Can you make money with uber? How are Uber drivers doing? Possible problems and solutions

All of the following is true and derived from personal experience, work by me in Uber in the city of Moscow We all at least sometimes use taxi services. And absolutely any person strives for comfort, of course we don’t want to bargain with the driver about the trip, where it’s better to call the operator to find out a fixed price, and if possible, then the price is cheaper, in Uber, they went the farthest and the client pays for the trip by bank transfer, saving you give a tip to a taxi driver. The Uber company is rapidly breaking into our lives. Free rides, various bonuses for customers contribute to the rapid conquest of the market, if something does not suit you as a passenger, a loyal service will go to a meeting and provide a free trip. Uber is full of things for the client: free... bonus... cheaper... no tip... But what is behind these free of charge, hidden for an ordinary taxi driver? It is for those who plan to work there that this article is dedicated.

Let me tell you, right up front. You won't earn anything with Uber! It’s a paradox, but many taxi drivers will not agree with me, they will say they work in Uber and earn money. No, this is not true, the vast majority of taxi drivers combine several types of income, for example, they work in several taxi services at once, and in other cases they combine their main job with part-time work at Uber. Making a profit from the main place of work, or other taxi services, they just don't see the unprofitability of Uber. To all those who say that you can make money on Uber, I will say - Work exclusively for Uber, and you will immediately see that there is no income there. Here is my earnings in uber, More precisely, a week of work only in uber, for a week of work in uber, not a five-day working day, but seven days of work from 12 to 16! hours working day and night, I dashed off 23,000 rubles. I spent on gasoline from 1,000 rubles on Tuesday, up to 2,000 rubles on Friday, on average, gasoline took me -10,000, car rental 11,130 rubles, - self-service car wash 180 * 3 \u003d 540 rubles (for a 16-hour working day without days off, self-service car wash is still something "pleasure"). Total expenses amounted to 21,670 rubles. That is, I earned 1330 rubles for about 98 hours of work! And this despite the fact that I do not take into account traffic fines, and other technical costs.
Another part of Uber's agitators and supporters are Uber partners. Yes partners! Uber will not work directly with you. To work at Uber, you must work for partners who are close to us taxi drivers Russian services , to which Uber transfers your earnings, and your earnings become hostage to a partner who does not guarantee that you will receive it on time. In fairness, I’ll share that, for me personally, they systematically delayed the money transferred by Uber to the partner’s account, with a rude explanation that they say they don’t draw money and they don’t have money, by the way, we are talking about “transport solutions”, a company located at Moscow, Izmailovsky menagerie street . In the process of my cooperation with "transport solutions" this company changed its name and owner, and only on paper! For what purposes was this done? Avoid taxes? Get away from paying for leasing cars? Personally, this does not concern me, except that this company is unprofessional, not capable of paying, and carries out incomprehensible schemes. And this company was the connecting link between me and Uber, and you can judge the strength of the chain by the strength of the weakest link! I’ll be honest, I’m writing an absolutely honest article, and it’s possible that this was an isolated case, that dishonesty, “transport decisions” both to me and to Russian legislation, is exceptional, and all the rest, partners are absolutely honest, honestly pay money to the driver , who receive from Uber, and also "honestly" receive their own bonuses. Although the whole scheme receives some outlines of a pyramid, nevertheless, let's say you will receive money on time. I digressed a little from the topic, and so here is the second part of those who will lure you to work at Uber, these are Uber partners, although they are conditionally honest, as we believe. However, for each employee involved, Uber pays the partner 5 thousand! rubles. Yes, exactly, for someone who supposedly has to earn from 20 thousand rubles, as your link with Uber promises you, up to 50! thousand as promised to me. In addition, uber partners receive 8% from each trip you make, that is, for a week of work when I dashed off 23,000, and with uber interest it was 30,000, and from this amount 2400! transfer to partners every week, despite the fact that they do not incur any costs. Not bad! is it true? 2400 rubles from one!, or 24000! from ten! And they are very motivated to attract you to work in uber, and they will agitate you in every possible way, make unrealistic promises about making money in Uber. In Uber, they don’t waste money on partners and give them two-fifths of their money, thereby providing a whole layer of liars and barkers about making money in Uber! As a person who fell for this deception, I say do not believe them. Think about it, for what purpose for the work on which you will receive even 20,000 rubles, pay someone 5,000? After all, if there really was such an income, Uber would not pay, but you would pay Uber. This is absolute nonsense, with Uber prices to make money. Although no, if you use a personal car, then you will earn on average for 14 hours of work, from 1200 rubles on Tuesday to 2400 rubles on Saturday, not taking into account the mileage and depreciation of the car, and this is also money that you will not receive when selling your car, and take into account traffic fines and Maintenance car. By earning money on a rented car, you will literally make ends meet. But they will lure you by hook or by crook, because for your slavery, a reward of 5,000 rubles is due! Think for yourself, attracting just one person a day, these barkers earn 150 thousand rubles a month. and add here 10,000 rubles a month per person, this is 8% of the guaranteed earnings of Uber partners. And if there are two or three taxi drivers involved, how much will they earn then? The amounts are astronomical, and they don't come from nowhere! These amounts, as well as various bonuses for customers and free trips, will be worked out for Uber by you! Calling work at Uber slavery would be unfair, since slaves were still not deprived of the basic pleasures of sleeping and eating. Working 16 hours from hand to mouth, I was deprived of these banal needs. This is the meaning of 5,000 rubles. Then, they will tell you what to work, you don’t know how, they say you need to understand some subtlety, this is done so that you stay for another week, because they will receive a bonus of 5000 only after 100 of your trips! And the subtlety in earning money with Uber can only be if you rake 5,000 rubles for attracted suckers.

