Modeling from plasticine space theme. Craft from plasticine for the day of cosmonautics. Stars - an element of the panel "Space"

What could be more interesting than creating a starship with your own hands. Or send your beloved bear to explore an unknown planet. For the realization of these children's fantasies, there is modeling.

Little kids are very curious. A huge unknown world opens up in front of them, and the kids are exploring it with great pleasure. Significant assistance in development and comprehension can be provided sculpting from various plastic materials. By creating crafts from clay, dough or plasticine, the baby develops his cognitive functions. Vocabulary increases. Sculpting trains perseverance and attentiveness. A creative streak and imagination are revealed. Everything that the baby can reach, any thing that can be reached will be carefully examined, tasted, carefully examined. And how interesting and exciting it is if an object can change its shape under the influence of its small palms. There are so many new and unknown things around that kids need help. Adults help and suggest, set the direction for the flight of imagination, suggest a theme for modeling.

The sculpting process is often accompanied by a story related in meaning to the theme of creativity. Does the kid like looking at the stars shining in the dark sky ?? You can tell him about the planets and galaxies, come up with your own magical world or talk about the real one. Show him an image of the Earth or the Sun. The kid learns that our planet is not the only one in the solar system. Satellites, orbits, rockets, stars. There are so many incomprehensible and mysterious words. Modeling on the theme of space will send the kid on a long exciting and educational journey.

It doesn't matter what kind of material the masterpiece will be created from. Plasticine, clay or dough. Anything will do. The main thing is that there are bright colors, plasticity and softness, suitable for children's pens. You can carry out prelaunch preparation. Cover the work table with paper or oilcloth, put on a spacesuit apron and you can go to the start.

How to blind an intergalactic rocket do it yourself:

And now the rocket is ready to make a long-distance space flight.

For younger kids, those who are just learning the basics of modeling, you can offer to make a simple plasticine composition on a piece of cardboard or even a plastic plate.

This will require plasticine of different colors, as well as various additional materials. Foil, buttons, toothpicks.

  • Let the kid smear black or blue plasticine on the cardboard. And now the outer space is ready.
  • Small pieces of plasticine will be stars. Or you can make them out of foil. Here adults need to help the baby. The kid will arrange them the way he likes.
  • Mix yellow and orange plasticine to make the Sun.
  • Roll a white ball and flatten it. Stick toothpicks into the cake and attach to cardboard. Here we have a satellite ready to fly around the orbit of the Earth or a fictional planet.
  • There are astronauts in space, of course, and aliens live on the far edge of the galaxy.

Let the child come up with what kind of creatures live on unexplored planets. Maybe they will have 3 eyes or they will be completely without legs and arms.

Does the kid like to work with the dough? It is very easy to roll out a large blue, light blue or purple pancake. And little ones can cut stars, planets and rockets out of multi-colored dough using baking tins. Put your favorite toy in the starship and send it to conquer space.

You can come up with a whole world with the participation of the kid's favorite characters. Each sculpting lesson will send them together to new discoveries. There is no need to limit your imagination. Let him create and dream.


Organization and conduct of classes in the preparatory group on modeling: "How amazing the world of space is"

Prepared and conducted:
Educator of the 10th group
Abdullaeva S.N.

Moscow 2016
Purpose: To expand children's ideas about space.
-to learn to independently create various images
- to educate in children interest and respect for the profession of an astronaut, a sense of pride, for the fact that the first person in space was a Russian
- develop fine motor skills in children
Preliminary work: Examining illustrations, reading an encyclopedia about space, talking about the first person to go into outer space; learning a rhyme about space, guessing riddles about space. Reading the work "Young Astrologers" T. Heine, V. Tavares.
Material: Sheets of cardboard A5 format, plasticine in individual packaging, stacks, a sculpting board, napkins, illustrations of space on an A4 sheet on a board, a portrait of Yuri Gagarin.

