State power bodies of local self-government of public associations. Forms of interaction of public organizations with local government bodies. Local public associations: concept, types and legal status

  • Specialty VAK RF22.00.08
  • Number of pages 248



§ 1. Public administration and local government

§2. The role of local government in the development of civil society

§3. The place and role of non-governmental organizations in the formation of civil society

3.1. The non-profit sector as an object of sociological knowledge

3.2. The Role of Third Sector Organizations in Reforming 40 Russian Society

§4. Social partnership- the path to civil society

4.1. Social partnership: essence and principles

4.2. Legal framework for social partnership


§ 1. The practice of interaction between local authorities and non-governmental organizations

§2. Analysis of social partnership on the example of the Regional Public Charitable "Coordination Center for Social Support" CONCLUSION Literature

Recommended list of dissertations

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  • Interaction of non-governmental non-profit organizations with state authorities and administration in Russia 2004, candidate of political sciences Batalova, Yulia Vladimirovna

  • 2003, candidate of economic sciences Tadorashko, Konstantin Pavlovich

  • 2000, candidate of sociological sciences Khukhlina, Valentina Vladimirovna

  • 2008, candidate of political sciences Shock, Natalia Petrovna

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "The role of public organizations in the activities of local self-government bodies"

Russia is following the path of socio-economic transformations, and many researchers associate their progress with the construction or development of civil society.

Both scientists and practical leaders, political and public figures are giving serious attention to the problem of forming a civil society in Russia. She has become an integral part modern views about society, democracy, rule of law.

The formation of civil society is reflected in many program documents of the state and government, political parties and movements.

Civil society grows out of society's needs in overcoming antagonism and contradictions, reconciling and harmonizing social forces.

Its main meaning and direction is to realize the destiny of a person in his concrete historical and nationally specific conditions, including the expression of his individual strengths and abilities, the "highest" manifestation of which is civic qualities.

Achievement of civil society is carried out in two ways - independence of actions and interaction. The first method means that to combine different interests, autonomy and independence, self-control of the subjects are necessary, and on the other hand, the relationship of subjects striving for such unity is possible only on the basis of combining efforts on the basis of cooperation.

Public associations are the central component of civil society. It is here that direct and real ties between society and the state, the individual and the government, are realized, the rights and freedoms of the individual, their initiative and independence are realized, the level and nature of democracy, the fullness of the meaning of human existence as such, are manifested.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, public associations are intermediaries between society and the state. Here the objective possibilities of transforming our society into a civil democratic society are concentrated, therefore, the development of the problem of social partnership in the interaction of bodies municipal government as local governments and non-profit organizations is relevant and timely.

The emergence of a market economy in Russia led to a sharp drop in the living standards of the population, to the stratification of society, to a crisis in the social sphere of the state. In this situation, the problem of creating a strong state social policy.

In modern Russia, it is necessary to create such living conditions for the population that would meet the interests and needs of every Russian citizen. Achievement of this goal is associated, first of all, with the territorial community of cohabitation of people, where livelihoods are provided by local municipal authorities, capable of creating conditions for social harmony and social partnership of people living in a given territory.

Solving the problem of reaching agreement, dialogue, cooperation, partnership between various social strata, between local governments and public organizations is an extremely important and urgent task of the modern stage of the historical development of our society.

The relevance of the dissertation work is to reveal in the system of relations between the population and local authorities the prerequisites for constructive contacts for cooperation, mutual consideration of the interests of subjects of social interaction, in the search and finding mutually acceptable solutions on the life of the population. The readiness of the municipal authorities for social cooperation with public organizations is the main condition and guarantee of social stability in society.

Within the framework of the social crisis experienced by Russian society, the problem of social partnership between the state and the non-profit sector becomes urgent, especially at the lower level of government, which is closest to the population and is most closely connected with it.

At the heart of social partnership at the local level is self-government, which is characteristic of both local authorities and public associations, which creates additional conditions for their interaction.

An equally important factor in the development of social partnership is the social activity of the individual and the need for the manifestation of personal initiative in the implementation of social policy. It is necessary to activate the population to participate in the activities of public associations as a means of expressing citizenship and an instrument of influence on the adoption of managerial decisions in social policy.

The creation of conditions conducive to the formation and development of social partnership, the study of ways and methods of its practical implementation at the local level contributes to the development of democratic functions of society, its advancement on the path of democratization and building a civil society, which is extremely important for Russian reality.

Role exploration public organizations in the process of solving social problems at the level of local government, the modeling of social technologies, within the framework of which a constructive connection of state and public methods of responding to social problems is achieved, is becoming an important area of ​​sociological science.

The relevance of a sociological study of the development of the non-profit sector and its increasing influence on the formation of social policy at the local level lies in the fact that it makes it possible to develop proposals for enhancing the interaction of public organizations and local governments in the social sphere and to develop proposals for attracting the population to participate in resolving issues of its life ...

The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. The categorical and conceptual apparatus, the interpretation of the definitions of social partnership require methodological clarity. Currently, most Russian researchers consider social partnership as a form of social and labor relations between employees and employers.

Non-governmental organizations that offer their initiative, often on a gratuitous basis, thus do not fit methodologically into the context of the functioning generally accepted concept of "social partnership"

The new emerging practice of public relations at the local level, the social partnership of municipal bodies and the public sector, methodologically and theoretically requires clarification. ^

The author proceeds from the premise that social partnership means the relationship between the state, which is represented by the government, its bodies and representatives (in the work under consideration, represented by local self-government bodies) with other subjects - an individual, family, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), etc. Social partnership is an equal relationship between subjects, which are determined by the commonality of their needs, value orientations and interests based on the principle of social justice. The dissertation work examines: the interaction of state authorities at the local level with non-governmental organizations, the role of self-government in the activities of local authorities and public organizations, current trends in the development of the non-profit sector and its increasing role in the formation of civil society.

