Biogas from herbs with their own hands. Raw materials for biogas. How to prepare raw materials for fill to the reactor

Biogas production technology. Modern livestock complexes provide high production indicators. The technological solutions applied to fully comply with the requirements of existing sanitary and hygienic standards in the premises of the complexes themselves.

However, large amounts of liquid manure concentrated in one place create significant problems for the ecology adjacent to the complex of the territories. For example, fresh pork null and loss belongs to waste having a 3rd hazard class. Environmental issues are on the control of overall bodies, the requirements of legislation on these issues are constantly tougher.

The biocomplex offers a comprehensive solution on the disposal of liquid manure, which includes accelerated recycling in modern biogas installations (BSU). In the process of processing, in accelerated mode, the natural processes of the decomposition of the organics with the separation of gas include: methane, CO2, sulfur, etc. Only the resulting gas is not released into the atmosphere, causing a greenhouse effect, and is sent to special gas generator (cogeneration) installations that produce electrical and thermal energy.

Biogas - combustible gasForming for anaerobic methane biomass fermentation and consisting mainly of methane (55-75%), carbon dioxide (25-45%) and sulfide impurities, ammonia, nitrogen oxides and other (less than 1%).

The biomass decomposition occurs as a result of chemical-physical processes and symbiotic livelihoods of 3 main groups of bacteria, while the products of the metabolism of some bacteria groups are food products of other groups, in a certain sequence.

The first group is hydrolysis bacteria, the second is acid-forming, the third is methanging.

As a raw material for the production of biogas, both organic agro-industrial or household waste and vegetable raw materials can be used.

The most common types of APK waste used to produce biogas are:

  • manure pigs and cattle, lips of birds;
  • residues from the stern table of CRS complexes;
  • trees of vegetable crops;
  • non-condational crop of cereal and vegetable crops, sugar coarse, corn;
  • and molasses;
  • muccia, crushing, fine grain, embryos;
  • drobina Beer, malt sprouts, protein sucks;
  • waste starch-meal production;
  • fruit and vegetable squeezes;
  • serum;
  • etc.

Source of raw materials

View of raw materials

The amount of raw materials per year, m3 (tn.)

Number of biogas, m3

1 Deutile Cow Unmatched liquid manure
1 Pig on fattening Unmatched liquid manure
1 bull on fattening Licketer hard manure
1 horse Licketer hard manure
100 hens Dry litter
1 ha Pashnya Fresh silage corn
1 ha Pashnya Sugar beet
1 ha Pashnya Fresh silos of grain crops
1 ha Pashnya Fresh grass silage

The number of substrates (types of waste) used to produce biogas within one biogasic installation (BSU) can vary from one to ten or more.

The biogas projects in the agro-industrial sector can be created according to one of the following options:

  • production of biogas from waste of a separate enterprise (for example, manure of a livestock farm, a sugar factory, bards of an alcohol plant);
  • biogas production on the basis of waste of different enterprises, with a project binding to a separate enterprise or a separately located centralized BSU;
  • biogas production with predominant use of energy plants on separately located BSU.

The most common method of energy use of biogas is incineration in gas pipeline engines as part of mini-CHP, with electricity and heat production.

Exist various variants of technological schemes of biogas stations - Depending on the types and number of types of applicable substrates. The use of preliminary preparation, in some cases, makes it possible to achieve an increase in the speed and degree of decay of raw materials in bioreactors, and, consequently, an increase in the overall intake of biogas. In the case of the use of several substrates, characterized by properties, for example, liquid and hard waste, their accumulation, preliminary preparation (separation on fractions, grinding, heating, homogenization, biochemical or biological treatment, etc.) is carried out separately, after which they are either mixed before The supply to bioreactors is either fed by separate streams.

The main structural elements of the typical biogas installation scheme are:

  • system of reception and preliminary preparation of substrates;
  • substrate transportation system within the installation;
  • bioreactors (fermenters) with the mixing system;
  • bioreactors heating system;
  • the system of removal and purification of biogas from sulfide impurities and moisture;
  • accumulative capacity of fermented mass and biogas;
  • system of software control and automation of technological processes.

BSU technology schemes are different depending on the type and number of processed substrates, on the type and quality of final target products, from this or that "know-how" of the company of the company's technological solution, and a number of other factors. The most common to date is schemes with single-stage fermentation of several types of substrates, one of which is usually manure.

With the development of biogas technologies, technical solutions applied towards two-stage schemes, which in some cases is substantiated by the technological necessity of effective processing of certain types of substrates and an increase in the overall efficiency of the use of the working volume of bioreactors.

Feature of biogas production It is that it can be produced by methane bacteria from absolutely dry organic substances. Therefore, the task of the first stage of production is the creation of a substrate mixture, which has an increased content of organic substances, and at the same time can be pumped by pumps. This is a substrate with a dry matter content of 10-12%. The solution is achieved by the release of excess moisture using screw separators.