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet
Q: - Do you guys like to travel? Me too. And today I propose to you to go on a distant space journey to unknown planets. But first, guess the riddle:
A girl from St. Petersburg was walking, spilling a jug of beads.
Neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden will gather.
(Stars on the sky)
Q: -In a cloudless clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with thousands of stars. They seem to us to be small sparkling dots, because they are far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large. And many have their own names: for example, the North Star. Large stars connect into constellations, which also have their own names: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo and others.
(children examine and find familiar constellations on the map of the starry sky)
- Look at our starry sky. What do you see there? (comets, stars, asteroids, sun, space stations, planets, but not all). How many planets do you know? (9 view them on the map)

There is no air in the vastness of outer space.
And there are nine different planets circling,
And the sun is the star at the very center of the system
and we are all connected by attraction.

Q: - Guys, name the planets that revolve around the sun.
Hear how our poets describe all nine planets:
All planets in order
Any of us will call:
One is Mercury,
Two is Venus,
Three is the Earth,
Four - Mars,
Five is Jupiter
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune,
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
Q: - Guys, look at our planet Earth, how beautiful it is from space and how small it is in comparison with other planets (on the screen, planet Earth is a view from space). The sun is a huge star. But there are stars much larger than our sun. Now look again at our star map and tell me, what planets are missing there? (Venus, Earth, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). Let's, guys, remember what color they are? Right! You are great! You know the planets well!
I suggest you draw the missing planets, but you will draw them in an unusual way - with plasticine. Want to? But first we need to warm up.

Physical education
We quickly got into the rockets (children perform movements with their hands, imitating running in place) We flew into space together. (children raise their hands above their heads and join their palms, forming a cone above their heads) There are many beauties around there! (children spread their arms to the sides) The earth is in the distance, like a point has become. (children connect the index and thumb of each hand, and then join their hands together. The connection of four fingers (the index and thumbs of the left and right hands shows how small the planet seems) We went into space - weightless, Everything is not at all like at home! ( While singing these two lines, children perform slow voluntary movements, imitating movement in weightlessness) Let's go back soon, (children perform a circular motion towards themselves with their left and right hands) So as not to miss us without friends! (Children raise their index finger)

Take a seat at the tables.
Now I will tell you how to draw with plasticine. First you need to make a sketch with a simple pencil, and then paint the picture with a thin layer of plasticine. Guys, remember what color is the sky in space?
Children's answers.
B. - True, the color of the sky in space can be blue, black, purple, lilac.
Well, I propose to start drawing the planets, let's fantasize. Who wants to can finish drawing a rocket or satellite.
While the children are working, the teacher helps them with advice.
Q: - You have excellent work.
Well, now our star map is complete, the planets have taken their places. Guys, listen to the poem "Solar System", which was written by the poet Vasily Bely:
First meets solar storms
Elusive, little Mercury.
Venus flies second behind him
With a heavy, dense atmosphere.
And the third is a carousel,
Our earthly cradle.
Fourth - Mars, the planet is rusty,
Red - orange most.
And then they rush in a swarm of bees,
Asteroids in their orbit.
Fifth - Jupiter, very big
It is clearly visible in the starry sky.
sixth - Saturn, in chic rings,
Charming girl, under the rays of the sun.
Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a lazy person,
After all, his long way is difficult.
Eighth - Neptune, the fourth gas giant
In a beautiful blue shirt dandy.
Pluto, Charon, ninths in the system,
In the darkness they pass the time in a duet.
Analysis of works
Exhibition of works.

Plan-outline of a modeling lesson in kindergarten (age 4-5 years).

Teacher: Amirova Yu.


Target: To create conditions for the execution of the application from plasticine on the theme "Space."

Tasks: Form the idea of ​​children about the planets of the solar system.

Develop listening skills and answering questions in full sentences.

To expand children's ideas about the profession of a pilot-cosmonaut.

Stimulate the development of speech, memory, thinking, develop imagination, fantasy. To activate the vocabulary of children: space, astronaut, space suit, rocket, planet, stars

To form the ability to orientate on a sheet of paper, to position figures relative to each other.

Equipment: work samples, rocket templates, plasticine, sculpting board, stacks.

Course of the lesson:

    Organizational moment.

