How to effectively negotiate with partners - the secrets of success from entrepreneurs. How to conduct negotiations correctly Negotiations on further cooperation

The ability to speak persuasively and to win over interlocutors helps to establish and maintain contacts. If in domestic business the command style of management looks like a ridiculous relic, Western partners from such manners fall into a stupor and break ties.

The one who owns the word owns the situation. The ability to convince the interlocutor, to win him over, to defend his position reasonably and to find compromises will be useful both in business communication and in everyday life.

The authoritarian, bossy style of communication no longer arouses any awe or respect in anyone. And when dealing with Western partners, the habit of an administrative-command style of negotiation can cause a break in relations.

In the business world, holistic individuals who are able to make decisions quickly, clearly see prospects and abandon stereotypical thinking achieve success. Nowadays, it is unthinkable to successfully conduct business negotiations without knowledge business etiquette(cm. " ").

"Diseases" Russian entrepreneurs- uncertainty associated with increased aggressiveness and unwillingness to seek mutually beneficial solutions. Many businessmen, unfortunately, do not consider it necessary to work on their image and constantly develop. Another feature Russian business: the desire to find acquaintances and "moves", instead of making new contacts themselves.

A modern manager must have a sense of tact, be able to formulate his thoughts concisely and clearly, maintain goodwill and be impeccably polite. Presentable appearance is also an important part of the culture. business communication... It is necessary to learn to listen carefully to the interlocutor, not to put pressure on him, to take into account the national and cultural characteristics of each person.

In the end, the success of the whole business depends not least on the ability to establish contacts, negotiate and maintain trusting relationships with clients.

Features of business communication

Business communication differs from other communications in its purpose - you need to establish joint work or improve it qualitatively. At the same time, business negotiations are always formal and prescribe strict adherence to established rules and compliance with the role of each negotiator.

You can choose one of several styles of business communication, and behave according to the norms of this style:

1. Authoritarian

The negotiating party with a higher position dictates its will rigidly, openly demonstrating its own advantages.

This style can only be appropriate from a law enforcement perspective when it comes to compliance with the law. Representatives of the authorities, regardless of the level, and monopolists, and, what is especially surprising, leaders, like to use this style, when communicating with their subordinates. Suppression almost always leads to the failure of business negotiations. It is possible to justify the use of this style only in a situation when the following takes place:

  • gross violation of the rights of one of the parties;
  • insubordination with serious consequences;
  • reprimand to the offending employee, etc.

2. Democratic

Assumes communication on an equal footing. The parties listen to and discuss each other's positions, seeking to find a compromise solution and choosing the best way of the possible. This style is very promising and leads to excellent results if all parties to the negotiations adhere to the rules of the democratic style. Such negotiations are possible in an intellectual environment.

3. Problem-target

Communication caused by a situation that has arisen, which must be resolved quickly, possibly in a non-standard way. In a rapidly changing environment, you need to be able to subordinate the interests of each of the parties common tasks and at the same time to maximize all interests.

In most cases, business negotiations are conducted according to the standard scheme:

  • Preparatory stage (see ""). The negotiations are held in a semi-formal setting, and their purpose is preliminary agreements.
  • Initial positioning. An open and reasoned statement by all parties of their intentions, opinions and wishes.
  • Search for a solution. Joint discussion of tasks and methods of their implementation.
  • The final. Making the final decision.

It happens that negotiations come to a standstill. In this case, the parties must abandon their decisions and move on to working out new ways.

By type, business negotiations are divided into:

  • Official. Strictly regulated negotiations, involving the recording and signing of documents.
  • Unofficial. Relaxed conversation that does not involve making decisions with legal force.
  • External. Communication with clients and business partners.
  • Internal. Interaction with employees.

Based on the form, business communication is quite diverse:

  • oral;
  • written;
  • greeting speech,
  • advertising message,
  • report,
  • dialogue (conversation);
  • discussion,
  • meeting,
  • the conference,
  • interview;
  • telephone conversation, etc.

When choosing the form and type of business negotiations, it is necessary to take into account the national identity of the partners. For example, the French often choose a rigid, almost authoritarian style of communication.

The Japanese, on the contrary, do not accept pressure and tough defense of their positions. When dealing with punctual Germans (see ""), it is imperative to show up for negotiations without delay, in impeccable clothes, and formulate your thoughts clearly and concisely. The Americans cannot stand strict adherence to formalities; they need to start solving the problem with them without prejudice.

