of the quality control service who are part of one or another of its structural units.

In the existing production environment, a fairly rapid and effective increase in the objectivity of product quality control is achieved as a result of a change in the incorrect system of assessing and stimulating the work of various categories of personnel of control services that has developed at many enterprises, creating a genuine interest of these workers in improving the quality of their work, ensuring the reliability of inspections.

For a significant improvement in the results of product quality control activities, it is also necessary to concentrate the efforts of employees of control services to ensure the priority development of progressive types of technical control, which allow the prevention of defects in production. Figure 4.7 shows the composition of the elements of the marriage prevention system at the enterprise and their relationship. The effectiveness of its activities directly affects the quality indicators of the enterprise, therefore, it is of enduring importance.

The development of progressive types of technical control implies the need for priority improvement:

product quality control at the stage of its development;

standard control of design, technological and other documentation for newly mastered and upgraded products; incoming quality control of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and other products obtained through cooperation and used in their own production;

control of compliance with technological discipline by direct performers of production operations;

self-control of the main production workers, brigades, sections, workshops and other divisions of the enterprise.

Fig. 4.7. Defect prevention system at the enterprise

The correct use of the listed types of control contributes to a significant increase in its active influence on the process of forming the quality of products, since it is not the passive fixation of defects in production that is carried out, but the prevention of its occurrence.

The use of these types of control makes it possible to timely detect emerging deviations from the established requirements, promptly identify and eliminate various causes of product quality decline, and prevent the possibility of their occurrence in the future.

4.4.2. Quality control methods, analysis of defects and their causes

Technical control - This is the verification of the facility's compliance with the established technical requirements, an integral and integral part of the production process. The following are subject to control:

raw materials, materials, fuel, semi-finished products, components arriving at the enterprise;
produced blanks, parts, assembly units;
finished goods;
equipment, tooling, production processes.
The main tasks of technical control are to ensure the release of high-quality products, in accordance with the standards and technical specifications, to identify and prevent defects, to take measures to further improve the quality of products.

By now, a variety of quality control methods have developed, which can be divided into two groups:

1. Self test or self test - personal check and control by the operator using the methods established by the flow chart for the operation, as well as using the provided measuring instruments in compliance with the specified check frequency.

2. Revision (check) - check carried out by the controller, which must correspond to the content of the process control chart.

The organization of technical control consists in:
design and implementation of a quality control process;
determination of organizational forms of control;
selection and feasibility study of means and methods of control;
ensuring the interaction of all elements of the product quality control system;

· Development of methods and systematic analysis of defects and defects.

Depending on the nature of the defects, the defect can be correctable or irreparable (final). In the first case, after the correction, the products can be used for their intended purpose, in the second, the correction is technically impossible or economically inexpedient. The culprits of the marriage are identified and measures are planned to prevent it. The types of technical control are shown in Table 4.3.

During product quality control, physical, chemical and other methods are used, which can be divided into two groups: destructive and non-destructive.

Destructive methods include the following tests:

tensile and compression tests;
impact tests;
tests at repeated-variable loads;
hardness testing.

Table 4.3

Classification attribute

Types of technical control

By appointment

Input (products from suppliers);


inspection (control control).

By stages of the technological process

Operational (in the process of manufacturing); acceptance (finished product).

By control methods

Technical inspection (visual); measuring; registration;


By the completeness of coverage by control of the production process

Solid; selective; volatile; continuous; periodic.

On the mechanization of control operations

Manual; mechanized; semi-automatic; auto.

By influence on the course of processing

Passive control (with stopping the processing process and after processing);

active control (control during processing and stopping the process when the required parameter is reached);

active control with automatic adjustment of equipment.

By measuring dependent and independent permissible deviations

Measurement of actual deviations;

measurement of maximum deviations using passable and impassable gauges.

Depending on the object of control

Product quality control;

control of commodity and accompanying documentation;

process control;

control of technological equipment;

control of technological discipline;

control over the qualifications of performers;

control of compliance with operational requirements.

By influence on the possibility of subsequent use



Non-destructive methods include:

  • magnetic (magnetographic methods);
  • acoustic (ultrasonic flaw detection);
  • radiation (defectoscopy using X-rays and gamma rays).

4.4.3. Statistical quality control methods

The meaning of statistical quality control methods is to significantly reduce the cost of its implementation in comparison with organoleptic (visual, auditory, etc.) with continuous control, on the one hand, and in the exclusion of accidental changes in product quality, on the other.

There are two areas of application of statistical methods in production (Figure 4.8):

when regulating the course of the technological process in order to keep it within the given limits (left side of the diagram);

upon acceptance of manufactured products (right side of the diagram).

Fig. 4.8. Areas of application of statistical methods of product quality management

To control technological processes, the tasks of statistical analysis of the accuracy and stability of technological processes and their statistical regulation are solved. In this case, the tolerances for the controlled parameters specified in the technological documentation are taken as a standard, and the task is to rigidly keep these parameters within the established limits. The task of finding new modes of performing operations in order to improve the quality of final production can also be set.

Before taking on the application of statistical methods in the production process, it is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of using these methods and the benefits of production from their application. Very rarely, data is used to make a conclusion about quality as it was received. Typically, seven so-called statistical methods or quality control tools are used for data analysis: data stratification (stratification); graphics; Pareto chart; a causal diagram (Ishikawa diagram or "fish skeleton"); checklist and bar graph; scatter chart; control charts.

1. Delamination (stratification).

When dividing data into groups in accordance with their characteristics, the groups are called layers (strata), and the separation process itself is called stratification (stratification). It is desirable that the differences within the layer are as small as possible, and between the layers as much as possible.

There is always a greater or lesser variation in the measurement results. If we stratify according to the factors giving rise to this spread, it is easy to identify the main cause of its appearance, reduce it and achieve an increase in product quality.

The use of different delamination methods depends on the specific application. In production, a method called 4M is often used, which takes into account factors depending on: a person (man); machines (machine); material (material); method.

That is, delamination can be done like this:

By performer (by gender, work experience, qualifications, etc.);
- by machines and equipment (new or old, brand, type, etc.);
- by material (at the place of production, batch, type, quality of raw materials, etc.);
- by the method of production (by temperature, technological reception, etc.).

In trade, there can be stratification by regions, firms, sellers, types of goods, seasons.

The stratification method in its pure form is used when calculating the cost of a product, when it is required to estimate direct and indirect costs separately for products and batches, when assessing the profit from the sale of products separately by customers and by products, etc. Stratification is also used in the case of other statistical methods: when constructing cause-effect diagrams, Pareto charts, histograms and control charts.

2. Graphical presentation of data is widely used in industrial practice for clarity and to facilitate understanding of the meaning of data. There are the following types of graphs:

AND). A graph that is a broken line (Fig. 4.9) is used, for example, to express the change in any data over time.

Fig. 4.9. An example of a "broken" graph and its approximation

B) Pie and strip charts (Figures 4.10 and 4.11) are used to express the percentage of the data under consideration.

Fig. 4.10. Pie chart example

The ratio of the components of the production cost:
1 - the cost of production in general;
2 - indirect costs;
3 - direct costs, etc.

Fig. 4.11. Example of a strip chart

Figure 4.11 shows the ratio of sales proceeds for certain types of products (A, B, C), a trend is visible: product B is promising, but A and C are not.