Hello guys. My name is Yu.I. I found out that in our kindergarten there are wonderful guys who really love to sculpt. And today I specially came to visit you in order to mold a plasticine picture on the theme of "Space". On April 12, our country celebrates the holiday "Cosmonautics Day".

2. Explanation of the topic.

Do you know what space is? What can you see there? What planets do you know? What do they fly there? Now we will go on a space journey with you. It is dark in space, so we took black, purple or dark blue cardboard (A5 format) as the background. And in order to take off, we need to blind a rocket. With the help of flagella, we outline the outline of the rocket, and then "paint" with colored plasticine.

(according to the template, children trace the outline of the rocket)

Guys, in order to mold your fingers well, you need to knead them

Finger gymnastics: "fingers" greet "," hug ", play" snake "," made friends and grappled into a strong lock "," open the lock "

3. Practical work.

Modeling the rocket contour with cords and filling it with colored plasticine.


Well, we have the rocket ready, let's go flying

1,2,3,4 we walked around the place,

And now we are with you, children,

We fly away on a rocket.

They rose on their toes,

Fast, fast, hands down

1,2,3,4 here is a rocket flying up!

And at the bottom of the forest, fields-

The earth is spreading out.

1,2,3,4 rocket landed on the ground.

Here we are in space. What can we see here? (planets, stars, sun) Let's first of all blind our planet Earth. Pinch off small pieces of blue, white and green plasticine. Mix them a little together, but not completely, so that we get beautiful blue and white stains. Then we roll out a ball from this piece and flatten it. Attach the planet to the background. The next planet will be red and crimson. We roll balls from three different colors, flatten two balls. We wrap the third ball in the first two "pancakes". Cut in half with a thread. We get a circle with beautiful colors. Another planet is ready. We sculpt the sun from yellow and orange colors by smearing plasticine on the corner.

We start sculpting the stars. To do this, roll small balls from yellow, orange, white plasticine, flatten them and attach them to the background.

We make several camets. We take a yellow ball, flatten it, attach it to the background and, without lifting our finger, pull back the plasticine, as if drawing a tail. It turns out a camet.

4. The result of the lesson.

Guys, it's time to get back to Earth. We brought with us such beautiful "photographs". You have got wonderful crafts.

(exhibition of works)

Andryushina Lyuba

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten number 125"

Tver city



a kindergarten teacher

Andryushina Lyubov Igorevna

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic activities in kindergarten".

View: Molding(plasticineography).

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic activity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Health".

Target: increasing interest and expanding children's knowledge about outer space.


Artistic and aesthetic activity (Molding) :

Continue to acquaint children with the technique of plasticineography;

To form the ability to use a variety of techniques (sticking, pulling, smoothing, processing the surface of the form with finger movements.

To foster the desire to act in concert, to agree on who will do what part of the work, how individual images will be combined into a general picture, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Develop collective creativity, imagination, a sense of composition.


Expand and refine children's knowledge about outer space.

To develop the perception of color, shape, properties of objects and materials.


Expanding children's ideas about the diversity of the world around them. Encouraging the attempts of children to share a variety of impressions with the teacher and peers, to improve their speech, the ability to answer the questions posed.

Reading fiction literature:

To develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving an artistic word, to improve artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems.


Raise a sense of pride in your country, respect for heroes space, the desire to be like them.


Develop the need for physical activity.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations, books about outer space.

Reading fiction literature: N. Nosov. "Dunno on the Moon"... T. Rick "Sky, Stars and Sonya Titmouse".

Riddles about outer space.

Didactic games: Find the Missing Rocket, "Tell me a word", « Space» .

Materials and equipment:

For the educator: board for showing the technique of execution, blank " Cosmos "on А 3.

For kids: plasticine, napkins, oilcloth.

Course directly educational activities:

1. Organizational stage.

Educator. - Hello guys.


Do you like to guess riddles? (Yes) Then listen:

She spread her scarlet tail

Flew away into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary (rocket) Okay, right.

2. The main stage.

Guys, we have an unusual day today.

Educator. - Tell me, please, what holiday is our country celebrating today?

Tell me what is it called?

