What does return of goods and money mean? The Aliexpress administration made a decision - to return the goods and money. What to do? Why is it unprofitable to return goods from Aliexpress to the seller

Experienced users of the Chinese online hypermarket recommend filming the entire operation of unpacking the package on a video camera. An amateur video will be strong evidence if there are claims against the store. How to return an unsuitable or defective goods on Aliexpress?

Is the game worth the candle

First, evaluate whether it is worth sending the parcel back. You will have to bear the shipping costs. Sometimes shipping is more expensive than the purchase itself. If the shortcomings are not very fundamental, you can get by with a partial monetary refund, leaving the thing to yourself. The amount of compensation is discussed through communication with the seller using standard form, accessible by the button "Start a dispute".

Action algorithm

Decided to send the purchase back? A detailed program of actions will help to avoid mistakes.

How to formulate a claim

Experienced buyers warn newcomers: do not enter into private correspondence with the seller, it cannot be presented as evidence of the administration of the Chinese trading platform. A careless consumer runs the risk of being left without money and purchases.

How to correctly send the goods back to Aliexpress and get the money spent? All communication with the store is carried out through a special application, which in the terminology of the hypermarket is called a dispute. The form is on the individual orders page.

The opening time of the discussion is limited. If you have confirmed receipt of the update and found any deficiencies, you can open a discussion within 15 days.

The main reasons for consumer complaints:

  • marriage;
  • discrepancy in model, size, color, material, configuration;
  • package damage.

When filling out your application, put a checkmark in front of the item about the intention to send the goods back. Attach photos or a video that clearly demonstrates the essence of the claims.

Add a comment on English language for a detailed description of the problem. Express yourself politely and competently, do not hang labels, avoid direct threats.

Please note: for one order, it is allowed to open a dispute only once, but you can repeatedly pause and continue the process.

"Good" from the seller

Serious stores that value their reputation respond to complaints fairly quickly. They offer to replace the product or pay monetary compensation.

If the seller agrees to the return, he notes this in the application and provides the address of the warehouse where to return the purchase.

The exchange of an old instance for a new one is not directly carried out, a three-step model is applied here:

  • you are returning the product;
  • full compensation comes to the card or electronic wallet;
  • you place a new order.


How to send a parcel back to China on Aliexpress? You have an address and 7-10 days to send a parcel and a response to the seller. Exact time, which you have, will indicate a special timer on the dispute page.

You can not refuse: delay the deadline for sending - the money will be returned to the supplier.

Pay attention to the packaging, it should be solid and strong. Prudent consumers film how the return is packaged - there will be something to present to the store if it declares a damaged container. Photographs that clearly show the recipient's address may also come in handy.

To save your own money, choose the most budgetary and unhurried delivery method - ground.

After going to the post office, write in the application:

  • track number of the parcel;
  • the name of the postal company;
  • site for tracking the movement of goods.

The Chinese resource takes 30 days to send. Then the timer automatically turns on for the seller, who counts down the same period of time to receive the return.

When the store confirms the arrival of the failed purchase, it will send you a bank transfer.

The return procedure is quite lengthy and can take up to 1-2 months.

At the post office, the operator refused to take the parcel, referring to a non-existent address? Check online maps for where the warehouse is located. If the mail was not mistaken, ask for clarification in the dispute.

Briefly about the difficulties

Record all your actions in the application: they will serve as evidence for the administration. Do not close the dispute until the problem is resolved.

The response time of the store to your application is usually limited to 10 days. You can check the specific dates on the application page. If the time is up, and the seller is silent, write a claim to the administration of the resource. In the language of Aliexpress, this action is referred to as "aggravate the dispute." In this case, mediators, professionals in resolving conflicts, are connected to the problem.

Issue price

How much does it cost to return an item? The further the addressee, the higher the costs. For shipment to a Russian warehouse, the consumer will pay less than for the same cargo to China.

The approximate cost of transportation will be prompted at the nearest post office. It depends on the weight and dimensions of the cargo. Don't forget to tell the carrier that you need an additional option with a tracking number - it increases the total shipping cost.

Example of a finished recipe

How to return an item to Aliexpress if the size does not fit? Discrepancies between the declared and actual dimensional grid are a strong argument that allows you to return the goods due to discrepancy.

When creating a request, indicate that you agree to the return and replacement. Attach photos and videos showing the problem. If the supplier accepts your terms, use the algorithm:

  1. Send the item by mail and send the track number to the store.
  2. The seller confirms receipt of the return and transfers the money.
  3. After receiving compensation, you close the dispute.
  4. If you wish, place a new order.

All items must be recorded in a standard order on the trading floor.

A similar procedure is carried out if a model is sent that differs from the one ordered in style, material or color.