The various directions of development, formation and interaction of non-governmental organizations with local authorities are considered in the works of domestic researchers: Mitrokhin V.I., Yashchenko AA, Ionova JI.A., Vilinova I.V., Savchenko P.V., Yakimets V.V. N., Model I.M., Model B.S., Kiseleva V.N., Smolnova V.G., Migirova R.P., Konovalova JI. Fedulina A. and others 1

An analysis of the works of the above authors allows us to conclude that a distinctive feature of Russian reality is the insufficient formation of partners of social relations, both on the part of state authorities and on the part of NGOs interacting with them. The state policy regarding social partnership with NGOs in Russia is in the process of formation. Social partnership, as a backbone of civil society, is in its infancy and is still weakly acting as a shock absorber of social tension in society. Naturally, an important task is to develop clear, conceptual guidelines, substantiate an effective model of social partnership between the state represented by local government and non-profit, non-governmental organizations (hereinafter NGOs), proposals and recommendations for the formation of state social policy in these areas. Part of the state social policy is the development of favorable conditions for the development of two components of social partnership: the system of local self-government - local authorities and the non-governmental sector - public associations. In the opinion of the candidate for thesis, what is common in the works under consideration is the analysis of the development trend of the nongovernmental sector. Researchers note an increase social role NGOs caused by the inability of the state to fully meet the needs of the population in social services. Involvement of NGOs in social activities reduces the burden on the state and increases

Matyukhin A.B. The concept of political modernization of Russian society. Diss., M., 1998; Kisilev V.N., Smolnov V.G. Social partnership in Russia. M., 1998; Semigin G.Yu. Social partnership as a sector of political stabilization of Russian society. Abstract dissertation. M., 1993; Ionova O.B. Social technology partnership. M., 2000; P.V. Savchenko Non-profit organizations in the system of institutional relations M ,. 2000; Model I.M., Model B.S. Power and civil society in Russia: from social interaction to social partnership. Yekaterinburg, 1998; Vilinov I.E. Formation of a system of social partnership. Abstract dissertation. M., 1998; Trubitsin A.B. Social policy: towards the development of new guidelines. M., 2000; L. Konovalova Non-governmental organizations in the state and society M., 2000; M. Kleinberg Non-profit public organizations in the Russian social security sector. M., 2000. The scope of NGOs. The social sphere is the field in which objective necessity contributes to the emergence of effective and full-fledged social partnership between NGOs and government bodies authorities.

In the presented dissertation work, social partnership between non-governmental, non-profit organizations and local governments is explored to solve problem situations in the social sphere based on the experience of cooperation between the Regional Public Charitable Organization (hereinafter ROBO "KCSP") with the Krasnoselsky District Administration.

The problems of local self-government have been studied quite deeply both in Russia and abroad.

Search for theoretical and practical solutions an important and urgent problem in this direction today... This is evidenced by the works of I. Babichev, A. Voronin, A. Gladyshev, V. Golovanov, P. Biryukov, J1. Gilchenko, I. Ovchinnikova, E. Zaborova et al.2 These works provide an analysis of the general problems of the development of self-government at the levels: state, regional and municipal, local; the interaction of various levels of government, their role in the formation of a democratic society in Russia is considered.

A number of works analyze the problems of legal regulation of the activities of local authorities from the point of view of the function of self-government. Recently, studies have appeared on the role of local authorities in the political and economic development of regions, but there are no works that, to one degree or another, cover the entire range of social issues related to the social partnership of non-governmental organizations and local authorities as an institution of self-government.

The practice of developing social activity poses tasks for sociological science and requires a theoretical study of the contradiction between the needs of society for an effective social partnership between local governments and NGOs and the real state of this partnership is not appropriate

1 1 - " 1 "" - .

I. Babichev Subjects of local self-government and their interaction. M., 2000; Voronin A.G. and etc.

Editorial board / Local government in the Russian Federation. M., 1998; A. Gladyshev Local community development: theory, methodology, practice. M., 1999; V. Golovanov Management and self-government in a large city M., 1997; P. Biryukov Fundamentals of local government and self-government M., 1998; J1. Gilchenko Local Self-Government: A Long Return: The Formation of Local Self-Government in Russia. M., 1998; I. Ovchinnikov Local self-government in the system of democracy. M., 1999; Zaborova E.H. The system of self-government and territorial self-activity of the urban population, Yekaterinburg, 1998. The requirements of today and the goals of building a civil society in our country.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to study the patterns of the emergence and development of social partnership between local governments represented by local authorities and the public non-governmental sector, to develop practical recommendations to stimulate and optimize this process in the social sphere. Determination of the place and role of non-governmental organizations in the formation of civil society in Russia at the level of local self-government.

The statement tasks of the thesis are:

Analysis of social partnership as a system of interaction between public authorities and non-governmental organizations;

Clarification of the concept of "local self-government" in relation to local authorities - municipalities, within the city of Moscow - to boards;

Analysis of the modern concept and model of interaction of local government bodies as local government with non-governmental organizations;

Substantiation of the role of the "third sector" and local government in the formation of civil society in Russia;

Conducting a sociological analysis of social partnership between local authorities and public organizations on the example of the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow and, on its basis, substantiating the increasing role of non-governmental organizations and social partnership between local self-government bodies and non-profit organizations at the present stage of development of Russian society;

Research objects - local government, non-state non-profit organizations, their interaction in the social sphere.

The subject of the research is social partnership as a system of interaction between local government and public associations.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research includes theoretical developments by leading domestic and Western sociologists in the field of studying and developing the concept of social partnership between the state and non-governmental organizations; its influence on the formation of civil society, the role of public organizations in the activities of local authorities, research materials, scientific and practical conferences, the provisions of legislative and regulatory acts.

Used in the work sociological method research using theoretical and methodological analysis of systemic concepts of research. The author developed questionnaires and under his leadership conducted a sociological survey of 300 residents and 300 experts (heads of state, commercial, public organizations, employees of the Administration and its services). The sample is representative.

Research hypothesis: the formation of a civil society in Russia is impossible without solving the fundamental problem of social partnership of local authorities with non-governmental organizations representing the interests of a huge number of the population.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation is as follows:

The domestic experience of interaction between municipal authorities as local self-government bodies and non-governmental organizations represented by public associations is generalized. On the basis of this generalization, the process of evolution of the concept of "local self-government" is presented for the first time, including from the standpoint of its inclusion in the content of local government. state level and analysis of common and different features inherent in self-government of local authorities and self-government of public associations;

Empirical data have been introduced into scientific circulation, deepening the concept of social partnership between state authorities and non-governmental organizations as a new social institution that actively contributes to the formation of civil society in Russia;

On the basis of the analysis of sociological research, a mechanism for increasing the role of the non-governmental sector in the activities of local self-government has been substantiated;

Analyzed the specifics and mechanisms of interaction between state authorities and non-governmental organizations at the lowest level government controlled;

On the basis of a sociological survey, the difficulties and problems of the development of social partnership at the local level between state authorities and public organizations are identified, due, on the one hand, to the socio-economic situation in the country, unpreparedness of civil servants for social dialogue, social partnership, imperfection of the legislative framework, unsatisfactory state of the information field. , on the other hand, weak involvement of the population itself in self-governing public associations and their insufficient participation in decision-making processes at the state level;

Proposed efficient models introduction and development of social partnership between state authorities and public organizations in the social sphere of services for privileged categories of residents.