(Aviation Day and astronautics) .

This is a great holiday in honor of the pilots, astronauts, constructors that create rockets, spaceships, artificial satellites of the Earth. On this day, for the first time, a Soviet man flew to space.

And I suggest that today you will go with me to space and see all that they see astronauts and learn what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet.

But for this you need to sit in a chair, close your eyes tightly and loudly - say loudly let's go! Three four!

In the vast expanses space our Earth rotates. She is one of the planets of the solar system. The solar system is a union of planets and their satellites revolving around a star - the Sun.

There are only nine planets, they are all different. In the deep space permafrost, on the border of the solar system, the planets are moving - small bodies of ice, dust and stones. And between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there is a large accumulation of asteroids - boulders. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

It is a huge stone ball, most of the surface of which is covered with water. The earth is surrounded by layers of air called the atmosphere. Our planet is in constant movement: it rotates around its axis and around the sun. The stars seem to us from afar as glowing lights, because they are very far away. In fact, each star is a giant gas ball, similar to the sun, which emits heat and light, they are large and have their own titles: Vega, Sirius, Pole Star.

A constellation is a pattern of stars that create a shape. The first person to conquer space, was Soviet astronaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

The flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. Ship "East" made one revolution around the Earth.

V space rocket

With title "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

V. Stepanov.

Most interestingly, the first discoverers were 2 doggies: Belka and Strelka they flew to space and landed safely back to Earth. Only then did Yu. A. Gagarin fly.

For some research, it is necessary that a person has been in outer space... Were invented space at home - orbital stations. Satellites launched by man in space, send pictures of our planet and pictures to Earth outer space.

Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, did you like outer space?

What was especially memorable?

What are the names of the people flying in space in spaceships? (astronauts)

What was the name of the first in the world astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)

And what was the name of the ship that lifted it into the sky? ( "East")

What good fellows you are, you listened so attentively.

The game "Balance check".

We will test your endurance and vestibular apparatus, that is, the ability to keep balance. You have to stand up, spread straight arms to the sides, raise one leg, bend it at the knee and stand like that for a count from 1 to 10. Ready, start! We count 1-10.

Educator. - Visit outer space is a big event that gives a lot of impressions, and impressions are very good at helping creativity. Therefore, I suggest that you now sit down at the tables, and together with me blind our amazing space.

(children go to the work area)

Educator. - Guys, let's see what lies on our table (cardboard, plasticine)... You can make a whole out of it all space.

Now I will tell you how to make these planets and comets out of plasticine.

Algorithm for performing work.

Selecting the main object (astronaut, rocket).

To mold our rocket from plasticine, we need 3 colors: a slice of red, yellow, and blue.

To make such stars and comets, our plasticine must first be warmed up with your hands, and then attached to the place where the star will be and just pull the tips to the sides with your finger. These are the rays. The comet's tail is also performed.

Educator. - All clear? Well, then let's get to work.

(independent activity of children)

Physical education.

To in space to fly, you have to be able to do a lot.

To be healthy, not to be lazy, to study well at school.

And we will do exercises every day - we are not too lazy!

Turn left, right and turn back again,

Squat, jump and run, run, run.

And then everything is quieter, quieter to walk - and sit down again.

At the end, the work is posted on the board, it turns out space.

Educator. - Guys, let's look at our space what a great job you did. And you did all this with your own hands.

Educator. - Did you like outer space?

Educator. - Guys, I think our astronauts I would really like your work, space turned out like a real one. Well, it's time for you and me to go to Earth, because here on earth we will have a lot of interesting things.

List of used literature

1. Komarova TS Visual activity in kindergarten. - Moscow, 2016.

Plasticine panel "Cosmos" is an interesting work for children of all ages. The basis for the work is cardboard or thick paper (for example, pastel) of dark colors. Black, purple and navy blue work best.
The panel can be composed of a variety of elements described below. Depending on the age of your child, there can be many or few of them, they can be of the same type (for example, only stars for babies 4 years old) or various. Creating panels from plasticine with children, it is interesting to solve not only artistic, but also educational tasks: to talk about space, stars, planets. You can stick stars not haphazardly, but imitating constellations. For example, the Big Dipper.
If you sculpt the panel "Space from plasticine" with a group of children, you can get a gorgeous collective work for the Day of Cosmonautics, April 12. Connect all the guys' work with scotch tape into a single starry sky.

