The presentation on the topic of rubbish is worthy of attention. Presentation "garbage question and how to solve it". Environmental impact of household waste

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The world around us Where does garbage come from and where does it go?

Hello Lesovichok! Why are you so gloomy today? Why should I be happy? Look down and your mood will immediately deteriorate ...

What are you doing here? There has always been order in this clearing, and now there is so much dirt and debris! Where did it all come from here? Where are you going to get all this rubbish?

People came to the forest to relax, admire the nature, play with children in the meadow. They ate and dumped all this rubbish in the forest.

Look at our Ant. In the last lesson, we talked about chocolate. The ant went to the store and bought ...

After the lesson, I bought myself a large box chocolates... Oh, how delicious they were! So tasty that they quickly disappeared. What is left?

What lovely rubbish! The best gift for me! But I see, guys, you have a lot of other gifts for me.

Yes, unfortunately, every day there is a lot of rubbish in every house. Where does it come from?

Wow, I never thought before that these wonderful products leave so much rubbish. Where does it go?

I know! Many people throw garbage anywhere. Well done! Here's what comes of it ...

I can be like this ... And so ... And so ... I love the guys who throw garbage anywhere!

Spitfire - Dirt spawns wherever rubbish is thrown. And in the forest it can appear, and on the streets of the city.

Due to the fact that some people throw garbage anywhere, one day something happened in our anthill ...

Let's agree not to throw trash anywhere.

Let's put things in order. Something can be buried in the forest, but something must be taken to a special trash can. To get it right, listen to some data.

Garbage contains harmful substances for human health and the environment. Glass, especially broken glass, is the most dangerous for humans. It does not dissolve in anything and can lie in the ground for hundreds of years.

Certain types of plastics are dangerous. Plastic bottles do not biodegrade at all. Metal cans can take 80 to 100 years to decompose. From 10 to 20 years, plastic bags and rubber things thrown in the forest will decompose.

Wooden, cardboard and paper objects decompose quickly, but it is better to bury them so that they do not spoil appearance nature.

Food waste (skins, peels, stubs) are even beneficial to the natural environment, as they transfer nutrients to the soil. But they also do not need to be scattered, but it is better to bury them.

Let's try to sort things out according to the rate at which they decompose in nature.

ITEMS DECOMPOSITION RATE Newspaper Glass Tin can Sausage skin Cardboard Plastic bag Orange peel Plastic bottle Will quickly decompose with soil Will decompose not quickly It decomposes for a very long time or does not decompose at all

We should only throw rubbish into a trash can, trash can or container. Now let's trace where the garbage goes from our home.

Where should the car with the garbage go? I offer three options - to the river bank, to a landfill, to a garbage processing plant. Which one do you like best?

Most a good option- waste processing plant. But, unfortunately, they are not everywhere, so most often garbage is taken to landfills.

The equipped landfill is a specially fenced waste place. The landfill should be located at a considerable distance from cities and towns, in such a place that the wind does not bring an unpleasant smell to a person's dwelling. This place should not be located near water bodies and reserves. The area of ​​such a landfill should be sufficient to accommodate waste for a long time. The landfill is surrounded by a fence and a road is laid to it.

Why don't any of you like taking garbage to the riverbank? After all, it can be thrown into the river, the water will carry it away and nothing will remain.

After such "cleaning" in the river, many living creatures living in the water will die.

In many countries, residents, before throwing away garbage, sort it - garbage from different materials is collected in different containers. This makes it easier to recycle in the factory. So they began to do in our country in some cities. Let's and we will learn how to sort the garbage.


Think about how to make it less garbage?

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Garbage question and ways to solve it.