Returning an unsuccessful purchase to Aliexpress is troublesome, long and expensive. The regulars of the resource recommend agreeing on partial compensation and keeping the thing for yourself. In the case of small defects, the amount of monetary compensation is 30-40%, serious claims promise 90-95% of the purchase price.

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, saved - it earned!

On this I want to say goodbye to you, all successful shopping!

Let's talk about returns. The information below does not apply to the return of items purchased from the Mall.

Hello. Tell me please. After the dispute escalated, the Ali team made two decisions - one in my favor for a partial refund without returning the goods, and the second decision for a full refund when sending the goods back to the seller. I naturally accepted the first, but did not know that now I had to wait for a certain time. The seller accepted Ali's second decision. A few days later, by mistake and unknowingly (that the closing time had not yet arrived), I pressed accept a second time (that is, Ali's second decision). As a result, now I have to return the goods. Is there a way out here? The fact is that now on the dispute page there is such a sentence with the link "You can also: Cancel the return." What does "cancel return" mean? Does this apply in general to the cancellation of the dispute and I will not return anything, or will it cancel my second decision to return the goods to the seller, while maintaining my first decision to partially compensate without returning the goods?

What should I pay attention to when returning a product?

If you decide to send the goods back to the seller, then you need to consider the following:

1) Sending the goods back is carried out only through opening a dispute. To do this, when opening a dispute, indicate "Return of goods and money." If you do not want to return the goods back, then never offer or accept a dispute resolution with such wording.

2) Return of goods is at the expense of the buyer. Before you open a dispute for the return of goods and money, go to the post office and find out how much it will cost to send the package back. Often, shipping from Russia to China will cost more than the product itself. Think about whether this event will be beneficial for you. Since it is usually advisable to send only very light items back to China.

How to send the goods back to the seller?

You open a dispute for the return of goods and money.

Wait for the seller to make your decision.

Wait until the seller receives the package and hope that the seller does not open a dispute.

If the seller confirmed the receipt of the goods, or did not receive the goods within 30 days, then the money will be returned to you.

Can a return be cancelled?

If you or the seller confirmed the decision to return the goods, your agreements have come into force. In the description of the dispute, a 10-day countdown will appear for sending the goods and adding tracking information. Nearby will be the inscription "You can also Cancel the return."

If you click on the "Cancel return" link, this will mean that you refuse to ship the goods and return the funds. That is, the thing remains with you, and you will not have the opportunity to open a dispute again in order to return the money. The same will happen if you do not add the track number of the shipped goods within the allotted time.

Do not forget that the administration of the world's largest trading platform was able to fully take care of its customers and provided for the solution of a number of problems and disputes between the seller and the buyer. According to the rules, the buyer must be completely satisfied with the goods received, which can be affected by many external factors. If the buyer remains dissatisfied with something, he has the right to open a dispute with the seller and subsequently demand partial or full compensation for the cost of the order, as well as decide to return the goods back.


How to exchange goods on Aliexpress

Why is it necessary to exchange or return goods? Each buyer at least once faced with the situation that the product he received does not meet the description stated by the seller, or it is not at all the one that was ordered.

Also, very often, any accidents can occur along the way of the parcel, which will lead to complete or partial failure, loss of presentation, and so on. Each of these situations requires special investigation and understanding of whose fault the goods were damaged. It could be the seller's fault, or transport company, but in any case, the goods to the end user must be delivered in perfect condition and have a presentation. To avoid unpleasant incidents, the seller must take care and pack the goods in such a way that they arrive completely unharmed.

If the product was damaged, or does not meet the declared quality, or was completely confused by the seller, the buyer has every right to open a dispute. A dispute is a great tool for resolving all sorts of unpleasant situations between a seller and a buyer. In the course of communication with the seller, the buyer stipulates a full plan of action, which will later become indisputable evidence for the administration, in the event of an aggravation of the dispute. Therefore, do not neglect communication with the seller during the dispute and pay attention to all the nuances. The buyer must have full proof of rightness and desire further cooperation. Thus, the whole essence of the issue of the exchange / return of goods must be taken into account between the two parties to the conflict situation, when filing a dispute.

As such, the concept of exchanging the received goods for was not provided for by the administration, but the goods can be returned and the quality can be re-received. However, this is a very lengthy process that can take several months.

What is an internal refund on Aliexpress

In the last year, the use of "" on . Briefly explained, these are representative offices and stores whose warehouses are located on the territory of Russia. The goods are sent directly from the warehouses to the buyer by internal mail. It is very convenient and fast way receiving orders, since the goods do not need to lie for weeks, waiting for their turn at sorting stations or at customs.

However, it often happens when buying a product in that the customer is not satisfied with the product received. In this case, the buyer has every right to return the parcel to the seller within 7 days and demand full compensation. Money. This type of product return is not called "Internal" and is part of the "Return Guarantee" function. It is the "Internal Return" that is an important and integral part of the working conditions of Russian manufacturers and stores in on.

