Fur headphones winter. How to sew fur headphones how to make soft headphones

Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, many people were able to realize their unraveling creative potential. It is precisely because life in the mode of offline, with hired, often far from creative labor, dries the original dreams of a person, tightening in the routine of everyday worries as if in a swamp.

The heroine of today's plot of magazine Reconomica. Once he accepted a responsible decision that had changed her long life. The prospect of work in the office she changed on creativity. Now Anastasia successfully sells his manual work, finding numerous customers thanks to Instagram.And willingly shares your experience with our readers.

My name is Dmitrieva Anastasia, I am 28 years old, and I have been two years old. From the earliest childhood, I had a terrible passion for painting and laying, I was engaged in the school of art and even finished it with honors. While studying at the Institute (in the specialty I translator and perfect) I always wanted to start my job.

My dream was the discovery of a small unusual shop, where I could exhibit my own exclusive hand work for sale. After graduating from the university, I firmly decided for myself that it was not mine to work by profession. At the same time, I realized that such a kind of work he stifles me, not allowing to be fully implemented.

On the way to the dream - how I started to make a smearing

Living in Moscow, I constantly looking for suitable courses on the special modeling of hair accessories. Finding really something worthwhile in the capital turned out to be not so and simply (in total, I spent almost 5 months on these searches). My happiness colleagues for work suggested a good wizard, just on teaching polymer clay modeling.

One of my works is a bouquet of polymer clay roses.

I study at courses and a lot of practicing at home

The courses continued for two months and there were not such a space amount as I thought at first, but only 35 thousand rubles.

After I finished learning and received a certificate about the end of the workshop, I began to start my skill for a long time and stubbornly at the weekend (after the main work), sitting at home. To say that the whole apartment was in the molds and special "rags" for phosphoric polymer clay, not to say anything to a smooth account.

I am a creative person and, probably, because such a chaos in my apartment was always ordinary for me. After about 3-4 months, I sufficiently pulled my skill on the modeling of various blocks of elite handmade and decided to finally realize my dream, selling them via the Internet.

Here is such an original birthday gift.

My first customers in Instagram.

In general, I decided to do in Instagram. own page under online store accessories from elite material. As you already understand, it cost me absolutely nothing that you cannot say about the first subscribers purchased to advertise on my account.

The polymer clay was worth 800 rubles in the store, for a piece in the form of 300 grams. On one product (hairpin, brooch or earrings) I left only 5-10 gr. material. I sold on average my works from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

When customers have noticeably added, I started doing special sets (earrings + rings), baskets with flowers (all from the same phosphoric polymer clay) And small miniature vases with filling from leaves and colors.

The original composition is a glass vase filled with flowers and leaves.

Business is gaining momentum

The shop of products from clay began to gain momentum and moved to the status of elite manual things (not only jewelry, but also things for decoration).

Six months later, after the opening of his online store, I had an accommodated clientele (through an ordinary sarafined radio), which brings me a very good income.

At the moment, from the date of the opening of the store and to today, I already earned clean
90 thousand rubles!

I have large orders, for example, 3-4 medium wicker baskets with large roses and small leaflets, also a set of hairpins and rings. The amount of this order is about 45 thousand rubles.

I like to sculpt. Since the person I am creative, it is extremely difficult for me to stop in one place, and the fantasy pouring through the edge does not give me any rest.

Earrings, ring and hairpin. All of the special clay!

Gorgeous business idea - fur headphones for women and children!

Since November 2017, when the first light snowball has already fallen, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating fur headphones for women and children from elite fur has occurred to me. sands, mink, sable). I had a hood from the old fur coat.

I went to the Internet and looked a few videos about how to make winter headphones do it yourself. The principle of work was very simple and took much less time than the heavy model of clay.

Implementation of the plan - where to get materials

Cutting on the long and smooth parts of the hood from the mink, I began to embody my new wonderful idea.

Then I visited Aliexpress and found the most primitive rims for headphones, literally for 5 dollars. I ordered 10 pieces at once and paid for the amount of 2,850 rubles.

Headphones came in a couple of weeks, not postponing, I immediately began to embody his. I do not hide, my first fur headphones looked at the head just delightfully (even much better than in the training rollers from the Internet).

This is how one of my products looks like.

On this I decided not to stop.

I ordered special Australian rhinestones for my fur creations (if more precisely, Preciosa crystals in the form of oval, 144 pcs. And a few round, 96 pcs.) All this cost me at 13,000 rubles. with kopecks.