  • Human civilization produces a huge amount of garbage, which already forms entire continents in the ocean. Many of us, finishing our next bottle of soft drink, do not think about what awaits it in the future. How long will it lie in a landfill under a layer of earth and clay?
  • One million years. That is how long an ordinary glass bottle will lie. The glass is made from quartz sand and is therefore highly resistant to aggressive environments. So our descendants will have a chance to find even a whole bottle of beer.
  • From 500 to 1000 years a plastic bag or a plastic bottle, which is not edible for destructive microorganisms, will lie in the ground. Fortunately, many countries refuse to use them, which means that our descendants have a chance to live not on a garbage heap.
  • Cigarette butts - from 1 to 5 years. Despite the apparent "flimsy", butts in the natural environment are also destroyed not as quickly as we would like. The culprit is the toxic substances remaining after smoking and the cellulose acetate that makes up the filter.
  • Newspaper - 2-4 weeks, some editions are longer. Paper, depending on thickness and quality, decays from several months to several years.
  • Apple core - 1-2 months, in some cases longer. In the slowest "scenario" they only decompose by 50% every 20 years.
Garbage collection history.
  • Trash has always played crucial role in human culture. It is significant that he left his mark on religion as well. For example, a plot of land near Jerusalem, where waste was dumped and periodically burned, in the Bible is called Gehenna Fiery, which for Christians has become one of the designations of Hell.
  • Around 2500 BC The government of Athens passed the first law in history that has come down to us, establishing rules for the handling of garbage. Citizens were ordered to remove garbage at a distance of at least 1.5 km from the city limits.
  • 1031 year. The first ever example of the beginning of waste recycling in Japan.
  • 1874 year. First attempt at generating energy from garbage. In England.
  • 1895 The world's first waste pre-sorting system is established in New York. Residents of the city were obliged to separate the waste and throw it into separate bins on the street.
  • 1980s. After a series of "garbage crises", many countries around the world have come to the conclusion that the only promising way the solution to the problem of waste is their recycling.
Garbage issue and ecology.
  • Experts believe that the main reason for the growth in the volume of household waste is not an increase in the population, but a change in the way of life of mankind. Most manufacturers are in a hurry to put cash in their pockets and therefore do not think at all that “convenient” packaging that “extends the shelf life” of the product will poison the nature over the next thousands of years, which is simply unable to “digest” modern packaging materials.
  • According to UN estimates, pollution of coastal waters with garbage and other wastes leads to numerous diseases of the population, which costs the world economy a "round" amount.
Development of waste disposal routes.
  • The science of garbology is studying ways to dispose of garbage.
  • The set of methods for disposal of garbage is quite limited and was invented in ancient times. This is the storage, incineration and recycling of waste. In recent decades, a new method of waste management has been used - waste minimization.
  • The method of garbage storage is considered to be quite economically profitable and reliable, although it is potentially extremely dangerous - landfills can lead to pollution of water, air, and land. In addition, it is obvious that they cannot be used indefinitely.
  • The incineration method has serious disadvantages, such as the formation of highly toxic chemical compounds such as dioxins and furans.
  • Waste recycling is an activity related to the implementation of technological processes on waste management to ensure the reuse of the received raw materials, energy, products and materials.
Biodegradable bags.
  • Even 20 years ago, garbage was carried in buckets and poured into yard containers. But Russians have long felt that it is much more convenient to collect household waste in plastic bags: you don't need to wash the bucket, and you can throw it away on the way to work. So quietly, the inhabitant of the Earth uses 200-300 packages a year. What can each of us do in this situation? At the very least, switch to biodegradable bags.
  • In addition, more than 45 million units of hygiene products litter our Earth every year. Placed in one line, they will stretch from the Earth to the Sun.
Electronic rubbish (E-rubbish).
  • In recent years, the most acute question has become: what to do with electronic waste - devices thrown into a landfill. The danger posed by them is extremely high. As it contains such toxic substances as lead, mercury and cadmium.