The sun is an element of the "Space" panel.

This is not the easiest sculpting element. But with children 5-6 years old, it is already quite possible to do it. You can make the sun from plasticine, not only red or yellow, but any other. You never know what color the sun is in the constellation of Tau Kita?
First, we roll up the ball and, pressing it to the base of the panel, flatten it into a cake. Then we roll up a long thin sausage and stick it around the sun.

Now, with the index finger, smear the plasticine on the cardboard base, forming a solar crown.

Plasticine sun, element of the panel "Space"

Since our panel is decorative, you can also find inspiration in our article on sculpting.

The moon is an element of the "Space" panel.

It is easier to mold the moon from plasticine than the sun. You can make a month. To do this, mold a sausage (we made it from "marble" plasticine, mixing white, yellow and brown colors), bend it in a semicircle and, pressing, flatten it. Thus, the month will acquire the desired shape and stick to the base of the panel.

A month from plasticine, an element of the "Space" panel for children from 4 years old

You can dazzle the full moon. Then it is better to take just "marble" plasticine mixed from several colors. Let's roll the ball, place it in the place of our panel where we want to see the moon and press it, flattening it into a cake.

The moon is made of plasticine, an element of the "Cosmos" panel for children from 4 years old
Another - difficult - version of the moon. It is suitable for younger students. We sculpt a ball and flatten it into a cake. Then we sculpt a sausage from plasticine of the same color, cut it into circles with a stack. We stick these circles-craters to the surface of our moon from plasticine. With a pencil we push the indentations into them.

Plasticine moon, element of the "Space" panel for children from 7 years old

Stars are an element of the "Space" panel.

Plasticine modeling with children from 4 years old

The funniest and easiest element of our panel! Children really like making stars like this. Roll a plasticine ball of any color. Stick it to the base. Then, with your index finger, smear in different directions from the center. The asterisk is ready!

Plasticine stars, element of the "Space" panel for children from 4 years old
When making panels from plasticine "Cosmos" with kids, only stars can be used. And as an addition, to make it not boring, use pre-painted and cut out silhouettes of starships. This is what a wonderful collective work from plasticine turned out to be by April 12 - Cosmonautics Day for the children of the middle group (4-5 years old).

Planets - an element of the "Space" panel.

Plasticine modeling with children from 5 years old

These elements are also molded very simply. We roll up a ball of plasticine and flatten it on the basis of the panel. The only trick is to pre-mix the clay to make the planets "live". For example, for "Earth" we took white, blue and green plasticine. And for "Mars" - red and brown. A special case of Saturn. He needs rings, of course. But this is not a problem either. Mold a sausage and stick it around the planet.

Planets from plasticine, element of the "Space" panel for children from 5 years old

With older children, such work can also become educational - a real space project. Blind all the planets in the solar system and arrange them in order of distance from the sun.

Plasticine panel "Planets of the Solar System" for children from 7 years old

The rocket is an element of the "Space" panel.

Plasticine modeling with children from 6 years old

A plasticine rocket is a relatively complex element. It is suitable for children from 6-7 years old.
First, we blind a sausage cylinder and flatten it, pressing it to the base of the panel. Let's get such a rectangle made of plasticine.

Now let's roll the carrot cone and stick it to our rocket. Naturally, flattening it too to make a triangle.

At the back, stick a small red ball and smear it with your index finger so that you get tongues of flame.

It remains only to decorate the rocket, as your fantasy tells you. Ideas can be borrowed from the article on sculpting.

A rocket made of plasticine, an element of the "Space" panel for children from 6 years old

Now you can create your panel, choosing those elements that you like. Well, or based on the age of the children. For example, this is. you can dazzle yourself or, if your children are of different ages, then entrust the production of such a figure to the elders, and the kids are happy to dazzle the stars.


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