Liquid manure comes from industrial premises to the tank, it is homogenized with a submersible stirrer, and the submersible pump is supplied to the separation workshop on the auger separators. The liquid fraction accumulates in a separate tank. A solid fraction is loaded into a solid raw material feeder.

In accordance with the loading schedule of the substrate in the ferment, according to the developed program, the pump is periodically turned on, the liquid fraction in the fermentary and at the same time turns on the hardening loader. As an option, the liquid fraction can be supplied to the hardening loader having the mixing function, and then the ready-made mixture is supplied to the fermentarian on the developed loading program. Inclusive are short-lived. This is done to prevent the excessive arrival of the organic substrate to the fermenta, as it can disrupt the balance of substances and cause the desstabilization of the process in the ferment. At the same time, the pumps pumped the digitate from the fermentor to the chosenor and from the chopper to the Digiesta drive (lagoon) to prevent the fermentore and the chosenor overflowing.

The mass of the digestate mass in the fermentate and the massaches are mixed to ensure the uniform distribution of bacteria throughout the volume of containers. For mixing, low-kind stirrers of a special design are used.

In the process of finding a substrate in the fermenton, bacteria is allocated to 80% of the total biogas produced by BSU. The remaining part of the biogas is distinguished in the chimney.

An important role in ensuring a stable amount of biogas selected, the temperature of the fluid is plays inside the fermentor and the chief. As a rule, the process proceeds in the mesophilic mode with a temperature of 41-43ᴼ. Maintaining a stable temperature is achieved by the use of special tubular heaters inside ferment and choseningors, as well as reliable thermal insulation of walls and pipelines. Biogas coming from the Digiesta has an increased sulfur content. Purification of biogas from sulfur is performed using special bacteria that populate the surface of the insulation laid on a wooden beam arch inside the fermentants and choseningors.

The accumulation of biogas is carried out in a gasgolder, which is formed between the surface of the digiesta and the elastic high-strength material covering the fermentore and the chopper. The material has the ability to be strongly stretched (without reducing strength), which accumulates biogas significantly increases the capacity of the Gazgolder. To protect the overflow of the Gazgolder and the rupture of the material, there is a safety valve.

Next, biogas enters the cogeneration plant. Cogeneration setting (KSU) is a block in which electrical energy generates is generated by the generators whose drive is carried out by gas pipelines operating on biogas. Cogenerators working on biogas, have constructive differences from conventional gas generator engines, since biogas is strongly depleted fuel. Electrical energy generated by generators, ensures the power of electrical equipment itself, and all over this is released by nearby consumers. The energy of the fluid, going to cool the cogenerators and is produced by thermal energy minus losses in boiler devices. Thermal energy generated, partially goes to heating the fermentors and choseningors, and the remaining part is also sent in the underlying consumers. Enters B.

You can install additional equipment for cleaning the biogas to the level of natural gas, but it is expensive equipment and is used only if the goal of the BSU is not the production of thermal and electrical energy, but the production of fuel for gas pipes. The tested and most frequently used biogas cleaning technologies are water absorption, adsorption on pressure carrier, chemical deposition and membrane separation.

The energy efficiency of the BSU largely depends on both the chosen technology, materials and the design of the main structures and the climatic conditions in the area of \u200b\u200btheir location. The average consumption of thermal energy to heating bioreactors in a temperate climatic belt is 15-30% of the energy produced by cogenerators (gross).

The total energy efficiency of the biogas complex with the CHP on biogas is an average of 75-80%. In a situation where all the heat obtained from the cogeneration station in the production of electricity cannot be consume (a common situation due to the lack of external consumers of heat), it is assigned to the atmosphere. In such a case, the energy efficiency of the biogas tes is only 35% of the total biogas energy.

The main indicators of the operation of biogas settings can differ significantly, which is largely determined by the applicable substrates adopted by the technological regulations, operational practices performed by the tasks of each individual installation.

The processing process of manure is not more than 40 days. The digestate obtained as a result of processing does not smell and is an excellent organic fertilizer, which achieved the greatest degree of mineralization of nutrients absorbed by plants.

The digstrate is usually divided into liquid and solid fractions using screw separators. The liquid fraction is directed to the lagunas, where they accumulate to the period of entering the soil. A solid fraction is also used as a fertilizer. If you apply an additional drying, granulation and packaging to a solid fraction, then it will be suitable for long-term storage and transportation over long distances.

