Cover letters for internship abroad. Internship Motivation Letter: An Example. Algorithm for writing a cover letter

In the fight for a good internship, the brave wins - the one who addresses the company and says: “Here I am, a promising specialist who can do this, this, and this. I want to work for you, I can do this and that. For me it is a valuable experience, for you - a fresh look at things, ideas, knowledge and a responsible, inquisitive employee for the agreed period. "

To contact the employer, you need a motivation letter.

An example of a motivation letter for an intern

Specialty - translator. Desired internship - at a translation agency. The letter is addressed to the director.

“Good afternoon, dear Elena Vasilievna!

My name is Stas Narizhny, I am a student of the Tver State University, majoring in Philology, 5th year (full-time department).

I would like to offer myself as an intern. Languages: English, German.

Translation is my calling. I have studied with enthusiasm for 4.5 years, I am going to the "honors" diploma. Always dreamed of becoming a good translator to help representatives different countries and cultures communicate qualitatively, exchange experiences, find compromises in solving important issues.

One of my strengths is simultaneous translation. Five months ago, as an intern, I worked as a translator for international conference"Financial aspects entrepreneurial activity". I consider this experience successful: I translated the speeches of two speakers and took part in a round table (12 participants). I am enclosing the opinion of the conference organizer about my work (attachment).

I am aiming at an internship at the translation agency "From A to Z" for 2 reasons:

  1. In the professional community of translators, your agency is considered the best in terms of staffing and quality of work.
  2. It will be a big plus for me, and an honor, to work side by side with experts - to adopt practical experience, see the difficulties and solutions.

In exchange for experience, I offer:

  • Your knowledge of two languages,
  • Knowledge of translation theory,
  • The experience gained at the university, during practice, and outside universities is minimal, but it allows you to successfully complete typical tasks: promptly, competently, responsibly,
  • Personal qualities that I use in my work: the ability to easily find a common language with colleagues, build team relationships with mutual responsibility and mutual assistance, respect for the client as a person, the ability to communicate constructively with management in terms of "you need a result - this is the result."

I am ready to work remotely for a month (from 02/01/18 to 04/01/18), devoting at least 4 hours a day to work. If necessary, I will be glad to come to the office once a week, at a time convenient for the head of the internship. I promise the level of responsibility is the same as if I were a full-time employee.

I will be glad to receive a reward for the work done, if you deem it necessary to entrust me real tasks... On the other hand, I am ready to work in exchange for experience and your recommendations based on the results of my work.

I would be glad if you find an opportunity to answer me by e-mail [email protected] or by phone. [telephone].

Given the importance this issue, take the liberty of calling your secretary on Monday, 3.03. 18, after 14.00, to find out about the results of the consideration of my proposal.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Respectfully yours, Stanislav Narizhny. "

Motivation letter structure

  1. Who am I. What is my name, where do I study: university, specialty, form of study, course.
  2. "I want to get an internship."
  3. Why I want to get a job here.
  4. What can I give to the company / project (what I can do, what tasks I can solve, what benefit I can bring).
  5. When I plan an internship, how long would it be. As I imagine it organizationally (relevant for a full-time student who cannot sit in the office for a day in a row, because someday you need to study).
  6. Recommendations, if any.
  7. Acknowledgments for your attention.
  8. Please answer by mail or call (contact phone number is attached).
  9. Remark: “I'll call you Monday afternoon if you don't mind. If you are busy on Monday afternoon, please let me know when I can find out about the results of my question. "
  10. A polite goodbye.
  11. Signature (surname, name).

The process of finding an internship in stages

1) Making a list of companies

First, we think about where it would be nice to work as an intern. Someone needs a prestigious company so that the line with its mention on the resume shines like a star in the night and attracts the attention of employers. Someone more useful narrow specialization(for example, accounting in a spare parts and tire business).

Determining what skills are needed and compiling a list of companies. It is better to immediately draw up the data in the form of a table: company name, website, general e-mail (which is indicated on the website in the "Contacts" section, e-mail of the personnel department, e-mail of the head of the department of interest). And a few more columns to mark where and when emails were sent - to track the result.

By the way, you can search for coordinates not only of the company as a whole or of a separate subdivision. What if you get creative and look for the leader of your business unit on LinkedIn? The manager will be impressed when he receives, "personally in hand", a message from a competent young specialist who knows how to search for information, is able to communicate constructively to achieve the set goals.

2) Writing a motivation letter template

This will be an approximate text. It will contain a common part - which can be copied from the template to the letters, changing it minimally or not changing it at all. And there will be a variable part - which needs to be written taking into account the specifics of the company and its goals.

3) Create a high-quality resume

High-quality means that it fully corresponds to the status of a professional. No experience? This does not mean that the text should be uninformative, careless, formulaic. You will have to do the work manually and carefully write in your resume:

  • skills,
  • any practical experience: professional, volunteer, public,
  • achievements - everything that is, obtained in the professional and public arena (Olympiads, grants, certificates, diplomas, etc.),
  • personal qualities that may interest the employer.

4) We send employers a resume and a motivation letter

The text of the letter can be written in the "body" of the e-mail, and the resume can be attached.

5) We mark the sent letters in the table

This is useful in order not to contact the same company twice (three times), in the same section. Persistence is a useful quality until it becomes obsessive.

6) We are interested in whether the letter has been received

If you have a contact phone number, we use this: do not hesitate, call and politely clarify whether the addressee received the letter. This only needs to be done once.

A separate question - is it worth looking for an unpaid internship or expect to get paid? Of course, if there is an opportunity to receive a reward for the work done, you should not refuse it. On the other hand, it is easier to get an unpaid internship. Think that the time and effort you have invested is an investment in future professional development and career. If you are offered to work for a job in a large, prestigious company without payment, it makes sense to agree, because one mention of this company in your resume can significantly increase the number of offers from employers when you enter the labor market for real.

  1. Who is this article for?
  2. What is a cover letter?
  3. Algorithm for writing a cover letter
  4. Examples of cover letters
  5. What if you are not eligible for the selection?
  6. What is a cover letter?
  7. Algorithm for writing ML
  8. Examples of motivation letters
  9. How to properly send a cover letter and motivation letter by mail and not irritate HR?
  10. How to remind a recruiter of yourself if you haven't received an answer?

1. Who is this article for?

The tips and sample letters in this article will help students, graduates and aspiring professionals with little work experience (0-7 years).

For applicants with work experience, materials on this topic are suitable:

2. What is a cover letter?

Transmittal letter(English cover letter, abbr. CL) - an explanatory letter to a resume to be sent to companies, recruitment agencies or a response to a vacancy on recruiting sites. This is an important document for the first step in the selection of candidates for a resume.