After I received by mail my rhinestones personally in hand, I literally ran home to sew them to the rim to my fur headphones.

Made it elementary simply: with the help of an ordinary thread and needles. The resulting beauty immediately photographed and posted in his already existing branded online store in Instagram..

The first customer for fur headphones appeared in the evening of the same day!

The cost of winter headphones today in my store is 5-15 thousand rubles. Depending on the type of fur, the shape of the rhinestone and the quality of the rim on the product itself.

I change the direction of activity

Of course, the modeling of a polymer phosphoric clay brought me a fairly good earnings, but unfortunately, with time it became completely unjustified in terms of labor costs.

Some costs of working with clay

Time for any large product (basket or vase) from clay is a lot of things, about whole days, sometimes even two. First, the form should "grab" and dry to purchase the desired form. Then, if necessary, it is necessary to apply special flavored oil (from roses, meadow flowers, orchids, lilies, etc.).

But the most annoying is frequent no high-quality polymer phosphoric clay in specialized stores.

Hair clip "White rose".

The first time when there was a huge number of orders, but there were difficulties with the material, I tried to carry out orders using another polymer clay (much lower quality). As a result - the shape of the colors was bad and weakly kept. Customers, everything as one, began to complain about the resulting crackers in clay, and many asked to return the money back.

Last drop in patience

In order not to lose good income and not fall into the dirt face, dropping the reputation of the store, I decided to stop selling any clay products at all (until high-quality material appears in stores). After such unpleasant costs with the modeling and its further implementation, I radically revised my sales policy.

Spend a day only on the manufacture of one blocking or brooches I'm tired.

And here's another sample!

The former occupation ceased to bring moral satisfaction, and the pursuit of the desired "super-quality" clay began to strain me fairly.

No, now only fur headphones!

I can not say this about the manufacture of winter fur headphones. I always have fur and rhinestones, and in case of acute necessity, I can always order another material ending for them.

I need to buy everything on Aliexpress

Surely every second of you knows that on Aliexpress a large number of similar goods. This allows me to not worry about the shortage of the consumable material (in contrast to the business with phosphoric polymer clay).

By the way, on the manufacture of one fur headphones, I will have an average of 2 to 4 hours a day. Plus, there is a colossal payback from the initial cost of consumables.

As I wrote above, summing up my whole experience, the income from the sale of my products, in general, I get very good. But if we consider everything from the point of view of profitability and prospects, then

Today, the business on the sale of winter headphones brings me much more profit (and even moral satisfaction).

My store selling elite jewelry from polymer clay is still alive, and I sometimes perform large orders for my old customers.

Nevertheless, all free time I now invest only in the development of my new, I repeat, the most profitable business on fur headphones.

My followers - how to start a business in Handmade

In conclusion, I want to give a few useful tips to those who decide to follow my example:

  • First, choose the material carefullyFrom which you will perform work. High quality and there is a guarantee of great success in the sales market.
  • Secondly, have perseverance and patience, After all, the modeling or manufacture of even the most elementary headphones is a long enough process that requires accuracy and care.
  • Thirdly, If you decide to engage in specific headphones and apply rhinestones on their rims, buy Australian rhinestones and only sewn.

The fact is that ordinary glue rhinestones Quickly dry and will soon disappear. In addition, if they are purchased in a cheap store, then they will not have an impeccable beautiful overflow and shine. As a result, you lose customers, and your reputation will quickly fall

And we will tell you how to make fur headphones with your own hands literally per hour!

You will need:

✂ artificial or natural fur

✂ Scissors

✂ Portnovsky chalk

✂ Sinypron or any other filler

✂ Bezel with a fabric surface, for example, velvet

✂ Threads and needle for sewing

Step 1

On the usual sheet paper, draw a circle with a diameter of OK. 10 cm and cut out.

Step 2.

Enter the circle on the wrong side of the artificial fur and with the help of a specular chalk, transfer the outline circuits. Or use any round item of a suitable size, as shown in the photo.

Step 3.

Pour 4 parts with 1 cm allowances.

Step 4.

Fold the parts from the fur to the front parties to each other, paying attention to the direction of the pile. Skolith or sweep, and then stick to the open small plot for turning.

Step 5.

Remove the details of the headphones on the front side and fill them with syntheps. And then put on the parts on the base of the rim on each side. Open hole squeeze manually by secret stitches, while neatly the "ears" suite is tissue based.

Choosing fur headphones instead of headlife, remember that this accessory is directly related to sports, youth and style Casual!

Headphones from long-tested or natural fur look more effectively.