Production and energy use of biogas He has a number of substantiated and confirmed by world practice of advantages, namely:

  1. Renewable energy source (renewable). For biogas production, renewable biomass is used.
  2. A wide range of raw materials used for biogas production allows you to build biogas installations in fact everywhere in the areas of concentration of agricultural production and technologically related industries.
  3. Universality of the methods of energy use of biogas, both, for the production of electrical and / or heat energy at the place of its formation, and on any object connected to the gas transmission network (in the case of filing purified biogas to this network), as well as as motor fuel for cars.
  4. The stability of electricity production from biogas during the year makes it possible to cover peak loads on the network, including in the case of using unstable rewareness, such as solar and wind power plants.
  5. Creating workplaces due to the formation of a market chain from biomass suppliers to exploiting staff of energy facilities.
  6. Reducing the negative impact on the environment due to the processing and disposal of waste by controlled fermentation in biogas reactors. Bogase technologies are one of the main and most rational ways to neutralize organic waste. Biogas Production Projects make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
  7. The agrotechnical effect on the use of mass resembling in biogas reactors on agricultural fields is manifested in improving the soil structure, regeneration and increase their fertility due to the introduction of nutrients of organic origin. The development of the organic fertilizer market, including from the mass processed in biogas reactors, in the future will contribute to the development of the market for environmentally friendly agricultural products and increase its competitiveness.

Approximate specific investment costs

BSU 75 kwel. ~ 9.000 € / kwel.

BSU 150 kvel. ~ 6.500 € / kwel.

BSU 250 kvel. ~ 6.000 € / kwel.

BSU BIS 500 kwel. ~ 4.500 € / kwel.

BSU 1 MWEL. ~ 3.500 € / kwel.

The generated electrical and thermal energy can provide not only the needs of the complex, but also the adjacent infrastructure. And the raw material for the BSU is free, which provides high economic efficiency after the completion of the payback period (4-7 years). The cost of the energy generated on the BSU does not grow with time, and on the contrary, it decreases.

The preparation of biogas occurs in special, corrosion-resistant cylindrical hermetic tanks, they are also called fermenters. In such containers proceeds the process of fermentation. But before getting into the fermenter, the raw material is loaded into the tank receiver. Here it is mixed with water to a homogeneous state, with the help of a special pump. Next, already trained raw material is introduced from the container's capacity of the receiver in fermenters. It should be noted that the mixing process does not stop and continues until the receiver remains in the tank. After its emptying, the pump automatically stops. After the start of the fermentation process, biogas begins to stand out, which in the special pipes enters the Gazagolder placed nearby.

Figure 5. Generalized biogas installation scheme

Figure 6 shows the installation scheme for biogas. Organic drains, usually liquid manure, enroll in the heat exchanger 1 receiver, where heated with a heated sludge supplied through the pipe-heat exchanger with a pump 9 from methyenka 3, and diluted with hot water.

Figure 6. Installation scheme for biogas

An additional dilution of hot water drains and heated to the desired temperature is carried out in the apparatus 2. This is also fed to create the desired ratio of C / N. Biogas, which forms in methyente 3, is partially burned in the water heater 4, and the combustion products are displayed through the pipe 5. The rest of the biogas passes through the cleaning device 6, compressing the compressor 7 and enters the gasgolder 8. The sludge from the device 1 enters the heat exchanger 10, where Additionally, coolant warms cold water. The sludge is a disinfailed highly efficient natural fertilizer, capable of replacing 3-4 tons of mineral fertilizer type nitroposki.

2.2 Biogas Storage Systems

Typically, biogas comes out of reactors unevenly and with low pressure (no more than 5 kPa). This pressure, taking into account the hydraulic loss of the gas transmission network, is not enough for the normal operation of gas-grade equipment. In addition, the peaks of production and biogas consumption do not coincide in time. The most simple solution to eliminate the excess biogas - burning it in a torch installation, however, the energy is irretrievably lost. More expensive, but ultimately the economically justified method for aligning the uneven production and gas consumption is the use of amagol holders of various types. Conditionally, all gasgolders can be divided into "straight" and "indirect". In the "direct" gasgolders constantly there is a certain amount of gas, injected during periods of downturn in consumption and selected during peak load. "Indirect" Gazgolders provide accumulation of not the gas itself, and the energy of the intermediate coolant (water or air) heated by the combustion products of the combustion gas, i.e. The accumulation of thermal energy occurs in the form of a heated coolant.

The biogas, depending on its number and the direction of subsequent use, can be stored under different pressure, respectively, and the gas storage facilities are called low (not higher than 5 kPa) gasgolders (not higher than 5 kPa), medium (from 5 kPa to 0.3 MPa) and high (from 0.3 to 1, 8 MPa) pressure. Low pressure gasgolders are designed to store gas with a low-glance of gas pressure and significantly changing volume, therefore they are sometimes referred to as constant pressure and alternating volumes (provided by mobility of structures). Magolders of medium and high pressure, on the contrary, are arranged on the principle of constant volume, but changing pressure. In the practice of using biogas installations, low pressure gaggolders are most often used.