The practical significance of the work is determined by the need to comprehend the creative role of social partnership between local governments and non-profit organizations, which is necessary for the development of the social sphere, for the prompt solution of social problems. Participation of the population in management activities, in the preparation and decision-making on the planning and implementation of social policy at the local level.

The practical significance of this study is due to the content of proposals and recommendations for the formation of an effective system of social partnership between local authorities and non-governmental organizations, for attracting the population to active participation in the implementation of social policy at the local level.

The conclusions and provisions of the dissertation can be used in the development of a regulatory and legislative framework for the development of social partnership, in the preparation of management personnel at various levels, in the activities of nongovernmental organizations that enter into social partnership with local government bodies, in the work of local self-government bodies to attract the population to active participation in public life.

The empirical base of the study was made up of data from official statistics, including the city statistical office of Moscow, materials from the Krasnoselsky Administration and the results of sociological research conducted by the author. The main regulatory sources were: the regulatory framework for non-profit organizations, social partnership, self-government in Russia and Moscow, the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Approbation of work and implementation of research results. The main conclusions of the idea and thesis of the dissertation work are based on 10 years of practical experience of the author as the head of the public charitable organization "Coordination Center for Social Support", which implements in practice the mechanism of social partnership with local authorities represented by the Krasnoselsky District Administration. This experience was reviewed and approved by the Moscow Mayor's Office.

The provisions of the dissertation are set out by the author in publications and speeches at "round tables", in the work of the scientific-practical conference "The role of non-governmental organizations in the activities of state authorities" in 1998, Central Administrative District, Moscow, hearings in the State Duma in April 2002, in materials prepared by the Krasnoselsky Board for the Administration of the Central District, as well as in three publications with a volume of more than 5 pp.

The main provisions of the dissertation were discussed at a meeting of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere of the STI MGUS.

Provisions for Defense:

Self-government is a basic principle of local authorities and public organizations that regulates the right of citizens to independently manage local affairs and is a way of organizing and participating in the exercise of local power.

Self-government, non-profit sector, social partnership are the main, defining institutions of civil society, allowing the most effective use of public potential in the management of society.

Civil initiatives are the very element of "social capital", without which the effective development of society and a democratic state is inconceivable.

The involvement of the public sector in the provision of social services on the basis of social partnership with local authorities is a new phenomenon in the social sphere of Russia, contributing to the development of democracy in society.

The lack of a holistic, comprehensive and systematic state policy in the field of social dialogue and social partnership between the authorities and NGOs, which includes all the necessary components: legal, organizational and structural, scientific and methodological, material and financial and informational, restrains the development of Russian society.

Based on the experience of social partnership between local authorities and public organizations in the provision of social services, the reality of social cooperation in solving the most acute social problems of the most needy groups of the population has been proved.

A successful social partnership between government authorities and NGOs working in the field of social service delivery depends on the following factors:

The presence of a targeted state policy in the field of social partnership with the "third sector";

Formation of the legislative framework, including in taxation, stimulating government and commercial structures to cooperate with NGOs;

Coordination of efforts of NGOs and state structures in the social sphere of activity;

Information support of the processes of social partnership, promotion of the ideas of the "third sector" and social partnership in consciousness of people,

From subjective factors, that is, from the level of competence and responsibility of the staff of government leaders and leaders of non-governmental organizations.

The structure of the thesis. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes.

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Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "Sociology of Management", Botsu, Irina Anatolyevna


In the process of working on the problem "The role of public organizations in the activities of local self-government bodies" the author considered a large set of tasks, which made it possible to:

To study the available materials (legislative and regulatory acts, documents of authorities, scientific publications, materials of periodicals, etc.), on the methodology, theory and practice of public policy on this issue; consider the conceptual apparatus and conceptual approaches to the problem;

Explore overseas experience on solving this problem (on the example of Western European countries) and the experience of NGO development, its role in reforming society in Russia;

Assess the actions of local government to establish social partnership with public organizations at the local level, assess the role of NGOs in the development of local government, analyze the results working together Governors with NGOs based on the work of the public charitable organization "Coordination Center for Social Support";

To develop proposals allowing, according to the author, to increase the role of public organizations in their cooperation with local self-government bodies.

Thus, we can draw conclusions:

A social portrait of interaction between local self-government bodies and organizations of the "third sector" has been created.

It has been established that the foundation of a democratic civil society is being laid at the local level, and social partnership of local self-government bodies and NGOs is the way to its formation.

It has been determined that the non-profit non-governmental sector is a significant and dynamically developing component of public life. It not only serves to meet the urgent needs of people, but also represents a powerful and growing economic force that affects all aspects of social life.

At the local level, the mechanisms for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of state social policy have not fully developed as a generally accepted practice. Subjective factors that influence the interaction of NGOs with state structures in solving problems of the social sphere retain a significant role, and therefore, this interaction cannot be called stable. The information field for the development of NGOs and social cooperation is narrowed and poorly developed. The potential of the information component of social policy in the field of social partnership is not fully used, which hinders the development of the process. Purposeful work is needed to form public opinion in favor of social partnership and its development.

The development of social partnership between local self-government bodies and non-governmental organizations largely depends on the initiative and activity of third sector organizations. Ability to attract additional funding, professionalism of personnel working in NGOs, independence and a high degree of responsibility for the quality of solutions to the problem and the completeness of the obligations undertaken, the ability to express and lobby their interests and the interests of citizens at the level of government decision-making, in particular at the level of local self-government determine the success of such actions.

It was revealed that many problems of the "third sector", especially at the local level, are associated with the lack of a sufficiently developed and effective legal framework. The existing legislative framework does not cover the entire field of activity of the nongovernmental sector, social partnership between state authorities, the commercial sector and nongovernmental organizations. The existing normative acts require revision and improvement. The process of developing the legal framework at the local level is in its infancy and requires revitalization and expansion.

Shows the leading role of the state in the emerging civil society, in the formation and development of social partnership. The state develops the strategy and priorities of social policy, organizes their practical implementation with the participation of social partners in accordance with established norms.