The specifics of earnings

Point system..

A client using Uber services gives you points from 1 to 5 after a trip. As well as a driver to a client, I personally never gave a client less than five points, because I understood that this was nothing more than a test for my (driver) adequacy. I haven't tried giving a customer one point, but I'm more than sure if I gave a low point, I'd start having problems with Uber. In order to receive certain bonuses for the driver, the Uber system considers your arithmetic mean score and it must not be less than 5.85. The most important bonus for the driver is 5000 rubles after 100 trips. I did not receive this bonus, to be honest, I still don’t know why, looking through the reports in personal account Uber, I saw that this money was not transferred to me. But even if clients give you only fives, I did it the last week of work, but the rating is still falling. Why? when the uber system automatically assigned me the nearest client at 27 kilometers, I naturally refused and the uber system automatically dropped my rating, that is, you take orders or not taking them, your rating drops! The system provokes you to accept all orders without exception. There is another type of bonus for the driver - 50 rubles for each trip, for good Uber customers and customers - drivers with ratings of 5.85 and taking all orders without exception, and for any distance. You won’t be able to drive from the center to the sleeping area and back and forth, in the morning everyone goes to work (to the center), here it will be easier to concentrate with other drivers in the center, but in the evening, it’s more difficult! first roll back from the center and then you will be pulled beyond the Moscow Ring Road, of course with a free return. You can only choose a trip to the area you need twice a day, and then bonuses for these trips are not awarded to you! It turns out that if you use your car to get to and from work, then in this case you earn 100% because you simply take fellow travelers who will pay for your gasoline, which you will burn anyway, only for this category of drivers Uber will useful, and only in this way you will have earnings in Uber. A little distracted, is 50 rubles for each trip a good bonus? but to get it you have to skate 50 a week earlier! trips and the next week for each of the 20! trips at the time when Uber tells you, you will receive as much as 1000 rubles. Just think of a whole thousand rubles, it already smells of earnings, and how much should be done for this thousand? 70 trips, 20 of them when it's convenient, and a rating of at least 4.85. Meanwhile, what is 4.85, if you are familiar with mathematics, you will understand that the arithmetic mean between five and four is 4.5 but not like not 4.85, so any score other than 5 will underestimate the rating. Let's say a client gave you what he thinks is a good grade of 4 points, by analogy with a school, this is good, or a three is satisfactory. Therefore, even receiving a good rating in the opinion of the client, your rating will certainly fall. You can get a low score for something that the client did not like, for example, because the car is dirty, and keeping the car clean is problematic, since car washing in Moscow is more expensive than anywhere else in the country, and you get money once a week! not much to wash the car. Someone will say that in Uber, part of the orders goes for cash. Yes, it’s about one trip to twenty or once every two days, so in any case, you will think about washing after refueling, or washing at a self-service car wash like I did, but even there it takes money. You can get a low score for refusing to park in the zone of the prohibition sign, stopping is prohibited, Uber customers can put a low score for arriving at the point indicated by the client, you call him, and he tells you that he indicated a different address and you drove up not there, by the way this is a very common situation. They can also put a low score for observing the speed limit, or vice versa for speeding. They demand that you break the rules to save travel time, for example, asking you to shorten the trip through the brick. Customers in Uber, this is a special part. People are all different, both good and bad. In principle, many young students who save money are wealthy people who count every penny. common feature customers in Uber is their low solvency, or banal stinginess.

