Competitions with children in the camp. Intellectual play in the camp. Scenario. Sports competition "Marine"

Summer camp games and contests

Summer camp is always an unforgettable experience. And a variety of fun contests will definitely become their main part. In addition, they will help to unite the children's team, develop the physical and creative abilities of children, and give them the opportunity to compete in strength, dexterity and erudition.

Show the proverb

Children are divided into teams. The players of one team show a small scene without words, in which some well-known proverb is encrypted, and the players of the second team are trying to guess this proverb. The game takes place for a while. If the team was unable to give the correct answer in 5 minutes, then the right to "show the proverb" is transferred to the other team.

Trainers and predators

Players are divided into two teams - trainers and predators. A circle is outlined in the center of the playing area. Stickers are handed out to the trainers. The “trainer” must catch up with the “predator” and be able to stick a sticker on it, after which the “predator” is considered caught and taken to the circle. The trainers team is trying to catch and bring into the circle all the players from the predators team.

Air pointer

Players are divided into teams. Balloons and duct tape are given to each team. The participants in the game need to inflate as many balloons as possible and use adhesive tape to connect them into a long pointer chain. The winner is the team with the longer air pointer.

We guess by the hand

A curtain or curtain is pulled in the room, which has a small opening for the hand. On one side of the curtain, one team becomes, and on the other side, another. Players of one team take turns putting their hand into the hole, and the players of the other try to guess who exactly owns the hand. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.


A player of one of the teams is invited - "word". He is voiced a topic, for example, "space", "shop", "school", "sea" or others. On this topic, he names the words that come into his head. These words are written down. And then the rest of the team's players are invited, the topic is read out to them, and they try to guess the written words. The winner is the team that guessed the most of the words called "word-nose".

Relay with cardboard boxes

Divide the children into two equal color teams (for example, "red" and "blue").

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Choose the distance between them taking into account the available space and children's possibilities.)

Give the first players on each team two sheets of cardboard of the corresponding color. (The red team should have two sheets of red paper, the blue team should have blue.)

The players who will start the relay must stand on the start line with the rest of the team behind them. When you say "March!" - each of the players must put one sheet of cardboard in front of him, stand on it, then put the second sheet in front of him, go to it, and lift the first sheet that was left behind. Athletes must repeat these steps all the way to the finish, and then turn around and move back to the start in the same way.

Returning to the start, the first player gives the cartons to the second, who repeats the same path, and so on, until the whole team is finished.

The first of the teams, in which all players go from start to finish and back, wins.

Option. Two athletes can also participate in this game. The winner is the one who is the first to be at the starting point, going to the finish line and back.

Sign in or sign out?

Spread a large old beach towel or picnic blanket on the ground and ask all players to stand on it.

You will "drive", but the players must do the opposite of what you say. When you shout, "Everybody get out!" - the players must stay in place, and when you shout: "Everybody come in!" - they, on the contrary, should get off the blanket. Each player should listen carefully to your commands to know what they shouldn't do to stay in the game.

Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game. The last one wins.

An unbreakable bond

Players are divided into pairs. One of the couple names a word, and the other comes up with an association to it. For example, "elephant - trunk", "bread - butter", "key - lock". Then all the players are blindfolded and thrown in different directions. After which they, shouting out only one word, exactly the one named by their partner, try to find each other and join hands.

Indian name

Each player writes any adjective on one piece of paper, and any noun on the other. All adjectives go into one box, and nouns go into another. Then the contents of the boxes are shuffled, and each player goes to the boxes and pulls out one noun and one adjective. The combination of these words becomes his name for the whole day. The phrases can be very unexpected and funny. For example, "blue eye", "funny cucumber", etc.

Popcorn run

Mark the start and finish with tape or sticks.

Give each athlete a paper plate with six popcorn seeds on it.

Players should line up at the start with their plates in front of them. The goal is to reach the finish line and back without dropping a single grain.

I know more

Players are divided into teams. The host names a specific topic. For example, "sports", "flowers", "baked goods", "female names" or other. And the teams for five minutes try to remember and write down as many words as possible related to the specified topic. The team that comes up with the most suitable words wins.

Big fruit races

Take a round fruit and a pencil for each participant. Choose fruits that roll well and are strong enough. Apples or oranges work best, but you can also use pomegranates or lemons to add spice and fun to the competition.