The main importance and role of NGOs in building civil society has been determined. The development of NGOs determines the democratic development of the state. They exercise control over the activities of public authorities, providing citizens with the opportunity to participate in the management of the processes taking place in society.

In the course of the sociological study, the hypothesis was confirmed that the formation of a civil society in Russia is impossible without solving the fundamental problem of social partnership of local self-government bodies with non-governmental non-profit organizations. The development of NGOs determines the democratic development of the state. They exercise control over the activities of public authorities, provide citizens with the opportunity to participate in the management of the processes taking place in society.

The success of the formation of social partnership between state authorities and non-governmental organizations and the business sector largely depends on the solution of these issues at the “grassroots” level, at the level of administrations in Moscow. It is at this level that the simplest and most effective forms of interaction between the authorities and the public arise.

The main conditions for the formation and development of social partnership of local self-government bodies and non-profit organizations are formulated, the primary task of which is to develop a concept of a competent social policy, which provides for measures to develop the “third sector”, enhance its role in the development of civil society in the country, and increase citizens' participation in governance. the vital activity of the population.

A model of organizational development of social partnership of public organizations with local government bodies is proposed, which provides for measures to support non-profit organizations. To create a truly sustainable and effective “third sector”, government support is needed, including financial, investments in education and training of personnel working in the “third sector”.

It was revealed that at the local level, mechanisms for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of state social policy have not fully developed as a generally accepted practice. Subjective factors that influence the interaction of NGOs with state structures in solving problems of the social sphere retain a significant role, and therefore, this interaction cannot be called stable.

Social partnership between non-governmental organizations and state authorities is a dialectical, developing process. Social relations in society are changing, the role of the state is changing, the role of public organizations is changing. This process cannot be called permanent at the present time; rather, it has a discrete nature, extremely susceptible to subjective factors. It will take the efforts of all stakeholders in order to successfully develop, so that the process of developing social partnership becomes irreversible and generally recognized.

An important task is the development of social partnership of the public sector with local governments in the social sphere, where the capabilities of non-profit organizations to relieve social tension, use the social capital of citizens are fully manifested, the basic qualities of the “third sector” are realized: mutual assistance, solidarity, humanity, etc. etc.

It is shown the need to create appropriate structures within government departments to communicate with NGOs, without which it is impossible and ineffective to maintain a constant dialogue with society.

Social partnership between non-governmental organizations and state authorities is a dialectical and developing process. Social relations in society are changing, the role of the state is changing, the role of public organizations is changing. This process cannot be called permanent at the present time; rather, it has a discrete nature, extremely susceptible to subjective factors. It will take the efforts of all stakeholders to successfully develop cooperation between all three sectors of the economy, so that the process of developing social partnership becomes irreversible and generally recognized.

It is public associations, nongovernmental organizations in general, their interaction with local self-government bodies focused on "social partnership" that can and should become the main principle of combining the efforts of the state and citizens in solving the problems of society development. Non-governmental organizations can become a very effective reserve for enhancing the activities of self-government and administration bodies in implementing programs for the socio-economic development of a district, region, city, creating a climate of trust and harmony, and improving society.

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71. Koh I.A. Personnel potential and socio-ethical problems of formation and development: Abstracts. report Urals. scientific. practical conf. Perm, 1998, p. 82-87.73.

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In public associations, the dependence of the status of public associations on their territorial sphere of activity has been established. Mandatory indication of territorial scope public association should be in the name of the organization... There are four territorial types of public associations:

  1. All-Russian public association can carry out its activities in the territories of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural divisions there - organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. At present, the Russian Federation includes 85 constituent entities. Absence the required amount structural divisions is a violation and may lead to the liquidation of a public association. Inclusion in the names of all-Russian public associations of the name Russian Federation or Russia, as well as words derived from this name,allowed without special permission.
  2. Interregional public association carries out its activities in the territories of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural divisions there - organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. To obtain this status, it is enough to have branches in at least 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation... Interregional public associations have a special structure, which, as a rule, are regional and local branches.
  3. Regional public association, the activities of such an association in accordance with its statutory goals are carried out within the territory of one subject. For example, the Moscow Public Organization for the Protection of Consumer Rights, as the very name of the organization implies, operates on the territory of Moscow.
  4. Local public association conducts its activities within the territory of only one local government body. For example, the local public regional organization of motorists Losinoostrovskaya operates on the territory of the intracity municipal formation Losinoostrovskoe in Moscow.

Departments has the right to acquire the rights of a legal entity and also has the right to carry out activities on the basis of its statutes, registered in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the goals and objectives of the branches should not contradict the charter of the parent public association. It is the possibility of a regional branch to become an independent legal entity that leads to the fact that when creating a regional branch, it should have at least three members- representatives of this region. Since a public association is created on the initiative of the founders - at least three individuals and (or) public associations.

Chelyabinsk Bulletin state university... 2012. No. 3 (257). Control. Issue 7, pp. 14-18.

R. Kh. Mukhametshina


Public associations participating in solving socially significant problems of the territories of municipalities can become a bridge between residents and local authorities. The article examines the problems of the functioning of public associations and outlines recommendations for improving the interaction of local governments with public associations.

Key words: public associations, non-profit organizations, socially oriented non-profit organizations, local government bodies.

Public associations1 and other non-profit organizations are an important source of social innovation, make a significant contribution to the implementation of the main goals and objectives of social policy implemented by local governments, provide additional jobs on a permanent and temporary basis, and attract social sphere additional funds.

This process was most noticeably embodied in the life of Chelyabinsk, undoubtedly, to a greater extent thanks to the assistance of the city administration.

V Chelyabinsk region As of 01.07.2011, 3906 non-profit organizations were registered in the departmental register of the Office of Justice. Compared to 2006, the number of registered non-profit organizations increased by 18802.

“Geographically, the main number of public organizations and non-profit partnerships are concentrated in the regional center - about 80%. In the second largest city in the region - Magnitogorsk - about 6% of public associations and 17% of non-profit partnerships operate. The rest of the registered public organizations

Comparative analysis indicators for state registration of non-profit organizations for 2010 and 2011 4

organizations are distributed by region depending on the size of municipalities - Miass (232 registered public organizations), Zlatoust - 192, Ozersk

87, Snezhinsk - 78, Kasli - 52, Kyshtym - 51, Karabash - 13, etc. "3.

The well-being of the population depends to a large extent on how competently the relations of local self-government bodies with public associations will be built.