Which, in principle, is not good when it comes to making money. So, if you are looking for a job in a taxi, then you can earn money by fishing good clients at clubs, train stations or hotels. Do not subscribe to taxi services, or use such services where the payment is predominantly in cash, where you will not be deprived of a tip. In Uber, only those who take passengers on their way to work and back can make money. There is nothing for a professional taxi driver to do in an Uber. Everything you buy from Uber is just Lost time and nerves. positive moment is such that you will roll from the heart, albeit for free.


And, in general, it’s a shame for me for the state that such companies with a worldwide reputation, originally from the USA, arrange in the vastness of our country - a scam,

with a staff turnover of deceived employees, meanwhile our compatriots. Although this problem has a simple solution

After all, be in our Russian legislation, correspondence of the minimum wage to the minimum living wage

we would definitely be happier with you, and would take any job that guest workers are currently working on, and not go to Moscow

to earn money where we are deceived by everyone who is not right. etc In conclusion, I address the deputies of which common sense, repels you equal the minimum wages with a real living wage? After all, this is fair and the laws should be in good conscience!
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The results can be found below:

“My result of the taxi experiment. Let me remind you that it all started with my question, how in UBER drivers can earn 100,000+ rubles a month, if trips for customers cost ridiculous money, and the costs incurred by drivers significantly exceed the return on passengers.

As a result, it turned out that Uber drivers can really earn more than 100,000 rubles a month, but this is “dirty revenue”, which does not take into account the many costs that the driver bears without fail.

It also turned out that renting a car (the most common scheme in the "yellow taxi") in order to work in UBER is unprofitable and in order to earn 60 thousand rubles a month on such a rented car, you need to work on a schedule of 12 hours 6 days a week. The real earnings in UBER net is about 50 thousand rubles a month with a normal work schedule and using your own car.

I finish the summary, here are the results:


Per week

  • Net earnings after expenses 12410.8 rubles
  • Time on line, hours 66 hours
  • Average net earnings per hour 188 rubles / hour

Per month

  • Month 12x6 net income 58669 rubles
  • Month 8x6 net income 39113 rubles
  • Month 8x5 net income 32594 rubles


Per week

  • The cost of trips at the rate of 27440 rubles
  • Vehicle mileage, km 1400 km
  • Revenue after deducting all commissions RUB 26,578.8
  • Net earnings after expenses 19578.8 rubles
  • Time on line, hours 66 hours
  • Average net earnings per hour 297 rubles / hour

Per month

  • Month 12x6 net income 92554 rubles
  • Month 8x6 net income 61703 rubles
  • Month 8x5 net income 51419 rubles

If I rented a car "from my uncle" for 1,700 rubles a day, then I would earn 12,410 rubles a week in UBER, working on a 12x6 schedule. If I worked on my car, then in a week 12x6 I would have earned 19,580 rubles net. That is, the income part of people who rent cars becomes clear. 6,000 per week = 300,000 per year from one car.

For a normal 8x5 schedule, it is unprofitable to work in UBER with a rental car, the net income per month is less than that of a janitor: 32,500 rubles.

But on your car, working 8x5, you can earn 51,500 rubles net, which is already normal.

