Entertain the people for the New Year? Easily! The best New Year's entertainment: games, contests, scenes, impromptu theater. Scenes for the new year funny and funny Costumed scenes for the new year fairy tales

Closer and closer New Year... And it just so happened that this will be the year of the rooster. For some, this topic is funny, but for others not very much. But no matter how it was, everyone will still celebrate the new year and have fun. New funny scenes for the new year 2017 for a corporate party with jokes - these are fairy tales in an adult way. We offer you impromptu scenes, which are also called instant performances. Such scenes will go off with a bang at any corporate event, and your employees will be directly involved in them.

Scene fairy tale - rooster and paints.
Everyone knows a fairy tale called - a rooster and paints. But we have a new year and this tale has become a little different. Let's see what happened.
This scene is in the form of an impromptu. The participants in the scene say their lines, and the presenter reads the main part of the text.
Participants and their words:
- rooster (words: honestly, I didn't want that)
- paints (words: brightest)
- Santa Claus (words: now we will fix everything)
- dog (words: I'm not angry)
- boy Vova (words: I'm an ordinary kid)

Once upon a time there was a boy Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid). And he had one passion - he really loved to draw. And on the eve of the new year, to please Santa Claus ( we'll fix everything now) decided Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) draw a rooster ( ). Looked Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid), and paints ( the brightest) - are over. But Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) was not upset and decided to draw a rooster ( honestly i didn't want that) with one pencil, not colored. I took it and drew it. I drew and waited for Santa Claus ( we'll fix everything now). And the rooster ( honestly i didn't want that) got bored and he decided to go for a walk. I got up and went. I saw a rooster ( honestly i didn't want that) dog ( I'm not angry), and how he starts laughing. Rooster ( honestly i didn't want that) stopped and asks the dog ( I'm not angry) - why are you laughing? What the dog ( I'm not angry) answers - so you are not a real rooster ( honestly i didn't want that), you are not painted! Looked at the cock ( honestly i didn't want that) at himself in the mirror and realized he was not actually painted. What should I do? And the dog ( I'm not angry) and says to him - go to the paints ( the brightest) they will color you. And the rooster went ( honestly i didn't want that) to paints ( the brightest).
And at this time to the boy Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) Santa Claus came ( we'll fix everything now). Vova was delighted ( I'm an ordinary kid) and ran after his drawing. He took a sheet from the table and hands it to Santa Claus ( we'll fix everything now). Looked Santa Claus ( we'll fix everything now) on a white sheet and says: where is the drawing? Who did you draw? Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) took the drawing and looked at it - and the rooster ( honestly i didn't want that) there was no. Vova cried ( I'm an ordinary kid), and Santa Claus ( we'll fix everything now) began to calm him down.
And while Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) cried, rooster ( honestly i didn't want that) went to the paints ( the brightest) and they colored it. A couple of minutes later, a beautiful painted rooster appeared at the entrance ( honestly i didn't want that). Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) saw him and was delighted. And Santa Claus ( we'll fix everything now) said - Happy New Year! And gave Vova ( I'm an ordinary kid) new paints ( the brightest). After Santa Claus ( now we will fix it) said - and the symbol of the year will be a bright and beautiful rooster ( honestly i didn't want that)!

Stage - Ryaba chicken

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had a poached chicken. But it was in a fairy tale that a chicken laid a golden egg. And our hen ryaba laid a lot of eggs and they are all magical! Each egg fulfills one wish and now you will see for yourself!

For this scene you need Kinder Surprise Chocolate Eggs. In total, you need 7 chocolate eggs. Wrap each egg with one such template.

Characters: Unclean
Baba Yaga
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga in childhood
Three pigs


They say on New Year's Eve
What you don't want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
For example, guys
Will want to get drunk
As such a wish
The New Year will not come true.
Someone is waiting for a big love
Let it be so
After all, to get acquainted for a holiday
Very easy for people.
Who wants a Mercedes
He will dream about him
And traffic police inspectors
Gloomy faces.
Magic for the New Year
Everyone expects
But the excess of wine
It hinders this.
The holiday is coming soon
Well, with him hope
So let's congratulate each other
A tender kiss.
It was a prologue, but a fairy tale
In a moment it will begin
And all the action on stage
Ours will unfold.