IN). The Z-shaped graph (Fig. 4.12) is used to express the conditions for achieving these values. For example, to assess the overall trend when registering actual data by month (sales volume, production volume, etc.)

The graph is built as follows:

1) the values \u200b\u200bof the parameter (for example, sales volume) are plotted by months (for a period of one year) from January to December and are connected by straight line segments (broken line 1 in Fig. 4.12);

2) the cumulative amount for each month is calculated and the corresponding graph is constructed (broken line 2 in Fig. 4.12);

3) the total values \u200b\u200b(variable total) are calculated and the corresponding graph is built. In this case, the total for the year preceding the given month is taken as a changing total (broken line 3 in Fig. 4.12).

Fig. 4.12. An example of a Z-shaped plot.

The ordinate is revenue by months, the abscissa is the months of the year.

The changing total can be used to determine the trend of change over a long period. Instead of a changing total, you can plot the planned values \u200b\u200band check the conditions for reaching them.

D). The bar graph (Fig. 4.13) represents a quantitative dependence, expressed by the height of the bar, of factors such as the cost of the product from its type, the amount of losses as a result of rejects from the process, etc. Varieties of a bar graph are a histogram and a Pareto chart. When plotting a graph along the ordinate, the number of factors influencing the process under study is plotted (in this case, the study of incentives to buy products). On the abscissa axis - factors, each of which corresponds to the height of the column, depending on the number (frequency) of manifestation of this factor.

Fig. 4.13. An example of a bar graph.

1 - number of purchase incentives; 2 - incentives to buy;

3 - quality; 4 - price reduction;

5 - warranty periods; 6 - design;

7 - delivery; 8 - others;

If we order the incentives to buy according to the frequency of their manifestation and build the cumulative sum, we get a Pareto chart.

3. Pareto diagram.

A scheme built on the basis of grouping according to discrete features, ranked in descending order (for example, by frequency of occurrence) and showing the cumulative (accumulated) frequency, is called a Pareto chart (Fig. 4.10). Pareto is an Italian economist and sociologist who used his chart to analyze the wealth of Italy.

Fig. 4.14. An example of a Pareto chart:

1 - errors in the production process; 2 - low-quality raw materials;

3 - poor quality tools; 4 - poor quality templates;

5 - poor quality drawings; 6 - other;

A - relative cumulative (accumulated) frequency,%;

n is the number of defective product units.

The above diagram is based on the grouping of defective products by types of rejects and arrangement in descending order of the number of units of defective products of each type. The Pareto chart can be used very widely. With its help, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken to improve the quality of products, building it before and after making changes.

4. Causal diagram (Fig. 4.15).

a) an example of a conditional diagram, where:

1 - factors (reasons); 2 - large "bone";

3 - small "bone"; 4 - middle "bone";

5 - "ridge"; 6 - characteristic (result).

b) an example of a causal diagram of factors affecting product quality.

Fig. 4.15 Examples of a causal diagram.

A cause-and-effect diagram is used when you want to investigate and depict the possible causes of a particular problem. Its application allows you to identify and group the conditions and factors affecting a given problem.

Consider the form the causal diagram in fig. 4.15 (it is also called "fish skeleton" or Ishikawa diagram).

Chart drawing order:

1. The problem for the solution is chosen - "ridge".
2. The most significant factors and conditions affecting the problem are identified - the reasons of the first order.
3. A set of reasons influencing essential factors and conditions (reasons of 2-, 3- and subsequent orders) is revealed.
4. The diagram is analyzed: factors and conditions are ranked in order of importance, and those reasons are identified that are currently amenable to correction.
5. A plan for further action is being drawn up.

5. Checklist (table of accumulated frequencies) is compiled to build histograms distribution, includes the following columns: (table 4.4).

Table 4.4

Based on the control sheet, a histogram is built (Fig.4.16), or, with a large number of measurements, probability density curve (fig. 4.17).

Fig. 4.16. An example of data presentation in the form of a histogram

Fig. 4.17. Types of probability density distribution curves.

A histogram is a bar graph and is used to visualize the distribution of specific parameter values \u200b\u200bby frequency of occurrence over a certain period of time. By plotting the allowable values \u200b\u200bfor a parameter, you can determine how often the parameter is in or out of the acceptable range.

When examining the histogram, you can find out whether the batch of products and the technological process are in a satisfactory condition. Consider the following issues:

  • what is the distribution width in relation to the tolerance width;
  • what is the distribution center in relation to the center of the tolerance field;
  • what is the form of distribution.


a) the shape of the distribution is symmetric, then there is a margin in the tolerance field, the center of distribution and the center of the tolerance field coincide - the quality of the batch is in a satisfactory condition

b) the distribution center is shifted to the right, that is, there is a fear that among the products (in the rest of the batch) there may be defective products that go beyond the upper tolerance limit. Check if there is a systematic error in the measuring instruments. If not, then continue to produce products, adjusting the operation and shifting the dimensions so that the center of distribution and the center of the tolerance field coincide;

c) the distribution center is located correctly, but the distribution width coincides with the width of the tolerance field. There is concern that defective items will appear when the entire batch is examined. The accuracy of the equipment, processing conditions, etc. should be investigated. or expand the tolerance field;

d) the center of distribution is shifted, which indicates the presence of defective products. It is necessary by adjusting to move the center of distribution to the center of the tolerance field and either narrow the width of the distribution, or revise the tolerance;

e) the situation is similar to the previous one, and the measures of influence are similar;

f) in the distribution of 2 peaks, although the samples were taken from the same lot. This is explained either by the fact that the raw materials were of 2 different grades, or in the process of work, the setting of the machine was changed, or products processed on 2 different machines were combined in 1 batch. In this case, the survey should be carried out in layers;

g) both the width and the center of distribution are normal, however, an insignificant part of the products goes beyond the upper tolerance limit and, separating, forms a separate island. Perhaps these products are part of the defective ones, which, due to carelessness, were mixed with benign ones in the general flow of the technological process. It is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate it.

6. Scatter diagram (scatter) is used to identify the dependence (correlation) of some indicators on others or to determine the degree of correlation between n pairs of data for variables x and y:

(x 1, y 1), (x 2, y 2), ..., (x n, y n).

These data are plotted (scatter plot), and the correlation coefficient is calculated for them using the formula





Standard deviations of random variables x and y;

n - sample size (number of data pairs - x i and at i);

and - arithmetic mean values x i and at i accordingly.

Let's consider various variants of scatter diagrams (or correlation fields) in Fig. 4.18:

Fig. 4.18. Scatter chart options


and), we can talk about a positive correlation (with increasing x increases y);

b) a negative correlation appears (with increasing x decreases y);

in) with growth x y can both grow and decrease, they say that there is no correlation. But this does not mean that there is no relationship between them, there is no linear relationship between them. The obvious nonlinear (exponential) dependence is also shown in the scatter diagram r).

The correlation coefficient always takes values \u200b\u200bin the interval, i.e. at r\u003e 0 - positive correlation, at r \u003d 0 - no correlation, at r<0 – отрицательная корреляция.

For the same n data pairs ( x 1 , y 1 ), (x 2 , y 2 ), ..., (x n, y n) you can establish a relationship between x and y... The formula expressing this relationship is called the regression equation (or regression line), and it is generally represented by the function

at \u003d a +bx.

To determine the regression line (Figure 4.19), it is necessary to statistically estimate the regression coefficient b and constant a... For this, the following conditions must be met:

1) the regression line must pass through the points ( x, y) average values x and y.