If you want to add a note of Glamor to this accessory, decorate the rim by the beads, rhinestones, chains. To decorate rims, covered with leather, use glue decorative elements.

Source and photo: Reniqlo.co.uk

How to sew fur headphones

In the cold season, when heat and comfort appreciated in clothes much more of its unusualness and originality, you can combine these qualities.

Not all people love to wear a cap, but in order to keep their heads in warm, you can replace the cap with fur headphones. Such headphones are easy to sew their own arms from artificial / natural fur.

Fur headphones will not save from winter jellows, from the chilling wind, but in the offseason they can be simply indispensable. It is possible to make fur headphones very quickly, in just 2-3 hours, and they will serve the entire autumn before the onset of real cold weather and and in the spring of April, April will help to wait.

So, what we need:
1) old headphones (since I was not old, I bought inexpensive new)
2) Natural or artificial fur
3) scissors and cutter (blade)
4) threads and needle
5) For the basics of headphones woolen or x / b threads, or you can buy ready-made knitwear.
6) Velcro for cleaning clothes
7) and of course a good mood

From headphones cut off all unnecessary wires.
I rid of the rod with woolen threads. For those who do not know how to knit, you can buy a piece of knitwear and cover them with the basis of headphones. (You can also use the sleeve from the old sweater)
Then you need to measure the diameter of the headset, I came out 6 cm. Blacks in the skin of the circle with a diameter of 8 cm, a total of 4 circles.

Corrently cut with a sharp cutter or blade. Here you need to be extremely attentive, so as not to cut the fur yourself, we cut only the skin.

Circles fold the front side to each other and sew half.

Then we turn out and put on the headphone

Gentively do up to the end, so that there is no thread seen.

We also do the same with the second headset

And voila, headphones are ready. That's what I did!

Video master class on how to sew fur headphones:

And some more photos of headphones for inspiration!


Fur is a fashion trend for several seasons in a row. Especially relevant products from it in the cold season. , shoes, caps, mittens, outerwear - all this will not only warm, but also gives a great mood of your owner, because it looks incredibly beautiful and effectively. Another bright accessory of their fur is fur headphones.

Warm and stylish fur headphones

Do not pay attention to winter headphones is impossible. They wonderfully look both on children and adult ladies, giving a kind of highlight. Large and small, volumetric and not very, in a restrained color scheme or bright colors, with natural expensive fur or artificial - each can choose the product to your taste. Such a variety guarantees the ability to choose an accessory for almost any image, because it will look great and in combination with an elegant fur coat, and a stylish down jacket, and a sports jacket.

Winter headphones are an excellent thing for practical women who, afraid to spoil the hairstyle, do not wear a headdress. The warm accessory will be able to protect the ears and is perfect for cool, but not very cold weather.

Want to add some brightness and charm your appearance? You can purchase such headphones in the nearest store or make them with your own hands.

How to sew fur headphones independently

Sew fur headphones very simple. The main thing is to have the necessary materials at hand and apply a bit of talent and fantasy. Already considered the headphones, it is possible, creatively approaching the solution to the issue, assume several options for its creation.

Method number 1. You can take ordinary headphones that are not used for a direct purpose and, having robing them from unnecessary wires and cord, fix the most optimal size for your head. The rim can be left as it is, if in color it is harmoniously combined with fur. In the opposite case, re-arrange it with ribbon, cloth, leather, fur, or tie a woolen thread cover for him. The decor can be performed using a glue for needlework or thread. It all depends on your opportunities and desires.

Applying headphones, cut out two double mug from fur. Sew them manually or on a typewriter, leaving a small piece of unstable. Remove the finished parts and put them on the headphones. Fix. If you wish, you can decorate the headphones from fur bow, rhinestones, stones or other elements.

Method number 2. If you do not have unnecessary headphones, it is possible to make a fur accessory differently. Take the usual rim and attach round parts from solid material, such as plastic or dense cardboard. On solid details on both sides, fix the mug of the foam rubber, which in diameter a little more base. Depending on the size of the headphones formed, select two double parts made of fur and scratch them not to the end. Remove and put on. If necessary, then decorate the rim.


  • Instead of a synthet board, you can use cotton wool or other soft material that protects the ear from the pressure of the rim.
  • Details do not need to be cut off completely from fur. For the inside, the other soft fabric is wonderfully suitable.
  • For winter headphones, a fur of old collars or fur coats can be used. If necessary, its appearance can be reanimated with painting.