(The curtain opens: Scenery winter forest, in the center is a stump, next to it there is a staff of Santa Claus)

author Dark forest.
In a dense thicket,
Where birds don't fly
The dark evil spirits of the forest
Sitting in the corners are bored.
Lazy, even intrigues
People are reluctant to do it.
Magical life tortured them
And magical worries.
Yaga's stupa broke,
Koschei has prostatitis,
He is with such a disease
Yaga is no longer looking.
At Kikimora in the swamp
Leaky boots
Goblin from an oak tree
And he beat off both legs.
In slot machines
The devil has already lost his soul,
Nightingale whistling
He bit his own finger.
Festive mood
Everything crumbled to dust.
Or is it easier to say -
Good for the letter "Hu"
This is the situation
And formed in the forest.
They don't even have a Christmas tree
Although the holiday is on the nose.
That would seem to be possible
People celebrate the New Year,
After all, no one is in a state
Stop them this night.
everything is not so smooth
After all, that's why she is a fairy tale.
So. we get it
The tie begins.

(A demon appears on the scene)

(The song of the demon sounds to the music "The Island of Bad Luck")

All covered with greenery absolutely all
This establishment has a huge table
Divided into cells with numbers inside
Here, colored chips are thrown until dawn

All stuffed with "greens" absolutely all
Arrived at the establishment somewhere exactly at six
And by midnight naked like a falcon
I put my rondole tooth on the table.

The ball rolls in a circle thrown by fate
Falls out "red" this color is not mine
A security guard came up like this
I took a tooth without a dentist

What happened then I remember as delirious
I hugged the barmaid for my trouble
And then I wanted to give the guard in the face
And from the hall "corkscrew" into the corridor flew.

So all the savings, all that the year saved
In an instant I let it down in the casino
And I also got it in the face
So before the holiday I went to play

Unclean Here are the things
I have lost in full
And now they have some money in their pocket
No more shit.
How to celebrate the New Year
Neither drink nor take a walk
On a visit, why should I go to someone
For free, so to speak.

(Sees a staff near the stump)

Oops! Echo! Well, well, well!
There is a God, that's a fact!
And this is a colored stick
It came into my hands for so.
I'd better not take it
Otherwise, there will be:
“... Like the demon kidnapped her
To disrupt the New Year ... "
Must be taken and returned,
Just how can I prove
I found her in a snowdrift
In passing, so to speak.
They won't believe, I'm a type
In fairy tales, negative
So they will still be punished
Very revealing.
I'm such a prospect
Well, not at all to my liking.
I look like I have a night with her
Yes, and throw it out in the morning.

(examines the staff carefully)

The stick is clearly not simple,
There is some kind of secret in it.
A magic suddenly if?
It's a pity that there are no instructions.
I must try my luck
And I will experience it
Come on, stick, if you can,
Then try to give money.

(There is a clink of coins, trifles are scattered on the floor)

Bah! The infection works (collects coins)
One, two, three, four, five.
Not bad for a start
Oh you devil, your mother,
This money in circulation
No, it's already twenty-five years old.
So, it didn't work out very well,
No coins, no bills,
Well then, now let's ask
Pay me in kind
Stick, can you get it
Than to set the table for the holiday.

(He hits the floor with a stick, a tablecloth falls from above)

Thank you, I made you feel good,
Wooden rafters!
One hundred for me to cover for the holiday
But on the other hand, neither eat nor drink.
Soon I will conquer from hunger
And I will scream out of boredom
To be invited to visit
I want to become a dashing singer!