The capacity of high-pressure gas holders may be different - from several liters (cylinders) to tens of thousands of cubic meters (stationary gas storage). Storage of biogas in cylinders is used, as a rule, in the case of gas use as fuel for vehicles. The main advantages of high and medium pressure gaggolders are small dimensions with significant volumes of stored gas and lack of moving parts, and the disadvantage is a need for additional equipment: a compressor unit for creating a medium or high pressure and pressure regulator to reduce gas pressure in front of gas-wide-range thermal devices.

Increased energy prices forcing the search for alternative heating options. Good results can be achieved by independent biogas production from affordable organic raw materials. In this article we will talk about the production cycle, a bioreactor device and related equipment.

When compliance with the elementary operational rules, the gas reactor is fully safe and is able to provide fuel and electricity at least a small house, at least a whole agro-industrial complex. The result of the bioreactor is not only gas, but also one of the most valuable fertilizer species, the main component of natural humus.

How to get biogas

To obtain biogas, organic raw materials are placed in conditions favorable for the development of several types of bacteria, which in the process of vital activity is allocated methane. The biomass passes three cycles of transformations, and at each stage various strains of anaerobic organisms take part. Oxygen for their livelihoods is not required, but is of great importance for the composition of raw materials and its consistency, as well as temperature and internal pressure. Optimal is the conditions with a temperature of 40-60 ° C at a pressure of up to 0.05 atm. The loaded raw material begins to produce gas after a long activation, which takes from several weeks to six months.

The beginning of gas exit in the calculated volume indicates that the colonies of bacteria are already quite numerous, therefore, after 1-2 weeks, the reactor adds fresh raw materials to the reactor, which is almost immediately activated and enters into the production cycle.

To maintain optimal conditions, the raw materials are periodically stirred, use part of heat from gas heating to maintain temperature. The resulting gas contains from 30 to 80% of methane, 15-50% carbon dioxide, small nitrogen impurities, hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide. For use in the farm, the gas is enriched, removing carbon dioxide from it, after that the fuel can be applied in a wide range of energy efficiency: from power plant engines to heating boilers.

What raw material is suitable for production

Contrary to popular belief, manure is not the best raw material for the production of biogas. The yield of fuel from a ton of pure manure is only 50-70 m 3 with a concentration of 28-30%. However, it is precisely in animal life waste that contains most of the necessary bacteria to quickly launch and maintain the efficient operation of the reactor.

For this reason, the manure is mixed with the waste of crop production and the food industry in the 1: 3 ratio. As vegetable raw materials are used:

Raw materials can not be easy to fall asleep in the reactor, you need a certain preparation. The source substrate is crushed to a fraction of 0.4-0.7 mm and diluted with water in an amount of about 25-30% of the dry mass. In large volumes, the mixture requires more thorough mixing in homogenization devices, after which it is ready for loading into the reactor.

Construction of bioreactor

Requirements for the conditions for placing the reactor are the same as for a passive septic. The main part of the bioreactor is methyenk - the container in which the entire fermentation process takes place. To reduce the weight gain costs, the reactor is bought into the ground. Thus, the temperature of the medium does not fall below 12-16 ° C, and the heat outflow formed during the reaction remains minimal.

Biogasic installation scheme: 1 - raw loading bunker; 2 - biogas; 3 - biomass; 4 - tank compensator; 5 - hatch for waste extraction; 6 - pressure discharge valve; 7 - gas tube; 8 - hydraulication; 9 - to consumers

For methanenets by volume up to 3 m 3, it is allowed to use kapron tanks. Since the thickness and material of their walls do not interfere with the heat outflow, the containers are plated by layers of polystyrene or moisture resistant mineral wool. The bottom of the pit concreting with a screed 7-10 cm with reinforcement to eliminate the extrusion of the reactor from the soil.

The most suitable material for the construction of large reactors is a reinforced ceramzite concrete. It has sufficient strength, low thermal conductivity and high operational resource. Before filling the walls of the chamber, you need to mount the inclined pipe to supply the mixture to the reactor. Its diameter is 200-350 mm, the lower end must be 20-30 cm from the bottom.

In the top of the methyenka is a gas producer - a dome or cone design, concentrating gas at the upper point. The gas grolder can be made of sheet metal, but in small installations, the arch is performed by brick masonry, and then frown with a steel grid and plaster. When building a Gazgolder, it is necessary to provide in its upper part the sealed passage of two tubes: for gas intake and setting the pressure reset valve. Another pipe with a diameter of 50-70 mm is laid for pumping spent mass.

The capacity of the reactor should be hermetic and to withstand the pressure of 0.1 atm. To do this, the inner surface of the methyenka is coated with a solid layer of coating bitumen waterproofing, and a hermetic hatch is mounted on the top of the Gazgolder.

Gas removal and enrichment

From under the domes of Gazgolder, the gas is removed through the pipeline into a container with a water shutter. The thickness of the aqueous layer over the output of the tube determines the operating pressure in the reactor and is usually 250-400 mm.