Delivery of goods to the buyer when ordering in is carried out thanks to domestic carriers, so working with them is much cheaper and also faster. Therefore, the return of the goods will be much cheaper than sending it abroad. When opening a dispute and expressing a desire to return the goods, the seller provides the return shipping address to which the goods must be sent.

In some cases, the address of the warehouse may differ from the one from which the goods were previously sent. But it is necessary to notify the administration about this and find out about the possibility of such a return. This will save the buyer from a number of problems.

How to send the goods back to Aliexpress and who pays for the shipment

After the seller confirms the dispute and is ready to receive the goods back, you can also specify the time for the return shipment. Since the parcel can go to the seller for more than a month, this should be taken into account and immediately clarify this time. If the parcel did not have time to reach the seller within the agreed time, you can independently increase the time.

It is recommended that you keep track of the time and not miss the delivery time, because otherwise it will be considered that the buyer did not send the package and the money goes to the seller's account. And after receiving the goods, the seller has 5 days to examine the goods and confirm the dispute. From this moment, the funds will be returned to the buyer's account within 5 days.

Do I need to make a video filming of the returned goods and its packaging?

As well as the unpacking of the goods, and its packaging by the buyer, it is recommended to record on a video camera. The entire packaging process must be continuous and the product itself must be in the frame. This can become indisputable evidence that the buyer is in good faith and did not perform any additional manipulations with the package.

Thus, the buyer will be able to have indisputable evidence that the goods were sent in the same condition in which they were received. This will save him and the seller from additional disputes and will allow you to make a faster decision on the return of funds.

In what cases can you not return the package and get the full amount of money back

The most popular on are inexpensive goods, the cost of which can be as little as a few dollars. They are ordered in large quantities and it often happens that the goods can be confused by the seller, or had a non-marketable appearance. The very same delivery from the seller to the client is most often free of charge, so the final cost becomes an order of magnitude lower than similar products in local online stores. That is why it is so popular.

In the event that there was a question about the return of funds and the goods themselves back to the store, then it should be understood that the services of a transport company during a return shipment can be an order of magnitude more expensive than the goods themselves. Therefore, often the return of goods is unprofitable for the buyer and this should be taken into account.

When opening a dispute with the seller, indicate your desire to keep the goods with you and indicate in the comments the main reason - the cost of sending is significantly high and exceeds the price of the goods. In the item of the required amount, it is recommended to indicate 95% of the total cost, which will significantly speed up the process of confirming the dispute by the seller. The goods will remain with its buyer, in addition, almost the full amount of money will be compensated.

Aliexpress did not fit the size what to do

Who has not encountered the situation when the ordered clothes did not fit the customer in size. Thus, the buyer found himself in an awkward situation that the clothes were simply unnecessary. Everyone understands that Chinese sizes of clothes and shoes can differ significantly from European and Russian ones, and when ordering the right size, it simply may not fit. You should be prepared for this and correctly demand compensation for the money spent from the seller.

If the size of the goods differs from the declared one, you can request 50-90% of its total cost. The amount will depend on the difference between the declared size and the real one. Also, the amount may be affected by whether the seller helped the buyer in choosing, or not. If the mistake was made through the fault of the seller, then it will be possible to request a full refund.

If the size of the clothes / shoes did not fit, then most often the seller agrees to fully compensate for the cost of the goods if the goods are returned back to China. But it will be beneficial to the buyer if the cost of clothes or shoes is significantly high.

In any case, when ordering goods, be extremely careful. Study reviews about the store, the product itself and its description, track the delivery time and unpack under the close supervision of video cameras. This will get rid of the row possible problems and make shopping more enjoyable.

In the dispute, I decided to return the goods and money.

Recently, the administration Aliexpress for disputes with partial returns, decides on a full refund of funds and goods to the seller. Let's analyze this situation, is it profitable and in general, what to do about it?

Why is it unprofitable to return goods from Aliexpress to the seller?

Is it profitable to return goods to Aliexpress?

In most cases, sending the goods back to China costs even more than the goods themselves. The most difficult thing is with equipment and batteries.

Even if the cost of sending is less than the price of the goods, then you will have to work hard to send the package. First of all, a certain period is given for this, and you must also shoot proof on video, and still wait until the seller receives product. That is, you will not return your money soon.

The seller may deliberately delay the receipt of the parcel or say that the goods were damaged during transportation. Moreover, he can fraudulently prove that it is you who are to blame and the money will go to him.

What happens if the item is not shipped?

What will happen if you refuse to send the goods to the seller on Aliexpress?

If you decide not to send the parcel to China, then the seller will win the dispute and the entire amount will go to him.