When preparing for a business meeting, carefully study what norms of business communication are adopted in the country with which you are going to cooperate, and take into account the peculiarities of their culture. It is not uncommon for the negotiating style adopted with American businessmen to lead negotiations with the Japanese to a standstill.

Business communication technique

To acquire the skills of conducting business negotiations, one cannot do without knowledge of business etiquette, the ability to enter the correct psychological mood, and an understanding of the methods and techniques that help to achieve the desired results.

Here are some basic rules to follow in business negotiations:

Prepare in advance for communication, think over and write down the questions that you would like to talk about, outline possible plan development of business relations. Be very clear about your arguments and the position you will take in the negotiations.

Maintain eye contact with your interlocutors, be moderately relaxed, do not overuse gestures. Formulate your thoughts in such a way that the interlocutor does not get the impression that your statements are ambiguous.

Strive for a democratic negotiation style. As practice shows, this style never arouses objections from business partners. Do not try to suppress the interlocutor, listen to him carefully and hear what he wants to tell you.

The judgments you make should not be judgmental. Keep your emotions in check. The art of negotiation implies flexibility - if the situation requires it, change your position in the negotiations (see "").

After the end of the negotiations, analyze how effectively you managed to conduct them. Celebrate your own mistakes and successes so that you can benefit from your own negotiating experience next time.

Skillful negotiation is essential successful business, establishing partnerships, resolving conflict situations not only in business, but also in friendly relations. The business world values ​​people who master the skill of negotiating in the right direction.

Negotiation - what is it?

The art of negotiation has been honed since ancient times. Experienced negotiators are in demand these days in a variety of business niches. Negotiating and - the success of this depends on the knowledge of psychology and practical experience... Communication mastery helps to achieve profitable partnerships, attract best clients and build long term business relationships.

The psychology of negotiation

Effective communication is based on knowledge of human psychology. Negotiation methods include various subtleties and nuances, so an experienced businessman is also a subtle psychologist. During negotiations, psychological techniques are often used to help build trust and mutual understanding:

  1. Show of concern: “how did you get there; was it easy to find the address ”, offer of tea / coffee.
  2. Significance - emphasizing the status and merits of the partner.
  3. Complete congruence - the coincidence of speech, gestures and facial expressions.
  4. Attention to the ideas and suggestions of the business partner.

How to negotiate correctly?

How to negotiate - this is taught in universities, in various courses, but in reality everything happens in a completely different way. And all the prepared templates only help you not to get confused during a business conversation. The most important thing is the impression that partners make on each other. Effective negotiation is about calmness, confidence, developed and respect for the other side, plus following the rules:

  • a clear goal - what the negotiations are for;
  • careful understanding of the terms of the agreement;
  • everything must be confirmed by agreement, documentation;
  • compliance with all agreements - it is important to keep your word.

How to negotiate cooperation?

Negotiating with business partners creates a lot of stress for those who are just starting their own business. Attracting customers, business partners - all this requires professional excellence... It is important to negotiate in a cooperative manner rather than competition and rivalry. Negotiations should be handled responsibly. Effective communication includes:

  • the manner of communication is pleasant, inviting and relaxed;
  • specific ideas, proposals, justifications - no talk from scratch;
  • showing interest in the client's needs, discussion;
  • the answer "I'll think about it", and not immediately "yes" will help to re-evaluate all the risks and desirability of this cooperation.

Rules for conducting telephone conversations

For many, telephone conversations seem to be more complex view negotiations in the absence of the interlocutor's face. All attention is focused on speech, timbre, tone of voice, the impression that the voice produces. The technique of negotiating on the phone is a kind of etiquette in compliance with certain standards:

  1. The rule of three beeps. If, after the third signal, the person does not pick up the phone, it is worth stopping the call.
  2. Voice - business card... In a conversation, you can immediately hear the professionalism of the interlocutor, friendliness and confidence
  3. It is important to introduce yourself by name and ask the name of the person you are talking to.
  4. Show a genuine interest in the person.
  5. Negotiations should be conducted according to a clearly drawn up plan.
  6. Application of the active listening technique.
  7. Thanks for your time at the end of the conversation.
  8. Analysis of the conversation.

