Evgeniy Charushin why the tyupa doesn’t catch birds. Why doesn't the tupa catch birds? L. Gromova. Firefighter

He sees Tyupa, a sparrow sits not far from him and sings and tweets:

“Chiv-chiv! Chiv-chiv!”

“Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup,” Tyupa spoke. - I'll grab it! I'll catch it! I'll catch you! I’ll play!” - and crawled towards the sparrow.

But the sparrow immediately noticed him and shouted in a sparrow voice:

“Chiv! Chiv! The robber is crawling! That's where he's hiding! Here he is!

And then, out of nowhere, sparrows flew in from all sides, some settled in the bushes, some right on the path in front of Tyupa.

And they started shouting at Tyupa:



They shout, they shout, they tweet, well, there is no patience.

Tyupa was frightened - he had never heard such a scream - and left them as quickly as possible.

And the sparrows screamed after him for a long time.

They probably told each other how Tyupa was crawling and hiding, trying to catch them and eat them. And how brave they are, sparrows, and how they scared Tyupka.

There is no one to catch Tyupe. No one is being taken in by anyone. Tyupa climbed up the tree, hid in the branches and looked around.

But it was not the hunter who saw the prey, but the hunter’s prey that found it.

He sees Tyupa: he is not alone, some birds are looking at him, not little foam babies, not screaming sparrows, these are the ones - a little smaller than Tyupa himself. It was probably the blackbirds who were looking for a place to build a nest, and they saw some strange little animal - Tyupka.

Tyupa was delighted:

“That’s interesting! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! Who are they? Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll grab it! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll catch it! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll catch you! I’ll play!”

But Tyupa doesn’t know who to catch first.

One blackbird sits behind Tyupka, the other in front of Tyupka - right here, very close.

Tyupa will turn this way and that way - tymping and typing. He will look at one, then at the other.

He turned away from the one who was behind, and the other, in front, flew at Tyupka and pecked him with his beak!

Tyupa immediately stopped typing.

He can't understand what it is.

They offended him! They took the bait!

Tyupa jumped into the bushes and went wherever he could to hide.

And if now Tyupa sees a bird, he does not pay any attention to it.

That's why Tyupa doesn't catch birds.

Activity No. 2.

Retelling of the story “Why Tyupa doesn’t catch birds” by E. Charushin

Target: teach children to convey the content of the story consistently, logically, without repetition; develop intonation expressiveness of speech; develop the processes of mental activity and memory.

Preliminary work Reads the story "Why was Tyupa nicknamed Tyupa." Tells about the writer and artist E.I. Charushin, shows his books with drawings by the author.

Progress of the lesson.

Today I will read you a story about Tyupa - it’s called: “Why Tyupa doesn’t catch birds.” Interesting name, is not it? All the cats hunt for birds, but for some reason Tyupa doesn’t catch them. Why do you think?

After listening to the children’s opinions, she reads the first part of the story until the words: “Tupe has no one to catch...”. He asks if you liked the story and what you especially liked about it. Reads out 2-3 passages named by the children.


At first the sparrow sat and chirped songs. How did he sing his "Chiv-chiv"? Yes, it's fun. Sing this funny song all together... now sing it a little quieter, but louder.

And then how and what did the sparrow screech about? (angrily, indignantly: “Chiv-chiv! The robber is crawling”! That’s where he’s hiding! That’s where he is!” - 1-2 choral responses and individual repetitions).

The sparrows heard this cry and ... flew to the rescue. Some sat on a bush, and some...right on the path, in front of Tyupa.

And they began to shout, shout, and tweet. What did you start doing?

What did they tell each other about later?

As a result of the lesson, the dramatization is repeated.

Lesson No. 3.

Telling children the Russian folk tale "Little Fox and Sister Gray wolf"

Target: recall Russian folk tales known to them with children, ask them to name their favorite ones; offer to characterize the characters new fairy tale(especially in detail - the fox) and compare them with characters from other fairy tales, develop operations of comparison and systematization, develop voluntary memory.

Progress of the lesson.

Children are asked to list the Russian folk tales they know (he praises those who remembered the main ones - “The Hare Boasts”, “Fear Has Big Eyes”), then name their favorite ones.