Fur headphones are a great way to remain fashionable, stylish and original, and the accessory made by your own hands is the opportunity to show your designer abilities.

With the onset of the cold season, many needlewomen draw their attention to winter accessories. And not in vain, because they, with a creative approach, can not only warm in frost and struran, but also become a stylish complement of the wardrobe. Some of those are warm and woolen mitts, about the principle of which we will tell below.

Fur headphones

It is popular not only among young girls, but also among adult women seeking to look beautiful in winter and at the same time keep their health. Today there are many types of similar accessories on the market, but the best of them is, of course, those that are made personally.

To sew them, you will need such materials: A small cut of artificial fur (if any, then it is possible and natural), a piece of felt, the most ordinary hoop, thermocles, scissors.

How to do: 1.First you need to fold felt in half. Draw on it a circle, the diameter of which will be equal to the size of future headphones and cut. There should be two mug, as shown in the photo below. Make two more exactly the same.

3. After that, the second circle is applied to the first (you can put a bit of synthesis, but it is optional) and also glue, leaving a place for hoop.

4. Actions repeat and with a second pair of circles. Insert the hoop in them, having previously smeared its ends with glue. Wait for a complete drying of the product. Fur headphones are ready.

It's important to know: Headphones made of artificial fur can be washed in a typewriter or soak manually, while the accessories made from natural fur similar to them are recommended to ditch to dry cleaning, where they will provide normal care and purification from dirt.

In fact, this is not the only method of creating decorative winter headphones. So, instead of the hoop, you can always use real musical headphones, which are without needing are lying at home or durable wire capable of holding a given shape for a long time.

In addition, the surface of the hoop or the same headphones can also be decorate with a pretty cloth or tightly tie it with large threads. For example, it will look like this:

Tip: The one who uses for the manufacture of winter headphones is a real fur must remember - it should be cut only with the help of a blade so as not to damage the structure.

Headphones like this type may look completely different. They can be done as described above, and you can combine methods and methods, connecting the fur and knitted parts, piece elements and cute additions in the form of rhinestones, pictures and other cute little things.

After all, in the headphones, the main thing is that they perfectly fit into your image, becoming his addition. They look good both on long and short hair, they can be selected, both to the things in the style of Czower and to sports and classic outfits. The main thing is to always pay attention to their color, form and quality.

They can be made by monophonic, colored, sewn of fur with a long and short pile. It is even better to combine them with mittens, gloves or scarves made of exactly the same material.

Regarding the style and the rules of selection of shades, then girls with blond hair pay attention to beige, gray and light-pink tones, and bright headphones are suitable for ripe cherries, blue, orange or any other saturated shades.


Another useful accessory for winter is mittles made of warm fabric. They can be worn both on the street and at home, which makes them almost indispensable for those who constantly frown even sitting at the computer screen.

It is not difficult to notice, in most cases they look like knitted products, but this does not mean that they can only be made by those who can handle with knitting and crochet. Alternative base for Mittenka is an old anyone who does not need either a sweater. When using the latest new-fashioned accessory will be ready already literally an hour. All that is needed for this:

1. Split old sweater. Summary at its bottom of the rectangle with dimensions of 30 * 16 cm (on average, parameters depend on the size of the hand). It is best to do this not in the middle of the sweaters, and on the side - so that the product captures the side seam, which will get rid of the need to additionally sew two halves. Such rectangles should be 2 pcs.

2. Next, turn them out inside out and proceed to crossing the side seam. True, there is no need to forget about the hole for the thumb. It should be located about 2 cm below the edge of the mitten and have a length of about 6 cm.

3. For greater convenience, the needlewomen advise a little bend the inner edges of the hole for the thumb and enter them from the inside (the temperature of the tank is 1.5 cm).

4. Under the end, all the seams need to securely secure and unscrew the product. Glamor mitts are ready!

Such mitts will suit all those who have to work in cold rooms or outdoors in cold weather.

At exactly the same principle of sweaters, you can cut and cross the caps and mittens. So that the above things are better to hold on their hands, as well as on the head they should be painted from that part of the product, where there is a machine "Rubber".


For example, we will show how the cap looks like. To create it, you need:

1 . Take any sweater with a "rubber band", turn it out inside out.

2. Attach your favorite cap of simple cut to it. Circle it using as a template. It is important to leave 1-2 cm tissue on the seams.

Use your old things to create new ones, and then you will have many absolutely unique accessories existing in a single instance. And wanting to make them as beautiful as possible, try to show accuracy in everything: the seams must be even, and the stitches are uniform.


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