It includes a brief announcement of the candidate's professional experience, the main goal of which is to attract the attention of the HR manager by the fact that you fit the requirements of the vacancy and encourage him to take action - to open and read the resume. The presence of a cover letter is considered by HR specialists as an additional advantage, and also confirms serious intentions candidate. In addition, on job search sites, you can increasingly find requirements that employers indicate in job descriptions, for example,

  • “Do not consider it too demanding, but it is important for us to know why you are interested in this position and why you believe that you will cope with the tasks indicated. Please disclose this in your cover letter. "
  • “If you have read the vacancy to the end, please write in the cover letter:“ Why should we hire you? ”
  • "Important! Before leaving a response for a vacancy - study the website of our company. Explore what we do. Understand right away if this is your direction. What can you bring us with your experience and knowledge? Do you have an understanding of the development of the company? If yours, then write why you want to work with us. "
  • “Dear candidates! Please write in your cover letter which competencies (professional, personal) in your opinion distinguish you favorably from the average candidate for this position. "
  • "Please describe in your cover letter why you are interested in this position."
  • "Please do not respond if you do not meet at least one selection criterion."

Therefore, the main purpose of CL is to clarify why your candidacy matches the position to which you are submitting your resume.
This type of letter should be quite short in terms of volume - from 2-3 paragraphs to half an A4 sheet.

3 CL principles

3. Algorithm for writing a cover letter

The main thing in writing cover letters is to be able to correctly show your expertise in the context of each company and vacancy. Here are the steps to help you with this.

4. Examples of cover letters

Position: analyst assistant

I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy of an assistant analyst.
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the competition for a company like X, which is included in the list of the 50 largest private companies in Russia and is one of the leaders in the field of consumer goods of daily demand. The stability of the company is important to me, and your company, even during the crisis, opened two new directions and is developing its own brands "X" and "Y".
I believe that I am a suitable candidate and will be able to successfully cope with the responsibilities described in the vacancy. That's why:

  • I am able to analyze a large amount of information in the context of solving diverse problems. I like working with numbers, in exact disciplines I had high scores at the university.
  • I try to find non-standard solutions in order to improve quality, while reducing the time spent on completing tasks.
  • I know the basics business correspondence, ethics and culture of business communication.
  • Proficiency level English language- Upper-Intermediate, I can translate and adapt texts.
  • An advanced user of MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point, I can make presentations, analyze and visualize data in Excel.

A high level of self-organization, attention to detail and excellent communication skills will help me become a productive assistant.
I would be grateful to you for reading my resume.


Position: manager for work with corporate clients

Dear employee of the personnel selection department of the company "X"!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "Manager for work with corporate clients."
I have more than 5 years of experience in the field of sales, of which 3 years in the B2B market: sales to large corporate clients. During the period of work in the company "XXX" has reached a new professional level and is very grateful to the company for gaining experience in working with large clients. Confessed best seller product, both for sales volumes and for the largest deal.
I have the skills of negotiating at the C-level. I own technology and sales skills, expert knowledge in the conclusion of large transactions. Able to think analytically and predict, develop and master implementation strategies, taking into account the specifics of a corporate client. I am able to independently search for clients and focus on the needs of clients. At the same time, I strive to establish strong business and personal contacts, which allows me to successfully increase the volume of concluded contracts after the first sale.
One of my strengths is the ability to work in a team. I achieve high results by building a working network of contacts, which helps me effectively interact with all related departments in the company.

I would be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can talk in more detail about my professional experience.


Position: copywriter

Hello Irina!
My name is Ivan Ivanov. I am writing to you about the vacancy "Editor-copywriter" in the company "XXX".
I can write press releases, articles, texts for promo pages, training scripts and scripts for videos, prepare mailings, edit interfaces and other people's articles. I can create marketing texts about complex software products.
I have 4 years of experience in mobile app analytics and web analytics. In addition, as a part-time job, he was engaged in copywriting in his free time. I speak the generally accepted terminology in the field of Internet technologies and user interfaces. My the target audience: web analysts, mobile app developers, and internet marketers. I love to understand technology and can describe complex things on technical topics in simple words, is able to work under tight deadlines. Ready to complete test tasks.

Looking forward to being invited for an interview.


Position: internet marketer

Dear HR-manager of "X" company!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "Internet marketer".
I have more than 6 years of experience in independent management advertising companies, mobile app promotion, SEO, SMM, content marketing, guerrilla marketing, Email marketing.
I know very well web analytics tools (Google Analytics, Yandex. Metrica), I can analyze and develop systems of performance indicators: audit traffic sources, set up goals, segments, events, calculate efficiency advertising campaigns, incoming traffic and key site metrics.
I approach my work creatively, using the entire additional arsenal of Internet marketing tools, looking for new ways and sources of online promotion, monitoring and testing online innovations.

Thank you in advance for your interest in my resume.


Position: PR manager

Dear HR-manager of "X" company!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "PR-manager".
I have higher education majoring in Advertising and Public Relations, more than 5 years of experience in marketing as a PR manager in a company that develops mobile applications for the B2C market.
I have the skills of information support for a new product, including writing texts, organizing interviews and client events, distributing press releases to industry media, searching and moderating published information on third-party resources. I have the skills of SMM promotion and tools for analyzing PR activities.
Key competencies:
development, launch and brand promotion;
analysis of the effectiveness of sales and promotion channels;
media promotion and social networks;
organization and holding of large events;
knowledge of marketing / advertising / PR-tools and technologies, principles of planning PR-campaigns.
advanced user of graphic programs: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw.
I am ready to work with full dedication, master new knowledge and constantly improve myself in order to become part of the team in your company


5. What if you do not fit the selection criteria?

But you really want and have a great desire, strength and energy to fight for this vacancy. There are only chances if this is a vacancy for young professionals. Then you should try to apply for this vacancy no matter what. The stake is on the fact that you are young, ready to study and work for less money. And enthusiasm has not yet been canceled. As John Rockefeller, the first dollar billionaire in human history, said: "I would rather hire someone who is enthusiastic than someone who knows everything." Also, recruiters love most of all when a young specialist has a passion for his work. Plus your perseverance and perseverance will be able to overcome all obstacles and make the impossible possible.
But, regular letter you can't do it anymore - a cover letter won't help you. You can draw attention to your person with a motivation letter. Then you should try and spend a lot more time and effort to write such a letter.

6. What is a cover letter?

Motivation letter(English motivational letter, abbr. ML) - a small essay on the topic "Why I want to get to you and why I am an ideal candidate", which is sent along with a package of documents for admission to a university or master's program, for a grant or scholarship, for an internship, for selection in consulting companies, in BIG4, as well as if a young specialist really wants to get into a dream company. The letter of motivation is also a key document in the admission process to a foreign university. In the requirements for applicants, it can also be called in English: personal statement or statement of purpose.

A motivation letter can be really voluminous: from 1 to 2 A4 sheets.

The letter of motivation is not only an important part of the selection of candidates, but it will further be used to ask questions at the interview.