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Again, determine the distance based on the space available and the ability of the children.)

All players must line up at the start, placing the fruit exactly on the line.

At the command "March!" players must use pencils to roll their fruits to the finish line and back. The winner is the one who returns to the start first.

Important note. You can only use pencils to roll the fruit. Anyone who touches the fruit with hand or foot will be disqualified! This game can also be played as a relay race, especially if there is not enough space for all athletes to participate at the same time.

Sardines in a jar

This game is a kind of opposite to the usual hide and seek.

One child hides, and the rest separate and start looking for him.

After someone finds the place where the first player hid, he must also hide with him. (The idea is not to announce that you have found the hiding person. If you find him when others are nearby, do not show it, but come back later when no one will see you.)

In the end, everyone should be in the same place until the last seeker remains. Now he will hide, and the others will look for him.

Clothespin spots

At the beginning of the game, five clothespins are attached to the clothes on the back of each player. The goal of the game is to try to remove the clothespins from other players so that they do not remove the clothespins from you.

When one player successfully removes the clothespin from the other, they kneel down and attach the clothespin to their back. Note: While the player is on their knees and attaches a clothespin to their clothes, they cannot be touched. When the clothespin is attached to his clothes, he must stand up and return to the game.

The winner is the one with the most clothespins. But be warned: this game has virtually no end! Even if someone has lost all their clothespins, they can still try to get them back. If you need to finish the game, give the children a 5-minute readiness so they know it's time to finish and calm down.

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Whether your day camp or any other, you need to keep the kids entertained. And fun and interesting contests for children in the camp will help you with this. Both entertaining contests and sports are prepared for you. And you, according to what type your camp belongs to, choose any and arrange a competition.

Contest for attentiveness.
Seven different objects are placed on the table in front of one contestant. After the participant turns back, the leader swaps only two objects and after that the participant turns back. And he has to say which items have been swapped.

A fun competition.
A tennis ball is placed on the table and the participant of the competition is brought to the table. He is blindfolded and told that on command he must blow on the ball so that it rolls over the table and falls. But when they blindfolded, they put a plate of flour on the table instead of a ball. And naturally, when a contestant blows, all the flour flies to his face. It will be funny and fun.

I'm the fastest.
For the competition, you need to prepare ribbons. Each participant is given one such ribbon. At the command of the leader, they begin to tie knots on it. Whoever knots more knots in a minute wins.
And then you can make the competition the other way around. We need to exchange ribbons and untie the knots for a while. The truth here will not be fair, since everyone has a different number of knots.

Ten people are entangled with one long rope. The rope can be inserted anywhere except the head and neck to avoid accidents. After all are entangled, one participant unravels them for a while. And so you can hold the competition several times, which of the participants will unravel the fastest, he won.

Cheerful badminton.
You need a badminton racket and a shuttlecock. The task of the participants is to fill the shuttlecock with a racket. Whoever can fill the most, he won.

Remember everything.
We need to prepare empty plastic bottles and fill them with water. After that, these bottles are placed in one rad at a distance of a meter from each other. The participant looks at this peculiar track and remembers. Then he is blindfolded and he must go around all the bottles and not knock them down. Whoever succeeds is the winner. If there are several of them, then the one who spent less time wins.

Cheerful ball.
It is necessary to leave the same track as in the previous competition. Just add a ball and a stick. The task of the contestants is to roll the ball between all the bottles using a stick. If possible, then you can make several such tracks in parallel, so that the test takes place simultaneously, and it is more interesting.

Summer bowling.
We leave the same bottles of water, but only close them with lids. We put the bottles in the same way as bowling pins are. The participant is given a ball, and from a distance of three meters he throws the ball into the bottles in order to knock them down. Whoever knocks more bottles in two tries is the winner.

Fun contests for the summer camp!

Make a Wish Contest

Participants collect any one item, which is put into a bag. After that, one of the participants is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out item. Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and hum, and so on.

There are many balls scattered on the floor.
Those who wish are called. And on command, to fast music, each of the participants must take and hold as many balls as possible

1. Crumple up the newspaper

You will need newspapers according to the number of participants. An unfolded newspaper is placed on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the signal of the presenter, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Whoever was able to do it first is the winner.

