Lake aji. Environmental measures taken

Tourist trips around the eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula reveal unique natural attractions. Among the places, unambiguously noteworthy guests of the Crimea, you should definitely mention Lake Ajigol - a bright pearl of the Feodosia Gulf.

This large bitter-salt lake of estuary origin is located on the plain in the western part of the Kerch Peninsula, not far from the city of Feodosia. Nature itself worked for a long time to create it. Translated from the Tatar language, the name means "bitter lake". The lake is separated from the Black Sea by a narrow isthmus, along which the Kerch highway goes.

The highlight of Lake Ajigol is its natural healing power, contained in the healing mud. The mud is valuable primarily for its active mineral substances, which have a preventive, curative and stimulating effect.

Why visit this place

Mud therapy has been widely used for many centuries. Over time, it began to be applied, based on the results of scientific developments, taking into account strict medical indications. Today, in the health resorts of the city of Feodosia and in the sanatoriums of the Sudak region, in the treatment of various diseases, they rely on the experience of the famous balneological resorts. Silt mud is absolutely safe, and its healing effect is unique. Mud procedures have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and contribute to the regeneration of functions. internal organs... Mud treatment accelerates the recovery process in case of bone injuries, damage to nerves and skin, has a beneficial effect on the absorption of salts in the joints. However, with such treatment, individual consultation with a doctor and strict adherence to his prescriptions and rules is required.

By the way, if you come to the shore of Lake Ajigol in the midst of autumn, you can observe and even take a picture pink flamingos, who often fly to these places for the winter.

Note for tourists

Ajigol attracts with its natural charm, but at the same time, the surroundings also attract with its developed tourist infrastructure. Large sanatoriums and boarding houses are located here, as well as a good selection of mini-hotels and private accommodation. In the nearby town of Feodosia, you can enjoy a variety of tourist attractions, visit vibrant sights and participate in cultural events. Numerous souvenir shops sell magnets with views of the lake, the city of Feodosia and its attractions, Crimean herbal teas, high-quality cosmetics based on mud, products self made and many other original souvenirs.

How to get to Lake Ajigol?

The lake is located 12.5 km from the city of Feodosia, on the outskirts of the village of Primorsky, in the Eastern Crimea.

Among the most valuable properties of the Crimean resorts, mud therapy is not the last. There are several salt lakes on the peninsula, the mud of which has healing properties. Unfortunately, human greed and mismanagement can ruin any gift from nature, and some of the Crimean medicinal water bodies are now on the verge of destruction. Feodosia can boast of a similar "attraction". Lake Ajigol belongs to the local government, but it seems that her powers and determination are not enough to help out a source of healing raw materials from trouble.

Where is the facility located in Feodosia?

Adzhigol belongs to the chain of the so-called Kerch lakes, although it is located on the territory of the urban district of Feodosia. Nearby there is a highway to, and the nearest settlement is the village of Primorsky. Other reservoirs are found nearby - in the south-west and Kamyshinsky Lug in the north.

Ajigol on the map of Crimea

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Origin story

Lake Ajigol - estuary, such are many of the Crimean medicinal salt water bodies. It arose as a result of the separation from the sea of ​​a small bay of the Feodosiya Gulf, at the beginning of the nineteenth century it had a natural connection with the sea. If someone gets hold of an old map, then it's easy to make sure that the coastline looked different then.

During the construction of the Kerch highway, the road workers completely fenced off the mini-estuary from the sea, but left special communications for the possibility of their communication. At that time, they still knew how to think big, and the builders did not forget that some people use the local mud to get rid of many diseases.

The lake is small and shallow (less than 1.5 km long and a little more than half a kilometer wide), it dries up in the heat. It was on its shores that mud baths were never built, but the extraction of silt with the aim of using it in medicine was carried out. Ajigol was a living system, it was renewed, birds lived on it. And then the market came….

Detective by the sea

More precisely, the troubles began a little earlier. Many houses in Primorskoye are not connected to a civilized sewerage system. The contents of the pits of the toilets of the "toilets" type have been seeping through the soil into the estuary for a long time. But while the matter was limited to the actions of the villagers, everything was still going relatively well.