7. Algorithm for writing a cover letter

In a letter of motivation, you need to reveal the answers to 3 questions in great detail.

  1. Why this profession?
  2. Why this university / company?
  3. Why me?

1. Why this profession?

Tell us why you chose this profession. Explain your choice: when and why you were interested in this area. For example, if the desired position requires a high level of organization and leadership qualities, then you can write that at school / university you were the organizer of a case club, and then realized that you like to keep order and control the work of others. This is how you realized that the role of a project manager is ideal for you.

Example for an event manager: “In my free time, I worked as an assistant art director at the Exhibition Center. My responsibilities included: meeting guests, helping in organizing and arranging events, monitoring the preparation for events, participating in the design of posters / flyers, etc. I discovered a completely different world for myself, and decided that I want to do this professionally. I immediately realized how important it is to understand what is relevant now, and to be able to discuss different topics with professionals in their language so that they understand. Therefore, I follow the news, study trends and try to keep abreast of everything that happens. I am also working on the development of artistic taste and style, expanding my horizons in this area. "

As you know, people are attracted not by formulaic phrases, but by text that evokes emotions in them. If you tell any interesting or intriguing story about how you became interested in your profession, you can attract the attention of a recruiter and you will be selected among other candidates, even if you do not meet some selection criteria. You don't just need to write that you love your job and you like this profession - it is better to explain why and how you were interested in this area.

2. Why this university / company?

Explain why you want to work for this company or why you are interested in the university.

For graduates / students: try to answer the following questions:

  • Why did you choose this particular university / course?
  • How did you hear about this university / course?
  • What were your selection criteria?
  • Why are you interested in this specialization?
  • Are there specific teachers / professionals you would like to study with?
  • What attracts you to the structure of the course?
  • What, in your opinion, distinguishes this university from others? (outstanding research, teaching quality, internships with international companies, etc.)

For internships / specialists: answer the questions:

  • What attracted you to this work?
  • What is most interesting about it?
  • Why did you choose this particular company?
  • What is special about this company?
  • Why is it important to you?
  • Does the company's mission align with your values?
  • What is your impression of the company and the team?
  • Have you found the benefits of working for a company? If so, which ones?
  • What is your motivation?

You can use the following response structure:
“I chose your company for two reasons.
At first,…

N! B! Do not use formulaic phrases and general wording that do not convey specific information.

That's so bad:
“Your company is interesting to me because I see great opportunities for myself to express myself, apply the accumulated experience and knowledge to improve the position and popularize your company's products in the market. I really appreciate the corporate standards and values ​​adopted in the company. Therefore, I decided to participate in the competition for this vacancy and I am sure that my experience will be valuable. "

This is better:
“Your vacancy attracted me with the content of the work. Responsibilities are consistent with my experience. I am good at working with digital tools, setting up analytical tools and organizing work with contractors. I would like to apply all my experience in such an absolutely interesting and socially useful project. When I started looking for information about the company on your website, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that your company was the first to use the X technology and my desire to work with you became even greater. "

And this is so good:
Examples of how you can write about your motivation to work in Western companies with a matrix reporting system and a good corporate school:

  • “I know that your company has a matrix management system, which gives you, as a large corporation, the opportunity to manage your personnel more flexibly. This means that I will obey more than one boss, but I will be able to communicate with the boss of the boss, because in addition to the functional lines of subordination (marketing, sales, finance, etc.) project teams... This will give me the opportunity to communicate directly with top managers, learn faster and be part of several working groups. I can quickly gain experience and become a pro in this area. "
  • “From the moment I entered the university, I set a goal for myself to get an internship at your company. Your company concentrates the best corporate international practices that have been developed over decades, which means that I will learn structure, a deep understanding of the subject and absorb the experience of foreign colleagues. And also I can get necessary knowledge and high level professional competencies... In addition, a good corporate school is the foundation for the development of my future career. "

And here's how it might look for MTS:

  • “MTS received the highest rating among Russian companies as an employer for youth. You are implementing many interesting and complex projects. I know from my colleagues that the company prefers non-standard and innovative communication methods to a trivial approach, such as business games in leading universities, trainings personal growth, participation in debates, master classes from MTS managers, joint projects with business schools, etc. I was also very interested in the training you provide - you can take trainings in person, remotely, at the Corporate University and with mentors. In addition, there is the possibility of rotation to acquire new skills and diverse experiences in related departments. It is very important for me that you help children from orphanages, teach pensioners safe behavior online and actively participate in a large number of volunteer organizations. For two years now I have been a volunteer of the movement "Name", which is engaged in cleaning garbage in city parks. "

And some more good examples:

  • “Your company does not stand still, implementing various projects in the financial sector in the field of automation. At the same time, your company provides high-quality and qualified support. Thus, the work of the company is aimed not only at development, but also at increasing the efficiency of new and old customers. I am attracted by the opportunity to work on a new project related to process automation. For me, this area is close and very interesting. Since during my work in the previous company I have gained experience in setting up and installing various classes of equipment, which are also used in your company. "
  • “Your center is one of the largest laboratory diagnostic centers in Russia. At the same time, your company does not stand still, expanding the services provided, developing new technologies, as well as implementing world-class research projects. I believe that working in your company will be the best step for me in development professional activity, and I can also be useful with my experience in the service technical support and IT project management ”.
  • “Your company has an impeccable reputation. First of all, the goals of the company are close to me, which put the reliability, manageability and profitability of their partners at the forefront. Also, the company does not stop there, attracting new partners and using new technologies. "XXX" is among the top 5 companies in the rating "The largest IT providers in retail 2016", and also receives awards for the most innovative projects towards IT. In addition, I am interested in the field in which the company operates. You offer new solutions for businesses of different profiles in the e-commerce market and are always ahead of the curve. Besides, I am familiar with your products. While undergoing an internship in the "XXX" company in the technical support department, the products of your company were one of the main types of equipment used in the work. The top managers of the company noted the high level of technical characteristics with tz. commissioning at the first stage and high-quality service support service center... The company was able to fully implement the transition to online data transmission, reducing financial and time costs.
    I believe that your company will be the best step for me in the development of my professional activity, and I will be useful for my experience in the technical support service and IT project management ”.

3. Why you?

For graduates / students: try to answer the following questions:

  • How does your education compare to your chosen specialization?
  • What was your grades?
  • Have you received any scholarships?
  • What knowledge of the subject do you have obtained during your previous studies, preparation of a scientific work or project, internship?
  • Do you have the skills you need to learn?
  • Have you had any experience of volunteering in this area?
  • Do you have any hobbies, do you visit extracurricular activities related to the chosen specialty?
  • Who is your teacher? (mentor, role model).

For internships / specialists:

  • Have you had professional or volunteer experience in this area?
  • What kind of education did you receive and how does it relate to your profession.
  • What skills do you own?