(He hits the floor with a stick, a fragment of a song from the repertoire sounds
of the group "Corrosion of Metal" the demon is dancing, grimacing,
music cuts off)

What are you, stick, oh ... ofigel
Or the oak is not ripe
Me with a song like this
By the legs and head against the pillar.
Tea that dyed what to find
Do not be ashamed to visit with something to go.

(A fragment from the repertoire of B. Moiseev sounds)

Oh, damn it, you must be disgraceful!
There are a thousand of them in karaoke
Who did you find me
Or completely crazy!
Even if I have a tail and horns,
Even if I am insidious and evil,
Where have you seen this
What would a devil - and a blue one ?! Stupid!!!
Turn the disc carefully
And try to find me
Something lightweight like this:
Lamtsa-dritsa-three-ti-ti ...

(An excerpt from Vitas's repertoire "Opera No. 2." sounds, rages in hysterics)

Yes, you are a cudgel
From the song I have all the wool
Already stood on end in rows
(Three pieces, six rows)
Well, what can I take from you?
Give me money again
And I will go alone
Like the last bell.

(the demon leaves, with each stroke of the staff, the jingle of coins is heard)

author There is no mind, stupid devil,
Therefore, no luck
This is a staff - Santa Claus
All instructions don't count
Can he light the tree
To involve children in a round dance
I would have ordered him still
Turbodiesel oven.
What will happen to the demon next
We will find out, but for now ...
We continue our tale
Yaga appears.

(From behind the curtains appears Baba Yaga, tows a stupa on a rope. Yaga's song to the "Fortuneteller" melody

Fashion changes daily
Life goes on faster and faster
And me with this old deck
Soon people will put in the museum
Right now, children are not frightened by Yagoya
No more fairy tales are written about her
They even call me sweets
Life has become unusually boring

And if you take and prove that I still can
Enchant bewitch and even dare to eat
I will make myself read all countries I will intimidate
And then everyone will respect me Yaga so much.

Like a hunting engine is jet
I need to get my stupa
To be powerful and portable
And soar into the blue sky on it
Astronauts scare in orbit
And catch comets with your hands
And I will also be able to fly
To wind up the tails of the planes

Baba Yaga The people say correctly:
Who will celebrate the New Year how
Good, or maybe bad
So it will live.
The prospect is awesome.
Better to die instantly.
The stupa began to junk
Do I have to walk on foot now ?!
What I didn’t do just
To somehow fix it.
Kicked on the wheels
Headlights wiped with a rag
And even from the ashtray
I took out all the butts
But does not want to work
In money, her mother eats her.
What to do, how to be
Know will have to undo
I have a date with Gorynych.
Zapadlo to walk!

(appears Unclean)

Unclean Oops old hello!
That there is no fly weather?
Or forgot the rules
I will give you one piece of advice.
Kick on the wheels
Wipe the headlights with a rag
Well, an ashtray too
Shake out regularly

Baba Yaga You scoff,
Everything has come to an end for you
I'll break a hot water bottle like Tuzik
I'll spread it like candy!

Unclean Quiet! Quiet you, Yaga!
Well, not a fig will come out.
From the same fairy tale with you
Curled hag.
Let's not quarrel
Why are we not people?
The holiday is coming soon
All the people have been singing for a long time.
You and I need to decide
How will we celebrate the New Year?

(Yaga draws attention to the staff)

Baba Yaga devil, I don’t understand something
Why do you need a club?
Or is it such a fashion now
I will not understand in any way.

Unclean Eh village, darkness
After all, you are over a hundred
It looks like just a club
But in fact it is not simple.
The power is given to the stick
And she is magical.
Only use it
I don't know a damn thing.
Guess something
But don't forget first
Think it over seriously,
Come on, why pull.

Baba Yaga You probably lie
And if you deceive, so look ...
I make a guess for a start ...
Stupa, fly away to the sky!

(Sound of an airplane taking off, the stupa flies away)

Baba Yaga Hey, where, but what about me ?!
devil, where is my stupa?
So I flew for you,
Where is your stick?
Copperfield now hold on
I'll arrange a life for you
I conjure! Everything! Die!