  • Batteries, accumulators and mercury-containing waste are considered to be very harmful waste. There are special containers for this type of waste abroad.
Experience from other countries of the world.
  • In Europe, the practice of separate waste collection was actively used in the 1980s. Now multi-colored containers for various garbage can be seen in almost all European countries.
  • In Berlin, teenagers collecting school waste and handing it over to recycling companies receive half of the proceeds from this. But a resident of Germany who has not sorted his garbage can be fined a significant amount.
  • In the Netherlands, active participants in separate waste collection are issued a coupon, the holder of which is entitled to benefits in paying for housing and utilities.
  • And in Barcelona, ​​Spain, separate waste collection resembles fun game, where not only children, but also adults are actively involved. A bag filled with garbage is handed over, for which children receive a treat, and adults receive gratitude from the authorities.
  • V closed landfills in the world are actively used. Thus, two famous New York airports were built on the site of former landfills.
  • And in Japan, an island was built from garbage.
  • V The USA uses a deposit system: when buying goods in containers, the buyer pays extra a certain amount as collateral. When the bottle is returned, he receives this money back.
  • V There are about 300 thermal power plants operating in 35 countries around the world that use waste as fuel.
Waste legislation.
  • I would like to note that in connection with the amendments made to the law on administrative offenses, fines are imposed on those who throw garbage from the windows of offices and residential premises. Drivers who like to throw garbage out of the windows of their own cars will also pay for bad habit fine.
Garbage issue in the city of Togliatti.
  • The image of the city and the people inhabiting it is formed not only from the impressions of the festive shows, level indicators economic development, education or sporting achievement. Cleanliness and order are equally important components. They largely testify to the level of culture of the inhabitants of the city.
  • The fact that in Togliatti the proper processing of waste, both industrial and domestic, has not yet been established, is evidenced by the clutter of streets, courtyards and surroundings.
  • But the most important reason for the pollution of the streets is that it is not immediately possible to find a container for garbage in Togliatti. A person walks down the street and has no opportunity to throw garbage where it should be. It is important to create such conditions so that the citizen does not have to "miss" past the ballot box. It's easier than having hundreds of janitors to clean up after each one. And only then start to fine.
  • As practice shows, it is necessary to install brightly colored urns every 100 m from each other. These bright spots attract people's attention, and gradually it will begin to get used to the fact that there is a place nearby where you can throw garbage.
  • But, nevertheless, we have something to be proud of, for example, Vladimir Kardanovsky, a resident of Togliatti, came up with the design of a unique waste-recycling complex, with the help of which it will be possible to recycle construction waste, plastic bottles and much more.
  • Since 1997, a specialized Tolyatti plant for the processing of solid waste has existed in our city.
  • And in 2009, a complex was opened, capable of utilizing solid household waste not only from Avtograd, but also from neighboring Zhigulevsk and the entire Stavropol region.
  • The question “What to do with garbage? And is it necessary to separate solid waste? " generally not worth asking. The answer to it is the monstrous dumps that grow every day around the city. Each such dump is a footprint on the body of nature, which, with rain and groundwater, spreads its stinking, poisonous breath wider and wider.
  • Actually, the question is HOW? There is no answer yet. Not even in Germany, which we are so used to using as an example, with its four buckets in every kitchen. Each country has its own conditions - its own the legislative framework, their economic conditions... Price work force and equipment. Foreign schemes that can work successfully in another country can turn out to be a waste of money if the market is not ready for such a scheme.
  • So what should Russia and Togliatti in particular do with its garbage? This is a complex task that can take years to prepare. And every year it is 8 million cubic meters of garbage dumped around the city. So why not start a separate collection, start using biodegradable products without waiting ready-made solution? Why not give it a try ?!
  • Well, and most importantly, in my opinion, every person needs to think and make their own contribution, even a tiny one! After all, it's not clean where they clean, but where they don't litter!