Common mistakes when negotiating

Successful negotiations depend on a number of conditions being met. Many businessmen and novice managers at the initial stages observe typical mistakes:

Negotiation skills - the following books are devoted to this topic:

  1. "I can hear right through you." Effective negotiation technique. M. Golestone... The book is intended for businessmen, parents and their children and those who want to be heard and hear others.
  2. "Negotiation without defeat." Harvard Method. R. Fisher, W. Urey and B. Patton... In their work, the authors set out in simple language the basic techniques of effective communication, protection from manipulators and unscrupulous partners.
  3. "Conversation to the point." The art of communication for those who want to get their way. S. Scott... An experienced business coach shares knowledge of good communication and tricks during a conversation.
  4. “How to overcome NO. Negotiations in Difficult Situations ". W. Yuri. Very often people are faced with such things as: the interlocutors interrupt during a conversation, do not listen to the end, shout, try to instill feelings of guilt. The techniques and techniques described in the book help to get out of the conflict and conduct constructive communication.
  5. "Convince and Conquer" Secrets of effective argumentation. N. Nepryakhin... Conducting effective negotiations is also the ability to defend your point of view. The book contains a lot of effective techniques for persuading and influencing interlocutors.

V modern world a business full of information and communication, the ability to conduct a business conversation or negotiate with partners and customers is the determining factor of success. Convincing your opponent in a dispute, being able to prove the importance and necessity of your project is possible using certain tactics and strategies. We'll talk more about this in our article.

Business negotiations: secrets of communication

In the process of negotiating with partners and clients, everything is important:

  • preparation for negotiations;
  • the ability to communicate with opponents and colleagues;
  • understanding the psychology of negotiation processes and accepting the interests of another person;
  • ethics of negotiation, structure and stages of the conversation;
  • facial expressions, gestures and literacy of speech are all determining factors for success in negotiations at various levels.

What are business negotiations? Business negotiations are a form of communication and relationship between two parties with opposite or coinciding interests, the purpose of which is to achieve certain agreements or further mutually beneficial cooperation.

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The importance of conducting business negotiations is also proved by the fact that today individual researchers and even scientific communities around the world are engaged in the study of ethics, tactics and psychology of negotiation processes.

What determines the success of the negotiations? First of all, it depends on how well the host party, who is most interested in the success of the event, prepares for them.

We are constantly faced with negotiations in Everyday life when we need to reach an agreement or get any benefit, and this is possible only after exchanging views with another person.

Business negotiations, as a rule, are conducted in the political, business, and international relations and other areas where communication with opposite parties plays a crucial role. Most often, the parties sit down at the negotiating table when they pursue certain goals:

  • Extension of existing agreements on current terms;
  • Extension of existing agreements on new terms;
  • Communication for parties who have not previously had an agreement;
  • Renewal of relationships;
  • Termination of cooperation and discussion of its terms.

Also, business negotiations can be roughly divided into situational and strategic. In the first case, controversial nuances in the course of the relationship between the parties are discussed, and in the second, key issues are discussed and global tasks are addressed, as a result of which the vector of development of the entire business or a certain direction of activity in general is “set”.

Also, business negotiations can be individual - when communications are carried out between two people, as a rule, officials or heads of enterprises tête-à-tête and collective - in the course of which several specialists, employees or managers of different levels from each side are involved.

Stages of business negotiations

Today, experienced entrepreneurs know firsthand that conducting business negotiations is a whole art, which can be comprehended indefinitely.

There are special trainings on conducting business negotiations; quite a few different technologies have been developed.

Why is it so important? First of all, because most often the parties during the negotiations have opposite points of view and goals, which means that each of the interlocutors in the communication process pursues a single goal - to convince the opponent and complete the negotiations in their favor.

In pursuit of this goal, the interlocutor must be firm, but flexible, must be able to yield, make compromises, but at the same time remain unconvinced in order to achieve his own benefit.

To be competent in their field, have high communication skills, competent speech, be able to manage their emotions and have the gift of persuasion while using "body language" - all these skills must be possessed by a person for effective business negotiations.

As a rule, all negotiations are organized according to a standard scheme within several main stages. Since there are a lot of types of business negotiations today, but still, their model can be generalized, and therefore experts identify several main stages.