2) the sum of squares of deviations from the regression line of values y at all points should be the smallest.

3) to calculate the coefficients and and b formulas are used


Those. the regression equation can approximate real data.

Fig. 4.19. Regression Line Example

7. Control card.

One way to achieve satisfactory quality and maintain it at this level is through the use of control charts. To control the quality of the technological process, it is necessary to be able to control those moments when the manufactured products deviate from the tolerances specified by the technical conditions. Let's look at a simple example. Let's trace the work of the lathe for a certain time and we will measure the diameter of the part made on it (per shift, hour). Based on the results obtained, we will build a graph and get the simplest checklist(fig.4.20):

Fig. 4.20. Sample control chart

At point 6 there was a breakdown in the technological process, it needs to be regulated. The position of the VKG and NKG is determined analytically or according to special tables and depends on the sample size. With a sufficiently large sample size, the VKG and NKG limits are determined by the formulas

NKG \u003d –3,


VKG and NKG are used to prevent process breakdown when the products still meet the technical requirements.

Control charts are used when it is required to establish the nature of faults and to assess the stability of the process; when it is necessary to establish whether a process needs regulation or whether it needs to be left as it is.

The checklist can also confirm the improvement of the process.

The control chart is a means of recognizing deviations due to non-random or specific reasons from the likely changes inherent in the process. Probable changes rarely repeat within predicted limits. Deviations due to non-random or special reasons signal that some factors influencing the process need to be identified, investigated and controlled.

Control charts are based on mathematical statistics. They use operational data to set the limits within which upcoming research can be expected if the process remains ineffective due to non-random or specific reasons.

Information on control charts is also contained in the international standards ISO 7870, ISO 8258.

The most widespread are control charts of the average value X and range control charts R, which are used together or separately. Natural fluctuations between control limits should be controlled. You need to make sure that the correct type of control chart is selected for the specific data type. The data must be taken exactly in the sequence in which it was collected, otherwise it loses its meaning. You should not make changes to the process during the data collection period. The data should reflect how the process goes naturally.

The checklist can indicate the presence of potential problems before the production of defective products begins.

It is commonly said that a process is out of control if one or more points are out of control.

There are two main types of control charts: for qualitative (pass or fail) and for quantitative traits. For qualitative attributes, four types of control charts are possible: the number of defects per unit of production; the number of defects in the sample; the proportion of defective products in the sample; number of defective items in the sample. Moreover, in the first and third cases, the sample size will be variable, and in the second and fourth cases, it will be constant.

Thus, the purposes of using checklists can be:
identification of an uncontrolled process;
control over the controlled process;
evaluating process capabilities.

Usually the following variable (process parameter) or characteristic is to be studied:
known important or critical;
presumptive unreliable;
by which you need to get information about the capabilities of the process;
operational, meaningful in marketing.

In this case, you should not monitor all quantities at the same time. Control charts cost money, so you need to use them wisely: choose characteristics carefully; Stop working with maps when goal is achieved: Continue handling maps only when processes and technical requirements hold each other back.

It must be borne in mind that the process can be in a state of statistical regulation and give 100% of the marriage. Conversely, it can be unmanageable and produce products that meet 100% technical requirements.

Checklists allow analysis of process capabilities. Process capability is the ability to function properly. Generally, process capability refers to the ability to meet technical requirements.

There are the following types of control charts:

1. Control charts for quantitative regulation (measured values \u200b\u200bare expressed in quantitative values):

a) the control chart consists of a control chart reflecting the control over the change in the arithmetic mean, and a control chart R, which serves to control changes in the dispersion of the quality indicators. It is used to measure such parameters as length, mass, diameter, time, tensile strength, roughness, profit, etc .;

b) The control chart consists of a control chart that monitors the change in the median value, and a control chart R. It is used in the same cases as the previous chart. However, it is simpler and therefore more suitable for filling in the workplace.

2. Control charts for quality regulation:

a) control chart p (for the proportion of defective products) or the percentage of rejects, is used to control and regulate the technological process after checking a small batch of products and dividing them into benign and defective, i.e. defining them on qualitative grounds. The proportion of defective products is obtained by dividing the number of detected defective products by the number of tested products. It can also be used to determine the intensity of production, the percentage of absenteeism, etc .;

b) control chart pn (number of rejects), used in cases where the controlled parameter is the number of defective products with a constant sample size n... Almost the same as the map p;

c) control chart c (the number of defects per one product), is used when the number of defects found among constant volumes of products is controlled (cars - one or 5 transport units, sheet steel - one or 10 sheets);

d) control chart n (number of defects per unit area), is used when the area, length, mass, volume, variety are not constant and it is impossible to treat the sample as a constant volume.

If defective products are found, it is advisable to attach different labels to them: for defective products discovered by the operator (type A) and for defective products discovered by the controller (type B). For example, in case A - red letters along the white field, in case B - black letters along the white field.

The label indicates the part number, product name, technological process, place of work, year, month and day, the nature of the defect, the number of failures, the cause of the defect, the measures taken.

Depending on the goals and objectives product quality analysis, as well as the possibilities of obtaining the data necessary for its implementation, analytical methods of its implementation differ significantly. This is also influenced by the stage of the product life cycle, covered by the activities of the enterprise.

At the stages of design, technological planning, preparation and development of production, it is advisable to use functional cost analysis (FSA): this is a method of systematic study of the functions of an individual product or technological, production, economic process, structure, focused on increasing the efficiency of resource use by optimizing the relationship between consumer properties facility and the costs of its development, production and operation.

Basic principles FSA applications are:
1. functional approach to the research object;
2. a systematic approach to the analysis of an object and its functions;
3. study of the functions of the object and their material carriers at all stages of the product life cycle;
4. conformity of the quality and usefulness of product functions to the costs of them;
5. collective creativity.

The functions performed by the product and its components can be grouped according to a number of characteristics. By area of \u200b\u200bmanifestation functions are subdivided into external andinternal. External are functions performed by an object when it interacts with the external environment. Internal - functions that perform any elements of the object, and their connections within the boundaries of the object.

According to the role in meeting needs, external functions are distinguished major and minor... The main function reflects the main purpose of creating the object, and the secondary function reflects the side.

By role in the workflow, internal functions can be divided into main and auxiliary... The main function is subordinated to the main one and determines the performance of the object. With the help of auxiliary, the main, secondary and main functions are implemented.

By the nature of the manifestation, all the listed functions are divided into nominal, potential and actual... The nominal values \u200b\u200bare set during the formation, creation of the object and are obligatory for execution. Potential ones reflect the ability of the object to perform any functions when the conditions of its operation change. Valid functions are the functions actually performed by the object.

All functions of the object can be useful and useless, and the latter can be neutral and harmful.

The purpose of the functional-cost analysis is to develop useful functions of an object with an optimal ratio between their significance for the consumer and the costs of their implementation, i.e. in the choice of the most favorable for the consumer and the manufacturer, when it comes to the production of products, the option for solving the problem of product quality and its cost. Mathematically, the goal of the FSA can be written as follows:

where PS is the use value of the analyzed object, expressed by the totality of its consumer properties (PS \u003d ∑nc i);

3 - the cost of achieving the necessary consumer properties.