Very often the heroes of Russians folk tales is a fox. Remember and name these fairy tales. The fairy tale that I will introduce you to today is also about a fox. It's called "Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf." What do you think the fox will be like in this fairy tale? He is interested in what the children especially liked about the fairy tale. Reads out 2-3 passages at their request.

Then the children characterize the fox (cunning, dexterous, smart, finds a way out of any situation) and answer the question what kind of fox is the heroine of today’s fairy tale like. (like the fox from the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin,” only this one is even more cunning and resourceful.)

Children are encouraged to dramatize the ending of the story. Makes sure that they say the phrase “So, honey, so!” with the correct information. Dramatization is repeated 2-3 times.

Lesson No. 4.

Teaching storytelling. Didactic exercise "Guess where we were?" Repetition of the fairy tale "Winged, furry, and oily."

Target: improve children's speech; activate thinking; develop imagination and sense of humor; repeat with the children the fairy tale “Winged, shaggy, and buttery” (remember the title, the beginning of the fairy tale, organize reading in person of a passage).

Progress of the lesson.

“On the edge of the forest, in a warm hut, there lived three brothers,” the teacher begins to tell. Invites the children to continue: “A winged sparrow, a furry mouse and a buttery pancake,” the children finish the phrase.

Children participate in storytelling without loudly pronouncing individual words and short phrases.

Sparrow. Oh, cabbage soup, boyar cabbage soup, how good and fatty!

Crap. And I, damn it, will plunge into the pot and come out - that’s how fatty cabbage soup is!

Sparrow. Oh, porridge, what a porridge - it’s so hot!

Mouse. And I’ll bring some firewood, bite it into small pieces, throw it into the oven, and scatter it with my tail - the fire burns well in the oven - look, the porridge is hot!

Sparrow. Yes, and I’m no slouch: I’ll pick mushrooms, haul beans - so you’re full!

They all lived like this, praised each other, and did not forget themselves.

Reading in faces is repeated 2-3 times.

Do you love fairy tales? Why do you love them? How to distinguish a fairy tale from a story? Now I will read you a short poem, listen and tell me what’s wrong with it.

Smoke poured into the chimney like a column,

The moon howled from the sky at the dog,

The birds scared the scarecrow,

The cat ate sausage.

Now come up with funny and kind fables about how magpies borrowed tails from foxes and what came of it, says the teacher. - Start like this: One day the magpies decided to fly with fox tails...


When Tyupa is very surprised or sees something incomprehensible and interesting, he moves his lips and “tyup”: tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup...
The grass moved in the wind, a bird flew by, a butterfly fluttered - Tyupa crawls, creeps closer and taps: tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup... I'll grab it! I'll catch it! I'll catch you! I'll play!
That's why Tyupa was nicknamed Tyupa.
He hears Tyup, someone whistles thinly.
He sees that in the gooseberries, where it is thicker, gray, fidgety little birds - foam birds - are feeding, looking for midges.
Tyupa is crawling. That's how he hides and hides. He doesn’t even bother - he’s afraid of scaring him away. He crawled close and close and then he jumped - jump! How will he grab it... But he didn’t grab it.
Tyupa is not yet old enough to catch a bird.
Tyupa is a clumsy trickster.