It got worse when enterprising "effective owners" appeared in the village, starting to build expensive cottages and private boarding houses. They were the last to think about the safety of their sewerage systems. One of them was a certain V. Yarmolenko. He decided that the shore of the lake was not convenient enough for his boarding house and simply drew out a significant part of the water from it, and fenced off the eastern part with a dam from household garbage. Like, it was supposed to prevent sewage from the sewer from getting here.

The result is exactly the opposite. The runoff to the dam did not pay any attention. The eastern part has turned into a kind of sewage sump. But the communication with the Feodosiya Gulf was interrupted. Ajigol began to desalinate, blue-green algae appeared in it, the birds left. The entrepreneur tried to launch fish into here, but it turned out that it is simply poisonous due to the abnormal composition of the water. Reviews of tourists who have visited the Feodosia region began to dazzle with statements that in the Primorsky area it becomes impossible to go to the sea - sorry, it smells like a toilet.

Yarmolenko's "war" with doctors and ecologists lasted for several years. A number of court decisions were made on the demolition of illegal structures, but the brave businessman valiantly ignored them, continuing to “feed” the public with tales of fish stocks and swans settled on.

Ajigol - a medicinal lake of Crimea

However, the reservoir is still alive and can be saved. In recent Ukrainian years, a group of specialists from here took samples of silt and brine, checking their composition. It turned out that Lake Ajigol in Crimea can still compete with Saki in terms of the mineral composition of mud,
and even surpasses it in terms of the amount of hydrogen sulfide in them.

Presumably, in the bowels of the earth there is a volcano under it, which contributes to enrichment. This means that mud can still be used to treat diseases of the skin, joints, musculoskeletal system in the same way as sludge is used. But to the public's judgment, scientists also presented horrific photos of devastation and desolation on the lake shores. If this continues for even a short time, Ajigol will die completely, and the reserves of medicinal raw materials will disappear.

Now some brave tourists use the Adjigol mud on their own, finding a cleaner place and simply smearing themselves with silt. It remains to be hoped that at the same time they comply with the safety rules shown for mud therapy. In recent years, a campaign has been launched in Crimea to organize the demolition of all illegal buildings that disfigure its nature, etc. It would be nice if the dam, erected here, also suffered such a fate.

Lake Adzhi (Papas) is located in the southern part of the Dagestan coast of the Caspian Sea, on the border of the Kayakent and Derbent regions of the republic. It is the remnant of a lagoon that separated from the Caspian during one of the sea retreats. The total area of ​​the reservoir, together with the adjacent shallow waters, is about 800 hectares, the length of the lake is 5 km, the width is 1.5 km, and the average depth reaches about 1.5 m.Therefore, if we talk about the water surface of Adzha itself, then its area is 525 hectares ... The sources of water supply for the lake are the Samur-Derbent Canal and the Uluchay River. In addition, the reservoir has a connection with the Caspian Sea, where the main spillway is carried out.

The northeastern outskirts of Aja are notable for their hot mineral springs and curative mud, which are of great balneological importance. However, even this does not make the reservoir truly unique and significant in the most global sense.

The fact is that Lake Papas and its environs are one of the most valuable nesting, migratory stops and wintering places of the most diverse and rare birds on the western coast of the Caspian. The reservoir supports the existence of a significant number of such vulnerable and endangered species of animals and birds as the Mediterranean tortoise, white-eyed duck, duck.

In total, 263 bird species have been recorded here, including 116 nesting ones. Moreover, most of them are species that occur only during migrations and wintering. Within the lake, 44 species of rare and endangered birds have been recorded, listed in the Russian and international Red Data Books. Moreover, for example, for the white-headed duck, Lake Aji is currently the only place in the Ciscaucasia where this endangered duck can nest.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this reservoir is included in the list of key bird areas of international importance. After all, Lake Papas is an important site for the western coast of the Caspian Sea, providing favorable conditions for migratory bird species. Every year, at least 5 million birds fly through the lake in transit, and up to 200 thousand birds make short stops and winter. More than 1% of the European population of the Dalmatian pelican, cormorant and little bustard stop within it, and more than 1% of the European population of the white-headed duck nest.