Questions on the topic

1. What do you mean by quality planning?
2. What are the objectives and subject of quality planning?
3. What is the specificity of quality planning?
4. What are the directions of planning to improve the quality of products at the enterprise?
5. What is the new strategy in quality management and how does it affect the planned activities of the enterprise?
6. What is the peculiarity of the planned work in the divisions of the enterprise?
7. What transnational and national quality management bodies do you know?
8. What is the composition of the quality management services at the enterprise?
9. What do the terms "motive" and "staff motivation" mean?
10. What parameters, which determine the actions of the executor, can the manager control?
11. What methods of reward do you know?
12. What is the content of theories X, Y, Z?
13. What is the essence of A. Maslow's motivational model?
14. What types of remuneration are used in management?
15. What are the features of motivating people in Russia?
16. What types of quality awards do you know?
17. What is the essence of quality control processes?
18. List the stages of the control process.
19. On what grounds are the types of control distinguished?
20. What is a challenge? What types of tests do you know?
21. What are the criteria for a control decision?
22. What is a product quality control system?
23. What is the structure of the QCD and what tasks are assigned to it?
24. Define the main elements of the system for the prevention of marriage at the enterprise.
25. What is technical control and what are its tasks?
26. What types of technical control do you know?
27. What is the purpose and what is the scope of statistical quality control methods?
28. What statistical methods of quality control do you know and what is their meaning?
29. What is FSA and what is its content?


Product quality control is an integral part of the production process and is aimed at identifying defects, defects in finished products and at checking reliability in the process of its manufacture.

Product quality control is established at all stages of the production process, starting with quality control of the raw materials and materials used and ending with determining the compliance of the released product with technical characteristics and parameters not only during testing, but also during operation, and for complex types of equipment - with the provision of a certain warranty period after the installation of equipment at the customer's enterprise. This approach to control involves testing as soon as individual parts of the product are ready (in particular, this applies to complex types of equipment, in particular, complex). Strengthening quality control is largely associated with the orientation of production to a specific consumer.

Quality control throughout the enterprise is entrusted to the central quality control (or quality assurance) service, whose functions include the development of quality indicators for all types of products, quality control methods and testing procedures, analysis of complaints and the procedure for their settlement, clarification of the causes of defects and marriage and the conditions for their elimination. The control service carries out its activities in close contact with the relevant services in the production departments, as well as with the factory quality control services (or technical control departments). The central control service can check the quality of raw materials and materials, the technological process, the organization of control tests, the acceptance rules applied by the factory quality service or the technical control department, and sometimes selectively check the quality of products that have already passed the technical control. One of the most important functions of the central control service is planning and coordinating all work in the field of quality assurance, establishing the necessary links between quality control services in the production departments of enterprises. Through the central control service, management is centralized in the field of improving the quality of products.

Thus, the control is designed to ensure the verification of the implementation of managerial decisions at all levels of management for compliance with the established standards and conditions of the economic activity of the enterprise.

To control product quality, you must have:

1 indicators (standards, technical parameters) characterizing product quality;

2 methods and means of quality control control;

3 technical means for testing;

5 reasons for defects, defects and conditions for their elimination.

In addition to the central service, product quality control is carried out in divisions and workshops. They are the first to receive information about deviations from the norm, the composition and quality of materials, about the allowed deviations of the technological process and warn about the occurrence of production defects. Timely information received allows you to quickly respond to disruptions in the course of the technological process and take urgent measures to reduce losses from rejects.

All information obtained in the course of the conducted control is sent to the main dispatch service daily and in shifts.

The main dispatcher service performs the following main functions:

Monitors the progress of the production program for the main types of products and takes measures to eliminate the backlog of the plan for blanks, parts and assembly units;

Takes measures to prevent disruptions in the course of production resulting from malfunctions of technological equipment, untimely provision of tools, materials, semi-finished products.

There are various statistical methods of product quality control.

The aim of the statistical quality control method is to avoid accidental changes in product quality. Such changes are caused by specific reasons that need to be identified and corrected. (For example, a worker may use the wrong tool or method of doing work, the machine may be out of order).

Sampling is used when it is necessary to make a decision about the quality when accepting a large batch based on the results of testing a limited number of samples from this batch.

Most often, sampling is carried out when accepting batches of components or materials from suppliers. Selective inspection reduces inspection costs. It is also used in cases where the product has to be destroyed during inspection.

It should be noted that a certain risk is inherent in sampling, since the decision on the quality of the entire lot is made based on the results of inspecting a small sample of samples. A “good” lot (producer's risk) or a bad lot (consumer's risk) can be mistakenly rejected. This risk can be reduced by increasing the sample size of the control samples, but this increases costs. In practice, the consumer and the manufacturer negotiate a sampling procedure that is acceptable to both parties. An important role in increasing the efficiency of process control can be played by a special map, which is a diagram on which the permissible limits of quality parameters and measurement results are plotted in due time, which allows you to immediately visually detect deviations from standards and, if necessary, draw up an appropriate schedule.

The process control chart is used when it is necessary to control the quality of products or services in the production process. The goal is to detect when a manufacturing process “goes out of control” and begins to release products with unacceptably unstable quality. In this case, you can urgently take the necessary measures to adjust the process.

The process control method can be used both in the service sector and in the production sector. Three samples are taken during the day at random times during the process. The process is considered to be disrupted if three out of five consecutive samples are out of range.

The production of products is carried out according to a pre-developed technological process, which is carried out in the range of certain control parameters that characterize possible deviations in this process. Going beyond the permissible value of the control parameters of the technological process entails the release of defective products, therefore, monitoring the controlled parameters and analyzing the observed changes is an indispensable condition for modern production.

In addition, due to mistakes made in the design or the need to modernize production, it is necessary to constantly make changes in the technology, which can also lead to the release of products with unacceptable deviations.

The deviation of the parameters occurs, as a rule, under the influence of a large number of random factors, therefore, the appearance of a marriage and the reasons that determine it is random, and their analysis requires the use of special statistical methods for processing information that characterize the course of the technological process of production. Let's highlight the following statistical methods of product quality control.

1 Histogram. The histogram method is an effective tool for data processing and is designed for ongoing quality control in the production process, studying the capabilities of technological processes, analyzing the work of individual performers and units. A histogram is a graphical method of presenting data, grouped by frequency of occurrence in a specific interval.

2 Delamination. This method, based only on reliable data, is used to obtain specific information, to identify the phenomena of cause-and-effect relationships.

3 Checklists graphically represent the dynamics of the process, i.e. change in indicators over time. The map shows the range of inevitable dispersion, which lies within the upper and lower boundaries. With the help of this method, it is possible to quickly trace the beginning of the drift of parameters by any quality indicator in the course of the technological process in order to carry out preventive measures and prevent defective finished products.

Control charts are used when it is necessary to control the quality of products or services in the production process.

The control charts record information about the technological process. There are a lot of recording options. It depends on the type of product and the production goals. The goal is to detect when a production process is getting out of control, and immediately take the necessary steps to correct the process.

The essence of any management lies in the development of management decisions and their subsequent implementation at a specific management object. In product quality management, the direct objects of management are, as a rule, the processes on which the product quality depends. They are organized and occur both in the pre-production and in the production and post-production stages of the product life cycle.

Control decisions are developed on the basis of comparing information about the actual state of the controlled process with its characteristics set by the control program (forecast, plan). Regulatory documentation regulating the values \u200b\u200bof parameters or indicators of product quality (technical specifications for product development, standards, specifications, drawings, delivery terms) should be considered as an important part of a product quality management program.