Tyupa was beaten.
It was Nepunka, Tyupka’s mother, who spanked him. She drives him away. Tyupa is disturbing her. Now she has no time for him.
Nepunka is waiting and waiting to see if she will soon have other, new little suckers.
She also had her eye on a place - a basket. There she will feed them and sing songs.
Tyupa is now afraid of her. And it doesn't come close. Nobody wants to get spanked for anything.
The cat has a custom: he feeds the little one, but chases the adult. But Nepunka the cat’s new suckers were taken away.
Nepunka walks around, looking for kittens, calling. Ne-Punka has a lot of milk, but no one to feed.
She looked for them and looked for them, and somehow by chance she saw Tyupka. He was hiding from her at that time, afraid of a spanking.
And then Nepunka decided that Tyupa was not Tyupa, but her new little sucker, who had gotten lost.
And Nepunka was happy, and purred, and called the little one, and wanted to feed and caress.
And Tyupa is a scientist, he doesn’t come close.
He was “caressed” like that just yesterday, he still remembers it.
And Nepunka sings: “Go, don’t be afraid, I’ll feed you,” she lay down on her side.
Nepunka's milk is warm. Delicious! Tyupa licked his lips. He learned to eat himself a long time ago, but he remembers.
But still he doesn’t go to Nepunka.
However, Nepunka persuaded Tyupa.
Tyupa sucked on some milk and fell asleep.
And then other miracles began.
After all, Tyupa is an adult. But for Nepunka he is small. She turned Tyupka over and washed him and licked him. Tyupka woke up and was surprised - why is this, what is this for - he himself can do it.
I wanted to leave. And Nepunka persuades: “Lie down, you’re little, you’ll stumble, you’ll get lost.”
She sang and sang songs and fell asleep herself.
Then Tyupa got out of the basket and went about his various business. This and that.
I went to catch butterflies. It sneaks up on the sparrow.
Nepunka woke up. Oh, where is her Tyuponka? Lost!
She ran out into the yard and called.
And Tyupa climbed onto the roof and there he crawls, runs, and scares some little bird.
Nepunka, come to him quickly:
- Do not fall! Don't fall down!
But Tyupa doesn’t listen.
Nepunka took Tyupka by the collar and carried him like a little boy from the roof. Tyupa fights back, resists, and does not want to leave the roof.
Nepunka somehow carried him away, licked him, calmed him down.
And for a long time Nepunka could not understand that Tyupa was already an adult and did not need to be nursed.

He sees Tyupa, a sparrow sits not far from him and sings and tweets:
“Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup,” Tyupa spoke. - I'll grab it! I'll catch it! I'll catch you! I’ll play!” - and crawled towards the sparrow.
But the sparrow immediately noticed him and shouted in a sparrow voice:
“Chiv! Chiv! The robber is crawling! That's where he's hiding! Here he is!
And then, out of nowhere, sparrows flew in from all sides, some settled in the bushes, some right on the path in front of Tyupa.
And they started shouting at Tyupa:
They shout, they shout, they tweet, well, there is no patience.
Tyupa was frightened - he had never heard such a scream - and left them as quickly as possible.
And the sparrows screamed after him for a long time.
They probably told each other how Tyupa crawled, hid, wanted to catch them and eat them.
And how brave they are, sparrows, and how they scared Tyupka.
There is no one to catch Tyupe. No one is being taken in by anyone. Tyupa climbed up the tree, hid in the branches and looked around.
But it was not the hunter who saw the prey, but the hunter’s prey that found it.
He sees Tyupa - he is not alone, some birds are looking at him, not little foam babies, not screaming sparrows, these are the ones - a little smaller than Tyupa himself. It was probably the blackbirds who were looking for a place to build a nest, and they saw some strange little animal - Tyupka.
Tyupa was delighted: “That’s interesting! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! Who are they? Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll grab it! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll catch it! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll catch you! I’ll play!”
But Tyupa doesn’t know who to catch first.
One blackbird sits behind Tyupka, the other in front of Tyupka - right here, very close.
Tyupa will turn this way and that way - tymping and typing. He will look at one, then at the other.
He turned away from one - from the one who was behind, and the other - in front - as he flew at Tyupka and pecked him with his beak. Tyupa immediately stopped typing.
He can't understand. What it is?
They offended him! They took the bait!
Tyupa jumped into the bushes and went - wherever he could hide.
And if now Tyupa sees a bird, he does not pay any attention to it.
That's why Tyupa doesn't catch birds.