Yes, in a week I once washed the car for a promotion from Biglion for 350 rubles complex. It didn't have much effect on the result. Even if we assume that on average a car is washed once every 3 days (less often in summer, more often in winter), then this is 3,000 rubles per month, which also does not greatly affect the potential monthly income. Washing will be taken into account in the calculations below.

But this is all taking into account Uber bonuses! If you remove these bonuses, which are obviously temporary, then the picture will be very sad:


During the week

  • The cost of trips at the rate of 27440 rubles
  • Net earnings after expenses 5588.8 rubles
  • Time on line, hours 66 hours
  • Average net earnings per hour 85 rubles / hour

Per month

  • Month 12x6 net income 26420 rubles
  • Month 8x6 net income 17613 rubles
  • Month 8x5 net income 14678 rubles


During the week

  • The cost of trips at the rate of 27440 rubles
  • Vehicle mileage, km 1400 km
  • Full price km including all expenses with petrol 5 rub/km
  • Revenue after deducting all commissions RUB 19,756.8
  • Net earnings after expenses 12756.8 rubles
  • Time on line - 66 hours
  • Average net earnings per hour 193 rub/hour


Per month

  • Month 12x6 net income 60305 rubles
  • Month 8x6 net income 40203 rubles
  • Month 8x5 net income 33503 rubles

When UBER starts taking a commission, earnings from working on a rental car per month on an 8x5 schedule will become 15,000 rubles, which is ridiculous.

For private cars for the same schedule, the driver's net income will be 33,500 rubles per month, which is also ridiculous for Moscow.

Therefore, either drivers will gradually run away from UBER after the commission is introduced, or UBER will increase the tariff by the amount of its commission (20%), i.e., up to 10 rubles per minute and 10 rubles per kilometer. Or it will dynamically raise the tariff, as it does now, but with less latency and more dynamics.

It also became clear to me why Uber drivers talk about "100 thousand per month." After all the commissions, but with bonuses, I would have received 115,000 rubles per month with a 12x6 schedule. Yes, I can hold these banknotes in my pocket, count them, sniff them, but they are "dirty". Net, taking into account bonuses and the operation of a personal car, the income would be 92,500. If I rented a car for 1,700 rubles a day, then my monthly net earnings would be about 60,000 rubles with the same 12x6 schedule.

I would like to note that no taxes are included in these calculations. If we take into account even 13% personal income tax, the picture becomes even sadder:

Now, together with personal income tax, let's take into account the car wash 3000 rubles / month.


  • Month 12x6 net income with personal income tax and car wash: 48920 rubles / month
  • Month 8x6 net income with personal income tax and car wash: 31613 rubles / month
  • Month 8x5 net income with personal income tax and car wash: 25844 rubles / month


  • Month 12x6 net income with personal income tax and car wash: 78906 rubles / month
  • Month 8x6 net income with personal income tax and car wash: 51604 rubles / month
  • Month 8x5 net income with personal income tax and car wash: 42504 rubles / month

Without UBER bonuses, but with personal income tax and car wash, I won’t even count, because the amounts are simply ridiculous, no one will work for this money, even Tajiks without knowledge of the Russian language.


On the this moment in UBER, working on your car according to a schedule of 8 hours, 5 days a week, which is the only normal one in terms of a person’s physical capabilities and responsibility, you can earn about 40-50 thousand rubles a month net. Those who work on their car for 12 hours 6 days a week can earn 80-90 thousand rubles a month clean, but this is no longer safe.

In the case of rental cars, the situation is worse. To earn 50-60 thousand rubles a month, you need to work in shifts of 12 hours, 6 days a week. One can only guess how long a person will be physically enough for such work and how soon he will knock down a pedestrian or ram another car in an oncoming lane. But it’s simply impossible to work like that, it’s a mockery of one’s own health and a threat to the safety of others. Renting/leasing is not for UBER.

Thus, the only way to make money in UBER today is to work only on your own car and reduce costs as much as possible. But what will happen in the future, when UBER starts taking its commission, no one knows, because the income of drivers, even in their own cars, will fall below the plinth, and where they will take people who are ready to plow with an unrealistic schedule for the salary of a janitor, I don’t know.