In addition to all this, the lake, which has a connection with the Caspian Sea, is a fertile place for spawning 13 different types fish, including catfish, carp and others. Such natural reproduction of fish resources contributes to the preservation of the natural gene pool of populations, their biological diversity.

Who is responsible?

However, with all this, in recent years, Papas has faced some problems. The main one is associated with the small flow of the lake, which leads to silting of the water surface and the gradual drying of the reservoir. The disappearance of the lake will lead to an ecological disaster in Southern Dagestan, to the extinction of many rare bird species in the Red Data Book, and a noticeable reduction in the fish population.

In view of this, at the beginning of September, specialists of the Ministry natural resources and the ecology of the RD, a survey of the water area of ​​Lake Adzhi was carried out. The inspection showed that most of the territory of the water body has completely dried up and overgrown with reeds, the lake has become shallow, and water is no longer flowing through the existing canals. And, what is most terrible, the animal world has significantly thinned out.

In order to deal with the problem, you need to understand who is responsible for the current situation.

Lake Adzhi is located on the territory of the Papas hunting farm, the area of ​​which is about 8 thousand hectares. But back in December 1996, the Department of Hunting under the Government of the Republic of Dagestan presented it for the use of the Dagestan Republican Society of Hunters and Fishermen, which, in turn, transferred the Papas hunting ground, along with a unique reservoir, to the Derbent Interdistrict Society of Hunters and Fishermen. Thus, it is the Derbent society of hunters and fishermen who is obliged to water the Papas through the existing canals. but this work until recently it was not carried out.

Will we restore it with the whole world?

This continued until the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic strongly recommended that the Derbent Society of Hunters and Fishermen restore the water supply to the lake within a month. Otherwise, the minister promised to raise the issue of terminating the documents on the basis of which the reservoir is in their jurisdiction.

The appeal of the ministerial leadership was heard in Derbent, and about a month ago, the restoration of the lake's water area began. To date, the Derbent Interdistrict Society of Hunters and Fishermen has cleared the water supply canals, repaired sluices on them, dug new canals, and also took measures to supply water from the Uluchay River and restored the connection of the reservoir with the Caspian Sea.

It is obvious that the preservation of such a significant reservoir as Lake Adzhi should become one of the priority directions of the activities of the Dagestani authorities. This unique object plays a huge role both in the conservation of rare, endangered birds and in the natural reproduction of fish resources. Therefore, the negligence that has so far manifested itself in the inaction of the Derbent Society of Hunters and Fishermen should not continue to take place.

Adajidon - a river in North Ossetia, the right tributary of the Ardon River, flows through the village of Verkhniy Unal. Hydronym is translated from Ossetian as "river ravine"

Ajigetken - a tract in the Shelkovsky region of Chechnya; is located 30 km west of the village of Sary-Su. There was a farmhouse, which consisted of one house. The toponym is translated from Nogai as "the place where Aji went"

Ajidada - a village in the Republic of Dagestan, located 35 km west of the village of Sulak. The name of the toponym, apparently, owes its origin to the surname Adzhiev and the name Dada, widespread among the Turkic-speaking peoples.

Adjikolchat - a mountain in Kabardino-Balkaria, located in the watershed of the Kayaartsu and Tyutyusu rivers; height - 3848m. The translation of the first part of the oronym can be interpreted in two ways. According to the first version, aji is a derivative of the Balkar surname Ajoev; according to another version, from acji - "bitter" (bulk), which is associated with the presence of a large amount of wormwood in the river valley. Kol - "side gorge", chat - "valley", "hollow" (bulk). Complete translation oronima - “a peak over a valley in which wormwood grows” (balk.).