2. Who said "meow"

One player sits on a chair with his back to the other children. Those come up in turn and say, for example, "Woof-wow", "Mu", "Meow-meow", "Chik-chirik", just growl or say other phrases. The person sitting by the voice must guess who exactly tweeted or barked at the moment. If you guessed correctly, then the player who uttered the sound or phrase sits on the chair.

3. Chain

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer - win the competition.

4. Competition of artists

Blindfolded moms draw a gift for their children. The mother whose gift looks prettier wins.

5 stick your nose

Draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, sculpt a nose out of plasticine separately. Attach the sheet to the wall. The players step back a few steps. They take turns blindfolding, approaching the portrait and trying to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

6. Do you know each other?

Several couples (mother and child) stand with their backs to one another. The facilitator asks questions. First, the child answers with a nod of the head, and the mother out loud.
1. Does your child like semolina?
2. Does your child wash the dishes?
3. Does your child like brushing their teeth?
4. Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?
5. Does your child make the bed in the morning?
6. Does he like to read books?
7. Does your child enjoy going to school?
The winner is the couple who answers all the questions correctly.

7 "I know five names." Children take turns hitting the ball on the ground and at the same time say: “I know five names, boys” - and list what names they know, with the words: one, two, and so on up to 5. You can increase to 10. And so in turn. Then, girls' names, cities, animals, plants and whatever. The one who pauses for a long time and cannot remember loses.

8 TO oncourse "Dialogue of animals"
Ved. And now I invite two participants to the stage, the most vociferous, who can portray the voices of animals and birds. So, the competition begins - the dialogue of onomatopoeia and the conversation of animals. Please get the task cards.
1. The chicken is a rooster. 6. Donkey - turkey
2. Dog - cat 7. Bumblebee - frog
3. Pig - cow 8. Sheep - horse
4. Crow - monkey 9. Lion - cuckoo
5. The duck is a goat. 10. Sparrow - snake


1st round. "Finish".

Students must draw something to each of these figures in order to turn it into one or another drawing. Who will come up with more drawings for a while?

9. Jump like:






7. Execute

10. Imagine that you are animals who really want to sing, but cannot speak humanly, and now sing in chorus the song "Let them run awkwardly ...":




Cackle and cough up;

Curse up.

11. competition "Identify by smell"
Participants are blindfolded and asked to identify what it is by smell. Whoever was more accurate earns a prize.

1: Empty to Empty

Two players stand on foot rocking bars (bars) opposite each other. In each hand they have a mug: one empty, the other with water. In this position, everyone tries to pour water from his full mug into the mug of his comrade. The one who spills less water wins.

2: Nail in a bottle

For this competition you will need: 4 bottles with a thin neck, the same number of ropes and 4 nails. A nail is tied to each end of the rope. 4 people are selected from those who wish. The participants are tied to the belt with ropes with nails from the back of the head. After that, the participants stand with their backs to the previously placed bottles. At the command of the head of the game, the participants must hit the bottle with a nail without using their hands. The winner is the one who was the first to hit the target.

3: Inflate the balloon

For this competition, you will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the hall. Balloons are handed out to them. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but so that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The winner is the one who is the first to complete the task.

The game is played on a sports ground with a jumping hole. A cord is stretched across the jump pit at a height of 30-40cm. Every 20 cm from it, 10-15 zones are marked. Each zone is evaluated with a certain number of points. Jumpers run and jump as far as possible. The winner is the participant (among girls and boys separately) who gets the most points in 6 attempts.

5: Ball into the gate

Semicircular gates of different widths are cut in a wooden panel, lined with plywood on both sides. The shield is installed on a level ground. The players stand 2-3 meters from the backboard and take turns rolling small rubber balls (tennis, hockey) into the goal. For each hit, the number of points indicated on the shield is counted. The one who scores more points wins. To prevent the balls from rolling far, it is advisable to restrict the playing area on the sides and behind the backboard.

6: Do you know each other?

Several couples stand with their backs to one another. The facilitator asks questions. First, 1 child answers with a nod of the head, and 2 out loud. The winner is the couple who answers all the questions correctly.

7: Art Competition

Blindfolded counselors draw a gift for their children. The counselor whose gift looks more beautiful wins.