Unclean(whispering) Stick, help me out. Freeze! ( Baba Yaga freezes)

Unclean What, the statue is numb?
Well, what did you want?
How did I tame you
Without stress and skillfully.
What, move to the scrap?
I'm thinking about what:
Give you a shovel now
You will be a girl with a paddle.
If you cut off your hands,
Shorten your legs a little
Then Venus of Milos
You can just get it.
I am very kind today
And it's already by nightfall
And in honor of the holiday you
I wish to disenchant.

(Knocks with a staff, Yaga comes to life)

Baba Yaga besik, dear friend,
But the road can't
Help me, well, just a little:
Throw off one hundred and one years.
So that I can become again
For twenty, twenty five years,
And believe me, you immediately
Would you like to marry.

Unclean It's a pity that it be so,
I'll try to rejuvenate
Just step away
I start to enchant
Stick run smog
Yaga's Wish
Turn back time
He wants to become young.

(Unclean knocks with a staff)

Well, where are you, Yagoza?
Show your eyes.
Where are you hiding, rather
Come out to whom you told.

(From behind the curtains appears Baba Yaga- child)

Unclean That's a miracle of miracles!
An entertaining process
I see by rejuvenation
Awesome progress.

Baba Yaga What have you done?
Who have you turned me into?
Became a little child
You haven't been smart in years?

Unclean As she said - so it became,
I would have counted first.
Throwing away a whole century,
How many did not know?
Order one hundred twenty five
Take away years from you,
Then into a simple sperm
Would be transformed again.

Baba Yaga Bring back my year
May I stay forever
I'm a centenary old woman
But add even then
I am a top model
And two pounds of diamonds.

Unclean Right now, baby wait
And step back a little (Yaga is hiding behind the scenes)
Stick a lesson to the fool
Carry out the transformation.
(Knocks with staff)

Baba Yaga (Shouts from behind the curtains)
What have you conjured?
Tore me apart!
And where am I like this
Show up for the carnival?
Here I am once…. (A piglet appears from behind the curtains)
And here I am two ... (The second pig appears)
Here comes the third head (The third pig appears)
What kind of pig is this?
I can hardly keep from crying.

Unclean This is how cool it turned out
Living comfortably and beautifully
Will have someone to talk to,
Sing a song, talk.

Baba Yaga (piglets) We are three of you now
Tear into small pieces
And then play football
Can you….
Unclean Well, stand!
You, Yagi, I'm tired of you!
Well, they sang a song for me
And in a cheerful noisy dance
We flew to the barn one by one!

(Piglets dance, then hide behind the curtains.)
Unclean Let Grandpa and Grandma
New Year's snack sweet
There will be plenty on the table
Like no one else in the village.

(He knocks with his staff, leaves.)

author Here is such a round dance
Spun into New Years
And everything is not right somehow
demon yagu took over
And now she is in the village
Locked in a pig barn.
This is the first time in fairy tales
Yaga will have to save right now.
The snag itself is to blame
You can't return a year back!
Who is the money "left" vomet
That piggy look will take on.
Yaga let him wait for now,
The demon will solve his problems
We continue the tale
Our plot is moving forward.
... In a remote village at the edge
In a crooked and small hut
There lived an old man, he was married
On a volunteer old woman
Let's go, perhaps, to visit them
And we will see everything in more detail.

Decoration of a village hut, Grandfather sitting at the table, busy with his own business. Grandfather's song to the melody of Lube "Birches")

New Year is on the doorstep, I'm happy about the holiday
I'm happy when the tree sparkles with lights
Soon Grandma will be back from the club
And let the table cover faster
I love when the frost cools vodka
A dumpling on the table in a cup of steam is playing
The smell of pine needles and meat caresses my nose
And the saliva flows down to the chin

To make the stomach hot again
In my head to make a little noise
Someone will gently put their hand on their shoulder
And we will tighten the song timidly

Only in our house we even roll a ball
And I sew the last boot for the fifth time
Even to visit I have nothing to wear today
Where they wait and always pour
I lie on the sofa, turn on the TV
Exactly at midnight, as always, I wish myself
What I want with my heart and soul
What I dream about all the time.