After a water shutter, gas can be used in heating equipment and for cooking. However, for the operation of internal combustion engines, a higher methane content is needed, so gas is enriched.

The first stage of enrichment is to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in gas. To do this, you can use special equipment operating on the principle of chemical absorption or half permeable membranes. At home, enrichment is also possible by the method of transmitting gas through water thickness, in which up to half of CO 2 dissolves. The gas is sprayed on fine bubbles through tubular aerators, carbon dioxide water should be periodically returned and sprayed in a normal atmosphere. In crop complexes, such water is successfully used in hydroponics systems.

At the second stage of enrichment reduce gas humidity. This feature is present in most processing devices of factory manufacturing. Homemade dryers have the appearance of a z-shaped tube filled with silica gel.

Use of biogas: specificity and equipment

Most modern models of heating equipment are designed to work with biogas. Outdated boilers can be relatively easily converted by the replacement of the burner and the gas-air mixture preparation device.

To obtain a gas under the operating pressure, a conventional piston compressor with the receiver, set to work with a pressure of 1.2 from the calculated one, is used. Pressure normalization is carried out by a gas gearbox, it helps to avoid drops and maintain an even flame.

The capacity of the bioreactor should be at least 50% higher consumption. Sleeping gas in production is not formed: when the pressure exceeds 0.05-0.065 atm, the reaction is almost completely slowed down, and is restored only after part of the gas is daded.

One of the tasks you have to solve in agriculture - disposal of manure and vegetable waste. And this is a pretty serious problem that requires constant attention. Not only time and strength go on utilization, but also decent amounts. Today there are at least one way that allows this headache to turn into an income state: processing of manure to biogas. The technology is based on the natural process of expansion of manure and plant residues due to the bacteria contained in them. The whole task in creating special conditions for the most complete decomposition. These conditions are the lack of access of oxygen and the optimal temperature (40-50 o C).

Everyone knows how most often the manure is recycled: folded in heaps, then, after fermentation, exported to the fields. In this case, the formed gas is allocated to the atmosphere, and 40% of the nitrogen contained in the initial substance and most of the phosphorus are also flown there. The resulting fertilizer is far from perfect.

To obtain biogas, it is necessary that the process of expansion of the manure passed without access of oxygen, in a closed volume. In this case, nitrogen, and phosphorus remain in the residual product, and the gas will be accumulated at the top of the container, from where it is easy to dig. Two sources of profit are obtained: directly gas and effective fertilizer. Moreover, the highest quality fertilizer and safe by 99%: most of the pathogenic microorganisms and the eggs of helminths die contained in the manure of the seeds of weeding herbs lose their germination. There are even the packaging lines of this residue.

The second mandatory condition of the processing of manure to biogas is maintaining the optimal temperature. Bacteria contained in biomass, at low temperatures low-active. They begin to operate at the temperature of the medium from +30 o C. And in the manure contains the bacteria of two types:

Thermophilic plants with a temperature of +43 ° C to +52 ° C are the most effective: in them, the manure is processed 3 days, at the output from 1 liter of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe bioreactor, up to 4.5 liters of biogas (this is the maximum output). But on maintaining the temperature in +50 o C, significant energy costs are required, which is not profitable in each climate. Because more often, biogas plants operate on mesophilic temperatures. In this case, the processing time can be 12-30 days, the yield is approximately 2 liters of biogas per 1 liter of the volume of the bioreactor.

The composition of the gas varies depending on raw materials and processing conditions, but about it is as follows: methane - 50-70%, carbon dioxide - 30-50%, and also contains a small amount of hydrogen sulfide (less than 1%) and a very small amount of ammonia, hydrogen and Nitrogen compounds. Depending on the design of the plant in Biogas, there may be a significant amount of a pair of water, which will require their drainage (otherwise it will simply not be lit). What an industrial installation looks shown in video.

This can be said by a whole plant for gas generation. But for a private compound or a small farm, such volumes have anything. The simplest biogas installation is easy to make it yourself. But here is the question: "Where to direct the biogas?" The heat of the combustion obtained as a result of gas from 5340 kcal / m3 to 6230 kcal / m3 (6.21 - 7.24 kWh / m3). Therefore, it can be served on a gas boiler for heat generation (heating and hot water), or on the installation of electricity production, on the gas stove, etc. This is how the manure from its quail farm uses Vladimir Rashin - a biogas design designer.

It turns out that having at least some more or less decent amount of livestock and birds, it is possible to fully ensure the needs of your farm in warmth, gas and electricity. And if you install gas installations on cars, then fuel for a fleet. Given that the share of energy carriers in the cost of products 70-80% can only be saved on the bioreactor, and then earn a lot of money. Below is a screenshot of the economic calculation of the profitability of the biogas plant for a small farm (as of September 2014). The farm can not call small, but not a large definitely. We apologize for the terminology is the author's style.