The success of the urban policy pursued by local self-government bodies is largely determined by the degree of complicity, interest, involvement of non-profit organizations and territorial public self-government in the implementation of decisions taken local significance, i.e., the success of the process of interaction between local governments and non-profit organizations.

Active work on this direction carries out the Department for Interaction with Public Associations, the main task of which is functional support interaction of the City Administration with various public associations 5. The effectiveness of the Office for Interaction with Public Associations is achieved primarily through multi-level partnership, using the potential of public organizations, citizens together with administrative and business resources for the benefit and development of the city.

Today, there are the following forms of interaction with public associations:

1. Placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for municipal needs 6. Unfortunately, today public associations cannot even take part in a tender for placing an order, since they are not in a position to compete with commercial enterprises. Although public associations have great potential, they are the closest to the local population, they see its problems and in solving some of them they can act more efficiently than business structures.

2. Allocation of grants on a competitive basis and control over their use. "Grant - monetary funds, including material resources provided free of charge and

on an irrevocable basis from budgets of various levels, off-budget funds and charitable organizations. In the system of fiscal federalism, the term 'grant' is used synonymously with the term 'transfer' 7. The right to participate in the competition for municipal grants is granted to non-profit organizations operating in the city of Chelyabinsk for at least one year. It should be noted that Chelyabinsk is the first city in our region to provide municipal grants to public organizations.

3. Granting tax and non-tax benefits to non-profit organizations. “Local authorities of the city of Chelyabinsk provide support to non-profit organizations, the goals and activities of which correspond to the directions of development of the city of Chelyabinsk in the form of granting benefits in the form of full or partial exemption from local taxes sent to the city budget, in accordance with the legislation in the prescribed manner, or in the form of establishing privileges on rent for land, other real estate objects that are in the municipal ownership of the city of Chelyabinsk, in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Chelyabinsk "8.

4. Joint development of city and sectoral targeted programs and coordination of activities in their implementation.

5. Providing information on the socio-economic and budgetary policy pursued in the city, on activities related to the activities of non-profit organizations in order to attract citizens of the city of Chelyabinsk to more active participation in the life of the city.

Thus, the forms of interaction between local self-government bodies and the public can be conditionally divided into two groups

Economic and non-economic forms. The main non-economic forms are public councils, information exchange, educational and methodological assistance. The main economic forms of interaction are the joint implementation of social programs, the formation and placement of orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services for municipal needs, grants (subsidies), property support of non-governmental non-profit organizations.

At present, the following problems can be identified in the Department for Interaction with Public Associations:

1. Funding - only% of funds are allocated from the budget for the implementation of events, the main sources are funds from partners, sponsors.

2. Lack of personnel - the staff of the structural unit consists of 6 positions.

3. Management is not divided into departments by type of activity.

Many public associations are faced with a number of difficulties in the process of their functioning. There are 3 groups of problems in terms of their severity.

advice, information and consulting assistance, transfer property to such non-profit organizations for use in their activities. But not only that. Provide them, which is no less important, tax incentives, place state and municipal orders with them on the same conditions as state and municipal institutions (today the latter are exempt from VAT).

Such a register can be made publicly available on the Office's Web page and updated on an ongoing basis. The status can be confirmed by the publication of an annual public report on the activities of these organizations.

Groups of problems according to the degree of severity for public associations

Severity of the problem Problem

The problem is very acute - Lack of Money

The problem is not felt very acutely - Lack of the necessary material base - Shortcomings of the taxation system - Imperfection of the legal framework - Underdeveloped financial support from the authorities - Lack of a center of public associations - Lack of a register of socially oriented non-profit organizations - Lack of municipal social order

The problem is felt weakly - The problem with renting premises - Insufficient public attention to the problems and activities of the association - Lack (shortage) of qualified employees (lawyer, accountant, etc.) - Lack of knowledge about non-profit activities - Passivity of members and participants of the association - Insufficient attention from funds mass media - Insufficient number of activists (volunteers, volunteers) - Lack (insufficient) information about other public associations - Organizational / managerial problems

One of the ways to improve the interaction of public associations and local governments is to create a register of socially oriented non-profit organizations.

Public associations included in such a register will be able to count on direct support from the state. The authorities will be able to provide such non-profit organizations with financial

The problem of underdeveloped financial support can be solved by placing a municipal order for the implementation of social services for socially oriented non-profit public organizations.

Non-profit organizations must participate in the competition for the placement of municipal social contract in areas such as social work, education, physical education, culture and some others.

Public associations have certain advantages, such as initiative, mobility and low overhead costs, which will help them win some of these competitions.

Placing a municipal social order among non-profit organizations would lead to more effective use budget funds and ensuring high-quality provision of social services to the population. The social order will not only allow local self-government bodies to do their job effectively, but will also give non-profit organizations a normal basis for existence, for active, and most importantly, highly professional work.

Non-profit organizations will become more popular through their publications in the media, and therefore more viable, they will learn a business lifestyle. Public associations and local self-government bodies will become partners, not bosses - subordinates, which will increase the degree of democracy in society and activate the population to participate in self-government.

The ultimate purpose of placing this order

Removal of a certain share of social tension in society by involving people in socially significant activities and the most rational use of funds allocated for municipal social programs, with a guaranteed end result.

An important step towards improving interaction is the creation of the Center for Public Associations.

The main goal of the Center will be to coordinate the activities of public associations, create an infrastructure and material base to support public structures, as well as contribute to the development of democracy and civil society, the socio-economic development of the city of Chelyabinsk, effective interaction between business, government and the public.

The creation of the Center will allow solving such problems as the lack (insufficient) information about other public associations; a problem with renting premises; insufficient public attention to the problems and activities of public associations; lack (lack) of qualified employees (lawyer, accountant, etc.).

In addition, by transferring property to the Center in operational management, The city administration will reduce budget spending on renting premises for various events with the participation of public associations. The problem of finding premises for these events will disappear, both for the City Administration and for the public associations themselves, since in this Center it will be possible to create a permanent platform for holding scientific and practical conferences, forums, training seminars, holidays, concerts, negotiations, etc.

Public organizations will be able to unite with each other and with local self-government bodies to solve socially significant problems. Public attention will increase to the problems and activities of public associations, since the population will know that there is a Center that unites human rights, national-cultural, sports, military-patriotic, women, youth and other public organizations and which can be contacted on issues of interest.

Thus, the need to create the Center is due to both the social needs of the public associations themselves, and the need to combine information about the positive experience of public structures, the development of civil society, democratic institutions in the city of Chelyabinsk.