To date, there is no data yet on whether this will affect the buyer's rating, but most likely it will. In addition, this may affect the decision of mediators in future disputes.

Should I return the goods to China?

  • If, in your dispute, a decision was made to return the goods and money, and even the time allotted for sending is counted, then first visit the post office and check how much the shipment will cost you. Or make your own calculations on the site Russian Post. You should not delay, as the timer will not wait, and you need to meet the deadline.
  • By the way, if your product is expensive, but at the same time it has a small weight, then its shipment will cost much less. So here it is worth thinking about actually sending it back if it is impossible to use it.
  • If the cost of sending exceeds the price of the goods, then you should not even bother with this and refuse to send it. The seller does not have to send anything and the money will go to him.
  • If the difference turns out to be very small, then decide for yourself whether to send the goods or leave what you have.

What difficulties can arise when sending goods to China?

Difficulties when returning goods to Aliexpress

  • Shipments sometimes get lost and stuck
  • The package may be damaged on the way.
  • The seller deliberately does not take the goods from the post office for a long time
  • The seller will be able to fraudulently prove that the parcel was damaged on the way or that you sent not what you received

In this case, when returning, follow a few rules:

  • The parcel must be tracked, so do not save on this
  • Record the entire shipping process on video. If the goods are lost or the seller starts a dispute, then you can prove the fact of sending
  • Be sure to keep your shipping receipt.
  • Track the parcel
  • Keep track of the timer and messages in the dispute
  • Carefully pack the package and film this process so that the seller does not claim that the damage was due to poor packaging

Why does Aliexpress decide to return the goods and money instead of returning?

Why does Aliexpress decide to return the goods and money?

It is surprising for many that, as it were, the dispute is resolved in the direction of the buyer, but at the same time the thing must be returned. Although the administration is well aware that sending is quite expensive.

Of course, no buyer wants to spend a large amount and end up in the red. Moreover, this operation will have to spend a lot of time and effort. In addition, the package may get lost or the seller himself may deceive and not return the money.

There are thoughts that such a strategy has been developed in order to eradicate fraud on the part of buyers and frequent disputes so that they do not have to give money to them. Himself Aliexpress in fact, as if he agreed to fully return the money, and the further situation does not bother him much. At the same time, they are not responsible for the fact that the buyer did not send the parcel to China.

What should I do to get a partial refund from Aliexpress?

  • If possible, then refuse the decision of the administration and again send a request for a partial refund without sending the purchase. Write to them that shipping is too expensive.
  • If you are already running a countdown, then contact and ask for a review of the decision. Calculate the shipping cost on the website Russian Post and send a screenshot. In addition, attach an order with a highlighted price of the product. Also compare them with a schedule and describe that sending is unprofitable for you.
  • You can try to file a complaint against a decision on an aggravated dispute.
  • Contact e-mail on the [email protected] and [email protected] with a request to contact mediators to review the decision on the dispute.

Video: How to return an item to a seller on Aliexpress? How to send a parcel to China?

Does everything possible to take into account the interests of visitors to the trading platform. For example, if a customer of a store is dissatisfied with the quality of the purchased product, finds a defect or inconsistency between the characteristics of the product as stated in the description, he can exercise his right to return the product in practice. Our club will reveal to you all the details of sending low-quality products.

The policy of returning goods is governed by the uniform rules of the system. Immediately after revealing the fact of receiving a defective product, which you decided to refuse, contact the seller. Briefly and clearly describe to him in English the problem that has arisen and the desired solution. Maintaining their reputation, suppliers with high rating will reply to your message almost immediately. Some may offer various exchange or refund options. It is always easy to come to an agreement with such loyal owners of rating shops.

The second category of sellers can ignore your numerous letters and play for time, keeping silent. Don't panic in this case. Remember that the team is always ready to act as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. To return an item back to China, you must open a dispute in your profile on the page of the ordered product. Back up your words cover letter by attaching photos or videos of the received goods. In no case do not get rid of checks and receipts, they may be needed to provide. Select the “Full Refund” footnote. Check “Yes” (yes) in the line “do you want to ship the goods back” (you want to return the goods back). Then wait for the seller to agree to the terms of the dispute. Once approved by the supplier, the terms of the dispute cannot be changed. The Dispute form will display a detailed return address. If the store representative does not respond to the offer, then on the third day you will have the opportunity to click on the Escalate Dispute button (dispute escalation). In this case, representatives of the site administration will act as mediators when considering the dispute. The system will give you 10 days for you to enter the track number of the parcel. After adding it, the timer will start. To significantly reduce your costs, refuse air parcel shipping.

Remember that the Seller will have the opportunity to open a counter dispute. Therefore, we advise you to pack the returned goods well and conduct all negotiations correctly.


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