The main task of each enterprise (organization) is to improve the quality of products and services provided. The successful operation of an enterprise must be ensured by the production of products or services that

meet clearly defined needs, scope or purpose; meet customer requirements; comply with applicable standards and specifications; meet the current legislation and other requirements of the society; offered to the consumer at competitive prices; aimed at making a profit.


(quality control) Systematic verification of products, product samples in the line or at various stages of production. The purpose of the test is to ensure that all required standards are maintained and that the tolerances are not exceeded. In mass production, statistical analysis of the parameters of a randomly selected sample of the final product is very important. The more actively the sample is carried out, the higher the manufacturer is as a manufacturer of high quality products. Quality control charts are widely used in mass production. The horizontal axis represents time units, and the vertical axis represents the values \u200b\u200bof variables such as defective items. Any continuous increase in the variable must be analyzed immediately and eliminated.

Business. Explanatory dictionary. - M .: "INFRA-M", Publishing house "Ves Mir". Graham Betts, Barry Braindley, S. Williams et al. General editorship: Ph.D. Osadchaya I.M.. 1998 .

Quality control control, inspection of products carried out at various stages of production for compliance with the sample, standard.

Dictionary of business terms. Academic.ru. 2001.

See what "Quality Control" is in other dictionaries:

    quality control - (quality control; QC): Conduct of inspection or testing against the requirements of a specification. Source: GOST R 52249 2009: Rules for the production and quality control of medicines ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - (quality control) Product quality control system. Quality control is carried out prior to the sale of the product and / or at earlier stages of production. If the product can be destroyed or damaged during quality control, then the control is carried out ... Economic Dictionary

    quality control (QA) - quality control QA (ITIL Service Transition) The process responsible for ensuring that the quality of a service, process or other service asset meets the required value. The term “quality control” is also used to mean ... ...

    Quality control - - is an integral part of Quality Assurance, which is the existence of operational methods and measures used to fulfill the requirements. [RMG 76 2004 GSI] Term heading: Types of control Encyclopedia headings: Abrasive ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    quality control - Measures to ensure quality, allowing to determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the properties and characteristics of products and processes. [MU 64 01 001 2002] Topics production of medicines General terms quality ... Technical translator's guide

    quality control - kokybės tikrinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. quality audit; quality control vok. Qualitätskontrolle, f rus. quality control, m pranc. contrôle de qualité, m ... Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

    quality control - kokybės kontrolė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Kontrolės priemonės ir veiksmai kokybei garantuoti. atitikmenys: angl. quality control vok. Qualitätskontrolle, f rus. quality control, m pranc. contrôle de qualité, m ... Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

    Control of parameters and cv in products and their components. To. To. On the lines consists of the input to. To. Incoming materials and semi-finished products, technological control. processes, K. k. manufactured by the company components and acceptance control ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    QUALITY CONTROL - QUALITY CONTROL Quality is considered one of the components of efficiency, along with speed, resource utilization, service and flexibility. K. to. means checking the conformity of produced or received goods and services to certain standards ... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance

    quality control - control of all parameters and properties of products and / or their components in order to determine their compliance with technical requirements; See also: Testing fluxgate testing Destructive testing ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy


  • Product quality control No. 2 2014, None. "Product Quality Control" (until January 2014 "Methods of Conformity Assessment") is a monthly scientific and practical journal for managers, specialists and experts, focused on ... electronic book

Quality control is understood as checking the conformity of the quantitative or qualitative characteristics of a product or a process on which the quality of the product depends on the established technical requirements.

Product quality control is an integral part of the production process and is aimed at checking the reliability in the process of its manufacture, consumption or operation.

The essence of product quality control at the enterprise is to obtain information about the state of the object and to compare the results obtained with the established requirements fixed in the drawings, standards, supply contracts, technical specifications. NTD, TU and other documents.

Control involves checking products at the very beginning of the production process and during the maintenance period, ensuring, in the event of deviations from the regulated quality requirements, that corrective actions are taken to produce products of adequate quality, proper maintenance during operation and full satisfaction of customer requirements. Thus, product control includes such measures at the place of its manufacture or at the place of its operation, as a result of which the admitted deviations from the norm of the required level of quality can be corrected even before the defective products or products that do not meet technical requirements are released. Insufficient control at the stage of serial production leads to financial problems and entails additional costs. Quality controlincludes:

Incoming quality control of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, tools supplied to the warehouses of the enterprise;

Operational production control over compliance with the established technological regime, and sometimes interoperational acceptance of products;

Systematic monitoring of the condition of equipment, machines, cutting and measuring instruments, control and measuring instruments, various measuring instruments, stamps, models of testing equipment and weighing facilities, new and in operation devices, conditions of production and transportation of products and other checks;

Control of models and prototypes;

Control of finished products (parts, small assembly units, sub-assemblies, assemblies, blocks, products).

Promotion of qualitycovers:

Development of documentation that reflects methods and means of motivation in the field of product quality assurance;

Development of regulations on bonuses to employees of the enterprise for the quality of work (in conjunction with the department of labor organization and wages);

Training and professional development.

A special type of quality control is testing of finished products - this is the determination or study of one or more characteristics of a product under the influence of a combination of physical, chemical, natural or operational factors and conditions.

The tests are carried out according to the appropriate programs. Depending on the purpose, there are the following main types of tests:

Preliminary tests are tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of acceptance tests;

Acceptance tests are tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of putting them into production;

Acceptance tests are tests of each product to determine the possibility of its delivery to the customer;

Periodic tests are tests that are carried out once every 3 to 5 years to check the stability of production;

Type tests are tests of serial products after significant changes in design or technology.

The following product control measures may be applied at different enterprises. In individual factories, product control measures can cover the entire batch production cycle, during which raw materials and purchased items are converted from one process to another into the final product. However, in enterprises specializing in the processing of parts, these measures may cover only that part of the full cycle that is associated with the processing of elements. In other enterprises, product control may be limited to the control of assembly processes. However, in all cases, product control is associated with an orderly flow of workpieces and materials. Here, as a rule, the following stages are distinguished:

Forecasts are the backbone of any trading system, so competently done can make you terribly rich.

1. Receive an order for a part, material, or assembly.

2. Investigation of the requirements contained in the order and taking the steps necessary to fulfill the order, including the correct allocation of available process and control equipment.

3. Transfer of the order to production.

4. Material control during the manufacturing process.

5. Product approval.

6. Checking product quality and evaluating the results obtained.

7. Product packaging and delivery

The product control measures applied during these seven stages can be divided into two groups:

1. Measures to establish and maintain production standards (carried out in stages 13).

2. Measures to control material during repetitive production (carried out in stages 47).

A variety of forms and types of product quality control make it possible to distinguish the following types of control operations:

By stages of the product life cycle:

New product design control;

Control over production and sales of products;

Control of operation or consumption.

By objects of control:

Control of objects of labor;

Control of production facilities;

Technology control;

Labor control of performers;

Monitoring of working conditions.

By stages of the production process:

Incoming control, designed to check the quality of materials, semi-finished products, tools and fixtures before the start of production;

Intermediate control carried out during the technological process (step by step);

Final acceptance control, carried out over blanks, parts, assembly units, finished products;

Control of transportation and storage of products.