For all:
Reveal your personality: talk about hobbies and interests, professional and personal qualities. What strengths would you like to highlight?

N! B! If available, be sure to add: research interests, personal and collaborative publications, scholarships and awards, diplomas, speeches, creating presentations, training and work experience, technical skills, languages, recommendations, reviews.

The hobby and the list of qualities to include depends on the area chosen. They must be appropriate for your profession. For example, hobbies such as chess will be useful for analytical work, football - for work in project management, etc. But there are universal qualities that are appreciated in all areas.

List of the most sought after qualities:

  • Teamwork
  • Proactivity
  • Leadership skills
  • Communicativeness
  • Multitasking
  • Result-oriented
  • Stress tolerance
  • Time management
  • Sociability
  • Customer focus
  • Creativity
  • High learning ability
  • Attention to detail
  • Analytical mind
  • Discipline, punctuality
  • A responsibility

It is also important not just to list the qualities, but to provide evidence. Back them up with facts: participation in research projects, publications in scientific literature, victories in professional competitions, startups, volunteering.

Here are some examples of questions that can help you show that you have these skills by answering them in your motivation letter.
Block of questions on TOP skills:

  • Give an example of how you worked on solving a common team problem (at the previous place of work, while studying at the institute - if there is no work experience).
  • What was your personal goal? In front of the whole team?
  • How was the interaction organized? What functions did you perform in the team? Why were they taken over?
  • What difficulties arose in the process of joint
    work? What actions did you take to resolve them? What was the result?
  • Does it happen that colleagues (classmates) turn to you for help? Give an example. How do you do it? Why do you act this way? How does this affect your own performance?
  • At your current place of work (study) - who can you call your team?
  • What do you, as a team member, do to make the team work efficiently?
    Give an example.
  • Do you know what difficulties your teammates face in their work?
    Do you happen to take this into account in your work? How?

After reading your motivation letter, the recruiter should get the impression of you as a candidate who not only knows about the importance of these skills, but also confirms with examples that he knows how to work in a team, understands that all team members stand common goal... Knows that his personal tasks “work” to solve the problems of the whole team. Knows about the problems and challenges of teammates. Interacts constructively with others, does not provoke conflicts. Provides assistance to his teammates by showing initiative, etc.

Here's an example for a specialist with little experience:

« I would like to participate in the development of an interesting project to help build an effective system and solve difficult problems. I am good at identifying customer problems and am constantly working on how to improve the project. I take responsibility and clearly understand what resources will be needed when working on a project. I have a fairly high level of logic and analysis. I also understand what metrics you need to use to assess the effectiveness and quality of work. I have a craving for constant optimization, automation and getting rid of routine. I know how and love to work with people, organize a team, motivate others for an effective and quality work... I have experience in analyzing user requests, collecting and analyzing statistics and satisfaction metrics, developing new parameters for assessing the quality of work, compiling simple and understandable texts for the Question-Answer section, instructions and memos for employees.
I also want to note that I really love my job and have a high motivation to do cool things, I can listen and hear the client. I have such qualities as independence in setting goals and objectives without control from above, independence, the ability to solve any problems, seeking the necessary resources. My main motivators at work: challenge, significance and personal growth. "

N! B! Logical connections in the letter should be clearly built. Each argument must be disclosed, you must clearly explain the answer to each question. Use words to connect sentences: moreover, in such a way as, in addition, when, where, also, firstly, secondly,…. For example,
I am applying for a program ………. to the university ………., as I was always interested in ………. My interest in this area first arose when ……….
I also took part in the project ……….

8. Examples of motivation letters

An example of a letter of motivation for an internship at a large law firm.

My name is I. F. I would like to apply for an internship position. I am finishing the 3rd year of the Moscow State University undergraduate degree in the specialty "Jurisprudence". The average score is 4.9 / 5.0, the academic rating is 98%. In May 2018, I will defend my thesis on the topic "The title of the diploma". Also this academic year I am completing my studies under the program of an English language translator in the field of business communication at the Higher School of Economics
I want to be part of the team of one of the leading international law firms. In 2016, I attended a seminar in your company, during which I saw a high level of corporate culture and support between employees within the team. I believe that an internship in your company will provide me with the opportunity to gain experience in law and will become the best start my career. I will be able to apply my knowledge in practice and take part in work on complex and large-scale projects in close cooperation with the best lawyers in the field of business law (indicate specialization / direction).
I also use every opportunity to develop the skills that are necessary in the professional activity of a lawyer. During my studies, I took an active part in various conferences, contests and competitions. The result of my participation was the publication of my articles in the magazine "Title", collections on the results of conferences at Moscow State University. In 2018, at the 8th Annual Student Essay Competition on Title, my essay in English was selected as a winner. I received an award - passing the course "Course Name" at the "University Name", which I successfully completed.
One of key points my student activity is work in the club "Title". From 2017 to the present, I am a member of the club's organizing team. We are responsible for preparing presentations and speeches by well-known practicing lawyers. I also got a good experience of working in a team when I participated in the Moscow Cup - a competition for solving business cases, in which there was a very clear division of roles in the team.
Experience in the role of an assistant lawyer in the legal department of the company "Title" helped me to understand what problems the company faces on a daily basis and to realize the importance of the role played by the well-coordinated work of all employees and their effective interaction. I also got an idea of ​​how business processes are built in a law firm. She had an internship in such companies as "X", "Y", "Z".
Active participation in various events and internship in law firms helped me develop the following skills: collecting data and analyzing information, writing procedural documents, solving urgent business problems, finding arguments and counterarguments, preparing presentations, and also gained experience in public speaking and defending my positions before judges / practicing arbiters.
I have successful experience in conducting presentations and working with information systems"Guarantor" and "Consultant", advanced user of MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook). English: С2, legal English.
I am ready to work with full dedication, master new knowledge and constantly improve myself in order to become part of the team in your company.
I can be recommended by: general manager company "XXX", professor full name, degree, dean of the faculty full name
Thank you for reviewing my resume, and I look forward to hearing from you.



An example of a motivation letter from a student for an internship at a university.

Hello, Irina Vladimirovna!

My name is I. F. Professor of the Department "XXX" at the University "ZZZ" advised me to contact you regarding my internship. I am an undergraduate student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. I am getting my bachelor's degree with a dual specialization, so I am also studying electrical engineering. With this motivation letter I would like to express my interest in doing an internship at the Polytechnic University as a student in the summer of 2018 and I would like to apply for an internship under the XXX program.
My GPA is 4.8 / 5.0, academic rating is 98%.
As the most interesting subject for me during my studies, I would like to point out the course on systems dynamics and management, which I attended during the last semester. The course gave me solid theoretical knowledge of management and allowed me to improve my skills in this scientific field. I believe that the Polytechnic University is an excellent opportunity to achieve this goal. Therefore, I would like to do a summer internship, which, in my opinion, can help me learn a lot of new things in my specialization, and I can expand my skills. I believe that I am a quick learner and do not give up easily when faced with difficult problems. I can work under pressure and keep my emotions under control. I learned how to correctly perceive negative feedback, since understanding my own weaknesses makes it possible to work on them.
Attached is a resume and certificate.
I look forward to meeting you and discussing my statement in more detail.



