Improving the organization of the work of the structural division of the enterprise. Planning and organizing the work of the structural division What is the organization of the work of the structural division

Ministry of Education of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic

"Kamensky polytechnic technical school. I.S.Solty "

P Program of professional module PM.06

"Organization of the work of the structural division"

for students specialty


at a meeting of MDK teachers

professional disciplines Methodist KTT

Protocol No. from 2017 _______________________

Chairman of MDK ____________ Kasamp N.P. "______" ___________________ 2017

Kamenka, 2017.

Explanatory note

Working program of the professional moduledeveloped based on the State Educational Standardsecondary vocational education in the specialty 260807 "Catering technology technology"

Developer organization :

State educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Kamensky polytechnic technical school. I.S. Soltys »

Developer : Zhukovsky Gennady Grigorievich, Teacher Professional Cycle GOU SPO "Kamensky Polytechnic Technical School them. I.S.Solty "


., Professional Cycle Disciplines 1 Qualification Category


Passport work program professional

Module PM.06 ............................................................................ 4

The results of the development of a professional module ... ... ... ...... 6

Structure and approximate content of a professional module .................................................................................... ..7

  1. Thematic plan of a professional module ................................ 7.

    Content of training on professional module PM.06 ............ ..8

Terms of implementation of the professional program

Module ....................................................................................... 16

  1. Minimum material requirements

provision ........................................................................ ... 16

  1. Information support of learning .........................................16

    General requirements for the organization of the educational process ......... .... 17

    Personnel support of the educational process ................... ...... ..

Control and evaluation of the results of the development of a professional module (a type of professional activity) ............ .... 18

1. Passport of the Working Program

professional module PM.06. "Organization of the work of the structural division"

1.1. Program application area

The program of the professional module (work program) - is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the state specialty260807 "Catering technology technology" In terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VDD): " Organization of the work of the structural division " and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 6.1. Planning the main production indicators.

PC 6.2. Planning and execution of works by performers.

PC 6.3. Organization of the work of the labor collective.

PC 6.4. Stroke control and evaluation of the results of the execution of works by performers.

PC 6.5. Maintaining approved accounting and reporting documentation.

The program of the professional module can be usedin the in-depth training of specialists who can successfully solve problems associated with the organization and work of catering enterprises in market conditions,in additional professional education, to improve the qualifications, for absentee learning in the presence of basic general education, as well as the average (full) general education.

1.2. Objectives and objectives of the module - Requirements for the results of the Module of Module PM.06

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student during the development of a professional module should:

have a practical experience:

planning the work of the structural unit (brigades);

estimates of the effectiveness of the structural unit (brigades);

making management decisions;

be able to:

calculate the output of products in the assortment;

lead the work schedule accounting table;

calculate wages;

to calculate the economic indicators of the structural division of the organization;

organize jobs in industrial premises;

organize the work of the team of the performers;

develop appraisal tasks and regulatory and technological documentation;

draw up documentation for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;


principles and types of work planning of the brigade (teams);

the main techniques of organizing the work of the performers;

methods and indicators of assessing the quality of work performed by members of the brigade / team;

disciplinary procedures in the organization;

rules and principles of development of official duties, work schedules and accounting tables;

regulatory and legal documents governing the personal responsibility of the brigadier;

forms of documents, the procedure for filling them;

methodology for calculating product output;

the procedure for making a working time accounting table;

methodology for calculating wages;

the structure of production costs and ways to reduce costs;

methods of calculating economic indicators

maximum learning load of students - 279 hours, including:

mandatory audit learning load -186 hours;

independent work of learning -93 hours;

term paper - 20 hours;

training practice - 72 hours;

production practice - 36 hours

2. The results of the development of a professional module

The result of the development of the professional module program is mastered by educational type of professional activity (VDD):, including professional (PC) and common (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of learning outcome

PC 6.1.

PC 6.2.

PC 6.3.

PC 6.4.

PC 6.5.

Keep approved accounting and reporting documentation

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show sustainable interest.

OK 2.

Organize your own activities, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3.

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4.

Survey and use the information necessary to effectively fulfill professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6.

Work in the team and team, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7.

To take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), the result of tasks.

OK 8.

Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training.

OK 9.

Native in conditions of frequent change of technology in professional activities

OK 10.

Perform military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men).

3. Structure and content of the professional module

3.1. Thematic Plan of the Professional Module PM.06

Codes of professional-sized components

Names of the partitions of a professional module

Total hours


The volume of time reserved for the development of the interdisciplinary course


Mandatory audit learning load study

Independent work,









including Laboratory work and practical classes,










PM 06.

Organization of the work of the structural unit




PC 6.1.

Section 1. Implementation of planning and organization of public catering

PC 6.2.

Section 2. Management at catering establishments

PC 6.3.

PC 6.4.

PC 6.5.

Section 5. Organization of work

with approved accounting and reporting


Course work

Training Practice


Content of educational material, laboratory work and practical classes, independent work of students, term paper

Volume of watch

Level of development






Organization of the work of the structural unit


MDK 06.01.

Management of the structural division of the organization

Section 1.

Implementation of planning and organization of public catering enterprises


Topic 1. 1 . Industry about food in a market economy


The subject, the purpose and content of the interdisciplinary course "Management of structural divisions of the enterprise (organization)". Place and managementstructural divisions in the organization management system.The role and importance of the public catering industry in the PMR market economy system. Prospects for the development of the industry. Classification of industry enterprises. Signs of classification. Structural divisions of catering enterprises. Legislative and regulatory acts regulating production and economic activities in the field of catering.


Topic 1.2. Main fundsand working capital


Forms of the organization of production, their essence.Classification of enterprise resources .. The main funds. Types of wear of fixed assets.

The essence and the main signs of real working capital, the stage of the turnover cycle of working capital and the forms of their manifestation. Composition, content andmethods for calculating working capital indicators. Sourcesfinancing.


Practical work

Classification of catering enterprises

Calculation of indicators of the efficiency of using fixed assets. Depreciation of fixed assets and its indicators

Calculation of indicators of the efficiency of working capital. Reserve rates of working capital

Study of the standard of catering services. Classification of catering enterprises "

Composition and appointment of structural divisions of catering

Workshop and fabric organization of production.

Stages of the circulation cycle of real working capital.

Sources of financing the activities of the enterprise.

Essence of planning in a market economy

Section 2. Organization of planning execution of works by performers


Topic 2. 1. Features of social management


Basics of the scientific organization of labor (notes). The essence and task of notes. The main directions of notes. Functional division of labor and organizational structure of the personnel management service. Basics of the organization of the team of performers. Forms of building relationships with employees. Man management and group management. The main techniques of organizing the work of the performers. Disciplinary procedures in the organization


Topic 2.2. Principles and types of planning of the work of the structural unit



Essence of planning. Types of plans developed at the enterprise. Perspective plans. Annual production and financial plan. Operational (current) planning. Planning the main indicators of the production principles and types of work planning of the brigade (commands). Brigade form of labor organization. Brigades management. Planning and accounting work brigades.

Practical work

Types of plans developed at the enterprise. Classification of plans

Drawing up a work plan by performers

Drawing up the characteristics of the catering enterprise, analysis of the features of production and trading activities and placement in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence (study, etc.)

Development of evaluation tasks and regulatory technological documentation

Independent work teaching

Study of the standard of catering services. Personnel requirements for public catering

Design the workplace with the requirements of ergonomics (on the task of the teacher)

Compilation of the supervisory sheet of individual photography of the technologist of the technologist.