The Uber service came to Moscow at the end of 2013. Initially, it worked only in the premium segment, users could call S-class cars. In September 2014, Uber launched UberX to book economy rides.

Petr Shkumatov decided to check whether taxi drivers can earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month by connecting to the Uber service. During the experiment, he wrote notes

I will cite the article at and it will become clear that they do not live very well and real income does not exceed 15,000 rubles per month.

"Chapter first. Useful for everyone, not just driversUber

Take, for example, a common urban golf-class car - Kia Rio. Such a car consumes 8-11 liters per 100 km and costs about 750 thousand rubles. Let's say you own it for three years and during that time you've driven 100,000 miles on it. The car already has a high degree of wear and tear and the main warranty is ending. During these three years, you will spend about 36 thousand rubles for OSAGO, 150 thousand rubles for hull insurance, 48 thousand rubles for all maintenance and 52 thousand rubles for all kinds of consumables (brushes, pads, rubber, and so on). 342 thousand rubles will be spent on gasoline, and 84 thousand rubles on a car wash, provided that you wash the car at least once every 500 km for about 420 rubles. It would seem that everything is taken into account. However, we did not take into account how much the car loses in price after three years and 100 thousand kilometers. And he loses quite a lot - 270 thousand rubles according to the most conservative estimates, which can be traced in this table. As a result, one kilometer costs us 9.82 rubles.

Chapter two. Income in UberX

Judging by the information from the official website, a trip at the UberX fare in St. Petersburg will cost 39 rubles per feed, 12 rubles per kilometer and 3 rubles per minute. It sounds good, but let's not forget that Uber will take a 20% commission from drivers and another 5% will be taken by an intermediary, since the driver, as an individual, cannot connect to Uber on his own. Let's omit taxes and toll roads - let's not dig so deep. It would seem that for 100 thousand kilometers you can make quite a lot of trips. If we take the average duration of one trip as 20 minutes, and the length is 12 km, it turns out that 8333 orders can be completed in three years. In money terms, this is 2,025,000 rubles, which sounds good. Taking into account commissions, it comes out less - 1,518,750 rubles. And taking into account the consumption of 9.82 rubles per kilometer, you will spend 982 thousand rubles. And, it seems like, 536,750 rubles will remain. In fact, not so much: this is the sum for three years of almost daily work (calculated as 120-150 km every working day, excluding rest and car service). It turns out an income of 14,909 rubles per month. Pretty bad. But that is not all.

Chapter three. Dreams are shattered on the rocks

Chapter Four. What if the calculations are wrong

You can find many arguments against my research, which will begin with the words "What if ...". But, unfortunately, I have a counterargument to most of them: “And if I don’t issue a comprehensive insurance policy?”. Maybe. But given the daily work on the car, you risk losing much more. This is an unjustified risk. “And if I buy a car in the cheapest configuration?”. Maybe. But, accordingly, sell it cheaper. As a result, you will lose about the same amount. “And if I work in several systems (Gett, Yandex.Taxi, Lucky taxi and others)?”. Yes, but then there are problems with order routing, the complexity of mutual settlements, and an overloaded schedule. And, most likely, such work will entail even more mileage and wear, which will also result in losses. “What if I get bonuses?” Imagine how big they need to be to make a big difference. Yes, Uber is subsidizing activities in many cities, but this cannot last forever. "And if...?". Yes, there can be no "if". Even on the condition that instead of a minus of 222,625 rubles you would have a plus of 500 thousand rubles, this is only 14 thousand rubles a month. This is a disproportionately low income.

Chapter five. Checkmate

To somehow confirm my hypothesis, I found an agent who connects drivers to Uber. On condition of anonymity, he provided me with a table of the earnings of his drivers for an arbitrary week. And he accompanied her with a comment that the leaders of earnings drive more than 300 km every day - that is, they work for wear and tear. Here is a copy of this table. In short: no one will become an oligarch.