8: Asphalt Drawing Contest

Each participant of the competition is allocated crayons and a place on the asphalt. Participants can be divided into teams of 2-3 people, drawing a general picture together. The winner is the team whose drawing, in the general opinion of the children, will look prettier.

9: Presenting your favorite book

Participants talk about their favorite book in such a way that the rest of the participants and viewers would want to read it. The presentation is given 3 minutes. The maximum score is 5 points.

10: Poet Competition

A few days before the competition, children are given a poem. Children must learn it by heart. The winner is the one who best recites the verse.

11: Stick your nose

Draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, separately sculpt a nose from plasticine. Attach the sheet to the wall. The players step back a few steps. They take turns blindfolding, approaching the portrait and trying to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

12: draw a ponytail

For this game you will need a large sheet of paper, a pencil, and a blindfold. First, the presenter draws an animal (cat, dog, pig) on ​​a piece of paper with a pencil. Draws everything except the tail. One of the players is blindfolded. He should try to draw a ponytail blindly. Then other players try to do it. The one whose drawing is more accurate wins.

13: Pour the water

The game is played by 2 people. You need to take 4 identical glasses and pour the same amount of water into 2 of them. The water can be tinted with watercolors so that it is clearly visible. And the other 2 glasses remain empty. At the signal from the leader, each player must pour water from a full glass into an empty glass with a spoon. The winner will be the one who flies the water faster.

14: Spoon Play

To play, you need 2 spoons and 2 round objects (painted wooden eggs, table tennis balls). 2 children take part in the game. A flag is placed at a distance of 7 - 8 m. Players are given a spoon with an egg (or a ball) on it. After the signal from the leader, the players must run to the flag as quickly as possible and return back. If the ball falls, the contestant must quickly pick it up off the floor, put it back in the spoon and continue on its way. The ball cannot be held with the other hand. The one who reaches the finish line faster is considered the winner.

15: Chairs

To play you will need two pan lids or a tambourine and chairs. The chairs should be placed in a circle with the seats in the center. There must be one fewer of them than the participants in the game. Children stand next to the chairs outside. In the hands of the host, a tambourine or a lid. At the signal from the presenter, who announces the start of the game, the children begin to walk in a circle of chairs in a circle. Suddenly, the presenter strikes a tambourine. For this signal, all participants rush to the chairs and sit down. Each time one of the players is left without a seat. He is out of the game. When the second round begins, one chair is removed. This continues until there is only one player left. He becomes the winner.

16: Around the table

A table is placed in the middle of the room, freeing up space around it, and the players stand around it at the same distance from one another. The presenter places chess pieces, checkers, cubes or other identical objects on the table. But there should be one less of them than the participants in the game. For the signal of the leader, everyone goes clockwise around the table, without touching it. After 20 - 30 seconds, the presenter gives a signal. For this command, everyone tries to take one of the items. Kamu - then one will not get anything. This player is eliminated from the game. Then one item is removed from the table and the players walk around the table again. The child who takes the item last wins.

17: Get the Prize

The presenter hangs a small prize at eye level. Players need to come up and blindfolded and win a prize from a distance of 3 - 5 m. The one who does it first wins.

This is a traditional English game played during the Helwin Festival. You need a bowl of water to play. Several apples are thrown into the basin. And then the players, holding their hands behind their backs, try to catch the apple with their teeth and pull it out of the water. Whoever succeeds in this becomes the winner.

19: Pull - Push

In this, the contests compete in pairs in a run of 15 - 20 m. Couples, holding hands, run, pressing their backs to one another. Having run to the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, and in reverse in the other direction. The pair that returns to the start first wins.

20: Night Travel

The presenter says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to the motorway made of sports pins. Having handed the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single column is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The presenter gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns of danger. When the path is traversed, the leader unties the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game "go". The winner is the one who hits the pin the least.

21: Kick the ball

The host places a large ball on the ground. Draws a line at a distance from it. The player approaches the ball, stands with his back to it, steps back to the line and turns to face the ball. The host blindfolded him. The blindfolded player must go to the ball and kick and kick it. Then the following players do the same.

22: On three legs

The leader determines the place of start and finish. Then all players are paired. In each pair, one player's right leg and the other's left leg are tied with a rope. After the signal from the leader, the couples run to the distillation. The winner is the couple that came to the finish line first.