Analysis of the Working Personnel Working Time

Drawing up a personal (collective) liability agreement

Section 3. Organization of the work of the Labor team


Topic 3.1. Labor resources of the public catering industry



Labor resources industry: professional composition, qualification structure.The concept of personnel service.The essence and organization of personnel selection, sources of hiring. General personnel selection scheme. Labor team management strategy. Professional staff competences. The procedure for hiring and dismissing staff. The contract. Treaty. Employment and work in the team

Topic 3.2. Organization of labor and the form of remuneration


Labor productivity: indicators and methods of their definition. Essence of labor organization and its form. Tariff system, tariff mesh and its application. Forms and wage systems. The procedure for making a work time accounting table. Methods for calculating wages.


Topic 3.3. Labor motivation system


Motivation. Motivational factors, employee's passivity. Career motivation and antimotive factors. Organization of career growth worker at the enterprise

Career management. The development of personnel and the organization of training. Training. Coaching.


Topic 3.4. Economic efficiency of production


Conceptandthe structure of production costs.Structurecostsbyarticlesandelements of costs.Permanentandvariable costs .. The method of calculating the production capacity of the enterprise. Methodikoutput calculationproductatassortment. Essence of economic efficiency. Method of calculationbasiceconomic indicatorsefficiency (profitandprofitability).Pathenhanceefficiency production.


Practical work

Solving situational tasks for hiring and dismissal personnel

Calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise

Calculation of product costs

Calculation of exitproductatassortment

Method of calculationbasiceconomic indicatorsefficiency

Independent work teaching

Drawing up your own resume for admission to work

Development of situational problems associated with hiring and dismissing an employee.

The image of the human action, motivation types, motivating and satisfying factors.

Administrative methods of personnel management. Economic methods of personnel management. Socio-psychological management methods. Socio-psychological climate of the team. Overheadcosts.Pathreductioncosts Formation of the consumption fund in the enterprise.

Section 4. Organization of control and evaluation of the results of the executive


Topic 4.1. Binding processes in the organization. Adoption of management decisions


Essence of managerial solutions. Classification of management solutions. The process of developing and making management decisions. Factors affecting the decision-making process (personal, media, information, behavioral). Rules and principles of development duties, graphswork.


Topic 4.2. Control and assessment of performance by performers


Essence and need to control. Preliminary, current and final control. Model control process. Types and methods of monitoring control over the course and results of the executive executors. Control of execution of orders. Automated control systems. Product quality control systems. Methods and indicators of assessing the quality of work performed by members of the brigade. Standardization, certification. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of the structural unit (brigade). Disciplinary procedures.


Practical work

Compilation of a supervisory sheet photo of the working day of the cook 3 discharge in the workshops (meat, cold, hot) method of torque observations.

Drawing up a chronological card of technological operations

Calculation of indicators for the production of products of the catering company

Calculation of the production capacity of the catering company

Calculation of equipment use efficiency

Independent work teaching

The procedure for calculating fot. Procedure for establishing tariff rates

Documents governing employees wages

Methods of disciplinary and material impact on staff efficiency

The procedure for calculating hospital sheets

Personnel vacation schedule. The procedure for calculating holidays

Educational leave: procedure for granting and payment

Develop measures to improve labor rationing

Work with regulatory documents

Section 5.

Organization of work with approved accounting documentation


Topic 5.1. Documenting business operations in the organization



Primary accounting. Documentation and requirements for documents. Classification of documents at the placement, intended purpose, method of execution, content, reflecting information in them. Details of documents. The procedure for filling out the basic forms of documents applied at catering enterprises. The concept of document management in accounting. The main stages of document management.Drawing up a plan menu. Filling a calculation card. Drawing up a commodity report to a material-responsible person. Drawing up inventory inventory

Topic 5.2. . Accounting and control of goods, finished products and commodity turnover in public catering


1, 2

Maintaining control and primary registration logs. Forms of documents. The procedure for filling journals. Regulatory documents regulating the personal responsibility of the brigadier. The output of finished products.Product rationing. Factors affecting the yield of products. Pricing in public catering organizations based on the plan-menu, collection of dishes, price register, calculation card. Maintaining the material and responsible person of the quantitative accounting of goods. Drawing up a commodity report to a material-responsible person. The order of inventory. Accounting for the production of structural division products. Accounting of goods B.buffets. Accounting for the consumption of raw materials, marriage and waste production. Accounting for finished products. Accounting for work performed. Replacement report

Practical work

Registration of an agreement on individual material responsibility.

Drawing up documentation for inventory.

Analysis of the consumption of raw materials. Drawing up a raw material consumption report.

Registration of documents for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished and finished products

Calculation of output in production.

Accounting consumption of raw materials. Drawing up a report on the consumption of raw materials

Independent work teaching

Work with an abstract, educational, special literature, Internet resources, regulatory documents, solving problems, drawing up schemes in directions:

Regulatory documents regulating the personal responsibility of the brigadier

Control over the progress of work by performers

Evaluation of the results of the execution of works by performers

The procedure for filling out the main forms of documents

Planning the technological process of production.

Celebration of working time accounting.

Calculation of economic indicators of the structural division of the organization.

Compilation of work time accounting table

Drawing up evaluation assignments to staff

Course work


Qualification exam on MDC. 06.01.

Just hours:


Training Practice

Types of jobs:

Management of structural units in the enterprise management system (organization)

Legislative and regulatory framework regulating production and economic activities in the field of catering

Organization of the work of the labor collective

Indicators of the efficiency of public catering

The main features, composition and structure of fixed assets. Intangible assets

Ratioration efficiency indicators

Planning the work of the structural unit.

Planning the technological process of production

Rules and principles of development duties, work schedules, work time accounting table

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit

Documentation of management activities

The procedure for issuing and maintaining documentation of the catering company

Accounting for the production of structural division products.

Payroll preparation


Types of jobs:

Participation in the planning of the main indicatorsproduction,

Planning and organizing the execution of works by performers,

Adoption of management decisions

Stroke control and evaluation of the results of work performers,

Maintaining approved accounting and reporting documentation;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit (brigade),

Registration of documentation for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Development of evaluation tasks

Calculation of economic indicators of the structural division of the organization;

To characterize the level of learning material, the following notation is used:

1. - Familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. - Reproductive (execution of sample activities, instructions or under the guidance)

3. - Product (planning and independent performance, solving problem tasks)

4. Terms of implementation of the program of the professional module

4.1. Requirements for minimal logistical support

The implementation of the program of the professional module implies the availability of educational sites:

Socio-economic disciplines;

Organization of production;

Legal foundations of professional activities;

Safety of vital activity, labor protection;

Equipment training office and office jobs:

a set of educational and methodical documentation

visual aids,

electronic educational resource

computers, printer, scanner, modem, video, projector,

software overall and professional destination.

Implementation of a professional module programPM.06 involves practical work in the amount 48 hours.Practical works (according to the profile of the specialty) are conducted by an educational institution when mastering students of professional competencies within the framework of a professional module and can be implemented concentrated.

  1. Information support training

Civil Code PMR

Labor Code PMR

Laws and regulatory laws of the PMR on regulatory activities in the field of catering:

Decree of the Government of PMR No. 182 "On approval of the rules for the production and sale of products (services) of catering" and "Regulations on the assignment of catering facilities in terms of service level"

GOST 50647-94 "Public diet. Terms and Definitions".

GOST R 50762-95 "Public diet. Classification of enterprises. "

OST 28-1-95 "Public diet. Requirements for industrial personnel "

Basic sources of educational literature:

Malgin S.Yu., Pleshkova Yu.N. Organization of the work of the structural division of catering enterprisesTutorial for stud. media institutions. prof. Education. - M.: Academy, 2014. - 320 p.

Andreeva I.V., Kosheleva S.V., Spivak V. A., Personnel Management. SPB: from the bottom house "Neva"; M.: Olma-Press, 2003. - P. 24 -30.