From the very beginning of their functioning, public associations are included in a complex system of relations with their partners: other non-profit organizations, authorities of various levels, commercial structures, etc. In this system of interaction, many complex problems have accumulated today that impede the conduct of a constructive dialogue between the authorities and "social activists". These problems require immediate solutions, since inaction can lead to a weakening of the role of public associations as the most important institution of civil society, and possibly the loss of their direct purpose - the realization of socially significant interests.

Today, public associations have enormous potential to concentrate efforts to protect social

economic interests of local residents. Public associations can become a tool for realizing the interests of the local population. They can take on the function of protecting city residents and actively represent their interests in local governments, can jointly interact with municipal authorities on the socio-economic well-being of the territorial entity and help improve the quality of life of the local community.

Notes (edit)

1 A "public association" is understood as a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation, created on the initiative of citizens, united on the basis of a community of interests for the implementation of common goals specified in the charter of a public association.

2 Policy brief on the activities of the Office for 2011. ИКЬ: php? optуn = com_content & view = artide & id = 9 & It emid = 12.

3 State and prospects for the development of civil society in the Chelyabinsk region: reports. Societies. chambers Chelyab. region Chelyabinsk: PRINTMED, 2007.S. 8.

4 Policy brief on the activities of the Office for 2011.

5 Official site of the administration of the city of Chelyabinsk. Department for Interaction with Public Associations. URL: http: //

6 Decision of the Chelyabinsk City Duma of the third convocation "On approval of the Regulations on the interaction of local self-government bodies of the city of Chelyabinsk and non-profit organizations" dated 25.10.2005 No. 7/15 with amendments dated 28.09.2010 No. 17/14.

7 Decision of the Chelyabinsk City Duma of the third convocation "On approval of the Regulation on municipal grants - targeted financing of socially significant projects of non-profit organizations" dated 25.10.2005 No. 7/15 with amendments dated 28.09.2010 No. 17/14.

8 Decision of the Chelyabinsk City Duma of the third convocation "On approval of the Regulation on the interaction of local self-government bodies ..."

  • 9. Development of theoretical views on the concept of local government.
  • 10. Historical stages of development of local self-government in Russia (stages: 1864 - 1917, 1917 - 1991)
  • 11. Reform of local self-government in the Russian Federation: characteristics of the main directions and stages of reform (1991 - 2009)
  • 12. Local self-government: concept, legal consolidation in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 13. Municipal power: concept, relationship with state power.
  • 14. Principles of local self-government. Classification of principles.
  • 15.Functions of local government, and their content.
  • 16. The system of local self-government in the Russian Federation.
  • 17. The concept of the legal foundations of local self-government. Principles of legal regulation of local self-government.
  • 18. Norms of international law in force in the field of local self-government.
  • 19.Characteristics of the main provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.
  • 20.Constitutional regulation of local government.
  • 22. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" dated October 6, 2003. № 131-fz: a brief description of the main provisions.
  • 24. The system of municipal legal acts in a municipality: concept, classification and brief description.
  • 25. Charter of a municipal formation concept, place of the charter in the system of municipal legal acts, the content of the charter.
  • 26. Order of adoption, registration of the charter of a municipal formation, its entry into legal force.
  • 27. Contracts, agreements, customs in force in the field of local self-government.
  • 28. The concept of the territorial foundations of local self-government.
  • 29. Concept and signs of a municipal formation.
  • 30. Types of municipalities. Characteristics of municipalities of the general type.
  • 31. Characteristics of municipalities of a special type.
  • 32. Administrative-territorial structure and municipal-territorial structure: concept and correlation.
  • 33. Types of land that make up the territory of the municipality.
  • 34. The order of establishing and changing the boundaries of the municipality.
  • 35. Transformation of municipalities: concept, types and order of transformation.
  • 36. Federal register of municipalities. Registers of municipalities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • 37. Bodies of local self-government: concept, structure.
  • 38. Formation of local self-government bodies. Models of the organization of municipal government.
  • 39. Competence of local governments: general characteristics.
  • 40. Inter-municipal cooperation.
  • 41. The representative body of local self-government: concept, formation, name, term of office.
  • 42. Powers of the representative body of local self-government: own and exclusive.
  • 43. The structure of the representative body of local government.
  • 44. The chairman of the representative body of local self-government and his deputy: their legal status.
  • 45. Deputy associations in a representative body: the order of formation and activity.
  • 47. Acts of the representative body of local self-government: the procedure for preparation, adoption, publication, entry into force.
  • 48. The legal status of a deputy of a representative body of local self-government.
  • 49. The head of the municipal formation: concept, place in the system of local self-government bodies.
  • 50. The name of the head of the municipal formation, the procedure for assuming office, termination of the powers of the head of the municipal formation.
  • 51. Powers of the head of the municipal formation: representative, economic, organizational and administrative.
  • 52. The legal status of the executive and administrative body of local self-government - local administration.
  • 53. The structure of local administration.
  • 54. Legal acts of officials of local administration.
  • 55. The head of the local administration: the procedure for taking office, powers, termination of powers of the head of the local administration.
  • 56. The legal status of the control body of local self-government: goals, objectives, formation procedure and powers.
  • 57. The legal status of the election commission of the municipality.
  • 58. Municipal service: concept, legal framework, principles.
  • 59. Municipal positions: concept, categories, groups, registers.
  • 60. The relationship between the municipal service and the state civil service.
  • 61. The legal status of a municipal employee.
  • 62. The order of admission to the municipal service. Termination of municipal service.
  • 63. Order of passage of municipal service.
  • 64. Local referendum: concept, legal basis for holding, a range of issues on which a local referendum is held.
  • 65. The procedure for holding a local referendum, the legal force of decisions adopted at a referendum. Circumstances precluding the conduct of a referendum.
  • 66. Municipal elections: concept, legal basis, appointment of elections, formation of electoral districts and precincts, nomination and registration of candidates, campaigning.
  • 67. Conducting municipal elections: voting, determining the results of elections, appealing their results.
  • 68. Voting on the issues of changing the boundaries of the municipality, the transformation of the municipality.
  • 69. Recall of a deputy, a member of an elected body of local self-government, an elected official of local self-government.
  • 70. Lawmaking initiative of citizens at the local level.
  • 71. Meetings, gatherings, conferences of citizens. The legal basis, the procedure for conducting, the legal force of the decisions taken.
  • 72. Citizens' appeals to local governments: concept, types, legal basis, procedure for consideration.
  • 73. Public hearings: concept, types (mandatory and optional), organization and conduct.
  • 74. Territorial public self-government: concept and characteristics.
  • 75. Local public associations: concept, types and legal status.
  • 76. Assemblies, rallies, processions, demonstrations, picketing: concept and legal regime.
  • 77. Concept and composition of the economic basis of local government.
  • 78. Municipal property: concept, composition, property registers, subjects of municipal property law.
  • 79. Features of the participation of the municipality in civil - legal relations.
  • 80. Methods and procedure for the protection of municipal property.
  • 81. Formation of municipal property: legislative basis, order, registration of property rights. Management and disposal of municipal property.
  • 82. Local finance: concept, composition, principles of formation and use.
  • 83. Concept and content of the local budget: structure, revenue and expenditure, grants, subventions, subsidies.
  • 84. Municipal borrowing. Participation of local governments in credit relations.
  • 85. The concept of the budgetary process. Stages of the budget process. Consideration and approval of the budget.
  • 86. Financial control in the budget process.
  • Chapter 26 Fundamentals of State and Municipal Financial Control
  • 87. Powers of local governments in the budgetary and financial sphere.
  • 88. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of education.
  • 89. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of culture, physical culture and sports.
  • 90. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of health protection.
  • 91. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of social protection.
  • 92. Powers of local self-government bodies in the housing and communal sphere.
  • 93. The vesting of local self-government bodies with certain state powers.
  • 95. Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government to the population, to individuals and legal entities and to the state.
  • 96. Prosecutor's supervision over the observance of legality in the activities of local self-government bodies and their officials.
  • 97. Guarantees of local self-government: concept, types. The vesting of local self-government bodies with certain state powers.
  • 98. Guarantees of the organizational independence of local self-government.
  • 99. Economic guarantees of local self-government.
  • 100. Judicial and other forms of protection of local self-government.
  • 75. Local public associations: concept, types and legal status.