  1. Preparation for negotiations. This stage is really important because the outcome of the negotiations directly depends on how the parties prepare for them;
  2. Beginning of negotiations. The "protocol stage", as it is often called, begins at the moment of the meeting of the parties, and this stage plays important role, since it is the first impression, the meeting will play an important role in making a decision and will affect the results of the meeting;
  3. Discussion, solution of issues. On this stage the parties exchange information, remarks, express their points of view on certain issues, discuss prospects or try to convince opponents of something. This is the culminating, most important stage in the course of business negotiations;
  4. Decision-making. Based on the results of business negotiations, the parties make a decision: it can be the signing of a document, the achievement of certain agreements, or, on the contrary, a decision to terminate cooperation and all past agreements;
  5. Analysis of the results of the meeting.

The scheme presented above is quite general, it may contain additions (for example, additional events are organized within the framework of negotiations) and exceptions, depending on the specifics or the area in which negotiations are being conducted, but, in general, all business negotiations are built according to this model ...

Preparation for negotiations

In order for negotiations with both partners and clients to be at the highest level and in your favor, you need to carefully prepare for them. This is not an easy matter, but the outcome of the meeting depends on this.

What is the purpose of the negotiation? Of course, this is to convince the opponent of something. As you know, negotiations are held because the parties are of interest - the "negotiators" overlap.

That is, if they did not coincide at all, then the negotiations would not be needed, and if they coincided completely, then the need for them would simply disappear.

On initial stage Before negotiating, you need to remember that business negotiations are not a "random conversation", but a well-planned sequence of actions within the framework of a certain plan.

To do this, at the stage of planning and preparation for negotiations, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

  • You must clearly know the subject of negotiations, the specifics of the problem being discussed, understand the issue "from and to", so that, firstly, the opponent cannot mislead you with his arguments or "confuse" you. As a rule, the one who is better versed in the problem and the issue "wins" in negotiations;
  • Model in your head the beginning, the course, and the end of the meeting. What key will the conversation take? What plan will it develop? In what way do you need to tune the interlocutors? It all depends on you. One cannot do without an example program, a conversation script;
  • Think over all the questions to your opponent, sketch out the theses and basic phrases with which you will run away from the interlocutor. Prioritize and decide for yourself what points in the course of negotiations will need to be addressed Special attention and what aspects can be left "for later";
  • A business conversation should include both "offense" and "defense." Consider the moments in which you are ready to compromise, and those aspects that you will defend to the last;
  • Imagine yourself in the shoes of your opponent. What are his motives, goals, interest? Find the "weak point" in your opponent, he key moment in the discussion that is most interesting to him, important. If the question is about the price, then a profitable price reduction will become your "trump card", but if a partner or client is interested in something specific, then always be ready to make concessions to him in these matters;
  • In the process of conducting a business conversation, it is really important to do "reconnaissance" of your partner or client. What kind of firm does the manager represent, what offer might interest him? What is an urgent need for a partner firm today? Everyone should be competent in their partner's business when both parties sit down at the negotiating table;
  • Practice your main speech. If within business conversation a presentation is expected, then you need to prepare for it. You always need to speak clearly and to the point;
  • Think over the number of participants in the negotiations on your part, try to attract the most competent specialists who are well versed in the subject and mastery of persuasion, try to clearly explain to them the purpose of the meeting.

Also, immediately before negotiating, it is necessary to study and fully imagine such aspects as;

  • purpose and subject of negotiations;
  • what kind of company is the other party;
  • what kind of people are present at the negotiations and what level these specialists are;
  • in what conditions the meeting will take place;
  • what kind of relationship bind the parties - warm and mutually beneficial or cold and tense?

But, the most important thing that needs to be done before the parties sit down at the negotiating table is to identify the interests of the parties. When both parties will clearly understand what goals and what benefits they pursue and what interests their opponent is guided by, this will greatly facilitate the negotiation process.