Biakova E.O., Pogodin N.A. Organization, rationing and payment of labor at the pre-service. - Publishing house "Exam". 2008.

Kibanov A. Ya. Management personnel management. - M.: Infra-M.: Case, 2003. - P. 15-19.

Additional sources:

Homol A.I. Economy for professions and specialties of socio-economic profile [Text]: Tutorial / A.I. Homol, V.E. Kirillov, P.A. Zhannin. - 5th ed., Kri.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 336 p.

Kartashova V.N. Economics of the organization (enterprise) [Text]: Studies. For secondary special educational institutions. / V.N. Kartashova, A.V. Prikhodko - M. "Grief", 2014.

Kovalev V.V. Finance of organizations (enterprises) [Text]: Tutorial / V.V. Kovalev, V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 352 c.

Kolchchka N.V. Finance of organizations (enterprises) [Text]: Tutorial for university students / N.V. Quince, GB Polyak, L.M. Burmistra. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2011. - 407 c.

Milkova E.I. Planning the activities of the enterprise [Electronic resource]: Tutorial / Molokova E.I., Kovalenko N.P.- Electron. Text data. - Saratov: university education, 2013.- 196 C.- Access mode:

Organization of production at catering establishments [Electronic resource]: Tutorial / I.R. Smirnova [and others]. - Electron. Text data. - SPb.: Trinity Bridge, 2013.- 232 C. Access mode: .- EBS "IPRBooks", by password

Organization of production at food industries [Electronic resource]: Tutorial / Yu.A. Salikov [et al.]. - Electron. Text data. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, 2010.- 324 C.- Access Mode: .- EBS "IPRBooks",Directory of social nutrition technology. - M.: Kolos, 2000

Magazines: "Nutrition and Society", "Standards and Quality", "Restaurant Business".

Electronic resources:

1. Reference and legal system "ConsultantPlus".

2. Reference and legal system "Garant".

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

The development of educational professional module should be held in the cultivation environment that meets the requirements of the state both in the educational institution and in organizations corresponding to the profile of the specialty 260807 "Catering technology technology".

The development of the module must precede the developmentnextcommonrophessionaldisciplines:

"Basics of the economy, management andmarketing "

"Legal basis of professionalactivities »

"Organizationproduction "

4.4 Personnel support for the educational process

The implementation of the main professional educational program in the specialty of secondary vocational education should be ensured by pedagogical personnel having a higher education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught (module). The experience in the organizations of the relevant professional sphere is mandatory for teachers responsible for the development of the student professional cycle, these teachers must pass internship in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.

5. Control and evaluation of the results of the development of a professional module (types of professional acts)

Educational institution, when implementing training under the professional module "Organization of the work of the structural unit"Provides the organization and conduct of interim certification and the current control of the learning knowledge, skills and skills. Current Con-Troll is conducted by the teacher in the process of conducting practical employment, testing, as well as the execution of students' individual de-Denmark. The final control is carried out in the form of the exam. Forms and methods of current control over the professional module are brought to the attention of students at the beginning of education.

For current control, assessment funds (FOS) are created, allowing to evaluate knowledge, skills and mastered competencies.

FOS includes pedagogical instrumental instruments intended for determining compliance (or inconsistency-via) of individual educational achievements by the main indicators of the preparation results.

Monitoring and evaluation of development results professional competencies


(developed professional competencies)

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

PC 6.1.

Participate in planning the main production indicators.

Operational planning of works, taking into account current regulatory documents;

Determining the needs of the production unit in technical means, tools, raw materials and services of subsidiary services;

Providing brigade with logistical resources.

Calculate the output of products in the assortment;

Calculate the economic indicators of the structural division of the organization

frontal knowledge check;

role-playing games;


writing abstracts;

test papers;

independent work;

practical work;

project development



student conferences

PC 6.2.

Plan the execution of work by performers.

Distribution of production functions between members of the brigade;

Carrying out the production instrument of workers;

Drawing up special instruction cards of advanced work techniques;

Establishment and timely bringing to employees of the production unit of industrial tasks;

Quantitative and high-quality accounting of work performed and spent time by members of the production unit;

Take managerial solutions

frontal knowledge check;

role-playing games;


writing abstracts;

test papers;

independent work;

practical work;

project development



PC 6.3.

Organize the work of the labor collective.

Development of measures and measures to ensure favorable working conditions at the production site;

Application of rational techniques and methods of production activities;

Planning measures to improve the qualifications and professional skill of employees of the production unit;

Conducting job certification under working conditions and injuries;

Organize the work of the team of performers

frontal knowledge check;

role-playing games;


writing abstracts;

independent work;

practical work;

project development

conducting research


PC 6.4.

Control the move and evaluate the results of the execution of works by the performers.

Ensuring and controlling the correctness and timeliness of the design of production and reporting documentation by members of the production unit;

Participation in measures to control observance by employees of the production unit of the requirements of the technological regulation and plan - work schedule;

Definition and assessment of the level of labor productivity of the division employees;

Determination of labor complexities.

Lead the work schedule accounting table;

Calculate wages

frontal knowledge check;


writing abstracts;

test papers;

independent work;

practical work ;;



student conferences

PC 6.5.

Keep approved

reporting documentation

Registration of application blanks for working time accounting. Performing a changeable task, norms of the implemented dishes;

Maintaining established documentation on the work of equipment, accounting of material values;

Project documents for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow you to verify not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and ensuring their skills.

Results (mastered general competencies)

The main indicators of the evaluation of the result

Forms and methods

control and evaluation

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show sustainable interest.

Demonstration of interest in the future profession

Interpretation of observation results for the activities of the student in the process of mastering the implementation of training and production work

OK 2. Organize your own activity, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional tasks in the field of pop management;

Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of execution

OK 3. To make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

Solving standard and non-standardprofessional Tasks in Pop Management

Interpretation of observation results for the activities of the student in the process of performing educational and production work

OK 4. To search and use the information necessary to effectively fulfill professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Effective search for the necessary information;

Use of various sources, including electronic

Interpretation of results

observing the activities of the student in the process of performing training and production work

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Working with PC and Internet

OK 6. Work in the team and teamwork, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers.

Interaction with learning, teachers and masters during training

Interpretation of the results of the workshop

OK 7. To take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), for the result of the tasks.

Self-analysis and correction of their own work

Interpretation of the results of the workshop

OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training.

Organization of independent activities when studying a professional module

Interpretation of the results of the workshop

OK 9. Focus in conditions of frequent change of technology in professional activities.

Analysis of innovation in the fieldpop Management

Interpretation of the results of the workshop

OK 10. Perform military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men).

Orientation for military service, taking into account professional knowledge;

Compliance with the rules of the internal regulation of the educational institution.

Holding military fees

Military registration

Assessment of individual educational achievements based on the results of current control and intermediate certification is made in accordance with the universal scale (table).

Percentage of performance (correct answers)

Qualitative assessment of individual educational achievements

score (mark)

verbal analog

90 ÷ 100.


81 ÷ 89.


70 ÷ 80.


less than 70.


At the stage of interim certification, the median qualitative estimates of individual educational achievements of the examination committee determines the integral assessment of the studied training professional and general competencies as the results of the development of a professional module.

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Posted by

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

State autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Kazan Trade and Economic Technical School"


By industrial Practice

PM.06. "ORGANIZATIONWork of the structural division»

by specialty 260807 "Catering technology technology"

Student (ki) c. Mulukova I.I.

Organization: PKF"Maidan"

Head of Practice: Pivovarov I.V.