By the degree of product coverage:

Complete control carried out at 100% coverage of the presented products.

It applies in the following cases:

if the quality of the supplied materials, semi-finished products, blanks, parts, assembly units is unreliable;

When equipment or process features do not ensure the uniformity of the manufactured objects;

When assembling in the absence of interchangeability;

after operations critical to the quality of subsequent processing or assembly;

After surgeries with a possible high scrap size;

When testing finished products for special purposes;

Selective control, carried out not over the entire mass of products, but only over a sample. It is usually used in the following cases:

With a large number of identical parts;

With a high degree of stability of the technological process;

After minor operations. By place of execution:

Stationary control performed at stationary control points, which are created in the following cases:

If it is necessary to check a large number of identical production facilities that require specially equipped control points (complex measuring equipment);

If it is possible to include the work of a stationary control point in the flow of final operations of the production process;

Sliding control performed directly at the workplace, as a rule, in the following cases:

When checking bulky products that are inconvenient for transportation;

When manufacturing a small number of identical products;

If possible, the use of simple control and measuring instruments or devices.

By execution time:



By organizational forms of detection and prevention of marriage:

Flying control performed by the controller arbitrarily without a schedule while systematically bypassing the assigned jobs;

Ring control, which means that the controller is assigned a certain number of jobs, which he goes around the ring periodically in accordance with the hourly schedule, and the products are controlled at the place of their manufacture;

Statistical control, which is a form of periodic sampling control, based on the methods of mathematical statistics and allowing you to detect and eliminate deviations from the normal course of the technological process before these deviations lead to marriage;

Routine preventive control carried out to prevent rejects at the beginning and during processing. It includes:

Checking the first copies of products;

Monitoring compliance with technological regimes;

Inspection of materials, tools, technological equipment, etc. entering production.

By influence on the possibility of subsequent use of products:

Destructive control;

Unbrakable control.

By the degree of mechanization and automation:

Manual control;

Mechanized control;

Automated (automated quality management systems) control;

Automatic control;

Active and passive control.

By performers:


Control of masters;

Quality control department

Inspection control;

One-stage control (performer plus OTK acceptance);

Multi-stage control (performer plus operational plus special, plus acceptance).

By means used:

Measuring control used to assess the values \u200b\u200bof the controlled parameters of the product: by the exact value (instruments and instruments are used scale, dial, etc.) and by the permissible range of parameter values \u200b\u200b(templates, calibers, etc. are used);

Registration control carried out to assess the object of control based on the results of counting (registration of certain qualitative characteristics, events, products);

Organoleptic control, carried out using only the senses without determining the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the controlled object;

Visual control is an organoleptic variant in which control is carried out only by the organs of vision;

Sample control, carried out by comparing the characteristics of the controlled product with the characteristics of the control sample (standard);

Technical inspection, carried out mainly with the help of the senses and, if necessary, using the simplest means of control.

Technical control methods are characteristic for each production site and control object. Distinguish here:

Visual inspection to determine the absence of surface defects;

Measurement of dimensions, which allows you to determine the correctness of the shapes and compliance with the established dimensions in materials, blanks, parts and assembly joints;

The general set of subjects of product quality control can be classified by the levels of management at which they carry out their activities, as well as by types of control.

So on nationwidethe level of quality checks of manufactured and sold products, as well as the application of various measures of influence against violators are engaged in:

Gosstandart of Russia and its territorial bodies;

Bodies for certification of products, works, services, quality systems and production;

Bodies of customs and antimonopoly regulation;

Judicial and State Arbitration Bodies;

Local government commissions.

On the sectorallevel and level enterprisesdepartmental control of product quality in accordance with the assigned responsibilities and the assigned powers is carried out:

The Minister and his deputies;

Main Inspectorates for Quality of Ministries;

Subdivisions of quality control of developments in research, design, engineering and technological organizations of the industry;

Industry test centers;

Directors and chief engineers of industry enterprises;

Subdivisions of quality control of design, technological and other normative and technical documentation at enterprises;

Quality control departments of production associations and their subdivisions;

Departments of technical control of enterprises and their subdivisions;

Bureau of technical control of workshops and sections;

Inspectors brigades of quality control department;

Quality control department controllers;

Research and measuring laboratories, control test stations, divisions of services of the chief designer, chief technologist, chief mechanic, chief metallurgist, chief metrologist, chief accountant, material and technical supply, sales, legal, financial, etc .;

Quality groups;



Executors of production operations transferred to self-control;

Executors of production operations not transferred to self-control;

Interdepartmentalproduct quality control within the framework of the granted powers and current legislation can be carried out by:

Bodies of the State Trade Inspection, controlling divisions of trade, supply, sales and other organizations

Customers (customer representatives at manufacturing enterprises);

Consumers (their societies, associations, unions, etc.).

Each of the named subjects of control has its own type of quality control, which differs from other types in the following features:

The main directions and specific tasks of inspections;

Arsenal of available tools and methods for quality control of products (works, services);

Place and time of control;

The depth of penetration into the essence of the phenomena and the degree of coverage of the entire set of factors and reasons that directly or indirectly affect the quality of products (works, services);

The level of generalization of the results of inspections;

A set of levers and channels of influence on the object of control;

The nature of the impact on the controlled object.

Laboratory analysis designed to determine mechanical, chemical, physical, metallographic and other properties of materials, workpieces, parts;

Mechanical tests to determine hardness, strength and other parameters;

X-ray, electrothermal and other physical test methods;

Technological tests carried out in cases where laboratory analysis is insufficient;

Control tests, used to determine the specified quality indicators;

Control of compliance with technological discipline;

Study of product quality in the sphere of consumption;

Electrophysical methods for measuring product parameters;

Research and control methods based on the use of electron, ion, orthonic beams (secondary ion mass spectroscopy, electron Auger spectroscopy, electron probe X-ray microanalysis, etc.).

So, having considered the main forms and types of product quality control, you can see how necessary it is in all areas of the enterprise. But in order for its application to be truly effective, effective control must have the following characteristics:

Strategic focus of control.In order to be effective, control must have a strategic focus, that is, reflect the overall priorities of the enterprise and support them.

Results orientation. It must be remembered that the ultimate goal of control is not to gather information, set standards, and identify problems, but to solve the enterprise's challenges. After all, ultimately effective control

can be called only when the enterprise actually achieves the desired goals.

In order to be effective, control must be consistent with the controlled activity. He must measure and evaluate what is really important.

Timeliness of control. Effective control must be timely. This is not due to the extremely high speed or frequency of its implementation, but in the time interval between measurements and evaluations, which adequately corresponds to the controlled phenomenon.

Control flexibility. Control must be flexible enough to adapt to the changes taking place.

Quality control throughout the enterprise is entrusted to the central quality control (or quality assurance) service, whose functions include the development of quality indicators for all types of products, quality control methods and testing procedures, analysis of complaints and the procedure for their settlement, clarification of the causes of defects and marriage and the conditions for their elimination. The control service carries out its activities in close contact with the relevant services in the production departments, as well as with the factory quality control services (or technical control departments). The central control service can check the quality of raw materials and materials, the technological process, the organization of control tests, the acceptance rules applied by the factory quality service or the technical control department, and sometimes selectively check the quality of products that have already passed the technical control. One of the most important functions of the central control service is planning and coordinating all work in the field of quality assurance, establishing the necessary links between quality control services in the production departments of enterprises. Through the central control service, management is centralized in the field of improving the quality of products.