This is an approximate alignment of the required costs and possible income of the scheme of homemade biogas

Schemes of homemade biogas installations

The simplest diagram of the biogas plant is a sealed container - a bioreactor, which merges the prepared alien. Accordingly, there is a hatch loading of manure and a hatch unloading of recycled raw materials.

The simplest diagram of the biogas installation without "frills"

The container is filled with the substrate not completely: 10-15% of the volume should remain free to collect gas. The tank is embedded in the tank cover. Since the gas obtained contains a fairly large number of water vapor, it will not burn in this form. Therefore, it is necessary to skip it for drying through the hydropitus. In this simple device, most of the water vapor is condensed, and the gas will burn well. Then it is advisable to clean the gas from the non-combustible hydrogen sulfide and only then it can be served in the Gazagolder - the gas collection container. And from there you can already breed to consumers: Serve on the boiler or gas stove. How to make filters for biogas installation do it yourself look in the video.

Large industrial installations are placed on the surface. And this, in principle, is understandable - the volume of land work is too large. But in small farms, the bowl of the bunker is buried to the ground. This is first, it allows to reduce the cost of maintaining the required temperature, and secondly, on a private house, and so sufficiently all sorts of devices.

Capacity can be taken ready, or in the dumping pita to make a brick, concrete, etc. But in this case, you will have to take care of the tightness and impassability of the air: the anaerobic process is without air access, therefore it is necessary to create a layer impenetrable for oxygen. The construction is obtained multilayer and the manufacture of such a bunker is a long and cost-consuming process. Therefore, cheaper and easier to bury the finished container. Previously, it was necessary to have metallic barrels, often from stainless steel. Today, with the appearance of PVC containers from PVC, you can use them. They are chemically neutral, have a low thermal conductivity, a long service life, and are quite cheaper than stainless steel.

But the biogasic installation described above will have low performance. To activate the processing process, it is necessary to actively stirring the mass in the bunker. Otherwise, a crust is formed on the surface or in the substrate thicker, which slows down the decomposition process, the outlet gas is less. Stirring is carried out in any available way. For example, as demonstrated in the video. The drive can be done any.

There is another way of mixing layers, but non-mechanic - barbittion: the produced gas under pressure is fed into the lower part of the manure tank. Lifting up, gas bubbles will smash their crust. Since all the same biogas is served, there will be no changes to the processing conditions. Also, this gas can not be considered the cost - it will again fall into the Gazagolder.

As mentioned above, an increased temperature is needed for good performance. In order not to be particularly spent on maintaining this temperature, you must take care of insulation. What type of thermal insulator choose, of course, is yours, but today the most optimal is polystyrene foam. It is not afraid of water, does not amazed with fungi and rodents, has a long service life and excellent indicators for thermal insulation.

Bioreactor forms can be different, but the cylindrical is most often found. It is imperfect in terms of the complexity of the substrate mixing, but is used more often, because people have accumulated extensive experience in building such tanks. And if such a cylinder is divided by a partition, you can use them as two separate tanks in which the process is shifted over time. In this case, a heating element can be embedded in the partition, thus having solved the problem of maintaining the temperature immediately in two chambers.

In the simplest embodiment, self-made biogas plants are a rectangular mold of a pit, the walls of which are made of concrete, and for tightness, a layer of fiberglass and polyester resin are treated. Such a container is supplied with a lid. It is extremely inconvenient: it is difficult to also be heated, mixing and dismissing a dropping mass, it is impossible to achieve full processing and high efficiency.

A little better is the case with trench biogas installations of manure processing. They have bevelled edges, which makes it easier to download fresh manure. If you do a bottom under a slope, then in one direction, the graded mass will shift and take it easier. In such installations, it is necessary to provide insulation not only walls, but also covers. Similar biogas installation with your own hands is implemented. But complete processing and maximum amount of gas in it will not achieve. Even with heating.

The main technical issues were dealt with, and you now know several ways to build a plant to obtain biogas from manure. There are technological nuances.

What can be recycled and how to achieve good results

In the manure of any animal there are necessary for its processing of organisms. It was found that more than a thousand different microorganisms participate in the process of saving and in the production of gas. The most important role is played by methanging. It is also believed that all these microorganisms in optimal proportions are in the manure of cattle. In any case, when processing this type of waste in combination with vegetable mass, the largest amount of biogas is distinguished. The table shows the averaged data on the most common types of agricultural waste. Please note that this amount of gas at the output can be obtained under ideal conditions.

For good productivity, it is necessary to maintain a certain moisture content of the substrate: 85-90%. But the water should be used not containing foreign chemicals. Negative to processes affect solvents, antibiotics, detergents, etc. Also, large fragments should also be contained for the normal flow of the process. Maximum sizes of fragments: 1 * 2 cm, better smaller. Because if you plan to add vegetable ingredients, then you need to grind them.