Kazan 2015 year

Internal inventory of documents in the report

Student (CI) Moulukova I.I Group TS-431


StudentGAU SPO "Kazan State Trade and Economic Technical Academy"


Student (ka) ____________________________________________________ During the passage of practice, I showed (a) itself as follows:

· The place of practice visited _____________________________________

· Relationship to official duties ________________________________

· In mastering the specialty manifested _____________________________________

During the practice of practice _________________________________ showed (a):

· Can plan and organize your own activities,

· Understands the essence and significance of his future profession, manifests interest

· It has a good level of culture of behavior,

· I know how to work in a team, to communicate effectively with colleagues, leadership, consumers,

· Focus in a frequent change of technology in professional activities.

In relation to the execution of labor tasks showed (a) _________________________

(excellent, good, satisfactory)

Characteristic is given for presentation in Gaow SPO "Kazan State Trade and Economic Technical School".


Curator practice

at the enterprise _____________________________________ о. фамина

MP (signature)

public Warehouse Storage Products

Consolidated statement of formation evaluationprofessional competencies

PM.06 Organizationwork of structural poses

PC name

Main indicators of results assessment (PC)

credited / not credited

Participate in planning the main production indicators.

Major financial indicators of economic activities

Calculate wages;

Plan the execution of work by performers.

Planning the work of the structural unit (brigades);

organize the work of the team of performers; develop, evaluate tasks and regulatory technological documentation;

Organize the work of the labor collective.

Planning the work of the structural unit (brigades);

Make managerial solutions; organize jobs in industrial premises; organize the work of the team of the performers; develop appraisal tasks and regulatory and technological documentation;

Control the move and evaluate the results of the execution of works by the performers.

Indicators characterizing the results of the work of the performers;

Evaluate the effectiveness of the structural unit (brigade);

Make managerial solutions;

Move approved accounting and reporting documentation.

Calculate the output of products in the assortment;

Lead the work schedule accounting table;

To calculate the economic indicators of the structural division of the organization;

Develop. Estimated tasks and regulatory technological documentation;

Draw up documentation for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

Carry out acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, acceptance and design of orders

Take goods by quantity and quality

Conduct organoleptic assessment of the quality of public catering

Purgerate ready-made culinary products

Curator of Practice ___________________________________ и.O.Familia


Section 1 "Organization of production"

PM.06 Organization of the work of the Structural Unit

Day: Classification of catering enterprises

- acquaintance with the type of enterprise, specialization, compliance with the requirements according to GOST R50762 -2007 Classification of public catering enterprises ", organizational and legal form offered by services, location in Kazan. Provide in the form of tables 1, 2

Table 1



Public service enterprise

Restaurant "Gastet" opens its doors on the third floor of the Tandem Gallery shopping center, located at ul. Avenue Ibrahimova D.56A

Restaurant - catering company with a wide range of dishes of complex manufacturing, including custom and corporate dishes and products; Alcoholic, refractory, hot and other types of drinks, flour pastry and bakery, tobacco products, purchased goods, high level of service and, as a rule, combined with recreation and entertainment organization.

Specialization, class

German, Italian

Organizational - Legal Form

Organizational and legal form: Limited Liability Company


Restaurant "Gastet" opens its doors on the third floor of the Tandem Gallery shopping center located at ul. Avenue Ibrahimova D.56A

Services of the company

The sounds of German music, stylish, weathered interior and friendly waiters dressed in national costumes, with German accuracy that fulfill your order is the restaurant "Gaste".
German cuisine is acute and satisfying, mostly meat dishes. Therefore, in our menu: the sausages of our own production, cooked by traditional German recipes, pork steering wheel with a crispy crust, smoked pork ribs, appetizing root chickens, steaks. We did not bypass the traditional thick meat soups, walking and puree. Of course, such food is perfectly combined with fresh beer. Restaurant "Gastet" offers its guests the best varieties of beer from European countries with a centuries-old production culture and beer consumption: Czech Republic, Germany and Belgium.
Snacks to beer - and here we do not have equal: hot, freshly baked brying, fragrant garlic crustics, sharp chicken wings, hot cheese sticks and many other original hot and cold snacks to beer.

table 2

Name of requirements

Enterprise type, class


German design design

Light with design elements

Composition of rooms for consumers

Lobby, Wardrobe, Banquet Room or Separate Cabs, Hand Wash Room

Registration of halls and premises for consumers

The use of exquisite decorative elements, the presence of pop or dance platform, the presence of art compositions, flower beds from living decorative colors and (or) fountains and (or) aquariums,


Air conditioning system with automatic maintenance of optimal temperature and humidity parameters

Increased comfort, the corresponding interior of the premises

Soft coating, wooden surface

Soft with armrests

Availability of a bar counter

Modernly decorated with stools, for feeding dishes and drinks (service)

Metal tableware and appliances

From Melchior and Nezilber, stainless steel or other alloys

Porcelain dishes artistically decorated

License glassware

Crystal, artistic decorated glassware

Ceramics and Tree Cookware for Thematic Enterprises of National Kitchen Enterprises


White and colored, branded

Individual napkins


Change of table linen after each consumer maintenance

Menu and price list of wines (wines map) with emblem (company brand sign

in Russian and national languages, in Russian and English or the relevant enterprise specialization, a language, typographic or computer method, a cover from modern materials, originally and artistically decorated.

A wide range of dishes and beverages, branded and customized sophisticated dishes, confectionery

Service methods

Service with highly qualified waiters, bartenders, metalloes. Availability of somiel

Table setting

Preliminary covering. Table decoration: Compositions from the living colors Figure folded napkins, candles

Protected Parking with Unlimited Parking Time

D.phana:Organization of Food and Labor Supply. Warehouse organization

Introduction to the organization of delivery of goods and vehicles for the delivery of goods, acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, documentary registration of the acceptance of goods.

Certify the list of products delivered in enterprises, to identify suppliers, forms, routes, delivery methods. Proceed as a table 3

Forms and routes of supplies are booked to Table 3

Table 3.




Vegetables fruits

Metro Cash & Carry




Meat Processing Plant Kamsk-Ural




Fish, seafood

Metro Cash & Carry




Yeepe "Yekaterinburg Bakery" TM "Vslav"




Wholesale base number 1




Wine - vodka products

Metro Cash & Carry




Milk products

Irbit Milk Factory




Gastronomic products

LLC "Vostok West"




Establish an agreement of supply to one of the goods delivered to the enterprise on the proposed form.

Treaty N 25-31V.

deliveries of food

g. Kazan

LLC GASHTET., name and I In the future, "buyer", in the face of Mulukov I.I, acting on the basis of charter, on the one hand, and refer oh hereinafter "supplier", represented Metro LLC, acting on the basis charterOn the other hand, have concluded this Agreement below:


1.1. The supplier is obliged to deliver, and the buyer is to accept and pay for food (hereinafter - the "product"), the name, the range, the number and value of which are indicated in the commodity invoices (hereinafter referred to as "invoices") for each batch of goods.

1.2. The supply of goods is carried out by parties on the basis of buyer's applications and in the presence of an appropriate product in the supplier's warehouse.

1.3. The buyer's application must contain the name (range), the amount of goods, the date to which it is necessary to supply the goods, and the address to which it must be delivered, and can be made both in writing, including fax, email and in the form telephone application.

1.4. The ownership of the goods goes to the buyer at the time of transfer of goods to the buyer or carrier (in the case of the delivery of goods to the train station, bus station, airport or river station within the administrative borders of G. Kazan).

1.5. In the case of supplying a noncompliament product or goods of an inappropriate range, the buyer has the right to refuse both noncompliant goods and products that do not meet the condition about the assortment and from all goods transmitted simultaneously. Such a refusal is not considered a refusal to fulfill the obligation and does not entail the termination of the contract.

1.6. If the buyer has not abandoned the goods that do not meet the condition about the assortment, and the delivery of goods of this name according to the Agreement should be carried out in the following periods of delivery, the specified goods must be counted against the volume of these periods.