Landfilling is the cheapest, but at the same time shortsighted, way to dispose of garbage. Poisonous substances penetrate into underground waters, are scattered by the winds around the surroundings and thereby cause damage to the environment. As a result of decay processes without air access, various gases are formed. Fire regularly occurs in landfills, in which soot, phenol and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.

Garbage dumps can be useful: Ravines and pits are covered with construction waste. First, such landfills are drained to prevent water from the landfill from entering underground aquifers. Secondly, they are ventilated to prevent the formation of flammable and poisonous gases. Thirdly, garbage is poured into the landfill so that its surface is flat.

Recycling of waste is the most resource-efficient way. But there are a number of problems here: The first problem: the waste needs to be sorted out. The second problem is the delivery of waste to the recycling site. The third problem: garbage cannot be used as raw material for the production of high-quality products.

Is scientific and technological progress justified? After all, while improving the conditions of our life, it will inevitably lead to the disaster of the natural environment. The ever increasing anthropogenic pressure may ultimately lead to the extinction of humanity as a biological species. And one of the reasons for this is trash ...

Modern civilization is more and more often referred to as a "garbage producer". In the largest cities of the world, up to a ton of garbage is generated annually for each inhabitant. The problem of elimination of household waste comes to one of the first places, taking on a global character ...



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Practical - oriented project: "Household garbage is serious" Author: Nikishova Elena Sergeevna student of grade 10a MOBU "NSOSH №2" Supervisor: Nikishova Tatyana Vladimirovna biology teacher, I qualification category

Modern civilization is more and more often referred to as a "garbage producer". In the largest cities of the world, up to a ton of garbage is generated annually for each inhabitant. The problem of elimination of household waste comes to one of the first places, taking on a global character. For modern man the word garbage does not require decoding and explanation, because wherever it is: at home, at work, in the country, in a nightclub and even on an airplane - garbage is always there. Waste generated annually is growing at an alarming rate

Subject of research: household waste of human activity (MSW). Methods: theoretical study of the problem, environmental monitoring, sociological survey (questionnaire). Project goal: to prove the significance of the problem of household waste in Novosergievka settlement

Objectives: 1. To get acquainted with the classification of household waste, to give an idea of ​​the ways of waste disposal; 2. To form a conscious attitude towards the problem of household waste and personal participation in its solution. 3. Propose measures to preserve the environment. Expected result of the project: - Increased role environmental education students of the school - Personal interest of students in the cleanliness of their native village Project product: A set of recommendations for preserving the cleanliness of the village Booklet

Stages of work on the project № Name of the stage Expected result Start date End date 1. Study of the problem of solid domestic waste Theoretical substantiation of the project August 2011 November 2011 2. Monitoring and registration of the results Preparation and presentation at the school and district NPK December 2011 March 2012 3. Implementation practical activities on environmental protection (subbotnik for cleaning the school territory, cleaning the river bank, spring) Conscious attitude to the problem of household waste and personal participation in its solution April 2012 May 2012

The history of household waste disposal 200 thousand years BC NS. - the first trash heaps found by archaeologists. 400 BC NS. - The first ever municipal landfill was founded in Athens. 200 - The city's garbage collection service is established in Rome. 1315 - garbage collection resumed in Paris after a long hiatus. 1388 - The English Parliament forbids throwing garbage on the streets. 1775 - the first garbage cans appeared in London. 1800 - the City of New York ordered pigs to be thrown into the streets to eat trash. 1874 organized urban waste incineration begins in Nottingham. 1897 - The first waste sorting and recycling center opens in New York. 1932 - Garbage pressing machines are invented in the USA. 1942 - a massive collection of garbage for military processing begins in the USSR and the USA. 1948 Fresh Kills landfill opens in New York and remains the largest landfill in the world. 1965 - The US Congress passes the Solid Waste Disposal Act. 2000 - EU countries set a goal to achieve recycling and reuse of 50% of waste.

And what a person can “boast of” today ...

Impact of garbage on human health

MSW disposal methods 1. Burial (discharge into water bodies) 2. Incineration 3. Sorting and processing

International experience in solving the problem Type of disposal USA Great Britain Japan Russia Burial 84 90 57 81 in landfills Incineration 15 9 40 10 Processing - 1 2 6 into fertilizers Others 1 - 1 3

Investigation of the authorized dump in Novosergievka settlement plastic bottles (15) yoghurt jars (4) plastic bags (28) broken plastic toys (3) paint cans (2) containers for household chemicals (6) glass bottles ( 14) broken glass containers cardboard boxes (4) plastic cake boxes (2) furniture leftovers (1) rags (8) car tires (1)

Investigation of household waste of the Nikishov family 1.3 kg of waste paper 10 cans 2 batteries 83 units of plastic containers and objects (39 of them are plastic bags) 13 units of glass 9 units of other waste

Collection of solid waste in the village of Novosergievka

What shouldn't be thrown out into the street? Nothing is allowed - 60% Residues of food Plastic bags Paper Who is the most litter? Seniors - 8% Pupils elementary grades- 10% Preschoolers - 14% Adults - 19% Youth - 49% What would you throw out on the street? Bus tickets - 5% Wraps from sweets, ice cream - 15% Husk from seeds - 30% Cigarette butts, beer bottles - 50% The main reason for littering? Insufficient number of bins and waste containers - 5% Bad job Housing and communal services - 12% Lack of a clear system of waste collection and disposal - 37% Low level of culture of the inhabitants of the settlement - 46% Results of a sociological survey of students

Organize a collection point for recyclable materials in the housing and communal services and gradually introduce a system for collecting solid household waste; Introduce a system of penalties for persons who pollute environment; Use cardboard, sawdust, dry leaves, shavings, food waste to fill the compost pit, prevent the incineration of solid waste. Organize continuous environmental education for the population through the regional newspaper, issue leaflets, programs on local TV; Increase the fleet of garbage trucks and containers for waste collection; Install a sufficient number of ballot boxes on the streets of the village; To intensify the activities of schoolchildren to clean up the territory, to carry out ecological landings to clean up debris from the banks of rivers and springs. Proposals to improve the environmental situation in Novosergievka settlement