Grandfather Already the holiday is coming
People celebrate the New Year,
And I'm all in business and worries
Nobody will pour glasses.
Go and run away to the club myself
Enrolled in the folklore circle
On stage, tea, go and sing
And no one will pour me a drink.
What would be delicious to eat
She only has songs in her mind
I'll kill a cock at least
After all, there is a hunt, even if you crack.

(Grandfather goes out of the hut but soon returns very surprised)

Grandfather I did not drink wine today,
I shouldn't be so buggy.
Three pigs in our stable
Like a science fiction movie.
So what could it be
And how to explain all this?
After all, rats just can't
Give birth to such big animals!
But be that as it may, they
Three things lie in the straw,
This is a gift for the holiday
Now let's make some stew.
So, you need to sharpen the knife,
Wash pots quickly
So that for the holiday with a pair of pork
How should I have a snack.

(Enters Grandma cheerful, ruddy)

Grandma Grandfather, tell me why those knife
Or the dining room is not good
Whom are you going to cut
Or caught a lame louse?
In our refrigerator
Millet porridge and kvass
You don't need a knife at all
The spoons will be just right.

Grandfather We have a miracle miracle in our barn
Three pigs lie beautifully
Right now I'll score one for the holiday,
Get out the pan quickly!

Grandma Come on, Grandfather, come here,
And look into my eyes
Breathe in your nose! Your stash
Already got out.

Grandfather I'm sober, Granny is like glass
And I haven't drunk for a long time.
Here are those cross, in the pig's barn
They lie playing dominoes!

Grandma What are they playing? Domino ?!
One thing is clear to me now:
What is your thin roof
Already moved out a long time ago.
Do you already go
demons got in the way,
This is delirium tremens
How do you not twist it.

Grandfather I'm sober right now
I do not drink for the fourth day
I see only one way out -
Let's go and see together.
Well, you will choose along the way
Who are we going to eat today.

(Grandfather and grandmother leave. Decoration of the barn. Piglets are sitting in the barn, playing dominoes. Grandfather with the grandmother enter the barn, Grandma faints)

Grandfather What, ofigela with happiness?
Right. Such a thing!
Three cool pigs
They sit in our yard.

(Grandfather brings Grandma to life)

Grandma What am I? Where I am? Piglets ...
Oh good guys.
I probably have too
The roof moved down once.

Grandfather Everything is in order, everything is in place.
After all, they don't go crazy together.
Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Gives everyone gifts
Apparently came at night
Here he planted the pigs.
Take your pick while you're here
Which we will eat.

Yaga (piglets, grandfather and grandmother)
That the lips have rolled out
Did not feed, did not caress
Well, let's get out of here
Only you have been seen here!

(Grandma faints again)

Yaga (piglets) This is the kind of thing for me
Well, I'm particularly tired of
I must call the devil here
To return your look.

author The tale is moving forward
Soon, soon the New Year.
The matter in the fairy tale takes
Unpleasant turnover.
Everything is dead end. Yaga in the dungeon
the demon was able to get lost in the thicket
So the staff will not return
Santa Claus will not come to us
For the first time in a hundred centuries
They are canceling the New Year.
We got carried away, no doubt,
It is necessary to correct the plot
And then for such tales
Again we have to answer.
What to do how to be
How to change the course of a fairy tale
All hope for Frost
Change the situation.

(The scenery of the winter forest. The imp appears. The jingle of coins)

(the devil sits on a tree stump, falls asleep. Father Frost and Snow Maiden)

Father Frost I have become quite old
I lost my staff somewhere
He has all the power of Santa Claus
How did I fail.

Snow Maiden Grandfather, remember, you walked in the forest,
Through the jungle, through the stumps,
Like a pretty Christmas tree
In the dark thicket we found.
How did you sit on a tree stump
I shook the bumps out of my boots,
Got up, then straightened the robe
I put a sack on my back
And it was then that you set aside
Probably its own road.