1.7. Goods are purchased by the buyer for cooking dishes and implementing them in a restaurant.

1.8. The supplier guarantees:

Compliance with the proper storage conditions of the goods before its transfer to the buyer;

Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents regarding materials and products, the importation of which is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Proper performance of production control and safety, compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents to the terms of the manufacture and turnover of goods;

Availability of mandatory certificates of the Russian Federation for imported goods.

2. Quality of goods

2.1. The quality of the goods supplied must comply with the requirements of the relevant standards and the one adopted for this type of goods, as well as high-quality certificates of the manufacturer and certificates of conformity.

2.2. The shelf life of the goods is set within the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the goods.

2.3. When delivering goods, the supplier transmits to the buyer all the necessary documents confirming the quality of the goods, including certificates of conformity and high-quality manufacturer's certificates.

2.4. The supplier guarantees the quality and reliability of the goods supplied.

2.5. The buyer has the right to present claims to the provider for the quality and timing of the suitability of the delivered goods during 2 (two) Days after his acceptance. The acceptance date corresponds to the date indicated on the invoice.

In case of detection of poor-quality products or shortages, the representative of the supplier's representative during its acceptance and drawing up the act is necessary. On the fact of the detection of shortage or low-quality products, an act is drawn up, which is signed by representatives of the buyer and supplier.

2.6. When the production defects are found during the implementation of the buyer's retail network and, provided that these defects could not be installed by the Buyer at the acceptance of goods from the supplier, the buyer must immediately notify the supplier about the identified defects with the detailed list of these defects. The call of the representative of the supplier is obligatory.

2.7. The supplier undertakes to eliminate the shortcomings or replace the goods of improper quality during twodays from the date of transfer of goods to the buyer if defects were found at the time of the goods transfer, or during two Days from the moment of receipt of the notification of the detection of production defects during the implementation of the retail network.

2.8. Elimination of deficiencies, delivery of the missing or replacement of the unsuitable goods is carried out by the supplier on the basis of a written claim of the buyer. The claim should indicate the amount of goods on which the claim, the content and basis of the claim, as well as the specific requirement of the buyer. The claim must be confirmed by acts and other necessary documents. The claim is transmitted by registered mail or courier delivery with a presentation by the authorized representative of the supplier for receipt and with the appendix of all documents proving the validity of the claim.

2.9. Replacing the goods in cases and within the time indicated in clause 2.7 of the contract, is carried out in the presence of a similar product in the supplier's warehouse. In the absence of similar goods, the parties by agreement decides on the possibility of replacing it with another product, on the return of funds for the already delivered goods of inappropriate quality or to carry out the delivery of the required goods immediately after its receipt to the supplier's warehouse. In the latter case, the delivery time is incremented for the receipt of goods to the supplier's warehouse.

3. Terms and procedure for delivery

3.1. The goods are delivered in the deadlines specified in the Buyer's application. The supplier has the right to the early delivery of goods.

3.2. Delivery is carried out (needed):

Due to the supplier by delivering the goods to the buyer at the address specified in the application;

Pickup from the supplier's warehouse located at: _______________.

3.3. The goods are supplied in a container and packaging that meet the current standards and specifications.

3.4. The supplier who allowed the disposal of the goods is obliged to fill out an unaccling amount of goods during two Days from the date of receipt of the claimant's claim.

3.5. The goods are transmitted by the invoice, which indicates the name of the goods, the range, the number of places and commodity units, the cost of goods.

3.6. In case of refusal to receive products, the buyer is obliged in all copies of the invoice to make a mark on the refusal indicating the reason for the failure, positions, the names of the acceptor and sign it.

3.7. In the event of a customer's refusal to make a refusal of the acceptance of goods in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of this Agreement, the fact of refusal is certified by the act drawn up by the representative of the supplier.

4. Price and procedure for calculations

4.1. The buyer pays the goods supplied by the supplier at the prices indicated in the invoices to this batch of goods.

4.2. Calculations for the goods delivered between the parties are made by (needed):

Transfer of non-cash funds from the buyer's current account to the supplier's current account no later than three banking days from the date of the goods to the buyer;

Transfer of non-cash cash from the buyer's current account to the supplier's current account no later than 10 days from the date of the goods to the buyer;

Cash transmission in the provider's cash register at the time of the goods to the buyer

5. Property responsibility and dispute resolution procedure

5.1. For unreasonable refusal to accept the goods delivered on request of the buyer, or delay in the sampling of goods Buyer pays the supplier a fine in the amount of 45 % (forty five) From the cost of shipped goods.

5.2. In delay in payment, the buyer is obliged to pay the supplier of penalties in the amount 45 % (forty five) From the amount of debt for every day of delay in payment.

5.3. In case of delay in payment for the obtained products over 10 (ten) The following supplier stops accepting applications from the buyer and suspends the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement to the full repayment by the buyer of debt.

5.4. In case of violation of the delivery of goods in the fault of the supplier, the latter is obliged to pay the buyer a fine in the amount of 45 % (forty five) From the cost of a non-permissible product.

5.5. The buyer has the right, notifying the supplier, refuse to accept the goods, the supply of which is overdue 10 (ten) days.

5.6. Disputes arising between the parties in the execution of the contract are permitted in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Final conditions

6.1. In everything else, which is not provided for by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided if they are committed in writing and are signed properly authorized representatives of the parties.

6.3. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by the parties and is for the period one year before " 5 "september 2015.g.

6.4. If none of the parties declares the termination (change) of the contract for one month to the end of the term that the contract is concluded, its action is automatically prolonged for the same time.

6.5. The contract may be terminated early in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.6. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies with the same legal force, one instance for each of the parties.

6.7. After signing this Agreement, all previous negotiations and correspondence on it lose force.

7. Addresses, details and signatures of the parties

Provider: Matro.

TIN 7716201303, CAT 771601001, OGRN 1027739389930, OKPO 5652865

Address 129344 Kazan Ul. Marshal Chuikova D.89

Buyer: OOO Restaurant Gastet.

TIN 7722654654, CAT 772201001, OGRN1087746947056, OKPO 87631733

Address 111024, Kzan, Fadyha Amirkhan D.78A


Matro. ______________/____________/


Ltd Restaurant Gastet. ______________/____________/

Acquaintance with the composition of premises for receiving and storing products, their characteristics.

Familiarization with the storage of goods in the enterprise: accommodation of goods for storage, stacking goods, equipment of storage facilities.

Studying the range, conditions and time storage of incoming raw materials and products. Create examples of the rules for the storage of some goods (Table 4).

Terms and terms of storage of incoming raw materials and products

Table 4.

Product Storage Room

Description of goods

Storage method

Terms and timing of storage of goods

Cooled chambers

Meat products


2-4C, 2-4 days, HVV 75-85%

Cooled chambers


4-6 C, 1-3 days, HVV 85-95%

Cooled chambers

Milk and dairy products

0.5 days, 4-6 s, HVV 80-85%

Cooled chambers

Milky fat

2-4C, 2-4 days, 80-85c

Cooled chambers

2-4 C, 8-12 days, HVV 75-80%

Cooled chambers

2-4C, 3-8 days, HVV 80-85%

Not heated warehouses

Vegetables, potatoes


8-10 ° C, 5-8 days, HVV 80-85%

Heated warehouses

Dry products


12-15С, 5-10 days, HVV 65-75%

Cooled chambers

Wine - vodka products


10-15 s, 10-15 days, HVV 70-75%

D.row: Operational planning of production work

Scheduled menu: definition, purpose. Plan Menu: Concept, purpose, procedure for compiling and design. Factors taken into account when drawing up a menu plan. Menu: Concept, Menu Types, specify which types of menus are applied in the enterprise, attach the enterprise menus, evaluate the sequence of the location of the dishes, make output.