Thus, the control is designed to ensure the verification of the implementation of managerial decisions at all levels of management for compliance with the established standards and conditions of the economic activity of the enterprise.

To control product quality, you must have:

1) indicators (standards, technical parameters) characterizing the quality of products;

2) methods and means of quality control control;

3) technical means for testing;

5) the reasons for the occurrence of defects, defects and the conditions for their elimination.

In addition to the central service, product quality control is carried out in subdivisions, shops, sections, workplaces. They are the first to receive information about deviations from the norm, the composition and quality of materials, about the allowed deviations of the technological process and warn about the occurrence of production defects. Timely information received allows you to quickly respond to disruptions in the course of the technological process and take urgent measures to reduce losses from rejects.

All information obtained in the course of the conducted control is sent to the main dispatch service daily and in shifts. In this regard, the following hierarchy of controlling services and their subdivisions at enterprises has developed: department or department of technical control of the enterprise - technical control bureau of the shop - brigade of site controllers - worker controller.

The variety of product quality control tasks and the need for appropriate checks at various stages of the product manufacturing process determine the allocation of special functional units within the control services, focused on performing certain types of quality control work.

In the most general case, the following specialized subdivisions may be included in the structure of departments and departments of technical control of enterprises:

Monitoring the technical condition and accuracy of equipment;

Control of technological equipment;


Research on the reliability of products;

Quality control of packaging and storage of products in warehouses;

Quality control of products during their operation by the consumer and at the end of individual stages of operation;

Measuring technology;

Linear and angular measurements;

Highly accurate measurements;

Flaw detection;

Isolation of marriage;

Quality control of products intended for export;

Inspection control;

Technical and technological support of quality control processes;

Accounting, analysis and classification of defects in production;

Introduction of new means and methods of technical control (non-destructive, active, etc.);

Repair of control and testing equipment, measuring instruments and equipment;

Development, implementation and control of the functioning of the product quality management system at the enterprise.

The above list of divisions can be significantly expanded by including laboratories, bureaus and groups that are not, as a rule, part of the departments and departments of technical control, but which, nevertheless, have a significant and direct impact on the general state of work on quality control. This refers, for example, to the subdivisions of the design control of the chief designer's service, the subdivisions of the standardization service of the standardization service, the subdivisions of setting up and checking the control and measuring equipment, instruments, tools and equipment that are part of the metrological service of the enterprise, and some others.

A special role in quality control management belongs to the manager responsible for product quality control. The manager's decisions will change depending on the current situation in the technological process. The manager can make decisions, if the need arises, to stop the production process.

In the structure of product quality control services of many enterprises, there are mainly subdivisions that provide technical and technological aspects of quality control, while organizational, economic and

information functions of departments and departments of technical control. At many enterprises in the work of these divisions there are such problems and disadvantages as:

Low throughput of control services and insufficient number of personnel, leading to a disruption in the rhythm of production and sales of products, non-performance of certain quality control works, the emergence of uncontrolled production areas;

Unreliability of control results, low exactingness and subjectivity in assessing product quality;

Weak technical equipment and imperfection of metrological support;

Imperfection of measurement techniques, duplication and parallelism in quality assessment work;

Relatively low wages of employees of quality control services of enterprises;

Imperfection of the system of bonuses for the personnel of control services, leading to disinterest in the full and timely detection of defects;

Inconsistency in the qualifications of the category of inspectors with the category of control works performed, low general educational level of employees of the quality control department of enterprises

The elimination of the noted shortcomings in the work of technical control services, which prevent the achievement of high preventive measures, reliability and objectivity of inspections, can have a multifaceted positive effect on the processes of forming and assessing the quality of products.

Firstly, technical control aimed at preventing disruptions in production processes and the occurrence of deviations from the requirements for the quality of products, contributes to the prevention of defects, their detection at the earliest stages of technological processes and prompt elimination with minimal resource consumption, which undoubtedly leads to an increase in the quality of products , increased production efficiency.

Secondly, strict and objective quality control of products by the quality control department employees prevents the penetration of defects outside the manufacturing enterprises, helps to reduce the volume of substandard products supplied to consumers, reduces the likelihood of additional non-production costs in identifying and eliminating various defects in already assembled products, which inevitably arise with poor control, storage, shipment and transportation of low-quality products to consumers, their incoming control by special departments of the latter and return to manufacturers.

Thirdly, the reliable operation of the quality control service creates the necessary prerequisites for eliminating duplication and parallelism in the work of other services of the enterprise, reducing the volume of information processed by them, releasing many qualified specialists engaged in re-checking products adopted by the technical control service of the enterprise, significantly reducing the number of disagreements that occur during assessment of product quality by various subjects of control, reducing the cost of technical control and increasing its efficiency.

Many shortcomings in the work of product quality control services at enterprises are largely due to the fact that the personnel of technical control departments do not perform certain types of work that are important for the release of products of consistently high quality, as well as the fact that responsibilities for technical control are incorrectly distributed between various departments and individual specialists of the relevant services, there are no effective material and moral incentives to increase the reliability and efficiency of inspections, the organizational structure of departments and departments of technical control is irrational and incomplete (it often lacks many important subdivisions).

Improvement of the activities of departments and departments of technical control of enterprises should provide, first of all, the creation, development and strengthening of those departments within the control services that are able to effectively solve the following tasks:

Development and implementation of measures for the prevention of defects in production, prevention of deviations from approved technological processes, prevention of malfunctions leading to a deterioration in the quality of products;

Development and implementation of progressive methods and means of technical control, contributing to the growth of productivity and capital-labor ratio of QCD inspectors, increasing the objectivity of inspections and facilitating the work of control services personnel;

Periodic preparation of all the necessary information for standardizing the labor intensity of control operations and determining, on this basis, the required number of controllers, for revising the current labor costs and the staffing of the quality control department;

Objective accounting and comprehensive differentiated assessment of the quality of labor of various categories of personnel of the control service, determination of the reliability of control results;

Preparation of the necessary data for the subsequent centralized automated processing of information about the actual state and changes in the basic conditions and prerequisites for the production of high-quality products (the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, etc., supplied by cooperation, the quality of labor of workers, the state of technological discipline in workshops and at sites, etc.), as well as information on the achieved level of quality of products;

Carrying out work on the introduction of self-control of the main production workers (in particular, the formation of a list of technological operations transferred to self-control, equipping workplaces with the necessary control and measuring instruments, tools, equipment and documentation, special training of workers, selective control of the activities of performers transferred to work with a personal stamp, evaluation of the results of introducing self-control in production, etc.);

Conducting special studies of the dynamics of product quality during operation, involving the organization of an effective information relationship between suppliers and consumers on product quality issues;

Planning and technical and economic analysis of various aspects of the product quality control service;

Coordination of work of all structural divisions of departments and departments of technical control;

Periodic determination of the absolute value and dynamics of costs for product quality control, the influence of preventive maintenance, reliability and efficiency of technical control on the quality of products and key performance indicators of enterprises, assessment of the effectiveness of the control service.

Quality control is an important function in quality management in an enterprise.
GOST 15467-79 “Product quality management. Basic concepts ”regulates the quality of products as a set of properties that determine the suitability of products to meet specific needs in accordance with their intended purpose.Each product has certain properties that characterize quality. General criteria for assessing quality are established in regulatory documents: technical regulations, standards, technical conditions for specific types of products. Thus, cosmetic products must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of TR CU 009/2011 and standards for a certain type of product, for example, GOST 31460-2012 "Cosmetic creams". In addition, each product has its own consumer properties.