23: Who's Faster

Children with skipping ropes in their hands stand in a row on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid. At the agreed signal, all children simultaneously jump in the direction of the laid line. The winner is the one who will be near her first.

24: Guess the Last Word

Children are divided into two teams. The presenter reads out the sentences, and the players must guess the last word. The team that gives the most correct answers wins. 1. All the little gray mice run away from ... (the cat) 2. The mouse ate potatoes and did not think about ... (the cat) 3. I teach everyone the mind, but I myself always ... (silent) 4. This grass very angry ... (sprinkler) 5. We met on a green meadow ... (friends) 6. Two people washed their faces near the river ... (chanterelles) 7. The animals took hold of their paws and began dancing in ... (forest) 8. Drive up to the turn, here is the palace and there ... (gate) 9. In our city, not a single one, for shopping ... (shop)

25: Competition for folk tales

Children are divided into two teams. The presenter speaks the first words from the name of folk tales, the participants must say this name in full. The team that gives the most correct answers wins. 1. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray ... (wolf) 2. Sister Alyonushka and brother ... (Ivan) 3. Finist - Clear ... (falcon) 4. Princess - ... (Toad) 5. Geese -. .. (Swans) 6. By the pike ... (command) 7. Frost ... (Ivanovich) 8. Snow White and seven ... (gnomes) 9. Horse - ... (Humpbacked)

26: Tug

2 teams line up one opposite the other, a line is drawn between them. Opposite players serve each other with their right hand and put their right foot on the line. At a signal from the leader, each player tries to drag the other over the boundary line. As soon as the player is behind the boundary line with his left foot, he loses and his opponent receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

27: Roll the Ball

The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives a task: within a set time (8 - 10 minutes) to roll a snowball as large as possible. The group that has rolled the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

28: Build a Fortress

The players are distributed in groups of 3 - 5 people each. Groups receive a task: within 5 - 6 minutes. build a snow fortress. All groups, at the signal of the leader, run to different sides of the site, where it is easier for them to complete the task. The winner is the group that completes the task by the specified deadline.

29: Fast Threes

Players stand in a circle in threes, one after the other. The first numbers of each triplet are taken by the hands and an inner circle is formed. The second and third numbers, holding hands, form a large outer circle. At the signal, the guys standing in the inner circle run to the right with side steps, and those standing in the outer circle - to the left. At the second signal, the players release their hands and stand in their threes. Each time the circles move to the other side. The fastest triple players get the winning point. The game is played for 4 - 5 minutes. The trio wins, the players of which score more points.

30: Everyone against everyone

In this game, each player can measure their strength with all the players. The court is divided into 6 equal playing fields located one after the other. Before the start of the game, all players occupy a place all on one playing field. At the signal of the leader, each player tries to push (with his shoulder, body, but not with his hands) others to another playing field. Soon all but one are there. He no longer participates in the struggle. Those who are pushed into the second square try to push each other to the third playing field, while they themselves remain on the second, and so on. By the end of the game, one player remains on each field. The player remaining on the first playing field takes the first place, the second - the second place, and so on.

31: Changing Places

2 teams line up opposite each other on the court. At the command of the leader, the team players change places. The winner is the team that will line up faster on the opposite side of the court.

32: Pioneerball

The players are divided into 2 teams and are built on 2 halves of the volleyball court in 2-3 rows. Each team receives two volleyballs. At the signal, the players try to throw the balls over the net to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. The throwing of the balls continues until all the balls are on one side at the same time. The game is stopped and the team that has the balls on its side loses a point. The game continues until one of the teams scores a set number of points (say, 10 - 20). After that, the teams switch sides, and the game starts again. The team that wins in two games wins.

33: Run after the ball

Children are divided into 2 teams, each is calculated in order and built behind the starting line. The leader with the ball in his hands is located opposite the teams, 10 m from the start line. Throwing the ball forward, he calls a serial number. Players of the named number run after the ball. Whoever possesses the ball brings the team a point. The game continues until each participant makes 3 dashes. The team with the most points wins.

34: Sniper

A ball (target) is suspended at a height of 1 - 1.5 m from the floor. Participants, located at a distance of 3 - 5 m from it, must hit it with a tennis Rubber ball. Each participant is given 3 - 5 attempts. The most accurate wins.