    Public organizations occupy an important place in the political system as a mechanism for realizing the sovereignty of the people. The right of Russian citizens to create these organizations is enshrined in Art. 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which establishes that everyone has the right to association, including the right to form trade unions to protect their interests. The freedom of activity of public associations is guaranteed. No one can be forced to join or stay in any public association. At present, the activities of public associations are regulated by the Federal Law "On Public Associations" of May 19, 1995, as well as the Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations" of January 12, 1996. The main types of public organizations are: political parties, mass movements, trade unions, women's, veteran organizations, organizations of the disabled, youth and children's organizations, scientific, technical, cultural and educational, sports and other voluntary societies, creative unions, fraternities, foundations, associations, etc.

    Citizens have the right to create public associations of their choice without prior permission from state authorities and local self-government bodies. The public associations created must register in the manner prescribed by law and acquire the rights of a legal entity. Such associations can function without state registration, but then they will not acquire the rights of a legal entity.

    A public organization is a membership-based NGO created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens.

    Public movement - a mass NGO, consisting of members and not having membership, pursuing social, political and other socially useful goals supported by members of the public movement.

    A public fund is one of the types of non-profit foundations and is a non-membership PA, the purpose of which is to form property on the basis of voluntary contributions, other receipts and use of this property not prohibited by law for socially useful purposes.

    A public institution is a non-membership NGO that aims to provide a specific type of service that meets the interests of the participants and the statutory goals of the association.

    An amateur public activity body is a non-membership public association, the purpose of which is to jointly solve various social problems arising from citizens at the place of residence of work or study, aimed at meeting the needs of an unlimited number of persons whose interests are related to the achievement of statutory goals and the implementation of the programs of the body for the place of its creation.

    Public associations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, have the right to create unions (associations) of public associations on the basis of constituent agreements and (or) charters, forming new public associations. According to the territorial sphere of activity, public associations are classified into all-Russian, interregional and local.

    Political parties express the political will of their members, participate in the formation of government bodies and in its implementation through representatives elected to these bodies. Parties have the right to nominate candidates to representative bodies, including with a single list, to conduct election campaigns, to formalize deputy groups and factions.

    Mass social movements pursue political and other goals and do not have a fixed membership. The legislation establishes that military personnel and persons holding positions in law enforcement agencies are guided by the law in their official activities and are not bound by decisions of parties and mass social movements.

    A trade union (trade union) is a voluntary public association of citizens bound by common industrial, professional interests by the nature of their activities, created in order to represent and protect their social and labor rights and interests.

    Public associations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, are equal before the law. The activities of public associations are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and legality. Public associations in determining their internal structure, goals, forms and methods of their work. The activities of public associations must be public, and information about their constituent and program documents must be public.

    It is prohibited to create and operate public associations, the goals or actions of which are aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed formations, inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred.

    The founders of a public association are individuals and public associations that have acquired the legal capacity of legal entities that have convened a congress, conference or general meeting, at which the charter of the public association is adopted (Appendices A, B, C, D), and its governing and control and auditing bodies are formed. The founders of the public association are physical and legal entities have equal rights and have equal responsibilities.

    Members of a public association are individuals and other public associations that have received the rights of a legal entity, whose interest in jointly solving the problems of this association in accordance with the norms of its charter is formalized by appropriate individual statements or documents that allow taking into account the number of members of the association in order to ensure their equality as members of this association ... Members of a public association - individuals and legal entities - have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities.

    Members of a public association have the right to elect and be elected to the governing and control and auditing bodies of this association, as well as to control the activities of the governing bodies of the public association in accordance with its charter. They have the rights and obligations in accordance with the requirements of the norms of the charter of the public association, and in case of non-observance of these requirements, they may be excluded from the public association.

    Members of a public association are individuals and legal entities that have acquired the right and other public associations that have expressed support for the goals of this association and its specific actions, as well as those who take part in its activities without the mandatory registration of the conditions for their participation (unless otherwise provided by the charter of this public association). Members of a public association - individuals and legal entities - have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities.


    Article 8 Federal law"About general principles the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation ”it is stated that in order to organize interaction of local self-government bodies, to express and protect the common interests of municipalities in each subject of the Russian Federation, a council of municipalities of the subject of the Russian Federation is formed. Taking into account the peculiarities of the territorial and organizational framework of municipal formations on a voluntary basis, other associations of municipal formations may be formed. Inter-municipal associations cannot be vested with the powers of local self-government bodies.

    Bodies of territorial public self-government - it is the self-organization of citizens at their place of residence on a part of the territory of the settlement for independent and under their own responsibility implementation own initiatives on issues of local importance.