Advice for adults and children To reduce waste: - Do not take excess paper and cellophane bags in the store or reuse them. - Write and draw on both sides of the paper. - Try to buy bottled drinks that can be returned. - Do not buy more than you might need. To be able to throw away garbage: - Throw garbage at home in a garbage bag. - The bucket must be closed with a lid. waste can be toxic. - Close the discarded garbage tightly so that it does not fall apart on the road. - Dispose of trash in designated areas. - Throw out small garbage on the street only in trash cans. Recycle Waste: - The clothes we wear can be given to those in need. - Do not throw away old toys, books: they may be needed by someone. You can give it to orphanages, boarding schools, kindergartens, libraries. - If there is a personal plot, use food waste for the preparation of fertilizers.

"Cleanly, neither where they clean, but where they do not litter!" People have become strong as gods, And the fate of the Earth is in their hands. But the terrible burns darken At the globe on the sides. We have mastered the planet long ago, strides wide new Age... There are no white spots on Earth, Can you erase the black ones, Man?

Environmental Discussion "Garbage is a Global Problem".

Relevance of the topic: Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should take care and respect for it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.
Material description: This year, I was faced with the task of telling the children about the ecology of our region. I bring to your attention several conversations about ecology, designed for children in grades 5-7, as this material can be useful for teachers, educators and parents.
Recommendations: The conversation is accompanied by a presentation (multimedia accompaniment), which allows you to more fully feel the degree of danger from pollution of our House-Earth. The conversation begins with showing an excerpt from the cartoon "The Valley", then the problematic question is posed. The question can be played up or ask the children to ask it, or ask the teacher (this is the envy of the class).
Target: To educate children about various types of household pollution, to induce the desire of schoolchildren to protect nature, to give instructions on the implementation of certain measures for the protection of nature.
-examine the scale of the problem;
-analyze modern ways garbage disposal;
- to find rational ways of garbage disposal.

The course of the conversation.

The cartoon should be stopped at 2 minutes and the question should be asked: "What did you see in this passage?"
Examples of children's answers:
- mountains of garbage,
-empty planet,
-bot collecting garbage ...
Teacher's question: "Why is the planet empty, what happened? What is the reason?"
Examples of children's answers:
- people flew away because they littered the planet and could not live on it.
Now look under your desks (note the sidewalk ... or any other example ... if there is work for Wally?
Our village was founded in 1921, on the banks of the river. Several houses were built. The first inhabitants saw around a beautiful forest, fertile meadows, carpets of fields. The village grew. And what do we see now? As a result of what happened? ( Answers of children)
Today we will talk with you about garbage, try to figure out how dangerous our household garbage is.
Show presentation.

Garbage is a global problem.

2 slide... Every inhabitant of our planet has an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year.
3 slide.
Reasons for garbage:

... growth in disposable production;
An example for clarity: disposable tableware, which is used on hikes, picnics and etc.
... an increase in the number of packaging;
An example for clarity: a box of chocolates. To get to a handful of sweets, we first peel off the film, then open the box lid, then remove the paper, and take out the sweets from individual packages. As a result, there are only 6-12 candies, and a full garbage bucket!
... raising the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.
An example for clarity: almost every day from the TV screen we are offered new phones, and we have a desire to buy a new thing, although the old phone is serviceable and functional. Where do we dispose of the old phone by purchasing a new one?
4 slide. Municipal solid waste(Solid waste, household waste) - items or goods that have lost consumer properties, the largest part of consumption waste
MSW: paper, glass, food waste, plastics, fabrics, metal objects. In addition to all this, large-sized solid waste (garbage - old furniture, out of order Appliances, car tires and etc)
5 slide. Conventionally, all the garbage produced can be divided into 4 categories. (description on the slide)
Inert - Possessing low chemical activity; with difficulty entering into chemical reactions.
Waste is also classified according to the degree of hazard to the environment. The classification is increasing from grade 5 to grade 1.
Class 1: Extremely hazardous waste. The threat is very high; at this level, the ecological system is irreversibly disturbed, the recovery period is absent.
Class 2: Highly hazardous waste. The threat to the environment is high. The restoration of the ecological balance is possible in 30 years.
Class 3: Moderately hazardous waste. The ecological system has been disrupted. Recovery ecological system possibly not less than 10 years after the reduction or elimination of the harmful source.
Grade 4: Little hazardous waste. Environmental impact is present. Restoration of ecology for at least 3 years.
Grade 5: Practically non-hazardous. There is no environmental impact.
6 slide. Construction and household waste

Construction waste. This type of waste is generated in the process of construction and installation works for various purposes, in particular the construction of large facilities, road works, as well as during the dismantling and demolition of premises. Most often, such waste includes solidified lump-shaped solutions, crushed stone, broken brick, reinforcement, wood waste, scrap metal and others. This waste is classified as hazard class 3-4.
Household waste.