It is important for normal processing in the substrate to maintain the optimal level of the pH: within 6.7-7.6. Usually the medium has normal acidity, and only occasionally acid-forming bacteria develop faster than methaniform. Then the medium becomes acidic, gas generation is reduced. To achieve optimal value, a regular lime or soda is added to the substrate.

Now a little about the time that is necessary on the processing of manure. In general, time depends on the conditions created, but the first gas may begin to arrive on the third day after the start of fermentation. The most active gas formation occurs when the manure decomposition is 30-33%. So that you can navigate the time, say that in two weeks the substrate decomposes by 20-25%. That is, optimally recycling should continue the month. In this case, fertilizer is obtained by the highest quality.

Calculation of the volume of the bunker for processing

For small farms, it is optimal to install a permanent action - this is when fresh manure comes in small portions daily and the same portions are removed. In order for the process to not break the proportion of daily loading should not exceed 5% of the processed volume.

Homemade installations for the processing of manure in biogas - not the top of perfection, but quite effective

Based on this, you can easily determine the required volume of the tank for homemade biogas installation. You need a daily volume of manure from your farm (already in a diluted state with a humidity of 85-90%) multiply by 20 (this is for mesophilic temperatures, for thermophilic will have to be multiplied by 30). To the resulting digit, you need to add another 15-20% - free space for collecting biogas under the dome. The main parameter you know. All further expenses and system parameters depend on which biogasic installation scheme is selected for implementation and how you all do. It is quite possible to do with reservoir materials, and you can order a turnkey installation. Factory developments will cost 1.5 million euros, installations from "Kulibins" will be cheaper.

Legal design

Coordinate installation will have to be with SES, gas inspection and firefighters. You will need:

  • Technological installation scheme.
  • Plan for the placement of equipment and components with the installation of the installation itself, the installation site of the thermal unit, the layout location of pipelines and energy trains, the pump connection. The diagram should be indicated by the threshing and access roads.
  • If the installation is located in the room, then the ventilation plan will also be needed, which will ensure no less than the eight-round exchange of all air indoors.

As you can see, without a bureaucracy and here it is not necessary.

Finally, a little about the performance of the installation. On average, the biogasic installation per day issues the volume of gas twice the useful volume of the tank. That is, 40 m 3 null-grade will give a day of 80 m 3 of gas. Approximately 30% will go to ensure the process itself (the main cost of expenses is heated). Those. At the exit you will receive 56 m 3 biogas per day. To cover the needs of a family of three and the heating of the average size of the house requires 10 m 3 statistics. In the clean residue you have 46 m 3 per day. And this is a small installation.


Having invested a certain amount of funds to the biogasic installation device (with their own hands or turnkey), you will not only provide your own needs and need warm and gas, but also be able to sell gas, as well as high-quality fertilizers resulting from processing.

Questions how to reduce the cost of living heating, cooking and power supply, are concerned with many household owners. Some of them have already built the biogas plants and partially or completely aligned with energy suppliers. It turns out that it is not a great difficulty to get almost dark fuel in a private household.

What is biogas and how can it be used?

Owners of household farms are known: in a bunch of any vegetable raw materials, bird litter and manure, through time you can get a valuable organic fertilizer. But few of them know that biomass is decomposed not by itself, but under the influence of various bacteria.

Recessing the biological substrate, these tiny microorganisms allocate productivity products, including the gas mixture. Most of it (about 70%) is methane - the same gas that burns in burners of household plates and heating boilers.

The idea to use such ecotopucoses for various business needs is not Nova. Devices for its extraction were used in ancient China. Soviet innologists in the 60s of the last century were engaged in the ability to use biogas. But real revival technology survived at the beginning of two thousands. At the moment, biogas plants are actively used in Europe and the United States for the heating of houses and other needs.

How does the biogas installation work?

The principle of operation of the device for the development of biogas is quite simple:

  • in hermetic capacity, the diluted biomass is loaded, where it begins to "wander" and highlight gases;
  • the contents of the tank are regularly updated - drained raw materials recycled bacteria and add fresh (on average about 5-10% daily);
  • the gas accumulated in the upper part of the tank on a special tube enters the gas collector, and then on household appliances.

The diagram of the biogas installation.

What raw material is suitable for bioreactor?

Installations for receiving biogas cost-effective only where there is a daily replenishment of fresh organic organics - the manure or litter of livestock and birds. Also in the bioreactor you can mix crushed grass, tops, foliage and household waste (in particular, cleaning from vegetables).

The installation efficiency is largely dependent on the type of loaded raw materials. It has been proven that at the same weight, the largest yield of biogas is obtained from pork manure and turkey litter. In turn, the excrement of cows and scenes give fewer gas with the same load.

Use biocrya for home heating at home.

What can not be used in a biogas installation?