An example of a motivation letter from a specialist for an office manager vacancy in a large company.

Dear recruiting manager of the company "X"!
I am glad that I have the opportunity to send you my resume for the vacancy of an office manager.
I have 5 years of work experience as an office manager. Being an executive assistant is what I enjoy the most. I love my job. This means that I am not afraid of difficult people, overwork, ambitious tasks, high requirements. Administration is an area where I feel like a fish in water. I have worked in companies with different structure so I can easily fit into any corporate governance system.
I can achieve results both by working in a team and by doing independent work. Thanks to my openness and good communication skills with different types of people, I always find new interesting projects and tasks for myself, which gives me the experience of working on several projects simultaneously at a high level. I strive to set ambitious goals in order to always grow in professionally.
My main strengths: building and maintaining relationships within the company, creating a favorable working atmosphere, promptly resolving issues and problems, creating a holistic system in organizing work and optimizing business processes. I try to solve controversial and conflict situations from the “win-win” position.
I am recommended as reliable and loyal company employee. I have never accepted offers from competitors of the companies in which I worked. I am proud that I did not have to leave the company because someone was unhappy with my approach or the quality of my work. I speak fluent English.
I am ready to provide recommendations and reviews indicated in my resume.

I look forward to being invited to an interview if you decide I am the right fit for the job.

I look forward to your reply. A complete summary is attached in the appendix.


An example of a letter of motivation from a graduate for an internship in a company.

Dear HR-manager of XXX company!

I am glad that I have the opportunity to send you my resume for the vacancy of a junior tester trainee.
I am interested in working for your company, as I want to use my knowledge and skills acquired at the university and have the opportunity to gain extensive practical experience in the field of IT in data management. I strive to become the best in my field and I want to work in a company in which I will have the opportunity to develop my skills, engage in interesting projects and work with people from whom I can learn a lot.
Your company has an impeccable reputation. "X" is among the top 5 companies in the rating "The largest IT providers in retail 2017", and also receives awards for the most innovative projects in the field of IT services. You offer new solutions for businesses of different profiles in the e-commerce market and are always ahead of the curve. Besides, I am familiar with your products. I did an internship at the XXX company and while working on the project "Replacing cash registers according to 54-FZ "equipment of your company was used. Top managers of the company noted the high level of technical characteristics in terms of commissioning at the first stage and high-quality support from the service center.
I am currently finishing my studies at State University control systems and radio electronics at the faculty "Informatics and Computer Engineering" in the direction "Software computing technology and automated systems ". In 2017 passed professional retraining specializing in Applied Programming and Databases.
I have experience in developing documents for testing and analyzing the quality of coverage of functional tests; work with various bug-tracking, including user documentation and business description of the functionality, manual functional testing of software, including in the field of testing web applications. I know the basics of test automation at the level of running ready-made tests, the principles of software development processes, the basics of networks and databases. I am able to write test scripts based on requirements; compose SQL queries.
I can describe myself in three words: analyst, researcher and organizer. One of my strengths is my ability to multitask with large databases. This skill I acquired through the daily execution of various tasks on a strict deadline. The most important quality that I have developed in myself during my studies is stress resistance. I know how to react correctly to any situation - first I analyze it, and then I try to find an alternative solution to help get out of the crisis situation. I can also solve diverse tasks, rationally distribute and plan my time. I regularly improve my knowledge of key software products.
I believe that your company will be the best step for me in the development of my professional activity, and I can be useful. I can be recommended by: the dean of the department "ZZZ", the general director of the company "XXX". I am ready to provide any Additional information required for the consideration of my candidacy.

The appendix contains a complete summary.

Appendix: Title of resume: Intern_Junior tester_ First name Last name.docх

Of course, these examples are not a universal option, so you need to compose your personalized cover letter by following the advice in this article.

Summarize. If you still do not understand what is the main difference between CL and ML, I explain by the principle Q&A: short and clear.

If you do not have time and you are not so strong in business writing skills, then you can use my services for writing a selling resume, cover letter and motivation letter. You can find out the details of the service on the website: By the letter, you can immediately determine that the applicant wrote in a hurry, in a hurry. Hastily compiled letter: typos, mistakes, words in capital letters, no commas, solid text without paragraph division. And this is a manifestation of disrespect for the reader of the letter. They are annoyed not even by the fact that you are illiterate, but by the fact that you did not bother to find time to write a letter, which means that you are not motivated for this vacancy. The letter should be filled with respect and personal attention, and not resemble a mass mailing. The recruiter reads such letters immediately. Do you know what he does with them? Submits to cart. Therefore, make sure that the letter is in the proper form. When you are done with its content, pay a little more attention to the formatting so that your letter follows the generally accepted norms of writing. business communication and easy to read.

Ten basic rules regarding the format and sending of letters by mail:

  1. Enter a subject line. The topic should be informative, you need details that will help you immediately determine your purpose of the request. For example, Motivation letter for the position of trainee "XXX".
  2. Don't use Caps Lock in the title and text. For example, SUMMARY.
  3. Check your email address... An unusual email address can create a misconception about a person. Don't use unprofessional email. ML and CL are business letters, so the email address must also match business etiquette... Change your email, like: [email protected], [email protected] to a professional email with your real name and surname. Avoid using numbers if possible. For example, [email protected]… ..Com.
  4. Sender's name... Be sure to check in the mail settings how your sender name comes out.

5. Conversion. In business letters, greetings it is customary to write on a separate line and put an exclamation mark at the end. For example:

  • Dear HR-manager of the company "X" !
  • Dear Dmitry !

N! B! The word "respected" is included in the appeal and is not separated by a comma. Compare:

  • Hello , Dmitriy !

In this example, a comma is needed after the word “hello”, since it is not part of the call.

Cannot be used as a greeting: "Good day!"

6. Introduction.Examples of phrases immediately after the address at the beginning of the letter:

  • I was very interested in the vacancy of your company.
  • I am glad that I have the opportunity to send you my resume for the vacancy….
  • My name is Raisa Sorokina. I am writing to you about a place for an internship in….
  • I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "YYY".
  • I want to get an internship at your company, because I believe that ...
  • The professor of the department "XXX" at the University "ZZZ" advised me to contact you regarding my internship on the course ....

7. Attachment format. Do not forget to attach a file with documents - take your time. Attach your resume in two formats PDF and DOCX, and you can even clarify why. For example: "There are two resume formats in the attachment so that you can choose a convenient format for reading".