Chapter six. Checkmate - 2

If the car was bought on credit, then instead of 220 thousand rubles for three years, the driver will pay much more. And for his work, as before, he will not receive anything. Afterword And yet, is it possible to make money in Uber? If you are very cunning, know how to deftly select orders and work hours, combine with other activities, save on washing and consumables, then perhaps something will work out for you. However, if you are so driven, it would make sense for you to do something more profitable."

Draw your own conclusions...

P.S. Communicating with the drivers, no one told me that they earn good money, everyone works as needed, practically without days off. And yes, a couple of years ago, when there were bonuses for completed trips, it was not bad to work, but now they are gone.

"? Of course, this question is asked by all drivers. Fuel is added to the fire by numerous partners who have recently grown like mushrooms after rain.

If you wonder and ask yourself, a neighbor or someone else: “Does Uber need a large number of drivers”? - of course yes. “Is it profitable for partner companies to work with Uber” - and how!

There are many topics on various taxi driver forums where drivers and partners complain that Uber throws money away and does not pay extra. But to be honest, I really don't believe it. Apparently you are doing something wrong, or you are clearly using various fraudulent schemes. Here they get what they need.

Expansion in Russia is only gaining momentum and for international company it is simply not profitable to start your activity with deceit. Mistakes can happen to everyone, but they can be solved, the main thing is to correctly describe the problem and send the claim to the right place, and not to the right place.

During the 9 months that I have been working with Uber, none of my friends, both drivers and partners, have ever encountered a deceit or a kidk from the company. Therefore, look for problems in yourself.

The main thing

Let's get back to the main point and talk about drivers. Is it profitable for drivers to work with Uber, because it is they who earn money for the first, for the second and for themselves. The answer is unequivocal, but at the time of writing the article - Yes, it is profitable (for Moscow and St. Petersburg, that's for sure).

And that's why. The number of orders is huge. If you work only with Uber, then you can easily make more than 20 trips per day. This is a lot, no aggregator has ever given me such a number of clients. Downtime is minimal. It's good.

About minimum wages

Well guys. Let's be honest with ourselves. Even if these are minimum wages for clients of 99 rubles, you still earn at least 200, or even 300. And how much time do you spend on this? 5-7 minutes for serving and also no more than 5 minutes for a trip with the client himself. How many such orders can you complete in 1 hour? Answer: 4-5. How much money will you earn? Answer: at least 800-1000 rubles. Isn't that enough? I even agree with you that we will never get that kind of money anyway, especially if we ride UberX (in mathematics calculations, ideally, there is always a “but”). Yes, we won't. And even 500 rubles per hour is difficult to get, but possible.

If you do not stand in one place and do not wait for heavenly mana, but think a little with your head and want to earn and feed yourself and your family.

At the time of offering you an order, Uber shows you the address of the car delivery and the time (in Moscow realities it is far from always accurate) how much you need for this delivery. Oh, how the system sometimes makes mistakes, and no wonder, it does not count traffic jams. What can I say, learn the city. Yes, ideally it is impossible to know everything, but you need to have an idea. If you know that there will be traffic jams to the address, refuse the order. If you see a large mileage before filing, refuse the order. Offers a feed, and it takes 20 minutes to get to it even according to the system - refuse the order. Nobody will punish you for it. Save time and that's money.

About trips out of town

In Uber, it doesn’t matter that you left the Moscow Ring Road, even outside the rush hour. He will still consider you a trip at a standard rate. And if you took an order, for example, from the Yuzhnaya metro station to Serpukhov, also at night, these are yours and only your problems. You can object and say that I will not know where to take the client until I start the client. Yes it is. But…

Know how to negotiate

I will never go far if... There is no coefficient that suits me. Or I did not agree with the client on additional remuneration.

Yes Yes. Exactly. If everything is simpler with the first question, we know that we receive a peak order, we know its coefficient, and we may not even start a conversation about promotion with the client. The second one requires you to have self-respect and arrogance in your arsenal.

Self respect- in order to force yourself to start a conversation about additional rewards.
Impudence- in order to name the amount of that reward.