Anya has a squirrel. Anya is an artist and loves little birds. Everyone knows this and brings different animals to her: now a little jackdaw, now a little magpie. Somehow they brought a squash.
And the starling is not real yet. He can't fly and hasn't learned to eat. His wings are splayed and short. The beak is yellow. He opens his beak, spreads his wings and shouts - asking to put food in his beak. And he will swallow it himself.
Anya feeds him and says:
- Eat! Eat!
He will feed him and go to work.
As soon as he starts, he hears the squirrel screaming and calling again. He wants to eat again.
“You’re a villain,” says Anya, “You don’t let me work.” I am busy. You glutton! The villain!
Anya fed the squirrel like this, then she would say affectionately: “Eat, eat,” then she would get angry: “You are a villain, squirrel!” And the squirrel learned to speak.
Once Anya approached him with food.
And the skvorka said:
- Eat! Eat!
Anya was surprised!
And since then he stopped screaming like a bird, and when he wants to eat, he says:
- Eat! Eat!
And if they don’t give food for a long time, he gets angry and shouts:
- The villain! The villain!
Anya is working by the window, and the birdhouse is hovering around. Looks what she's doing; Either he pecks at the paint, or he wants to take Anya’s pencil away, but he gets in the way.
Anya opened the window and said:
- Go for a walk.
Skvork went into the yard and flew out.
Anya works, and she looks at what he will do there.
There are a lot of interesting things in the yard.
I heard a squawk and someone chirping. This is a sparrow feeding a sparrow. And he also wanted to eat.
He flew to the sparrow. He spread his wings, opened his beak and said:
- Eat! Eat!
And the sparrow pecked him and flew away.
The starling sees: the neighbor's cat Valerka is coming. He goes to him.
Jumps in front of him - demands:
- Eat! Eat!
And this Valerka was recently beaten for chasing chickens. He doesn’t even want to look at birds now.
Then the squirrel jumped up to the dog.
The dog is sleeping and snoring.
In front of him is a bowl with food, and flies are walking on the bowl.
But the squirrel has not yet learned to catch flies, and dog food is also not good.
He sat down right next to the dog’s nose and said:
- Eat! Eat!
The dog didn’t wake up for a long time, but when he woke up, he started barking.
The squirrel got scared.
He flies away from him and shouts:
- The villain! The villain!
Neighbors came to Anya and brought food for the squirrel.
They were surprised that the bird spoke.
One day a neighbor comes to see her.
“Where,” he says, “is your starling, I brought him something tasty.”
Anya calls:
- Where are you? Eat! Eat!
The starling is nowhere to be found.
We started looking, but couldn’t find it.
And this is how it was.
Rain is coming. The wind blew out from under the cloud. Skvorka was walking around the yard at this time. Wood chips and dust swirled around him. Skvorka got scared and flew away. Not home, not to the neighbors, not to the forest, but he doesn’t know where. He descended onto some path. And, probably, he would have been completely lost if a stranger had not found him.
A passerby was walking along the path. He sees: a starling is sitting on the road and is not afraid. He lets you get very close.
A passerby thinks: “I’ll catch him, bring him home, put him in a cage, let him sing.”
And the starling flew up and sat on his hat. A passerby grabs his hand and holds it.
And his starling suddenly shouted:
- You are a villain! You are a villain!
The passerby got scared, unclenched his hand, and let go of the squirrel.
He came home and told everyone: these are the miracles the bird says.
And the neighbors heard it, they told Anya.
And together with her they went to look for the bird.
Skvorka, when he saw Anya, flew to her and shouted:
- You are a villain! You are a villain!
“You shouldn’t say “villain”,” said Anya, “but “eat”!”

Cats are hunters. They love to catch birdies.
Our Punya is also not averse to hunting, but not at home. He doesn't bother anyone at home.
Once they brought me several songbirds in a small cage.
Goldfinches, canaries.
Where do I think I should put them, what should I do with them?
Released into the wild - it's blizzardy and frosty outside. In a cage is also not suitable.
I put a Christmas tree in the corner. Covered the furniture with pieces of paper to prevent them from getting dirty, and... do what you want. Just don't interfere with my work.
Goldfinches and canaries flew out of the cage - and to the Christmas tree.
They're crawling around the tree and singing! Like!
Punka came, looked and was interested.
Well, I think now we need to catch Punka and throw him out of the room.
The hunt will certainly begin.
But Punka only liked the Christmas tree. He sniffed it, but didn’t pay any attention to the birds.
Goldfinches and canaries are afraid. They don’t jump close to Punka.
And it doesn’t matter to him whether there are birds here or not. He lies down and sleeps near the Christmas tree.
But I still drove Punka away. Who knows. Even though he doesn’t look at the birds, he suddenly catches one.
Time has passed. The birds began to build nests: they were looking for different fluffs, pulling threads out of rags.
Punka goes to see them. He sleeps with them. Goldfinches and canaries are not afraid of him - why be afraid of him if he doesn’t catch them.
And the little birds became so brave that they began to pull at Punka’s fur.
Punka is sleeping. And the birds pull the wool out of it and are not afraid.