8. File name. Also name your file wisely. The file "Resume_Coach_Raisa_Sorokin" is easy to distinguish from other unnamed "Resume" files that come to the recruiter from applicants. Example: Appendix: Title of resume: Intern_Junior tester_ First name Last name.docх

9. Completion of the letter. Examples of phrases:

  • I would be very grateful if you don’t disregard my resume.
  • I would be glad to tell you in more detail about my professional experience and potential at the meeting.
    The appendix contains a complete summary.
  • If you are interested in my education and skills, I would be happy to introduce myself in an interview.
  • I will be glad to continue communication if I am a match for you.
  • Thank you for reviewing my resume, and I look forward to hearing from you.
  • I really hope that you will be interested in my candidacy for this vacancy.
  • I would be very happy to get to you for an interview and, possibly, become a part of your team.
  • If you are interested in my resume, I will be happy to answer your questions during the interview.
  • I will be very glad if you consider me as a potential candidate for this position.
  • I would be glad to have the opportunity to introduce myself at the interview.

10. Signature."Yours faithfully," is written on one line, first and last name on the next. There is no dot at the end. You can add other communication channels, for example telegram, whatsapp, a page in the social network linked. Example:

Raisa Sorokina

If you complete all 10 points before sending the letter, it will all create the feeling of a carefully thought out letter. Now you deserve to spend the hr manager's time studying your letter and resume.

10. How to remind a recruiter about yourself if you haven't received an answer?

Writing a follow-up letter to the same recruiter is not an easy task. How to make sure you don't seem annoying and don't hurt yourself by making it worse. Although what could be worse than that than to be in anxious anticipation of an answer. I am in favor of trying to do something, but do it right. And not as in the well-known catch phrase VS Chernomyrdina: "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always." So use the following example as an example.

An example of a repeated call:

"Hello Irina!
My name is Ivan Ivanov. I already wrote to you last week, but I'm afraid the letter might get lost. Sorry if I seem intrusive.
I applied for a data management vacancy that was posted on May 15 at, and I am worried that you have already stopped the selection of candidates. Therefore, I ask you to consider my resume, of course, if you have such an opportunity. If I wait any longer, I’m afraid that I may not be in time and the vacancy will close.
With thanks,


Such a reminder sounds polite and not intrusive. The applicant does not put pressure on the recruiter, does not force him to study the letter and resume, but politely asks to consider it on open vacancy... Thus, showing their interest and motivation to work in their company.

Examples of wording for a follow-up letter:

  • Thank you for arranging the meeting with the manager. Finally, I got an interview at a company where I had always dreamed of working. I have not received any feedback from you on the results of the interview on May 12 for the position "XXX". I am very worried about how it went. Perhaps it is necessary to provide additional information regarding my experience in projects…. Please write if you need details of work on these projects from me.


A motivation letter is an effective job search tool that can help you overcome the first hurdle when selecting a company. This document can be especially useful for a student or graduate who has no work experience, since the motivation letter can convey to the employer why he should consider your candidacy despite the dash in the corresponding section of the resume.

But we want to warn you right away - a motivation letter can open the doors of the company for you, or maybe close them. If the company does not require you to write an essay and you are not confident in your abilities, then you should refrain from writing this document.

Let's define the terms

Transmittal letter

A cover letter is an obligatory part of your correspondence with the company, in which you describe what and why you are sending to the HR manager. The resume sent to the employer must be saved in a separate file, and in the body of the letter you must introduce yourself and indicate which position you are applying for. V minimal form the text that we provide in the sidebar will be enough for you, but if you want, you can expand your cover letter by indicating (briefly!):

Shortest cover letter
Good afternoon, (NAME if you know)
I am sending you a resume for a vacancy (the exact name of the vacancy or the desired position). I am ready to consider other proposals in the field (area of ​​your interests).
It is preferable to contact me by phone (your main number, you can specify the time).
(Your Name and Surname)

  • Your qualifications (5th year student of MGIMO, faculty international economy, 3 years of experience in the specialty)
  • Source of information about the vacancy (in response to an advertisement on the site site ...)
  • Data that will allow you to correctly assess your candidacy (I have no work experience in the specialty, but I acquired the necessary skills while working in the trade union committee ...)

Just do not "pour water" - neither you nor the HR manager need it, and it can spoil the impression.

If you are sending your resume by fax, then write a questioning letter in the header of the message.

Motivation letter

A motivation letter (essay) is a document that supplements your resume with information about why you are interested in getting a certain position and why you are suitable for it.

You can see from the definitions that a cover letter and a cover letter are two different things. If you still have questions about the cover letter, you can ask them on a sieve, and then we will deal with the motivation letter.

Writing a motivation letter

To begin with, the motivation letter must be unique for every job and company. Of course, you can copy some blocks from one message to another, but there cannot be two identical letters, otherwise the whole point of this procedure is lost. Therefore, we strongly discourage you from using motivation letter templates that you may have already found on the Internet. The template will kill all your personality and scare off the employer.

Fact number 1. A motivation letter should take no more than an A4 page, and for a student without work experience, half a page is enough.

The main difficulty of a cover letter is to speak to the point and without clichés. Remember that empty phrases and common mantras of job seekers ("active, easy to learn, responsible ...") only irritate the reader and do not add points to you.

In order to write a good motivation letter, you need to study the materials of the company, its position on the market, products, job description. Based on the information received, you can draw conclusions about what attracts you to this work. Describe these findings in simple but literary language. Demonstrate to the employer your ability to work with information and draw conclusions, show that you understand the business of the company, clearly understand what kind of work you are offered and why you are interested in it. This will be the first part of your motivation letter - why you want to get this position.

Unfortunately, many young specialists take this recommendation literally, almost copying texts from the employer's website into their letter. If you do not want to work in this place, you can do so.

Fact number 2. A motivation letter requires formalization and thorough verification. Read our article "How to design a resume", the tips of which apply to a motivation letter.

Another common mistake is trying to flatter an employer. Typically, flattery creates distrust of the entire email and turns the HR manager negatively against you. If you write that you are impressed by the company's leadership in the market, and you are sending a letter to a company occupying the 10th line, then either you have not figured it out, or you are lying.

Be extremely careful with facts and details in your letter. On the one hand, you need to use examples to convince the employer of your motivation, on the other hand, there is a high probability of error. If you are not sure about something, but want to use it as evidence, then give the source from which you drew the information.

Fact number 3. Feel free to let someone else check your letter. It will be a shame not to get a job due to spelling mistakes.

The second part of the motivation letter is the perfect tool for students and alumni with no work experience to get attention. You have nothing to write in your resume, but in a motivation letter you can prove to the employer that the money invested in your training will return a hundredfold.

First, you need to show that you intend to develop in the long term in an area related to the company or a specific job. Facts about your education (additional courses, self-education) or participation in some projects or organizations are best suited for this. Progress can be noted on certain training courses or your inclinations.