Thus, the concept of "quality" is associated with meeting the expectations of consumers in relation to a particular product, which means it is an important component of the competitiveness of a product and a guarantee that the product will be sold and in any economic situation will win a large audience.

What is quality control?

A number of sources give the following definitions of the term "control". In ISO 9000: 2015, control is defined as the determination of conformity to specified requirements. According to GOST 15467-79, quality control means checking the compliance of product quality indicators with established requirements. This activity is carried out with the aim of confirming that the finished product being manufactured meets or does not meet the requirements that are established in the regulatory documentation.

Quality control, regardless of the methods used, presupposes, first of all, the separation of the relevant products from the defective ones. Of course, product quality will not increase due to rejection, but, as a rule, an effective quality control system in most cases contributes to the timely prevention or reduction of failures and errors in work, followed by their correction with minimal material costs and losses. Therefore, in the control process, special attention is paid to careful control of production processes and the prevention of rejects.

As a rule, production control confirms the fulfillment of established (specified) requirements for processes and products and includes:

Incoming control of purchased resources (raw materials, packaging materials);

Quality control during production;

Quality control of finished products.

Quality control is subject to:

Purchased raw materials, materials and other resources;

Manufactured semi-finished products and finished products;

Availability of regulatory documents for testing, including sampling;

Availability of the necessary premises, equipment, consumables.

The control procedure, as a rule, is regulated by the documents of the management system and is carried out at a specified frequency and is reduced to measuring certain indicators and comparing them with reference ones. A mandatory requirement is the separation and isolation of nonconforming products (rejects) from the rest. When non-conformities are identified, further production should be suspended, and resumption is possible only after the causes of the non-conformity have been eliminated. Therefore, control is not always carried out as planned. It is also possible to carry out unscheduled (emergency) control in conditions when at any stage of production a threat to quality is identified and recorded or there is a danger of violations. For example, in case of problems with water supply, it is possible to increase the number of laboratory tests of water or to control any additional parameter of water quality.

The distribution of responsibility and authority plays the main role in organizing the control process. It is essential that each employee meets the skill and experience requirements and strictly fulfills their job responsibilities. An important point here is the formation of the ideology of unacceptability and inadmissibility of marriage, the ideology of personal responsibility of the employee responsible for the performance of work and the quality of products. The level of control, first of all, depends on the qualifications of the personnel, their attentiveness to the process of control and production. The most reliable way to minimize nonconformities is to organize training and certification of personnel.

Thus, quality control is based on the responsibility of each employee for the work performed, which allows timely monitoring of the quality of products: timely suspend the release of rejects without transferring it to subsequent stages of production, timely take measures to normalize the process of release of products that meet the established (specified) requirements ... But, nevertheless, priority must be given to the prevention of deviations, rather than the identification and elimination of defects.

As a rule, the quality control process includes taking samples (samples) at certain stages of the product life cycle, conducting specified tests, and recording test results. All recorded data are analyzed to obtain information about possible malfunctions that could lead to a decrease in quality, and are stored for a set amount of time.

Based on the results of control, one of the decisions can be made:

Recognition of products as complying with the established (specified) requirements;

Identification of defects (nonconforming products) and the implementation of actions to control such products;

Processing of products with subsequent re-control;

Making changes to processes.

In addition to registration, the result of the control can be confirmed visually, where appropriate, for example, by marking with labels or tags.

An important part of the quality control process is the constant striving to improve quality by attracting the latest technologies. Science is moving forward, higher quality standards are emerging. It is important to keep an eye on the emergence of modern equipment and new test methods.

Incoming control

Most often, the company does not manufacture all the necessary materials from which it produces its products. Most of them are purchased from other enterprises. In order to confirm the conformity of the products purchased from the supplier, incoming control is carried out. Such a check allows you to identify inconsistencies and deviations from the norm at the acceptance stage and prevent inappropriate raw materials from production, on which the quality of the finished product directly depends.

Incoming inspection, as a rule, involves an external examination (integrity of the package, labeling, quantity) and testing according to certain quality and safety indicators.

Each batch of incoming materials must be subject to incoming inspection, so the process is very laborious. But by building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, when criteria for evaluating and selecting suppliers are established, when a supplier is verified and "approved", it is possible to reduce the amount of incoming control. Therefore, incoming inspection is often viewed as one of the elements of the supplier relationship.

The effectiveness of incoming control is evidenced by the absence or reduction of cases of transfer of inappropriate raw materials and materials to production. The imperfection of the incoming control process can bring losses to the manufacturer, because the lack of the proper level of quality of the incoming raw materials can lead not only to the rejection of the manufactured products, but also to delays in fulfilling obligations to the customer (consumer), to the rise in production costs due to the elimination of defects.

Control during production

Control in the production process is associated with tracking quality directly during production at certain stages. In this case, the selection of samples (samples) and control of their quality are carried out. It is important not to transfer scrap to subsequent stages of production in order to avoid unplanned and unnecessary costs associated with recycling or disposal of such products.

Control involves checking products for compliance with reference samples, including appearance parameters, correct labeling, as well as laboratory tests for certain quality indicators. The main goal is to timely identify deviations and, if necessary, adjust technological processes to ensure the conformity of the quality of the products. Therefore, it is necessary to manage not only the quality of the products themselves, but also the processes. It is necessary to monitor compliance with the requirements of technological instructions and standard operating procedures (SOPs) at all stages of the production cycle, including the stages of storage and transportation, at which product damage is also possible.

In addition, in production it is important to carry out microbiological monitoring of production equipment, premises entering the production premises of air, control of microbial contamination of hands and overalls of personnel, monitoring the technical condition of equipment, monitoring compliance with safety measures and compliance with order. Note that order in the workplace improves the quality of products and increases productivity. While confusion leads to negligence and mistakes in work, an increase in deviations from the established requirements.

Control of finished products

The purpose of quality control of finished products - Establishing the conformity of finished products to regulatory requirements and protecting consumers from unintentional receipt of non-conforming products. This type of control is the resulting stage. Finished products can be sold only when their quality meets the established requirements of regulatory documents.

Production control

Quality control - an integral part of production processes that plays an important role as one of the functions of enterprise management. It is known that the leading position in the market is achieved by enterprises capable of ensuring the quality of their products. At KorolevFarm LLC one of the principles is customer orientation. Each employee understands that the enterprise operates at the expense of its consumers, and therefore it is necessary to produce products that meet all the specified requirements, characterized by stability of quality. Control is carried out at all stages of the production cycle within the framework of the management system. A full range of tests of raw materials, packaging materials, intermediate products, finished products for physical, chemical and microbiological parameters, as well as microbiological monitoring of production is carried out by specialists of the Analytical Laboratory. To ensure quality, KorolevFarm LLC annually spends funds that it invests in modern equipment to control the quality of purchased raw materials and manufactured finished products, mastering modern control methods, and improving the qualifications of personnel.

The main task of the quality control system - identify the stages at which problems may arise, and thus optimize the work of the quality control personnel: pay attention where it is needed, and not do unnecessary work where it is not required. The company considers the quality of its products to be one of the most important indicators of its activities.


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