Calculation of raw materials and food preparation products in accordance with the manufacturing program. Drawing up the requirement requirement to obtain products from the storeroom (apply the requirement of the invoice). Distribution of raw materials between workshops, definition of assignments by employees in accordance with the production program.

Information support for prompt planning. Regulatory and technological documentation. Collections of recipes and culinary products, their varieties, content. Technological and technical and technological maps, their appointment, differences, drawing up. Features of the development and documentary design, introducing new and corporate dishes to the production of new and corporate dishes (to attach TC and TTK).

Plan menu- This is a daily program for the release of finished products. It is indicated by the name of dishes, products, beverages on the recipe, output 1 portions, the number of dishes per day. Operational planning consists of the following stages:

1. Study of consumer demand;

2. Registration of the requirement of the invoice for raw materials;

3. Distribution of raw materials on workshops and job chefs;

4. Control over the flow rate of raw materials.

A list of dishes in the plan menu has a specific sequence. First, there should be records on the list of salads, cold snacks, then - on first dishes, main second, drinks. Next reflects information about complex lunch and other dishes.

Responsible for the daily compilation of the plan-menu is usually appointed technologist, head of production or a chef enterprise catering. The document is issued at the beginning of the working day, before the process of cooking planned dishes begins. Considers and approves the plan-menu manager of the enterprise.

The main stage of operational planning is the preparation of the menu plan. The menu plan is made up by the workshop on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15 hours) is approved by the director of the enterprise. When drawing up a plan-menu, the following factors are taken into account: an approximate range of products recommended for the enterprise depending on its type and class, consumer demand, raw materials, employee qualifications, equipment equipment, complexity of dishes.

Based on the menu plan, a menu is compiled for consumers, where the output is indicated, the price. These documents are interconnected, when drawing up a plan-menu, it should be considered in account in what kind of menu is being implemented by consumers:

Menu with free selection of dishes;

Menu day diet;

Menu of diet food;

Children's menu;

Menu Business Lunch, etc.

Factors taken into account when making a menu plan menu:

1) Type, specialization of the enterprise

2) Approximate assortment minimum

3) Enterprise Equipment Equipment inventory

4) the availability of products in warehouses

5) Seasonality

6) employee qualifications

7) consumer demand

Collections of dishes and culinary products, along with industry applicable standards and specifications, are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering. Apply:

1. Collector receptor dishes on catering products (2011).

2. Collector receptor dishes and culinary products of Tatar national cuisine (1997).

3. Collector receptors of dishes and culinary products of the peoples of Russia (1997).

4.SBonik national dishes.

5. Collector receptor dietary food dishes.

6.SBonik Recipes School food dishes.

7. Collector recipes for preschool organization.

8. Collector recipes of flour confectionery products.

9. Collector receptor dishes of foreign cuisine.

The collections provide formulations, dishes technology, as well as raw material consumption rates, semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations on product interchangeability. The formulations are indicated: the names of products included in the dish, the norms of embedding the products weighing gross and net, the output (mass) of individual finished products and dishes in general.

Product attachments of gross products are designed in recipes for standard raw materials of the following condition: beef and lamb - 1st category, pork - meat, offal (except for udder) - ice cream, udder - chilled; Bird home (chickens, chickens, geese, ducks, turkey) - semi-threaded 2nd category; Fish is a large ice cream or all sizes, unrelated, for some exception; For potatoes, the rates of waste from October 31, for carrots and beets - until January 1, etc.

In each collection of recipes and culinary products in the introduction, the condition of all types of raw materials and products is indicated.

In technological maps, it is indicated: the name of the dish, the number and variant of the formulation, the rate of attachment of the raw net mass by one portion, and is also calculated on a certain number of portions or products prepared in the boilers of a certain container, the dish is indicated.

The maps also provides a brief description of the technological process of cooking and its design, drawn attention to the sequence of product bookmark, depending on the timing of their thermal processing, characterize the requirements for the quality of the dish, the labor consumption coefficients of the dish. Labor-intensity coefficients take into account the labor costs of the cook for the preparation of this dish. Technological cards on the side dishes are prepared separately.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developing on new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that produce and implement only in this enterprise. The TTK validity period is determined by the enterprise itself.

The regulatory and technological documentation that public catering enterprises also include industry standards (OST), enterprise standards (STP), technical conditions (TU) and technological instructions (TI) on products produced by industrial and harvesting enterprises for supplying other enterprises .

Business Director " __27_ » Martha 2015

Restaurant "Gastet"

Requirement-overhead number 1

Released from storage room Kitchen through Mother responsible. face ______________ buffet, kitchen, stall



If- honor


Pro- dazha

Square Vano.
















TOTAL: 2400.

Head ManufactureMulukova I.I.. CalculatorAlimova G.R.

Totalfivename bytwo thousand four hundred rub.00 cope.

Emptyil ______________Requireil _________________

D.row: Organization of the work of the main Production I.auxiliary premises

- familiarization with the structure of the enterprise's production: shop or befell, transfer production premises, administratively - domestic premises, rooms for consumers, technical premises.

Familiarization with the organization of work by plated kitchen and dining area:

The location of the washing kitchen and dining room dishes and interconnection with industrial premises;

Technological process of washing kitchen utensils and dining rooms; using detergents;

Washing kitchen and dining room equipment.

Distinguish enterprises with workshop structure and beef

The shop structure is organized in enterprises operating on raw materials, with a large volume of manufacturing workshops are divided into blank (meat, fish, meat and fish, vegetable), to catching (hot, cold), specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary) at catering enterprises which work on semi-finished products, the beech production structure is organized at enterprises with a small amount of production program, which have a limited range of products on specialized enterprises (snacks, skewers, dumplings, dumplings, etc.). The composition of the premises of the restaurant enterprises and the requirements for them are determined by the corresponding lights in them the following main rooms of the premises are allocated: - a warehouse group for short-term storage of raw materials and products in cooled chambers and non-stitched warehouses with appropriate storage modes; - a production group for processing products, raw materials (semi-finished products) and the production of finished products to the production group includes main (procurement and catching) Courses, specialized (Kondom Yersky, Culinary, etc.) and auxiliary (detergents, bread);

Trading group for the sale of finished products and organization of its consumption (shopping chairs with dispensing and buffets, cooking shops, lobby with wardrobe and bathrooms, etc.);

Administrative and consumer group to create normal working and recreation workers (office of the director, accounting, wardrobe staff with souls and bathrooms)

Washing room must be located next to the hot workshop. In small enterprises, the washing kitchenware is located on the area of \u200b\u200bthe hot workshop and separated from the production area by the partition. Here they should be provided: natural and artificial lighting, ventilation system, hot and cold water supply, sewage, as well as moisture-resistant walls, floors and ceiling. In the absence of centralized hot water supply, an electrical heater is installed.

A pinched tableware, a production and kitchen inventory, gastronomes from the distribution line, the details of the electromechanical equipment used for wiping, cutting, whipping and mixing are received on the washing. It is equipped with sealing tableware for dirty dishes, shelving for storing clean dishes, two washing baths, and also provide for a special container with covers for collecting food waste.

The received dishes are manually purified from food residues with the help of blades or brushes, after which they are placed in the first bath and wash with the addition of degreasing means at a temperature of 45-50 "s. In the second bath, the dishes are rinsed with hot water at 60-65" s. It is convenient to use a special fragrant device for these purposes. Pure dishes are laid on shelving for drying. Details of electromechanical equipment after washing are calcined in hot firing cabinets at a temperature of 180-200 "Cut for 5-7 minutes.

D.phan: Organization of labor of personnel in production

Public catering staff: administrative and administrative, production, service, auxiliary.