    Government departments determine the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation; carry out legal regulation of rights, duties and responsibilities federal bodies state authorities and their officials, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials in the field of local self-government; carry out legal regulation of the rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens, local government bodies and local government officials in resolving issues of local importance; carry out legal regulation of the rights, duties and responsibilities of local self-government bodies and local self-government officials in the exercise of certain state powers that local self-government bodies are endowed with. In some cases, it is allowed to exercise control powers in relation to local self-government bodies.

    State authorities and local self-government bodies can enter into relationships when jointly holding any events.

    State authorities provide support to local self-government, assistance to its formation and development.

    Public associations , non-profit organizations can participate in municipal elections, nominate their candidates for elective municipal offices in accordance with electoral legislation. In some municipalities, public associations have the right to rule-making initiatives.

    State and non-state enterprises , institutions and organizations participate in the complex social and economic development of the territory of the municipality. Local self-government bodies, in accordance with the law, have the right to coordinate such participation of enterprises, institutions and organizations. Local self-government bodies and their authorized municipal institutions can act as customers for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services related to the solution of issues of local importance and the implementation of certain state powers transferred to local self-government bodies by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Municipal unitary enterprises and institutions are created by local self-government bodies (Article 51 of the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation") to exercise powers to resolve issues of local importance. Local self-government bodies determine the goals, conditions and procedure for the activities of municipal enterprises and institutions, approve their charters, appoint and dismiss the heads of these enterprises and institutions, hear reports on their activities in the manner prescribed by the charter of the municipal formation.

    The variety of municipal legal relations necessitates their classification.

    • 1. By subjects:
      • a) relations in which one of the parties is a municipal formation;
      • b) relations in which the subjects are citizens of the Russian Federation, population, groups of citizens;
      • c) relations in which the subjects are local government bodies, government bodies, associations, unions, other associations of municipalities, local government bodies;
      • d) relations in which the parties are bodies of territorial public self-government, public associations, non-profit organizations, state and non-state enterprises, institutions and organizations, municipal unitary enterprises and institutions.
    • 2. Municipal legal relations may have general and specific character. Are common - are regulated by norms, principles, etc., specific - arise as a result of the implementation of norms and rules of behavior.
    • 3. Municipal legal relations can be permanent and temporary. Period of validity of permanent cannot be determined, but they can cease to exist under specific conditions. Temporary - arise as a result of the implementation of specific norms-rules of behavior and after their implementation they stop (for example, during the election period).
    • 4. By intended purpose allocate: constituent , legal and law enforcement relationship.
    • 5. Allocate material and procedural relationship. In the material, the content of rights and obligations is realized, and in the procedural, the procedure for the implementation of legal actions.
    • 6. By the way of individualization about 7) regulation relationships are divided into relative and absolute.

    In relative legal relations, all their participants are precisely defined: entitled and obliged persons. In such a legal relationship, two or more parties can participate. An increase in the number of participants in legal relations does not change their essence: each right of one party corresponds to the obligation of the other party, known in advance.

    Absolute - this is a legal relationship in which only one side is precisely defined - the bearer of subjective right. All other persons are obligated in this relationship. They should not interfere with the exercise of subjective rights by entitled persons.

    • 7. Municipal legal relations are active and passive type. Legal relations of an active type are formed on the basis of binding norms and, for their existence, require individuals to take positive actions, without which the interests of the authorized person cannot be satisfied. Passive-type legal relations are formed on the basis of authorizing and prohibiting norms (considered in unity) and are characterized by the fact that positive actions are performed by the entitled person, and the obligated person is obliged to refrain from certain behavior.
    • 8. Municipal legal relations by content share:
      • - on relationships related to local government organization- these are relations associated with the formation, transformation of municipalities, the establishment and change of their boundaries and names, with the definition of the structure of local government bodies, their formation and name, control over their activities, their responsibility;
      • - relationships arising in the process solving local issues, - these are, for example, relations related to the management of municipal property, the maintenance of local roads, the formation, approval and execution of the local budget, etc .;
      • - relations arising in the course of the activities of local self-government bodies on the implementation of certain state powers.

    The classification of municipal-legal relations is also permissible on other grounds: but legal facts etc.

    Municipal legal relations are characterized by various objects of material and intangible, about which their subjects enter into certain legal ties. The object of municipal legal relations is the activities of the local population and the municipal bodies formed by them, aimed at solving issues of local importance, determined by the charter of the corresponding municipality, and individual state powers delegated to specific municipalities in the manner prescribed by law.

    The basis for the emergence, change and termination of municipal legal relations are legal facts: events and deeds. In most cases, the basis for the emergence of legal relations are actions or acts of subjects.

    It is from a legal fact implementation begins legal norm, and only thanks to a legal fact a specific subject becomes a participant in a legal relationship. Thus, a legal fact is an event or act that directly entails the emergence, change or termination of a legal relationship. In this case, the event occurs independently of the will of the subject, and the act is associated with the expression of the will of the latter. Acts are differentiated into action and inaction. Actions, in turn, are classified into legal acts and actions.

    It must be borne in mind that legal facts can be simple, difficult, as well as alternative character. For the emergence, for example, of legal relations on the exercise of electoral rights by citizens, in addition to reaching the age stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the citizen must be nominated as a candidate for deputy, his consent to run for office, and his registration by the election commission as a candidate for deputy.

    The onset of events does not depend on the will of people, however, the indication of them in the municipal legal norms gives them legal significance, associates with them the measure of the possible and proper behavior of the subjects. Events fulfill their role not only independently, but also act as elements of the legal structure. For example, one of the reasons for the introduction of an emergency is a catastrophe.

    Among the legal facts, the most widespread are actions expressing the volitional behavior of subjects and their correlation with the requirements of municipal legal norms. This lawful actions, accumulating social activity of subjects and reflecting the process of their purposeful positive activity, supported and stimulated by municipal legal norms, and misconduct committed contrary to municipal legal norms and therefore condemned by the state and society.

    In turn, lawful actions, taking into account the characteristics of the target orientation of the subjects to the results of actions, are divided into legal acts and legal acts. In municipal legal relations, their role is very significant. For example, the publication of legal acts is associated with the emergence of the overwhelming majority of municipal legal relations with the participation of local governments and their officials.

    Legal acts that underlie municipal legal relations are mainly legal actions in which the will is aimed at achieving certain results that give rise to specific legal consequences.


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