35: Carry, Don't Drop

A cross made of bars is attached to the end of a round shelf or pipe. At the ends of the bars, round supports are attached with small indentations, into which the ball is placed. A stick with crosses is inserted into a hole on a wooden support. The player must take the stick with one hand, remove it from the stand, turn around its axis 2 - 3 times and insert the stick into the hole of the stand again. All this must be done carefully so as not to drop a single ball.

36: Throw on the Ring

A board 2.5 - 3 m long is placed on the ground. Holes are drilled in it every 25 - 30 cm (there are 11 in total). A figurine (or pebble) carved from wood is inserted into the central hole. The players stand at opposite ends of the board at a distance of 1 m from it and take turns throwing rings, trying to put them on the figure. In case of a hit, the player rearranges the figure one compartment closer to himself. The winner is the one who manages to move the figure to the outermost hole at its end of the board earlier.

37: Square Wrestling

On the site, they draw 3 squares 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 m. 4 players, close in height and strength, stand in a large square, and, having taken a position, upon a signal, they begin to push each other with their shoulders. The 3 eliminated from the big square move to the middle one, and the winner remains in the big square. The fight continues in the middle square. 2 eliminated go to the small square, the winner remains on average. The fight ends in a small square, when one comes out of the square, and the other remains the winner. The first winner (in the big square) gets 4 points, the second (on average) - 3, the third - 2, and the one eliminated from the small square - 1. Then the next four enter the fight.

38: Around the Hoop

Participants take turns directing the gymnastic hoop along a flat path with strong arm movements. Then they try to catch up with him and have time to slip through him back and forth. Whoever does it more times is the winner.

Two hoops lay in those steps from each other. Two competitors strive to crawl through the hoop more times within a minute, putting it on from top to bottom. The 2 fastest players compete against each other in the final.

40: Make the Hoop Spin

The hoop is taken with one hand and with the movement of the fingers is made to rotate in place. The judge will time the spin from the start until the hoop falls. They compete alternately, and if there are 2 hoops - in pairs. Then the 2 best players will meet in the final duel.

41: Race of the Hoops

The players are divided into equal teams and are lined up along the side lines of the court. On the right flank of each team is the captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. At the signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom or vice versa and passes it on to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and hands it over to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, passing the hoop to a neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The last player in the line puts all the hoops on himself. The team whose players complete the task faster will receive a winning point. The team whose players win twice wins.

Scenarios of game programs for a children's camp. Scenarios of competitive programs for the summer camp

One hundred to one or "Totals"

The participants are divided into two teams. The presenter of the game introduces the teams with the rules of the game.

The presenter's task is to interview a hundred people on a variety of questions before the game and write down the most frequently repeated answers.

The game itself goes like this: the presenter asks the question to the teams, which he asked the people who did not participate in the game.

The teams must choose the answer to it, the team captains give the answer to the leader.

The team that guesses the most frequently repeated answer gets a point.

In this way, the participants in the game get an idea of ​​public opinion.


The questions that the leading journalist asks the people around them can be very diverse:

Finding the right way out of any situation;

Questions of a certain orientation, for example, to identify some quality of personality, to knowledge or erudition in a certain area, etc.

Teams do not need to know the content of the questions. After the tournament, it is possible to discuss the situation, summarize the results.

Brain ring

The game is played with several expert teams. At first, 2 teams participate in the game. They sit separately (at the tables). The moderator asks the question, who is the fastest sign that he knows the answer to the question, that team (for example, by raising his hand) answers the question. If the answer is correct, this team is awarded a point, if the answer is incorrect, a point is awarded to the opponents.

When one of the teams gains 5 points, the opposing team is replaced by another team. (All teams come up with names in advance). Thus, the most "intelligent" and "lucky" team is revealed. The brain ring is held with an unlimited number of teams, each team must have about 6 people together with the captain.

The winning team is awarded a prize.


1st round. "Finish".

Students must draw something to each of these figures in order to turn it into one or another drawing. Who will come up with more drawings for a while?

2nd round. "How the circles are arranged."

The leader draws 5-6 circles with a diameter of 12-15 cm on the board in different places. The players must remember the location of the circles on the board. Then the players with closed eyes approach the board and put their mark in the center of each circle. The winner is the one who places his marks more accurately.

3rd round. "Draw a pig."