(Father Frost notices a demon sleeping on a stump)

Father Frost Quiet, Granddaughter, we're lucky
That one got warm on the tree stump
And in his hands he holds a staff
As if grazing gophers.

Snow Maiden Grandfather, look, he's sleeping,
You hear the whole forest sniffs
Take away the staff soon
And let him sit.

Father Frost No, let's wake him up!
What did he do
With my magic staff
We must interrogate the demon.
Wake up you rogue
And tell me soon
Is everything with the staff all right
Don't you dare lie to me.

Unclean Hello, dear grandfather,
My dear savior,
Take your club
Well, I went home.
I need to celebrate a holiday
Rich table set
Well, why did I go in peace ...

Father Frost... So my friend, Stop!
I smell something
If you are so addicted.
Tell everything in detail
What and where have you done!

Unclean What can I tell you
I was walking through the woods, I see grabbing ...
The stick is at the hemp,
Mishuroy rustles.
And while I was waiting for you
So I dozed off a little.
Well, what, I'll go or something
To the unclean ball.

Father Frost You cheat, you bastard,
Get the kikimor out of the pond,
And me, a horned stump,
You will never cheat.
Now let's inject
Or turn into an icicle
I'll just put the staff down
And your life was gone.

(the imp falls to his knees)

Unclean Make an appearance with a confession
To give a period not long
I will tell you everything that I did,
I keep my word.
I didn't know that he was magic
Accidentally made money
And all the old coins
I collected it from all over the land in the forest.
I stole a stupa by accident,
Rather, I was standing next to
Yaga made a wish
I only knocked with my staff.
But the Yaga was overpowered by greed
I wanted a lot of diamonds
And it stopped exactly
Three cute pigs
Now they are with Grandfather and Grandma
They lie side by side in the barn.

Father Frost Well, how stupid you are, dear friend,
After all, with this staff around
The whole world could change ...
... Eh, turn the Yaga into a pig.
Let's go to. Show the ways
How can I find Grandfather and Grandma.
Those piglets in Yaga back
I urgently need to convert.
Otherwise a fabulous balance
It will be broken with us.
She is in many Russian fairy tales
Plays its part now.

(Everyone leaves the stage. Grandfather and Grandma's hut. Enter Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Unclean)

Unclean Moroz Ivanovich, come in,
Well, there is no one here, look.
Yaga has probably already been eaten
There is no other way for her.
And why turn it around,
Will start to bother you again
Take me to your aid
The bag, for example, is yours to carry.

Father Frost Let's go to the barn faster Unclean.
And if we're not lucky
Then I’m you, Kozlina’s mug,
Right in the barn and let it go.

(They leave the hut. Decoration of the barn. In the barn there are three tied pigs, gags in their mouths, near them Grandma and Grandfather)

Grandfather Granny, choose soon
Which is tastier and fatter.
I will quickly cook a shish kebab,
And you will cook delicious cabbage soup.

Grandma So, this one is long and eared,
In addition, he is very brainy,
Then on Easter their him
We will cook a cool jelly.
And this one is not growing
Let it wait a bit
We will feed him to the Trinity
And the neighbor will take you to the market.
This one will be just right.
See profile and full face
Let's cut him down
He will be right now.
... Oh, Grandfather, look, in that direction
to me Unclean appears in the window.
He comes into the barn door to us
Again, something bad for me.

(Grandma faints. The barn includes Father Frost,Snow Maiden, Unclean)

Father Frost(To grandfather) I am Santa Claus, they are with me
Give your grandma your feelings back
And the mouths of these pigs
Open gently.

(Grandma comes to his senses. Grandfather pulls out gags from piglets)

Yaga (piglets) Frost, save soon
From these barbarians - people
I realize I almost disappeared
And all from his greed.
Forgive me, I am to blame
Bring my view back please
And I will not take revenge on anyone
And I will never forget the beauty.