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11 secrets of successful business negotiations

Before starting business negotiations, you need to understand a few binding laws conducting such meetings and a few secrets that will help achieve the desired result:

  1. You won't get a second chance to make a first impression, which means that it is the meeting that plays an important role. According to the ethics of business communication, you need to greet the interlocutor with a handshake, and the first to give a hand is the one who is the organizer of the meeting or the one on whose "side" it is being held;
  2. Moving on to the heart of the matter, it is better to start with voicing and clarifying interests. and the positions of the parties. After it becomes clear what goals are pursued by the participants in the meeting, it will be easier to move on to substantiating their views, discussing "sore" issues;
  3. Always remember that meeting times are limited... It is necessary to do without long boring monologues, abstract stories. All arguments, thoughts, facts and points of view must be stated clearly, simply, clearly and as briefly as possible. This will help the other party understand your position immediately.
  4. During business negotiations, always try to behave within the bounds of decency, do not raise your voice even at the most critical moments, do not succumb to emotions and in no case do not get personal, even in the most heated dispute;
  5. If your opponent asked you a question to which you do not know the answer, the best tactic would be to divert his attention by asking him a counter question. This, as a rule, confuses the person and he may not return to the "difficult" question for you again;
  6. If you know in advance that the negotiations are going to be difficult, that is, the reaction of the opposite side to your proposal or arguments is expected to be negative, then such a development of events need to prepare in advance... First, find out which solution this issue will be ideal for your opponent, and which you can refuse without loss in order to "please" your opponent;
  7. Always try to reach a compromise solution with a mismatch of interests. The agreement must be approached in stages, when the negotiators will gradually move away from their requirements by putting forward new proposals;
  8. Try tactfully "find out" the hidden needs of the client or a partner and offer a solution to his problems based on your product or service. Talk about discounts, bonuses that a partner can get;
  9. If the client or partner is not satisfied with the price, convince him that the product or service is "worth" the money if the client claims that your competitors have a better offer, tell him about your advantages, put forward new convincing arguments in your favor;
  10. In the last stages of business negotiations once again announce the results of the meeting, orally or in writing, recording them. Once again "outline" to the partner or client the course of your further action after signing a contract or concluding an agreement;
  11. In the course of business negotiations, avoid basic mistakes: do not give the second side false information, avoid the "instructive" tone during the conversation, listen to all the arguments and arguments of the second side as carefully and interestedly as possible.

In general, the success of business negotiations directly depends on the ability to manage the course of the meeting, on correct setting questions, and most importantly - from compliance by partners ethical standards negotiations, such as punctuality, accuracy, correctness, tact and honesty.

Negotiation tactics guaranteeing the result. Video

Conducting successful negotiations is a real art that should be mastered not only for an entrepreneur. It is also useful in everyday life for resolving conflict issues, and if a businessman is planning a new business, he definitely needs to know how to negotiate so that all controversial issues are resolved in a matter of minutes.

Rules for mutually beneficial agreements

The art of negotiation produces important results - it not only allows you to achieve a solution to any problem, but also improves communication between people. And to do this is easier than it seems, you just need to know 5 basic rules.

Rule # 1. Separation

When starting negotiations, it is necessary to separate the attitude towards a person and the attitude towards business: you should be gentle with people, regardless of who they are and what the entrepreneur's attitude towards them is, but firm in relation to business principles. To show gentleness towards a person, you just need to look at the situation through his eyes.

Rule # 2. Concentration

When negotiating, it is necessary to focus on common interests and values, but at the same time to overshadow the views of the parties. Let the main task of communication be the achievement of a result that is beneficial to everyone.

Rule # 3. Originality

It is very difficult to discuss some issues, and even knowing how to negotiate correctly, you can "stall" on the spot. To prevent this from happening, it is worth trying to think outside the box. Unexpected decisions can lead to unexpected results.

Rule # 4. Objectivity

When making a decision, one should not be guided by subjective motives and personal motives. It is enough just to turn to objective criteria, and it will never be disadvantageous.

Rule No. 5. Cooperation

Even if the negotiations are very difficult and the opponent is annoying, you should not conduct the conversation in a competitive manner. It is better to discuss the issue in a spirit of cooperation - then all parties will be interested in considering various proposals.

Tricks: How to negotiate knowing some tricks?

Communication with potential customers, clients, competitors, partners can be very difficult, especially if they also know how to negotiate correctly. And in order not to give up their positions, the other side can simply be outsmarted. Rules again 5.

Rule # 1. Stupid Than It Looks

This is the Socratic method - an entrepreneur only needs to pretend that some information is unknown or incomprehensible to him. This will force the other side to more fully express their point of view and, perhaps, even reveal some secrets. Subsequently, they can be used.