Gayarka is an ordinary hunting dog. We didn't notice anything special about him. Unless sometimes he suddenly starts showing his teeth.
Those who don't know will be so scared.
And it turns out that he is not angry, not angry, but wants to smile.
His owner arrived. Gayarka was all smiles. Very, very happy. His owner will take him hunting. Gayarka will work - get game: smell, search.
He hasn't hunted for a long time.
Boka lay down, became loose and clumsy.
Will the owner soon put on his boots, take his gun and they will go?
And the owner sat, drank some tea, looked at the gun and left again.
Gayarka was offended. He lies down in the corner, sighs, and doesn’t look at anyone.
A day has passed, another has begun. Gayarka is bored, lies in the corner - does not eat, does not drink.
The owner has returned.
“Come on,” he says, “Gayarka, why are you lying there?”
Gaillard didn't even get up. He did not rush to caress his owner, but began to whine and bark.
And we listened to him and understood everything.
- Here you are, master. He promised to take me hunting. And he left and left me alone. I'm waiting and waiting, but you're not coming. It’s not good to deceive like that, and there was no desire. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, and you still don’t go and don’t go.
How boring.
Gayarka spoke for a long time. He told me everything. And when he told me, he crawled out of the corner and began to run, jump, and rejoice.

E. Charushin

Why doesn't Tyupa catch birds?

Why was Tyupa nicknamed Tyupa?

When Tyupa is very surprised or sees something incomprehensible and interesting, he moves his lips and “tyup”: tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup...

The grass moved in the wind, a bird flew by, a butterfly fluttered - Tyupa crawls, creeps closer and taps: tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup... I'll grab it! I'll catch it! I'll catch you! I'll play!

That's why Tyupa was nicknamed Tyupa.

He hears Tyup, someone whistles thinly.

He sees that in the gooseberries, where it is thicker, gray, fidgety little birds - foam birds - are feeding, looking for midges.

Tyupa crawls.

That's how he hides and hides. He doesn’t even bother - he’s afraid of scaring him away. He crawled close and close and then he jumped - jump! How will he grab it... But he didn’t grab it.

Tyupa is not yet old enough to catch a bird.

Tyupa is a clumsy trickster.

About how Tyupa became small again

Tyupa was beaten.

It was Nepunka, Tyupka’s mother, who spanked him. She drives him away. Tyupa is disturbing her. Now she has no time for him.

Nepunka is waiting and waiting to see if she will soon have other, new little suckers.

She also had her eye on a place - a basket. There she will feed them and sing songs.

Tyupa is now afraid of her. And it doesn't come close. Nobody wants to get spanked for anything.

The cat has a custom: he feeds the little one, but chases the adult. But Nepunka the cat’s new suckers were taken away.

Nepunka walks around, looking for kittens, calling. Nepunka has a lot of milk, but no one to feed.

She looked for them and looked for them, and somehow by chance she saw Tyupka. He was hiding from her at that time, afraid of a spanking.

And then Nepunka decided that Tyupa was not Tyupa, but her new little sucker, who had gotten lost.

And Nepunka was happy, and purred, and called the little one, and wanted to feed and caress.

And Tyupa is a scientist, he doesn’t come close.

He was “caressed” like that just yesterday, and he still remembers it.

And Nepunka sings: “Go, don’t be afraid, I’ll feed you,” she lay down on her side.

Nepunka's milk is warm. Delicious! Tyupa licked his lips. He learned to eat himself a long time ago, but he remembers.

But still he doesn’t go to Nepunka.

However, Nepunka persuaded Tyupa.

Tyupa sucked on some milk and fell asleep.

And then other miracles began.

After all, Tyupa is an adult. But for Nepunka he is small. She turned the sponge over and washed him. licks. Tyupka woke up and was surprised - why is this, what is this for - he himself can do it.

I wanted to leave. And Nepunka persuades: “Lie down, you’re little, you’ll stumble and get lost.”

She sang and sang songs and fell asleep herself.

Then Tyupa got out of the basket and went about his various business. This and that.

I went to catch butterflies. It sneaks up on the sparrow.

Nepunka woke up. Oh, where is her Tyuponka? Lost!

She ran out into the yard and called.

And Tyupa climbed onto the roof and there he crawls, runs, and scares some birdie.

Nepunka, come to him quickly:

Do not fall! Don't fall down!