Household waste is generated in the process of human activity, as a rule, in institutions, residential complexes, private sectors, municipal institutions etc. TO this kind garbage, it is customary to include food waste, plastic, paper, furniture, glass, clothing and other household waste. This kind of garbage has a 4-5 hazard class.
7 slide. Industrial wastewaterIndustrial waste.

This is a different kind of waste that is generated as a result production works and technological processes. Garbage has hazard class 2-3.
In addition to waste generated as a result of the activities of the population and enterprises, wastewater also includes waters, the formation of which was the result of various atmospheric precipitations on the territory of industrial facilities and settlements.
Various organic substances contained in wastewater, when released into water bodies, begin to rot and cause deterioration sanitary condition both the reservoirs themselves and the surrounding air, and also become sources of the spread of pathogenic bacteria.
Therefore, the most important issues of environmental protection are wastewater disposal and treatment. Wastewater, allowing to prevent harm to the health of the population and the ecological situation of settlements.
8 slide. Chemical compounds and rubber

Chemical - the pollutant is harmful chemical compounds. 1 class of hazard.
9slide... Packaging materials (plastic bags, plastic bottles, aluminum cans)
10 slide. Three ways of disposal were invented (description on the slide)
Exercise "My portfolio"
(individually, in groups, the whole class)
Children take out things, objects from their portfolios and sort them, laying out separately objects made of wood (paper), metals, fabric, glass, plastics. Under the guidance of the teacher, they write the data into the table, writing out the contents of the portfolio in the appropriate columns. Further discussion: are there many products and what material are they from? How long will these things last? How quickly will they go to the landfill? Is there anything you can do to prevent them from becoming trash?

11slide. Landfills are the most environmentally friendly way to recycle waste.

In an ordinary landfill, toxic infiltration water flows out of it, and methane enters the atmosphere, which contributes to an increase in the greenhouse effect (today methane "takes over" 20% of the effect of climate warming)
In notebooks b:
1. Poisonous substances penetrate into underground waters, are scattered by the winds around the surroundings and thereby cause damage to the environment.
2.As a result of decay processes without air access, various gases are formed
3. At landfills, fires regularly occur, in which soot, phenol and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.
12slide. When arranging a waste site, it is taken into account:
-Rose, winds in the landfill area;
-distance from settlements, water protection and nature protection zones;
-permeability of soils;
-the area of ​​the landfill (the area must be sufficient to receive garbage for a long time);
-location convenient for transport access
13 slide. As an option for a landfill, a landfill is proposed for storing solid waste - this is a "bath" with a bottom and sides made of clay and plastic film, in which compacted layers of solid waste are sprinkled with layers of soil. The volume of garbage is growing so quickly that in a few years any landfill is full and a new one needs to be built.
Does our village's landfill meet all the requirements? Why?
14 slide. Unauthorized landfills(Where can these landfills be seen in the village? Near it?)
1. Disfigures the landscape.
2.Creates a threat to human health:
- breeding rodents are carriers of infectious diseases;
- toxicological hazard from emitted methane, sulfur dioxide.
3. The released biogas creates an explosive and fire hazardous situation.
4. Contamination of soil and groundwater with compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel.
15 slide. Ravines and me are covered with construction waste we.
- First, such landfills are drained to prevent water from the landfill from entering underground aquifers.
-Secondly, they are ventilated to prevent the formation of flammable and poisonous gases.
-Thirdly, garbage is poured into the landfill so that its surface is even.
16 side. Waste incineration.

- in a huge amount, harmful or toxic chemical compounds are released.
-not all garbage burns
- the garbage contains a lot of moisture and materials that are difficult to burn
17 slide: There are waste incineration plants: 1 ton of garbage can give 400 kWh (energy - hot steam). However, even with the most advanced combustion technology, these plants pollute the atmosphere. Although an eco-friendly waste incineration plant was built in Vienna.