Rule # 2. Time is a helper

Timing the negotiations correctly will help create the right impression on the other party. So, the appointment should not be made earlier than 10:00 and later than 16:00. In the first case, the impression is that these negotiations are too important for a businessman. In the second - that he had already lost all hopes of holding them. Both will not contribute to the adoption of a decision that is beneficial to him.

Rule number 3. Life-saving "no"

The special art of negotiating in the event that an entrepreneur is asked for something is to first refuse the partner, and only then gradually make concessions. This initially somewhat "demoralizes" him, forcing him to try more actively and agree to even less favorable terms of the deal. A businessman will be able to conduct it with greater benefit for himself.

Rule No. 4. Trade

To make an idea come true, it must not be timidly offered, but sold. The fact that the subject of discussion is sold and has a price will make the other side look at it with great interest. At the same time, the desire to “buy” can drown out doubts when discussing controversial issues.

Rule # 5. Don't miss out on what's important

This rule directly concerns the technique itself - how to negotiate, observing all their rules. In any discussion you need:

  • personal meeting
  • pleasant manner of communication - the discussion should involve the ease of conversation
  • specifics - no "water", only ideas and suggestions
  • interest in the second party - inquire about the client's needs in advance
  • delayed consent - even if everything is perfect, you shouldn't say "yes" right away, it's better to say "I'll think about it"

All this will not only tell you how to negotiate competently, but also allow you to "increase the price" of the negotiator himself. He will be able to present himself in the best light even under the most ambiguous circumstances and get even what he himself did not count on by agreeing to this meeting.

Not a single person is born a professional negotiator. The ability to find a compromise solution between two or more parties is a unique skill that is also important for the future. career growth person or his personal business... How to negotiate and always be successful? Let's talk about this.

It is customary to distinguish negotiations between competitive and partnership negotiations.

In the first case, the goal of both negotiators is to win at any cost; therefore, the result of such a business meeting is often a conflict between the parties.

Partnership negotiations presuppose the achievement of a mutual agreement that does not infringe on the rights of both parties and that satisfies the interests of all participants in the process.

There is no one-size-fits-all advice on how to negotiate properly. Each person develops their own style through trial and error. In practice, a combination of partner and competitive forms of conducting a business meeting is most often implemented.

But if her task is to agree on the conditions for a long-term relationship, then a partnership (soft) scheme is more suitable.

Phases of competitive negotiations

To understand how to negotiate with competitors, you need to know the specifics of the process.

For such meetings, a tense atmosphere is typical, since the task of each of the parties is to obtain their own benefits, without taking into account the interests of the opposite.

The rules are as follows:

  • Never disclose your proposal in full at the beginning of the meeting, as the opposite side gets the most information in this case. Make sure that the conversation does not deviate from the planned agenda.
  • Concessions are bad. If you are forced to give in, then do it to a minimum. The size of the first concession allows the enemy to judge your attitude.
  • Dignity must be maintained as a conflict develops. Stick. You can defuse the situation by moving the conversation to another topic.

Phases of partnership negotiations

How to negotiate with partners correctly? Such a meeting cannot be regarded as a battle. This is a serious mistake. Conflicts during partnership negotiations rarely arise, since their main goal is to achieve a mutual compromise solution.

The initial phase of the meeting involves the collection and provision of as complete information as possible, which helps to achieve solutions that are beneficial for both parties. If you intend to negotiate with partners, then you need to be ready to make concessions.

Conducting business negotiations: basic rules for achieving a set goal

How to negotiate correctly? Experts give several recommendations.


How to negotiate cooperation in order to get the desired result? A future meeting needs to be viewed in a business sense, so good preparation will greatly simplify the process.

You need to set goals. They must be specific, achievable and measurable. You need to have a clear idea of ​​what you plan to get from the opposing side.

Discussion and study

If we talk about how to negotiate correctly, then even before the start of the meeting, you need to study the needs of the other side and, based on the information received, formulate your proposal. It must be realistic.

When both sides are ready to make some concessions, it is quite easy to get the desired result. But if one of the negotiators conducts a conversation in the format of a competitive meeting (overly aggressive), then a conflict situation may develop.

At this stage of negotiations, issues are discussed. The negotiator's job is to build relationships with the opposite side.


After each side had an idea of ​​the opponent, it was time to put forward concrete proposals.

Having decided to make concessions, one must not only offer, but also get a return. The exchange carried out must be of equal value, i.e. the concessions received must be of value to both parties.