Players with closed eyes draw a pig on the board. The winner is the one with the funniest pig.

4th round. "Find out your number."

5 people are called and each is pinned on the back with a sign with a number. Nobody should know what number he got. But everyone knows the sum of the numbers. The player must determine what number he has on his back. Everyone moves carefully, trying to be ahead of the other, in order to quickly find out all the numbers and at the same time hide their number. The winner is the one who first names his number.

Dating games


Purpose: to study the relationship in the team.

Imagine that you have a boat and you are going on a journey. But there are only 5 seats in the boat. Which of the friends in the squad will you take with you?


Purpose: to define the structure of business relationships.

The leader offers everyone a situation.

Imagine you need to make a movie. To do this, you need to name the person who will be able to organize the shooting of the film. This is the director.

The named candidates alternately choose their assistants. In this case, the choice of the next one is carried out after the advice with the already selected ones.

After that, the task is given: in 10-15 minutes to beat an excerpt of your favorite fairy tale, film or work and come up with the name of the film studio.

Each participant must have a role.

Jury: detachment counselors and educators.

Awarded for:

1. Best performance (team).

2. Best scripts (team).

3. The best selection of actors (team).

4. Best Director.

5. Best Actor.

6. Best Actress.

7. The best suit.

8. The most difficult role.

9. The smallest role.

10. Best performance (participant).

11. Best film studio name (team).

Chanting games (stage games)

Joke game "Who loves what?"

Leading. Who Loves Ice Cream? Children. I AM!

Leading. Who Loves Apples? Children. I AM!

Leading. Who Loves Pears? Children. I AM!

Leading. Who doesn't wash their ears?

Rocket launch.

Leading. Get ready for the launch of the spaceship!

Children. Get ready!

Leading. Fasten belts (cotton).

Children. There is...

Leading. Include contacts!

Children. There is...

Leading. Start motors.

Children. There is...

Leading. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, in a growing rumble. Start.

Children. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Leading. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (claps). Burn - and scattered in all directions.

Children. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Leading. Where did she fly to?

Children. There something.

Speech game.

The presenter speaks the text first, the children speak the second time: normally, in a whisper, loudly or imitating intonation (at the presenter's request).

About perichiki tombo.

About musa, musa, musa.


About liao bebe peaks.


Flower contests and fun

Legend of flowers

In one kingdom of flowers ... The king and the queen ... had ... princesses ... Each season was ruled by one of the princesses. (Connect with summer and winter). But for this it was necessary to win the competition.

The king gathered all the princesses, divided them into teams and set a condition - to recruit a retinue of the best warriors-flowers.

For the duration of the competition, everyone receives a "name".

Competition 1. "Presentation-greeting"- yourself, the season to be claimed, the rivals, the king, the queen and the jury.

Competition 2. "Warm-up"- flower questions.

Whoever raises his hand faster is the one who answers.

What was the name of the person who really wanted to create a "stone flower"? (Danila.)

In which work did the heroes fly in a balloon to the flower city? ("Dunno and His Friends.")

What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in the work of the same name by Aksakov? (Scarlet.)

From what flower did the tiger Sherkhan get horrified and where? (Fiery, "Mowgli" by D. R. Kipling.)

Botanists call this flower viola, but what is it called in the Russian people? (Pansies.)

What is the name of the art of creating bouquets? (Ikebana.)

What flower grows on the site of forest fires? (Blooming Sally.)

For which heroine Andersen's flower was a permanent place of residence? (Thumbelina.)

What flower is said to have grown on the blood of a chained Prometheus? (Edelweiss.)

When, according to legend, does a fern bloom? (On the night of Ivan Kupala.)

What flower is directly related to the king of beasts? (Snapdragon.)

Which flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus.)

What famous writer made snowdrops bloom in winter? (Marshak.)

What flower is suffering from love? (Chamomile.)

What flower is called a sleepy flower? (Poppy.)

Competition 3. "Flower rhyme".

Compose a counting rhyme in which to put the names of the colors.

Endings: - Who does not believe, go out.

I will look for you.

Competition 4. "The princess is not laughing".

All players of the team, standing in two ranks, participate

Purpose: stir for 1 min.

On the back, they write the name of the flower (they stand in a column, they say the name of the flower to one ear, each writes a letter to the next).

Competition 5. "Artists".