Production personnel. Main categories of manufacturing workers. Characteristics of individual categories of production personnel. Personal requirements in accordance with GOST 50935-2007 "Catering services. Personnel requirements. " Create demands on the cook, heading production according to GOST 50935-2007 "Catering services. Personnel Requirements "and conclude by personnel working at the enterprise at the place of practice.

Modes of labor and recreation workers of production. Schedules to work, types of graphs. Choice of graphics in accordance with the mode of operation of the enterprise, loading the hall. Attach a schedule for the work personnel for a month. Determining the number of production workers in catering establishments.

Personal requirements in accordance with GOST 50935-2007 "Catering services. Personnel requirements. "

The cook should:

Have vocational education and possess practical skills or pass professional training;

Know the recipes and technology for the production of public catering products, requirements for the quality of semi-finished products, dishes, culinary products;

To know and apply techniques in practice and the sequence of technological operations in culinary processing, modes and methods of processing raw materials, food and semi-finished products;

Observe sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the production of public catering products, conditions and terms of shelf life and sales of products, Rules of the Commercial Neighborhood

Know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of public catering products, signs of ill-quality of semi-finished products, dishes and products;

To know the foundations of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, the characteristic of diets, the features of culinary processing of products in the preparation of dietary dishes (for personnel of catering enterprises of the corresponding profile);

To know the foundations of school and baby food and the features of the production of public catering for schoolchildren and children (for staff of public catering enterprises of the relevant profile);

To be able to use in the work Collections of recipes and products, technical and technological and technological maps, other technical documents;

Know the features of cooking, design and filing (decoration) of national, corporate dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines, special dishes (for staff of restaurants and luxury bars and the highest or catering enterprises of the corresponding profile);

Know the principles of work and the rules of operation of technological equipment used in the preparation of public catering products;

Know the rules and techniques of portioning, design and filing (decoration) dishes, including when servicing special events, as well as when servicing a specific consumer contingent.

Requirements, head of production according to GOST 50935-2007 "Catering services. Personnel requirements. "

Director (manager, manager, head of public catering should:

Have higher or secondary vocational education; Experience in the specialty and (or) to undergo additional professional training;

To know the basics of legislation on administrative offenses and the basics of labor legislation, the rules for the provision of public catering services regulatory, technical and other documents relating to its professional activities;

Carry out the management of the production and economic and trade and service activities of the catering enterprise;

Organize the timely provision of the enterprise with food products and materials necessary for the conduct of the production and trade and service process;

Ensure a high level of production efficiency, the introduction of modern equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and organization of labor;

Control the volume of production and quality of products and services at catering;

Organize personnel alignment, taking into account its specialty and qualifications, work experience, personal qualities;

Know a foreign language (English and / or the corresponding specialization of the enterprise) within the conversational minimum and professional terminology (for the staff of restaurants and luxury bars and the highest);

Monitor compliance with safety instructions, labor protection requirements, fire safety, sanitary orders in workplaces;

To organize the evacuation of consumers from an enterprise in emergency situations, to provide emergency services (militia, ambulance, fire service) if necessary.

In the first half of the day - the period of workability, followed by a period of maximum sustainable performance, and behind it - the period of appearance and increase in fatigue. After the lunch break, the performance first decreases somewhat, and then rises. By the end of the day, there is a decline in operability and increases fatigue.

The main rest during the working day is a lunch break. It is physically established that at 7--8-hour working day, the dining break should be installed 3--4 h after the start of work. The incorrect organization of labor and recreation can lead to worker overwork, which will immediately affect its performance.

Properly designed and observed in the enterprise, labor and recreation provides an increase in labor productivity, improving the quality of products, reduces production injuries. In order to establish a routine of work at each enterprise, work schedules are drawn up. Different day, monthly and annual graphics. In daily charts reflect the duration of the working day, its beginning and the end, time and duration of the lunch break. In monthly schedules, the total number of hours per month, the alternation of working days and rest days is indicated.

In accordance with the labor legislation, the Working Week is 40 hours. Part-time is established by agreement: between the workers and the administration and for juvenile.

The abnormal working day is established for those catering workers, the work of which is not allowed to account for the time, but the number of working hours worked in a month must meet the labor legislation or additional leave is provided as compensation.

The duration of daily work (shift) in accordance with Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "Duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed:

For employees aged from fifteen to sixteen years - 5 hours, between the ages of sixteen to eighteen - 7 hours;

For students of general education institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, which combines studying during the school year, between the ages of fourteen to sixteen - 2.5 hours, from sixteen to eighteen years old - 3.5 hours;

For disabled people - in accordance with medical conclusion.

For workers employed in works with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, where there is an abbreviated duration of working time, the maximum permissible duration of daily work (shift) may not exceed 8 hours at a 36-hour working week 6 hours at a 30-hour week and less.

Irregular working hours - This is a special mode of operation, in accordance with which individual employees can by order of the employer, if necessary, to be rapidly involved in the fulfillment of their labor functions outside the normal duration of working time. The list of posts of workers with an abnormal working day is established by the collectives of the contract, agreement or the rules of the organization's internal labor regulation.

In accordance with the labor legislation, modes with a suitable, weekly and summarized accounting of working time can be applied.

Mode with a suitable working time It is that the workers and employees during each exploratory working day at a five-day or six-day working week work the same set number of hours. The start and end time in both cases is established by the Internal Labor Regulations or replacement schedules.

When removable work (when the work is not made in one, and in two or three shifts), the working time mode is set by replacement schedules. They indicate the number of shifts and their duration, the start time and end of work in each shift, the order of transition from one shift to another.

Each group of workers should work during the required duration of working time.

Employees alternate on shifts evenly, i.e. after a certain time

D.phana: Implementation of finished products in production

Familiarization with the location of the transfer, interconnection with industrial premises and the hall;

Examine the proposed forms of quality products and make a conclusion that are used in the enterprise.

Quality control formsproduced products

Planning and product quality management means a systematic implementation of measures to improve the quality of food, i.e. The development of organizational and technical, technological measures aimed at achieving this goal and their implementation.

Organizational measures to improve the quality of products:

Maintaining technological processes in strict accordance with the established requirements;

Providing catering enterprises with technical documentation, technological maps on dishes and products and regulatory requirements for the conduct of technological process at various stages of preparation of products;

The intensification of the work of culinary councils, which more purposefully consider issues of improving the quality of food, assortment of dishes and products, the introduction of new types of raw materials, development of recipes;

Improving technology, organization of production, forms of control and assessment of product quality;

The study and dissemination of the experience of the best employees of enterprises, as well as the culinary councils of enterprises.

The following forms of quality control of culinary products are recommended in caulaghi enterprises: Food Crael, Quality Screen, Market Right, Quality Coupon, Laboratory Control, Sanitary Control, Consumer and Technological Conferences, Quality Assessment Day, Report of the company for the quality of products.

Parameters of food carries out the marriage commission composed of: director (deputy) enterprise, head of production (substituent), engineer-technologist (if available), chefs with the right to personal defects, a sanitary worker, a technological laboratory employee (if it is available), and Also a representative of the trade union organization. In its activities, the Commission is guided by the Regulation on Food Marriage at catering establishments. Organoleptic assessment of the quality of each batch of manufactured products is carried out on a five-point system (excellent, well, satisfactory, unsatisfactory and not subject to implementation).

Records for assessing the quality of dishes and products in the marriage magazine, numbered and bonded with a seal. In the marriage journal, the names of those who allowed violations in the technology of manufacturing dishes, resulting in a decline in the assessment. The journal entries are confirmed by the signatures of all members of the Commission.

Employees personal MarriageThey themselves write data on the quality of them made dishes and put their signature. Then the data of the defective magazine is reflected on the quality screen.