Father Frost My magic staff wake up
Let the magic soar skyward
And who she was, let that be.
Yaga appear before us!
(Appears Baba Yaga, piglets stay in place)
Baba Yaga Oh, how nice to feel
Again your figure, become.
I was afraid that in a pig
We'll have to celebrate the New Year.
(For piglets)
And these five are sitting
With greedy eyes
I'm. They must disappear
All three of these piglets.

Father Frost Yes, it's a pity or something, let them live
They've already warmed up here
May Grandfather and Grandma celebrate
They will bring great happiness.
And time rushes forward
And now midnight comes
Let's go all friends, congratulations
And let's get up in a friendly round dance.

(All come to the fore)


Father Frost Happy New Year to you,
May your dreams come true!
Wish You happiness and health
Love, luck, beauty!

Snow Maiden Let the mood in the New Year
Cannot be darkened by anything
To always surround you
Just happy faces.

Grandfather Let abundance on the tables
Happens more often
And if something piglets
Let him send you a demon from the thicket.
Grandma Live in love and in harmony
Let kindness surround you.
Scandals, gossip never
Let the silence not be broken
Baba Yaga And may dreams come true
But don't think in vain
What you will live without
Easy, confident, wonderful.
Piglets Let not friends and enemies
The pig will not be cunningly planted,
But only a reliable shoulder
It will always help you in difficult times.
Unclean And never do that -
What you don’t know how to do in life
And you will live another hundred years
And you will have time to raise grandchildren.

Any feast, family, friendly or corporate, will be boring and hard to remember if the guests are left to themselves and are exclusively occupied with the meal. An unpretentious, but very fun entertainment - impromptu fairy tales, or fairy tales for a company with replicas. These are stories and scenes in which the guests of the event are involved under the guidance of the presenter.

The theme of fairy tales can be both universal and timed to a certain celebration or holiday (New Year, birthday, etc.).

Props for staging such tales are minimal or not required at all.

New Year's fairy tales-impromptu with replicas

"Herring under a fur coat."

Props: chef's hat, apron. A fairy tale is suitable for big company with more than 20 participants.

The host speaks the main text and selects actors from among the guests.

The presenter begins to speak:“Dear guests of our New Year's feast! Our table is full of delicious food and aromatic snacks, drinks and salads. What salad do you think is a must for the New Year's table participants? Olivie? Right! But we will talk about his fellow New Year's spirit close to him - herring under a fur coat! And let's cook it now! "

After that, the host chooses one of the guests to be the cook, gives him a chef's hat and apron. At a distance of two meters from each other, two chairs are installed face to face. The cook is given the task of inviting actors from among the guests to various voiced roles.

Leading:“So, is our salad made of it? Of course, from herring! Please invite a herring to us, but larger, with bulging eyes. Better than a male - such a herring is always fatter! "

The two largest men are invited to the chairs. They sit face to face.

Leading:“Nice herring! Let's sprinkle it with an onion! Chef, we need two blondes. Ladies, scatter over the herring, do not hesitate! "

The ladies sit on their knees with their backs to the "herring" face to face to each other.

Leading:“So, now it's up to the potatoes. White, large potatoes are fine for us. Invite men. Potatoes, why are you so boiled! We do not hesitate, we press the onion! "

Two men come out and are attached to the ruts of the ladies.

Leading:“And now, to make the salad juicy, grease everything with mayonnaise. But we don’t need extra calories - let us slender ladies! Mayonnaise, spread over potatoes, spread! "

Two ladies come out and sit on the edge of their knees to the "potatoes".

Leading:“And vegetables again! We need carrots, large, ripe, with lush tops. Men, we are waiting for you! Oh, what a carrot we have! Strong, slender, in the very juice! "

The men kneel down to the mayonnaise.

Leading:“Now it's up to the beets! Beets, come out, do not hesitate, decorate the carrots! Some kind of beet that is not red in our country. Let's hope it's tasty all the same! "

The ladies sit on their knees to the "carrots".