Continue the unfinished drawing of the great artist.

Competition 6. "Flower Calendar".

Who will be quicker to compile a list of colors with the same letters that start the names of the months?

Competition 7. "Dance of Flowers".

Team members can show a collective dance, they can show a group dance, they can show an individual one, giving it a name.

Competition 8. "Flower Tales".

Complete and tell:

“In a certain kingdom, the cornflower-blue state, there lived a king cornflower and queen Violet. And they had three sons ... ";

"One fine spring morning, Camomile's friends went out to the steppe for a walk, and they did not know that the evil flower Dandelion had settled in that steppe ...".

Competition 9. "Ikebana".

Teams must present the motto of the compiled flower arrangement, explain for whom it is intended.

Competition 10. "Flower Wishes".

The most beautiful flowers in the kingdom are our flower wishes (boys to girls).

Unfinished Bids Competition

Option 1.

1) Little Red Riding Hood is walking along the path, and towards her is not an animal, not a bird ...

2) She looked at Little Red Riding Hood and saw only red, blue, yellow colors.

3) She sniffed Little Red Riding Hood and realized that it was not a flower, and flew on.

4) Her great family ...

5) She lives in hexagonal houses. (Bee.)

Option 2.

1) I plucked a flower from Little Red Riding Hood ...

2) It was pink, but it could be white.

3) It has a sharp, pleasant aroma.

4) A wonderful jam comes out of it.

5) And the last one he almost comes from.

Option 3.

1) Little Red Riding Hood plucked a berry ...

2) The berry looks like a bead.

3) Very helpful.

4) It ripens in autumn and lies until spring.

5) It is very sour.

6) The wealth of swamps. (Cranberry.)


Assignment: You need to imagine yourself as a desperate journalist and do the following:

1) compose a situation:

From the trunk of an armored Mercedes;

From the cornice of a 10-storey building;

From the operating table.

2) come up with and draw a sign:

For a section of the road and come up with a name;

Caution - deaf old women;

Caution - liquid asphalt.

3) a picture with fingerprints. Everyone leaves their mark.

4) compose an indictment for the court:

Over the old woman Shapoklyak for walking rats in unidentified places;

Alice the fox and Basilio the cat for involving minors in currency fraud;

Above Emelya for illegal fishing;

Over the postman Pechkin for receiving gifts during working hours;

Above Karlson for living without registration and without a certain occupation.

Detective stories

It can be carried out between competitions and in short periods of free time with the help of questions that involve the answers: "Yes", "No".

1) A caravaneer Ali is traveling across the desert and sees a tent, and a car (cargo) is 100 meters away. I approached the car, from it the traces of one person were leading to the tent. He entered the tent, the tent was empty, and only in the center, at an inaccessible height, was a man hanging. He was dead. How did this happen?

Answer: the man hanged himself! The car was refrigerated.

2) The musician was preparing for the concert. A week before the performance, they received an anonymous letter that the tenant would be killed. They laughed and forgot. On the day of the concert, nothing foreshadowed trouble. The musician played the concert and returned home. There was no one at home, I lay down to rest. After a while I woke up and went to the window, there I saw ...

He glanced briefly at the clock hanging over the sofa, and realized that the tenant was killed, and the corpse was in the sofa. How did he understand?

Answer: the clock on the wall has stood and has stood for a long time. The musician has a good ear and he heard the ticking of the clock.

3) A woman lived in one city. Once, returning from a party, I pulled out a letter from the mailbox and, without opening it, realized that the one who wrote the letter was dead.

Did she kill him? Yes.

Was that her envelope? Yes.

Answer: she sent him a letter and asked for an urgent answer. And sent him her envelope with poisoned glue

4) One day a man (postman) brought a package. It had a leg and a note:

Option 1. Thank you for being alive.

Option 2. You and I are of the same blood.

What happened?

Answer: children should come to the conclusion that the recipient was one-legged, and these two people were connected by the following event:

They were sailing on a ship that was wrecked. These two were saved. We ended up on a desert island and, in order not to starve to death, agreed ...

5) The man brought the photographs and asked to sort them out. On one of them the man was clearly alive, and on the other he was clearly dead. It seems that the photos were taken at the same time.

Answer: this man was a pilot, his camera was on board the plane and took pictures even after the death of the pilot.


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