Second, show your seriousness. List the steps that you yourself have taken to improve your qualifications. This can be self-study of textbooks, reading periodicals and Internet resources, participation in conferences or seminars.

Fact number 4. Don't testify against yourself. Nobody asks you to write negative about yourself, so don't do it.

Finally, try to find a suitable experience that confirms that you are suitable for the proposed position. Determine what skills are needed to complete the job (usually listed in the job description) and think about where you might have acquired those skills. For example, the skill of working with data could be developed by writing term paper, and the skill of public speaking in KVN.

The last part of your motivation letter should be about your strengths... Once again, we do not need empty words and clichés. Back up your claims with facts or other people's recommendations. “I consider my strong point a high degree of responsibility. For example, during my studies, I did not miss a single deadline for the delivery of works. My supervisor has also repeatedly noted this feature of my character ”- an exaggerated example of constructing a phrase. Write only what you can later prove in an interview.

Well, at least this is the opinion of one honest student who knows how to masterly humiliate himself and whose cover letter, which aroused the interest and curiosity of many businessmen, was published in Business Insider, and then on Forbes.

Unsurprisingly, the recipient of this letter immediately forwarded it to his colleagues, adding: "This is possibly the best cover letter I have ever received, especially the second and third points."

Read this letter and you will not regret it.



Topic: Summer Internship

Dear [such and such],

My name is [so-and-so], and I study at the Faculty of Economics and Finance. Last summer I saw you in New York at Smith & Wollensky’s - at that time I myself was vacationing on the east coast with my uncle. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me one evening.

Now I am writing to you in order to find out about the possibility of a summer internship in your company. I know that usually students enrolled in the programs of average institutions like mine do not do this practice, but I really hope that you could make an exception for me. I am seriously interested in everything related to investment and there is nothing better for me than learning under someone else's guidance.

I have nothing against brewing coffee, cleaning shoes and sorting clothes, and I agree to work for free.

Honestly, I just want to be able to constantly observe the professionals in their field and gain as much knowledge as possible.

I will not waste your time pestering my paperwork, throwing job titles, or trying to convince you that my work experience and skills are ideal for investment banking practice. In fact, I do not possess any special skills and do not consider myself a genius in anything, nevertheless, my average academic performance is rated very high, and I am ready to work for you with full dedication. I already had an internship at Merrill Lynch in the asset management department and took an elective in banking investments in, so I must not be too hopeless after all.

At the moment I am waiting for the results of admission to the master's degree program accounting, and if they accept me, then I will start my studies in the fall. In addition, I plan to receive additional legal education after defending my master's thesis - if you remember, we discussed this with you in New York.

I apologize for this stupid letter, but I sincerely hope you can consider taking me under your leadership this summer.

I am enclosing my resume. Feel free to call me on the phone or write to email... Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.



And yet, most likely, this cover letter did not make the desired impression on everyone.

Lex van Dam, a former top trader at Goldman Sachs and head of Hampstead Capital, is skeptical of how Wall Street entrepreneurs would in principle react to such a proposal.

"They live like on another planet - and, most likely, never read such letters - they do it for them trained department heads in companies."

Like, again spam was sent to the mail, too much noise due to some nonsense.

He continues to explain: “The letter is well written, and immediately disposes you to the author. At the same time, the addressee begins to feel in the role of a patron, a kind of benefactor. Best option- when the candidate focuses on the uniqueness of his addressee, and not just admits his own mediocrity. This letter is by no means an exception - many smart, hardworking, honest people ask to be hired, although as a rule this is not possible. Unfortunately, it is not enough just to write pretty letters - you have to be able to meet the standards at the same time and at the same time be able to go beyond the usual framework. "

And yet, summing up, it is worth noting that the author of the letter is likely to be among those who “laugh last”: even an average candidate like him could very well get an internship in the company of his dreams - an internship about which many dreamed - but it all ended with a typical, albeit inspirational, cover letter.

In this article, we will look at what a motivation letter looks like, an example of writing it. It will most likely be a visual aid with lots of tips and samples.

Possession of information... Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said these words: "Who owns information owns the whole world." This dictum of his became a famous thesis, a guide to the performance of some actions. Before you start writing an essay, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the chosen program.

Presence of motivation... You should clearly define the goals of your participation in this project - for a long period of time or short-term. It is necessary to indicate in the cover letter about your benefits of participation in this project, what own skills you are ready to transfer to colleagues. You also need to tell about your future plans, what area you are trying to master, how you are going to use the knowledge gained. It will be nice that can be useful for this project.

Individualism... You need to think over and decide how you stand out among the same applicants. Perhaps work experience, knowledge of languages, some plans for the future.

Description of parts... We often overlook some details that are a good chance to earn extra points when writing a cover letter. It is worth specifying a list of skills that are not directly related to your specialization, for example, you confidently use specialized computer programs and etc.

Positive mood... Start writing essays while at good mood and with self-confidence. You don't need to send it immediately after you write it. It takes some time to edit it a little, but not to overdo it with this case.

Forward and with the song!

  1. Having an official style... The motivation letter, an example of which will be shown below, is an official document, and its design must correspond to the sample. The presence of comic and colloquial speech in it is unacceptable - only the official style.
  2. All thoughts must be complete... It is impossible to allow breaks in paragraphs, to give reasons for all theses.
  3. Individual writing... Here we are talking about the uniqueness of the letter. It is individual for each case: educational institution or businesses. The generic essay will be sent to the trash can. If there are copies in the text, then it will not be difficult for the commission to identify them.
  4. Text volume should not go beyond one A4 sheet. This attitude can be violated if the applicant has a solid professional experience, and it is impossible to fit it on one sheet.
  5. Reduce "I" to a minimum... It is not recommended to write "I" at the beginning of each sentence. By doing this, you show your own narcissism and an overestimation of your own capabilities.
  6. You need to write on the case... You should not describe your hobbies and interests if they are not relevant to your goals. It will just be an extra amount of text.
  7. Simplicity and simplicity again... You should not overuse overly complex and long words and phrases. More often than not, a simple presentation is more beneficial and attractive.
  8. Reduce to a minimum the use of banal and famous quotes, and it is better not to use them at all.
  9. Observe spelling and grammar... After completing the writing of the text, you must carefully proofread it. Spelling and stylistic errors can hurt you.

An example of errors while writing it

In order for an employer or admissions office to show interest in your person, avoid the most common mistakes when writing a letter.