But Tyupa doesn’t listen.

Nepunka took Tyupka by the collar and carried him like a little boy from the roof.

Tyupa fights back, resists, and does not want to leave the roof.

Nepunka somehow carried him away, licked him, calmed him down.

And for a long time Nepunka could not understand that Tyupa was already an adult and did not need to be nursed.

Why doesn't Tyupa catch birds?

He sees Tyupa, a sparrow sits not far from him and sings and tweets:

“Dup-tyup-tyup-tyup,” Tyupa spoke. - I'll grab it! I'll catch it! I'll catch you! I’ll play!” and crawled towards the sparrow.

But the sparrow immediately noticed him and shouted like a sparrow:

"Chiv!" Chiv! The robber is crawling! That's where he's hiding! That's where he is!"

And then, out of nowhere, sparrows flew in from all sides, some settled in the bushes, some right on the path in front of Tyupa.

And they started shouting at Tyupa:

They shout, they shout, they tweet, well, there is no patience.

Tyupa was frightened - he had never heard such a scream - and left them as quickly as possible.

And the sparrows screamed after him for a long time.

They probably told each other how Tyupa crawled, hid, wanted to catch them and eat them.

And how brave they are, sparrows, and how they scared Tyupka.

There is no one to catch Tyupe. No one is being taken in by anyone. Tyupa climbed up the tree, hid in the branches and looked around.

But it was not the hunter who saw the prey, but the hunter’s prey that found it.

He sees Tyupa - he is not alone, some birds are looking at him, not little foam babies, not screaming sparrows, these are the ones - a little smaller than Tyupa himself. It was probably the blackbirds who were looking for a place to build a nest, and they saw some strange little animal - Tyupka.

Tyupa was delighted: “That’s interesting!” Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! Who are they? Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll grab it! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll catch it! Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup! I'll catch you! I'll play!"

But Tyupa doesn’t know who to catch first.

One blackbird sits behind Tyupka, the other in front of Tyupka - right here, very close.

Tyupa will turn this way and that way - tymping and typing. He will look at one, then at the other.

He turned away from one - from the one who was behind, and the other - in front - as he flew at Tyupka and pecked him with his beak. Tyupa immediately stopped typing.

He can't understand. What it is?

They offended him! They took the bait!

Tyupa jumped into the bushes and went - wherever he could hide.

And if now Tyupa sees a bird, he does not pay any attention to it.

That's why Tyupa doesn't catch birds.

If you want to eat, you will learn to speak

Anya has a squirrel. Anya is an artist and loves little birds. Everyone knows this and brings different animals to her: now a little jackdaw, now a magpie. Somehow they brought a squash.

And the starling is not real yet. He can't fly and hasn't learned to eat. His wings are splayed and short. The beak is yellow. He opens his beak, spreads his wings and shouts - asking to put food in his beak. And he will swallow it himself.

Anya feeds him and says:

Eat! Eat!

He will feed him and go to work.

As soon as he starts, he hears the squirrel screaming and calling again. He wants to eat again.

“You are a villain,” says Anya. - You don't let me work. I am busy. You glutton! The villain!

Anya fed the squirrel like this, then she would say affectionately: “Eat, eat,” then she would get angry: “You are a villain, squirrel!”

And the squirrel learned to speak.

Once Anya approached him with food.

And the skvorka said:

Eat! Eat!

Anya was surprised!

And since then he stopped screaming like a bird, and when he wants to eat, he says:

Eat! Eat!

And if they don’t give food for a long time, he gets angry and shouts:

The villain! The villain!

Anya is working by the window, and the birdhouse is hovering around. Looks what she's doing; Either he pecks at the paint, or he wants to take Anya’s pencil away, but he gets in the way.

Anya opened the window and said:

Go for a walk.

Skvork went into the yard and flew out.

Anya works, and she looks at what he will do there.

There are a lot of interesting things in the yard.

I heard a squawk and someone chirping. This is a sparrow feeding a sparrow. And he also wanted to eat.

He flew to the sparrow. He spread his wings, opened his beak and said:

Eat! Eat!

And the sparrow pecked him and flew away.

The starling sees: the neighbor's cat Valerka is coming. He goes to him.

Jumps in front of him - demands:

Eat! Eat!