What is the correct way to conduct negotiations at this stage? After the exchange of information is completed, you can start trading. Keep in mind this: the more you ask, the more you get, and the less you offer, the less you will have to part with.

At the stage of putting forward a proposal, you need to be as clear as possible in your wording. Try to avoid approximation. Ambiguity can be interpreted not in your favor.

Example: you are ready to deliver the goods on time. Speak out this particular term, since any doubt will be used against you, and you will not even have time to notice how the bargaining begins to unfold not in your favor.

Similarly, you need to negotiate with the opposite side if the offer comes from them. You also need to get a clear idea of ​​it. Feel free to ask questions that will help you understand if the proposal you received meets your goals.

Communication (body and sign language)

How to negotiate cooperation if the meeting is held in an informal setting? Practice "open" body positions and maintain eye contact with the other person. Do not cross your arms over your chest or cross your legs.

You need to think carefully about your speech. It is not recommended to use words and phrases that can irritate opponents. It is necessary to refrain from sarcastic remarks, belittling the opposite negotiator (this applies to his position, the proposal received, etc.).

What is the right way to conduct negotiations if you notice that the discussion is shifting into another channel that is not of interest to you? It is necessary to return the attention of the people present at the meeting. A simple question will help in this: “Are you confused by something? Please voice your position and we will take a worthy decision. "


Negotiating with a client or partner / competitor involves the practice of “active listening”. It will help to avoid unpleasant situations and painful reactions to what is said by the opposite side.

Active listening helps improve communication skills. It will be very useful if you need to negotiate often enough.

  • Listen carefully to the other person's speech. You will have time later to think about your answer.
  • Visualize your interest, for example, nod your head to indicate that you are hearing your opponent.
  • Demonstrate that you received all the information - voice the essence of what was said and make sure that you understood everything correctly.
  • Get into the position of the interlocutor. You must be able to put yourself in the shoes of the other person and see the situation through their eyes.
  • Ask questions that require a detailed answer, clarify the information.
  • Don't be intimidated by pauses. A two to three minute break from a conversation — an awkward pause — can give you time to collect your thoughts and think about your next question.


If you need to take a break, take it. Sometimes a pause of 10-15 minutes can save the situation if the meeting takes place in more difficult psychological conditions than expected.

This time frame will help both parties restore balance and replenish the expended moral energy. In addition, it will help you look at the issue under discussion from a different angle and sit down at the negotiating table with new ideas. This will be of great help if the meeting is at a dead end.


During the discussion, pay close attention to the verbal signals from the other party. These can be the words "perhaps", "perhaps". In most cases, this clear sign that the agreement will be reached soon.

Information will also be provided by tacit verbal signals c. Stacking the paper spread out on the table indicates the end of the bidding stage: it's time to summarize.


A resume is an important part of the negotiation process. A short summary of the results of the meeting allows us to understand that all the participants in the negotiations received the necessary information. At this stage, you can ask clarifying questions, since later this will not be possible.

After the completion of the negotiations - in a few days - the opposite side must be sent a message containing the decision taken during the meeting.

Common Negotiator Mistakes

How to negotiate cooperation correctly? There are several typical mistakes made during business meetings, which should be avoided.

  • The beginning of negotiations with a proposal unacceptable to both sides. It is necessary to clearly understand that during the meeting, each side can get the desired result. But, initially putting forward unacceptable proposals, the deal can be ruined "in the bud."
  • Lack of information. If you negotiate with partners / competitors without having complete information about the needs of the opposing side, you can lose the deal. It is necessary to prepare for a business meeting and collect the necessary information. This will help you understand what concessions are acceptable and what you can get for it.
  • Loss of composure. The ability to negotiate is a talent that not all opponents possess. If the other side is being overly aggressive, do not stoop to their level. Save business style communication and do not be afraid to politely point out to the negotiator from the other party about the inadmissibility of his behavior.
  • An attempt to shorten the course of negotiations. The pace at which the meeting takes place should suit both parties. Representatives should have time to think about specific points of the conversation before raising other questions. You must provide the opposing side with such an opportunity, but at the same time strictly monitor the time frame. Negotiating with a client unable to make a decision is a waste of time and energy.

Negotiation is a serious science, mastering which you can take your business to a whole new level.


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