The building with golden spherical domes, high chimney tower and colorful walls houses the Spittelau incinerator (the creation of Hundertwasser), which has become an organic element of the cityscape, a model of high environmental standards and a popular tourist attraction. The Spittelau waste incinerator is a rare combination of practicality and beauty. The plant can dispose of 265,000 tons of waste annually. He generates electricity for his needs on his own. In addition, it supplies heat to 60,000 Viennese apartments. The mirrored golden balls crowning factory chimneys are not just eye-catching architectural decorations, but effective filters that remove heavy metals, acids and sulfur dioxide from smoke. These devices were very expensive for the treasury (the cost of the project almost doubled because of them), but the author of the project himself insisted on their installation. Now there are no unpleasant odors in the vicinity of the plant.
18 slide: Recycling is the most resource-efficient way.

But there are a number of problems here:
-First problem: the trash must be sorted. For recycling, investments are needed to make waste recycling plants economically viable.
-The second problem: delivery of garbage to the place of processing.
-The third problem: garbage cannot be used as raw material for the production of high-quality products. Although it is profitable to recycle solid waste, there is always a demand for secondary raw materials - paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, non-ferrous metals, etc.
19 slide. Besides
1.Industrial waste - cannot be disposed of together with household waste,
-pesticides, mercury and its compounds - chemical industry waste;
- radioactive waste generated at nuclear power plants;
- arsenic and its compounds - waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants;
lead compounds - wastes from the oil refining and paint and varnish industries, etc.
20 slide. 2.Household waste - which, after being used, becomes special waste.
-unused medicines;
-remains chemicals plant protection (pesticides);
- residues of paints, varnishes and adhesives;
- the remains of cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover);
- residues of household chemicals (cleaning agents, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products);
- mercury thermometers.
21 slides.Liquidation (disposal) of special waste is regulated by strict rules and regulations:
-Burning on special installations,
-Placement on special polygons
-Storage on the ground in a waterproof platform up to 3 m thick.
Slide 22 Recycling of solid waste in Russia is no more than 2%, one of the reasons for the insufficient ecological culture of the population. After all, it is easier for us to throw garbage into a common container than to sort it. And the dirtiest garbage is food waste.... They decompose and contaminate the other, and it becomes more difficult to sort it out.
Slide 22 Natural decomposition of debris:
- paper - from 2 to 10 years,
- cans - 90 years,
- cigarette filter - 100 years old, plastic bag- 200 years, plastics - 500 years,
- glass - 1000 years old.
Slide 24 As we already said, the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of waste is recycling it. Your options (children give examples of recycling waste)
-The Dutch are building an island out of garbage in the Pacific Ocean
-Building houses from bottles (glass)
-Establish fences, Create sculptures
25-27 slide: Recycling waste (examples on the slide)
Exercise "Useful trash"
Find garbage in pictures or in your belongings that can be recycled.
The game "Sorting garbage."
(in groups)
Children in groups sort the garbage into fractions, deciding for themselves which fractions to allocate. It is possible to replace "real" trash with cards. Discussion of the results of the work.

28slide. Active pollution of the environment has led to a global environmental problem - the destruction of the human environment.
29 slide. Let's come up with the rules that we will follow to keep our planet clean.
1. Throw trash into containers only;
2.Bring a shopping bag with you on your shopping trip;
3. Try to buy detergents that do not contain phosphates;
4. Do not throw trash in sinks and toilets;
5.Use compost and manure as organic fertilizers;
6. If possible, buy drinks in glass bottles;
7. Try to avoid buying disposable items.
30 slide.
-Is scientific and technological progress justified? After all, while improving the conditions of our life, it will inevitably lead to the disaster of the natural environment.
-All increasing anthropogenic pressure may ultimately lead to the extinction of humanity as a biological species.
-And one of the reasons for this is trash ...
Exercise "Alternative"
(in groups or as a whole class)
It is necessary to offer alternatives to various things that very quickly become rubbish. How can they be done differently so that there is less waste?
- plastic bag for milk, kefir
-disposable tableware
-Plastic lemonade bottle
-other, from what the children themselves called during the conversation.

Final discussion.
Our civilization is sometimes called a waste civilization. Never before in the history of mankind landfills have grown so rapidly! If the garbage of earthlings is piled in one place in one year, then a real mountain is formed, like Mont Blanc. What can we do with you so that at least Valli does not have to work in our village?


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