By myself I can say that very often in the same Moscow, for less than 500 rubles from the top, I do not go. If this is Podolsk, then this is 1000. Further - more. Of course, I'm talking about night time. During the day, I most likely just won’t go there, and I don’t get orders there so often at this time.

Know Uber's coverage areas

The official Uber coverage area (for Moscow, for your cities check on the official website) is the limits of the Moscow Ring Road, airports and some areas nearby (Khimki, Mytishchi, Korolev, Reutov, Lyubertsy, Zhukovka, Nikolina Gora, Krasnogorsk, Green Hills, Northern Butovo) .

Everything else is up to the driver. You want to be lucky, you don't want to not. But outside the zone of action of the zones indicated on the map, you have the full right to refuse a trip, without any penalties, or to agree with the client on an additional fee.

When I just started working with Uber, and I started doing it at, then the deputy head of the column told me: “Either take cash or say that I will finish the trip when I cross the Moscow Ring Road in the opposite direction.”

What can I say - it all works for the client and for the most part they go to a meeting, and if they don’t go, then the flag is in their hands to get home.

About odds

Many people talk about downtime after 21:00 in the guaranteed odds area. Yes it is. But who is stopping you from leaving the zone where you are guaranteed to receive an order and there will be no downtime? Don't say "he" will make more money than me with bonuses from Uber. Don't count other people's money, count your own. You do not know how long the driver who will receive the order will have to stand? No. Maybe he needs an hour. Are you ready to wait for an order for which you will receive 800 rubles, and wait for it for an hour? I definitely don't. Therefore, the income is definitely higher. In an hour of downtime, I can complete not one or two orders, but at the same time again get into the peak zone and get a client not 1 to 1.

So don't blame Uber with its low price, blame yourself. It is you and only you who limit yourself in earning.

Every driver who wants to work in the field of taxi services is interested in how much Uber drivers earn in Moscow.

This system has great potential, and the capital itself provides even greater opportunities. Every year, more than one hundred million requests are made for transportation services here.

Working for Uber on a payroll has a number of advantages, the outdated way of earning money, which involves monotonous waiting in crowded places, cannot be compared with it. After learning how much Uber drivers earn, many drivers connect to this system in order to.

Get money
right after the trip

Instant payments to the driver for non-cash orders for:

  • bank card
  • qiwi wallet

Payments are made automatically once a day or after the completion of each order.

Features of tariffs, calculations and payment for Uber drivers

Only the driver himself determines how much he will receive through Uber. Of course, there is an upper limit, but this system provides the opportunity to work in a free schedule. Start working when it's convenient for you, Uber drivers are paid in strict accordance with the principles of the company.

Large volume of orders

Free work schedule

Tariff increase during peak hours

Cancellation compensation

Timely payments

Cashless payments for trips

How much can you earn in an Uber taxi in one day

How much they earn in an Uber taxi depends on the driver himself. One full day of work in Uber 8 hours long can bring profit from 2400 to 4800 rubles. The salary of an Uber driver is significantly higher than the salary of an ordinary driver working the old fashioned way.

Helps increase profits:

  • The ability to quickly find a client. As soon as an order is received, it is served in common system, and transmitted to the nearest driver. No trips to the other end of the city;
  • Convenient interface of the Uber system, it will indicate the most convenient ways and places of transport concentration. Even without full knowledge of the city, you can quickly get to the place;
  • Various rates. The salary of Uber drivers providing comfort or premium services is significantly higher than that of ordinary drivers;
  • Bonus programs. They allow you to attract and retain drivers. Drivers who found out how much you can earn in Uber taxi thanks to them, they tend to connect to the system.

Uber taxi driver salary

Earnings remain substantial even despite the interest rate that Uber charges. Also, how much drivers earn in Uber taxis is affected by additional costs. As a rule, the maintenance of a car and gasoline takes about 20% of the amount earned.

With stable work for 60 hours a week, the driver can receive in its pure form from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, the bonus system will help to earn more. You can also use the unique multiplier system, which means that at the most demanded time, the cost of the trip may increase.

As a result, your final income can increase significantly. You also do not have to worry about the damage that passengers can cause to the car - all costs associated with such phenomena will be reimbursed.


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