Quality coupons,which are one of the forms of control, have not found wide use in catering establishments. The more progressive form of organization of production and quality control is the brigade forms of labor organization using CTU (labor participation coefficients).

In catering facilities, quality posts in industrial workshops and quality advice are organized, which includes masters (confectioners), manufacturing heads (heads of workshops) and experienced production workers. Their task is to provide practical assistance to employees in improving the quality of products in enterprises.

Quality Commissions are organized with culinary food combines, trusts. The meetings of the Commission held once a month are considered issues and decisions are made to improve the quality of products, the introduction of new forms of control, holding consumer conferences, competitions "Best by profession" and others.

Control over the quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, the correctness of the technological process and compliance with the recipes is carried out sanitary technological and technological food laboratories.The main task of them is to control the quality of products for compliance with the requirements of the guests, the exa, the observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime of the enterprise.

Consumer conferences,organized in enterprises once a month, there are full-time and correspondence. To conduct them, the Commission is created, which includes: the workshop of the production, specialists of the plant or public catering, the sanitary technological laboratory, representatives of popular control, etc. Heads the conference by the head of the enterprise.

At the conference, which is invited to the population (open network), workers (dining rooms in industrial enterprises, etc.), consumers express their opinions about the quality of dishes, assortment, service culture, the sanitary condition of the enterprise provided services, etc.

When conducting correspondence conferences, the personal method of consumers are handed over or decomposed on the tables in the hall-questionnaire hall.

According to the results of the conference, activities are developed and approved, the implementation of which should contribute to improving maintenance in catering.

When conducting technological conferencesan organoleptic assessment of the quality of dishes is carried out, and their physico-chemical indicators are determined. Each conference participant fills the tasting sheet for cooked dishes.

The work of the technological conference is completed by the filling and signing of the Protocol by all members of the Commission, and the basis of it is developed by activities aimed at improving the quality of products, service culture.

Public Control Groups (Commission) can participate in the development of the menu for the enterprise, control the release of dishes in the necessary quantity, assortment and quality, check the correctness of goods and dishes at their cost, mass, quality and settlements with customers, as well as observance of personal hygiene rules Employees, ensuring the safety of commodity values \u200b\u200bin stock, production, in a buffet, etc. The results of the inspections are issued in the control log.

Acquaintance with the composition of the distribution line (equipment included in the line, its purpose, technical characteristics) (Table 2).

Equipmente line distribution

table 2

equipment identification




































{!LANG-b11568bf82b72fdda46c9f6b7a87a4c6!}2 . {!LANG-e94fe573dfc34b286ec761858b00e17b!}





































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{!LANG-d493e9a539917dd250cee8bbcd98b9ee!} {!LANG-47d4a77ffc962aaa070fbc46e3048b39!}{!LANG-931c7f4e514c8e7133009325576ea707!} {!LANG-5f7d1cc47b6fe98c49c86e440797650b!}{!LANG-4056d20ee0524643ec532bfead831048!} {!LANG-197509500b02026e0fac55c9edc5e35e!}{!LANG-2fdc37a2454473317dc5bc1c41cbab14!}









{!LANG-fa51da088903bb1fe3ae1433d388aa36!} {!LANG-d71f34970d1eaba5d6860b2e6742c579!}{!LANG-5690ec9cd6dd00394249a78fa10d0652!}


















{!LANG-7ad3d415420bc8b6e0b4765a55205cec!}{!LANG-9a10e4a20a3beea69fe3afef7e1ccd1a!} {!LANG-fd475d8c66d6c49697f4232caf31c90b!}{!LANG-2df3aaf0a3d96087f6de14dd5e993ab9!}


{!LANG-ead00cf3a8d4a5549c625722eea9352c!} {!LANG-72af41b24db523665ba9215b8150b5c3!}{!LANG-bc47e3057b916afbbf3c083a57c33838!} {!LANG-916275dc18b479660c9b4d25d5c2b9f1!}{!LANG-e327baef5f5d01771e61b4d2814b71ea!} {!LANG-a71f3cd7096789e0bf9877a8c875b531!}{!LANG-41f8ba1d992d0f3a0b0cff3bb5a553bb!} {!LANG-86a68e14e941701c1208d26a815aefeb!}




















































































{!LANG-88ed582448238dedd35f50a5a5316f3b!} {!LANG-1b9b9741487cd9686a9013a4a08ccb0e!}


{!LANG-4418f759f7c7555df40d5f74ff090290!} {!LANG-7f92020f524e0cca9fcc4d052c852007!}


Explanatory note









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  • {!LANG-7d03c00c667e98a4a3a86c4bf3ab1f8b!}
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  • {!LANG-d4f826b6b81a3594672e76540ac27ef2!}

{!LANG-6073c87e95bec2ab3401b1e812f3d4cc!} {!LANG-bde0c30e50af44d0fa463e526065634d!}

{!LANG-88ed582448238dedd35f50a5a5316f3b!} {!LANG-1b9b9741487cd9686a9013a4a08ccb0e!}





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  1. {!LANG-e8518273e556bc8fcc503dcb5e6af554!}
  2. {!LANG-97b8410534c1ffd562a3e8110e2cadf1!}


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  2. {!LANG-51702f42feecec5bf79f1e441d5acf6e!}

























  1. {!LANG-74a6c76c3a3d6a685443bc81de24e331!}
  2. {!LANG-b8dd48b411c98f3b0b88c5bda9fb52be!}


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  2. {!LANG-276b22f4d3e91c9bd6500de1f990f4b1!}


  1. {!LANG-dfbc64e31d6a17d253830f55b4215c72!}
  2. {!LANG-5b8c0a6dced07d3bde233aa6b0194a80!}
  3. {!LANG-cad7c1740aabb95ace62b6157191149c!}
  4. {!LANG-e9e5092fd6d4042e1947539ceec0cc7b!}


  1. {!LANG-7dc1d620301c008c3d80048b9d90e0c5!}
  2. {!LANG-213b30d32def35622f6351ec99242267!}
  3. {!LANG-f517e84f3b47924288ff27e02de070e2!}
  4. {!LANG-a8b94577311d14e677ecdf16c7b15836!}




13.02.11 {!LANG-5bd49d552c2a16fdfc527c1084011293!}






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  4. {!LANG-9f40f7068459428d2ca804b7ea06b5ff!}
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  1. {!LANG-442a71dcc58f981a26a19d23260676db!}





  1. {!LANG-295e0ef994b84eaf125526a1b969d87b!}





  1. {!LANG-9ba14e37018fbc63f247bb1adf2daa1e!}





{!LANG-9e53b83e609659b1f6a2c563fd3a6f58!} {!LANG-53cbb2e7dbac0a2c589e084a3902565f!}

{!LANG-9e53b83e609659b1f6a2c563fd3a6f58!} {!LANG-f35dbe625bcce16f9bc707ee359396ef!}


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{!LANG-6c7044993ece720ef0e4bc8197e36f0e!}{!LANG-441c4364d115aadbdf95a5d5c2fdf703!}{!LANG-6c7044993ece720ef0e4bc8197e36f0e!}{!LANG-887c0affc5816e0ae3f85147bbdf308d!} {!LANG-13ae0cf740e6019b551d0fe4414b4cc9!}{!LANG-266773f5eab89d4d4c22978f4f0fb141!}

{!LANG-85001b2c58f593590c16ed8ce18309fe!}{!LANG-721740e0b30230b3705c0734a62e0a2e!}{!LANG-c6f6a073d940feca4ae653b0ab1fea97!} {!LANG-2a3e5bf19814dcdc1bb227575e63f933!}{!LANG-460645becc8f9edb72116751c11e49d9!}{!LANG-0d2acfd2bf409237b98c5c5e1c7b0a94!}



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