  1. You shouldn't duplicate the information reflected in the resume.... An essay is a good chance to show your personal qualities and strive for development. Therefore, there is no need to once again focus on the description of past victories and achievements. Better deal with the future.
  2. Say "NO" to a dull beginning of an essay... You don't need to focus too much on the long-term self-presentation of your loved one. It will be much better if you tell some life situation that had a significant impact on your decision to take part in this project.
  3. Writing the same text for multiple projects... With this approach, you can "go down the drain", since each educational institution or enterprise has a list of its advantages, which should be reflected in the cover letter.
  4. Faceless narration your text will not be etched into the memory of a recruiting manager or admissions office. And the reason for everything can be superficial, impersonal phrases.
  5. Joking style taunts... This style is not always appropriate. If for the author of the text this is just a harmless joke, then for those who will read it, it can be not only indecent, but also offensive.
  6. Bragging about other people's achievements- these are the qualities and deeds assigned to themselves, which means they are simply absent. You must always remain yourself, tell in a letter exactly about your positive sides, plans for the future, etc.
  7. The topic is only partially disclosed... When writing text, it is best to follow a certain structure. That is, in each paragraph, step by step open the curtain of your essay. Otherwise, you will end up with a messy pun that will not be interesting to anyone.

Where to start writing?

Now let's look at how to start writing a cover letter, an example of how to start it right.

Are you going to write an essay and can't decide where to start? Then catch a way with which you can easily sketch his project.

The biggest challenge in writing is its limited space. This suggests that you should focus on your achievements and significant events in your life, and cut the excess to a minimum. But this is not easy to deal with.

You can get around mental stupor and wandering in your own using the technique cluster analysis... This is a kind of visual brainstorming, thanks to which an associative map is created, which is based on various ideas for a given project.

At first glance, the construction of this map may seem chaotic, but various elements may be interconnected in its content.

To create an associative map, you need to write your name on a blank sheet of paper and circle it. Think hard and write down any associations you make up that relate to your personality, memories, and accomplishments. Next, you need to create branches on your own behalf using lines to connect words together that will correspond to the newly emerging topic.

Now you need to analyze the created clusters and write your conclusions under the map, what came of it. Need to search characteristic features and the relationship of the various elements. Place markers on the map under those elements that you think can be applied in the cover letter. After making such an analysis, you will be able to identify from one to several topics for your essay.

For admission to the magistracy

The whole point is to write a slightly pretentious message, emphasizing in it how you dream of studying here, and not somewhere there. Most likely, focus should be on two details - academic achievement and work experience. As an achievement, attendance at conferences, written term papers and the diploma itself can serve. Advantageously, as well as beautifully setting out all this, you will be able to convince of your academic savvy. Availability professional qualities also has its own importance, because they talk about acquired skills and independence.

Do not overload the cover letter with descriptions and facts. It is necessary to note the presence of the most important: a university, specialty and work, and then describe your activity and the experience gained, which will be useful in the future.

The most important features in a letter are considered confidence and competent presentation of oneself.

University essays

It's no secret that on the given time many leading universities of the CIS countries decided to learn from their colleagues from the West, and often for admission, among the necessary other documents, a motivation letter is also required, an example of which is described below.

Essays are divided into two types:

  1. Free form.
  2. A structured form where you need to answer a few specific questions.

In a structured essay, the mandatory paragraphs include the following:

  1. How do you justify the choice of this particular institution.
  2. Scientific interests of the applicant.
  3. Plans for the implementation of the acquired knowledge in the future of their profession.
  4. What achievements and merits the applicant has.

This type of essay is simpler, as it assumes a certain structure in the form of a ready-made outline.

When there is no experience, but there is a desire

Many find themselves in a situation that has long been familiar to everyone in search of a good job, when young and ambitious people with 10 years of experience are required. But don't get upset right away. Even the inexperienced is waiting for you good job, but on condition that you strive and wish to comprehend everything new. A motivation letter, an example of which is published below, from a university graduate should look something like this:

"Good day! My name is Vladimir. 3 months ago I successfully defended my diploma in the field of "Jurisprudence". Experience in this direction not yet, but I have other quality advantages.

For me, organization and discipline are above all. I studied at the military department, which I successfully mastered and finished, during my studies I was entrusted with the duties of the head of the group, was the organizer of outings and campaigns for students, always headed the financial and budgetary side. During the internship after the fourth year, I had to work at the "Bank" as a legal assistant. There are recommendations from the management.

I have a sane approach to finding a job, so I am quite satisfied with a job as an assistant or trainee, but the most important thing for me is the opportunity to constantly develop. There is a desire to completely immerse oneself in work, to abide by the rules and regulations.

Thank you for your attention! "

An example of the manifestation of living emotions

Imagine a situation in which an employer wants to see not an ordinary and memorized list of skills, but a manifestation of love for own business with an incredible desire to become a member of the team of this particular company. This writing factor is much more catchy. Here are some examples:

  1. From childhood I was interested in style and appearance so I often gave free consultations family and friends. But the time has come, and I realized that this can be done for a certain amount of money. It is for this reason that I was very glad to become your personal stylist.
  2. As a child, I had a dream to become a street actor, portraying living statues on the streets. I, that over time, my circle of ambitions has become much wider, but, as before, I am drawn to entertaining people, I like performing in front of an audience. Thanks to these qualities, I will become a cool, I would say, irreplaceable manager.

In this spirit and style, you can cling to the living.

How to use a sample cover letter

Now we will try to consider a motivation letter, an example of its correct use. This is done for informational purposes only, in order to personally see the format of this document, what other people write about, but in no case should you copy.

In truth, it's hard to find great examples of cover letters on the Internet. Not everyone is eager to upload their essays on the Web, which took a tremendous amount of work and time.

You may see examples of letters from applicants who have successfully entered some universities. The selection committee has a condescending attitude towards such letters. They already have an idea of ​​the applicant who was trained in paid university courses. Therefore, such examples of essays are nothing more than an ordinary formality, and should not be taken as a standard.

But when an applicant enters the university directly, then the selection committee does not have any information about him, then in this situation the essay plays a significant role. And, as a result, they will read it deeply.

Therefore, do not try to copy other people's works. If you do not succeed with the text, you do not want to waste time, then it is better to ask those who do it professionally, of course, for money, to write the text. Fortunately, there are many performers now, and if you do not like their work, you can easily find someone else. And then work with this person on an ongoing basis.

Example of an internship structure

If you need to write a motivation letter for your internship, an example of which is sketched below, then you have come to the right place. So let's go:

  1. At the beginning of the letter, your name, place of study, specialization, what course and form of study you are on.
  2. "I want to get an internship vacancy."
  3. Why do you want to get a job in this particular company.
  4. What can you give the company (what you can do, what tasks you can cope with, what are the benefits from you).
  5. What is the duration of the internship, when are you planning to start. How do you imagine the organization of the work process?
  6. If available, provide recommendations.
  7. Express appreciation for your attention.
  8. Apply with a request for an answer by mail or phone call, while indicating the phone number.
  9. Write a small note: “If you will, I will call you on Tuesday morning. If you are busy at this time, I ask you to inform me when the results on my question will become known to me. "
  10. To say goodbye politely.
  11. Subscribe.


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