Leading:“What a salad without greens! We need parsley and dill! We leave, we stand in the middle. Dill, you are a twig, make us a twig! And you, parsley, make us a twig! "

The "salad" is ready, the space between the two chairs should be completely filled with the actors.

New Year's fairy tale - impromptu with replicas of chants

It's even more interesting when the characters have their own lines. But since we are talking about an impromptu fairy tale, for which no one is preparing except for the presenter, the remarks should be short and memorable from the first time. These are short phrases that are shouted by the characters (which is why they are called "chants"). Tales for a feast with replicas can be of absolutely any theme. The main thing is for everyone to have fun.

Fairy tales for new way with replicas for New Year's corporate party... Below is the scenario of such a tale.


Props- cards that depict characters, a scarf for a grandmother, a hat for a grandfather, masks for a cat, Bugs and mice, cards with replicas of each character.

Actors from among the guests are given props and cards with their words, which must be shouted out when the presenter calls the name of the corresponding character during the reading of the tale.

There are seven characters in total: grandfather and grandmother, tree, mouse, cat and bug, granddaughter.

Characters' words:


Grandma:"Eh, hoot, let's creak our joints!"

Granddaughter:"Look, why have you been financed!"

Bug:"Oh, those storytellers!"

Cat:"And why didn't I sit at home?"

Mouse: "Come on, let's hoot!"

Christmas tree:"I won't give in so easily!"

The presenter reads a fairy tale. As soon as he calls a certain character, he must perform the action he heard and say his line.

Leading:“Another New Year has come in the village. Yes, everything would be fine, but only the trees in the area are gone. Sent then Grandmother grandfather behind the tree to the neighboring forest. Goes Grandfather, cries, creaks through the snowdrifts. Sees - Christmas tree costs. Good to everyone! Grabbed Grandfather Christmas tree and let's pull. But it was not there! Does not want Christmas tree leave the forest, grabbed the roots into the ground, fights off with branches.

Called Grandfather grandmother... Came Grandma, stretched my back, how to grab hold of Grandfather, already the bones of that cracked. A Christmas tree as she sat in the ground, she sits as before, waving twigs.

Fortunately, Granddaughter I walked through the forest, sculpted a snowman. She saw how Grandfather with Grandma are struggling, let's help them. She was a small sprout, and therefore Grandma grabbed by the legs. The three of them pulled, but there was no sense. Grandfather To Christmas tree and so it snuggles, and so embraces - and she just dodges and brushes off the branches.

Maddened Grandfather... At his cries, the faithful ran into the forest Bug... Barked on Christmas tree for decency and then Granddaughter from behind she grabbed it firmly and how she pulled it! ... Granddaughter in surprise she grabbed Grandma, that for Grandfather, a Grandfather per Christmas tree... But Christmas tree not from a frail ten - stands rooted to the spot.

With a leisurely gait, I went out into the clearing Cat... Bypassed Christmas tree around, wagging his tail contemptuously. Then, reluctantly, she pulled with one paw Beetle by the tail. So she screamed and clung to Granddaughter, Granddaughter- v Grandma, Grandma grabbed onto Grandfather who kept pulling for Christmas tree... But ours withstood this attack Herringbone.

Then I looked out of the mink, awakened from hibernation Mouse... She quickly realized what was happening, realized that she would not have peace until the noisy company returned home with Christmas tree will not be removed. Grabbed Mouse teeth in a cat's tail, Cat from such impudence claws in the back Bugs stuck Bug desperately barked and pulled Granddaughter that nearly flunked Grandma... But Grandma held on, pulling at herself with all her might Grandfather. Grandfather gasped yes, how will it pull Christmas tree... She creaked in protest, waved her branches, but could not do anything - jumped out of the ground right with her roots.

The facilitator sums up:“This is how, thanks to the efforts of our heroes, a handsome Christmas tree was with us today! Let's applaud the friendly team! "


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