There are factors that can significantly reduce the activity of anaerobic bacteria, and even suspend the process of biogas production. It can not be allowed that raw materials with content come inside the tank:

  • antibiotics;
  • mold;
  • synthetic detergents, solvents and other "chemistry";
  • resin (including sawdust of coniferous trees).

It is ineffective to use already rotting manure - only fresh or pre-dried waste is subject to download. Also, it is impossible to transfer raw materials - an indicator of 95% is already considered critical. However, a small amount of clean water in biomass is still needed - in order to facilitate its loading and speed up the fermentation process. Disgraced manure and waste to the consistency of the Nehny manna porridge.

Biogas installation for home

Today, the industry already produces installations to obtain biogas on an industrial scale. Their acquisition and installation costs expensive, such equipment pays off in private households not earlier than in 7-10 years, provided that large volumes of organic volumes will be used for processing. Experience shows that if desired, a small biogas installation for a private house, the master owner can build it with their own hands, and from the most affordable materials.

Preparing the processing bunker

First of all, it will take a hermetically closing cylindrical container. Of course, it is possible to use large pots or welders, but their small volume is not allowed to achieve sufficient gas generation. Therefore, for this purpose, plastic barrels from 1 m³ to 10 m³ are most often used.

You can make such an alone. There are sheets of PVC, with sufficient strength and resistance to aggressive environments, they are easily welded in the design of the desired configuration. A metallic barrel of sufficient volume can be used as a bunker. True, it will have to carry out anti-corrosion events - to cover it from the inside and outside the paint moisture resistant. If the tank is made of stainless steel, this does not need to do.

Gas removal system

The nozzle for gas removal is mounted in the upper part of the barrel (as a rule, in the lid) - it is there it accumulates, according to the laws of physics. According to the connected pipe, the biogas is fed to the hydraulic reservoir, then on the drive (as an option - using the compressor to the cylinder) and to household appliances. Next to the gas feed is recommended to build a trigger valve - if the pressure inside the tank becomes too high, it will release excess gas.

System of feed and unloading raw materials

To ensure continuous production of the gas mixture, bacteria in the substrate must be constantly (daily) "feed", that is, add fresh manure or other organic. In turn, already recycled raw materials from the bunker must be removed so that it does not take a useful place in the bioreactor.

For this, two holes are done in the barrel - one (for unloading) is almost about the bottom, another (for download) higher. They are welded (flowing, incurred) pipes with a diameter of at least 300 mm. The boot pipe is guided up and equipped with a funnel, and the drain is equipped so that it is convenient to collect the recycled alien (it can later be used as a fertilizer). The joints of the joints are sealed.

Heating system

Thermal insulation of the bunker.

If the bioreactor is installed on the street or in an unheated room (which is necessary for safety), then it is necessary to ensure thermal insulation and heated substrate. The first condition is achieved by "wrapped" by a barrel with any insulation material or a deepening to the ground.

As for the heating, here you can consider a variety of options. Some craftsmen will plant the pipes on which water circulates from the heating system and mount them along the walls of the barrel in the form of a serpent. Other reactor was placed in a larger volume inside the water tank, heated elektrotenami. The first option is more convenient and much more economical.

To optimize the operation of the reactor, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of its content at a certain level (at least 38⁰c). But if it rises above 55⁰c, then gas-forming bacteria simply "boil", and the fermentation process will stop.

Measuring system

As practice shows, in the structures, the manual mixer of any configuration significantly increases the efficiency of the bioreactor. Axis, to which are welded (screwed) of the blade "mixer" is output through the cover drum. In the future, the handle-gate is put on, the hole is carefully sealed. However, such devices, homemade masters are equipped with enzymitors not always.

Getting biogas

After the installation is ready, the biomass is loaded into it, water diluted in the ratio of approximately 2: 3. Large waste should be crushed - the maximum fraction size should not exceed 10 mm. Next, the lid closes - it remains to wait when the mixture will begin to "wander" and highlight the biogas. Under the optimal conditions, the first fuel arrival is observed several days after loading.

The fact that gas "went" can be judged by the characteristic bouffaging in a water gate. At the same time, the barrel should be checked for tightness. This is done with the help of an ordinary soap solution - it is applied to all the joints and are observed whether bubbles did not appear.

The first update of the biocrya needs to be carried out in about two weeks. After the biomass is filled into the funnel, the same amount of waste organodes will fall out of the tap tube. Next, this procedure is performed daily or every two days.

How long is the resulting biogas?

In a small farm, the biogas plant will not become an absolute alternative to natural gas and other available sources of energy. For example, using a device with a capacity of 1 m³, you can get fuel only for a couple of hours of cooking for a small family.

But the bioreactor in 5 m³ can already be heated with an area of \u200b\u200b50 m², but its work will need to support daily loading of raw materials weighing at least 300 kg. To do this, it is necessary to have about ten pigs, five cows and a couple of dozen chickens.

Wizards who managed to independently make existing biogas settings, divide video with master classes on the Internet:


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