And this Valerka was recently beaten for chasing chickens. He doesn’t even want to look at birds now.

Then the bird jumped up to the dog.

The dog is sleeping and snoring.

In front of him is a bowl with food, and flies are walking on the bowl.

But the squirrel has not yet learned to catch flies, and dog food is also not good.

He sat down right next to the dog’s nose and said:

Eat! Eat!

The dog didn’t wake up for a long time, but when he woke up, he barked.

The squirrel got scared.

He flies away from him and shouts:

The villain! The villain!

Neighbors came to Anya and brought food for the squirrel.

They were surprised that the bird spoke.

One day a neighbor comes to see her.

Where, he says, is your starling, I brought him something tasty.

Anya calls:

Where are you? Eat! Eat!

The starling is nowhere to be found.

We started looking, but couldn’t find it.

And this is how it was.

Rain is coming. The wind blew out from under the cloud. Skvorka was walking around the yard at this time. Wood chips and dust swirled around him. Skvorka got scared and flew away. Not home, not to the neighbors, not to the forest, but he doesn’t know where. He descended onto some path. And, probably, he would have been completely lost if a stranger had not found him.

A passerby was walking along the path. He sees: a starling is sitting on the road and is not afraid. He lets you get very close.

A passerby thinks: “I’ll catch him, bring him home, put him in a cage, let him sing.”

And the starling flew up and sat on his hat. A passerby grabs his hand and holds it.

And his starling suddenly shouted:

You are a villain! You are a villain!

The passerby got scared, unclenched his hand, and let go of the squirrel.

He came home and told everyone: these are the miracles the bird says.

And the neighbors heard it, they told Anya.

And together with her they went to look for the bird.

Skvorka, when he saw Anya, flew to her and shouted:

You are a villain! You are a villain!

Yes, we shouldn’t say “villain,” said Anya, “but “eat”!

Punka and the birds

Cats are hunters. They love to catch birdies.

Our Punya is also not averse to hunting, but not at home. He doesn't bother anyone at home.

Once they brought me several songbirds in a small cage.

Goldfinches, canaries.

Where do I think I should put them, what should I do with them?

Released into the wild - it's blizzardy and frosty outside. In a cage is also not suitable.

I put a Christmas tree in the corner. Covered the furniture with pieces of paper to prevent them from getting dirty, and... do what you want. Just don't interfere with my work.

Goldfinches and canaries flew out of the cage - and to the Christmas tree.

They're crawling around the tree and singing! Like!

Punka came, looked and was interested.

Well, I think now we need to catch Punka and throw him out of the room.

The hunt will certainly begin.

But Punka only liked the Christmas tree. He sniffed it and paid no attention to the birds.

Goldfinches and canaries are afraid. They don’t jump close to Punka.

And it doesn’t matter to him whether there are birds here or not. He lies down and sleeps near the Christmas tree.

But I still drove Punka away. Who knows. Even though he doesn’t look at the birds, he suddenly catches one.

Time has passed. The birds began to build nests: they were looking for different fluffs, pulling threads out of rags.

Punka goes to see them. He sleeps with them. Goldfinches and canaries are not afraid of him - why be afraid of him if he doesn’t catch them.

And the little birds became so brave that they began to pull at Punka’s fur.

Punka is sleeping. And the birds pull the wool out of it and are not afraid.


Gayarka is an ordinary hunting dog. We didn't notice anything special about him. Unless sometimes he suddenly starts showing his teeth.

Those who don't know will be so scared.

And it turns out that he is not angry, not angry, but wants to smile.

His owner arrived. Gayarka was all smiles. Very, very happy. His owner will take him hunting. Gayarka will work - get game: smell, search.

He hasn't hunted for a long time.

Boka lay down, became loose and clumsy.

Will the owner soon put on his boots, take his gun and they will go?

And the owner sat, drank some tea, looked at the gun and left again.

Gayarka was offended. He lies down in the corner, sighs, and doesn’t look at anyone.

A day has passed, another has begun. Gayarka is bored, lies in the corner - does not eat, does not drink.

The owner has returned.

“Come on,” he says, “Gayarka, why are you lying there?”

Gaillard didn't even get up. He did not rush to caress his owner, but began to whine and bark.

And we listened to him and understood everything.

Here you are, master. He promised to take me to...


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