Aftsajidon - river in North Ossetia, right tributary of the Fiagdon river (Kurtatinskoe gorge, district of Dzuarikau village). Translated from Ossetian, as "river from the pass"

Kaladzhinskaya - a village in the Labinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory; located at the confluence of the Bolshaya and Malaya Laba rivers. Founded in 1861 on the site of the previous Kaladzhin fortification (1853 - 1861) According to VB Vinogradov, the name of the toponym derives from the Kabardian k'aledes - "living in the fortress" and is formalized in the Russian manner by using the word-formation suffixes –in and - sc. In our opinion, the name of the toponym is based on the Adyghe etymology, where k'ale - "city", "fortress" and zhy - "old", - "old fortress"; although the Turkic version is not excluded, where k'ale is "fortress"; jik - diminutive suffix - "small fortress"

Lahadjidon - river in North Ossetia; flows through; flows through with. Jimi. Translated from Ossetian, as "bad ravine river"

Najigo - aul in the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory; is located in the upper reaches of the Makopse River, 8 km from the Black Sea. According to the revision of 1998, 206 people lived in the village of Najigo in the Lygotkh rural district. The translation of the toponym is probably based on the Adyghe elements: nydzhi - "small", "coastal" and go, transformed from k'o - "balka", "valley", - "coastal valley" (Adyg.)

Sajilta - mountain peak in North Ossetia; rises above the village of Sagol (right bank of the Ardon River). Oronym translates as "forked"

Sajikhvisgele - mountain pass in the Main Watershed, located in the upper reaches of the Armkha River on the border of Chechnya and Georgia. Height - 3725m. the pass connects the valleys of the Armkhi and Akhielistskali rivers. Translated from Georgian, as "pass of mountain tours" (Gudamar dialect of the Georgian language)

Taji don - river in North Ossetia; flows in the vicinity of the village of Karzhin. Hydronym is translated from Ossetian as "river strip"

Hajibey-Bashi - mountain peak in Karachay-Cherkessia; is located in the northern spur of the Main Caucasian ridge, in the interfluve of Teberda and Aksaut (basin of the Kubani River). Height - 3728 meters. Oronym is translated from the Karachai language as "the top with a turban", where the hajji - who went to Mecca and received the right to wear a turban; bashi - "top", "top", "head". It is named so because the top of the mountain is crowned with a snow cap that looks like a turban. In the watershed of the Khadzhibey and Ullu-Marka rivers, there are the Khadzhibey North and Khadzhibey South passes; the height of both - 3200 meters

Hajibiram - a small river in the Anapa region of the Krasnodar Territory, a tributary of the Gostagayka River; flows into it within the Gostagaevskaya station. Khadjibiram is a proper name, “the river Khadjibiram” (Adyg.). The same name has a small ravine in Adygea, opposite the village of Blechepsin

Hajizep - a tract in the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory, located in the valley of the Shenemok River (basin of the Nebug River). Here, before the October Revolution, there was the Adyghe aul Hadzhizep. The etymology of the name of the toponym goes back to the Adyghe: Khadzhi is a proper name and zepyt is "closed" (in this case - "inaccessible", which is confirmed by the physical and geographical conditions of the area where the tract is located - above and below it, on the Shenemok River - numerous waterfalls) ... In general, the toponym is translated as the hard-to-reach tract Khadzhi "(Adyg.)

Hajiko - aul in the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory; located 11 km from the Black Sea, in the valley of the Ashe river. Before March 1, 1993 locality called Krasnoaleksandrovsky 1st. Hajiko translated from the Adyghe means "the valley of the Khadzhi", where Khadzha is a proper name

Hadzhitemach - tract in the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory; is located on the right bank of the Psebe River, in the middle reaches (the Black Sea basin). The toponym is translated from the Adyghe, as "the lower slope of the Khadzhi"

KALADZHINSKAYA - A village at the confluence of Bolshaya and Malaya Laba (Labinsky district). It was founded in 1861 on the site of the previous Kaladzhin fortification (1853-1861). The etymology of the name is obscured. However, certain comparisons suggest themselves. In the Trans-Kuban region, a ridge is known, the name of which is considered (Kokov J.P. Adyg (Circassian) toponymy. Nalchik. 1974, p. 100). It probably stems from Kabardian - and is designed in the Russian manner by using derivational suffixes,.

See general.


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